2024 Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

 10 January 2024


Post No. 334



The Week’s Contents


• 2024 Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes

• 2024 as a Year of Transitions 

• Giving Hope to the Humanitarian Needy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2024


… And much more!



Key Messages


• 2024 Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes


Last week, we listed projects and programmes to be carried out in January 2024.   This week, we are unveiling more projects and programmes including resources.  The last week’s listed projects and the ones to be unveiled below will all make our Light Season 2024.

In both last week’s and this week’s listings, there are two types of projects and programmes, which are:


a) Specifically Designed projects and programmes (such as humanitarian appeals) to feature CENFACS’ Light Campaign/Advocacy,  to bring and carry the message of hope through a Blaze of Hope 

b) Seasonal projects and programmes that just fall within the Season of Light, which is from 21 December in the preceding year (e.g., 2023) to 21 March in the following year (e.g., 2024).


Both Specifically Designed and Seasonal projects and programmes will be implemented side by side as we move on throughout the Season of Light.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided further details about the 2024 Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes.



• 2024 as a Year of Transitions 


To reduce or end poverty, it may requires transition or people in need transitioning from one situation to another one.  Transitions can be of varying kinds.  Transition can be psychological, economic, financial, democratic, social, environmental, political, demographic, etc.

For example, at the moment energy transition is one of the terms in fashion for those who would like something to be done against adverse climate change.  Transition viewed from the point of view of energy can help understand transitions or transformations in those who use polluting energy in becoming low-carbon or zero net emitters, in moving from fossil fuels consumption into a fossil-free one.  Transitions as theme has been voted or chosen within CENFACS as an area of work for this year.

2024 will be a Year of Transitions within CENFACS, a year of using the notion of transitions as tool to understand paradigmatic change in the lives of those in need, particularly the CENFACS Community members.  It will be a year of working with them as they sustainably transition the poverty reduction process.  In this work with them, one should understand that transition does not necessarily lead to change.  Yet, what we would like to achieve together with them is transitions that lead to better change.  But, what do we mean by transitions?


• • Understanding Transitions


Transitions can be perceived in many ways.  For example, in his Transition Theories Peter J. Marcotullio (1) defines transitions as

“Long-term, continuous processes wherein the structure character change marks a fundamental shift in a system.  This fundamental change is presumably easily identified, although it may not always be so; and it could mark change for the better or worse, depending upon the human values attributed to the dynamics”.

Another interpretation of transition comes from Nancy K. Schlossberg (2) who sees it as a process of moving in, moving through and moving out a new situation or circumstances.  According to her, the 3 stages in supporting people who are undergoing transition include approaching transitions (identifying the kind of transition and transition process), taking stock of the coping resources they need, and taking charge by strengthening resources.

The above definitions will help in approaching or applying transitions.


• • Approaching and Applying Transitions


To approach transitions, we are going to use a gradual or gradualist and inclusive model of the transition process.  This approach is out the context of models of transition like neo-classical, post-Keynesian and market socialist approaches.  It is an approach that engages the common good and focuses on poor or disadvantaged people in terms of how they can transition out of poverty.

This approach will drive our application of the notion of transitions as we will try to find out the determining factors that militate for those in need to move out of poverty and how we can work with them as they move through the transitions process.  In this respect, the transitions in which we will be interested are the ones that help those in need to get out of poverty and hardships.

In brief, the above understanding, approach and application of transitions will make up 2024 as a Year of Transitions.

In order to realise the Year of Transitions, we need a project.  This project is Transitions or ‘T‘ project.


• • Transitions (t) Project 


The dedication of 2024 as a Year of Transitions comes with a project to carry out this dedication.  The project to execute this dedication is the Transitions or ‘t‘ Project, which is one of the new initiatives for 2024.  The following two elements help to understand this project: its meaning and its activities.


• • • What is ‘t’ Project?


It is a series or set of interconnected tasks or activities planned  for the execution of CENFACS‘ dedication of year 2024 as of Transitions.  These tasks or activities, which aim at reducing poverty, will be undertaken throughout 2024 within the requirements and limitations of CENFACS‘ existing and acquirable resources and assets.

Through this project, we hope to continue to help reduce poverty by working with project beneficiaries as they move through and out of poverty.  The project will support them to smooth transitions processes they are undergoing in order to meet their poverty reduction goals.  The support can be about tackling factors that can cause problems to their transitions.


• • • Activities and tasks relating to the ‘t’ Project


There will be twelve activities, one activity or task every month.  Each ‘t’  activity will be announced at the beginning of each month.  Through this project and each task, we will engage with project beneficiaries on the types of transitions need to undertake in order for them to move out of poverty or any hardships they are facing.

The first ‘t’ activity is about working with those in need to transition out of consumption-based poverty.



• • • Activity/Task 1 of the ‘t’ Project: Support People in Need to Transition out of Consumption-based Poverty


People can enter, exit and re-enter poverty.  There could be reasons which make that to happen.  For example, Ann Huff Stevens (3) explains that

“Two key factors drive poverty transitions: changes in household structure and change in labour market attachment at the individual or household level”.

These factors can also explain transitions in terms of poverty linked to consumption. 

As part of activity or task 1, one can refer to Stevens’ factors or other factors to work with those experiencing some difficulties in their transitions process, whether these people are moving through or out of consumption-based poverty.  This task or activity also features our January’s Goal or Goal of the Month, which is Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty.

For those who need any help before embarking on this task, they can speak to CENFACS.

For any other queries and enquiries about the ‘t‘ project and this year’s dedication, please contact CENFACS as well.



• Giving Hope to the Humanitarian Needy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2024


Our Season of Giving and Sustaining Hope for a better future continues as we appeal for the people of who need support to cope humanitarian crisis they are facing.  As we explained in the last week’s post, our priorities or areas of work or need in 2024 include the Eastern side of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Although the DR Congo is pursuing transformation via democratic transition processes, it is still suffering from a series of events or crises such as violent clashes between armed groups in the East of the country, natural disasters, the influx of refugees, extensive internal displacement, etc.  These events have caused tragedies, health and well-being issues.

One of these crises is a compound humanitarian crisis.  According to ‘rescue.org’ (4),

“The DR Congo enters 2024 with 24.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance – more than any other country on earth.  The magnitude of the crisis has strained services, creating high levels of food insecurity and fuelling the spread of disease.  The DR Congo’s 2023 humanitarian response plan received just 38% of its necessary funding”.

The December 2023 election process in the DR Congo did not escape from the negative effects of this humanitarian crisis.  Many of the Congolese who are suffering from the humanitarian crisis did struggle to cast their votes as they had to choose between reaching the poll stations to cast their votes and looking for food to eat.

The Humanitarian Needy of DR Congo Want Your Assistance.

You could donate to support them.  You can give either your influence or money or both to support them.

If you decide to provide influence, you could put positive influence on those who have the key to their humanitarian crisis or the factors feeding this crisis so that the Congolese victims of this crisis can move out of the humanitarian crisis.

If you choose instead to donate money, you can give £7 or any amount above.  Your money will be allocated as follows:

£3 from your £7 can be used to support security for the internally displaced Congolese and £4 can assist in buying food or medicine.

Please, let us give hope to these Congolese victims of humanitarian crisis.

To support and or enquire about this appeal, please contact CENFACS.



Extra Messages


• Digital and Social Media Campaign

• New Year’s and January’s Goal: Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty

• New Year’s Structured Finance Activities/Micro-projects under Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme/Scheme



• Digital and Social Media Campaign

Level 8: Cloud Technology to Reduce Poverty


Under the Digital and Social Media Campaign, we are continuing to work with our users on technology matter so that they find the right technology and technology-based solutions to poverty.  In working together, we hope that they will be able to access the services they require to reduce or end poverty.  In this model of working together, they are different levels.

The next level of our Digital and Social Media Campaign is about Cloud Technology.  In this level, we shall work with users so that they can develop the skills necessary to access what is stored on internet servers in order for them to meet their needs.


• • What Is Cloud Technology?


There are many definitions within the information and communications technology literature.  The definition we have selected comes from ‘dynamixsolutions.com’ (5), which explains that

“Cloud computing technology allows people to use digital resources stored in the virtual space by way of networks – often satellite networks. It allows people to share information and applications without being restricted by their physical location.

From this definition, cloud computing is a technology that enables people to access resources on the internet.  There are advantages and disadvantages about this technology.  What we are interested in is their advantages, in particular how they can help the CENFACS Community to reduce or end poverty.


•  • Cloud Technology Skills to Reduce Poverty


This level of working together will be about using some skills to store data on the internet, use servers, access databases, network, briefly access resources.  These skills can help users in the process of reducing poverty linked to the lack of understanding on storing and retrieving information from a virtual storage system.

To enquire and or to support the level 8 of our Digital and Social Media Campaign, please contact CENFACS.



• New Year’s and January’s Goal: Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty


Our monthly poverty reduction project or goal of the month, which is part of  CENFACS’ 2020s Development Agenda and Poverty Reduction Programme (6), resumes this January 2024 with the goal of Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty.  The project relates to the second goal of this programme; second goal which is Consume sustainably to reduce poverty and climate change.

To explain the reduction of consumption-based poverty, one needs to know consumption-based poverty.


• • What is Consumption-based Poverty?


Tara O’ Neil describes it on the website of ‘americanactionforum.org’ (7) in terms of measure by arguing that

“A consumption-based poverty measure assesses what people consume or purchase, regardless of how it was paid for (whether through income, tax credits, or non-cash benefits) to determine whether their needs are being met or not.  In other words, this metric accounts for all types of benefits and aid that might be provided, as well as expenses”.

It is not a surprise if the Office for National Statistics (8) states that

“Consumption expenditure is thought to be a better measure of achieved living standards as it is through the consumption of goods and services that people satisfy their needs and wants over time”.

This measure can be to determine if for example the members of the CENFACS Community are experiencing poverty linked to consumption (including non-essential consumption).  From this information, one can support them to find their way to reduce consumption-based poverty.


• • Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty


It is about bringing the consumption of a particular family or household to more than the poverty threshold.  Reducing consumption-based poverty by CENFACS supporters or promotors of this goal can include initiatives such as working with the consumption poor to improve their real disposable income, financial capacity and capability, income-generating activities, expectations and sentiment, wealth creation skills, etc.

For example, one can work with those in need and help them build household food safety net to reduce consumption-based poverty.

The above is our New Year’s and January’s Goal. 

For those who are interested in working with the people in need to meet it, they are welcome do so. 

For those who want any clarification of any aspects of the activity or task, they can contact CENFACS.



• New Year’s Structured Finance Activities/Micro-projects under Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme/Scheme


We are resuming Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme and Scheme, which we started in December 2023.  We are available to work in hybrid mode with users via the Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme (FCCBP) or Scheme (FCCBS) so that they can start stronger in this New Year.  Both FCCBP and FCCBS will help beneficiaries to reduce risks linked to financial incapacity and incapability while improving their intergenerational income and transfers.

To kick off FCCBP and FCCBS, we are running from 10 to 16 January 2024 the first activity of FCCBP and the first activity of FCCBS, as shown in the working plan below.



• • 10 to 16 January 2024: Investing in Realistic Financial Goals about Financial Capacity and Capability (Activity 1 of FCCBP)


This first Structured Finance Activity, which is part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme and which is run in the form direct questions/answers, consists of working with users to develop and invest in realistic financial goals that summarise the way in which they would like to build their financial capacity and capability.

If any of our users have questions about how they can develop or invest in realistic financial capacity and capability goals, they can ask CENFACS for answers.


• • 10 to 16 January 2024: Financial Capacity and Capability to Make Ends Meet (Activity 1 of FCCBS)


This first Structured Finance Activity, which is part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Scheme, is about elaborating a systematic plan of future action on financial capacity and capability for a week or month or year (2024). 

Together with those in need of financial capacity and capability building, we can help them draw a basic financial plan or strategy for coping with and surviving their financial problems.

If any of our users need to draw a plan or strategy that explains how they will financially cope and/or survive, they can contact CENFACS.

Have a question about your financial goals or need to draw a plan or strategy about the way you are going to make ends meet, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

In additions, if you have financial planning problems, you can communicate with CENFACS so that we can work together on your financial planning needs and help you stay stronger this New Year.



Message in French (Message en français)


• À paraître cet hiver : le numéro de FACS et du Nouvel An (le numéro 82) qui s’intitulera ‘L’accession à la propriété privée et la sécurisation foncière pour réduire la pauvreté en Afrique’

L’accession à la propriété privée et le régime foncier sont importants dans le processus de réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique.  Leur importance a été reconnue par de nombreuses organisations et institutions, dont la Banque mondiale (9), qui recommande d’accroître l’accès à la terre et le régime foncier pour les pauvres et les personnes vulnérables en redistribuant les terres rurales, en accordant des droits de propriété aux squatters sur les terres publiques urbaines, en supprimant les restrictions sur les terres locatives et en promouvant l’équité entre les sexes en documentant les droits fonciers des femmes.

Malgré cette reconnaissance, il y a des endroits ou des régions du monde où les pauvres et les personnes vulnérables n’ont toujours pas accès à la terre et au bail.  L’Afrique en fait partie. Bien que l’Afrique soit le deuxième plus grand et le deuxième continent le plus peuplé du monde après l’Asie dans les deux cas, c’est aussi un continent où les gens ont du mal à posséder une maison et/ou une terre.  C’est à ce point que l’Afrique est en tête en termes de pourcentage de la population urbaine vivant dans des quartiers informels.

Pourtant, la promotion d’un foncier durable et d’une gouvernance inclusive en Afrique fait partie de la politique foncière en Afrique et contribuera à la réalisation des aspirations et des objectifs de l’Agenda 2063. De même, l’Objectif de Développement Durable 11 (10) des Nations Unies qui vise à rendre les villes et les établissements humains inclusifs, sûrs, résilients et durables. La première cible du même objectif (c’est-à-dire la cible 11.1) est la suivante : « D’ici à 2030, garantir l’accès de tous à un logement adéquat, sûr et abordable et à des services de base et rénover les bidonvilles ».

Compte tenu du fait que l’Afrique est à la traîne en termes d’accession à la propriété et de régime foncier pour sa population ordinaire, le thème sous-jacent du 82e numéro de FACS traitera du double problème de l’accession à la propriété et de la terre en Afrique dans les zones d’opération des organisations caritatives sœurs basées en Afrique (OCSBA) du CENFACS. Il mettra en lumière le droit de posséder des terres en toute sécurité ou d’occuper et d’utiliser exclusivement une parcelle de terre particulière.

Cependant, le 82ème numéro de FACS aura une portée limitée car il n’aura pas l’ambition de traiter toutes les questions relatives à l’accession à la propriété et au foncier en Afrique. Au lieu de cela, le numéro se concentrera sur les problèmes rencontrés par les OCSBA du CENFACS et leurs bénéficiaires qui peuvent être des sans-abri, des sans-terre, des propriétaires pauvres et des locataires pauvres ; et qui voudraient travailler avec eux afin de réduire la pauvreté et l’insoutenabilité liées au manque d’accès à la propriété privée et à la sécurité foncière.

À cet égard, le numéro 82 examinera la relation entre la réduction de la pauvreté et l’accession à la propriété, entre la réduction de la pauvreté et le régime foncier dans l’Afrique d’aujourd’hui, en particulier dans les zones où opèrent les OCSBA du CENFACS. Le numéro fera valoir la nécessité de développer l’accession à la propriété privée et de sécuriser le régime foncier qui profite aux pauvres.

Le numéro 82 traitera de la répartition de l’énergie à la maison et sur la terre, et de la manière dont cette répartition de l’énergie peut contribuer à réduire la pauvreté et à améliorer le développement durable. En effet, l’accès à la propriété et le contrôle de la terre peuvent apporter beaucoup de choses à ceux ou celles qui vivent dans la pauvreté. Ils peuvent les aider à avoir un endroit fixe pour construire et planifier leur vie. Avoir un logement ou un terrain sûr peut être la première étape pour réduire la pauvreté et améliorer le développement durable.

Ce n’est pas une surprise si le « unhabitat.org » (11) affirme que

« La sécurité foncière et les droits de propriété permettent aux habitants des zones urbaines et rurales d’investir dans l’amélioration des logements et des moyens de subsistance ».

De même, le Fonds International de Développement Agricole (12) explique ce qui suit:

« La terre est essentielle à la vie des populations rurales pauvres.  C’est une source de nourriture, d’abri, de revenus et d’identité sociale… La sécurité foncière n’est pas seulement importante pour la production agricole.  Elle permet également aux gens de diversifier leurs moyens de subsistance en utilisant leurs terres comme garantie, en les louant ou en les vendant.

Le numéro 82 examinera les théories appropriées des droits de propriété privée et des théories des droits fonciers utilisées, car il combinera les arguments de la rareté, de l’État autoritaire et de la culture traditionnelle pour expliquer les questions d’accession à la propriété et de terre en Afrique.  Il abordera l’accession à la propriété privée comme une propriété privée. La propriété privée peut s’expliquer par la définition de la notion de « study.com » (13) comme suit:

« Propriété d’un bien corporel ou incorporel par une entité individuelle, plutôt que par l’État ou un propriétaire commun ».

Loin d’être un compte rendu des théories de l’accession à la propriété et de la terre, le numéro sera l’histoire d’OCSBA travaillant avec des sans-abri et des sans-terre pauvres pour trouver des établissements inclusifs, sûrs, résilients et durables. De ce point de vue, le numéro fournira quelques exemples de la façon dont les OCSBA tentent de travailler avec leurs sections locales afin de réduire la pauvreté due au manque d’accession à la propriété et de terres sûres, et comment les premières aident les secondes à accéder de manière adéquate, sûre et abordable à la propriété et à gravir les échelons de la propriété.

Le numéro 82 expliquera en outre comment l’absence de droits de propriété réels ou leur mauvaise application peut entraver et limiter le développement économique de certains groupes ethniques et des femmes rurales.  Au-delà de cette explication, le numéro fournira quelques pistes de solutions sur les problèmes rencontrés par ces groupes et les femmes, en particulier pour les groupes situés dans les sphères d’activité des OCSBA.

Le 82e numéro couvrira des domaines tels que l’accessibilité et l’abordabilité des logements pour les pauvres, les pauvres en tant que propriétaires, les droits des femmes à posséder des terres, en particulier dans les zones rurales, la mobilité résidentielle parmi les personnes à faible revenu, le logement durable pour les pauvres, la réalisation d’un accès à la propriété durable pour tous, la manière dont les OCSBA travaillent avec leurs sections locales pour réduire ou mettre fin à la pauvreté liée au manque d’accession à la propriété et au régime foncier, etc.

De plus amples détails sur le 82e numéro de FACS seront donnés cet hiver.  Cependant, pour ceux ou celles qui souhaiteraient se renseigner à ce sujet avant qu’il ne paraisse, ils/elles ne doivent pas hésiter à contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


2024 Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes


The following highlights the 2024 Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes:


∝ What are Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes?

∝ Types of Light Season’s Initiatives

∝ Basic Implementation Plan for the Light Season’s Initiatives.


We can now consider each of the three items.


• • What Are Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes?


They are a stock of assets (resources) together with a set of interdependent tasks (sustainable projects) and related activities (sustainable programmes) designed to help meet the aim of poverty reduction either within the Lights Season and/or beyond it depending on the types of a given resource, project and programme.  In other words, whether it is about resources or projects or even programmes, the unified aim is to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development by working with local people and Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisations.


• • Types of Light Season’s Initiatives


There are two types, which are:


(a) Specifically designed initiatives to bring message of hope or a Blaze of Hope

(b) Seasonal initiatives falling within the Season of Light.


• • • Specifically designed initiatives to bring message of hope or a Blaze of Hope


They include two waves of intervention or Blazes of Hope, which are:


(a) Appeals to deal with the unfinished business of previous destruction and disruption brought by the coronavirus, wars, natural disasters and the current the cost-of-living crisis

(b) Appeals linked to seasonally erupted events or effects from health disasters (like the coronavirus), armed conflicts, geo-economic crises, climate change and natural disasters.


For example, the Appeal to Give Hope to the Humanitarian Needy of the Democratic Republic of Congo is at the same time for unfinished business of humanitarian work and any potential eruption of insecurity crisis in the New Year.  As the World Food Programme (14) puts it:

“The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is facing one of the world’s largest hunger crises.  According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, an estimated 25.4 million people are experiencing crisis and emergency levels of food insecurity, including 5.5 million people in the three eastern provinces of Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu”.


• • • Initiatives falling within the Season of Light


They consist of the following:


√ Consume to Reduce Poverty (Edition No. 12) with a Focus on Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty

√ Financial Capacity and Capability Campaign 2024

√ 2024 Africa Not-for-profit Investment Outlook

√ Nature-positive Projects (New) 

√ Nature-based Solutions to Poverty.


The above mentioned initiatives are amongst the ones we have selected to kick-start 2024.  Apart from them, we shall take a moment to reflect on the poverty reduction landscape of 2023 by taking stock and charge of what happened in 2023, and how we can move forward in 2024.  In particular, we will be working together with beneficiaries on the following:


√ 2023 Year-end Financial Controls as Stocktaking and Charge Taking Tools for Poverty Reduction

√ Projects of Just, Orderly and Equitable Energy Transitions

√ Fossil-free Projects 

√ Humanitarian Relief Appeals with Six Identified Areas of Priority that May Need Lighting a Blaze of Hope (as announced last week) to help address unfinished businesses or potential crises or tension hotspot places

√ Climate Actions 2024 to keep pace with net zero path and poverty reduction.


The above initiatives are not the only ones for the Season of Light.  During the season, we may cancel or reduce the scope of some initiatives if we realise that the problem they were supposed to resolve are no longer there.  Likewise, we may add new or recurring initiatives depending on the events within the community we serve.  The worksheet below provides some indication in terms of initiatives implementation plan.


• • Basic Implementation Plan for 2024 Light Season’s Initiatives


As we go along the Light Season, the following implementation plan consisting of twelve initiatives will be effective.

The above are 12 Initiatives to implement the Light Season 2024.  They are also 12 Essential Ways to Bring and Sustain Hope for Those in Need This Winter 2024. 

There are three observations to make from the above implementation plan, which are:


a) Since the global climate community committed itself to transition away from fossil fuels at the end of COP28 (15), the Installation Sub-phase of Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation has moved from Installation sub-phase (phase 3.2) to Initial Implementation sub-phase (phase 3.3)

b) Projects of Just, Orderly and Equitable Energy Transitions are our new initiative not only to feature the Season of Light, but also to volunteer for the poor and the planet

c) The next level of our Digital and Social Media Campaign (Level 8) is on Cloud Technology.


This initial implementation plan for the Light Season’s initiatives can change depending on the circumstances, events and conditions.  If one notices that some of the initiatives inserted in the plan/worksheet are not listed under Types of Light Season’s Initiatives, this is not a big issue.  What is important is the deliverables of those scheduled within the plan.

For those who would like to discuss any of these planned initiatives or any aspects of the plan; they can contact CENFACS.

To support and or enquire the Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes for 2024, please contact CENFACS.






(1) Marcotullio, P. J., Transition Theories  (pp. 236-248), in Iossifova, D., Doll, C.N. H., & Gasparatos, A. (Eds.), (2017), Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives (1st ed.), Routledge, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315576282 (accessed in January 2024)

(2) https://marcr.net/marcr-for-career-professionals/career-theory/career-theories-and-theories/transition-theory-nancy-k-schlossberg/ (accessed in January 2024)

(3) Stevens, A. H., Poverty Transitions, in Philip N. Jefferson (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Poverty, Oxford Handbooks (2012; online edn, Oxford Academic, 28 Dec. 2012, https://doi.org/10.1093/Oxfordhb/9780195393781.013.0016, accessed in January 2024 

(4) https://www.rescue.org/en/article/top-10-crises-world-cant-ignore_ (accessed in January 2024)

(5) https://dynamixsolutions.com/what-is-cloud-technology-and-how-does-it-work/ (accessed in January 2024)

(6) cenfacs.org.uk/2020/03/11/the-2020s-agenda-and-programme/ (accessed in January 2024)

(7) Hayes, T. O. (2021), Measuring Poverty in United States: Comparing Measurement Methods, American Action Forum at https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/measuring-poverty-in-the-united-states-comparing-measurement-methods/ (accessed in January 2024)

(8) https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomeandwealth/articles/anexpenditurebasedapproachtopovertyintheuk/financialyearending2017 (accessed in January 2024) 

(9) https://www.worldbank.org/en/region/afr/publication/securing-africas-land-for-shared-prosperity# (accessed in January 2024)

(10) https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda (accessed in January 2024)

(11) https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2020/07/indicator_1.4.2_training_module_secure_tenure_rights_to_land.pdf (accessed in January 2024)

(12) https://www.ifad.org/documents/38714170/39148759/Land+tenure+security+and+poverty+reduction.pdf/ (accessed in January 2024)

(13) https://study.com/academy/lesson/private-property-economics-overview-rights-examples.html (accessed in January 2024)

(14) https://www.wfp.org/emergencies/drc-emergency (accessed in January 2024)

(15) https://www.cop28.com/en/ (accessed in January 2024)



 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

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Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2024 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty 

Happy New Year 2024 and

Welcome Back to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

03 January 2024


Post No. 333



The New Year’s Contents


• What Is New at the Start of the New Year and What Is On This January 2024?

• The 12th Issue of Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change – In Focus: Non-essential Consumption and Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty

• Coming up This Winter: The New Year’s and Next Issue of FACS (The 82nd Issue) to Be Titled as Private Homeownership and Secure Land Tenure to Reduce Poverty in Africa


 … And much more!



The New Year’s Key Messages


• What Is New at the Start of the New Year and What Is on This January 2024?


~ New Tool, New Relief and New Hope


We have got the following initiatives to look forward to this January 2024 at CENFACS:


√ Consume to Reduce Poverty (Edition No. 12) with a Focus on Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty

√ 2023 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction

√ Financial Capacity and Capability Campaign 2024

√ 2024 Africa Not-for-profit Investment Outlook

√ Nature-positive Projects (New) 

√ Nature-based Solutions to Poverty.


The above mentioned initiatives are amongst the ones we have selected to kick-start 2024.  Apart from them, we shall take a moment to reflect on the poverty reduction landscape of 2023 and how we can move forward in 2024.  In particular, we will be working together with beneficiaries on the following:


√ Projects of Just, Orderly and Equitable Energy Transitions

√ Fossil-free Projects 

√ Humanitarian Relief Appeals with Six Identified Areas of Priority that May Need Lighting a Blaze of Hope (as announced last week) to help address unfinished businesses or potential crises or tension hotspot places

√ Climate Actions to keep pace with net zero path and poverty reduction.


To complete the picture about our working plan for the first quarter of 2024, we shall soon unveil the remaining selected initiatives making the Season of Light at CENFACS.



• The 12th Issue of CRPCC (Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change) – In Focus: Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty 


January is the month of Responsible Consumption for CENFACS.   The initiative featuring this month is our resource entitled as Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change (CRPCC).  In this first post of 2024, we have highlighted the contents this year’s edition of CRPCCEdition 2024 or the 12th Issue.

The 12th Issue of this resource will be on ‘Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty’.  However, before giving the message about the 12th Issue of CRPCC, let us briefly re-explain what normally happen in January.


• • January as a Month of Responsible Consumption within CENFACS


Some of you are aware that January is our month of Responsible Consumption following CENFACS development calendar.  It means that the theme for January is Responsible or Sustainable Consumption and the monthly project carrying this theme is Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change.


• • • What does happen in January?


January is the month we act against poverty due to the lack of consumption and we deal with measures of poverty reduction through consumption.  It is also an opportunity to act to preserve a good relationship between the way in which we consume products on the one hand and the reduction of adverse climate change on the other. 

Particularly, January is a climate reminder month as it is the month during which we raise awareness of the relationships between humans and the nature through sustainable consumption; that is consumption that does not destroy the nature or a change in consumption habits that are adjusted to human real needs and to chosen market options of promoting environmental conservation and social equality.


• • • What will happen this January?


This January, we will take an extra step by exploring the relationship between humans and non-essential products and services, between humans and ways of reducing poverty linked to consumption, particularly the consumption of non-essentials.


• • • What is Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change (CRPCC) ?


CRPCC is our users’ New Year supporting information and accompanying booster that focuses on Buying and Consumption elements conducive to the reduction of poverty and hardships and of negative effects of climate change.  It is indeed a complimentary support to our Autumn Festive Income Boost (FIB) resource.

The FIB is an income-generating resource while CRPCC brings in a consumption-led look in our fight against poverty and negative climate change.  The current Edition (Edition No. 12) of CRPCC deals with ‘Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty’ as mentioned above.

For further details about CRPCC project, go to http://cenfacs.org.uk/services-activities/


• • The 12th Issue of CRPCC (Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change) – In Focus: Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty 


Rich and poor can consume non-essential items.  However, when we speak about the people in need, including those making the CENFACS Community, often we refer to their needs or the minimum which is necessary for their survival as human beings or even essential products and services to maintain their lives.

Yet, these people in need have also non-essential consumption or wants they would like to meet.  Wants are unlimited or infinite, while needs are finite.  In this 2024 Edition of CRPCC, it is about these wants or non-essential consumption that we are dealing with and how one can use them to reduce consumption-based poverty.

The 2024 Edition of CRPCC is indeed about working with users to try to solve the basic economic problem of how to allocate the unlimited resources they possess to infinite wants they have.  It is a New Year treat of non-essential expenses, which are usually the expenses that one does not necessarily need.  They are also called discretionary expenses as people can maintain their lives without them.  They make 30% of the 50/30/20 budgeting rule for any household.

In this 12th Issue of CRPCC, we are interested in these 30% of the household budget that suppose to cover non-essential consumption.  We are keen in finding out how many of people making the CENFACS Community, who are able to cover these 30%, can reduce poverty linked to this consumption.  We are as well dealing with those who cannot cover them and  how they can reduce poverty linked to non-essential consumption.

The 2024 Edition of CRPCC does not stop there.  It provides tips and hints on both those who can cover non-essential consumption and those cannot, so that both of them can find their way to reduce consumption-based poverty.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have further explained the theme of ‘Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty’, and how to meet them.



• Coming up This Winter: The New Year’s and Next Issue of FACS (The 82nd Issue) to Be Titled as Private Homeownership and Secure Land Tenure to Reduce Poverty in Africa


Private homeownership and land tenure are important in the process of reducing poverty in Africa.  Their importance has been recognised by many organisations and institutions including the World Bank (1), which recommends the increase in land access and tenure for the poor and vulnerable by redistributing rural land, providing ownership rights for squatters on urban public land, removing restrictions on rental land and promoting gender equity by documenting the land rights for women.

Despite this recognition, there are places or parts of the world where the poor and vulnerable are still lacking land access and tenure.  Africa is amongst them.  Although Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent after Asia in both cases, it is also a continent where people struggle to own a home and/or land.  This is to such extent that Africa leads in terms of the percentage of urban population living in informal settlements.

Yet, promoting sustainable land and inclusive governance in Africa is part of land policy in Africa and will help achieve aspirations and goals of the Agenda 2063.  Likewise, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11 (2) is about making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.  The first target of the same goal (that is, Goal target 11.1) is “By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums”.  Many wonder if this goal target will be completed by its deadline.

Given the fact that Africa is lagging behind in terms of homeownership and land tenure for its ordinary population, the underlying theme of the 82nd Issue of FACS will deal with the twin problems of homeownership and land in Africa in the areas of operation of CENFACS‘ Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisations (ASCOs).  It will shade light on the right to securely own land or to occupy and exclusively use a particular piece of land.

However, the 82nd Issue of FACS will have a limited scope as it will not have ambition to treat all questions relating to homeownerships and lands in Africa.  Instead, the Issue will focus on the problems faced by CENFACS‘ ASCOs and their beneficiaries who may be homeless, landless, poor home-owners and poor renters; and who would like to work with them in order to reduce poverty and unsustainability linked to the lack of access to private homeownership and secure land tenure. 

In this respect, the 82nd Issue will examine the relationship between poverty reduction and homeownership, between poverty reduction and land tenure in today’s Africa, in particular in the areas where CENFACS‘ ASCOs operate.  The Issue will make the case for the need to develop private homeownership and secure land tenure that benefit the poor.

The 82nd Issue will deal with the allocation of power on home and land, and how this allocated power can help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  Indeed, access to homeownership and control over land can achieve a lot of things for those living in poverty.  They can help them to have a fixed place to build and plan their lives.  Having a home and/or a secure land can be the first step to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

It is not surprise if the ‘unhabitat.org’ (3) argues that

“Secure land tenure and property rights enable people in urban and rural areas to invest in improved homes and livelihoods”.

Similarly, the International Fund for Agriculture Development (4) explains the following:

“Land is fundamental to the lives of poor rural people.  It is a source of food, shelter, income and social identity…  Tenure security is important not only for agriculture production.  It also allows people to diversify their livelihoods by using their land as collateral, renting it out or selling it”.

The 82nd Issue will consider the appropriate private property rights theories and land rights theories used as it will combine scarcity, overbearing State and traditional culture arguments in explaining homeownership and land issues in Africa.  It will approach private homeownership as private property.  Private property can be explained by the definition of ‘study.com’ (5) as

“Ownership of tangible or intangible property by an individual entity, rather than by the state or a common owner”.

Far from being an account of homeownership and land theories, the Issue will be a story of ASCOs working with poor homeless and landless to find inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable settlements.  From this perspective, the Issue will provide some examples on how ASCOs are trying to work with their locals in order to reduce poverty due to the lack of homeownership and secure land, and how the former are helping the latter to adequately, safely and affordably access and climb the property ladder and/or secure land tenure.

The 82nd Issue further will explain how the lack of genuine property rights or their enforcement can conduce and constrain the economic development of certain ethnic groups and rural women.  Beyond this explanation, the Issue will provide some leads to the problems faced by these groups and women, particularly for groups located in the spheres of operation of ASCOs.

The 82nd Issue will cover areas such as accessibility and affordability of homes to poor people, poor people as homeowners, women’s rights to own land especially in rural areas, residential mobility among low-income earners, sustainable housing for the poor, achieving sustainable homeownership for all, how ASCOs are working with their locals to reduce or end poverty linked to the lack of homeownership and land tenure, etc.

More details about the 82nd Issue of FACS will be given this Winter.  However, for those who would like to enquire about it before it appears, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



The New Year’s Extra Messages


• Gifts of Peace, Edition 2023-2024

• 2023 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction

• New Year’s Structured Finance Activities/Micro-projects under Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme/Scheme



• Gifts of Peace, Edition 2023-2024


Gifts of Peace for Edition 2023-2024 will end on 31 January 2024.  If you have not yet supported, you can still do something for poverty relief and for healing the lingering economic effects of the 2019 pandemic and the scars of the cost-of-living crisis.

Although the deadline for the Season of Donation for these gifts is 31 January 2024, we will still accept any donations made after this deadline to enable those who will not be in a position to donate by this deadline to have a chance to donate after.

Please do not wait for the expiration of the deadline as the needs are pressing and urgent.

We know that many supporters of good causes have been affected by the cost-of-living crisis.  We are as well aware of the current economic situation of hard landing in boost after the high inflation period and economic growth is very low, which both complicate the way people donate to good causes.

However, for those who can please do not hesitate to support these noble causes of peace since the potential beneficiaries of them are trebly impacted by:


a) The lingering economic effects of previous crises (like the coronavirus)

b) The already extremely poor conditions in which they are living

c) The scars of the enduring cost-of-living crisis.


Every support counts to help reduce and end extreme poverty.


Please keep the Gifts of Peace in your mind as the giving season continues.

For further details about these Gifts of Peace and or to support, go to http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/

We look forward to your support.  Thank you!



• 2023 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction


Year-in-review accounts are one of the financial tools we would like to work and share with our users as we explained in our last post of 2023.  They are part of year-end financial control project or exercise which includes income boost and other financial tools making our year-end campaign to reduce and end poverty, particularly income poverty.

To understand year-end financial controls, it is better to know what financial controls are about.  According to ‘corporatefinanceinstittute.com’ (6),

“Financial controls are the procedures, policies and means by which an organisation monitors, and controls the direction, allocation, and usage of its financial resources.  Financial controls are at the very core of resource management and operational efficiency in any organisation”.

This definition of financial controls can be applied to households.  Like any organisation, households need to have and implement financial controls framework to manage, document, analyse, and report household transactions.  These financial controls can be directional or selective or on particular household financial statements like balance sheet, cash flows, income statement, etc.

For those (individuals, families or households) who need help to manage or close their 2023 year-in-review accounts, they can contact CENFACS prior to the end of 2023-2024 tax year or by the 5th of April 2024.




• New Year’s Structured Finance Activities/Micro-projects under Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme/Scheme


We are resuming Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme and Scheme, which we started in December 2023.  We are available to work in hybrid mode with users via a Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme (FCCBP) or Scheme (FCCBS) so that they can start stronger in this New Year.  Both FCCBP and FCCBS will help beneficiaries to reduce risks linked to financial incapacity and incapability while improving their intergenerational income and transfers.

These are exclusive New Year activities to maximise programme and scheme beneficiaries’ financial management and decision-making for a successful financial year.  To practise FCCBP and FCCBS , we are carrying out structured New Year finance activities this January 2024.


• • New Year’s Structured Finance Activities as Part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme  


FCCBP is a set of structured planned actions or events designed to help users to better manage financial aspects of New Year celebrations, to develop financial knowledge and skills, to make life-saving financial decisions and to invest in financial capacity and capability goals

As a result, we will be working on how people and families can be involved a series of the following structured New Year activities or small projects:


Activity 1: Investing in realistic goals about financial capacity and capability

Activity 2: Managing financial aspects of New Year events

Activity 3: Making financial knowledge and skills positively impact on your financial behaviour

Activity 4: Taking sensible life-saving financial decisions

Activity 5: How to generate little extra income in order to reduce poverty.


These activities are run in the forms of advice, advocacy, e-discussion, workshop, focus group, survey, direct questions/answers, etc.  More details about them can be obtained from CENFACS.


• • New Year’s Structured Finance Activities as Part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Scheme


FCCBS is a plan or system for achieving the goals of financial capacity and capability.  It helps to work with users so that they can elaborate a systematic plan of future action about their financial capacity and capability for a week or month or year (2024).  Through this exercise, we shall use some financial capacity and capability tools to work with users to design basic financial plans, policies, systems, strategies, etc. to deal with their problems.  Under this scheme, we can organise together the following New Year activities:


Activity 1: Financial Capacity and Capability to make ends meet (e.g., coping and survival strategies)

Activity 2: Financial Capacity and Capability to plan head (plan and save for the future) 

Activity 3: Financial Capacity and Capability to organise money management (e.g., money management plan)

Activity 4: Financial Capacity and Capability to make financial decisions and act through budgeting

Activity 5: Financial Capacity and Capability to control spending through spending plan.


Briefly, we will be working on how people and families having the issues of financial capacity and capability can work out systematic plans for future action to improve their financial capacity and capability, and where possible generate income in order to reduce continuing poverty and hardships.  In particular, we will make sure about what scheme is workable or unworkable for them.

In the end, we hope that the financially incapacitated or incapable people and families can develop their own individual working FCCBP and FCCBS plans or policies to establish financial capacity and capability as well as generate little extra incomes through income generation plan.  In doing so, they can improve their intergenerational economy and transfer accounts.

Need New Year’s advice or support to deal with the problems of financial capacity and capability you are experiencing, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

If you have financial planning problems, you can contact CENFACS so that we can work together on your financial planning needs and help you to start this New Year stronger and confident with a financial plan or a system or a policy.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Dons de Paix, édition 2023-2024

Les Dons de Paix pour l’édition 2023-2024 se termineront le 31 janvier 2024.  Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, vous pouvez toujours faire quelque chose pour soulager la pauvreté et guérir les effets économiques persistants de la pandémie de 2019 et les cicatrices de la crise du coût de la vie.

Bien que la date limite pour la Saison des Dons pour ces cadeaux soit le 31 janvier 2024, nous accepterons toujours tous les dons effectués après cette date limite pour permettre à ceux et celles qui ne seront pas en mesure de faire un don avant cette date butoir d’avoir une chance de faire un don par la suite.

Veuillez ne pas attendre l’expiration du délai car les besoins sont pressants et urgents.

Nous savons que de nombreux/ses partisan(e)s de bonnes causes ont été touché(e)s par la crise du coût de la vie.  Cependant, pour ceux ou celles qui le peuvent, n’hésitez pas à soutenir ces nobles causes de paix puisque les bénéficiaires potentiels de celles-ci sont triplement impactés par:

a) Les effets économiques persistants des crises précédentes (comme le coronavirus)

b) Les conditions déjà extrêmement mauvaises dans lesquelles ils vivent

c) Les cicatrices de la crise persistante du coût de la vie.

Chaque soutien compte pour aider à réduire et à mettre fin à l’extrême pauvreté.

S’il vous plaît, gardez les Dons de Paix à l’esprit pendant que la saison des dons se poursuit.

Pour plus de détails sur ces Dons de Paix et/ou pour les soutenir, rendez-vous sur http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/

Nous comptons sur votre soutien.  Merci!



The New Year’s Main Development


The 12th Issue of Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change (CRPCC)


In Focus: Non-essential Consumption and the Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty


• • Key highlights, Tips and Hints about the 12th Issue of CRPCC


The key highlights, Tips and Hints include the following:


∝ Key Terms

Relationships between Non-essential Consumption and Poverty Reduction

Non-essential Consumption Shopping Basket

The Dilemma between Non-essential Consumption and Circular Economic Model

Non-essential Consumption and the Growing Climate Economy

Non-essential Consumption in the Context of Changing Climate and Life-threatening Impacts of Climate Change

Non-essential Consumption and Crises

Poor Consumers and their Affordability of Non essentials

∝ Non-essential Consumption Good Practices within the Community

Demonstrative Projects of Non-essential Consumption

Budgeting for Non-essential Consumption

∝ Non-essential Consumption Indication on Products for Verification, Identity and Authenticity

∝ Non-essential Security and Guarantee 

∝ Looking for Help and Support on Non-essentials.


Let us consider these key highlights, tips and hints.


• • • Key Terms


There are three terms that facilitate the understanding of the 2024 Edition of CRPCC.  These terms are: consumption-based poverty, non-essential consumption and the 50/30/20 budgeting rule.  Let us briefly explain them.


•  • What is Reduction of Consumption-based Poverty?


The reduction of consumption-based poverty is part of CENFACS’ 2020s Development Agenda and Poverty Reduction Programme (7).  It relates to the second goal of this programme; goal which is Consume sustainably to reduce poverty and climate change.

To explain the reduction of consumption-based poverty, one needs to know consumption-based poverty.

Tara O’ Neil describes it on the website of ‘americanactionforum.org’ (8) in terms of measure by arguing that

“A consumption-based poverty measure assesses what people consume or purchase, regardless of how it was paid for (whether through income, tax credits, or non-cash benefits) to determine whether their needs are being met or not.  In other words, this metric accounts for all types of benefits and aid that might be provided, as well as expenses”.

This measure can be to determine if for example the members of the CENFACS Community are experiencing poverty linked to consumption (including non-essential consumption).  From this information, we can support them to find their way to reduce non-essential consumption-based poverty.


•  • • What is Non-essential Consumption?


To clarify non-essential consumption, we are going to break it into two: non-essential and consumption.  Consumption is understood here from the definition given by Chris Park (9) as

“The process of using resources to satisfy human wants or needs” (p. 96)

From this definition, consumption is being perceived from the micro-economic perspective (from the point of view of individuals, households and firms), not at national or aggregate demand level.  Consumption is here the use of goods and services by individuals or households.  That consumption can be on essential and/or non-essential products (i.e., goods or services).  In other words, it can be about satisfying human needs or wants.

In this 12th Edition of CRPCC, we are interested in that part of consumption relating to non-essentials or wants (that is, the desires for the consumption of goods and services).

Non-essential consumption is related to non-essential expenses.  The latter are defined by ‘readersdigest.co.uk’ (10) as

“The expenses that you don’t necessarily need”.

The same website ‘readersdigest.co.uk’ provides the following examples of non-essential expenses: clothes, shoes, makeups, video games, gym memberships and Netflix.  These expenses are also called discretional expenses.  In other words, individuals or households are able to maintain themselves even if these discretional expenses are stopped.  This was the case during the coronavirus crisis.  Like any expenses, they are part of budgeting rule.


•  • • What is the 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule?


The website ‘thebalancemoney.com’ (11) argues that the 50/30/20 rule of thumb, which originates from the 2005 book written by US Senator Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyafi, is

“A way to allocate your budget according to three categories: needs, wants and financial goals”.

According to this rule, you should put aside 30% of your income (after tax) for your wants.  Wants are what you desire but don’t actually need in order to survive.  They include hobbies, vacations, dining out, digital and streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.

In the context of the 12th Edition of CRPCC, we are interested in these 30% or wants or non-essentials, instead of needs or 50% of your budget or essentials.   We are looking at if there is any relationships between wants and poverty reduction and how we can work with the users of CRPCC to reduce consumption-based poverty, which could be linked with non-essentials or wants.


• Relationships between Non-essential Consumption and Poverty Reduction


There could be relationships between non-essentials and poverty reduction.  For example, if non-essential item is clothes and poverty is expressed by the lack of clothing to cover your body; then reducing clothing poverty can be related to the want of clothes.  Clothing poverty is described by ‘hellograds.com (12) as

“The situation in which people have very little or nothing to wear on a day-to-day basis”.

To further explain these relationships, let us refer to what ‘justfair.org’ (13) argues about clothing.  It argues the following:

“Clothing is a fundamental human right.  By law, the right of clothes is a key aspect of our right to an adequate standard of living – outlined by Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), alongside other basic necessities like food and housing”.

Additionally, there are studies that argue ending extreme poverty requires increasing the consumption levels of all people living below the international poverty line of US$2.15.  Non-essential consumption is also part of this increase.  However, there are other bodies of work which recognise that any increase of consumption (including from the poor) can lead to rise in carbon dioxide emissions.  There is a third type of arguments that explain that the goals of poverty reduction via consumption increase can be compatible with the containment strategy of climate change.  But, this can only happen under defined conditions.


•  Non-essential Consumption Shopping Basket


Using the internet, e-mail, social networks and other communication technologies; it is possible to get enough information about products and services that meet non-essential consumption while reducing poverty at the same time.  It is as well possible to find resources and websites that compare these kinds of products, services and prices.  People can then choose products and services that are good value for non-essential consumption and add them to their online shopping basket.


•  The Dilemma between Non-essential Consumption and Circular Economic Model


Embracing the recipes of the economic model that decouples (bad) exploitation of natural resources and the desire to meet human needs and wants (circular economy), can help improve consumer behaviour via essential consumption.  It is said that all processes create waste.  However, the circular economic model helps to direct consumption towards what is essential to maintain human life; in doing so it benefits humans to fix, reuse, reduce and save resources through their consumption.   

There is dilemma if non-essential consumption is considered as being the opposite of what is essential to maintain human life.  Non-essential is about wants, but not needs.  To resolve this dilemma, it is required to ensure that non-essential goods and services or human wants do not create waste.  If wants can be zero waste, then there is a possibility that they can contribute to the circular economic model.


•  Non-essential Consumption and the Growing Climate Economy


The process of using resources in a frugal way to satisfy human wants and needs can goes hand in hand with an organised system for the production, distribution and use of goods and services that takes into account the changing weather conditions.  In other words, consuming anti-wasteful and essential products and resources can help reduce adverse climate change.

As climate economy (that is, a system which attempts to solve the basic economic problem of climate) continues to grow, it can bring new climate educational opportunities, economic savings and improved well-being for the poor.  These attributes of the Growing Climate Economy (GCE) can help them consume goods and services that are essential and have less or no harmful wasteful materials.

Nonetheless, research can help find goods and services that are non-essential and not causing harms and wastes to the environment.  In this respect, not all non-essentials are wasteful and harmful.  Non-essentials that are not wasteful and not harmful can make their in the GCE.


•  Non-essential Consumption in the Context of Changing Climate and Life-threatening Impacts of Climate Change


Maybe enough has been said about the impacts of changing climate.  If not, then one area of work could be for humans to rethink about the negative waste that their non-essential consumption can create.  If there is such harmful waste for some types of consumption, then there could a need to reduce it and shift to essential consumption for the sake of the environment and the nature on which we all depend.


•   Non-essential Consumption and Crises


In times of crises, people are sometimes advised or decide by themselves to cut down on non-essentials.  For example, in March 2023 ‘theguardian.com’ (14) reported that according to research from KPMG more than half of UK consumers cut back on discretional spending and nearly two-thirds chose to reduce amount they spend on eating out.  Many of them did so because of fear about their financial security which they thought was under threat due to hikes in food and energy prices.  However, before cut non-essential consumption, people need first to assess the impact on both essential and non-essential items and decide which ones they want to keep or cut down.


• • • Poor Consumers and their Affordability of Non-essentials


Non-essential consumption is not always the cheapest one.  Not everybody can afford to buy non-essential goods as many of them may even lack access to affordable non-essential goods and services.  Let us take the example of broadband.  Not all the low-income families or households can afford to hire broadband or to have internet at home.  Yet, broadband or internet at home can be essential for some and non-essential for others.

Giving them advisory support in terms how to increase your income, to make some changes in their expenses budget and find affordable non-essential consumption goods and services should be a priority amongst other ones.  In this respect, a list of where to find affordable non-essential consumption goods and services in this CRPCC resource can be life-saving.


•  Non-essential Consumption Good Practices within the Community


Despite the problem of affordability of non-essential goods for low income poor people and families, there could be nonetheless non-essential consumption good practices within our community.  To back up these practices, the 12th Issue of CRPCC highlights some cases of non-essential consumption good initiatives undertaken by the CENFACS Community that underpins non-essential consumption accounts as part of every day’s human life.

In this respect, those who have cases of essential consumption practices and who may find them worthwhile to share and be added to this issue of CRPCC, they can let CENFACS know.


•  Demonstrative Projects of Non-essential Consumption


In non-essential consumption economy, every shopper demonstrates the ability to follow the rules of non-essentially consuming.  There could be those consumers who do more by taking a proactive action to consume non-essentially.

Likewise, there could be local projects (for example, local non-essential charitable shops, non-essential budget stores and community organisations) that could display demonstrative talents and skills in promoting non-essential consumption goods, services and habits which are zero-waste or net zero.

For those members of our community who have developed this kind of demonstrative projects of non-essential consumption, it could be a good idea to let us know so that we can add them to this CRPCC resource.


•  Barriers to Achieve Essential Consumption Goals


There could be some handicaps for people and families to achieve non-essential consumption goals.  One of the barriers is the lack of income that extremely poor people experience that could push them out of reach of non-essential consumption products.  Despite that in charitable world and economy in which no one is left behind, there could be still access for everybody to non-essential consumption goods and services.

However, people and families do not like non-essential consumption to happen to them in this way since they would like to work and pay for their non-essential consumption.  Because of the barriers they face in finding opportunity to work and earn decent income, their prospect for meeting their non-essential consumption goals becomes remote.  This is without forgetting hikes in price of non-essentials.

As part of tackling these barriers, the current resource provides some leads in terms of print and online resources that users can further  explore in order to respond to some their non-essential consumption problems.


•  Budgeting for Non-essential Consumption


It is a good idea for users to budget for non-essential consumption goods and services as part of the overall of household budgeting process.  This kind of preparation in terms of financial statement for any planned incomes and expenses for a particular period can help to maximise the use of resources and reduce wasteful spending in terms of what is essential and non-essential consumption.  It can as well provide alternative to non-essential consumption to reduce poverty and hardships due to waste.


•   • Non-essential Consumption Indication on Products for Verification, Identity and Authenticity


It is a good idea for any consumer, rich or poor, to check non-essential features on their buys and other specifications and read other people’s testimonies, reviews or comments about it.  In this respect, selling the positive idea of non-essential consumption could be helpful for non-essential consumers.


•  Non-essential Security and Guarantee 


When buying non-essential consumption products and services (whether using online or a physical store), one needs to check, compare and contrast products, terms and conditions of business, buying terms, prices, etc.  There is a need to check as well guarantees and safety policies for non-essential features.

If you are buying online, before you sign up, add to your non-essential consumption shopping basket and purchase an item; you need to read, discuss and check what you are agreeing on.  You may even take more precautions when selecting items, filling up buying forms to enter your personal, financial information and sensitive details.

You should also be aware of scams and illegal and malicious practices.  For own online security, use the e-safety tools and advice.



• • • Looking for Help and Support on Non-essentials


For those users who are looking for help and support, we can work with them so that they can navigate their way out non-essential consumption-based poverty.  We can together explore the following options to deal with discretional or non-essential spending:


√ Improving their spending intent

√ Setting up cost cutting targets on budget items such as takeaways, eating out, clothing, etc.

√ Switching to cheap non-essential retailers to save money

√ Trimming budget

√ Prioritising expenses

√ Setting up a policy not to borrow money for non-essentials

√ Adopting cost-saving behaviour

√ Briefly, developing a strategy or policy to control non-essential spending.


The above-mentioned options or tools will help them to build confidence throughout 2024 and beyond.

For those users who would like to dive into the reduction of non-essential consumption-based poverty, we can provide them with online and print resources relating to the matters.  These resources can highlight the following points: affordable non-essential retailers, where to eat out cheaply, plan before buying non-essentials, non-essential tracker, etc.

There is a lot of online resources and websites they can sign up and receive advice on these following matters.

The above are the key highlights, tips and hints about the 12th Issue of CRPCC we wanted to share with you.

For further details about  Non-essential and Responsible Consumption and get the full 2024 Edition of Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change, please contact CENFACS.





(1) https://www.worldbank.org/en/region/afr/publication/securing-africas-land-for-shared-prosperity# (accessed in January 2024)

(2) https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda (accessed in January 2024)

(3) https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2020/07/indicator_1.4.2_training_module_secure_tenure_rights_to_land.pdf (accessed in January 2024)

(4) https://www.ifad.org/documents/38714170/39148759/Land+tenure+security+and+poverty+reduction.pdf/ (accessed in January 2024)

(5) https://study.com/academy/lesson/private-property-economics-overview-rights-examples.html (accessed in January 2024)

(6)  https://corporatefinancialinstitute.com/resource/career-map/sell-side/risk-management/financial-controls/ (accessed in January 2024)

(7) cenfacs.org.uk/2020/03/11/the-2020s-agenda-and-programme/ (accessed in January 2024)

(8) Hayes, T. O. (2021), Measuring Poverty in United States: Comparing Measurement Methods, American Action Forum at https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/measuring-poverty-in-the-united-states-comparing-measurement-methods/ (accessed in January 2024)

(9) Park, C. (2011), Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York

(10) https://www.readersdigest.co.uk/money/managing-your-money/how-to-differentiate-between-essential-and-non-essential-expenses (accessed in January 2024)

(11) https://www.thebalancemoney.com/the-50-30-20-rule-of-thumb-453922 (accessed in January 2024)

(12) https://hellograds.com/news/clothing-poverty-awareness/ (accessed in January 2024)

(13) https://justfair.org.uk/home/blog/guest-blog/this-is-a-human-rights-issue-the-hidden-truth-about-clothing-poverty/ (accessed in January 2024)

(14) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/apr/03/half-of-all-uk-consumers-have-cut-non-essential-spending (accessed in January 2024)




 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2024 and beyond.

With many thanks.


2023 Year-in-review Impact Report

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

27 December 2023


Post No. 332



The Week’s Contents of the Last Post of 2023


This year-end post, which is the 52nd one, is about covering the events of the year 2023 from the perspective of recapping the year for CENFACS’ audiences, followers, beneficiaries and supporters; as well as from the point of view of CENFACS’ contribution to poverty reduction and sustainable development.  It highlights the outstanding points of our year-in-review campaign and uses retrospective data.  The main contents of this post are as follows.


• 2023 Year-in-review Impact Report

• Year-end Triple Action Givings: Peace, Hope and Difference

• Year-end Advice-giving Service


… And much more!



Festive Season’s Key Messages


• 2023 Year-in-review Impact Report


The above mentioned report is an evaluation of what happened in this ending year (2023).  It is not an annual report or an annual return.  It is CENFACS‘ performance highlights and lowlights as well as insights, challenges, successes and learnings throughout 2023.

The report, which is a brief summary of 2023, will help to learn what went well and what did not go well within and around CENFACS, as well as how we can engage our charitable objects in 2024 and beyond.

The report helps to communicate connections with all of you who worked with us and/or helped us in our beautiful cause of poverty reduction.  It is an impact report as it explains the effect or impression made by work we undertook with users and beneficiaries with the help of our supporters; effect or impression on those who needed support and help on their way towards relief or poverty reduction.

Under the Main Development section of this post you will find key highlights of this 2023 Year-in-review Impact Report.



• Year-end Triple Action Givings: Peace, Hope and Difference


• • What is the Season’s Relief Triple Action Giving?


It is about fighting poverty and hardships in a number of fronts over the Festive Season, particularly by helping…


(a) to bring peace,

(b) to create hope

(c) and to make a difference.


Let us briefly explain each of the three givings (that is, peacehope and difference).


• • • Peace via the Gifts of Peace


Our celebratory theme for the Season’s Reliefs is Peace and continues to be alive to the end of this season.  The Gifts of Peace, which are one of CENFACS‘ festive favourites, are the set piece of the Season’s Reliefs that provides the absence of conflicts within ourselves as well as between us and others.

In terms of projects and programmes in Africa, the Gifts of Peace try to support poor people and communities so that they can navigate their ways towards freedoms from wars, armed conflicts, disease disturbance and disorder from natural events.

For those who are looking for fundraising appeals or projects to fund as festive gifts over this festive time, Gifts of Peace as an appeal is a valuable proposal they could consider.  They can try any of the 12 Gift Ideas to reduce poverty and sustain development in the Gifts of Peace making our year-end campaign.  They can unwrap their Gift of Peace for those in need this festive Season.

To enquire about and or fund the Gifts of Peace, please contact CENFACS.


• • • Hope through the Gift of Light


Our theme for the Season of Light is Hope and is still featuring what we have planned to achieve over this season.   The Gift of Light helps to bring hope to those who are in the darkness and need some lights to see life through other ways.

Regarding the projects and programmes in our sphere of operation in Africa, we try to work – through the Gift of Light – with hopeless, desperate and destitute people and communities so that they can rebuild confidence and faith in themselves and continue to believe that they can find light and move away from darkness in the future.


• • • Difference by means of Charity e-Store – Zero Waste Store


Shopping and donating goods at our Charity e-Store is the third giving.

We are asking goods donors and buyers to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS SEASON by undertaking these following options:


∝ Safe collection of goods for recycling: We can arrange for goods to be safely collected at an agreed location, day and time under our Recycle and Give policy

 Goods buyers can Click and Collect.


Every time you shop at CENFACS’ Zero-Waste e-Store, you make a helpful difference to people in need over this festive time.  Amongst these people are those who are trying to fight poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis.

The above are the Season’s Relief Triple Action Giving.  Each of these action givings will help to reduce poverty over the festive period and beyond.

We can only help reduce and possibly end multi-dimensional poverty as well as poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis if you help us to do so.   And this time of the year is a unique opportunity for you once a year to change lives through your invaluable action giving, however small it may be.

Please, don’t miss this marvellous opportunity of the year and the end of the year.  There is a high demand for poverty reduction.

To donate goods and/or shop, please go to: http://cenfacs.org.uk/shop/

The above-mentioned Year-end Triple Action Giving or Year-end Fundraising Campaign continues until the last day, hour, minute and second of 2023.

For those who would like to donate to our End-of-year Asks and any other festive projects or campaigns or even causes before 2023 ends, please do not hesitate to donate.   You can still make a helpful difference before the last second of 31/12/2023.

To donate, just contact CENFACS with your donation by any of these means of communications: textphonee-mail and contact form on this website.



• Year-end Advice-giving Service


The Festive Season’s Arrangements below explain that we are in holiday break until the 5th of January 2024.   However, some of our projects and campaigns are either self-running or designed to run throughout the holiday season like the festive holiday.  One of these holiday projects is the Advice-giving one.

Indeed, during the festive period not everybody or member of our community can afford to celebrate on the New Year’s Eve.  There are people who still need accommodation, food, income, guidance, support, help against loneliness, etc.  They may also need life-saving support of various kinds to cope and survive while other people, the lucky ones, are busy preparing themselves for the New Year’s Eve festivities.

Because of this on-going need and demand within the community, we have maintained a minimum level of advice-giving service to e-work with those who desperately need advice to reduce poverty or any type of hardships they are facing and do not have anywhere else to ask for help and advice, especially at this challenging time of the lingering effects of the cost-of-living crisis.

If you are one of our members and facing serious hardship during the festive period, you can e-contact CENFACS for advice, guidance, information and support.

If you are not one of our members and would like to discuss this year-in-review advice project, please still e-contact CENFACS.



Festive Season’s Extra Messages


• Festive Season’s Arrangements: from 23 December 2023 to 5 January 2024

• Help for Your Year-in-review Accounts

• E-discussion on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet,  and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme 



• Festive Season’s Arrangements: from 23 December 2023 to 5 January 2024


The following are the arrangements we have made for the above stated period.


• • Queries and Enquiries


During the festive holidays, we will only handle online queries and enquiries until the 5th of January 2024.  However, our All-in-Development Winter e-discussion on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet is still on until the 5th of January 2023 as planned.


• • Opening Hours and Days: 24/7


We are open online 24 hours and 7 days of week.


• • Visits


You can only visit us online.


• • Festive Donations


Our festive campaigns highlight not only the projects and activities that are related to CENFACS’ demand, but also and mostly to the needs and asks of those living in poverty around this time of the year and of the continuing disruption of the lingering effects of the cost-of-living crisis.

Those who want to donate to our fundraising campaigns and projects (such as Gifts of Peace and Influence Gift) are welcome to do so.

Their festive support or donations will help bring a Blaze of Hope and Peace to those in need, particularly at this challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis.

As well as donating, there are other ways one can support.  These other ways range from spreading the message about CENFACS’ work and campaigns to visiting our online store for shopping.

All the above initiatives can create magical reliefs during this Festive Season and disturbing moment of the lingering effects of the cost-of-living crisis.


• • Season of Light


Although our Season of Light has just kicked off, some of our services and activities (such as advocacy, in-person fundraising events, etc.) as well as development campaigns are scaled down until the 5th of January 2023.


• • What’s on from 23 December 2023 to 5 January 2024!


Since 23 December 2023 we have broke for the festive holidays.  However, there are projects that are essential including in festive times.  One of them is advice-giving one, which will still be run online.

This is because evidence shows that in any difficult moments of human history or crisis, the poorest always suffer.  They also suffer during the happiest times of the festive celebrations.  They do not have festive celebration as such, just as they could be the ones bearing the brunt of the most negative socio-economic effects of the festive celebrations.  Many of them need support which includes advice at any time.


• • Delays Regarding Call and E-mail Responses


People should expect delay from us in responding to their calls and e-mails.  We heavily rely on volunteers for most of our services, who are sharing the Winter e-discussion with us during this Festive Time.  Some of them are already on holiday.


• • Emergency and Exceptions


In case of emergency or exceptional circumstances, please do not hesitate to textphonee-mail and complete the contact form on CENFACS’ website.  We will respond to your message as soon as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience or upset this may cause.

We thank you all for your invaluable and sustained support during 2023 and look forward to your continued and further support in the New Year.

We wish you a Very Healthy, Safe and Peaceful Festive Season!



• Help for Your Year-in-review Accounts

How to successfully close your end-of-year personal or family accounts and get prepared for the New Year accounts before the end of financial year


We do not only carry out our own accounts review.  We also work with users to review their accounts at the end of each year.

It is theoretically known that the financial year closes in April and the State budget starts in April of each year.   For example, the current tax year ends on 5 April 2024 in the UK.

It is a good practice to use the opportunity of the end of the civil year to start to work out the balances of one’s personal or family accounts.

To help those who are struggling to close their year-end accounts of 2023, we will be looking at, from the start of January 2024 when we return, how to successfully close your personal or family financial accounts and prepare your new accounts in the New Year.

It is always a good practice to start early before the deadlines of the financial year!

It is wise to work out your year-end accounts early so that you could enter the New Year with a good understanding of your financial position while keeping financial control on accounts.  In doing so, one can know areas of financial improvement to sort out their financial situation in the New Year.

This year-end financial control project or exercise includes income boost and other elements making our campaign to reduce and end income poverty.  This is without forgetting the elements of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme, Financial Stability Programme/Scheme and Zero Income Deficit Campaign we conducted.

For those who may be interested in this year-end financial control project, they can contact CENFACS in the New Year.



• E-discussion on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet, and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme 


• • E-discussion on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet


Our Winter e-discussion about Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet has so far dealt with  volunteering for not to choose between the fight against poverty and the fight for the planet, volunteering to keep the ownership of transition strategies, volunteering to find resources to support vulnerable people, and volunteering to scale up private capital flows or funds to Africa.

We have paused this e-discussion to give ourselves time to reflect on the planned areas e-discussed so far and to have a festive break as many activities are scaled down or close because of festive holidays.  After the reflection period and festive break, we shall resume our e-discussion on 04 and 05 January 2024, dates on which we will focus on Impact Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Action Plan 2024.

While our pause is going on, we are asking for support to CENFACS’ All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS).



• • Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme 


For those who would like to support CENFACS’ All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS).  There are many simple helpful and useful ways of adding great value to our voluntary work.  Among them, are the 12-themed enhancers or ways of adding great value to CENFACS’ AiDVS, as highlighted in our post of 13 December 2023 (1).

These 12-themed enhancers or ways of adding great value to CENFACS’ AiDVS are:


1)  Gift ideas for the best ways of monitoring, evaluating and reviewing projects and programmes in the New Year

2) Money-saving and scrimping tips from scrimpers for AiDVS

3) Festive deals and packages (e.g., seasonal discounts, discount codes, etc.) for AiDVS

4) Festive free coupons, promo codes and vouchers for AiDVS

5) Net-zero or low carbon economic products to protect the environment and nature

6) Digital and media support to better volunteer for a climate neutral and sustainable world

7) Health and safety gifts for healthy and safe volunteering in the New Year

8) Wintry and festive giveaways (e.g., free products, gift cards, free tickets, etc.) to volunteer for net zero greenhouse gas emissions and fossil-free worlds

9) Generative Artificial Intelligence volunteering tools to improve the efficiency of volunteering

10) Festive price bundling for flexible volunteering

11) Distance working and gift technologies (e.g., cloud technology, volunteer management software, apps, virtual volunteering tools, etc.)

12) Net-zero energy saving products to volunteer for poor people and the planet.


To support AiDVS with your wintry or festive gift, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

To e-discuss Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet, please communicate with CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


Rapport rétrospectif et d’impact de l’année 2023

Le rapport mentionné ci-dessus est une évaluation de ce qui s’est passé au cours de cette année qui se termine (2023).  Il ne s’agit pas d’un rapport annuel ou d’un bilan social.  Il s’agit des faits saillants et des points faibles de la performance du CENFACS, ainsi que des idées, des défis, des réussites et des apprentissages au cours de  l’année 2023.

Le rapport, qui est un bref résumé de l’année 2023, aidera à savoir ce qui s’est bien passé et ce qui ne s’est pas bien passé au sein et autour du CENFACS, ainsi que la façon dont nous avons engagé nos objectifs de bienfaisance en 2023.

Le rapport aide à communiquer des liens avec tous/toutes ceux/celles d’entre vous qui ont travaillé avec nous et/ou qui nous ont aidés dans notre belle cause de réduction de la pauvreté.  Il s’agit d’un rapport d’impact car il explique l’effet ou l’impression que nous avons produit par le travail que nous avons entrepris auprès des usagers et des bénéficiaires avec l’aide de nos soutiens; l’effet ou l’impression sur ceux/celles qui avaient besoin de soutien et d’aide sur leur chemin vers l’aide ou la réduction de la pauvreté.

Pour plus de détails sur le rapport rétrospectif  et d’impact de l’année 2023 du CENFACS, veuillez contacter CENFACS.



Festive Season’s Main Development


2023 Year-in-review Impact Report

How the year 2023 has gone within and around CENFACS


The following contents make this report:


a) A brief Summary of the Year

b) The Theme of 2023 Year-in-review Campaign

c) How Did the Year 2023 Go through from within and around CENFACS?

d) 2023 Key Produce or Achievements

e) Looking Forward to 2024 (or Commitments for the Year 2024)

f) 2023 Gratitude.


Let’s look at each of these contents.


• • The Year’s Brief Summary


Our 2023 poverty reduction story kicked off with the search for the best possible way of positively starting the year with and by those we serve.  Our Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisations and their beneficiaries suggested to start with an issue which often is less spoken or dealt with.  The issue that came into their mind was the insurance for the poor.

From this issue, our Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisations (ASCOs) demanded to work together with them and their beneficiaries to promote the culture of insurance amongst the different ages and generations of these beneficiaries.  In particular, their request was to address the old age poverty which is partly due to the lack of a developed culture of insurance amongst these beneficiaries.

As children in East Africa were experiencing a series of interlinked crises or polycrises (e.g., drought, insecurity and hunger), there was a need to support these children to reduce even to end the impacts of these crises on their lives.  To make a positive influence on what was happening to these children, 2023 was dedicated as a Year of Influence.

As a result of this dedication, together with these children and their representative organisations we launched an influencing appeal entitled as the Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right Now.  We also rolled out influencing appeals for Africa’s Food Crisis Impacted, the Displaced and Hungry Lives in the Eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Earthquake-stricken People of Marrakesh-Safi and the Floods-hit of Libya.

Since the money owed by the poor was not showing any sign of calming in the business cycle of the cost-of-living crisis, we advocated with indebted users for debt reduction, for action to create change for the highly indebted poor users making our community.  In our debt reduction advocacy, we faced a dilemma.

The dilemma was how we could help rebuild Africa by working together with our ASCOs while Africa was trying to recover itself from the polycrises and build forward better under the context of insufficient economic growth conditions to reduce extreme poverty.  This dilemma did not stop us from undertaking our rebuilding work.

In the process of rebuilding, our ASCOs and ourselves agreed that no one should be left behind.  In particular, ASCOs realised that many of their old age beneficiaries heavily relied on their families and community networks as economic security to survive.  To enable them to tackle old age poverty, ASCOs worked to ensure sustainable security in the old age.

Addressing old age poverty meant financially including the financially excluded by removing the demand-side constraints on them.  This was possible through experimental approach to financial poverty and the use of deliberative practice or methodology.

It also signified building financial capacity and capability across all generations.  In this respect, we hope that the tips and hints about financial education, information, communication and technology given would help to improve financial inclusion for all and help in the New Year.



• • Theme of CENFACS’ 2023 Year-in-Review Campaign


The theme for this review is building forward better together greener, cleaner and safer within the context of falling real household disposable incomes from the damaging impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.


• • How did the Year 2023 Go through from within and around CENFACS?


To underline the way in which the year 2023 went from within and around CENFACS, we are going to highlight the key takeaways of 2023 and the contributions we made.



• • • Key takeaways of the year


The points or facts to remember about 2023 from within and around CENFACS are as follows.


∝) 2023 as a year of positive influence to reduce poverty


2023 has proven to be a year of positive influence.  We worked with users through a series or set of interconnected influencing tasks or activities (in total, we had 12 Influence Project episodes) with the aim of reducing poverty.  These tasks or activities were undertaken each month of 2023 within the requirements and limitations of CENFACS‘ existing and acquirable resources, capacities and assets.

We also worked to find things or factors that could be influenced so that they could positively contribute to the same goal of relieving need hardship and distress amongst our community members throughout 2023.

Additionally, some of these tasks or activities (like lobbying, negotiation, advocacy, etc.) enabled to achieve attitudinal change, procedural change, behaviour change, and policy content change.

The above is evidence of what influence can accomplish to people in need.


∝) 2023 as a year of following the direction of poverty reduction via marine and coastal ecosystem services


This follow-up enabled our users to understand how marine and coastal ecosystem services can help reduce poverty, particularly through provisioning and regulating services they provide.


∝) 2023 as a year of the reduction of grey spaces-induced poverty


2023 has been a year of engaging space to deal with poverty induced or linked to grey space.  It has been a year of addressing spatialisation of poverty.  We explored with grey space poor ways of reducing or ending this type of poverty.  Also, we made efforts with them reduce health hazards from grey spaces.


∝) 2023 as a year of learning and developing self-efficacy skills to refresh ways of tackling crises


Because the nature of crises and risks is changing, there was a need to refresh ways of tackling crises through three Self-efficacy skills – resilience, flexibility and agility.  These skills started to help beneficiaries to bounce back from the lingering effects of the coronavirus and the enduring cost-of-living crisis and to grab any job opportunities that were available.


∝) 2023 as a year of advocacy for the world’s smallest creatures via Niamankeke project


Through the ‘Niamankeke‘ project and ‘A la une‘ (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature) campaign, we tirelessly worked with the community and others outside our community to raise awareness of the upkeep of endangered insect species like Erikssonia Acraeina (Eriksson’s Copper), Adetomyrma Venatrix (Dracula Ant), Dawn Jewel (Chlorocypha Aurora), African Dung Beetle and Brenton Blue Butterfly.


∝) 2023 as a year of data and insight skills to manage your households


Using free frontline tools of poverty reduction from CENFACS‘ poverty reduction box, we conducted basic data analytics and empowered user households with data and insight skills.  Through Data and Insights Advocacy and Skills project, we came together with these households to build data collection, organisation, storing, and sharing skills.  We were as well able to develop descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive insight skills.


∝) 2023 as a year of stories of building forward from the cost-of-living crisis


Amongst the stories received, we had 2 great stories of reduction of endemic structural disadvantages and inequalities, 4 remarkable stories of positively transforming human relationships with nature, 3 life-saving stories of dismantling structures of discrimination disadvantaging the poor , and 2 moving stories of building on the moral and legal framework of human rights that places human dignity at the centre of policy and action.


∝) 2023 as a year of creations and innovations to win the battle against crises


Through out this ending year, we worked with users to come out with new and innovative ideas to overcome the fight against crises (such as the cost-of-living crisis, falling incomes, natural disasters and humanitarian catastrophes).


∝) 2023 as a year of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


2023 will be finally remembered as a year of working with Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisations and Not-for-profit Investors to help them match project planning for the first and investment life cycle for the second.  In doing so, the former could find the investment they were looking for and the latter the organisation to invest in, and both of them could start the New Year wit certainty.



• • 2023 Key Produce or Achievements


2023 has been a notable year of poverty reduction produce or accomplishments.  It will be known as a year of influencing appeal.  It is the year during which we tried to appeal for influence donation.  Amongst these influencing appeals are the following ones which received influence donation:

The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa, Africa’s Food Crisis Impacted, the Earthquake-stricken People of Marrakesh-Safi and the Floods-hit of Morocco, the Displaced and Hungry Lives of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Eastern Provinces.

We are thankful to those who donated their influence.

2023 has also been a memorable matching year as we set up a new impact programme – Matching Organisation-Organisation Programme – of working with ASCOs that are looking for not-for-profit investors to invest in them and not-for-profit who would like to invest in such organisations.

The above are just the few selected accomplishments or produce we wanted to share with audiences and supporters in this year-in-review campaign.  However, for those who would like get more insights into them and other achievements of the year 2023, they can let us know.


• • Looking Forward to 2024 (or Commitments for the Year 2024)


In 2024, we will be developing projects and programmes of just, orderly and equitable energy transition as well as fossil-free projects and programmes.   These projects and programmes with nature-positive and fossil-free contents will be carried out while we are  continuing to work on global nature goals and nature-based solutions to poverty; that is nature-based projects to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

Besides that, we shall carry on with the financial empowerment programme to impact even more people in 2024 to reduce financial poverty and mitigate the lingering effects of previous, current and incoming crises, with some of the initiatives (like Financial Capacity and Capability Campaign, Financial Controls in 2024). 

We shall as well continue to light a Blaze of Hope for every place and everyone who will need it in our identified area of operation.


• • 2023 Gratitude


To end this year-in-review impact report, we would like to continue to thank our poverty reduction producers, enablers and supporters as we did in last week’s post (2).

2023 was a noteworthy year for CENFACS for those who inspired us in responding to local and African needs at the challenging time of the lingering effects of the cost-of-living crisis.  We could not do it without their support.

We thank them for making possible 2023 as another deserving year of poverty reduction and of sustainable development, as well as for what we accomplished together.  We hope to achieve more in 2024 and beyond.

For further information or a full story of 2023 and to discuss any issues regarding this 2023 Year-in-Review Impact Report, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.






(1) cenfacs.org.uk/2023/12/13/matching-organisation-investor-programme-activity-4/(accessed in December 2023)

(2) cenfacs.org.uk/2023/12/20/season-of-light-2023-2024 (accessed in December 2023)



 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Season of Light 2023-2024

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

20 December 2023


Post No. 331



The Week’s Contents


• Season of Light 2023-2024

• Festive Giving, Gifting and Lifting

• Community Value Chains, the CENFACS Community


… And much more!



• Year-end 2023 Thank You Message


As the year 2023 wraps up, CENFACS would like to take a moment and expresses its gratitude to all its supporters and every one of you for your dedication and commitment to our noble cause of poverty reduction.

Thank you to all of you who produced poverty reduction with us and who made poverty reduction possible for those who needed it and for us in 2023.




Key Messages


• Season of Light 2023-2024


On 22 December 2023, we shall move from Autumn Fresh Start to the Season of Light.  As a result, Autumn Fresh Start projects and programmes including campaign will end to signal the start of the Season of Light within CENFACS. 


• • End of the Autumn Fresh Start Season and Campaign


The Autumn Season will officially end on 22 December 2023.  The momentum we have built from the beginning and throughout Autumn Fresh Start Season continues to galvanise our poverty relief action and is taking our relief journey into the Season of Light, which starts the 21st of December 2023.


• • Start of the Season of Light within CENFACS


The Season of Light, which usually starts the 21st of December of each year and ends around 21 March in the New Year, runs through the Festive Season, which is between 01 December of the ending year (here 2023) and 31 January in the New Year (2024).  The Gifts of Peace, which keep on giving, normally feature the Festive Season.

During the Season of Light, we light up a Blaze of Hope for people and communities suffering from the effects and impacts of destructive wars and natural disasters in Africa.

In the coming weeks and months of the Season of Light, our Blaze of Hope will be extended to those who are continuing to suffer from the lingering effects of other crises (such as the cost-of-living, hunger and security crises).

The Season of Light will come with the Lights Appeal or Campaign, which is a set of poverty reduction projects that features the Season of Light.  


• • Two Themes, Two Seasons and Two Gifts


The theme for the Season of Light is Hope which we try to bring through a Blaze, while the theme for the Festive Season’s Reliefs is Peace.  During the Festive Season, we try to reduce poverty as a lack of peace via the Gifts of Peace; whereas in the context of the Season of Light we work through Lights Appeals/Gifts to relieve poverty as a lack of hope.  Those who feel themselves hopeless need some hope.  They need some belief to attain the wish or desire of poverty reduction, to persist, to build trust in resources and to share hopes.

Under the Main Development section of this post, there is more information about the Season of Light 2023/2024.



• Festive Giving, Gifting and Lifting


As part of the season of giving and gifting as well as of lifting poor and vulnerable people out of poverty, we are asking supporters to go extra miles in replying to these two fundraising appeals which are: Festive Gift Set and End-of-year Support.



• • Festive Gift Set


The remaining eleven days of this year starting from today are those of the last legacy of the Year 2023 as the ‘Influence’ Year at CENFACS.

To mark the end of our ‘Influence’ Year and Campaign, we are appealing to you to support CENFACS’ year 2023 through a ‘Influence’ (‘i’) Gift or Year 2023 Gift.

Such a gift will help to undertake four changes as follows:


a) Change in attitude which will allow to draw attention, affect awareness, attitudes and perceptions of the poor (a gift of attitudinal change)

b) Change in procedure in way poor people decide their matters (a gift of procedural change)

c) Change of behaviour in poor people (a gift of behavioural change)

d) Change of policy content through the influencing activities such as lobbying, negotiation, advocacy; content that affects the poor (a gift of policy content change).



With the ‘Influence’ Gift plus the Gift of Light plus the Gift of Peace; the three of them give you a Gift Set of £5 or more.  What do these gifts express?




• • • Expressions from the three gifts (of Influence, Light and Peace)


• • • • The Influence Gift represents the 12 Influence Project Episodes of the Year of Positive Influence to Reduce Poverty within CENFACS.  It is a gift of positive influence that would better help and work with poor people so that they can navigate their way to poverty reduction.


• • • • The Gift of Light symbolises hope for the victims of multiple crises (i.e., the cost-of-living crisis, wars and natural disasters).  It is also a donation programme that uses practical and meaningful means to meet the unique needs of transitioning from darkness to brightness, to guide or show way of reducing poverty.


• • • • The Gifts of Peace create long lasting relationships in a world without conflicts between humans as well as between humans and the nature (other living beings and things).  At this time of the lingering effects of polycrises, the Gifts of Peace will enable to re-conquer the lost peace and get new form of peace from poverty induced by these effects.  This is without forgetting the lack of peace brought by climate change events.


All these initiatives represent some great ways of helping to reduce poverty at this special time of the year.  They give more opportunities to supporters to do something different for those in need.

By donating £5 or more for this Gift Set, you will help people in need to leave poverty and hardships behind them and may be for ever.

To donate and or enquire about this Gift Set, just contact CENFACS with or without your donation.



• • End-of-year Support and Appeal


As 2023 is coming to an end, we would like to ask you to donate as a legacy towards CENFACS’ efforts to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

You can donate to support CENFACS’ anti-poverty mission and to help reduce poverty and hardships this festive season and in the New Year.

Your support can make helpful differences to CENFACS and to those in need, the people and communities that CENFACS serves.


• • • Two ways of responding to this appeal


1) Make a One-off Festive Donation of £5 or more this festive time…

as a way of helping poor people via CENFACS and / or support CENFACS’ work on poverty relief and sustainable development.

You can also support one of the CENFACS projects and programmes if you wish.


2) Make a Monthly Donation of £5 or £10 or £15 or more per month…

as a legacy for CENFACS’ work.

Please make a year-end contribution today to help us continue to deliver the work of CENFACS in 2023 and beyond.

This Year-end Support is an inclusive relief sending a never-ending message from the giver that they are part of what we have achieved in 2023 and will do in the coming years.

To make a donation and or enquire about this End-of-year Ask or Support, just contact CENFACS with or without your donation.



• Community Value Chains, the CENFACS Community


CENFACS as a Community of Influential People, which is the Closing Act of the 2023 Year, is being prepared and trended.


• • What is CENFACS’ Community Value Chains (CVC)?


1) It is a community value control, inspirational and motivational project of year-end celebration introduced by CENFACS in 2009.  The project is based on a basic idea of development which is as follows:

“What a member of our community best does which well works for them can have an underlying good value.  If there is a good value, it is desirable to share such value so that other members of our community could be aware of it and build a sort of chains of beliefs and community spirit/principles within our support network”.

2) It is all about improving lives and outcomes of community members as well as enlivening capacities by sharing good practices, values, achievements and hopes about shared goals for the future; while learning from past mistakes.

In doing so, we can pull together as one community, strengthen our links and bonds, learn our differences and harness transformative changes we all want amongst us and beyond our self-interests.

3) It is finally about sharing and celebrating our impact as a community.


To sum up, CENFACS CVC or the CENFACS Community is our voluntary local and non-profit making arm inside which all our projects and activities carried out in the UK are grouped and delivered; the other two domains being CENFACS International and CENFACS Fund for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development.


• • What Are Those Shared Values?


Good practices and good values do not need to be big or exceptional or even spectacular.  They are the simple good little things we do every day, which may have worked for us and could work for others as well.  These good little things could have a bigger impact on us as a community.

They could be life and work learning experiences, lifestyles, helpful differences, social responsibilities and principles that underpin them.  At this time of the cost-of-living crisis, they could be all the little initiatives one has taken to care each other in order to have access to economic means of copying and survival.


• • Sharing and Celebrating Our Impact via CVC 2023


CENFACS as a Community of Influential People (or the Closing Act of the Influential Year) will feature our year-end campaign.

This celebratory theme for CVC’s 14th Celebration of CENFACS as a Community is and will be the Closing Act of the Influence Year and Project.  However, this celebration will be a low key one since many of supporters and users have been affected by the cost-of-living crisis.  Instead, we shall call it end-of-year sharing, sharing of our hopes about shared goals for a better future.


• • The 14th Celebration of CENFACS Community as Way of Looking both Back and Forward


• • • Looking back on 2023


It will be about


~ the use of a positive influence to mobilise support and resources towards the meeting of the community needs.

~ the work carried out with the members of our community and Africa-based Sister Organisations via influencing skills, styles and models to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development

~ how we approached crises and challenging situations to get the best outcomes for poverty reduction via influencing skills, styles and models

~ how we used the fundamental principles of influencing others, especially those in the position of power, to better change things so that poverty reduction could be achieved for those who needed it.


• • • Looking forward to 2024


It revolves around


~ making use of the findings from what we did not know and we now know about the needs and aspirations of the people in need making our community to build a better community

~ planning appropriate responses or new ways of working together with project beneficiaries in 2024 to meet unmet needs and demands (For instance, planning projects of just, orderly and equitable energy transition as well as fossil-free projects).

In this respect, looking forward will be about thinking of the direction and shape that the evolution of the community needs may take in 2024 and how we can effectively and efficiently work with our members in 2024 in terms of improved course of action in the New Year.


Briefly, the 14th Celebration of CENFACS Community will be a hybrid sharing of our positive influence and knowledge on how the 2023 went on in everybody’s life in terms of the positive takeaways from it in order to build forward in 2024.  In this hybrid sharing, the positive experience from the cost-of-living crisis will be welcome.

We want our community ends 2023 on a positive note or sharing despite the ups and downs of this year, especially with the disturbance that the high cost of living has caused and is continuing to cause on many of us.  We would like as well our community to start 2024 with hope and positive belief.


• • Share, Spread & Tweet the Message


To enable us to build value chains with you and others and to keep our support network alive and networked CENFACS, please spread the message to/pass it on around you.

If you feel that you need first to talk to us before responding to this invitation of end-of-year celebration/sharing, please let us know.

If you prefer to respond via e-mail, you are free to do so at facs@cenfacs.org.uk.

Whichever way or means you choose to enter this year-end sharing project, please reply by the 23rd of December 2023 so as to ease the end-of-year 2023 celebration/sharing and the start-of-year 2024 preparatory activities, projects and programmes.

For further details about this Closing Act of the Influence Year and Project as a i Year, please contact CENFACS.

For the timeline of the themes that made the Community Value Chains so far, please also contact CENFACS. 

As part of the closure of 2023 and preparation for 2024, we are as well doing an inventory of skills and are registering the talents and skills of the CENFACS Community.

If you have not yet registered your skills to CENFACS’ Skills Data Bank, this is the opportunity to do it over this festive period.  Your skills registration will be essential to ensure that all the skills and skilled people making our community are included in any future plans to improve our community support.

To register or add your skills to the CENFACS Community’s Skills Register or Database, just contact CENFACS.



Extra Messages


• Income Generation Leads/Advice: Income Generators, Creators and Curators of the Month

• All Year Round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives): 2023 Verdict

• Festive Structured Finance Activities or Micro-projects as Part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme, and Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme




• Income Generation Leads/Advice: Income Generators, Creators and Curators of the Month


Our advisory service on leads to income generation is still on.  Through this festive advice service, we are looking at and reviewing income generation plans or strategies for who need a review.  We are also trying to explore the different leads or avenues that those in need can use, depending on their personal circumstances; to find the appropriate means to generate little extra income.

In this income generation to reduce poverty, we are as well trying to enlist those who could be named as Income Generation Models or Income Generators, Creators  and Curators of the Season.  We are looking at their models or ways of generating little extra income.  We are assessing whether or not their models of generating income are generalizable or duplicatable or just are exceptions to the general rule and to the CENFACS Community.

If anyone has managed to generate little extra income and finds that their way of doing it has an underlying good value that can be shared with the CENFACS CVC members, please do not hesitate to talk to CENFACS.



• All Year Round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives): 2023 Verdict


The week is finally an occasion to remind the need to report on All-year Round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives) which are:  Play, Run and Vote projects for poverty relief and sustainable development.

As we are nearing the end of year 2023, it is now the time to report on our three All-year Round Projects – which are PlayRun and Vote.

We know that this year has been economically challenging for some of you to run some types of activities.  However, for those who have managed to undertake and complete the above named projects, we would like them to share with us and others their experiences, stories and reports regarding these projects.


• • The Action-Results of 2023: Tell it!


You can feedback the outcomes or Action-Results of your…


… Run if you ran for poverty relief over the year 2023 (or organised a Run activity)

… Play if you played the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief

… Vote if you have already voted your 2023 African Poverty Relief and Development Manager.


We would be more than happier to hear your Action and Results to feature and conclude CENFACS 2023 Year as Year of Influence.  Tell it!


• • What or Who We Want to Hear


We would like to hear from you about the Winner of CENFACS Virtual Trophy of the Year, that is one of the following Three Stars or Bests of the Year:


√ The Best African Country of 2023 which best reduced poverty

√ The Best African Global Games Runner of 2023

√ The Best African Poverty Relief and International Development Manager of 2023.


If you have not yet told us, have your say by 23 December 2023.  The Verdict is yours.



• Festive Structured Finance Activities or Micro-projects as Part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme, and Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


During this month, we have been run the above-mentioned programmes.

Regarding Festive Structured Finance Activities or Micro-projects as part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme, they are closed and will be re-run in the New Year.

Concerning Matching Organisation-Investment Programme, we are now conducting Impact Monitoring and Evaluation (IME) after the last episode.  This IME is on matching maths and statistics for both Africa-based Sister Organisation and Not-for-profit Investor.  Those who may be interested in this IME, they can let CENFACS know.

For those potential not-for-profit investors who still need some guidance for impact to find investee organisation and Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation looking for an investor, they can contact CENFACS to book an appointment for a match/fit test in the New Year.

Equally, for those households who still need support regarding their financial capacity and capability building problems, they can also communicate CENFACS with their queries or enquiries to book an appointment in/for the New Year.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Remerciement de fin d’année 2023

Alors que l’année 2023 touche à sa fin, le CENFACS souhaite prendre un moment pour exprimer sa gratitude à tous/toutes ses sympathisant(e)s et à chacun(e) d’entre vous pour votre dévouement et votre engagement envers notre noble cause de réduction de la pauvreté.

Merci à tous (toutes) ceux (celles) d’entre vous qui ont produit la réduction de la pauvreté avec nous et qui ont rendu la réduction de la pauvreté possible pour ceux ou celles qui en avaient besoin et pour nous en 2023.


Main Development


Season of Light 2023-2024


The Lights Season at CENFACS kicks off with the theme of Hope as said above.  We are going to deliver this Hope with projects and programmes adapted to the context of crises like the cost-of-living crisis.  We are going to add to them projects of just, orderly and equitable energy transitions as well as fossil-free projectsHope will also be provided by other initiatives with Nature-positive Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty.

Indeed, many observers and planners believe that the context of the cost-of-living crisis will be over when price trajectories stabilise and wages have risen enough money to match.

For instance, according to the Resolution Foundation’s annual Living Standards Outlook for 2023 (1),

“The cost-of-living crisis should ease in 2024.  But it won’t fully be over until wages catch up for all households”.

To cultivate and nurture hope in this type of context, one needs to develop positive feelings, experiences and emotions.

The following items make the contents of our Season of Light 2023-2024:


∝ What will shape the Season of Light?

∝ Two themes to bear in mind this Festive and Lights Time: Peace and Hope

∝ The Gift of Light that Keeps on Giving this Winter


Let us look at these contents.


• • What Will Shape the Season of Light?


The 2023-2024 Season of Light will be about working on issues revolving around nature-positive and nature-based solutions to poverty.  It will also be about light (or energy) and energy transition and how this transition can help reduce poverty.  We will be dealing with energy transition since the global climate community has committed itself to transition away from fossil fuels at the end of COP28 (2).  This means we shall develop projects of just, orderly and equitable transition as well as fossil-free projects.

The 2023-2024 Season of Light will be the case of harnessing transformational and structural changes in the context of increasing uncertainty and climate change so that those who are living in poverty can find the means, paces and spaces they need to navigate out of it.

The 2023-2024 Season of Light will revolve around our preparedness after the last cost of living payment that goes to the poorest people (or eligible households and those claiming eligible benefits) around the country (in the UK) to help them during the cost-of-living crisis will be given in February 2024, and if the energy price cap goes up in January 2024.

The 2023-2024 Season of Light is finally an energy transitional period to work with those living in poverty so that they transition away from fossil fuels, from polluting to clean and green energy and technology.  We started this process few years ago.  To achieve or continue this energy transition to carbon net zero or free-fossil world, it requires Hope and support.

Besides that there are two developments that will shape our 2023-2024 Season of Light, developments which are Global Nature Goals which we started to work on them since January 2023, and the match between the incomes rise and prices stability which will signalise the possible end of the cost-of-living crisis.  In the light of these developments, CENFACS will continue the work Global Nature Goals in 2024 with a new generation or set of new nature projects and projects to manage the above-mentioned match if it happens.  Details of these projects will be unveiled in the New Year.

So, we will be developing projects and programmes of just, orderly and equitable energy transition as well as fossil-free projects and programmes.   These projects and programmes with nature-positive and fossil-free contents will be carried out while we are  continuing to work on global nature goals and nature-based solutions to poverty; that is nature-based projects to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  Besides that, we shall carry on with the financial empowerment programme of our users to reduce financial poverty and mitigate the lingering effects of previous and current crises with some of the initiatives (like Financial Capacity and Capability Campaign).



• • Two Themes to Bear in Mind This Festive and Lights Time: Peace and Hope


The theme of Hope is the overall theme of the Season of Lights, while the theme of Peace will be dominant over the festive celebrations period.


• • • The theme of Hope


The theme of Hope is made of notes or pieces of nature-positive, energy transition and fossil free.  This Wintry season, we shall bring a glimmer of hope through nature-positive, nature goals, energy transition and fossil-free initiatives, while making sure that the poor people own the energy transition process.  Hope will help beneficiaries as follows:


~ to actively cope with everyday challenges and find the appropriate relief and comfort they need

~ to reframe negative situations or events in a positive portrait or mood

~ to cultivate positive engagements, experiences and emotions in life

~ to keep momentum towards a better future

~ to engage in a proactive behaviour.


• • • The theme of Peace


The Gifts of Peace are included in the Season of Light.  Peace is the festive theme we choose to spread the joy of Season’s Reliefs to those in need.   We try to help their wishes and dreams of poverty relief become true through the Gifts of Peace that put a smile on poor people’s faces and lips with relief notes while hoping they will rediscover freedom from disturbance and disorder caused by crises and other painful events of 2023.




• • The Gift of Light That Keeps on Giving This Winter


What is the Gift of Light?  It is as explained below.


• • • A gift of light for every person in need everywhere!


The Lights Season is the season during which we try to bring light or shine light to impoverished lives in the darkness.  We try to bring clarity, brightness to people who need to see clearly and accurately about their life.  It is about helping them see the light of relief so that they can see the world in a new relieved light or version.


• • • A gift of light that ignites and sparks the life of those in need!


This is why we have the Lights project at CENFACS; projects which enable us to bring lights to those in need and which identify the poverty reduction gaps in human systems and support those areas of these systems which do not receive support.  Like the last Winter, this Winter 2023-2024, our Lights projects will focus on two parts or two waves of action:


1) post-coronavirus, post-war and post-natural disaster developments

2) current and emerging armed conflicts and environmental catastrophes as well as new waves of threats.


However, in these developments and waves, we shall take into account the changing contexts in Africa where there could be scaling down or changing types of crises (for example, the return of military putsches in West Africa with their impacts on poverty reduction, threat to international trade due to the current conflict in the Middle East and its implications for poverty reduction in Africa).  To mention other crises where the work of poverty reduction could be needed, we can speak about hunger crisis and debt crisis which are still stubborn issues for many low income countries in Africa.


• • • A gift of light that helps people to navigate their own way out poverty with pride!


The Gift of Light is about helping people to help themselves.  By using the light, they can find their own way out poverty and hardships, out of darkness instead of CENFACS telling them what do.  They can act with self-esteem and self-respect.  In this respect, the Gift of Light is a blessing of empowerment.


• • • A Blaze of Hope for post-life following crises (e.g., the cost-of-living crisis), armed conflicts and natural disasters


When there are environmental disasters and armed conflicts, there are pledges and commitments to end the effects of wars and disasters.  For various reasons, some of these pledges do not always materialise.  The post-war and post-disaster developments are sometimes left without support even until the conflicts and disasters return and or strike again.

The same situation can happen if the pledges – made at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which took place in Dubai (op. cit.) to help poor nations to transition away from fossil fuels to avert the worst effects of climate change – do not materialise in concrete actions.

As we cannot wait the return or repeat of the same wars and disasters; our first Blaze of Hope will go this Winter to the unfinished business of previous destructions and disruptions brought by crises (e.g., the coronavirus and the cost-of-living crisis), wars and natural disasters.


• • • A Blaze of Hope for the eruption of any crises, armed conflicts and natural disasters


We always advocate for preventive development and we do not seek for destructive events to happen.  However, our preparedness and readiness should make us to assemble as quickly as possible advocacy tools should any effects and impacts erupt from new waves of crisis, wars and natural disasters in Africa.

So, our second wave of intervention or Blaze of Hope will go this Wintry season to erupted effects of unexpected crises, armed conflicts and natural disasters in the areas of our interest in Africa.

With these two waves of action over this Wintry Season, we hope to enlighten the lives of those in pressing and emergent need.


• • • Examples of areas where a Blaze of Hope may be needed


For this December 2023, we have initially selected or identified six areas of priority that may need lighting a Blaze of Hope, which are as follows:


a) Areas of countries severely affected by food insecurity or the socio-economic impacts of high food prices like in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mauritania and Senegal

b) Areas of vulnerable countries hit by or prone to torrential rains and cyclones that could cause enormous food insecurity such as in Chad, Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo

c) Areas of countries devastated by other types of weather extremes (such as prolonged and severe drought, extreme temperature, etc.) like Burundi, Madagascar, Congo and countries of the Horn of Africa

d) Areas of countries that are the victims of a high level of persisting civil insecurity such as in in Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Mali

e) Areas of countries where innocent people are the victims of unfamiliar forms of civil insecurity (e.g. interpersonal violence, gang violence and insecurity due to the presence of private military company personnel) and forced displacement/refugee influx like in Congo, Mali and Burkina Faso

f) Areas of countries with neo-sovereignist or putschist States (in countries where there have been putsch like in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger and Mali).


The above selection is an initial one, which may change depending how and where humanitarian events will unfold in Africa.  The selection will help to start our Light advocacy and campaign.

The countries listed in this selection are also mentioned in the Crop Prospects and Food Situation of the Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations (3).  None of the above-mentioned countries is experiencing a single issue.  Many of them can be subject to multiple issues.  For example, the Democratic Republic of Congo is experiencing conflict in its north-eastern provinces, torrential rains in other parts the country and high food prices.

Also, our priority areas can change depending on the events in Africa.  For example, if there is eruption of unpredicted or unplanned events (such as natural disasters, natural resource crises, environmental incidents, large scale involuntary migration, health crisis, international trade crisis, etc.), our Blaze of Hope will go to the victims of these erupted events.

For those who can support Light project, we can count on them to move forward this advocacy or campaign.  And we would like to thank them in advance.

For any queries or enquiries regarding the Season of Light, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





(1) https;//www.bigissue.com/news/social-justice/will-prices-uk-ever-go-down-cost-of-living-crisis/ (accessed in December 2023)

(2) https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/cma2023_L17_adv.pdf (accessed in December 2023)

(3) FAO/GIEWS.2023.Crop Prospects and Food Situation – Triannual Global Report No.3, November 2023. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc8566en (accessed in December 2023)



 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 4

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

13 December 2023


Post No. 330



The Week’s Contents


• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 4 (from 13 to 19/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Documentation with Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation

• Translating or Turning the Goal of the Festive Month into the Gift of the Festive Month

• E-discussing Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS) 


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 4 (from 13 to 19/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Documentation with Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation


The last episode of our 4-week Matching Organisation-Investor Programme is about Matching Organisation’s Project Documentation with Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation.

Indeed, both parties (i.e., Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation and Not-for-profit Investor) have made progress so far as they continue to score points; points which are enough to enable them to enter the last stage of the matching talks.  They are excited and have started to dream to begin 2024 with a new investment for Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation (ASCO) and a new asset in portfolio for not-for-profit (n-f-p) investor.  However, each of them still has some work to do to complete the matching process.

For ASCO, this Activity 4 is about having its application for investment in the form of project documentation.  This application needs to be completed and to show coordination and collaboration in terms of its contents.

This last stage is an opportunity for ASCO to elevate its application in line with project planning theories, processes and practices.  It is the stage at which ASCO has to sell its project unique point to stand out amongst competing projects and organisations, while highlighting impactful aspects of its project in terms of poverty reduction.

As to the n-f-p investor, it is about keeping its pre-investment evaluation ready while capitalising on the findings from this evaluation in order to win an organisation in which to invest.  In its pre-investment evaluation, n-f-p investor will look at qualitative (facts) and quantitative (numbers) data, metrics and indicators to help him/her in its investment decision or case.  This insight will indicate to him/her whether or not to back the project and the ASCO that initiates this project.

Where the two (i.e., investee and investor) need support, CENFACS will work with each party to fill the gap.

More on Activity 4 can be found under the Main Development section of this post.



• Translating or Turning the Goal of the Festive Month into the Gift of the Festive Month


Our Goal for the Festive Month is about Reducing Income Poverty for the Income Poor.  Our Gift for the Festive Month is a donation of £5 to support income poor. In this respect, it is possible to translate or turn of our Goal for the Month into a Gift for the same month.  Before turning it, let us explain this goal.


• • Goal for the Festive Month: Reduction of Income Poverty for the Income Poor


Our goal for the festive month is about reducing income poverty since we are in Income Generation Month within CENFACS.   This goal has a target or a result that aims to achieve.

For instance, our goal for the income generation month could be to make sure that the members of our community have enough income to cover their basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies.  The target could be how many of them can realistically achieve this goal.  The target could be as well the level or seize of income (e.g., being at or above the international poverty line) they need to earn or have this month.

The above is our poverty reduction goal and target for this festive month, which we are asking to our audiences and supporters to translate or turn into gift of the festive month.


• • Translating or Turning the Goal of the Festive Month into the Gift of the Festive Month


Any of our supporters can translate or turn the Goal of the Festive Month into the Gift of the Festive Month to support the income poor or project to support these poor via CENFACS.

For instance, one can make a donation of £5 to support income poor to achieve one of the targets below:


√ to build resilience against financial stresses

√ to address financial incapacity and incapability

√ to reduce the financial effects of the high costs of festive living

√ to develop financial life-saving skill and knowledge

√ to improve financial decision-making skills of the financially unskilled poor

√ to contribute to income-generating activities of the income poor.


Your festive gift will help reduce income poverty amongst the income poor and give them some hope for 2024.

To support and/or enquire about the Goal of the Festive Month and to provide the Gift of the Festive Month, please contact CENFACS.



E-discussing Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS) 


Our Winter e-discussion about Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet has entered its third planned area.  In this area, the e-discussion is on Volunteering to find resources to support vulnerable people and communities; e-discussion which would be held on 13, 14 and 15 December 2023.

While our Winter e-discussion is going on, we are asking for support to CENFACS’ All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS).


• • Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS)


It is possible to support CENFACS and its AiDVS from wherever you are (at home, work, away, online, abroad, on the go and move, etc.).   Supporting us does not need to be magical and majestic.  It can be in any thing or means that can advance the work of AiDVS.

Your support will help us to support others who need support during this challenging time.

One can still enjoy a great festive season while supporting us to support others. 

There are many simple helpful and useful ways of adding great value to our voluntary work.

Here are 12-themed enhancers or ways of adding great value to CENFACS’ AiDVS:


1)  Gift ideas for the best ways of monitoring, evaluating and reviewing projects and programmes in the New Year

2) Money-saving and scrimping tips from scrimpers for AiDVS

3) Festive deals and packages (e.g., seasonal discounts, discount codes, etc.) for AiDVS

4) Festive free coupons, promo codes and vouchers for AiDVS

5) Net-zero or low carbon economic products to protect the environment and nature

6) Digital and media support to better volunteer for a climate neutral and sustainable world

7) Health and safety gifts for healthy and safe volunteering in the New Year

8) Wintry and festive giveaways (e.g., free products, gift cards, free tickets, etc.) to volunteer for a net zero greenhouse gas emissions world

9) Generative Artificial Intelligence volunteering tools to improve the efficiency of volunteering

10) Festive price bundling for flexible volunteering

11) Distance working and gift technologies (e.g., cloud technology, volunteer management software, apps, virtual volunteering tools, etc.)

12) Net-zero energy saving products to volunteer for poor people and the planet.


The above-mentioned enhancers, which could be wintry and festive news, information and products – will assist volunteers (that is, short-term, episodic, regular ongoing and virtual volunteers) to better help out CENFACS’ noble cause of poverty reduction.  They will also assist in recruiting and easily managing volunteers while improving volunteer experience and the effectiveness of our work on poverty reduction.  Additionally, they will contribute in tracking volunteers and their work.

For instance, gift technologies could enable to automate volunteers’ tasks to free up resources and time as well as increase volunteer engagement in our poverty reduction work.

To support AiDVS with your wintry or festive gift, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

To e-discuss Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet, please communicate with CENFACS.



Extra Messages


• Influence Year and Project: Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

• Autumn 2023 Humanitarian Relief Appeal: Only One Week to Go!

• Festive Structured Finance Activities/Micro-projects under Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme/Scheme



• Influence Year and Project: Impact Monitoring and Evaluation


At the start of 2023, we dedicated 2023 as a Year of Positive Influence to Reduce Poverty within CENFACS (1) and of poor people’s needs and demands; positive influence that would better help work with them so that they can navigate their way to poverty reduction.  To deliver this dedication, we set up a Policy Influencing Project or Influence Project.


• • What is Policy Influencing Project or Influence Project or ‘i‘ Project?


The i‘ Project is a series or set of interconnected influencing tasks or activities planned  for the execution of CENFACS‘ dedication of year 2023 as of Positive Influence.  These tasks or activities, which aim at reducing poverty, were planned to be undertaken all over 2023 within the requirements and limitations of CENFACS‘ existing and acquirable resources, capacities and assets.

Through this project, we did hope to continue to help reduce poverty through the influence on people and factors holding the key to the solutions to problems faced by our potential ‘i‘ project beneficiaries during 2023.  In this respect, the ‘i‘ Project was designed to accompany project beneficiaries in their journey to the reduction of poverty and hardships.  The ‘i‘ Project has activities and tasks (or 12 Influence Project episodes).


• • Activities and Tasks Relating to the ‘i’ Project


A number of activities and processes has been conducted each month to enable smooth implementation of the project.  We planned twelve specific activities/tasks (or 12 Influence Project episodes), one activity or task every month.  Through this project and each task, we have tried as much as we could to identify people who could have influence on poverty reduction generally and on a particular area of poverty reduction (e.g., humanitarian or overseas development matters).

We  have used our head, heart and hands to appeal to those who could (i.e., influential figures) to help us help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  We have been working to find things or factors that can be influenced so that they could positively contribute to the same goal of relieving need hardship and distress amongst our community members throughout our dedicated year.  Last week, we announced the last activity or episode of the Influence Project, while carrying out impact monitoring and evaluation of the same project.


• • Continuing Impact Monitoring and Evaluating the ‘i’ Project


This week, we are continuing the process of looking back what happened in the last 11 months until now.  This is our impact monitoring task.  Equally, it is worth to start the task of evaluating the Influence Year and Project.  We may not finish this evaluation by the end 2023, but it is better to start now and continue it in January 2024 if we do not finish.

The two exercises (i.e., monitoring and evaluation) will enable to inform any interested parties (e.g., project beneficiaries, supporters, our  audiences, etc.) the findings about what we did not know and we now know about the needs and aspirations of the people in need making our community.  These monitoring and evaluative exercises would also lay ground to seize the early impacts or outputs from the delivery of the Influence Year/Project.

From these exercises – monitoring, evaluative information and knowledge – and other discoveries within the project, we can plan the kinds of appropriate responses we may develop or ways of working together with project beneficiaries in 2024 to meet those unmet needs and demands.

In order to impact monitor and evaluate the Influence (i) Project, it is essential to have a theory of change for accountability and reporting to stakeholders.  We had this theory before starting this policy influencing project.  The theory of change developed here is the causal chain or a description of a succession or chain of elements and causal connections between them.

For example, one could look at any of the 12 activities/tasks (or 12 Influence Project episodes) and check how they were connected to find out if there were inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts which each element led to the next.

The Impact Monitoring and Evaluation (IME) will provide the two results below.

On the one hand, the IME will tell if there has been influence in terms of:

~ attitudinal change, that is whether or not the i‘ project has allowed to draw attention, affect awareness, attitudes and perceptions of the poor

~ procedural change, that is changes in way poor people decide their matters

~ behaviour change, that is changes in behaviour in poor people.

On the other hand, we can evaluate if the activities (e.g., lobbying, negotiation, advocacy, etc.) conducted influenced policy or policy content change. 

For example, can we argue that our influencing appeals (like the Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right Now, Africa’s Food Crisis Impacted Need Your Influence, Libya-Morocco Joint Influence Appeal, etc.) to deal with extreme poverty in Africa have resulted in policy content change?

To conduct impact monitoring and evaluation, it requires the contribution of every body who took part or came across these activities.


• • How Can You Help or Get Involved in the Impact Monitoring and Evaluation Processes of the ‘i’ Project?


As part of this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation exercise, we would like to ask to those who have been working with us throughout the last 11 months and two weeks to share with us their feelings and thoughts about these two areas:


(a) The overall “Influence Year/Project”

(b) Any of the activities/tasks they have been interested in or used to influence the solutions to the needs of those people living in poverty.


You can share your feelings and thoughts with us by:


∝ Phoning

∝ Texting

∝ E-mailing

∝ Completing the contact form with your feelings and thoughts.


• • Supporting the Findings from the ‘i’ Project


Impact monitoring and evaluation are not an end for themselves.  After concluding them, there will be some findings in terms of knowledge of poor people’s needs.   There will be some suggestions or proposals in terms of project planning and development.  In other words, these findings could mean that we may have to take some steps forward in terms project planning and development in the New Year.

If there are new projects to meet those unmet needs within the community, how can one support those findings or emerging new project proposals?

For those who are willing to support those findings and projects stemming from those findings, we are willing to share the findings with them.

To request the findings from the 12 Influence Project episodes, please contact CENFACS.

To support projects that may result from these findings, please let CENFACS know.



• Autumn 2023 Humanitarian Relief Appeal: Only One Week to Go!

Needy People, Flora, Fauna, Funga, Communities and Organisations in Africa are Asking for Your Support!


We have only one week remaining for our Autumn 2023 humanitarian appeal.  This appeal is about supporting needy people, flora, fauna, funga, communities and organisations in Africa.  It includes the following five selected projects:


1) Skills for Cross-border Trade and Economic Diversification

2) Symmetry Poverty Reduction Projects

3) Financial Inclusion of Women and Youth in Africa

4) Rescuing Children’s Education 

5) Save Flora, Fauna and Funga Projects.


• • Supporting the Autumn 2023 Campaign


Donors and funders can seize the opportunity provided by these projects and the giving season to directly and respectively donate or fund these projects.

A message about this appeal can also be passed on to a person who is in a position and willing to support.  Many thanks to those who will be passing this message!


• • Where Donors’ and Funders’ Money Will Go


We are inviting those who can, to donate £4 to create benefits (1 benefit for humans, 1 benefit for other natural livings and 1 shared benefit between humans and nature) or any amount starting from £4 or more as you wish or can.


• • Gift-Aiding Your Donation


You can declare your charitable donation made as eligible for Gift Aid.  You can as well support these projects in a way that is the most suitable and related to your situation, circumstance, budget, capacity and willingness.

To donategift-aid and support otherwise; please contact CENFACS or go to our ‘support causes’ page at Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)



• Festive Structured Finance Activities/Micro-projects under Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme/Scheme


As part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme and Scheme Periods (01 to 07/12/2023 and 08 to 14/12/2023), we are available to work in hybrid mode with users via a Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme (FCCBP) or Scheme (FCCBS) so that they can start stronger in the New Year.  Both FCCBP and FCCBS will help beneficiaries to reduce risks linked to financial incapacity and incapability while improving their intergenerational income and transfers.

These are exclusive festive activities to maximise programme and scheme beneficiaries’ financial management and decision-making for a successful year-end.  To practise FCCBP and FCCBS , we are carrying out structured festive finance activities for the two periods as indicated below.


• • Structured Festive Finance Activities as Part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Programme (01 to 07/12/2023) 


FCCBP is a set of structured planned actions or events designed to help users to better manage financial aspects of festive celebrations, to develop financial knowledge and skills, to make life-saving financial decisions and to invest in financial capacity and capability goals

As a result, we will be working on how people and families can be involved a series of the following structured festive activities or small projects:


Activity 1: Investing in realistic goals about financial capacity and capability

Activity 2: Managing financial aspects of festive events

Activity 3: Making financial knowledge and skills positively impact on their financial behaviour

Activity 4: Taking sensible life-saving financial decisions

Activity 5: How to generate little extra income in order to reduce poverty.


These activities are run in the forms of advice, advocacy, e-discussion, workshop, focus group, survey, direct questions/answers, etc.  More details about them can be obtained from CENFACS.


• • • • Structured Festive Finance Activities as Part of Financial Capacity and Capability Building Scheme (08 to 14/12/2023)


FCCBS is a plan or system for achieving the goals of financial capacity and capability.  It helps to work with users so that they can elaborate a systematic plan of future action about their financial capacity and capability for a week or month or year (2024).  Through this exercise, we shall use some financial capacity and capability tools to work with users to design basic financial plans, policies, systems, strategies, etc. to deal with their problems.  Under this scheme, we can organise together the following festive activities.


Activity 1: Financial Capacity and Capability to make ends meet (e.g., coping and survival strategies)

Activity 2: Financial Capacity and Capability to plan head (plan and save for the future) 

Activity 3: Financial Capacity and Capability to organise money management (e.g., money management plan)

Activity 4: Financial Capacity and Capability to make financial decisions and act through budgeting

Activity 5: Financial Capacity and Capability to control spending through cash flow statements.


Briefly, we will be working on how people and families having the issues of financial capacity and capability can work out systematic plans for future action to improve their financial capacity and capability, and where possible generate income in order to reduce continuing poverty and hardships.  In particular, we will make sure about what scheme is workable or unworkable for them.

In the end, we hope that the financially incapacitated or incapable people and families can develop their own individual working FCCBP and FCCBS plans or policies to establish financial capacity and capability as well as generate little extra incomes not only for the festive period, but also beyond the festive time.  In doing so, they can improve their intergenerational economy and transfer accounts.

Need festive advice or support to deal with the problems of financial capacity and capability you are experiencing, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

If you have financial planning problems, you can contact CENFACS so that we can work together on your financial planning needs and help you to start the New Year stronger and confident with a financial plan or a system or a policy.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Traduire ou transformer l’objectif du mois festif en un cadeau du mois festif

Notre objectif pour le mois des fêtes est de réduire la pauvreté monétaire pour les personnes à faible revenu.  Notre cadeau pour le mois des fêtes est un don de 5 Livres (£) pour soutenir les personnes défavorisées aux revenus faibles.  À cet égard, il est possible de traduire ou de transformer notre objectif du mois en un cadeau pour le même mois.  Avant de le traduire, expliquons cet objectif.

• • Objectif pour le mois des fêtes: Réduction de la pauvreté monétaire pour les personnes à faible revenu

Notre objectif pour le mois festif est de réduire la pauvreté monétaire puisque nous sommes dans le Mois de la Génération de Revenus au sein du CENFACS.   Cet objectif a une cible ou un résultat à atteindre.

Par exemple, notre objectif pour le Mois de la Génération de Revenus pourrait être de nous assurer que les membres de notre communauté ont suffisamment de revenus pour couvrir leurs dépenses de base, rembourser leurs dettes et épargner pour les urgences.  L’objectif pourrait être de savoir combien d’entre eux peuvent atteindre cet objectif de manière réaliste.  L’objectif peut être aussi bien le niveau ou le seuil de pauvreté qu’ils doivent atteindre ou dépasser (par exemple, être au niveau ou au-dessus du seuil de pauvreté international) ce mois-ci.

Ce qui précède est notre objectif et notre cible de réduction de la pauvreté pour ce mois festif, que nous demandons à nos soutiens et à nos sympathisants de traduire ou de transformer en cadeau du mois festif.

• • Traduire ou transformer l’objectif du mois festif en un cadeau du mois festif

Quiconque de nos sympathisants ou soupporters peut traduire ou transformer l’objectif du mois festif en cadeau du mois festif pour soutenir les pauvres ou un projet pour soutenir ces pauvres via le CENFACS.

Par exemple, on peut faire un don de 5 £ pour soutenir les pauvres en revenus afin d’atteindre l’un des objectifs ci-dessous :

√ renforcer la résilience face aux tensions financières

√ remédier à l’inaptitude et l’incapacité financières

√ réduire les effets financiers du coût élevé de la vie festive

√ acquérir des compétences et des connaissances en matière de sauvetage financier

√ améliorer les compétences des pauvres en matière de prise de décisions financières

√ contribuer aux activités génératrices de revenus des personnes à faible revenu.

Votre cadeau de Noël contribuera à réduire la pauvreté monétaire chez les pauvres et leur donnera une lueur d’espoir pour 2024.

Pour soutenir et/ou se renseigner sur l’objectif du mois festif et pour offrir le cadeau du mois festif, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 4 (from 13 to 19/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Documentation with Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation


As introduced in the Key Messages, both parties (i.e., Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation and Not-for-profit Investor) have made progress so far as they continue to score points; points which are enough to enable them to enter the last stage of the matching talks.  These matching talks will be about finding ways to reach an agreement between Organisation’s Project Documentation with Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation.

To explain what is going to happen at this last stage or Activity 4, we have organised our notes around the following headings:


σ Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation’s Project Documentation

σ Not-for-profit Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation

σ The Match or Fit Test.


Let us look at each of these headings.


• • Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation’s Project Documentation


To start off, it is better to understand project documentation.


• • • What is a project documentation?


The definition used in these notes of project documentation comes from ‘projectmanager.com’ (2) which states that

“Project documentation refers to the project management documents that are created throughout the project life cycle.  These documents, such as the project plan, project schedule or project budget, define activities procedures and guidelines that the team should follows”.

The website ‘projectmanager.com’ provides top 15 project documents to include in a project documentation, which include:

project plan, project charter, business case, project schedule, risk register, scope statement, project budget, project communication plan, project statement report, project closure, project proposal template, project brief template, requirements gathering template, project overview template, and team charter template.

Depending on the type of Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation’s project, this documentation can be simple or complex.  What is important is not only to have a well documented project, but to have a project documentation that can help to win the argument to attract investment/investor.  This well crafted project documentation will serve a basis for Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation (ASCO) to reach an agreement with potential not-for-profit (n-f-p) investors.


• • • What ASCO can do to reach an agreement


In this Activity 4, ASCO needs to champion its project/cause by demonstrating that there is consistency and links between its planned documents.  That the project documentation provides a blended roadmap in the way the project will be implemented.  ASCO is also required to show that the processes and protocols of project planning, tracking and monitoring are canonical and clear without any confusion.

Since the n-f-p investor is looking for ASCO’s ability to record and document all aspects of its project, ASCO must AVOID to have its project into pieces all over the place without any links or relationships.  ASCO is therefore required to provide a high-quality crafted project documentation as well as uphold openness and transparency.

It is the stage that ASCO needs to boldly speak about measures and numbers like how many people will benefit from the project, how many amongst them will be lifted out of poverty because its intervention, the impact of the project on local area and local people, etc.  ASCO can as well explain the approach or methodology it has used to factorise external variables (such as economic, environmental and political factors or indicators) in the project documentation.

In this design of project documentation, ASCO can add testimonies, evidence of need and any research findings from and about the people where the project will be implemented to demonstrate that the project has baseline documents and is based on genuine local needs and demand.

Briefly, throughout its project documentation ASCO must show that is leading the way and the project has something noble to offer and can generate tangible and palpable results in terms of poverty reduction.  The project is worth undertaking and commends a genuine case or value for investment.


• • Not-for-profit Investor’s Pre-investment Evaluation and Capitalizing on Evaluation


To understand the n-f-p investor’s position at this stage, one needs to know the meaning of pre-investment evaluation and capitalising on evaluation results.


• • • Brief understanding of pre-investment evaluation and capitalizing on evaluation


Within the literature about investment evaluation, it is argued that evaluation can be undertaken at various stages of the investment decision-making processes including pre-investment, investment and post-investment.  Since we are at the stage of before investment, we are dealing with pre-investment evaluation.


• • • • What is pre-investment evaluation?


The website ‘fastercapital.com’ (3) explains that

“Investment evaluation is the process of assessing whether a proposed investment is worth undertaking”.

The same website adds that

“Pre-investment evaluation assesses whether the proposed investment has the potential to generate a positive return on investment (ROI).  The evaluation looks at factors such as the company’s financial stability, its management team, and its competitive environment”.

Although this definition talks about company, it can be relativized to apply to charitable and not-for-profit organisations.  If we relativize it, the ROI for n-f-p investors will be the return on poverty reduction.  The return the n-f-p investor is looking for could be the rate or number of people who will be lifted out of poverty as a result of its investment into ASCO.

For example, a not-for-profit investor will consider a reasonable rate of return on an investment like a significant percentage or number of people will be relieved from poverty and hardships as result of its investment.  He/she will assess risk (or uncertainty of returns) to such an extent that a high-risk investment will require more returns in terms of poverty reduction.

The n-f-p investors will conduct a pre-investment evaluation to determine each attribute of investments while being concerned with the financial viability of the project and the investee.  In other words, the n-f-p investor will assess or question whether or not ASCO will require more resources in the future in order to complete the project.  A good n-f-p investor will also look at the opportunity cost, although it is not investing for profit.

All this exercise about pre-investment evaluation and its results will enable the n-f-p investors to use them for their own advantage.


• • • Capitalising on Pre-investment Evaluation (or What the n-f-p investor can do with the results of pre-investment evaluation)


Pre-investment evaluation is not an end itself.  It should provide some leads and lessons learning from its findings.  The n-f-p investor needs to use the results from the pre-investment evaluation to identify suitable conditions and create the appropriate environment so that its investment produce the expected results.

In the process of capitalising on pre-investment evaluation, the n-f-p investor needs to ensure that cross-cutting aspects of the investment are properly addressed and any grey areas are clarified.

For example, the n-f-p investor can think of capitalisation not for him/herself, but for ASCO.  He/she needs to question if ASCO will require the seed of money to launch its project or assets to grow or keep its project as planned.

Briefly speaking, a start-of-investment evaluation will help to provide some information on whether or not the proposed investment has the potential to generate a positive return in terms of poverty reduction.  The n-f-p investor can use the preliminary results of this evaluation to ensure that investment produces its expected results or outcomes.



• • The Match or Fit Test


As part of the match or fit test, n-f-p investor’s pre-investment evaluation needs to match ASCO’s project documentation.  The match can be perfect or close in order to reach an agreement.  If there is a huge or glaring difference between the two, the probability or chance of having an agreement at this last round could be null or uncertain.

However, CENFACS can impact advise ASCO to improve its project documentation.  CENFACS can as well guide n-f-p investors with impact to ameliorate their pre-investment evaluation to a format that can be acceptable by a potential ASCO.  CENFACS’ impact advice for ASCO and guidance on impact investing for n-f-p investor will help each of them (i.e., investee and investor) to make informed decisions and to reduce the likelihood of any significant losses or misunderstandings or mismatches.

The rule of the game remains the same; which is the more investors are attracted by ASCOs’ project documentation the better for ASCOs.  Likewise, the more ASCOs are willing to adopt investors’ pre-investment evaluation the better for investors.  In this respect, the matching game needs to be a win-win one to benefit both players (i.e., organisation and investor).

The above is the last episode of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme. 

Those potential organisations seeking investment and n-f-p investors looking for organisations that are interested in it, they can contact CENFACS to arrange the match or fit test for them.  They can have their fit test carried out by CENFACS’ Hub for Testing Hypotheses.

For any queries and/or enquiries about this fourth activity of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme and/or the programme itself, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

To conclude this programme, let us recognise that although the programme has been based on a 4-stage model of project planning and a 4-stage type of investment life cycle, there could be more than four stages in any project planning and in any investment cycle.

The match probability can be high or average or low depending on how much ASCOs’ needs meet investors’ interests.

CENFACS is still available to work with ASCOs that are looking for Impact Advice  and  Not-for-profit Investors who need Guidance with Impact so that the former can find the investment they are looking for and the latter the organisation to invest in, and both of them can start the New Year on a promising path.

To work together to find an investee or investor and help you start 2024 with certainty while making your matching dream come true, please contact CENFACS.





(1) cenfacs.org.uk/2023/01/18/promoting-the-culture-of-insurance-amongst-those-in-need-to-reduce-poverty-in-africa/ (accessed in December 2023)

(2) https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/great-project-documentation (accessed in December 2023)

(3) https://fastercapital.com/What-is-Investment-Evaluation.html (accessed in December 2023)




 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Festive Guide and Income Generation Month

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

06 December 2023


Post No. 329



The Week’s Contents


• Festive Guide and Income Generation Month

• Festive No-direct Cash Giving without Shopping

• Activity/Task No. 12 of the Influence (“i”) Year and Project: Influence the Income-generating Activities of the Income Poor


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Festive Guide and Income Generation Month


We have seamlessly crafted exciting and engaging initiatives to form our Festive Guide and Income Generation Month (December 2023) as well as deliver unparalleled experiences for both our supporters and project beneficiaries.


• • Festive Guide


Our Festive Guide contains three items, which are:


a) The Season’s Relief 

b) Festive Services

c) Gifts of Peace.


• • Income Generation Month


December is Income Generation Month, according to CENFACS development calendar/planner.  It is an Income Generation Month not only for most charities, but also for CENFACS users.  During this month, we would be working with income poor to find way of generating some income to meet additional costs brought to their life by the cost-of-living crisis and spending pressure from festive demand.

This is why we published our Festive Income Boost on 08 November 2023 so that this festive income resource could be used as early as possible.  It contains income generation tools and strategies that streamline the process of meeting these costs.  This will quintessentially orchestrate poverty relief outcomes for project beneficiaries since we can work together so as to make the Season’s celebration come on its own to them and be affordable for all of them.

Under the Main Development section of this post, you will find more information about both the Festive Guide and our programme of work for the Income Generation Month.



• Festive No-direct Cash Giving without Shopping


Last week, we provided – under CENFACS’ Festive-Shopping-and-Donations Project or Festive-Donations-With-Shopping Project – a number of no-direct cash donations that those who would like to support CENFACS through their festive shopping can give.

This week, we are expanding on no-direct donations by focussing on those without shopping under CENFACS’ Festive-Donations-Without-Shopping Project.  In other words, we are highlighting other ways of backing CENFACS without directly giving cash and without shopping at CENFACS e-shop and other stores or shops.   

What are those ways that one can think of or come across with to support CENFACS without having to directly give cash and without doing any shopping at CENFACS e-shop and other stores or shops?


• • Festive No-direct Cash Donations without Shopping


There are 12-themed ways/tools of donating without shopping during this Festive Season and month.  They include:


1) Signing up for a Gift Aid Declaration from which CENFACS can earn an extra 25p for every £1 you give

2) Nomination of CENFACS for a donation at festive charity fundraising and donation events

3) Selection of CENFACS as your preferred charity for donation from advertising revenue

4) Planned gifting or legacy giving if you decide to contribute a major gift to CENFACS beyond your lifetime

5) If you are gaming as a good causes and fundraising livestream donor, you can also support CENFACS via Gaming assets when you as a gaming fundraiser can take the initiative to raise money for CENFACS via video games or livestreamed video game events whereby viewers can tune into

6) AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools to generate income or automate income generation

7) If you are a gaming fundraiser or hobbyist interactive gamer and can help CENFACS raise money it needs through your gaming fundraising capability

8) If you are running gaming and livestreaming campaigns or activities as part of livestream fundraising campaign, you can remember CENFACS in your campaigns

9) Digital tickets can assist CENFACS if you can sell tickets on social media platforms via an event site to help CENFACS raise funds; particularly if anyone attending your event can support in raising funds through their purchase of a fundraising ticket

10) Digital collectibles can be a means of supporting CENFACS for those who have them in their wallet as they can be bought, swapped and sold in a peer-to-peer marketplace; just as they can be used to fund needy organisations

11) Giving cryptocurrency donations as Crypto assets can contribute to CENFACS‘ mission if you are a crypto-minded supporter or enthusiast or donor and can aid CENFACS raise money for its noble causes as well as develop a crypto philanthropy programme

12) Non-fungible tokens, which can be accepted as donations, are unique and non-interchangeable tokens compared to crypto assets and a medium by which you can use to boost funds for CENFACS.


There could be more since resource giving to charitable causes is a fast-growing industry.  If you know any more of them, please use them to help CENFACS access funds for its noble causes.

So, those who could not give no-direct cash donations through their shopping, they can still donate via the above-named no-direct cash donations without shopping.  They could make no-direct cash donations without shopping a souvenir for CENFACS’ noble causes.

By asking for no-direct cash donations with and without shopping, we do not mean that one cannot donate cash.  They can and if they choose to directly donate cash, CENFACS will happily accept their direct cash donations.

To support CENFACS without directly giving cash (with or without shopping) and or by directly donating cash, please contact CENFACS.

Thank you for considering our ask for no-direct cash donations without festive shopping activities.

For any queries and/or enquiries about CENFACS’ Festive-Donations-Without-Shopping Project, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Activity/Task No. 12 of the Influence (“i”) Year and Project: Influence the Income-generating Activities of the Income Poor


The 12th Activity or Task of our ‘i’ Year and Project is about encouraging income people, in what they are trying to do, to generate income to make ends meet.  To carry out this task, one may need to understand income-generating activities and income poverty.


• • Understanding Income-generating Activities


Income-generating activities can be viewed from various perspectives or approaches.  According to ‘igo-global.com’ (1), an income-generating activity is

“An activity carried out in order to generate revenues used to ensure the financial sustainability of the organisation”.

This definition can apply to households when members of any household are trying to generate or earn income to ensure the financial sustainability of the household.  It can as well be used for people living in poverty who are trying to generate income using a variety of means at their disposal.

For example, in the run up to the end of the year’s celebrations, it is possible to see all sorts of coping and surviving activities or strategies (including street begging) that poor people are using to generate some income to make ends meet.

However, is there any level of income from which one can argue about income poverty?


• • Defining Income Poverty


To relatively and absolutely define income poverty, we are going to refer to the metrics used by the World Bank which is the international poverty line.  According to the World Bank (2),

“Since 30 November 2022, the international poverty line was set at $2.15 per person per day using 2017 prices.  This means that anyone living on less than $2.15 a day is in extreme poverty”.

This metrics can contribute to the knowledge formation of income-generating activities of the income poor or those living below the threshold of $2.15 a day.  It is also a useful indicator when trying to influence these activities.


• • The Task of Influencing the Income-generating Activities of the Income Poor


Although ‘assets.publishing.service.gov.uk’ (3) argues that income-generating activities do not yield the expected improvement in income, one can only get to know the result or effectiveness of any initiative by trying it.  The same ‘assets.publising.service.gov.uk’ also recognises that problems encountered that prevent this improvement are not inevitable and can be avoided if careful planning and analysis are done before the design and/or implementation of income-generating activities.

From the argument of ‘assets.publising.service.gov.uk’, it is possible to work with the income poor to influence their income generating activities by better planning and analysing them.  This influence could be in the form of working with them through the following sub-tasks:


σ reviewing or refreshing their income generation strategy

σ re-evaluating their income generation goals

σ finding out who can support them in their goals

σ building a supporter experience and network to expand the income generation process

σ motivating them to talk to others who are trying to generate income like them

σ promoting learning and development around the theme of income generation amongst them

σ above all, encouraging those income poor who can create generational income (that is, financial assets like cash, stocks, shares, real estate and family businesses that can be passed by one generation of a family to another) to do so to avoid intergenerational poverty.


The above is the Activity or Task no. 12 for the i’ Year/Project for those who are interested in carrying it out.  For those who want any clarification of any aspects of the activity or task, they can contact CENFACS.

This Activity or Task no. 12 ends our project relating to the dedication of Year 2023 as of Influence.  To conclude the entire i Project, let us refer to the five principles of Amy Glass (4).  Amy Glass’ five principles, which one can refer to if they want to influence others, are given below.


~ Principle 1: Influence is a persuasive process.  It doesn’t happen all at once.

For instance, one needs to answer the question, ‘Did we build relationships with poor people and understand their perspectives about what they want?’

~ Principle 2: Influence is the product of trust.

For example, the question to answer could be, ‘Can people in need trust us?’

~ Principle 3: When people feel heard, they’re more open to being influenced.

For example, we need to answer the question, ‘Do we value and listen to poor people?’

~ Principle 4: Influence requires persuasively communicating.

It means one has to describe what is at stake with poor people, establish their needs/problems, describe the desired state, solve the problem, visualise and call to action.

~ Principle 5: Influence isn’t about winning; it is about solving problems.

Since 2023 has been a Year of Influence to reduce poverty, we can answer the following question at the end of 2023:

Did we help influence poverty reduction throughout 2023?

If we did, then we would have responded to poor people’s need/problem if their need was to reduce poverty.  If we did not, then it may be advisable for us to find out why we were not able to help reduce poverty and what is the way forward.


For any queries and/or enquiries about this conclusion or the entire i project, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



Extra Messages


• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 3 (from 06/12/2023 to 12/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Roles and Teams with Investor’s Investment Implementation and Monitoring Phase

• E-discussion on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet (05/12/2023 to 05/01/2024)

• Campaign on Financial Capacity and Capability for Households



• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 3 (from 06/12/2023 to 12/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Roles and Teams with Investor’s Investment Implementation and Monitoring Phase


Both Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation (ASCO) and Not-for-profit (n-f-p) Investor earned more points in their individual second stage of this programme.  They are continuing their negotiation and have decided to move to the third round of talks, which is Activity 3 of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme.

This third level of talks consists of agreeing on project roles and teams for ASCO, and on investment implementation and monitoring for n-f-p Investor.  Let us look at what which side can do to make this agreement to happen.


• • Project Roles and Teams for ASCO


Generally speaking, most projects involve people with roles and teams working together to make the projects work.  Projects require communications between project members about different aspects of a project.

At this stage of negotiation, a sensible n-f-p investor would like to know who will make ASCO’s project teams and what roles each team members will play and who is responsible for what.  It means team members have the competencies and experience to complete their assigned tasks.

At this level of challenge, one needs to think like in The Apprentice (the British TV Series) or Dragons’ Den (another British entertainment show) whereby one can try to secure funding for its project from multimillionaire investors.  One can think like this, although in our scenario it is about ASCO trying to secure a deal from n-f-p investor.

At this point, ASCO can start to use investor/project growth or diversification metrics to check that it is acquiring new investors or retaining existing investors or re-engaging lapsed investors.


• • Investment Implementation and Monitoring Phase from Not-for-profit Investor’s Perspective


To understand implementation and monitoring for n-f-p investor, one may need to know what is implementation and what is monitoring in any project.


• • • Implementation and monitoring in any project


Generally speaking, implementation consists of carrying out the project plan.

As to monitoring, ‘monday.com’ (5) defines it as

“The phase of assessing how the final product fulfils the goals of the initial project plan”.

The website ‘monday.com’ recommends to use predefined metrics and measure key performance indicators.

Knowing what project implementation and monitoring mean, let us apply this understanding to investment projects.


• • • Investment implementation and monitoring phase


According to ‘unpri.org’ (6),

“Implementation is about operationalising investment strategy process and translating the investment strategy into initiatives for implementation”.

To implement an investment, one needs an implementation plan.  An implementation plan is defined by ‘coursera.org’ (7) as

“A written document that outlines a team’s steps to accomplish a goal or project”.

As to investment monitoring, ‘financestrategists.com’ (8) explains that

“Investment monitoring refers to the ongoing process of tracking and evaluating the performance of an investment portfolio, ensuring that it remains aligned with an investor’s financial goals and risk tolerance”.

At this phase, the n-f-p investor will assess the return in terms of poverty reduction results from ASCO’s project.  He/she will likely to keep in his/her investment portfolio only projects with high numbers of people to be lifted out of poverty as well as the quality of poverty relief achieved.  He/she will also measure whether or not it is worth taking risk in investing in ASCO’s project.  Depending on the magnitude of risk to be incurred compared to the amount of return on poverty reduction, he/she may decide to move to the next round or to wait and see other bids or simply to pull out from the ASCO’s project.

Briefly speaking, investment implementation and monitoring phase is about following and communicating progress towards objectives while making necessary adjustments.


• • The Match or Fit Test


As part of the match or fit test, n-f-p investor’s investment implementation and monitoring phase needs to match ASCO’s project roles and teams.  The match can be perfect or close in order to reach an agreement.  If there is a huge difference between the two, the probability or chance of having an agreement at this round could be null or uncertain.

However, CENFACS can impact advise ASCO to improve its project roles and teams.  CENFACS can as well guide n-f-p investors with impact to ameliorate their investment implementation and monitoring phase to a format that can be acceptable by a potential ASCO.  CENFACS‘ impact advice for ASCO and guidance on impact investing for n-f-p investor will help each of them (i.e., investee and investor) to make informed decisions and to reduce the likelihood of any significant losses.

The rule of the game remains the same; which is the more investors are attracted by ASCOs’ project roles and teams the better for ASCOs.  Likewise, the more ASCOs are willing to adopt investors’ investment implementation and monitoring phase the better for investors.  In this respect, the matching game needs to be a win-win one to benefit both players (i.e., organisation and investor).

The above is the third episode of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme. 

Those potential organisations seeking investment and n-f-p investors looking for organisations who are interested in it, they can contact CENFACS to arrange the match or fit test for them.  They can have their fit test carried out by CENFACS’ Hub for Testing Hypotheses.

For any queries and/or enquiries about this third activity of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme and/or the programme itself, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• E-discussion on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet (05/12/2023 to 05/01/2024)


As the year wraps up, our e-discussion, which is on Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet, has already started. The e-discussion is about volunteering to eliminate poverty while preserving the planet.  In other words, it is about keeping hand in hand the goal of ending poverty and that of preserving the planet in our model of volunteering.

The e-discussion resonates with the Paris Agenda for People and the Planet set up in June 2023 in Paris (9) and its four principles to achieve a world where poverty is eliminated and the planet preserved.  The four principles of the Paris Agenda are

1) No country should have to choose between fighting poverty and fighting for the planet

2) Country ownership of transition strategies

3) The need for a financial stimulus with more resources to support vulnerable economies lifting their population out of poverty while protecting the planet

4) An international financial system that delivers more: the role of private capital.

Our e-discussion, which takes stock of this Pact, will explore ways of driving forward nature-positive approach to our voluntary work and action.  As the World Economic Forum (9) puts is,

“Nature-positive approach enriches biodiversity, stores carbon, purifies water and reduces pandemic risk.  In short, a nature positive approach enhances the resilience of our planet and our societies”.

To e-discuss Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet as well as drive forward nature-positive approach to our voluntary work and action, we have organised the following plan of work.

As shown on the above table, we shall look at the following points during our e-discussion:

√ Volunteering for not to choose between the fight against poverty and the fight for the planet

√ Volunteering to keep the ownership of transition strategies (e.g., energy transition strategies) between different people, including poor people

√ Volunteering to find resources to support vulnerable people

√ Volunteering to scale up private capital flows or funds to Africa to transform poor people’s lives and reduce inequalities.

As we are nearing 2024, volunteering for poor people and the planet will help to enhance actions for the protection and restoration of natural processes, ecosystems and species.  It will as well contribute to reduce poverty induced by the harms of the planet.

To e-discuss about Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet, please contact CENFACS.



• Campaign on Financial Capacity and Capability for Households


This campaign is about working with poor households in four areas of financial empowerment as highlighted below.


1) Managing financial matters and financial aspects of festive events


Under this first area of financial empowerment, the campaign will help poor households to build or develop their financial control through financial measures such as household budgeting, savings policy, surplus funds policy, credit transactions analysis, etc.


2) Development of financial knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviours


In this second area of work, the campaign will contribute to beneficiaries’ understanding of the causal effects of financial knowledge and education – like financial literacy, numeracy and digital – on financial behaviour, as well as on the influence of learning capacity on financial confidence and financial behaviour.


3) Making life-saving financial decisions


Regarding this third area of action, the campaign will assist beneficiaries in their capacity to make financial decisions as it will provide scope for financial capacity testing and assessing the capacity to make financial decisions.


4) Investing in financial capacity and capability goals to better start off 2024


As to the fourth area of financial empowerment,  the campaign will motivate beneficiaries to devote their efforts in financial goals that can help them mitigate financial difficulties and prepare themselves to enter 2024 with meaningful financial capacity and capability.

Those who are looking forward to start 2024 in a better shape in terms of financial capacity and capability, they can join this campaign.   To participate and or support this campaign, please contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Dons Festifs en Espèces Sans Achat Direct

La semaine dernière, nous avons fourni – dans le cadre du projet ‘Achats et Dons Festifs ou Dons Festifs avec Achats‘ du CENFACS – un certain nombre de dons en espèces non directs que ceux ou celles qui souhaitent soutenir le CENFACS par le biais de leurs achats de Noël peuvent fournir.

Cette semaine, nous élargissons les dons non directs en nous concentrant sur ceux qui n’ont pas d’achats dans le cadre du projet ‘Dons Festifs Sans Achats’ du CENFACS.  En d’autres termes, nous mettons en évidence d’autres moyens de soutenir le CENFACS sans donner directement de l’argent et sans faire d’achats sur le magasin en ligne du CENFACS et dans d’autres magasins ou boutiques.

Quels sont les moyens auxquels on peut penser ou trouver pour soutenir le CENFACS sans avoir à donner directement de l’argent et sans faire d’achats sur la boutique en ligne du CENFACS et dans d’autres magasins ou boutiques?

• • Dons festifs sans directement donner les espèces et sans achats

Il existe 12 façons/outils thématiques pour faire un don sans magasiner pendant cette saison et ce mois festifs.  Il s’agit notamment de:

1) S’inscrire à une déclaration d’aide aux dons à partir de laquelle le CENFACS peut gagner 25 pence supplémentaires pour chaque 1 £ que vous donnez

2) Nomination du CENFACS pour un don lors d’événements festifs de collecte de fonds et de dons caritatifs

3) Sélection du CENFACS comme organisme de bienfaisance préféré pour les dons provenant des revenus publicitaires

4) Don planifié ou don testamentaire si vous décidez de faire un don majeur au CENFACS au-delà de votre vie

5) Si vous jouez en tant que donateur de diffusion en direct pour de bonnes causes et de collecte de fonds, vous pouvez également soutenir le CENFACS via des actifs de jeu lorsque vous, en tant que collecteur de fonds pour le jeu, pouvez prendre l’initiative de collecter des fonds pour le CENFACS via des jeux vidéo ou des événements de jeux vidéo diffusés en direct où les téléspectateurs peuvent se connecter

6) Des outils d’IA (Intelligence Artificielle) pour générer des revenus ou automatiser la génération de revenus

7) Si vous êtes un collecteur de fonds pour les jeux et que vous pouvez aider le CENFACS à collecter les fonds dont il a besoin grâce à votre capacité de collecte de fonds pour les jeux

8) Si vous menez des campagnes ou des activités de jeux et de diffusion en direct dans le cadre d’une campagne de collecte de fonds en direct, vous pouvez vous souvenir du CENFACS dans vos campagnes

9) Les billets numériques peuvent aider le CENFACS si vous pouvez vendre des billets sur les plateformes de médias sociaux via un site d’événement pour aider le CENFACS à collecter des fonds; surtout si quelqu’un qui assiste à votre événement peut vous aider à collecter des fonds en achetant un billet de collecte de fonds

10) Les objets de collection numériques peuvent être un moyen de soutenir le CENFACS pour ceux ou celles qui les ont dans leur portefeuille, car ils peuvent être achetés, échangés et vendus sur un marché d’égal à égal; tout comme ils peuvent être utilisés pour financer des organisations dans le besoin

11) Faites des dons en crypto-monnaie, car les crypto-actifs peuvent contribuer à la mission du CENFACS si vous êtes un partisan ou un passionné ou un donateur soucieux de la crypto-monnaie et peuvent aider le CENFACS à collecter des fonds pour ses nobles causes ainsi qu’à développer un programme de philanthropie cryptographique

12) Les jetons non fongibles, qui peuvent être acceptés en tant que dons, sont des jetons uniques et non interchangeables par rapport aux actifs cryptographiques et un moyen par lequel vous pouvez utiliser pour augmenter les fonds pour le CENFACS.

Il pourrait y en avoir davantage, car le don de ressources à des causes caritatives est une industrie en pleine croissance.  Si vous en connaissez d’autres, n’hésitez pas à les utiliser pour aider le CENFACS à accéder à des fonds pour ses nobles causes.

Ainsi, ceux ou celles qui n’ont pas pu faire de dons en espèces non directs par le biais de leurs achats, ils/elles peuvent toujours faire un don via les dons en espèces sans direct mentionnés ci-dessus sans faire de courses d’achat.

En demandant des dons en espèces non directs avec et sans achats, nous ne voulons pas dire que l’on ne peut pas donner en espèces.  Ils/elles le peuvent et s’ils/elles choisissent de faire un don direct en espèces, le CENFACS acceptera volontiers leurs dons directs en espèces.

Pour soutenir le CENFACS sans donner directement de l’argent (avec ou sans achats) et/ou en faisant un don direct en espèces, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.

Merci d’avoir pris en considération notre demande de dons en espèces non directs sans activités de magasinage festives.

Pour toute question et/ou demande de renseignements sur le projet ‘Dons Festifs Sans Achats’ du CENFACS, n’hésitez pas à contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Festive Guide and Income Generation Month


We have two major items making the Festive Guide and Income Generation Month, which are:


∝ Festive Guide

∝ December as an Income Generation Month.


Let us briefly explain each of them.



• • Festive Guide


Inside this guide, there are three main listings: Season’s Relief, Festive Services and Gifts of Peace.


• • • Season’s Relief 


At CENFACS, the Season’s Relief comes with a theme and bundle of initiatives.


• • • • Season’s Relief Theme


The theme for Season’s Relief which would carry us throughout the entire festive period is Sustainable Peace.  The Festive Season, which is part of the worldwide celebration, kicks off in December for CENFACS and ends by the 31st of January in the New Year.

During the Festive Season, we normally start the Season of Light.  The Season of Light is one of the four seasons of CENFACS Development Calendar.  It is the Winter season which goes on until the third week of March in the New Year and is featured by Winter Lights and Light Projects or Light Appeals. 

During this Season of Light, we shall carry out work about light (or energy) and poverty reduction since the global climate community has committed itself to energy transition strategies while energy poor people in Africa are still dependent on fossil fuels.



• • • • Season’s Relief Initiatives


The following are the selected December 2023 initiatives or Season’s Initiatives for Relief:


Festive Income Builder, Booster & Calculator, In Focus for 2023: Financial Capacity and Capability

Community Value Chains: The CENFACS Community and Its Influence on Poverty Reduction

Volunteering in 2024: Volunteering for Poor People and the Planet

Thanking 2023 Year Makers & Enablers

Gifts of Peace (Edition 2023/2024)

Run, Vote & Play for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development (Action-Results 2023).


The above-mentioned projects would make the first part of Season’s Relief as being announced above.  Some of them intertwine between our monthly and seasonal development calendars.  All will depend whether one is reading our development calendar on a monthly or seasonal basis.

To support and or enquire about the Season’s Relief, please contact CENFACS.


• • • Festive Services


These services are made of two types of projects: regular and festive projects.


• • • • Regular or on-going projects


They are continuous including during the festive period.  The project known as All-year Round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives) is one of them.


• • • • Projects for the festive occasion only


They are projects which are specially designed for that occasion.   The project Community Value Chains is one of them.

Both types of projects are included in our December 2023 programme and planned to be delivered during the month of December 2023.


• • • Gifts of Peace


These are CENFACS Wintry Gift Appeal initiative to support people living in poverty in Africa.

CENFACS’ Winter Gift of Peace to Africa is indeed …


√ A festive life-sustaining support that helps to reduce poverty and bring sustainable peace  

√ A festive giving to acknowledge and do something about poverty over the festive period, which is also an occasion to trans-give and think of those who are not as fortunate as others

√ A festive means to support those who don’t have peace because of poverty, particularly in the developing regions of the world like Africa.


Since Africa is still struggling with the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the enduring cost-of-living crisis, there are many of these people, who are recipient of projects and programmes run by our Africa-based Sister Organisations, who desperately need support.

However, we must acknowledge that this is a challenging time for both those who support and those who receive that support.  Many factors have impacted people’s donation behaviours.  The same or similar factors have increased demand of support for those in need.  To respond to the demand of help from those who receive support, we will be launching CENFACS’ Winter Gift of Peace to Africa, a Winter Appeal, by the end of Autumn 2023.

In meantime, those who would like to have for more information about this seasonal appeal, they need to contact CENFACS.



• • December as an Income Generation Month for CENFACS


December is a month of Income GenerationRecord Tracking and Winter Lights at CENFACS.


• • • December as Income Generation Month


December is the Income Generation month according to CENFACS monthly development calendar and planner.  It is the month during which we advocate and provide tips, hints and other types of advisory support on how to generate additional income to cover shortage in regular income, by using other avenues within the boundaries of the law and order.

This additional income can enable multi-dimensional income poor children, young people and families (C, YP & Fs) to exercise their basic human right to celebrate the end of the year in their own way and right.

However, this December 2023 of Income Generation will be mostly about Financial Capacity and Capability as we highlighted in this year Edition of Festive Income Boost.  This is to help C, YP & Fs to find enough income capacity and capability to better manage financial aspects of festive events, to develop financial knowledge and skills, to make life-saving financial decisions and to invest in financial capacity and capability goals. 

We will be working with them during the festive season to find ways of building and developing the financial capacity and capability.  So, supporting multi-dimensional poor C, YP & Fs in this way is the right cause to undertake.

Equally, where possible generating, building and boosting their incomes to exercise their human right to a decent end-of-year celebration is not only a one-off or seasonal business to make ends meet; but can also become an additional way of building and developing the capacity and capability to reduce and end income poverty.

They are poor not only because of lack of income but also due to their lack of support to build and develop financial capacity and capability as well as to generate enough income to cover their needs and nurture these capacity and capability.

As part of festive support, our Edition 2023 Festive Extra Income Builder, Booster and Calculator would be available for those who need it.  We launched this resource earlier in Autumn in order to enable those in need of the resource to get the tips, hints and strategies they need to early start exploring ways of better managing their financial affairs and making life-saving financial decisions while finding ways of boosting their income and generational economy.

Besides this resource, we planned two periods of work on financial capacity and capability programmes and schemes starting from the first of this month as follows.


• • • 01 to 07/12/2023: Financial Capacity and Capability Programmes (FCCP) 


FCCP is a set of structured activities designed to help users to better manage financial aspects of festive events, to develop financial knowledge and skills, to make life-saving financial decisions and to invest in financial capacity and capability goals

As a result, we will be working on how people and families can be involved a series of structured activities or small projects to


σ invest in realistic goals about financial capacity and capability

σ manage financial aspects of festive events

σ make financial knowledge and skills positively impact on their financial behaviour

σ take sensible life-saving financial decisions

σ where possible generate little extra income in order to reduce poverty.


Through these activities, we hope beneficiaries will become


√ better in their financial behaviour

√ good financial decision makers

√ better financial managers

√ extra income earners

√ financially confident



• • • 08 to 14/12/2023: Financial Capacity and Capability Schemes (FCCS)


FCCS helps to work with users so that they can elaborate a systematic plan of future action about their financial capacity and capability for a week or month or year (2024).  Through this exercise, we shall use some financial capacity and capability tools to work with users (e.g., Debt to income ratio formula).

Briefly, we will be working on how people and families having the issues of financial capacity and capability can work out systematic plans for future action to improve their financial capacity and capability, and where possible generate income in order to reduce continuing poverty and hardships.  In particular, we will make sure about what scheme is workable or unworkable for them.

In the end, we hope that the financially incapacitated or incapable people and families can develop their own individual working FCCP and FCCS plans or policies to establish financial capacity and capability and generate little extra incomes not only for the festive period, but also beyond the festive time. In doing so, they can improve their intergenerational economy and transfer accounts.



• • • December as Record Tracking Month


December is also the time of record tracking on our All-year Round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives), particularly


√ CENFACS Poverty Relief League (The African Nations Poverty Relief League)

√ Run to Reduce Poverty in Africa in 2023

√ Vote your African Poverty Relief and Development Manager of the Year 2023


We expect those who took part and or organised activities on our behalf about these projects to come forward, report and share with us their actions, results and experiences about the three stars or bests of 2023 (Best Country, Best Runner and Best Manager).  We can count on them to tell us their Winner of CENFACS Trophy of the Year.



• • • December as the start of Winter Lights Season


As said above in our Festive Guide, December is finally the month we start CENFACS Winter Lights Season, the first season of our development seasonal calendar.  The Season of Light, which kicks off around Mid-December, includes the Gifts of Peace.

Each year, we produce an edition of the Gifts of Peace that makes up our final fundraising campaign and last humanitarian appeal of the year.  This year, we are doing the same for our last humanitarian appeal or fundraising campaign of 2023.

Peace is the festive theme we choose at CENFACS to spread the joy of Season’s Relief to those in need, especially at this time of the enduring cost-of-living crisis.  We try to help their wishes of relief become true with the Gifts of Peace, by putting a smile on their face with relief notes.

With the enduring effects of high costs of living, many of them cannot find the smiles they need for relief.  One can hope that the Gifts of Peace will bring back the lost smiles.

To support the Edition 2023/2024 of Gifts of Peace, please contact CENFACS.



• • • CENFACS Community Value Chains Celebration


As part of the Season of Light is the CENFACS Community Value Chains celebration.  This celebration generally closes our seasons at the end of the year and concludes our yearly development calendar and planner, while marking the end of civil year at CENFACS.

It is an end-of-year eventful project enabling us to look upon us again as a community of shared vision, values and beliefs which connect us as human chains with a purpose of reducing and ending poverty amongst us, and of enhancing sustainable development as well.

This year we shall again focus on ourselves as a Community of Influential People.  It will be about the influence we have on poverty reduction as well as on meeting the needs of those are looking for help that make us a community of influencers that helps match responses to those needs.


• • • Sustainable Volunteering: 05/12/2023 to 05/01/2024


To carry the CENFACS Community into the New Year, our discussion on Sustainable Volunteering, which has already started, is scheduled to take place from 05 December 2023 to 05 January 2024.  The discussion theme for this year is on Volunteering in 2024 for Poor People and the Planet.


• • • CENFACS into 2024


To take the other two domains (International and Fund) of CENFACS into 2024 and engage with stakeholders, we shall develop nature-positive projects and programmes as well as those with nature-based solutions to poverty.

For any enquiries or to support CENFACS in the month of December 2023 and in the New Year, please contact CENFACS.


Before closing this week’s post, we would like to inform all our audiences and stakeholders that the above planned programmes, projects and activities can be reviewed.  If there are any significant changes in terms of the eruption of a major event or crisis or shock, we shall revise our initial festive plan and activate our contingency plan.





(1) https://www.igo-global.com/dictionary/operational-challenge-in-hybrid-organisations/59060 (Accessed in December 2022)

(2) https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/measuring-poverty (Accessed in December 2022)

(3) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/57a08ac8e5274a27b200077d/Shiree-IGA-Guidance-Note.pdf (accessed in December 2023)

(4) https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2028/10/05/five-principles-to-follow-if-you-want-to-influence-others/ (accessed in December 2023)

(5) https://monday.com/blog/project-management/the-end-all-guide-to-project-implementation/ (accessed in December 2023)

(6) https://www.unpri.org/asset-owner-resources/crafting-an-investment-strategy-step-5-implementation/409.article (accessed in December 2023

(7) https://www.coursera.org/articles/implementation-planning (accessed in December 2023)

(8) https://www.financestrategists.com/wealth-management/investment-management/investment-monitoring/ (accessed in December 2023)

(9) https://www.elysee.fr/en/emmanuel-macron/2023/06/23/the-paris-agenda-for-people-and-the-planet (accessed in December 2023)




• Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

29 November 2023


Post No. 328



The Week’s Contents


• Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!

• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 2 (from 29/11/2023 to 05/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Schedule, Timelines and Milestones with Investor’s Investment Project Design 

• Financial Inclusion Project for The Needy


… And much more!


Coming Next Week: Winter E-Discussion on Volunteering with a Focus on


Key Messages


• Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!


Please support CENFACS to help others this Giving Season by generating donations when you shop. 


As the Festive Season’s preparation has started, anyone can help raise funds for CENFACS through their shopping without giving any penny.  It does not cost them any money to give to charities like CENFACS while shopping, whether online or in-person, and being asked either to tick a box or to name or choose a charity to benefit from their festive shopping activities.

You can turn your Festive Shopping into Donations to CENFACS.

By ticking a box to donate to charity or naming or choosing CENFACS, they can enable CENFACS to receive no-direct cash donations from their shopping; donations which we need to help those suffering from poverty and the lingering effects of the cost-of-living crisis.

Please remember that around the festive period millions of shoppers do not claim their points, discounts and rewards.  These points, prizes and rewards could have gone to good causes like CENFACS‘ noble ones.

So, it does not cost you as a festive shopper anything if you tick a box or name or choose CENFACS as your favourite charity to receive your points, prizes and rewards which could otherwise become unclaimed, unused and wasted.

This festive season, please do not let these free offers resulting from your shopping go unclaimed or wasted.  CENFACS wants them.  CENFACS needs your loyalty shopping points, discounts, vouchers, prizes and rewards that you do not want or need.

We need them to help people living in poverty and hardships.  These people require them.  We are demanding your no-direct cash gift and support through your festive shopping to help them.

Please support CENFACS raise donations for its cause when you buy gifts, decorations, festive items and everything else.

You could help generate donations for CENFACS when you shop this Festive Season.

Would you mind ticking a box or name or choose CENFACS to benefit from your festive shopping activities!

More on ways of supporting CENFACS’ beneficiaries through your festive shopping as well as CENFACS’ Festive Shopping and Donations Project is given under the Main Development section of this post.



• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme – Activity 2 (from 29/11/2023 to 05/12/2023): Matching Organisation’s Project Schedule, Timelines and Milestones with Investor’s Investment Project Design 


Both Africa-based Sister Charitable Organisation (ASCO) and Not-for-profit (n-f-p) Investor scored enough points in their individual first stage of the programme.  They would like to continue their talks and move to the second round of negotiation, which is Activity 2 of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme.

This second round of talks consists of agreeing on project schedule, timelines and milestones for ASCO, and on investment project design for n-f-p Investor.  To reach an agreement, it is better to understand the match terms, in particular the meaning of project schedule and investment project design.


• • Brief Understanding of Project Schedule


According to ‘coursera.com’ (1),

“Project scheduling is an analytical and data-driven activity that focuses on tasks and timescales”.

It is about planning your project deliveries in terms of dependencies and interdependencies between different projects as well as between various activities.  In other words, it consists of building project plan by identifying milestones and bottlenecks for their delivery.

For instance, at this stage 2 ASCO’s minimum tasks to achieve the project goals and the timeline for project critical path need to attract n-f-p investors.  ASCO has to convince investors that the project will be completed on time.


• • Meaning of Investment Design Project


To understand investment design project, one may need to know project design.  The website ‘projectmanager.com’ (2) states that

“Project design is [a process that defines] the overall project methodology that will be used and an overview of the project.  It describes the major deliverables, products or features that will be completed”.

Another explanation of project design comes from ‘wrike.com’ (3) which argues that

“Project design is an early phase of a project where the project’s key features, structure, criteria for success, and major deliverables are planned out”.

From the understanding of these two definitions, one can argue that investment project design is a project design that applies to an investment.  It is a process of designing and appraising investment project; a process that helps avoid poor or insufficient investment planning while taking into account constraints on resources and infrastructure.


• • The Match or Fit Test


As part of the match or fit test, n-f-p investor’s investment project design needs to match ASCO’s project schedule, timelines and milestones.  The match can be perfect or close in order to reach an agreement.  If there is a huge difference between the two, the probability or chance of having an agreement at this round could be null.  However, CENFACS can impact advise ASCO to improve its project schedule, timelines and milestones.  CENFACS can as well guide n-f-p investors with impact to ameliorate their investment project design to a format that can be acceptable by a potential ASCO.

The rule of the game remains the same; which is the more investors are attracted by ASCOs’ project schedule, timelines and milestones the better for ASCOs.  Likewise, the more ASCOs are willing to adopt investors’ investment project design the better for investors.  In this respect, the matching game needs to be a win-win one to benefit both players/gamers (i.e., organisation and investor).

The above is the second activity of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme. 

Those potential organisations seeking investment and n-f-p investors looking for organisations who are interested in it, they can contact CENFACS to arrange the match or fit test for them.  They can have their fit test carried out by CENFACS’ Hub for Testing Hypotheses.

For any queries and/or enquiries about this second activity of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme and/or the programme itself, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Financial Inclusion Project for The Needy


Financial Inclusion Project for The Needy is a practical response to some of the issues we discussed and raised in the 81st Issue of FACS which focussed on Financial Inclusion for The Needy.   Below are the three key elements which highlight this project.


• • What is Financial Inclusion Project for The Needy (FIP4N)?


FIP4N is a poverty-relieving project aiming at working with underserved members of our community so that they can gain access to, and use of quality affordable financial services and products through all means available and affordable for them including digital means.

It is a project of experimental financial poverty reduction that uses deliberative methodology that adds value to any efforts made to help vulnerable people to get out of financial poverty.

As it is said, this financial inclusion project will not only measure access and usage of financial services and products, but it will help in lifting the financially excluded and needy of our community out of poverty and improve their livelihoods.


• • Who Is for?


It is for those lacking the necessities of life, particularly financial inclusion.

Amongst them are:


√ formerly financially excluded

√ financially underserved poor consumers of financial products and services

√ unbanked members of our community 

√ those looking for opportunity to reduce financial poverty via financial inclusion

√ those highly indebted and financially excluded

√ the poly-crises impacted people

√ those exclusively relying on cash transactions

√ the financially excluded or underserved poor people

√ those without functional bank account or e-money account

√ financially digitally illiterate and innumerate

√ the older generations unable to handle digitally-enabled transactions and technologies

√ financially excluded by the adverse impacts of the overlapping multiple crises (the lingering effects of the coronavirus, the cost-of-living crisis, etc.)



Many of these people listed above need financial inclusion programme or project to get included or re-included.


• • Types of Financial Inclusion Support that Project Beneficiaries Can Get


For those members of our community who feel financially excluded and would like to navigate their way out of financial exclusion poverty, CENFACS can work with them to explore ways of coming out of it.

We can work with them under our Advice-, Guidance- and Information-giving Service by providing to them the following types of support:


√ Conducting needs assessment on financial inclusion matter

√ Agreeing an action plan on financial inclusion matter

√ Working together on impact monitoring and evaluation about financial inclusion actions to be taken

√ Signposting project beneficiaries to organisations working on financial inclusion for those in need

√ Supporting them to access financial education (literacy, numeracy and digital)

√ Giving information on the reduction of gender disparities in financial inclusion

√ Suggesting way of improving their financial history

√ Guiding them on consumer protection on matter relating to financial inclusion



If you are a member of our community, you can ask us for basic support regarding your inability to access and use affordable financial services and products.  We can work with you on this matter.

To ask support regarding financial inclusion matter or just to enquire about the FIP4N, please contact CENFACS.

For those who want more support on financial issues, we would like to inform them that we have a number of campaigns (e.g., Financial Stability Campaign) we are running on these issues; campaigns which they can join.


Extra Messages


• Activity of the Festive Season: How to Make your Triple-Value-Initiative Activity Raise Money for Good Causes

• Impact Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Development and Action Plan about Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household (29 & 30 November 2023)

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum e-discusses Transition and Translation of Skills Development into Income Generation



• Activity of the Festive Season: How to Make your Triple-Value-Initiative Activity Raise Money for Good Causes


You can help CENFACS raise funds it needs for its noble causes while you are undertaking your Triple Value Activity or All Year-Round Project.  How can you do it?



If you are Running or Organising a Run Activity to Reduce Poverty in 2023, you can dress like a Santa and raise money depending on the challenge (e.g., running laps or distances) and ask people around you to donate accordingly. 

Each person can donate to join in and/or others can sponsor each person running.  You can organise a virtual or in-person run.



If you are Playing the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief, you can organise a festive tournament and ask participants and your audiences to the tournament to donate.  



If you are Voting your 2023 African Poverty Relief Manager, you can set up a knowledge challenge in the form of Questions-Answers to find out your 2023 African Poverty Relief and Development Manager.  You can ask people who would like to attend or participate or watch the challenge to donate.

With some inspiration, the above shows that it is possible to raise funds for CENFACS’ noble causes while applying any of the three Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-Round Projects).

However, before embarking on raising funds via Triple Value Initiatives, you need to discuss the matter with CENFACS so that together with you we can plan How to Make your Triple-Value-Initiative Activity Raise Money for Good Causes.

To discuss the possibility of raising funds for good causes via Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-Round Projects), please contact CENFACS.



• Impact Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Development and Action Plan about Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household (29 & 30 November 2023)


Through this ending November month of Skills Development, we have focused on Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household, in particular on the skills relating to the following areas and weeks:


~ data collection and descriptive insights for week1

~ data organisation and diagnostic insights for week 2

~ data storing and predictive insights for week 3

~ data sharing and prescriptive insights for week 4.


In order to know the progress and achievements made as well as the to examine our performance against objectives, we are carrying out two exercises:


a) Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

b) Learning development and Action Plan.


Let us explain what these two exercises are about.


• • Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household


We are now carrying on with the systematic process of observation, recording, collection and analysis of information regarding our 4-week work on Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household in order to get its impact or at least its output.  This routing process will help to examine the activities of the data skills developed and identify bottlenecks during the process to see if they are in line with objectives we defined.

Also, we are undertaking the sporadic activity to draw conclusion regarding the relevance and effectiveness of the data and insight skills presented.  This activity will contribute to the determination of the value judgement regarding the performance level and attainment of defined objectives for Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household.

The findings from this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation will help to figure out what has been achieved through this work and give us some flavour about the future direction of Skills Development month.

As part of this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation exercise, we would like to ask to those who have been working with us throughout the last four weeks to share with us their feelings and thoughts about these three areas:


(a) The overall “Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household”

(b) Any of the data and insight skills they have been interested in or used in the context of running their household

(c) The relevancy or suitability of the weekend home works or exercises linked to each skills set developed.


You can share your feelings, thoughts, takeaways and insights with us by:


∝ Phoning

∝ Texting

∝ E-mailing

∝ Completing the contact form with your feelings and thoughts.


• • Learning Development and Action Plan for Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household


As part of keeping the culture of continuous learning and professional development within CENFACS, we are examining what the running of Skills Development and Skills Focus have brought and indicated to us.  We are particularly looking at the learning and development priorities and initiatives.  In this exercise, we are considering the action points and plan we may need to make in order to improve or better change the way in which we deliver our services and work with users.

For those who have been following the running of the Skills Development Month with us, this is the time or opportunity they can add their inputs to our learning and development experience so that we can know the skills gap that need to be filled up in 2024 and beyond.  They can as well have their own action plans on how they would like to take forward the contents of Skills Development month.  And if they have a plan and want us to look at it, we are willing to do so.

The plan could be on the above-mentioned data and insight skills presented throughout this month.  In particular, we can look at how any household making our community wants to make a plan for them or would like CENFACS to work with them on their chosen area of data skills.

Those who have some difficulties in drawing such a plan, we can for instance suggest them to undertake their own data monitoring.



• • Monitoring Your Data


To do your own data monitoring, you need to understand what is about.

According to ‘splunk.com’ (4),

“Data monitoring is observing and tracking data to verify whether it is accurate, quality-ensured, and integrated.  Doing so can help you identify and address issues, make better decisions, and maintain the reliability of data-driven processes”.

You can monitor your household data to detect anomalies and trends.  You can as well link this monitoring exercise to the previous weekend home works that made our Data and Insight Advocacy and Skills project.   

Have an issue to raise regarding the monitoring of your household data and want to share with CENFACS, please get in touch.

Have an action plan for your skills development and want CENFACS to look at it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

To add your input to our exercise on learning, development and action plan; just contact CENFACS.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum e-discusses Transition and Translation of Skills Development into Income Generation


The month of November at CENFACS is of the Economics of Education and Skill Formation (i.e., Skills Development Month).  The month of December at CENFACS is of Income Generation.  To conclude the Skills Development Month (November) and start the Income Generation Month (December), we are discussing the following question:

How can we transit from Skills Development to Income Generation and/or translate Skills Development into Income Generation?

Indeed, we are looking at the means by which we can use the skills and knowledge we have learnt during the Skills Development Month to generate income.  To be more specific, throughout the Skills Development Month, we presented Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household.  We are now exploring ways of using these skills to generate income in December or in the future.

So, CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum’s discussion is on how to make the skills (i.e., Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household) we developed so far generate income.  Putting it in other terms, are data and insight skills income generation skills?

For example, can the mastery of data sharing and prescriptive insight skills help a poor household to generate or increase its income or get social prescription it needs?

These are the transition and translation we are talking about.  This e-discussion is also about how education and training can help reduce financial poverty expressed as the lack of income or sufficient income to make ends meet.

Those who would like to share with us and others their experience in terms of the linkages between data and insight skills formation and development on the one hand, and income generation on the other hand, they are welcome to share.

Those who do not experience to share, but are just interested in this discussion can join in and or contribute with their views by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters and themes of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.

To communicate with CENFACS regarding this discussion, please use our usual contact details on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Achats et dons festifs sont requis!

S’il vous plaît, soutenez le CENFACS pour aider les autres en cette saison des dons en générant des dons lorsque vous magasinez. 

Alors que les préparatifs des fêtes de fin d’année ont commencé, tout le monde peut aider à collecter des fonds pour le CENFACS en faisant ses achats sans donner un centime.  Il ne leur en coûte rien de donner à des organismes de bienfaisance comme le CENFACS lorsqu’ils magasinent, que ce soit en ligne ou en personne, et qu’on leur demande de cocher une case ou de nommer ou de choisir un organisme de bienfaisance pour bénéficier de leurs activités de magasinage festif.

Vous pouvez transformer vos achats de Noël en dons au CENFACS.

En cochant une case pour faire un don à une association caritative ou en nommant ou en choisissant CENFACS, ils/elles peuvent permettre à CENFACS de recevoir un don en espèces sans argent comptant direct de leurs achats; dont nous avons besoin pour aider ceux et celles qui souffrent de la pauvreté et des effets persistants de la crise du coût de la vie.

N’oubliez pas qu’à l’approche des fêtes de fin d’année, des millions d’acheteurs (ses) ne réclament pas leurs points, leurs réductions et leurs récompenses.  Ces points, prix et récompenses auraient pu être reversés à de bonnes causes comme celles nobles du CENFACS.

Ainsi, cela ne vous coûte rien en tant qu’acheteur/se si vous cochez une case ou un nom ou si vous choisissez CENFACS comme organisme de bienfaisance préféré pour recevoir vos points, prix et récompenses qui pourraient autrement devenir non réclamés, inutilisés et gaspillés.

S’il vous plaît, en cette période de fêtes, ne laissez pas ces offres gratuites résultant de vos achats ne pas être réclamées ou gaspillées.  Le CENFACS les veut.  Le CENFACS a besoin de vos points de fidélité, remises, bons d’achat, prix et récompenses que vous ne voulez pas ou dont vous n’avez pas besoin.

Nous avons besoin d’eux pour aider les personnes qui vivent dans la pauvreté et les difficultés.  Ces gens en ont besoin.  Nous demandons votre don en espèces sans argent comptant direct et votre soutien par le biais de vos achats de Noël pour les aider.

S’il vous plaît, soutenez le CENFACS en collectant des dons pour sa cause lorsque vous achetez des cadeaux, des décorations, des articles festifs et tout le reste.

Vous pourriez aider à générer des dons pour le CENFACS lorsque vous magasinez pendant la période des fêtes.

Ça ne vous dérangerait pas de cocher une case ou un nom ou de choisir le CENFACS pour profiter de vos activités de magasinage festives.

Merci d’avance de votre soutien festif!


Main Development


Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!


Two items cover the contents of this Main Development and CENFACS Festive Shopping and Donations Project, items which are:


∝ Festive season as an opportunity to do something against poverty

∝ No-direct cash donations as a result of your shopping.


Let us summarily look at them.


• • Festive Season as an Opportunity to Do Something against Poverty


Every occasion or season is an opportunity to do something against poverty and hardships.  The festive season, which is a great time to share precious moments with your loved ones, is also a period to spread a little extra of that happiness to those who do not have.

We understand that many people including our supporters continue to seriously suffer from the lingering effects of multiple crises of the last three years and are still trying to navigate their way to fully recover from them.  However, for people who are already living in poverty, these effects are even intolerable and unbearable for them.  There is a reason to support these poor people during this festive season.  One of the many ways of supporting them could be with no-direct cash donations through your festive shopping.


• • No-direct Cash Donations as a Result of Your Shopping


CENFACS needs donations from your festive shopping, in particular we need no-direct cash donations, to support those in need.  Some festive shoppers who could donate no-direct cash may not understand what it means.  This is why it is better we explain the following:


∝ What do we mean by no-direct cash donations?

∝ Types of no-direct cash donations we are talking about and asking for.


• • • Brief explanation of no-direct cash donations


A no-direct cash donation is an amount given as a gift and which is not a direct transfer of cash, cheque, or a debit or credit card.  No-direct cash donations should not be confused with in-kind donations.  In the context of Festive Shopping, the donor gives money indirectly through their shopping activities.  It is about turning festive shopping or any other type of shopping into donations.  If there is no shopping, there is no-direct cash donation linked to the shopping.

What are those types of donations that are the result of one’s shopping drive?


• • • Types of no-direct cash donations


There are two types of no-direct cash donations when shopping, which are:


a) No-direct cash donations when shopping at CENFACS Zero-waste e-shop

b) No-direct cash donations via shopping at other shops/stores.


Let us look at each of them.



• • • • Indirectly donate when you shop at CENFACS Zero-waste e-shop at http://cenfacs.org.uk/shop/


• • • • • SHOPPING or DONATING GOODS at CENFACS Zero-waste e-Store


You can give your unwanted and unneeded goods or pre-loved items to CENFACS’ Zero-waste e-Store, the shop built to help relieve poverty.  You can buy second hand goods and bargain priced new items and much more.

You can do something different this Festive Season by SHOPPING or DONATING GOODS at CENFACS’ Zero-waste e-Store.  You can even make this e-store better.

You can DONATE or SHOP or do both:

√ DONATE unwanted pre-loved GOODS and PRODUCTS to CENFACS Zero-waste e-Store during the festive period and beyond

√ SHOP at CENFACS Zero-waste e-Store to support good and deserving causes of poverty relief during the festive period and beyond.

Your SHOPPING action and or GOODS DONATIONS will help to the Upkeep of the Nature and to reduce poverty.

CENFACS Zero-waste e-Shop is open for both online festive purchase and goods donations.

Festive shoppers can help raise free funds for CENFACS‘ noble cause every time they shop at CENFACS Zero-waste e-Store.

Please do not hesitate to donate goods or purchase what is available at CENFACS Zero-waste e-Store.

Many ordinary people and families are struggling to make ends meet at this challenging time as the economy is still sideways from a full recovery from the cost-of-living crisis.  Many of them do not know how they are going to make ends meet; let alone how they will meet their festive expenses as prices and bills are still higher compared to their real disposable incomes.  They need helpWe need support as well to help them come out poverty and hardships.

Amongst the goods to donate, we are asking net-zero goods as well.


• • • • • Donation of NET-ZERO GOODS this Festive Season


You can donate carbon neutral or net zero greenhouse gas emissions goods to help reduce the adverse impacts of climate change and poverty, while creating an opportunity to save non-renewable natural resources.  This type of donation can boost the circular economy and improve the upkeep of the nature.

CENFACS’ Zero-waste e-Store needs your support for Festive SHOPPING and DONATIONS.

To donate or purchase goods, please go to: http://cenfacs.org.uk/shop/


• • • • Indirectly donate when you shop with other stores/shops


You can help CENFACS raise funds through your festive shopping to other shops and stores, whether online or in-person.  You can do it via the 8-themed tools mentioned below.

The 8-themed ways of turning your shopping into donations to CENFACS in the lead up to the year-end include


1) Raise free funds for CENFACS with your online shopping

2) Choose CENFACS as a donation recipient of some of the profits raised from online shopping

3) Donate your unwanted and unused points and cashback to CENFACS as your chosen charity from your loyalty shopping rewards or good causes’ gift cards

4) Pass to CENFACS no-direct cash won from shopping surveys; cash you do not require or want

5) Name CENFACS as your favourite deserving cause if it happens that you have the opportunity to click the online option “donate cashback to charities

6) Give away to CENFACS any vouchers received or earned from your shopping; vouchers you do not need or want

7) Hand out to CENFACS any proceeds from unwanted or unneeded prize draw or award from your shopping

8) Donate any unwanted excess points of your loyalty card from online shopping apps that may support good causes.


However, turning shopping into donations does not mean one cannot donate cash.  Of course, they can.  If you choose to directly donate cash, CENFACS will happily accept your cash donations.

You can use and or get informed about a variety of ways that many stores and shops offer to support charities through customers’ shopping, particularly during the festive period.  You can use them to support CENFACS‘ noble cause of poverty reduction via your shopping action without directly giving money.

As long as your no-direct cash donations fall within our gift acceptance agreement or criteria, there should not be a problem.  CENFACS will acknowledge and thank you for your no-direct cash contributions to its mission and causes.

Please remember CENFACS when you do your Festive Shopping.

To sum up, you can both indirectly donate when you shop at CENFACS Zero-waste e-Store and with other stores/shops.

To indirectly donate to CENFACS through CENFACS’ Zero-waste e-Shop, please go to: http://cenfacs.org.uk/shop/

To indirectly donate to CENFACS via your shopping activity to other shops and stores, please check or ask them if they have any scheme that support charities.  Sometimes, they may propose you it themselves at their counters.

Thank you for considering our ask for no-direct cash donations via your festive shopping activities.

For any queries and/or enquiries about CENFACS’ Festive Shopping and Donations Project, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





(1) https://www.coursera.org/gb/article/project-plan (accessed in November 2023)

(2) https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/project-design-in-project-management (accessed in November 2023)

(3) https://www.wrike.com/project-management-guide/faq/what-is-project-design-in-project-management/ (accessed in November 2023) 

(4) https://www.splunk.com/en_us/blog/learn/data-monitoring,html# (accessed in November 2023)



• Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.

Matching Organisation-Investor Programme

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

22 November 2023


Post No. 327



The Week’s Contents


• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme

• Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household – On the Agenda from Wednesday 22/11/2023: Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insight Skills

• Support the Educationally Needy Children, Children Impacted by Crises in Africa


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


This is a new programme of work which consists of bringing together Advice Service for Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) and Guidance Service for the Not-for-profit Investors.  The Impact Advice to ASOs is on project planning, while Guidance to Not-for-profit Investors is on Impact Investing in Africa.

The programme amalgamates both Advice Service for Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) and Guidance Service for Not-for-profit Impact Investing in Africa.  The two services are one of our Starting XI Campaign for Autumn 2023.

Our support to Africa-based Sister Organisations via Impact Advice will continue to operate to help these organisations to overcome many challenges they face such as changing climate, the cost-of-living crisis, debt crisis, etc.  Our guidance work with not-for-profit investors will carry on as well.  Under CENFACS‘ Guidance for Investing in African Not-for-profit Organisations and Causes in Africa, we run a programme to support these not-for-profit investors in Africa.

For both ASOs and not-for-profit investors, we have planned to conduct more activities this November 2023.  One of these activities is this new programme, Matching Organisation-Investor Programme.

Through this programme, we will be trying to match ASOs and Not-for-profit Investors.  The term ‘matching programme’ can be used in many settings.  In the context of our new programme, it simply mean advice to ASOs and guidance to Not-for-profit Investors so that the needs of the former can meet with the interests of the latter.

In order to work with both ASOs and Not-for-profit Investors in the context of matching service, we have planned four-week of work/programme starting from 22 November 2023.  The programme is based on a 4-stage model of project planning and a 4-stage type of investment life cycle.  There could be more than four stages in any project planning and in any investment cycle.  However, because we limit ourselves to deliver this programme in four weeks, we chose a four-stage model for both project planning and investment cycle.

More on this Matching Organisation-Investor Programme can be found under the Main Development section of this post.



• Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household – On the Agenda from Wednesday 22/11/2023: Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insight Skills


The last episode of our four series of Data and Insight Advocacy and Skills to empower user households will be on Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insight Skills.  To deal with these skills, one may need to understand data sharing and prescriptive insights in the context of households or families as well as the types of skills that can involve when households or families are trying to share their data and need prescription from the information the data are telling them.


• • Data Sharing in the Context of Households/Families


Although the Information Commissioner’s Office (1) does not treat the movement of data by one part of an organisation to another part by the controller to itself as data sharing, in this serial 4 of our Data and Insight Advocacy and Skills project we are considering data or information exchanged between the members of the same household/family as data sharing.  What is then data sharing?


• • • Basic Understanding of Data Sharing


Data sharing can be understood in many ways.  The website ‘aws.amazon.com’ (2) explains that

“Data sharing is the process of making the same data resources available to multiple applications, users or organisations.  It includes technologies, practices, legal frameworks, and cultural elements that facilitate secure data access for multiple entities without compromising data integrity”.

Another definition of data sharing comes from ‘nordvpn.com’ (3) which states that

“Data sharing is the process of making data available to others”.

The website ‘nordvpn.com’ also explains that

“Data withholding is the opposite of data sharing.  It is a deliberate withholding of data when someone requests it be provided”.

To share data one needs technologies (like open source, modern data sharing solutions).  One can as well use social media networks and the cloud to share data.

There are advantages and disadvantages in sharing data.  In the context of these notes, let us focus on what is good about sharing data between household/family members.


• • • What is Good about Data Sharing within a Household


Data sharing within a household can help in number of ways, like


√ Improving the performance of households

√ Making households more creative

√ Enhancing decision-making processes within household as decisions will be data-driven or -backed

√ Creating opportunities for household members to better collaborate



Data sharing comes with data sharing skills.


• • • Data Sharing Skills in the Context of Households/Families


A typical household/family needs some skills to share its data.  There is a range of data sharing skills that a household/family may use.  Without listing all of them, we can mention the following skills that most household/family data sharers will need.  These skills are the abilities to


√ demonstrate openness and transparency

√ promote content sharing

√ collaborate

√ enable data-driven decision-making

√ safely store data

√ improve efficiency of household/family



Depending on data to share, a number of skills will be involved.

One thing is to share data or facts, another thing is to understand and analyse the information contained in the data.


• • Prescriptive Insights in the Context of Households/Families


Prescriptive insights stem from the mastery of prescriptive analytics.  According to Catherine Cote (4),

“Prescriptive analytics goes beyond explanations and predictions to recommend the best course of action moving forward.  It is especially useful in driving data – informed decision-making”.

From the understanding of prescriptive analytics, it is possible to draw the meaning of prescriptive insights.


• • • Meaning of Prescriptive Insights 


One of its meanings comes from ‘sparkcognition.com’ (5) which explains that

“Prescriptive insights are actionable recommendations derived from analytics processes to achieve desired outcomes in response to expected events.  They provide answer to the question: how can we make X happen instead of Y?”

To undertake prescriptive insights, one needs some skills.


• • • Prescriptive Insight Skills in the Context of Households/Families


Prescriptive insight skills are the dexterities to focus on what actions should be taken in terms of answers to a specific question.  Amongst these dexterities, there are those to


√ optimize decision-making

√ identify bottlenecks

√ improve resource allocation

√ enhance efficiency

√ look forward instead of looking backward

√ adapt to the evolution

√ increase poverty reduction outcomes

√  stay ahead of the game




• • Working with the Community Members on Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insights to Manage their Households


We would like to repeat that the purpose of working with the community members on data and insight skills, here data sharing and prescriptive insight skills, is to help them as follows:


√ to create trust in data and insight systems

√ to learn and build technical skills like statistical literacy skills

√ to enhance a culture of data and insight uses within household

√ to improve household/family the overall data and insight skills

√ to attach value to data and insight to explain and understand what is happening in their households

√ to empower and inform household data users and insight generators

√ to provide opportunity to those members of our community who deal with business analytics and insight tools (e.g., Google analytics) to bring their knowledge and understanding of these tools at the level of household/family analytics to benefit the management of their households/families

√ to encourage the community members to register their skills on CENFACS Skills Data Bank

√ above all, to reduce poverty linked to poor data and insight skills; yet data and insight skills are necessary to deal with life-saving household/family matters.  They are the lifeblood of any household or family.


CENFACS can work with those who need help and support on data sharing and prescriptive insights so that they can effectively and efficiently manage their households.  Also, we can conduct with them basic data and insights analytics using the free frontline tools of poverty reduction we have in our box.

Where our capacity is limited in comparison to their demand or specific needs, we can signpost or refer them to relevant data insight and analytics services or organisations that are available on the market and can be accessible by them.

For those members of our community who will be interested in Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insight Skills to Manage Their Households, they can contact CENFACS.  CENFACS can work with them to enhance their Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insight Skills to Manage Their Households.



• • Homework for This Week’s End: Share Data and Answer the Question, “What Should We Do Next?”


You are a very busy working couple and separately buying Christmas presents for your children for this coming Christmas.  To avoid spending money twice on the same presents, you would like to share information on what each of you is buying for your children.  Sharing information in this way will help to wisely spend your money as a couple while efficiently preparing your Christmas and avoiding impulse festive buying.

In addition, you both read from ‘theguardian.com’ (6) that

“The UK’s annual inflation rate fell sharply to 4.6% in October [2023] on the back of cheaper gas and electricity”.

You would like to deep-dive into this data or information relating to the UK’s annual inflation.  You want to capitalise on this information and know what you can do next in terms of your spending.   How can you capitalise on this information to ask the question, “What should we do next?”?

Those who have any queries about this homework, they can submit them to CENFACS.

So, Data Sharing and Prescriptive Insight Skills are the last episode of our 4-week series of presentation of Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household.  To conclude our serial presentation, we are going to release the notes for  Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household next week.

To get further insight into Skills Development Month, please contact CENFACS.

If anyone is particularly interested in a particular skill or has something to share about the skills we developed during our serial presentation, they should not hesitate to talk to CENFACS.

To get further insight into Skills Development Month at CENFACS, please contact CENFACSData and Insight Advocacy and Skills project.



• Support the Educationally Needy Children, Children Impacted by Crises in Africa


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (7) estimates that

“The out-of-school population in Sub-Saharan Africa increased by 12 million over 2015-21” (p. 19)

Likewise, the United Nations Children’s Fund (8) states that

“One of the first day of the new 2023-2024 academic year in Burkina Faso, 1 in 4 schools or 6,149 remain shut due to ongoing violence and insecurity in parts of the country”.

As a way of keeping education alive for these unfortunate children living in those parts of Africa in conflict crisis (like in the 3 borders area composed of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger), many types of initiatives have been so far taken to support these children.

These initiatives have been carried out by organisations (such as the United Nations Children’s Fund) and people like you to help.  Initiatives such as education by radio programme, back-to-school advocacy, delivery of school kits, etc. have been taken.

However, due to the immense educational challenge posed by the legacies of insecurity and violence, there is still a deep, intense and urgent educational need in many of these areas (like in Masisi and Rutshuru towns of the Democratic Republic of Congo).

This appeal, which is worded as Every Child in Africa Deserves Education, has already started and will make CENFACS‘ fundraising campaign for Giving Tuesday on 28 November 2023.

We would like people who may be interested in our charitable mission to join us in this campaign.

We are asking to those who can to support these Educationally Needy Children, through this campaign, not to wait the Giving Tuesday on 28 November 2023.

They can donate now since the needs are urgent and pressing.

To donate, please get in touch with CENFACS.



Extra Messages


• 2023 All Year-round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives): Play, Run and Vote for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development

• Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation with Installation Sub-phase (Phase 3.2) –

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum e-discusses African Carbon Market and Poverty Reduction in Africa



• 2023 All Year-round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives): Play, Run and Vote for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development


CENFACS’ Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-round Projects) have only one month to go.

The 2023 Edition of All Year-round Projects will be closed on 23 December 2023.  You can still playrun and vote to reduce poverty before this verdict day.

CENFACS hopes that those who have been using these projects have managed to carry out any of these three activities:


a) Run or Organise a Run Activity to Reduce Poverty in 2023 

b) Play the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief

c) Vote their 2023 African Poverty Relief Manager.


If they have, we would like to hear from them the following three bests or stars of the year 2023:


√ The Best African Countries of 2023 which would have best reduced poverty

√ The Best African Global Games Runners of 2023

√ The Best African Development Managers of 2023.


The deadline to tell us your bests or stars of this year-end is 23 December 2023.

Please remember, don’t miss this verdict day or closing date.

To tell us your results or to enquire about these projects, please contact CENFACS.



• Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation with Installation Sub-phase (Phase 3.2) –

How to prepare yourself to follow COP28 by distance


The 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) will be convened in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from 30 November to 12 December 2023 (9).  However, not everybody will travel to Dubai to take part in the COP28.  Those members of our community who are interested in this event and cannot attend  in-person may want to follow these climate talks by distance.  How can they prepare to follow them?

This week, we are discussing the kind of preparation one may need to make in order to effectively follow COP28 by distance.  In particular, we are debating the following items:


σ guidelines for the participants to COP28

σ technologies to follow COP28 by distance

σ the organisation of COP28 by its organisers

σ the people and organisations to follow

σ COP28 pavillons or workshops

σ COP28 papers



Our discussion includes the way of capturing the key moments and messages in relation to our demand to give a climate stake to children, and to our slogan which is: Dubai Raise Children’s Ambitions and Hopes. 

We are also considering the key points discussed at various pre-COP28 climate meetings and events (e.g., Africa Climate Week 2023, Talks on Climate Loss and Damage, etc.) held so far.  We are reflecting on how these pre-COP28 Talks can fit into CENFACS’ CPSAC and its sub-phase 3.2.  

To enquire about this pre-COP28 preparation within CENFACS  and to support CENFACS’ CPSAC and its sub-phase 3.2, please contact CENFACS.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum e-discusses African Carbon Market and Poverty Reduction in Africa


Last week, at the African Economic Conference in Addis Ababa (10), experts called for the establishment of an African Carbon Market to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  A carbon market is, by definition of ‘climatepromise-undp.org’ (11), a trading system in which carbon credits are sold and bought.

While the establishment of such as market is good for a clean Africa, it has to be recognised that this kind of market (be it single or several) should provide the opportunity to further up poverty reduction in Africa.  Companies or individuals using carbon markets to compensate for their greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing carbon credits from entities that remove ore reduce greenhouse gas emissions need as well to make sure that their activities positively impact poverty reduction in Africa.

Indeed, data shows that Africa is an insignificant greenhouse gas emitter compared to the developed regions of the world, while the same Africa is leading the world in terms of the number of poor people.  Let us consider data relating to both greenhouse gas emissions and poverty in Africa.

Concerning Africa’s greenhouse gas emissions, ‘statista.com’ (12) states that

“Africa accounted for 3.9 percent of the world’s emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuels and industry in 2021”.

Regarding Africa’s level of poverty, the World Bank argues (13),

“462 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are still living in extreme poverty in 2023”.

Given the above-mentioned data, a climate-resilient development in Africa needs to go hand in hand with poverty-reducing development.  A carbon market in Africa will be good to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  It should as well be better in further reducing poverty in Africa which has now become an endemic obstacle to Africa’s development.

In the light of the above information, CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum is debating the implications of an African Carbon Market for Poverty Reduction in Africa.  A single or regional carbon markets in Africa can sell carbon credits.  It could be wise in ensuring that the price of carbon sold benefit the poor in Africa as well.  It will be also worthwhile to guarantee that a reasonable proportion of any funds to be retained from climate operations and any dividend from climate debt swaps to be used to further reduce poverty in Africa.

Those who may be interested in this discussion can join in and or contribute by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters and themes of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.

To communicate with CENFACS regarding this discussion, please use our usual contact details on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Le Forum ‘Une Afrique Meilleure’ de CENFACS discute en ligne du marché africain du carbone et de la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique

La semaine dernière, lors de la Conférence économique africaine d’Addis-Abeba (10), les experts ont appelé à la mise en place d’un marché africain du carbone pour réduire efficacement les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.  Un marché du carbone est, par définition de « climatepromise-undp.org » (11), un système d’échange dans lequel des crédits carbone sont vendus et achetés.

Bien que la création d’un tel marché soit bonne pour une Afrique propre, il faut reconnaître que ce type de marché (qu’il soit unique ou plusieurs) devrait offrir la possibilité de renforcer la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique.  Les entreprises ou les particuliers qui utilisent les marchés du carbone pour compenser leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre en achetant des crédits carbone à des entités qui éliminent le minerai réduisent les émissions de gaz à effet de serre doivent également s’assurer que leurs activités contribuent à la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique.

En effet, les données montrent que l’Afrique est un émetteur de gaz à effet de serre insignifiant par rapport aux régions développées du monde, alors que cette même Afrique est en tête du monde en termes de nombre de pauvres.

En ce qui concerne les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de l’Afrique, le « statista.com » (12) indique que

« L’Afrique représentait 3,9 % des émissions mondiales de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) provenant des combustibles fossiles et de l’industrie en 2021 ».

En ce qui concerne le niveau de pauvreté de l’Afrique, la Banque mondiale fait valoir (13) que

« 462 millions de personnes en Afrique subsaharienne vivent encore dans l’extrême pauvreté en 2023 ».

Compte tenu des données susmentionnées, un développement résilient au changement climatique en Afrique doit aller de pair avec un développement qui réduit la pauvreté.  Un marché du carbone en Afrique sera bon pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.  Il devrait également être préférable de réduire davantage la pauvreté en Afrique, qui est devenue un obstacle endémique au développement de l’Afrique.

À la lumière des informations ci-dessus, le Forum ‘Une Afrique Meilleure’ de CENFACS débat des implications d’un marché africain du carbone pour la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique.  Un marché du carbone unique ou régional en Afrique peut vendre des crédits carbone.  Il serait peut-être sage de faire en sorte que le prix du carbone vendu profite également aux pauvres d’Afrique.  Il sera également utile de garantir qu’une proportion raisonnable de tous les fonds provenant des opérations climatiques et que tous les dividendes provenant des échanges de dettes climatiques soient utilisés pour réduire davantage la pauvreté en Afrique.

Les personnes susceptibles d’être intéressées par cette discussion peuvent y participer et/ou y contribuer en contactant le me.Afrique du CENFACS (ou le Forum ‘Une Afrique Meilleure’ de CENFACS), qui est un lieu ou espace de discussion sur les questions et les thèmes de la réduction de la pauvreté et du développement durable en Afrique et qui agit au nom de ses membres en faisant des propositions ou des idées d’actions pour une Afrique meilleure.

Pour communiquer avec le CENFACS au sujet de cette discussion, veuillez utiliser nos coordonnées habituelles sur ce site Web.


Main Development


Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


The following items explain this programme:


σ What Is a Matching Organisation-Investor Programme?

σ The Aim of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme

σ How Can Africa-based Sister Organisations and Not-for-profit Investors be Matched?

σ Matching Guidelines

σ Benefits of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme

σ Outcomes of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme 

σ Plan for 4-week Matching Activities

σ 22 to 28/11/2023: Matching Organisation-Investor Activity 1


Let us highlight each of the above-mentioned items.


• • What Is a Matching Organisation-Investor Programme?


Matching programme is a term used in various settings.  In the context of CENFACS, Matching Organisation-Investor Programme is the process by which organisations (here Africa-based Sister Organisations) are matched against not-for-profit (n-f-p) investors.  The programme uses n-f-p investors’ description of their requirements to fit organisations’ needs via a fit test.


• • The Aim of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


The aim of this programme is to reduce poverty amongst the people in need in Africa; poverty due to the lack of best match or fit between ASOs’ needs and not-for-profit investors’ interests.  Where the needs of the ASOs best meet or match the vested interests of not-for-profit investors, there could be high probability to reduce poverty amongst the beneficiaries of ASOs.  The match probability could be high or average or low depending on how much ASOs’ needs meet investors’ interests.


• • How Can Africa-based Sister Organisations and Not-for-profit Investors Be Matched?


The matching happens through the two main components of this programme, which are Impact Advice to ASOs and Guidance to Not-for-profit Investors for Impact.


• • • What Is Impact Advice to ASOs?


It is an approach to or methodology of working with ASOs that uses a theory of change to measure impact following advice given on project planning.

Impact Advice to ASOs is about


√ Working with ASOs to overcome their project planning problems

√ Helping them to improve their project planning processes, knowledge, skills and capabilities

√ Making sure that project planning benefits the users and communities they serve, particularly those living in poverty

√ Ensuring that project planning tackles the root causes of poverty and hardships



Impact Advice uses impact measuring tools and frontline metrics to track results and outcomes.


• • • Guidance to Not-for-profit Investors for Impact


This is a service we offer to those n-f-p investors who would like to not-for-profit invest for impact in Africa’s not-for-profit organisations and charitable causes.   To understand this service, one needs to know “What is a Not-for-profit Investment?” (14)

A Not-for-profit Investment is a sum of money puts into a not-for-profit organisation in order to help this organisation achieve its not-for-profit mission.  Not-for-profit means that the organisation is not engaged in the activity of realising a greater difference between its sales revenue and total costs.  Instead, the organisation aims at providing services without making profit, services that benefit its members or the community as specified in its governing document.

This not-for-profit investment can be in the physical or financial form.  Therefore, there are two types of investment that not-for-profit investors can choose in order to engage in, which are: physical or real investment and financial investment.

This guidance is based on not-for-profit investment and impact investing.  What is impact investing?

According to ‘evpa.ngo’ (15),

“Investing for impact is an impact strategy followed by investors that adopt the venture philanthropy approach to support social purpose organisations maximising their social impact.  Investors for impact support innovative solutions to pressing societal issues, providing in-depth non-financial support and taking on risks that most of other actors in the market cannot – or are not willing to take”.

Briefly, Africa-based Sister Organisations and Not-for-profit Investors can be matched via Impact Advice on project planning for the former and Guidance on Impact Investing for the latter.  To realise a successful match, some guidelines need to be followed.


• • Matching Guidelines


To carry out matching, one needs to know the profile of the organisation that is looking for not-for-profit investment, the specification or description of the investor, and identification of possible ways of matching organisation’s profile and investor’s specification.


• • Benefits of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


There are benefits when organisations’ needs match not-for-profit investors’ interest.  These benefits include:


√ Cost-effectiveness as the programme reduces the costs for both organisations (for instance, the costs of looking for investment) and investors (e.g., the costs of finding the right organisation in which to invest)

√ Reduction of opportunity costs between the two parties (i.e., investee and investor) engaged in the programme

√ Creation and sustenance of relationships between organisations and investors

√ Problems-solving mechanisms or solutions for organisations’ problems and needs, and solutions to investors’ requests

√ Opportunity for a fit test (i.e., testing organisation-investor fit on mutual interests and contribution to the right decision)

√ Qualitative feedback about Organisation-Investor and background knowledge

√ Better decision-making processes for the two parties (e.g., organisations and investors)



• • Outcomes of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme


It is better to differentiate outcomes for not-for-profit investors from those relating to Africa-based Sister Organisations and Causes.


• • • Outcomes for Not-for-profit Investors


The programme will provide peace of mind for n-f-p investors and a good return in terms of the rate or size of poverty reduction they will expect from the organisations or causes in which they will invest or support.


• • • Outcomes for Africa-based Sister Organisations and Causes


The programme will enable them to access the type of investment they need and build the capacity they are lacking.  In doing so, this helps them to achieve their project aims, objectives and key deliverables with peace of mind.


• • Plan for 4-week Matching Activities


As part of CENFACSMatching Organisation-Investor Programmewe are running a 4-week matching activities to support both organisations and not-for-profit investors.  It is a 4-week work about Impact Advice Service for organisations and Guidance Service on Impact Investing for not-for-profit investors.

The programme is based on 4-stage model of project planning and 4-stage style of investment life cycle.   The 4-stage model of project planning uses in our programme comes from ‘coursera.org’ (16) which defines project planning as

“A structured approach to managing a project from its initiation to its completion”.

The same ‘coursera.org’ provides a four-stage process to project planning comprising of:


a) Define project scope and goals

b) Agree on a project schedule, timelines and milestones

c) Establish roles and teams

d) Plan and establish project documentation.


As to the 4-stage of investment life cycle used in our programme, we have referred to the four phases of investment cycle from the Agriculture and Food Organisation of the United Nations (17), phases which are


i) plan strategically

ii) design investment

iii) implement and monitor

iv) evaluate and capitalize.


We have adapted these phases to our programme.

However, let us recognise that there could be more than four stages in any project planning process and any investment cycle.  Because we set up some boundaries by limiting ourselves to deliver this programme in four weeks, we choose a four-stage model for both project planning and investment cycle.

The programme is designed to work with both those seeking not-for-profit investors and those who would like to invest in the not-for-profit organisations and causes.  The following is our plan of action/work for the programme.


Notes to table no. 1:

(*) Match periods are portions of time intended to help discover whether or not investors’ interests match organisations’ needs

(**) Impact Advice uses a 4-stage project planning model

(***) Guidance for Impact Investing follows a 4-stage investment life cycle.


If you want advice, help and support to find not-for-profit investors; CENFACS can work with you under its 4-week Matching Organisation-Investor Programme, starting from 22 November 2023.

If you need guidance to outsource not-for-profit organisations and causes in Africa; CENFACS can work with you under its 4-week Matching Organisation-Investor Programme, starting from 22 November 2023.

These matching activities are a great way to realise your dream or ambition as an organisation or a not-for-profit investor in Africa, to enter and start 2024.

Need to apply for the programme, please contact CENFACS.


• • 22 to 28/11/2023: Matching Organisation-Investor Activity 1: Matching Organisation’s Project Goals and Objectives with Investor’s Strategic Planning


There are many scenarios in which an investor can invest in an organisation.  In our scenario or model of matching organisation-investor programme, we are trying to bring an investor in an Africa-based Sister Organisation and Cause through project goals ad objectives of this ASO.  We are trying to match ASO’s project goals and objectives with an investor’s strategic planning of investment.

In order to match organisation’s project goals and objectives with investor’s strategic planning, one needs to understand the meaning of project goals and objectives as well as strategic planning.

To understand project goals and objectives, let us refer to what ‘kidasa.com’ (18) argues about them.  According to ‘kidasa.com’,

“Goals are high-level statements that provide overall context for what the project is trying to achieve, and should align to business… Objectives are lower level statements that describe the specific, tangible products and deliverables that the project will deliver”.

Strategic planning of investment is understood here as the phase of assessment and communication to set up priorities and identify projects for implementation, according to the model of four phases of investment cycle proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (op. cit.).

The rule of the matching game here is the more investors are attracted by ASOs’ project goals and objectives the better for ASOs.  Likewise, the more ASOs are willing to adopt investors’ strategic plans the better for investors.  In this respect, the matching game needs to be a win-win one to benefit both players (i.e., organisation and investor).

The above is the first activity of the Matching Organisation-Investor Programme. 

Those potential organisations seeking investment and n-f-p investors looking for organisations who are interested in it, they can contact CENFACS to arrange the match or fit test for them.  They can have their fit test carried out by CENFACS’ Hub for Testing Hypotheses.

For any queries and/or enquiries about this first activity of Matching Organisation-Investor Programme and/or the programme itself, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





(1) https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resource/data-sharing/data-sharing-a-code-of-practice/data-sharing-covered-by-the-code/ (accessed in November 2023)

(2) https://aws.amazon.com/what-is/data-sharing (accessed in November 2023)

(3) https://nordvpn.com/blog/data-sharing/ (accessed in November 2023)

(4) https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/prescriptive-analytics (accessed in November 2023)

(5) https://www.sparkcognition.com/solutions/prescriptive-insights/ (accessed in November 2023)

(6) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/nov/15/uk-inflation-drops-gas-electricity-prices-interest-rates (accessed in November 2023)

(7) UNESCO (2023), Global Education Monitoring Report Summary 2023: Technology in Education: A tool on whose terms? Paris, UNESCO

(8) https://www.unicef.org/burkinafaso/en/press-releases/burkina-faso-new-academic-year-starts-one-million-children-out-school-due-ongoing# (accessed in October 2023)

(9) https://www.cop28.com/en/(accessed in November 2023)

(10) https://www.uneca.org/stories/experts-call-for-the-establishment-of-an-african-carbon-market-to-effectively-reduce (accessed in November 2023)

(11) https://climatepromise-undp.org/news-and-stories/what-are-carbon-market-and-why-are-they-important (accessed in November 2023)

(12) https://www.statista.com/statistics/1287508/africa-share-in-global-co2-emissions/ (accessed in November 2023)

(13) https://www.worldbank.org/en/region/afr/overview (accessed in November 2023)

(14) cenfacs.org.uk/2023/02/08/africa-not-for-profit-investment-outlook-2023/ (accessed in November 2023)

(15) https://www.evpa.ngo/impact-glossary (Accessed in March 2023)

(16) https://www.coursera.org/gb/article/project-plan (accessed in November 2023)

(17) https://www.fao.org/investment-learning-platform/investment-cycle-phases/en/ (accessed in November 2023)

(18) https://kidasa.com/defining-project-goals-and-objectives/ (accessed in November 2023)




 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.

Pension Project of Poverty Reduction in Old Age

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

15 November 2023


Post No. 326



The Week’s Contents


• Pension Project of Poverty Reduction in Old Age (P³ROA)

• Coming This 19 November 2023: The 14th Edition of the Women and Children FIRST Development Day

• Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household – Under Consideration from Wednesday 15/11/2023: Data Storing Skills and Predictive Insights


… And Much more!



Key Messages


• Pension Project of Poverty Reduction in Old Age (P³ROA)


Our raw story of building sustainable retirement to avoid multi-dimensional poverty in the old age continues with the project proposals for the above-mentioned project.  This project was initially thought and discussed when we announced the 80th Issue of FACS which dealt with ‘Pension and the Reduction of the Old Age Poverty in Africa‘.

P³ROA is a poverty-relieving initiative designed to work with unaware beneficiaries about their pension rights and obligations so that they can sort out their pension plans and rights as early as possible in order to avoid or reduce poverty in their old age.

Through this project, it is hoped that beneficiaries will take early and responsible steps both in terms of contributions and benefits so that they can prevent disappointment or surprise in old age that can lead to pension poverty.  P³ROA will also motivate them to improve their means of living and contributions towards their retirement while making responsible decisions in terms of pension scheme choices or plans.

To extract more insights into P³ROA and its related proposals, please read under the Main Development section of this post.




• Coming This 19 November 2023:

The 14th Edition of the Women and Children FIRST Development Day with a Focus on Self-efficacy Skills to Refresh Ways of Tackling Crises 


This year, our Development Day will still be about skills that can be learnt and developed in order to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  The skills we would like to learn and develop in this 14th Edition are those that we will help us to bounce back from the lingering effects of the coronavirus and the enduring cost-of-living crisis.  Amongst these skills are Self-efficacy Skills to Refresh Ways of Tackling Crises.


• • Refreshing Ways of Tackling Crises to Bounce Back


Every day, women and children respond to crises and risks they face.  Because the nature of crises and risks is changing, there could be a need to refresh ways of tackling these crises.  This can be done through three Self-efficacy skills – resilience, flexibility and agility – which are ranked as the third top skills of 2023 in demand, according to the World Economic Forum (1).  The 14th Edition of the Women & Children FIRST Development Day will concentrate on these skills in demand on the job market today.

Indeed, economies are trying to bounce back from the effects of polycrises.  In this process of bouncing back, employment market is also trying to recover.  To grab any opportunities that may come with this process, it requires the possession of some skills, mostly skills adapted to the features of the new or recovering job market.

Amongst these skills are Self-efficacy Skills, which will make our Development Day.  Self-efficacy, which belongs to the skill family of attitudes, is made up of three skills: resilience, flexibility and agility skills.  Self-efficacy will be thought both as an outcome and as a process for what we believe in terms of expectation of achieving goals, in particular poverty reduction and sustainable development goals.


• • The 14th Development Day as a Fresh Opportunity


The 14th Development Day will provide an occasion to exchange ideas and celebrate our resilienceflexibility and agility to get ready to grab new and emerging opportunities of the employment market to further reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

The 14th Edition of our Development Day will provide a window of opportunities to share and Celebrate the Wins in terms of self-efficacy.  It will also offer a chance to Improve or Develop our Self-efficacy Skills.  Of course, one day of development may not be enough to respond to all the very difficult problems women and children face; but it could be an extra step or turning point for some of them.


• • Celebrating the Wins while Developing Skills


On the Development Day, we are going to celebrate those wins or successes in terms of self-efficacy goals and targets.  However, where we failed or fell short to meet our goals and targets, the Development Day can give us the opportunity or mental/moral resources/strengths to think and acknowledge the losses/failures so that we can improve in the future.  In this respect, it is also the day of Self-efficacy Skills Development.


• • Working in Hybrid Fashion on the Development Day


How will the Development Day be organised?

The Development Day will be organised in two parts:  Thinking and Celebration.

We will be working in hybrid fashion by splitting the two aspects of this year’s Development Day, which are: Thinking and Celebration.


• • • Thinking part


Since we are going to work in hybrid fashion, the participants to the Thinking part can remotely (from their home or office or anywhere else) think and share their thoughts on the Day using their Self-efficacy Skills.

For example, Development Day Thinkers can share with other participants their thoughts and life/work experiences about resilience, flexibility and agility.


• • • Celebratory part


Potential Development Day Celebrators could group themselves in a small health and safety secure working space (let say a group made up of 2 to 10 people including children) to share and recognise the value of poverty reduction and sustainable development amongst women and children.  They can make up a Healthy, Safe and Secure Development Day Small Group (HSSDDSG).


• • • • What is a Healthy, Safe and Secure Development Day Small Group (HSSDDSG)?


A HSSDDSG is a number of two to ten adults including children gathered in a healthy, safe and secure space to share their poverty reduction and sustainable development experiences and wins in an informal and unstructured way.

Like in a discussion focus group, the group can systematically collect important information shared for impact monitoring and evaluation, learning and development purposes.  The group can as well seize the outputs or outcomes achieved.  Finally, the group can report to the community their experience of taking part in a HSSDDSG.


• • Key Terms or Concepts of the Development Day


The Development Day is about Self-efficacy.  Self-efficacy, which belongs to the skill family of attitudes, is made up of three skills: resilience, flexibility and agility skills.  These skills make up the key terms or concepts of the Development Day. Let us explain them.


(a) Self-efficacy


The definition of self-efficacy to be used during the Development Day comes from the psychologist Albert Bandura (2) who defines it as

“A personal judgement of how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations”.

Still, according to Bandura, self-efficacy is

“An individual’s optimistic belief in their innate ability, competence or chances of successfully accomplishing a task and producing a favourable outcome”.

From Bandura’s perspective, self-efficacy is a psychological skill that one can foster and strengthen.

During the Development Day, we shall think of Bandura’s four sources of self-efficacy in our life, which are: mastery experiences, social modelling, social persuasion, and psychological response.

We shall as well reflect on the role of self-efficacy to reduce poverty.  Indeed, self-efficacy can play a major role in the reduction of poverty as a goal.  Self-efficacy can help develop interest in activities relating to poverty reduction, to commit to the goal of poverty reduction and to deal with potential threats and risks or challenging issues in the process of poverty reduction.  From Bandura’s perspective, self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his or her capability to successfully perform a particular task.  Here, the particular task is to reduce poverty.


(b) Resilience


The Development Day can take its definition of resilience from many sources.  One of these sources or definitions is from Verywellmind (3) which explains that

“Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from setbacks”.

From this point of view, resilience skills are therefore the abilities to ask for help, to manage situations, and to respond to life challenges (like job loss, financial issues, medical emergencies, etc.).


(c) Flexibility


Flexibility is the capacity to be adaptable to suit circumstances.  According to ‘zippia.com’ (4),

“Flexible skills are the skills to be able to adapt to any high-stress situation and this is a situation most employers are looking for”.

From this approach, flexibility is a soft skill that is transferable between jobs, which means you can continually improve and find it relevant across occupations.


(d) Agility


The definition we have selected for agility comes from Verywellmind (5) which states that

“Agility is the ability to move and change the direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control.  It requires reflexes, coordination, balance, speed, and correct response to the changing situation”.

Having agility skills mean being able to change your body’s direction and position effectively and efficiently to achieve certain goals.

Understandably, the Development Day will be on ways of improving or developing our Self-efficacy Skills to become more resilient, flexible and agile.


• • Have Queries or Enquiries for the Development Day 2023


The above are the main items that will feature this year’s Development Day.  For any queries or enquiries about them, please do not to hesitate to contact CENFACS.

At the end of this Main Development section of this post, we have appended a timeline of CENFACS Development Day milestones

Wishing you a SUCCESSFUL, HEALTHY, SAFE AND SECURE Development Day 2023!



• Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household – Under Consideration from Wednesday 15/11/2023: Data Storing Skills and Predictive Insights


To deal with Data Storing Skills and Predictive Insight Skills, we are going to briefly explain data storage and predictive insight in the context of households or families as well as the types of skills that can involve when households or families are trying to store their data and make prediction from the information the data are telling them.


• • Data Storage in the Context of Households/Families


First of all, what is data storage?

The definition of data storage can depend on the form of data and views on this matter.  In the context of these notes, we have chosen the definition that relates to digital information.  According to ‘purestorage.com’ (6),

“Data storage is the process of storing and preserving digital information for later retrieval and use.  It enables computers and other devices to retain and access data in a structured manner, facilitating seamless data management and processing”.

If one refers to this definition, a  typical average computer-digitally-literate-and-equipped household or family will store its data using data storage media such as tape storage, flash storage (flash memory stick), optical storage (CDs), cloud storage, etc.  So, data storage in the context of households and/or families is simply about what types of and the place where household/family files are kept.


• • • Where household/family files are kept


Most of files we will be dealing with are those households/families can keep themselves.  Generally, this data can be stored on premises, in a server, on the internet, data storage server and in cloud service.  Other data like medical records are kept by relevant body like health authorities.

Regarding these files that households/families can keep themselves, they may include everything from invoices, tenancy agreements to sensitive files or information like their bank statements.

For example, in today’s digital world households can keep and access digital receipts and bank statements on their mobile phones, lap tops, tablets, etc.


• • • Effective and efficient methods of storing private files


When dealing with these households/families, a question one can ask is the following: Are these files kept in a safe, secure and easy place to access when they need the information containing in these files?  Are these files or folders stored on a computer system or in a paper box or shelves of bookcase, etc.?

Depending on the way these households/families choose to store their files, it is possible to work with them so that they can find the effective and efficient methods of storing their private files.  This will require some data storage skills.


• • Data Storage Skills in the Context of Households/Families


The question we are trying to answer here is: What skills does a typical household/family need to store data relating to its life?

There is a range of data storage skills that a household/family may use.  Without listing all of them, we can mention the following skills that most household/family data storage administrators will need:


√ Organisational skills

√ Problem-solving skills

√ Data collection skills

√ Foundational statistical skills

√ Information and Telecommunication (IT) skills

√ Data entry skills



Depending on the task a member of a typical household/family (e.g., household/family data controller or manager or administrator) is doing to store data, they may need a particular type of skills.

For example, if they are inputting the household/family data in a computerised database (e.g., a datastore) at home, they may need IT data entry skills.  They may also need to understand a particular software (e.g., any of the versions of Microsoft Excel or Access) if they are using this software.  If they are filing their children’s school files or records using a non-computerised filing system, they can manually organise their files in paper or metal box.

Briefly, it all depends on the skills they possess, the resources they can afford and the methods they choose to store their household data.  Since, we are all trying to save papers, it will be worth for them to learn how to store some of their data or files using a digital device or a computer instead of keeping everything on papers.  Again, this will belong to them whether they can afford it or not.


• • Predictive Insight Skills in the Context of Households/Families


Predictive insight skills come from the mastery of predictive analytics.  What is predictive analytics?

There are many definitions of predictive analytics.  Using the definition provided by Catherine Cote (7),

“Predictive analytics is the use of data to predict future trends and events.  It uses historical data to forecast potential scenario that can help drive strategic decisions”.

Households that are statistically and mathematically skilled enough can take there predictive analytics to a different level by using predictive analytics tools like regression analysis to determine the relationship between two variables (simple linear regression) or more than two variables (multiple regression).

For example, they can check the relationship between their income and food inflation in order to answer the question, “What might happen in the future?”.  To do that, they need some predictive insight skills.


• • Predictive Insight Skills in the Context of Households/Families


Predictive insight skills are the skills for turning data into insight.  It all depends on the types of insight one wants.  In this case, one wants prediction.

For example, Carolyn Sansom (8) provides six skills to turn data into insight, which are commercial acumen, domain knowledge, business partnering skills, ethical principles, creativity and methodical approaches.

Although these skills apply to businesses, they can be extended to households.  Amongst them are creativity.  One can use their creativity to generate predictive insights.

To sum up data storage and predictive insight skills, let us state that in this process of storing data and generating insights, CENFACS Community members are not left alone.  They can work with CENFACS, especially those members who are struggling with data storage and predictive insight skills or who are simply having some problems to store their household/family data.



• • CENFACS Working with the Community Members through Data Storing and Predictive Insight Skills to Manage their Household


We would like to reiterate that the purpose of working with the community members on data and insight skills, here data storage and predictive insight skills, is to help them as follows:


√ to create trust in data and insight systems

√ to learn and build technical skills like statistical literacy skills

√ to enhance a culture of data and insight uses within household

√ to improve household/family the overall data and insight skills

√ to attach value to data and insight to explain and understand what is happening in their households

√ to empower and inform household data users and insight generators

√ to encourage the community members to register their skills on CENFACS Skills Data Bank

√ above all, to reduce poverty linked to poor data and insight skills; yet data and insight skills are necessary to deal with life-saving household/family matters.  They are the lifeblood of any household or family.


• • Homework for This Week’s End: Generate Predictive Insights Based on Data Stored and Observed


A household having predictive analytics skills can use the history of their data to foretell, foresee, forecast and predict what could happen to its members.

For example, they can refer to the history of their income and expenses data in the last 12 months to forecast and predict what will happen (or future trends) if they do not take the required step in order to deal with the current costs of living.

They can consider to write a hypothesis to test and predict.  The hypothesis can be worded in many ways like this one:

We think that this Christmas, we are (or will be) spending more than 5% of our income on food.  Are we?

They can then prove or disprove this initial hypothesis using the data available.  They can even predict what might happen in the future.  To do that, they need to work out their real disposable income and consider all the probable changes in the rate of inflation and interest.

Those who have any queries about this homework, they can submit their queries to CENFACS.

For those members of our community who will be interested in Data Storing and Predictive Skills to Manage their Household, they can contact CENFACS.  CENFACS can work with them to enhance their Data Storing and Predictive Insight Skills to Manage their Household.

Additionally, for those who would like to register their skills on CENFACS Skills Data Bank, they are welcome to do so.  This registration will help in matching the support in terms of skills and the needs in the community.

To get further insight into Skills Development Month at CENFACS, please continue to read our weekly posts.


Extra Messages


• Support the Educationally Needy Children, Children Impacted by Crises in Africa

• Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of “A la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature in Existence) Campaign from 13/11/2023 to 20/11/2023

•  Help to Build and Develop Financial Capacity and Capability



• Support the Educationally Needy Children, Children Impacted by Crises in Africa


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (9) estimates that

“The out-of-school population in Sub-Saharan Africa increased by 12 million over 2015-21” (p. 19)

Likewise, the United Nations Children’s Fund (10) states that

“One of the first day of the new 2023-2024 academic year in Burkina Faso, 1 in 4 schools or 6,149 remain shut due to ongoing violence and insecurity in parts of the country”.

As a way of keeping education alive for these unfortunate children living in those parts of Africa in conflict crisis (like in the 3 borders area composed of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger), many types of initiatives have been so far taken to support these children.

These initiatives have been carried out by organisations (such as the United Nations Children’s Fund) and people like you to help.  Initiatives such as education by radio programme, back-to-school advocacy, delivery of school kits, etc. have been taken.

However, due to the immense educational challenge posed by the legacies of insecurity and violence, there is still a deep, intense and urgent educational need in many of these areas.

This appeal, which is worded as Every Child in Africa Deserves Education, has already started and will make CENFACS‘ fundraising campaign for Giving Tuesday on 28 November 2023.

We would like people who may be interested in our philanthropic mission to join us in this campaign.

We are asking to those who can to support these Educationally Needy Children, through this campaign, not to wait the Giving Tuesday on 28 November 2023.

They can donate now since the needs are urgent and pressing.

To donate, please get in touch with CENFACS.



• Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of “A la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature in Existence) Campaign from 13/11/2023 to 20/11/2023


Although we finished to compose the five notes or insect themed activities of the “A la une” Campaign during our 5-week campaign, this campaign for the Upkeep of the Nature does not stop with these notes.  Our action for the Upkeep of the Nature  – under the sub-theme of Protecting Endangered Insect Species delivered via ‘Niamankeke‘ Project -continues. 

The five insect themed notes relating to this campaign are:


a) Saving Brenton Blue Butterfly

b) Conserving African Dung Beetle

c) Protecting Dawn Jewell (Chlorocypha Aurora)

d) Preserving Adetomyrma Venatrix (Dracula Ant)

e) Safekeeping Erikssonia Acraeina (Eriksson’s Copper).


The five add-on activities are:


i) Workshop on Insects as Food Providers

ii) Focus Group on Insects as Health Enhancers

iii) E-discussion on Insects as Reducers of Plastic Pollution

iv) A case study on Insects as Upholders of Ecosystems

v) A survey on Insects as Assistants in Disaster Relief.



We are now carrying on with the collection and analysis of information regarding this 5-week campaign in order to get its insights, impact or at least its output.  The findings from this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation will help to figure out what has been achieved and what has not been accomplished through this campaign while giving us some flavour about the future direction of this campaign.

As part of this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation exercise, we would like to ask to those who have been following our 5-week campaign to share with us their feelings and thoughts about these three areas:


(a) The overall “A la une” Campaign and the ‘Niamankeke’ project

(b) Any of the insect themed activities you/they followed with us during this campaign

(c) Any of the add-on activities of this weekly campaign.


By sharing with us your feelings and thoughts about “A la une” Campaign, this could suggest that you value our work and show interest in what we are trying to achieve as an organisation generally and or in respect to the Upkeep of the Nature specifically.  Your intervention could as well indicate that we share interest and concern regarding the health and wealth of the nature.

You can share your feelings and thoughts with us by:


∝ Phoning

∝ Texting

∝ E-mailing

∝ Completing the contact form with your feelings and thoughts.


When sharing your feelings or thoughts on the matter, please do not make statements to only please us.  We do not expect people to please us.  Instead, we would like you to give an objective and fair opinion.

We would like to thank in anticipation those who will be giving their opinions about the “A la une” Campaign.



•  Help to Build and Develop Financial Capacity and Capability


In the run up to year-end celebrations, many of our project beneficiaries might be looking for ways of either building or developing their financial capacity and capability to help them cope with the financial demand and pressure relating to the Festive Season and beyond.

As part of smoothing their festive preparation and getting the coping and surviving strategies they need to meet the above-mentioned demand and pressure, we have put in place a basic level of support to work with them so that they can better manage their financial affairs and make life-saving financial decisions.

These Festive Season’s preparation resources and services to work with them to Build or Develop Financial Capacity and Capability include the following:


√ Helping our members to make better financial judgement within real-life settings

√ Supporting those who need mental capacity assessment around finances

√ Making our members to understand that the ability to make financial decisions is a life-saving skill

√ Working with the community on the 3 key determinants of financial capability which are knowledge and understanding, skills and confidence and attitudes

√ Bridging Financial Information Gap (a service we provide)

√ Summer Financial Updates (resource which is available)

√ Signposting beneficiaries to low-cost and free financial advice services

√ Zero Income Deficit Campaign

√ Financial data and insight advocacy (e.g., discuss a workable debt repayment plan with creditors)

√ Financial advice on how to create emergency or reserve fund, to set realistic financial capacity and capability goals and targets and so on

√ Working with our members to reinforce financial capacity with other types of capacity such as decisional capacity, understanding capacity, appreciation capacity, reasoning capacity, etc.

√ Help and support in terms of financial capacity and capability planning, budgeting, financial statistical literacy



Those who may be interested in this Festive preparation and life-saving support, they can contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Stimulateur des Revenus pour les Fêtes 

Pleins feux sur l’édition 2023: Capacité et Aptitude financières

Comment gérer vos affaires financières et prendre des décisions financières qui sauvent la vie

Les effets persistants du coronavirus et la crise du coût de la vie qui continuent dans la durée ont mis hors d’état de nuire financièrement de nombreuses personnes, y compris certains membres de la communauté CENFACS.  Bon nombre de ces personnes financièrement incapables ont hâte de retrouver leur capacité financière et/ou l’aptitude financière qu’elles avaient avant ces crises et/ou de se doter de nouvelles capacités ou aptitudes.

En plus de ces personnes qui ont perdu leur capacité ou leur aptitude financière, il y en a d’autres qui n’ont pas la capacité ou l’aptitude de prendre des décisions financières sur leur vie. Cette deuxième catégorie de personnes aurait pu être soumise à diverses circonstances de la vie telles que la maladie, la vieillesse, l’accident, etc.  Elles aussi doivent trouver la capacité ou l’aptitude financière.

Alors que nous nous dirigeons vers la fin de l’année 2023 et pendant la période des fêtes, le fait d’avoir une sorte de capacité financière et/ou d’aptitude financière peut aider à faire face à la pression financière de la demande des fêtes de fin d’année en termes de bonne gestion de l’argent et de jugement financier approprié.  Une bonne capacité financière peut également contribuer à renforcer la santé et le bien-être financiers d’une personne.

L’édition 2023 de Stimulateur des Revenus pour les Fêtes met l’accent sur deux domaines de l’autonomisation financière: la capacité financière et l’aptitude financière. Premièrement, cela aidera les bénéficiaires de nos projets à mieux gérer leur argent et les aspects financiers de leurs événements festifs.  Deuxièmement, il leur permettra de développer des connaissances, des attitudes, des compétences et des comportements en matière de gestion de leurs ressources financières.

En bref, l’édition 2023 de Stimulateur des Revenus pour les Fêtes traite de la capacité et de l’aptitude de gérer les finances et de prendre des décisions financières qui sauvent la vie.

Ceux ou celles qui seront intéressé(e)s à ce nouveau numéro, ils/elles peuvent contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Pension Project of Poverty Reduction in Old Age (P³ROA)


The following items provide the key information about P³ROA:


σ Definition of P³ROA

σ The Aim of P³ROA

σ P³ROA Beneficiaries

σ Outcomes

σ P³ROA Indicators

σ Project Funding Status

σ Impact Monitoring and Evaluation.


Let us summarise each of these items.


• • Definition of P³ROA


P³ROA is a poverty-relieving initiative designed to work with unaware beneficiaries about their pension rights and obligations so that they can sort out their pension plans and rights as early as possible in order to avoid or reduce poverty in their old age.

Through this project, it is hoped that beneficiaries will take early and responsible steps both in terms of contributions and benefits so that they can prevent disappointment or surprise in old age that can lead to pension poverty.  P³ROA will also motivate them to improve their means of living and contributions towards their retirement while making responsible decisions in terms of pension scheme choices and plans.


• • The Aim of P³ROA


The main aim of this project is to help reduce old age income poverty for those African individuals aged over 65 having an income below half the national median equivalised household disposable income.

The project will support those African people who are chronically poor all their lives, and are unable to save for old age, who become particularly vulnerable when they can no longer work, or if their family cannot support them.

However, the possibility of reducing old age poverty in Africa will depend on many factors in the area where the project will be implemented, as well as on any methodology used to collect and treat data.


• • Potential Beneficiaries of P³ROA


Amongst the types of people in need who could benefit from P³ROA as defined above are listed on the Figure no. 1 below:


Most of the types of people mentioned on the Figure no. 1 will need some form of economic security in old age like any human.  For example, older women experiencing discriminatory customary law in property, inheritance and marriage matters need economic security.


• • Outcomes


After the implementation of P³ROA, it is expected that project beneficiaries will be able to realise the following:


√ Older persons will not or less rely on family support

√ There will be less proportion of disadvantaged heads of poorest households

√ Those working in informal economy with insufficient or no social protection coverage would have found solutions to pension poverty

√ The amount of project support towards the excluded from development programmes and discriminated against by service will increase

√ The rate of pension coverage for those poor uncovered members of groups/sections of the community (like domestic workers, farmers, self-employed and other low-income persons) will rise 

√ There will be reduction of poverty amongst poor older persons caring for grand children

√ The reduction in poverty, isolation, the lack of protection, social exclusion, discrimination, violence, abuse and economic exclusion amongst the elderly will happen



However, to be precise it is better to differentiate outcomes in project beneficiaries from those relating to Africa-based Sister Organisations.


• • • Outcomes in project beneficiaries


By using P³ROA, project beneficiaries will


√ be aware about their pension rights and obligations

√ sort out their pension plans and rights as early as possible

√ avoid or reduce poverty in their old age

√ take early steps both in terms of contributions and benefits

√ avoid disappointment or surprise in old age leading to pension poverty

√ motivate them to improve their means of living and contributions towards their retirement

√ make responsible decisions in terms of pension schemes or plans or even choices

√ improve their aspiration and motivation about pension

√ ameliorate their confidence, trust and self-esteem regarding pension services and products offered to them

√ build or develop their pension capacity skills to understand financial implications from today’s economic decisions for economic security in old age or the future

√ enhance their pension skills and knowledge 

√ reform relationships between pension service providers (particularly those dealing with pension for the poor)  and project beneficiaries

√ boost people’s perception, competence, knowledge and capability about pension

√ make responsible financial decisions and choices to avoid old age poverty 

√ provide independence and choice to them instead of solely relying on their families, communities and next of kin for support 



Briefly, project beneficiaries will have a better opportunity to run their financial matters linked to old age and avoid old age poverty trap.


• • • Outcomes in Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs)


Work undertaken by ASOs to help reduce poverty linked to old age should lead to:


√ adaptation of local needs and the needs of beneficiaries in their delivery of service to the elderly beneficiaries (one of these services is helping them to reduce old age poverty)

√ generating better local insights and capacities to create solutions to old age poverty for the needy and the elderly

√ improvement in the risk financial management insight for the elderly locals and local needs

√ assisting in the innovation of solutions to old age poverty for the needy

√ knowledge of financial risk transfer mechanisms between generations (for instance, the transfer of poverty between generations because of lack of or inadequate contribution towards old age) 

√ capturing metrics relating to old age poverty and way of improving these metrics

√ increasing financial development in the area of support to the old age within beneficiaries’ community

√ reducing economic deprivation linked to old age 

√ improving capability and confidence building in terms of old age contributions

√ reducing mental health problems induced by poor judgement about making contributions for the old age



• • P³ROA Indicators


The measures below will help find out whether or not the project will reach its desired objectives and progress towards meeting its defined aim:


√ The number of poor people who will be supported

√ The reduction of the number of poor elderly-headed households

√ The number of the elderly who will become less economically dependent on their children

√ The number/percentage of the elderly with social protection or adequate protection

√ The number of elderly Africans not relying on family support

√ The number of elderly living above the poverty line

√ The number of people who become less vulnerable to financial poverty as a result of this project

√ The number of surveyed poor people who are happy (optimistic) or unhappy (pessimistic) to P³ROA support provided or offered to them



To conclude, P³ROA is project that will help to reduce old age dependency and poverty gap amongst the income poor Africans.  The project will assist in building confidence in them to work on pension issues so that they can be prepared to avoid or reduce old age poverty.  Through this project, they can understand the basic pension principles as well as be informed and guided on pension and the reduction of old age poverty.

In the event of their needs are beyond the scope of this project, they will be signposted to turn to low cost or free pension professionals for pension guidance or advice.

They can learn and know the issues surrounding economic security in old age.  The project can support those without or with less information and knowledge about old age poverty to gain pension skills, make responsible retirement decisions and choices, and improve their ability to deal with old-age poverty issues.

Through Advice-, Guidance- and Information-giving Service, P³ROA will help make a real difference to poor peoples’ life and help shape their future.


• • Project Funding Status


So far, this project is unfunded.  This means we are open to any credible funding proposals or proposition from potential funders or donors.  Those who would like to support this project will be more than welcome.

To fully or partly fund this project, please contact CENFACS.


• • Impact Monitoring and Evaluation



As part of impact monitoring, there will be routine and systematic gathering of information on all aspects of the project.  In other words, we will systematically collect and analyse information to keep regular checks and balances on the project.

Likewise, we shall assess what the project will achieve in relation to its main aim.  This is to say that evaluation will be conducted regarding the efforts spent on this project to find out whether or not these efforts are value for relief as far as poverty reduction is concerned.

In proceeding in this manner, we will be able to measure the impact or at least the outcomes from this project.

The full project proposals including budget are available on request.

To support or contribute to this project, please contact CENFACS.

For further details including full project proposals and budget about Pension Project of Poverty Reduction in Old Age; please contact CENFACS.





(1) World Economic Forum (2023), Future of Jobs Report 2023: Insight Report May 2023 at https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2023/ (accessed in September 2023)

(2) https://envisionyourevolution.com/wp-content/upload/2019/11/Albert-Bandura-concept-of-Self-efficacy-envisionyourevolution.com_pfd.1e548&1e548&12fe&12f5fc (accessed in November 2023)

(3) https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-resilience-2795059 (accessed in November 2023)

(4) https://www.zippia.com/advice/flexibility-skills/# (accessed in November 2023)

(5) https://www.verywellmind.com/understanding-agility-in-sports-3120338# (accessed in November 2023)

(6) https://www.purestorage.com/knowledge/what-is-data-storage.html (accessed in November 2023)

(7) https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/predictive-analytics (accessed in November 2023)

(8) https://www.grantthornton.co.uk/insights/six-key-skills-for-turning-data-into-insight/# (accessed in November 2023)

(9) UNESCO (2023), Global Education Monitoring Report Summary 2023: Technology in Education: A tool on whose terms? Paris, UNESCO

(10) https://www.unicef.org/burkinafaso/en/press-releases/burkina-faso-new-academic-year-starts-one-million-children-out-school-due-ongoing# (accessed in October 2023)






Women and Children FIRST Development Day (WCFDD) Timeline: 2010 to 2022


Since its inception in 2010, the WCFDD provides an opportunity and scope to communicate CENFACS’ anti-poverty work/message and the need to develop new ideas and proposals and improve practices to enable us to enhance the quality of life of multidimensionally-deprived women/mothers and children.  The following are the milestones so far for WCFDD.


In 2011CENFACS’ WCFDD tackled the challenging issue of BARRIERS TO POVERTY REDUCTION, with a special emphasis on one particular way of overcoming them, which is participation.  Women & Children’s Participation was looked at within the context of Race in the Road to Poverty Reduction.

In 2012, our Development Day in Putting Women and Children FIRST went further with the sub-theme of participation as it was organised around the theme of IMPROVING WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION IN THE RACE TO REDUCE POVERTY.

In 2013WCFDD at CENFACS extended and deepened the idea of more and better participation by focussing on Infrastructures for Women’s and Children’s contribution to poverty relief.  The theme for 2013 was “INFRASTRUCTURES FOR A POSITIVE ECONOMY TO REDUCE POVERTY”.

In 2014, we guesstimated and compared the cost for acting to the cost for inaction to reduce poverty.  The theme of COSTING DOING NOTHING FOR POVERTY RELIEF improves our understanding on an early prevention that helps reduce costs and avoid escalating or detrimental effects for poor Women and Children.

In 2015, WCFDD was dedicated to MAKING THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WORK FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN (W&C).  This was the local community response from the W&C of CENFACS to the 2030 Global Agenda and Goals for Sustainable Development.

In 2016, the theme for our Development Day was ENSURING HEALTHY LIVES AND PROMOTING WELL-BEING FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN.  This was the continuation of 2015 Development Day.  Ensure-Healthy-Lives-and-Promote-Well-being is itself Goal no.3 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  One day of development thoughts does not make the 2030 Agenda works as we need more times and days. But it helped to look at Goal 3 (G3) as both global and local concept, G3 as a practical response and G3 as Protection for W&C in the CENFACS’ Year of Protections.


In 2018, we thought ways of working together to come out of the linear model that consists of make, use and dispose goods and resources; to embrace the CIRCULAR ECONOMY

In 2019, we discussed and put ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY into practice via three specific activities which were: advice, art and design, and clothes recycling as an example to end clothing poverty.

In 2020, we formalised and structured CORONAVIRUS TALKS BUBBLE by giving it purpose and objectives so that participants to it can measure its impact or output on their lives.

In 2021, we celebrated and thought of Foresight Skills to help improve our capacity to predict and forecast future risks and crises (similar to the coronavirus) as well as plan actions based on improved knowledge, estimations and prospect.

In 2022, we thought and celebrated the wins of our Crisis Response Skills to better respond to the side effects of the current crisis (i.e., the cost-of-living crisis) and future crises and risks.

 NoteFor your information,

3W (What Women Want) is a CENFACS support network scheme to enhance the lives of multi-dimensionally deprived women/mothers and families.

PPS (Peace, Protection & Sustainability) is a CENFACS child and environmental protection programme to support multi-dimensionally vulnerable children, young people and families

W&CSDP (Women & Children Sustainable Development projects) – a CENFACS amalgamation of 3W and PPS projects



 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Financial Capacity and Capability

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

08 November 2023


Post No. 325



The Week’s Contents


• Festive Income Booster – In Focus for 2023 Edition: Financial Capacity and Capability – How to manage your financial affairs and make life-saving financial decisions

• 2023 “A la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature in Existence) Themed Activity and Action No.5 from Week Beginning 06/11/2023: Safekeeping Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper

• Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household – On the Agenda from Wednesday 08/11/2023: Data Organisation Skills and Diagnostic Insights


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Festive Income Booster – In Focus for 2023 Edition: Financial Capacity and Capability – How to manage your financial affairs and make life-saving financial decisions


The lingering effects of the coronavirus and the enduring cost-of-living crisis have financially incapacitated many people including some members of the CENFACS Community.  Many of these financially incapacitated are looking forward to recovering their financial capacity and or capability they had before these crises and/or to build new capacity and capability.

Besides these people who lost financial capacity or capability, there are others who are lacking the capacity or capability to make financial decisions on their life matter.  This second category of people could have been subject to various circumstances of life such as illness, old age, accident, etc.  They too need to find financial capacity or capability.

As we are heading towards the end of year 2023 and in the Festive Season, having some sort of financial capacity and/or capability can help to sustain the financial pressure of the Festive Season’s demand in terms of well managing money and making the right financial judgement. A good financial capacity and capability can as well assist in strengthening one’s financial health and wellbeing.

The 2023 Edition of Festive Income Booster focuses on two areas of financial empowerment: financial capacity and financial capability.  Firstly, it will help our project beneficiaries to better manage their money and financial aspects of their festive events.  Secondly, it will empower them to develop knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviours with regard to managing their financial resources.

Briefly, the 2023 Edition of Festive Income Booster deals with the capacity and capability to manage finances and to make life-saving financial decisions.

We have provided key highlights about this Edition under the Main Development section of this post.



• 2023 “A la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature in Existence) Themed Activity and Action No.5 from Week Beginning 06/11/2023: Safekeeping Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper


To keep safe Erikssonia Acraeina (Eriksson’s Copper)it is better to understand safekeeping, to get some key facts about this type of butterfly and to know what can be done to keep it safe.  In addition to that, we are going to highlight the insect themed activity we planned for this week.


• • Understanding Safekeeping of Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper


Safekeeping of Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper is about caring and protecting it.  It is about looking after it and being interested in it.  By referring to the explanation of protection by Chris Park (1), Safekeeping of Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper is its defence against harm and danger or any activity that reduces losses or risks as well as tends to maintain basic conditions and value (p. 360).

To help in safekeeping, some basic facts need to be collected about Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper.


• • Facts Summary about Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper


According to ‘earthsendangered.com’ (2),

“Erikssonia Acraeina, commonly known as Eriksson’s Copper, is a species of butterfly [in the family of Lycaenidae]…It is a species of concern belonging in the species group insects and found in the following area(s): Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Zambia”.

Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper belongs to Lycaenidae family, particularly in the subfamily of the coppers.  They belong to the subfamily species of Gossamer-winged butterflies (the coppers).  The other members of this subfamily are blues (Polyommatinae), hairstreaks (Theclinae), and harvesters (Miletinae).  Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper is known for its associaton or interaction with ants.

If Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper is endangered, then it needs safekeeping.


• • Sakeeping Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper


To keep safe Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper, it needs to be fully protected as explained by ‘ukbutterflies.co.uk’ (3).  The full protection implies the following:


√ not intentionally killing and injuring it

√ not damaging or destroying any structure or place used by Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper for shelter or protection

√ not disturbing Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper’s structure or place of occupancy

√ not obstructing their access to their structure or place

√ not illegally trading it



Briefly, it is about acting in the interests of Erikssonia Acraeina, Eriksson’s Copper’s health and public care.



• • Add-on Activity of the Week’s Campaign: A Survey on Insects as Assistants in Disaster Relief


The insect themed activity of this week is a Survey on Insects as Assistants in Disaster Relief.  What is this activity about?

We are trying to gather information using questions from a sample of people with the aim of understanding the gifts and benefits that insects provide to humans and nature.  As part of this survey, we would like you to answer the following question:

Can you provide real-life examples on how insects can assist in a disaster relief situation?

To help some of you to respond to this question, we would like to recall the following statement from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (4) when writing about Forestry Responses to Conflict and Disasters:

“Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons may be granted access to forests, perhaps including protected areas, so they can supplement their diets with forest foods such as fruits, berries, roots, mushrooms, insects and wild meat, and to harvest medicinal plants”

This statement indicates that insects can help relieve hunger for refugees and internally displaced persons in the context of humanitarian disaster relief.

Those who may be interested in responding to the above-mentioned survey question or insect themed activity, they can contact CENFACS.

To find out more about the entire “A la une” Campaign and Themed Activities, please communicate with CENFACS.



• Data and Insight Skills to Manage Your Household – On the Agenda from Wednesday 08/11/2023: Data Organisation and Diagnostic Insight Skills


To cover the above-mentioned skills, we are going briefly explain data and insights as well as the skills involve to carry them out.  We shall put them in the context of household management life.  We shall as well highlight how CENFACS is intending to work with its community in relation to Data and Insight Skills.  As way of mastering these skills a weekend homework has also been provided.


• • Understanding Data Organisation and Diagnostic Insight Skills


• • • Understanding Data Organisation Skills


Our understanding of Data Organisation comes from ‘byjus.com’ (5) which explains that

“Data organisation is the way to arrange the raw data in an understandable order.  Organising data include classification, frequency distribution table, picture representation, graphical representation, etc.”

To organise data, it requires skills.  Amongst Data Organisation Skills, we can list the following:


√ Skills to name and structure files and folders

√ Skills to document (e.g., providing all the information necessary to interpret, understand and use a given dataset or a set of documents)

√ Skills to manage reference (e.g., noting your sources of information)

√ Skills to organise your e-mail (e.g., sorting your email messages so that information can be found and retrieved quickly as well as be stored securely)



• • • Knowing Diagnostic Insight Skills


According to ‘trailhead.salesforce.com’ (6),

“An insight is a finding in your data… Diagnostic insights show why it happened, drill deeper and help you understand which variables most significantly drive the business outcome you are analysing”.

Diagnostic in data analytics helps to answer the question, “Why did this happen?, as explained by Catherine Cote (7).

Although households or families are not business organisations, it is possible to track diagnostic insights into their lives.

To diagnose, one needs to understand what happened to be able to identify why it happened.  So, Diagnostic Insight Skills are the skills to help answer the question, “Why did things happen?”

There could be the skills of diagnosticating things like the following:


√ Household budget

√ Outstanding bills

√ Distressed assets

√ Account balance

√ The inflow of email messages into your inbox



CENFACS Community members can work with CENFACS either to acquire the above-mentioned skills or to improve them.


• • • Working with the Community Members on Data Organisation and Diagnostic Insights to Manage their Households


CENFACS can work with those who need help and support on data organisation and diagnostic insights so that they can effectively and efficiently manage their households.  Also, we can conduct with them basic data and insights analytics using the tools of poverty reduction we have in our box.

Where our capacity is limited in comparison to their demand or specific needs, we can signpost or refer them to relevant data insight and analytics services or organisations that are available on the market and can be accessible to them.

For those members of our community who will be interested in Data Organisation and Diagnostic Insight Skills to Manage Their Households, they can contact CENFACS.  CENFACS can work with them to enhance their Data Organisation and Diagnostic Insight Skills to Manage Their Households.


• • • Homework for This Week’s End: Organise Your Mail and Diagnostically Extract Insights from It


As part of Christmas holiday preparation, you would like to organise and sort out your mail (both paper and paperless) which is unorganised and unprocessed.

Since the school started last September, you have been receiving letters from your children’s schools, banks, doctors, tradesmen, government, insurance companies, charities for appeals, etc. which you opened and read, but did not filed.  There are also emails pending in your inbox which you read, but you have not been able to sort out as you did not have enough time between work and household life.  Now, you want to prepare your household for Christmas.  You want to organise your mail and recycle some of them.

Additionally, you would like to deep-dive into your data to understand what this pile of unorganised and unprocessed mail is telling.  You want to extract and track insights by answering the question, “Why did this happen?”.

Those who have any queries about this homework, they can submit their queries to CENFACS.

To get further insight into Skills Development Month at CENFACS, please continue to read our weekly posts.



Extra Messages


• Coming This 19 November 2023: The 14th Edition of the Women & Children FIRST Development Day

• Support the Educationally Needy Children, Children Impacted by Crises in Africa

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum e-discusses Making Carbon Markets Monetise Africa’s Carbon Absorbing Ecosystems and Reduce Poverty Further




• Coming This 19 November 2023: The 14th Edition of the Women & Children FIRST Development Day


This year, our Development Day will still be about skills that can be learnt and developed in order to bounce back from the lingering effects of the coronavirus and the enduring cost-of-living crisis.  It will be about Self-efficacy Skills to Refresh Ways of Tackling Crises.

Every day, women and children respond to crises and risks they face.  Because the nature of crises and risks is changing, there could be a need to refresh ways of tackling these crises.  This can be done through three Self-efficacy skills – resilience, flexibility and agility – which are ranked as the third top skills of 2023 in demand, according to the World Economic Forum (8).  The 14th Edition of the Women & Children FIRST Development Day will concentrate on these skills in demand on the job market today.

Indeed, economies are trying to bounce back from the effects of the polycrises.  In this process of bouncing back, employment market is also trying to recover.  To grab any opportunities that may come with this process, it requires the possession of some skills, mostly skills adapted to the features of the new or recovering market.  Amongst these skills are Self-efficacy Skills, which will make our Development Day.  Self-efficacy, which belongs to the skill family of attitudes, is made up of three skills: resilience, flexibility and agility skills.

The 14th Development Day will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and celebrate our resilience, flexibility and agility to get ready to grab new and emerging opportunities of the employment market to further reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

What’s more, by dealing with skills, this year’s Development Day will resonate with November month of Skills Development within CENFACS.

For further information and how to engage with the Development Day, please contact CENFACS.



• Support the Educationally Needy Children, Children Impacted by Crises in Africa


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (9) estimates that

“The out-of-school population in Sub-Saharan Africa increased by 12 million over 2015-21” (p. 19)

Likewise, the United Nations Children’s Fund (10) states that

“One of the first day of the new 2023-2024 academic year in Burkina Faso, 1 in 4 schools or 6,149 remain shut due to ongoing violence and insecurity in parts of the country”.

As a way of keeping education alive for these unfortunate children living in those parts of Africa in conflict crisis (like in the 3 borders area composed of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger), many types of initiatives have been taken to support these children so far.

These initiatives have been carried out by organisations (such as the United Nations Children’s Fund) and people like you to help.  Initiatives such as education by radio programme, back-to-school advocacy, delivery of school kits, etc. have been taken.

However, due to the immense educational challenge posed by the legacies of insecurity and violence, there is still a deep, intense and urgent educational need in many of these areas.

This appeal, which is worded as Every Child in Africa Deserves Education, has already started and will make CENFACS‘ fundraising campaign for Giving Tuesday on 28 November 2023.

We would like people who may be interested in our philanthropic mission to join us in this campaign.

We are asking to those who can to support these Educationally Needy Children, through this campaign, not to wait the Giving Tuesday on 28 November 2023.

They can donate now since the needs are urgent and pressing.

To donate, please get in touch with CENFACS.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum e-discusses Making Carbon Markets Monetise Africa’s Carbon Absorbing Ecosystems and Reduce Poverty Further 


Carbon markets and credits are fundamental to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.  Investing in these markets and credits can help decarbonisation.  Investing in them is also about ensuring that the rise of the price of carbon positively impact actions taken by the poor and poverty reduction.

However, Africa’s carbon ecosystems (like rainforests, mangroves and peatlands) need to be properly monetised.  Monetisation of ecosystems can help incentivise environmental behaviour.  To clarify this, Anu Wolf (11) explains that

“Ecosystem monetization is giving a value to the ecosystem services in a dollar amount based on the cost of providing the same service from human-built infrastructure.  The purpose of monetizing ecosystem services is to incentivize environmental behaviour in municipalities and for corporations”.

In the light of the information, CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum is e-discussing How to Make Carbon Markets to Monetise Africa’s Carbon Absorbing Ecosystems and to Further Reduce Poverty.

Those who may be interested in this discussion can join in and or contribute by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters and themes of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.

To communicate with CENFACS regarding this discussion, please use our usual contact details on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Soutenir les enfants dans le besoin sur le plan éducatif, enfants touchés par les crises en Afrique

L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Education, la Science et la Culture (9) estime que

« La population non scolarisée en Afrique subsaharienne a augmenté de 12 millions entre 2015 et 2021 » (p. 19)

De même, le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance (10) affirme que

« En ce premier jour de la nouvelle année scolaire 2023-2024 au Burkina Faso, 1 école sur 4, soit 6 149, reste fermée en raison de la violence et de l’insécurité persistantes dans certaines parties du pays ».

Afin de maintenir l’éducation en vie pour ces enfants malheureux vivant dans les régions d’Afrique en crise et en conflit (comme dans la zone des 3 frontières composée du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Niger), de nombreux types d’initiatives ont été prises pour soutenir ces enfants jusqu’à présent.

Ces initiatives ont été menées par des organisations (telles que le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance) et des personnes comme vous pour aider.  Des initiatives telles que l’éducation par programme radiophonique, le plaidoyer pour la rentrée scolaire, la distribution de équipements scolaires, etc. ont été prises.

Cependant, en raison de l’immense défi éducatif posé par les séquelles de l’insécurité et de la violence, il existe toujours un besoin éducatif profond, intense et urgent dans bon nombre de ces régions.

Cet appel, qui s’intitule « Chaque enfant en Afrique mérite l’éducation », a déjà commencé et fera partie de la campagne de collecte de fonds du CENFACS pour le ‘Mardi je donne’ le 28 novembre 2023.

Nous aimerions que les personnes qui pourraient être intéressées par notre mission philanthropique se joignent à nous dans cette campagne.

Nous demandons à ceux ou celles qui le peuvent de soutenir ces enfants dans le besoin d’éducation, à travers cette campagne, de ne pas attendre le ‘Mardi je donne’ du 28 novembre 2023.

Ils/elles peuvent faire un don dès maintenant, car les besoins sont urgents et pressants.

Pour faire un don, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Festive Income Booster – In Focus for 2023 Edition: Financial Capacity and Capability – How to manage your financial affairs and make life-saving financial decisions


The following makes the contents for the 2023 Edition of Festive Income Booster (FIB):


∝ What the 2023 FIB resource is about

∝ Who the 2023 FIB resource is for

∝ Key Concepts

∝ Measuring Financial Capacity and Capability

∝ Main Highlights

∝ Resources and services to help the community build or develop financial capacity and capability

∝ What other highlights it covers

∝ What’s more?

∝ How to access this resource.


Let us now highlight these contents.


• • What the 2023 FIB Resource is about


It is about helping beneficiaries to…


√ Get tools to become financially able and capable

√ Access the support they need to better prepare their year-end celebrations

√ Become more resilient to financial stresses

√ Dissipate financial imbalances within household system of managing finances

√ Better manage financial risks and threats

√ Become capable of dealing with economic instability (like rising interest rates, skyrocketing inflation and soaring costs of living)

√ Correct the effects of the increase in the costs of essential spending and of living crisis caused by monetary or price instability

√ Take control of their financial health and well-being

√ Become aware of your financial limits

√ Establish financial capacity and capability report by the end of 2023

√ Understand that financial capacity and capability could be intergenerational



• • Who the 2023 FIB Resource is for


Festive Income Boost is for Multi-dimensionally Income Poor Children, Young People and Families (MIPCYPFs) and it is designed to support them throughout the entire festive season and beyond.  Amongst them are:


√ Financially incapacitated and incapable MIPCYPFs

√ Those without financial peace of mind and with financial stress levels above average

√ Those failing to well  manage their money

√ The unable to plan and save for the future

√ The unprepared for the future and unexpected events

√ The elderly vulnerable to losing financial skills and judgement

√ The unable to detect and prevent financial exploitation

√ Those experiencing deteriorating financial conditions

√ Those without household cohesion and connection because of lack of financial capacity or capability

√ Those looking to improve their financial well-being and happiness

√ Those who need to build or develop their financial capacity and capability 

√ Those working with financially incapable (e.g., unable to manage financial resources because mental illness, mental deficiency, physical illness or disability, chronic use of drugs or alcohol, etc.)



• • Key Concepts


There are five key concepts or terms to help the users of the 2023 FIB resource.

These key concepts are: Capacity, Capability, Financial Capacity, Financial Capability and Mental Capacity Act.


(a) Capacity and Capability


The words capacity and capability are sometimes used interchangeably.  In reality, they are quite not the same.  According to Christine Tao (12),

“Capacity, defined in a physical sense, is the maximum amount that something can contain.  It is finite in nature”.

The same Christine Tao argues that

“Capability, on the other hand, is defined as a person’s ability or potential to do something.  It can be the skills or aptitude a person possesses.  These can be learned and developed overtime”.

In real life, humans need both capacity and capability to function.

Knowing what capacity and capability mean, we can now link them to financial matters.


(b) Financial Capacity


The 2023 FIB resource takes its definition of financial capacity from ‘fincap.org.uk’ (13) which explains that

“Financial capacity is the ability to manage money well – both day-to-day and through significant life events like having a baby, getting divorced or moving home”.

According to the same ‘fincap.org.uk’,

“Being financially capable means you have the resilience to handle times when life is financially difficult – like when you lose your job unexpectedly or you can’t work due to illness”.

Marson et al (14) go further in explaining that

“Financial capacity involves not only performance skills (e.g., counting coins/currency accurately, completing a check register accurately, paying bills), but also judgement skills that optimise financial self-interest and promote independence, and values that guide personal financial choices”.

However, when looking at financial capacity between different generations, Monsa S. Botros et al. (15) quote Stiegel who argued in 2012 that

“Financial capacity in the elderly is a fundamental issue given older adults are vulnerable to losing both financial skills and judgement as well as the ability to detect and consequently prevent financial exploitation”.

In the context of the 2023 FIB resource, financial capacity is being viewed both as a specific instrumental activity and a sound value judgement enabling financial decision-making process on the one hand, and on the other one, as the cognitive psychological model in which financial capacity is treated as a set of financial abilities and skills needed for independent functioning.


(c) Financial Capability


In the 2023 FIB resource, the first meaning of financial capability comes from ‘youth.gov’ (16) which states that

“Financial capability is the capacity based on knowledge, skills, and access to manage financial resources effectively”.

The same ‘youth.gov’ adds that

“Financial capability is developed over time and is marked by stepping-stones-milestones – on the path to financial well-being”.

The website ‘responsiblefinance.worldbank.org’ (17), which takes a consumer-led view of financial capability, explains that

“Financial capability encompasses the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviours of consumers with regard to managing their resources and understanding, selecting, and making use of financial service that fit their needs”.


(d) Mental Capacity Act 2005


The Mental Capacity Act 2005 is a UK law that provides a legal framework for acting and making decisions on behalf of adults who lack the capacity to make particular decisions for themselves.  The law is thus designed to empower and protect those who may have lost capacity and are not able to make decisions for themselves.  This law is up to date with all changes to be in force on or before 06 November 2023, according to ‘legislation.gov.uk’ (18)

The above five key terms or concepts and any others will be considered when one is trying to navigate their way through to build or develop financial capacity and capability.



• • Measuring Financial Capacity and Capability


Financial Capacity and Capability can be measured.  Let us look at measures associated to each of these two concepts.


• • • Measures associated with Financial Capacity


Financial capacity can be measured using a variety of metrics.

For example, Angela R. Ghesquiere et al. (19) provides some measures of financial capacity which include financial assessment and capacity test, financial capacity instrument, financial competence inventory, measure for assessing awareness of financial skills, semi-structured clinical interview for financial capacity, etc.

For those who are interested in debt or borrowing capacity, they can use metrics or ratios such as Debt-to-Income Ratio, Overall Debt divided by Overall Gross Income and so on.

For those who are instead focussing on a set of financial skills and tasks as financial capacity measures, they can consider financial skills like skills to budget, to make financial judgement, to make investment decisions, to manage e-money account, etc.


• • • Measures linked to Financial Capability


Financial Capability can also be measured.

For example, in its 2010 to 2012 Wealth and Assets Survey, the ‘ons.gov.uk’ (20) provided six dimensions of financial capability relating to making ends meet, planning ahead, organised money management, controlled spending, staying informed and choosing products.

In both cases of financial capacity and financial capability, it all depends on whether one uses financial measures or other ones (like medical-legal constructed measures).


• • Main Highlights


As the focus for this year’s edition is on Financial Capacity and Capability, the resource includes the following items:


Tools to become financially able and capable

How to take control of your financial well-being through financial capacity and capability programmes or projects or activities or even strategies

 How to create enough income to cover basic festive expenses (e.g., by avoiding impulse festive buying)

How to apply the 50 30 20 rule when budgeting and the components of financial capacity

 How to enable yourself to pay debts over the festive period (e.g., by carrying out a debt-to-income analysis)

 How to build savings for emergencies or emergency funds to cover unexpected festive costs

 How to generate enough income while cutting unneeded expenses to cover basic festive costs

How to invest in long-term financial capacity and capability goals

End-of-the-year earning opportunities and openings to build and develop Financial Capacity and Financial Capability

How to earn and save money in times of crises

 Online and offline opportunities from both essential and non-essential economic activities

How to successfully remake Financial Capacity and Capability during the festive season

Tips and hints to make savings by exercising your Financial Capacity and Capability.


For example, how can you improve your spending capacity and capability to avoid impulse buying during the festive season?


• • Resources and Services to Help the Community Build or Develop Financial Capacity and Capability


They include


√ Helping our members to make better financial judgement within real-life settings

√ Supporting those who need mental capacity assessment around finances

√ Making our members to understand that the ability to make financial decisions is a life-saving skill

√ Working with the community on the 3 key determinants of financial capability which are knowledge and understanding, skills and confidence and attitudes

√ Bridging Financial Information Gap (service)

√ Summer Financial Updates (resource)

√ Signposting beneficiaries to low-cost and free financial advice services

√ Zero Income Deficit Campaign

√ Financial data and insight advocacy (e.g., discuss a workable debt repayment plan with creditors)

√ Financial advice on how to create emergency or reserve fund, to set realistic financial capacity and capability goals and targets and so on

√ Working with our members to reinforce financial capacity with other types of capacity such as decisional capacity, understanding capacity, appreciation capacity, reasoning capacity, etc.

√ Help and support in terms of financial capacity and capability planning, budgeting, financial statistical literacy



• • What Other Highlights It Covers


The resource covers some ways of dealing with the following:


√ Casual job interview questions (online, video calls and distance job interviews)

√ Seasonal job search techniques (for both online and offline searches)

√ Job search engines and leads

√ Guidance on job applications and CV

√ Reference building techniques

√ How to highlight your skills in your job application and or CV

√ Job adverts and alerts

√ Credit history or score

√ Diary of online job fairs and events

√ Job matching to person specification and profile

√ Online job fraud and employment agency scams

√ Details can potential employers ask and not ask as well as how they can ask them

√ What details to provide and not to provide in your job enquiries and when filling job applications



It goes further in exploring e-skills as well as stages and steps that poor families can take to skill up themselves.

In addition, the resource covers security and protection matter when trying to develop Financial Capacity/Capability or generate a little extra income to make ends meet.  In this respect, it deals again with the general data protection regulations, child protection and safeguarding issues as well as COVID-19 restrictions for jobs where these requirements apply.

The resource does not stop there as it includes online employment agency scams and job advert scams which sometimes has dramatically increased in today’s world and employment market as there are always unscrupulous players (scammers, spammers, hackers and fraudsters) on the market who try to take advantage of the poor and vulnerable people like MIPCYPFs.


• • What’s More?


The resource is packed with insights such as income statement, balance sheet. net worth asset value, etc.  It finally reminds us of the areas of law or legal requirements in terms of whatever we do to try to develop Financial Capacity/Capability or raise additional household income to reduce poverty.  We should always try to lawfully act and live within our means.


• • How to Access This Resource


The resource will be available as a booklet from CENFACS e-Store.  It is normally free of charge, but we will appreciate a donation of £5 to help us help reduce poverty and the cost of renewing and producing this resource on an annual basis.  As the side effects of cost-of-living continues and the resilience of voluntary sector is fading, we need financial help like many voluntary and charitable organisations do.

The 2023 FIB resource is a great way to start and set up yourself into 2024.

To order and or find out more about the Autumn ICDP resource, please contact CENFACS with your contact details.



• References


(1) Park, C., (2011), Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York 

(2) www.earthsendangered.com/profile.asp?gr=1&view=c&ID=1&sp=14435 (accessed in November 2023)

(3) https://ukbutterflies.co.uk/webpage.php?mame=law (accessed in November 2023)

(4) https://www.fao.org/sustainable-forest-menagement/toolbox/moduels/forestry-responses-to-natural-and-human-conflict-disasters/tools/en/?type=111 (accessed in November 2023)

(5) https://byjus.com/maths/data-organisation/ (accessed in November 2023)

(6) https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/einstein-discovery-basics/explore-insights-into-your-data (accessed in November 2023)

(7) Cote, C. (2021), What is Diagnostic Analytics? 4 Examples at https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/diagnostic-analytics (accessed in November 2023)

(8) World Economic Forum (2023), Future of Jobs Report 2023: Insight Report May 2023 at https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2023/ (accessed in September 2023)

(9) UNESCO (2023), Global Education Monitoring Report Summary 2023: Technology in Education: A tool on whose terms? Paris, UNESCO

(10) https://www.unicef.org/burkinafaso/en/press-releases/burkina-faso-new-academic-year-starts-one-million-children-out-school-due-ongoing# (accessed in October 2023)

(11) Wolf, A. at https://medium.com/@anu.garcha12/should-nature-be-monetized-646ff80f1e7b# (accessed in November 2023)

(12) Tao, C. (2022), Capacity Vs Capabilities: Why Organisations Should Invest In Both at https://forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/03/09/capacity-vs-capabilities-why-organisations-should-invest-in-both/ (accessed in November 2023)

(13) https://www.fincap.org.uk/en/articles/what-is-financial-capacity (accessed in November 2023)

(14) Marson, D. C., Triebel, K. & Knight, A. (2012), Financial Capacity, In G. I. Demakis (Ed.), Civil capacities in clinical neuropsychology: Research findings and practical applications (pp. 39-68), OxfordUniversity Press

(15) Botros, M. S., Guzzardi, J. E. & Leong, G. B. (2020), Forensic and ethical issues (Chap. 26) in Handbook of Mental Health and Aging (Third Edition), Hantke, N., Etkin, A. & O’Hara, R. (Editors), pp. 423-436

(16) https://youth.gov/youth.topics/financial-capability-literacy#  (accessed in November 2023)

(17) https://responsiblefinance.worldbank.org/en/responsible-finance/financial-capability (accessed in November 2023)

(18) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2005/9/contents (accessed in November 2023)

(19) Ghesquiere, A. R., McAfee, C. & Burnett, J. (2017), Measures of Financial Capacity: A Review, The Gerontological Society of America in Gerontologist, 2019, Vol. 59, No. 2,e109-e129, doi10.1093/geront/gnx045 (accessed in November 2023)

(20) https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomesand wealth/articles/financialcapabilityingreatbritain/2025-06-24 (accessed in November 2023)




 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going this Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.