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Algeria Peace Appeal

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

06 March 2019

Post No. 81



The Week’s Contents


• The Twenty-tens  Programme (2009-2019): Review & Prospects, Towards The Twenty-twenties Development Programme 

• Climate Action Month and Weeks 

• Light Appeal: Algeria Peace Appeal


… and much more!



Key Messages


~ The 2010s Programme (2009-2019): Review & Prospects, Towards The 2020s Development Programme

2019 is the year end of CENFACS’ 2010s Poverty Relief Programme, which has been our 10 year work plan that began on 1 January 2010 and will end on 31 December 2019.  In 2017, we conducted an evaluation, review, survey of this programme.  As a result, we upgraded it.

As we will be moving into a new decade in 2020, we are starting some rounds of reflections and conversions about the next programme of our poverty relief work.

From this March 2019, we shall conduct another review and discussion on the 2010s’ record and look at prospects.  These rounds of discussions, thoughts and consultations with CENFACS’ stakeholders will enable to shape up the future of our poverty relief work.

We hope that after these processes of evaluation, review, closing up and conversation have been completed, we will be able set up another programme, the Twenty-twenties (2020s), by the end of this year.

A monitoring and evaluative process of this nature and magnitude will require us to ask stakeholders their opinions and suggestions on regular basis.  In which case, we shall contact them/you for this purpose.



~ Climate Action Month and Weeks

For those who are familiar with CENFACS’ development calendar, they can remember that March is the Climate Action month at CENFACS.  This year’s Climate Action Month will be about supporting the Paris Agreement in our own way and means while working within the contents of this Agreement and in line with similar actions undertaken by other organisations across the world.

The Paris Agreement, which was adopted in 2015, was an essential step to address climate change. As we all know, this Agreement has the central goal of keeping global average temperature rise this century to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius.  Supporting it makes sense.

However, the world has to make it work.  As part of making it work, CENFACS will hold four weeks of climate action this March as follows.

⇒ 04/03/2019: Energy Transition (from fossil fuels to renewable energy)

⇒ 11/03/2019: Climate Finance and Insurance (mobilisation of sources of finance and cover/protection to reduce adverse effects of climate change)

⇒ 18/03/2019: Nature-based Solutions (to reduce carbon emissions)

⇒ 25/03/2019: Resilience, Adaptation and Mitigation (human efforts to reduce and manage the impacts and risks of climate change)

To support and or enquire about CENFACS’ Climate Action Month and Weeks, contact CENFACS.

Under the Main Developments section of this post, you will find the Key Actions about energy transition for this week.


~ Light Appeal: Algeria Peace Appeal

Our Season of Light continues and will end with the end of Winter this month.  We are continuing it with Peaceful Poverty Relief Movements in North Africa, particularly with what is happening in Algeria now.  What is currently taking place in Algeria occurred in the North Africa in 2010 and 2011.  It was termed as Arab Spring in 2011.  CENFACS called it Poverty Relief Movements.

Because of what is happening in Algeria now, we are launching this appeal (the Algeria Peace Appeal) to support Algeria to keep peace on track as the country is disputing its democratic transitional process.

For further details about CENFACS’ work on Poverty Relief Movements in North Africa, contact CENFACS.  The 31st Issue of CENFACS’ FACS Newsletter, which was published in Spring 2011, dealt with Poverty Relief Movements in North Africa.  To request a copy of this Issue, contact CENFACS.

For further details on the Algeria Peace Appeal, please read under the Main Developments section of this post.





Extra Messages


~ Climate Protection and Stake for African Children (CPSAC) – Phase 3

At the end of 2018, we informed you that there was a consensus within CENFACS so that our Climate Talks Follow-up project got to the next level from 2019.

The next follow-up is Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation Level.  It is the Phase 3 of our Climate Talks Follow-up project.  Phase 1 was the First African Children Generation of the Millennium Development Goals and the Climate State, while Phase 2 was Climate Protection and Stake for African Children.

~~ 2019 Climate Talks Follow-up with Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation level.

TCPSACI (Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation level) or Climate Protection and Stake for African Children (CPSAC) – Phase 3 starts by following the Climate Talks to be held in Santiago (Chile) at the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is expected to take place from 11 to 22 November 2019.  Therefore, our next follow up is Santiago Makes It Work.

~~ TCPSACI or CPSACPhase 3: Santiago Makes It Work

Santiago Makes It Work will look at how previously agreed measures will help to protect children especially when reporting and verifying emissions-cutting efforts.  Our position is explained by the fact that there is still a missing element which is stepping up targets on child protection in relation to cutting emissions.

One can hope that when the United Nations will meet in Santiago (Chile) in November 2019, this will be an opportunity to sort out the final elements of the Paris rule book and begin work on future emissions targets.  In doing so, this will provide us some clarity about climate protection and stake for children.

TCPSACI or CPSACPhase 3 will also help us to prepare for the United Nations Climate Summit, which is scheduled for 23 September 2019.

As the agendas for COP25 and the UN Climate Summit will become clear, we shall release further information about our advocacy work on both events; work which includes TCPSACI or CPSACPhase 3 and the Follow up of the Climate Summit.  In meantime, we are doing our preparation for these follow ups.


~ African Children, Climate and Sustainable Development Goals (ACCSDGs): New Forms of Data

Preliminary Facts –

Our campaign related to ACCSDGs continue as well.  We are still working on the new forms of data (both qualitative and quantitative).  The preliminary facts or findings have shown that in natural disaster-stricken areas (like the Lake Chad region) and war-affected zones (such as in the North East of the Democratic Republic of Congo), children victims of these two (natural and war) events are still failing to meet sustainable development goals.  In particular, they are off track for meeting the goals and targets related to health, safe drinking water, education, sanitation, shelter, protection, environment etc.  Meeting life-sustaining needs for them is everyday’s incredible challenge.

To support and or enquire about new forms of data for ACCSDGs, contact CENFACS.


~ Quadranscentennial (Q) Year and Project

Our Q Year and Project are underway as we are trying to work out what has been as climate action legacies in our Q years of development.  At the moment, we are engaging in the process of looking at how our climate action and month find expression in CENFACS’ Quadranscentennial development.  

To support and or enquire about the Q Year and Project, please contact CENFACS.



Main Developments


• • Energy Transition Actions Week (beginning 04/03/2019)


What is about?

To pass from fossil fuels (i.e. non-renewable resources such as coal, oil and natural gas) to renewable energy (that is, materials and energy sources that can be used over and over again), it requires a preparation to avoid both cultural and psychological chocks, or even social and civil conflicts like the ones we are seeing in France every Saturdays with the yellow vests.

This week, it is about actions to prepare our mindsets to embrace the move from pollutant to non pollutant sources of energy.  Our energy transition actions week will revolve around the following Key Actions.


Key Actions on Energy Transition this Week

√ Education and training on the need of energy transition

√ Techniques to prepare our mindsets for a shift or transition in energy consumption in adopting sustainable and renewable energy (e.g. wind, solar, plant, animal, wave and water powers)

√ Energy saving acts

√ Meeting both life-sustaining energy needs and poverty reduction goals

This week’s actions are also about making sure that energy transition actions do not hamper our already made efforts to reduce and end poverty.  It means as well referring to the model of circular economy that tells us to satisfy human needs (e.g. energy needs), there is no need to over-exploit natural resources.  From this standpoint, it is about working together with local people to develop energy transition initiatives (or actions) that are compatible with their needs of poverty reduction.

In brief, this week is about taking little actions (for energy transition) at individual and community levels; actions that can have a BIG impact on the ending of burning fuel and causes of pollution.

To support and or enquire about CENFACS’ Climate Action Month and Energy Transition Week, contact CENFACS.


• • Light Appeal: Algeria Peace Appeal

Before dealing with the Algeria Peace Appeal, let us talk about the preceding Poverty Relief Movements in North Africa and what CENFACS did to support the victims of these movements.

⇒ The 2010-2011 Poverty Relief Movements in North Africa

In December 2010, North Africa embraced what CENFACS defined as Poverty Relief Movements (PRMs).  Some called it the Arab Spring which is referred in the literature of political democratisation to the democratic uprisings that rose independently and spread across the Arab World in 2011.  The movement originated from Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.  Algeria did not go through that democratic transition like other North African countries of Maghreb like Tunisia and Egypt, let alone Libya whose democratic experience went into anarchy. The Algerian leadership was skilful enough to control the 2010-2011 democratic storms.

When the PRMs of the 2010-2011 happened, CENFACS launched the North Africa Appeal (NARA) in Spring 2011.

⇒ North Africa Appeal (NARA) in Spring and Autumn 2011

The NARA was a CENFACS poverty relief and peaceful drive to support the poor and innocent victims of the humanitarian crisis that occurred in the North Africa in the light of the instable and conflicting situation of the time in the region as the people there voiced their demands for freedom against poverty and inequality.

The NARA Initiative was followed by a re-appeal in Autumn 2011 (NARRA) from CENFACS.

As part of CENFACS Life-rebuilding Stories May 2016 project and of CENFACS’ Year of Protections, we re-advocated to the international development community to step up the process of rebuilding North Africa given that it was more than 5 years since North Africa embraced political democratisation processes.

We thanked those who responded to these appeals

⇒ The 2019 or current Peaceful Poverty Relief Movement in Algeria

The history may repeat itself this Spring 2019 in Algeria, but differently.  This repetition is happening as young Algerians are demanding freedom from poverty; poverty induced by a lack of true democratic transition.  They are not only asking for more and better sanitation, water and electricity, but also for democratic and political change.  Whatever the nature of claims or demands each side may have, one could hope the process that Algerians may go through should be via peaceful and democratic means.

⇒ The Algeria Peace Appeal

As far as CENFACS is concerned, we can only appeal to the Algerian peoples to resolve their difference peacefully and democratically.  As we always argue our advocacy work is charitable and a-political.  We do not interfere in people’s problems.  We respect people’s rights to agree and disagree on the way they want to run their internal affairs, countries, towns, regions, communities etc.

Our Light Appeal to Algeria (the Algeria Peace Appeal) is only to demand to the disagreeing or conflicting sides on the democratic process to restrain from the use of forces and violence.  So far, demonstrations against poverty and hardships in Algeria have been peaceful.  We can expect that human rights, especially but not exclusively of the poor and most vulnerable will be protected as this process, which has just started, is going through.

Additionally, we are asking to the development communities from within and outside Algeria to do what they can to avoid this democratic crisis to get out control and make sure to be resolved peacefully and democratically.

This is our way of lighting and bringing a blaze of hope to the ordinary Algerian people who are going through a delicate and disputable governing process.

What you can do to help

There are many ways of helping which include the following.

  • You could INFLUENCE people both around and not around you to help Algeria to go through a peaceful transitional process
  • You could CHOOSE your own way of helping and let CENFACS facilitates your help reaches out to the peoples of Algeria who need peace and democracy
  • You could SUPPORT CENFACS to support the people and Africa-based Sister Organisations in need on the grounds and working on peace initiatives in Algeria

What CENFACS want you to do

CENFACS would like to appeal to you to undertake any of the following actions by supporting

  • The Overseas development charities campaigning and working on peace in North Africa, particularly for peace in Algeria
  • CENFACS’ Appeal for peace in Algeria
  • CENFACS to support its Africa-based sister organisations and other organisations working on the grounds in Algeria for making peace and democracy
  • A comprehensive strategy for preserving peace and democracy in North Africa to prevent future conflicts between people, between communities
  • CENFACS’ New Transitional Development Programme that moves Africa-based Sister Organisations from being subject to emergency relief programme to become organisations enjoying a normal sustainable development programme
  • CENFACS’ Humanitarian Relief efforts under the programme of Rebuilding and Sustaining Infrastructures and Lives in Africa

How we can communicate to deliver this Appeal

For support relating to

  • Overseas development charities and non-governmental organisations, contact them individually
  • CENFACS’ sister organisations, speak to CENFACS
  • CENFACS, contact us and/or send your support to CENFACS.

To enquire about CENFACS’ current Algeria Peace Appeal, contact CENFACS.

Thank you for supporting this appeal and the peoples of Algeria!


FOR ONLY £1, YOU CAN SUPPORT CENFACS AND CENFACS’ PROJECTS, JUST GO TO http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2019.

With many thanks


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