The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right NOW

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

25 January 2023


Post No. 284



The Week’s Contents


• The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right NOW

• Influence (i) Project 

• 2023 Donor and Stewardship Development Programme


… And much more!



To donate or fund on 30 and 31 January 2023, please contact CENFACS on these days.  Whether you are a one-off or regular, short- or medium- or long-term giver, you can also share your story or thoughts about Joy of Giving on the same days. 


Key Messages


• The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right NOW


It has been noticed and reported all over the humanitarian community that East Africa (particularly but not exclusively Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan) is experiencing a series of interlinked crises; crises which are natural (e.g., drought, continuing failed rainy season), insecurity (due to years-long of armed conflicts), and economic (which has led severe hunger).

As always in this kind of crises, children are not exempted.  It is even them who bear the brunt of these interconnected crises: drought, extreme climate change, displacement and insecurity.  For example, in its appeals for support, UNICEF (1) argues that there are

16.5 million children in Ethiopia who are severely affected and in need,

5.1 million children in Somalia who are disproportionally-harsh drought affected,

and 4.7 million children in South Sudan, who are most vulnerable, have complex and chronic needs“.

Yet, it is possible to reduce or halve the number of these polycrisis-affected children.  Whether the threats from this poly-crisis are climate-related or man made, it is conceivable to halve poverty for and with children at risk of loosing their life.  It is even feasible to use the tenets of positive influence to secure life-saving outcomes for these children who are severely impacted by the poly-crisis in East Africa.

With and on behalf of these children of East Africa, (particularly but not exclusively Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan), we would like to ask to use your positive influence to help halve poverty and hardships they are facing.

CENFACS would like to appeal to those who may have influence on the people who have the key to the situation on the grounds and on factors leading to poly-crisis to use their influencing skills or power to help halve poverty by supporting children who are in emergency in East Africa in order to meet their life-saving needs and dreams.

Under the Main Development section of this post, you will find some details about halving poverty for and with these children of East Africa whose life is highly at risk.



• Influence (i) Project 


Influence or ‘i‘ Project is one of the new initiatives for 2023.  The following two elements help to understand this project: its meaning and its activities.


• • What is ‘i’ Project?


It is a series or set of interconnected influencing tasks or activities planned  for the execution of CENFACS‘ dedication of year 2023 as of Influence.  These tasks or activities, which aim at reducing poverty, will be undertaken all over 2023 within the requirements and limitations of CENFACS‘ existing and acquirable resources and assets.  Through this project, we hope to continue to help reduce poverty through the influence on people and factors holding the key to the solutions of problems faced by our potential ‘i‘ project beneficiaries during 2023.


• • Activities and tasks relating to the ‘i’ Project


There will be twelve activities, one activity or task every month.  Each ‘i’  activity will be announced at the beginning of each month.  Through this project and each task, we will try as much as we can to identify people who may have influence on poverty reduction generally and on a particular area of poverty reduction (e.g., humanitarian or overseas development matters).  We shall as well work to find things or factors that can be influenced so that they can positively contribute to the same goal of relieving need hardship and distress amongst our community members throughout our dedicated year.

To influence people and things in order to meet our members’ needs, we are going to undertake a certain number of influencing activities.  For this month, the ‘i’ activity is about influencing people and factors to help achieve responsible or sustainable consumption while reducing consumption poverty.



• • Activity/Task 1 of the ‘i’ Project: Influence to achieve responsible or sustainable consumption and reduce consumption poverty


In this first task or activity, there will be two sub-tasks which are:

a) Influence people or things to achieve responsible consumption

b) Influence people or things to help reduce consumption poverty.

For those who need any help before embarking on any of these two sub-tasks, they can speak to CENFACS.  For any other queries and enquiries about the ‘i‘ project and this year’s dedication, please contact CENFACS as well.



• 2023 Donor and Stewardship Development Programme 


The 2023 collected processes and strategy for relationship-building with and retaining donors will consist of two areas: donor solicitations and donor products to match these solicitations.


• • Donor Solicitations


We are continuing our solicitation to some of you as donors and /or stewards of poverty relief as follows.


• • • Solicitation relating to CENFACS’ Donor Development Plan


Under this plan, donors can build quality donor-relations with CENFACS.

In this Year of Influence over Poverty Reduction at CENFACS, donor developers can help us in a number of ways, such as:


σ Influence the right people engaged to and informed about our work

σ Make our donations to grow over time

σ Help with technology like donor management software

σ Increase the levels of involvement from users

σ Help us to manage donors expectations

σ Assist us in donor-development goals and tasks such as event support.


• • • Solicitation relating to CENFACS’ Donor Stewardship Programme


Under this programme, you can help us in the following:


σ Steward donors

σ Build and maintain lasting relationships and communications with those who gave to our users or us a gift or any of our noble causes

σ Enable access to and use of donor stewardship tools.


• • Donor Development Products on Offer in 2023


We are giving away the products below to those who would like to engage, develop their interest, to build bond and loyalty to CENFACS and CENFACS’ work.

We are offering to the donor development market a donor status to enable those who want to commit themselves on regular basis to giving or boosting their status as donor to have the opportunity to do so.

We are inviting those who want to commit themselves as funder or donor to do so.    They can do it by supporting CENFACS with a silver donation, a great relief and a product booster.


• • • Free for Supporters: Silver Status


Silver status is the legacy of CENFACS’ “Quadranscentennial” Year (2019).  It is about supporting our projects as you can or as you choose if you visit them or if you happen to be within the area of their implementation.  This will boost your support and help you to win a silver status as CENFACS’ Supporter in a CENFACS’ Year of Influence.

Alternatively, you can fund CENFACS’ Year of Influence to win the same status and continue CENFACS’ legacy.


•  • Want to provide Great Relief as a Supporter


You can provide great relief by becoming a regular giver or supporter, adding value to you support and boosting your support.

For example, at this challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis, we need those who can provide that sort of relief to keep our action going and out of the disruption caused by the cost-of-living crisis.

Many individuals and organisations stepped in to support their good deserving causes during the storming time of the health crisis (the coronavirus crisis); you can do the same by supporting CENFACS during this time of the cost-of-living crisis.

For those interested, they can contact CENFACS for details about becoming a Great Reliever.


•  • Need to boost your support or stewardship as a Product Booster


You can choose a particular sustainable initiative or programme or even CENFACS as your boost product.

You can support 3 projects or 2 projects and CENFACS

You can support 3 programmes or 2 programmes and CENFACS.

This will elevate your position as a Project or Programme Funder or a Product Booster

For further details about boosting your support or stewardship, please contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• 2023 All Year-round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives): Play, Run and Vote for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development

• Financial Stability Campaign 2023 – Second Area of Focus: Paying Off Debts

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discuses Poverty Reduction in Africa in 2023




• 2023 All Year-round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives): Play, Run and Vote for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development


CENFACS’ Triple Value Initiatives, the All Year-round Projects, are now back for this year.  You can playrun and vote to reduce poverty this year again.

The 2023 Edition of All Year-round Projects has kicked off.

You can Run or Organise a Run Activity to Reduce Poverty in 2023. 

You can Play the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief.

You can Vote your 2023 African Poverty Relief Manager.

Before proceeding with one of the All Year Round Projects, it is recommendable to speak to CENFACS.  We can discuss in details together your plan or the way you want to participate or engage with these initiatives.


• • How CENFACS can help you to engage with Triple Value Initiatives


The following examples show what we can discuss together before you start.


Example 1: Run Themes


For example, let’s take Run to Reduce Poverty.

There are Run Themes.  You can Run alone or Run as group or even Run for fun.  You can do Seasonal Run or Run to raise money for one of our noble causes or even Run to raise awareness.  However, there are health and safety issues that everyone who will be involved in this Run activity must follow.

There are ways of making your Run event simpler.  To do that, you can contact CENFACS before you plan your event.  CENFACS can help you to select your theme.  You need to confirm the date and time with CENFACS.

There are other things to consider as well such as: location, engagement in activities, prizes (rewards for participants), health and safety issues, child protection policy if children are involved, insurance cover, budget, refreshments, etc.


Example 2: Play Station Game


Let’s take another example, which is Playing CENFACS’ League for Poverty Relief.

You can create your own play station game with CENFACS’ League and run your own tournament and matches.  You can even involve colleagues, friends and families sharing the same passion about how the selected African countries are working to reduce poverty.  You can group or rate these countries according to poverty reduction performance (showing which one comes on top, middle and bottom).  You can as well use game theories if you know them. Like for Run activity, you must include health and safety measures and guidance.


Example 3: People to Watch


Let’s take the last example, which is Voting your Poverty Relief Manager.

You can create your own list of Top 23 People to Watch throughout the year.  One or two of them will be potentially the best managers of 2023.  You can collect data and facts about them, follow their annual performance, assess their achievements and vote the best between the two at the end.

While you are running or organising a run activity, playing the CENFACS’ League and voting your Manager of the Year 2022; we would like you to share with us and others your progress, news, events, experiences, stories and reports regarding these projects.  We would like as well to hear from you some of the pitfalls or hurdles you may encounter in the process of dealing with your chosen initiative/project.  The end product of your share will be a kind of Action-Results Report 2023.


• • What we would like to hear at the end of this process


We would like to hear from you the following three bests or stars of the year:

√ The Best African Country or Countries of 2023 which will best reduce poverty

√ The Best African Global Games Runners of 2023

√ The Best African Development Managers of 2023

The deadline to tell us your bests or stars is 23 December 2023.

As we progress throughout the year, further information and support (in the form of workshop, discussion, questionnaire, questions-answers, etc.) will be released for CENFACS’ Triple Value Initiatives.

Please remember, the early you start the better for you.

For more information about these projects, please contact CENFACS.



• Financial Stability Campaign 2023 – Second Area of Focus: Paying Off Debts


Our Financial Stability Campaign 2023, which is conducted equally with Financial Controls 2023, deals now with initiatives we can take to help those who are indebted to navigate their way towards financial stability.

There are two aspects in this second area of focus of our campaign we would like to mention, which are:

a) The poor and the removal of debts from them

b) Ways of working with indebted poor households on the debt issue.

Let us look at each of these aspects.


a) The poor and the removal of debts from them


What can be done for income poor to pay off  debts they are unable to pay?

There is a dilemma which is that indebted poor people do not have money to pay their debts.  Yet, lenders or creditors will try to do every thing to force them to pay when they know they do not have the means to pay off their debts.  This is why one needs to campaign to find way of removing debts from the poor so that they can navigate their way towards financial stability.

This area of the campaign is about undertaking an organised course of actions to achieve the goal of poverty reduction through debt removal.  Debt inducing poverty or exacerbating poverty needs to be removed from the  indebted poor people so that they  can find their way to financial stability.

Apart from debt removal option, there are ways of working with these people to reduce debt-induced poverty they are experiencing.


b) Ways of working with indebted poor households on debt issues


To work with indebted households on this matter, one may needs to recall their understanding of debt.  It is known that debt is the amount of money owed by a person (whether a physical or moral person) to another.

Whatever the reasons for which many poor people or households got into debt to meet the basic necessities of life, it is possible to work with them under the Financial Stability Campaign help them find their ways of getting out of debt to create or restore financial stability of their life, personal or household accounts.

For example, as part of the campaign to create or restore financial stability for the indebted poor households, we can undertake the following:


√ To avoid debt contracts that tie up households’ future or avoid household assets tied up in lenders’ and/or creditors’ hands and will

√ To minimise the risk of bad/toxic credits

√ To determine household income constraint and borrowing limits

√ To develop open policies to check and monitor debt contracts before agreements

√ To stop the transfer of intergenerational poverty through debt mechanism

√ To refrain from using any lending process that makes the future of any household to be at the mercy of lenders and creditors

√ To support poor households to exercise responsible financial controls on their level of spending to prevent the selling off of household future

√ To help these poor households have or regain controls of their lives and future.


In brief, this area of focus of our Financial Stability Campaign is about working with indebted poor households and others to help them improve their liquidity and working capital or their net current assets.  It means to work with them by making sure that their short-term assets are more than or equal to their current liabilities (or debts).  It is the ability to pay household short-term liabilities out of their current assets.

As part of this area of campaign, steps can taken to influence those who have the key to household debts so that those holding this key can do something about it, especially as we are dealing with poor or low income households who may not be in a position to pay debts at all.  Finally, this area of campaign is about how we can reduce or end poverty linked to or exacerbated by debts.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discuses Poverty Reduction in Africa in 2023

How to regain the lost decades of poverty reduction in Africa


In this first debate of a series of discussions scheduled for 2023, we are discussing how Africa can regain the lost two decades of poverty reduction and how Africa-based Sister Organisations can make this regain possible and sustainable.

A combination of events and factors (like the last three years of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns, the cost-of-living crisis, climate change, conflicts, etc.) has wiped out years-long and hard-won results of poverty reduction in Africa.  As economies in Africa are back on track and looking for sustainable recovery, there is a need to explore and possibly lay the conditions for Africa to sustainably rebuild or recover the lost gain in terms of poverty reduction and produce even more poverty reduction in the future.

This need or concern can also be shared by our Africa-based Sister Organisations, particularly on how they can play a significant not-for-profit role in the process of regaining lost poverty reduction and building more of poverty reduction as we move throughout 2023 and in the years to come.  In their role, Africa-based Sister Organisations can look at how they can use their leverage as being the organisations working with the poor in Africa in making the regain even bigger, sustainable and poor people friendly.

The above are the terms of reference for our discussion.  For those who would like to join in or add their inputs to this first discussion of CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum for 2023, they are welcome to contact us at our usual address on this site.


Message in French (Message en français)


• Programme de développement des donateurs (trices) et de l’intendance 2023 

Le processus et la stratégie recueillis du CENFACS en 2023 pour l’établissement de relations avec les donateurs (trices) et leur rétention comprennent deux domaines : les sollicitations de donateurs (trices) et les produits de donateurs (trices) correspondant à ces sollicitations.

• • Sollicitations de donateurs (trices)

Nous poursuivons notre sollicitation auprès de certains d’entre vous en tant que donateurs (trices) et/ou intendant(e)s de la lutte contre la pauvreté comme suit.

• • • Appel d’offres relatif au plan de développement des donateurs (trices) du CENFACS

Dans le cadre de ce plan, les donateurs (trices) peuvent établir des relations de qualité avec le CENFACS.

En cette Année d’influence sur la réduction de la pauvreté au sein de CENFACS, les donateurs (trices) développeurs peuvent nous aider de plusieurs façons, notamment :

σ Influencer les bonnes personnes engagées et informées sur notre travail

σ Faire fructifier nos dons au fil du temps

σ Nous aider avec la technologie comme le logiciel de gestion des donateurs (trices)

σ Augmenter les niveaux d’implication des bénéficiaires

σ Nous assister à gérer les attentes des donateurs (trices)

σ Nous aider dans les objectifs de développement des donateurs (trices) et les tâches telles que le soutien aux événements.

• • • Sollicitation relative au programme de gestion des donateurs (trices) du CENFACS

Dans le cadre de ce programme, vous pouvez nous aider dans les domaines suivants:

σ Gérer les donateurs (trices)

σ Établir et maintenir des relations et des communications durables avec ceux ou celles qui ont offert un cadeau à nos bénéficiaires ou à nous ou à nos causes nobles de réduction de la pauvreté

σ Permettre l’accès aux outils de gestion des donateurs (trices) et leur utilisation.

• • Produits de développement des donateurs (trices) proposés en 2023

Nous offrons les produits suivants à ceux ou celles qui souhaitent s’engager, développer leur intérêt, créer des liens et fidéliser le CENFACS et le travail du CENFACS.

Nous offrons au marché du développement des donateurs (trices) un statut de donateur (trice) pour permettre à ceux ou celles  qui veulent s’engager régulièrement à donner ou à renforcer leur statut de donateur (trice) d’avoir la possibilité de le faire.

Nous invitons ceux ou celles qui veulent s’engager en tant que bailleur (eresse) de fonds ou donateur (trice) à le faire.    Ils/elles  peuvent le faire en soutenant le CENFACS avec un don en argent, un grand soulagement et un suramplificateur du produit.

• • • Gratuit pour les supporters: Le Status Argent

Le statut Argent est l’héritage de l’année « Quadranscentenaire» du CENFACS (2019).  Il s’agir de soutenir nos projets comme vous le pouvez ou comme vous le souhaitez si vous les visitez ou si vous vous trouvez dans la région où ils se situent.  Cela renforcera votre soutien et vous aidera à gagner un statut d’argent en tant que partisan du CENFACS au cours d’une année d’influence du CENFACS.

Alternativement, vous pouvez financer l’Année d’influence du CENFACS pour gagner le même statut et poursuivre l’héritage du CENFACS.

• • • Vouloir apporter un grand soulagement en tant que supporter

Vous pouvez apporter un grand soulagement en devenant un donateur (trice) ou un(e) partisan(e) régulier (ère), en ajoutant de la valeur à votre soutien et en augmentant votre soutien.

Par exemple, en cette période difficile de la crise du coût de la vie, nous avons besoin de ceux ou celles qui peuvent fournir ce genre d’aide pour poursuivre notre action et sortir des perturbations causées par la crise du coût de la vie.

De nombreuses personnes et organisations sont intervenues pour soutenir leurs bonnes causes méritantes pendant cette période de tempête de la crise économique; vous pouvez faire de même en soutenant le CENFACS.

Veuillez contacter le CENFACS pour plus de détails sur la façon de devenir Grand(e) Releveur (se).

• • • Besoin de renforcer votre soutien ou votre intendance en tant que Suramplificateur (trice) du produit

Vous pouvez choisir une initiative ou un programme durable particulier ou même CENFACS comme Suramplificateur (trice) du produit.

Vous pouvez soutenir 3 projets ou 2 projets et CENFACS

Vous pouvez soutenir 3 programmes ou 2 programmes et CENFACS.

Cela élèvera votre position en tant que bailleur (eresse) de fonds de projet ou de programme ou de Suramplificateur (trice) de produit.

Pour plus de détails sur le renforcement de votre soutien ou de votre intendance, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.




Main Development


The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right NOW


You can help halve poverty  in East Africa; you can help halve poverty for and with children at risk of loosing their life because of the detrimental effects of the poly-crisis on them.


This appeal includes two items:


a) Appeal summaries

b) How to donate.


• •  Appeal Summaries


The following summarises the data, needs, request, use, beneficiaries and outcomes that briefly make the case for halving poverty for and with children at risk of loosing their life due to the ill-fated effects of the spiralling interconnections between drought, extreme weather, displacement and insecurity.


• • • The data


Data and facts coming from key humanitarian agencies and local people in East Africa indicate that children there – in particular but not exclusively in Ethiopia, Somalia and South Susan – are severely affected by the multiple effects of several crises in this region.

From the work conducted by the International Rescue Committee (2), Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan are amongst the top 10 crises of the world.

UNICEF (op. cit.) argues that there are

16.5 million children in Ethiopia who are severely affected and in need,

5.1 million children in Somalia who are disproportionally-harsh drought affected

4.7 million children in South Sudan, who are most vulnerable, have complex and chronic needs“.

According to the Humanitarian Response Plan (3),

6.7 million people were facing severe acute food insecurity at national level in Somalia between October and December 2022;

about 20.4 million people are estimated to be severely food insecure in Ethiopia;

and about 6.3 million people in South Sudan are expected to face severe acute food insecurity between December 2022 and March 2023“.

Amongst these food insecure people are children, who continue to bear a heavy toll of conflict, drought, insecurity and displacement.

All the evidence and studies from key international and pan-African humanitarian agencies show that the children of Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan are at risk of losing their lives due to the deadly effects from the compound of complex and chronic crises.


• • • The Needs


The  needs for emergency life-saving support are 24 times more than average in East Africa where the livelihoods of children are severely affected.   These children need your life-saving help to meet their life-surviving need.


• • • The Ask


What it has been asked to you is your influence or power to have a positive effect on those who are holding the keys to solutions regarding the problems these children are facing, especially for problems that are man-made.

You can use your power to provide an emergency and life-saving support to the severely-affected livelihoods of children of East Africa, particularly but no exclusively those in Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.

Your gift of Positive Influence will provide an emergency life-saving and enhancing relief to the Polycrisis-affected Children in Need in East Africa.

The outcome of your Positive Influence will benefit the severe food acute insecure of Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.


• • • The Use


Your gift of Positive Influence will be used to secure the following:


√ Treat malnutrition in remote areas and or in refugee camps

√ Reduce the number of displaced children refugees

√ Supply life-saving food supplements for children, especially for those under 5

√ Support children in camps to go back to school instead of working or looking for food to support their families

√ Incentivize parents to send their children to school

√ Reduce child marriages for girls

√ End gender-based violence

√ Cut the number of trafficked children

√ Access nutritional and cash assistance

√ Provide clean water to vulnerable families

√ Train communities on malnutrition prevention

√ Set up mobile teams to treat malnutrition in remote areas



• • •  The Beneficiaries of your Gift of Positive Influence


They include children who are…


σ  food insecure

σ  severely acutely malnourished 

σ refugees or displaced by drought-related and conflict-driven causes

σ at risk from malnutrition and starvation

σ at risk of dying from diseases such as measles or diarrhoea

σ experiencing wasting or severely wasted

σ as young as 12 forced to undergo female genital mutilation

σ at risk of trafficking



• • • The Outcomes


With the influencing support to be received, the following changes will be expected:


√ Reduction in the number of child refugees  and in camps

√ Cut in numbers of food insecure children 

√ Better food supplements for children’s well-being and welfare

√ Reduction of malnutrition in remote areas

√ Increase in the number of girls not going to face female genital mutilation

√ Rise in the number of rescued children from climate-related threats and conflicts

√ More and better access to clean water for vulnerable children

√ More happy and healthy children of East Africa



• • How to donate


To donate, please contact influential persons (or those having the keys) to reduce or solve the detrimental effects of the crises that the East African children are suffering from and make these persons reduce or end these negative effects on them.

You can as well influence the things or factors that determine these crises in order to create lasting favourable conditions towards an end to years-long crises, like conflicts or economic crises in Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.

Please also let CENFACS know about your influencing work or contribution  you are or will be making and its outcome on behalf of the children or peoples of East Africa.

To let us know, you can contact CENFACS as follows:

*over phone

*via email

*through text

*by filling the contact form on this site. 

On receipt of your message or influencing donation, CENFACS will contact you for record and thank you for any influencing donation made.  However, should you wish your influencing support to remain anonymous; we will respect your wish.

Thank you in anticipation for your willingness to give your Positive Influence and help save the lives of the Polycrisis-impacted East African Children, especially but not exclusively those living in the polycrisis-affected areas of Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.






(1) (Accessed in January 2023)

(2) (Accessed in January 2023)

(3) FAO (2022), Crop Prospects and Food Situation – Quarterly Global Report No. 4, December 2022, Rome ( (Accessed in January 2023)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support in 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Promoting the Culture of Insurance Amongst Those in Need to Reduce Poverty in Africa 

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

18 January 2023


Post No. 283



The Week’s Contents


• FACS, Issue N0. 78, Winter 2022/2023: Promoting the Culture of Insurance Amongst Those in Need to Reduce Poverty in Africa 

• 2023 as a Year of Positive Influence to Poverty Reduction

• 2023 as a Year of Opportunities, Openings and Operations to Reduce Poverty by Africa-based Sister Organisations 


… And much more!



To donate or fund on 30 and 31 January 2023 as well as to share the Joy of Giving, please contact CENFACS on these days.



Key Messages


• FACS, Issue N0. 78, Winter 2022/2023: Promoting the Culture of Insurance Amongst Those in Need to Reduce Poverty in Africa


The key message of this New Year’s Issue of FACS, our bilingual newsletter, is that promoting the culture of insurance can help reduce poverty amongst the people in need in Africa in 2023 and beyond.

In this promotional effort to help the people in need master the culture of insurance and work for them, culture of insurance is approached from the perspective of the insured rather than from the insurance professionalism and companies.  The culture of insurance is also treated at the level of micro-insurance.

Culture is looked at from the point of view of social science or social scientists.  Our analysis of culture draws its inspiration from  what John Scott and Gordon Marshall (1) argue in their Oxford Dictionary of Sociology when referring to cultural anthropology.   They argue that

“The analysis of culture [can be undertaken] at three levels: learned patterns of behaviour; aspects of culture that act below conscious levels; and patterns of thought and perception” (p. 153)

By applying this perception of culture to insurance applicants on low or modest incomes, we can argue that it is possible to introduce and develop the idea of insurance to become a cultural resource or capital for those in need who may be insurance applicants.  It is possible for the needy to learn patterns of behaviour, thought and perception to help themselves by deciding by themselves how much insurance to buy for a well-defined risk.

This shared set of beliefs, attitudes, values, assumptions and rules for insurance behaviour and which are held by those using insurance services and products is what can be called the culture of insurance.  People in need can be included in that part of the society sharing this set of beliefs.

A good cultural transmission or education and distribution of insurance as a cultural resource or capital amongst those in need can help reduce poverty in Africa or elsewhere.  Poverty here is interpreted in absolute or subsistence terms as the poverty line, that is a threshold below which those in need are unable to meet their necessities for subsistence.  When people lack resources to buy a basic insurance policy, this could suggest that they are experiencing insurance poverty.

Promoting a culture of insurance amongst those lacking necessities in Africa can help to cross this line of poverty for an improved and advanced position of life.  It is about helping to enhance the poor’s experiences, perceptions, knowledge, attitude and understanding of insurance concepts, products and service providers.

To find out how this can be done, please read under the Main Development section of this post the key summaries and highlights making the 78th Issue of FACS.



• 2023 as a Year of Positive Influence to Poverty Reduction


To get good or expected outcomes from any efforts to reduce poverty does not necessarily mean one should heavily rely on financial means.  There are other means such as a positive influence that can add value to humanitarian aid for example.  We say positive influence as we all know that influence can also be negative.

So, 2023 will be dedicated as a Year of Positive Influence to Poverty Reduction  within CENFACS.  From this dedication, we hope that the needs of our users can be satisfied via the use of a positive influence to mobilise support and resources towards the meeting of their needs.

It is the year we are looking forward to working with the members of our community and Africa-based Sister Organisations via influencing skills, styles and models to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  Influencing skills, styles and models will assist to approach crises and challenging situations to get the best outcomes for poverty reduction.

It is a year of using the fundamental principles of influencing others, especially those in the position of power, to better change things so that poverty reduction can be achieved for those who need it.  Poverty reduction does not always come by itself, unless those who are holding the key to it feel that positive influence is coming to them.  But, what do we mean by influence?


• • Understanding influence


There are many ways in which influence can be approached.  Concerning the dedication of this year as of Positive Influence to Reduce Poverty within CENFACS, we are referring to what the ‘Center for Creative Leadership’ (2) argues, which is:

“Influence is the ability to personally affect the actions, decisions, opinions, or thinking of others.  Ultimately, influence allows you get things done and achieve desired outcomes”.

The same ‘Center for Creative Leadership’ differentiates three key influencing tactics or ways to influence, which are: logical appeals (head), emotional appeals (heart) and cooperative appeals (hands).


• • Applying the 3 Hs (i.e., head, heart and hands) to appeal to influential figures


Throughout 2023, we shall use both our head, heart and hands to appeal to those who can (i.e., influential figures) to help us help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  It will be about positively influencing (that is, inspiring and motivating) these influential people by getting things done and achieve poverty reduction outcomes.

By the end of January 2023, there will be a project to implement this dedication.  The project will be a one-year initiative starting from week beginning 23 January to the end of December 2023.  However, for those who would like to know more about this dedication, they are free to enquire from CENFACS.  Likewise, for those who would like to support it, they are welcome to do so.

We hope you will work with us or be with us as we take journey in influencing influential people to get poverty reduced throughout 2023 and beyond.





• 2023 as a Year of Opportunities, Openings and Operations to Reduce Poverty by Africa-based Sister Organisations 


Every year brings along with it challenges and opportunities.  2023 does not make any exception as it brings both challenges and opportunities.  Africa-based Sister Organisations can do their own SWOT analysis to identify and determine the internal Strengths and Weaknesses of their organisations as well as the external Opportunities and Threats they may come across throughout 2023.

By focusing on opportunities and openings rather than on the other three elements of SWOT analysis, they can appraise their external environment and their presence in African markets of poverty reduction as well as formulate a strategy and develop their services to work with those in need in a new or improved direction.

2023 is also a year of getting back on track operations to reduce poverty after the three of the coronavirus pandemic.  In the last three years, many operations were scaled down or closed or simply abandoned because of the coronavirus.  Now that many of the activities and services have been curated across Africa after the coronavirus disaster, Africa-based Sister Organisations can seize the momentum of the New Year to resume or increase their operations.

For example, they can use the following possibilities to help further reduce poverty in Africa in 2023 by:

√ Helping to sensitize people to get COVID-19 vaccine since Africa has largely COVID-19 unvaccinated people

√ Assisting disease sufferers to gain access to medical treatments as far as the management of other diseases (like HIV-Aids, malaria, TB and diabetes) are concerned

√ Advocating for the end of violence in order to contain violence in conflict hotspots like in African Sahel and others

Campaigning for technology transfer to back up energy transition

√ Helping to cut down risks of worsening humanitarian crises like in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, and so on

√ Supporting urban poor in terms of their demand for land use, housing, consumer goods and services regarding urbanisation

√ Accompanying poor people in their recovery efforts from the lingering effects of the coronavirus, the cost-of-living crisis and natural disasters (like in the flood-impacted people in the Democratic Republic of Congo)

√ Working with poor people to develop their digital skills via education and training in order to keep pace with digital revolution

√ Supporting indebted and income deficit poor people to restructure their income deficits and debts as far as the management of income deficits and debts are concerned

√ Assisting in African Diaspora’s money remittances or transfer schemes to those in need in Africa in the areas of international payments, travel and tourism

√ Working with more than 20 million people touched by famine and drought in East Africa

√ Helping poor people to formulate their human rights request/demand to make 2023 elections and transitions in Africa as processes that leave none, no need and no place behind


The above possibilities show that Africa-based Sister Organisations can cautiously grab the opportunities and openings of the 2023 year in order to operate and further up their poverty reduction work and regain the lost hard-won poverty reduction results; lost results because of economic crises, climate change and  armed conflicts in Africa.

For those Africa-based Sister Organisations wanting to operate and work on these opportunities and openings but finding some difficulties to operate; they can discuss the matter with CENFACS so that together we can plan a 2023 market development strategy.

Need a market development strategy or plan in order to operate and better engage with the 2023 opportunities and openings; please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• The Season of Giving Continues with SHOPPING and DONATIONS

• Looking for Help and Support about Ways of Reducing Food Waste and Over Consumption

• Gifts of Peace Still Running



• The Season of Giving Continues with SHOPPING and DONATIONS at


Every season or every month is an opportunity to do something against poverty and hardships.  January is too a good and great month of the year to do it.

You can donate or recycle your unwanted and unneeded goods gifts you received over the festive days to CENFACS’ Charity e-Store, the shop built to help relieve poverty and hardships.

You can as well buy second hand goods and bargain priced new items and much more.

CENFACS’ Charity e-Store needs your support for SHOPPING and GOODS DONATIONS.

You can do something different this Season of Goods Donations by SHOPPING or DONATING GOODS at CENFACS Charity e-Store.

You can DONATE or SHOP or do both:

√ DONATE unwanted Festive GOODS GIFTS and PRODUCTS to CENFACS Charity e-Store this January and Winter

√ SHOP at CENFACS Charity e-Store to support noble and deserving causes of poverty relief this January and Winter.

Your SHOPPING and or GOODS DONATIONS will help to the Upkeep of the Nature and to reduce poverty and hardships.

This is what the Season of Giving is all about.




• Looking for Help and Support about Ways of Reducing Food Waste and Over Consumption


The month of Responsible or Sustainable Consumption within CENFACS continues through our Advice-giving Service.

For those who are looking for support to reduce food waste and over consumption, they can get in touch with CENFACS’ Advice-giving Service.

Support under this service can be given in hybrid fashion by making an appointment with CENFACS.

To book an appointment, you can text, phone, e-mail and complete the contact form.

After making and agreeing an appointment, one of CENFACS volunteers will get in touch and assist those in need of support in terms of reducing food waste and over consumption.



• Gifts of Peace Still Running


Our Season of Giving through the Gifts of Peace has not yet finished.  The Gifts of Peace are nonetheless running.  We still have almost 1 week and 6 days to go until the end of this month. We are making a plea to those who have not yet managed to support to keep these gifts and our agenda for peace in their mind.

Although the deadline for the Season of Donation for these gifts is 31 January 2023, we will nevertheless accept any donations made after this deadline as there are always pressing needs that desperately request support.

Please do not wait for the expiration of the deadline as the needs are pressing and urgent.

For further details about these Gifts of Peace and or to support, go to

We look forward to your support.  Thank you!




Message in French (Message en français)


Vient de paraître cet hiver 2023:

Le 78e numéro de FACS dont le titre est…

Promouvoir la culture de l’assurance parmi les nécessiteux (ses) pour réduire la pauvreté en Afrique. 

Le message clé de ce premier numéro de FACS, notre bulletin bilingue, du Nouvel An  est que la promotion de la culture assurantielle peut aider à réduire la pauvreté parmi les personnes dans le besoin en Afrique en 2023 et au-delà.

Dans cet effort promotionnel d’ensemble pour aider les personnes dans le besoin à maîtriser la culture de l’assurance, la culture de l’assurance est abordée du point de vue de l’assuré(e) plutôt que du professionnalisme et des compagnies d’assurance.

La culture est ainsi considérée du point de vue des sciences sociales ou des scientistes sociaux.  Notre analyse de la culture s’inspire de ce que John Scott et Gordon Marshall (1) soutiennent dans leur Dictionnaire de Sociologie d’Oxford lorsqu’ils se réfèrent à l’anthropologie culturelle.   Ils font valoir que

« L’analyse de la culture [peut être entreprise] à trois niveaux : les modèles de comportement appris; les aspects de la culture qui agissent en dessous des niveaux conscients; et les schémas de pensée et de perception » (p. 153)

En appliquant cette perception de la culture aux demandeurs(ses) d’assurance, nous pouvons soutenir qu’il est possible d’introduire et de développer l’assurance pour qu’elle devient une ressource culturelle ou un capital pour ceux ou celles qui en ont besoin et qui peuvent être des demandeurs(ses) d’assurance.  Il est possible pour ceux ou celles qui en ont besoin d’apprendre des modèles de comportement, de pensée et de perception pour s’aider eux-/elles-mêmes en décidant d’eux/elles-mêmes du montant d’assurance à acheter pour un risque bien défini.

Une bonne transmission culturelle ou une bonne éducation et la distribution de l’assurance en tant que ressource culturelle ou capital parmi ceux ou celles qui en ont besoin peuvent aider à réduire la pauvreté en Afrique.  La pauvreté est ici interprétée en termes absolus ou de subsistance comme le seuil de pauvreté, c’est-à-dire un seuil en dessous duquel ceux/celles qui sont dans le besoin sont incapables de subvenir à leurs besoins de subsistance.  Quand les gens manquent de ressources pour acheter une police d’assurance de base, cela peut suggérer qu’ils sont en train de connaître une pauvreté assurantielle.

La promotion d’une culture de l’assurance parmi ceux/celles qui manquent de biens de première nécessité en Afrique peut aider à franchir cette ligne de pauvreté pour une position de vie meilleure et avancée.

Ceux ou celles qui sont intéressé(e)s à lire en détail la version entière en français de ce nouveau numéro de FACS peuvent contacter le CENFACS à notre adresse habituelle sur ce site internet.





Main Development


FACS, Issue N0. 78, Winter 2022/2023: Promoting the Culture of Insurance Amongst Those in Need to Reduce Poverty in Africa 


The contents and key summaries of the 78th Issue of FACS are given below.


• • Contents and Pages


I. Key Concepts Relating to the Promotion of the Culture of Insurance to the Needy (Page 2)

II. Key Theory Used in the 78th Issue of FACS: Theory of Insurance Demand (Page 2)

III. Insurance as Poverty Reducer or Alleviator (Page 3)

IV. Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) and their Advocacy for Affordable Insurance (Page 3)

V. Africa-based Sister Organisations and their Anti-insurance Poverty Work in Africa (Page 4)

VI. Africa-based Sister Organisations and their Beneficiaries’ Perception of Insurance (Page 4)

VII. Les catastrophes naturelles et la culture assurantielle des nécessiteux locaux in Africa (Page 5)

VIII. Téléphones portables, assurance et réduction de la pauvreté en matière d’assurance (Page 5)

IX. La corrélation entre le taux de pénétration de l’assurance pour les nécessiteux et le taux de réduction de la pauvreté parmi ces mêmes nécessiteux (Page 6)

X. La promotion de la culture de l’assurance des nécessiteux comme effet démultiplicateur des inégalités liées au manque d’accès à l’assurance (Page 6)

XI. Survey, Testing Hypotheses, E-questionnaire and E-discussion on the Culture of Insurance (Page 7)

XII. Support, Top Tool, Information and Guidance on the Culture of Insurance (Page 8)

XIII. Workshop, Focus Group and Enhancement Activity about Culture of Insurance (Page 9)

XIV. Giving and Project (Page 10)


• • Key Summaries


Please find below the key summaries of the 78th Issue of FACS from page 2 to page 10.


• • • Key Concepts Relating to the Promotion of the Culture of Insurance to the Needy (Page 2)


There are three essential concepts that will help the readers of FACS to better understand the contents of the 78th Issue.  These concepts are the culture of insurance, the needy and insurance poverty.  These concepts will help readers of this Issue of FACS to better understand and identify the matters raised within it.  Let us look at each of these concepts.


• • • • Culture of insurance


It is the customs, ideas and art of deciding how much insurance to buy for a well-defined risk.  In this respect, the culture of insurance is approached from the perspective of the buyer of insurance rather than from that of those offering insurance products and services.

A deep understanding of the culture of insurance will make us to dig deep into the notion of culture in social science.  As we mentioned it in the key messages of this post,  John Scott and Gordon Marshall (op. cit.) argue that

“The analysis of culture [can be undertaken] at three levels: learned patterns of behaviour; aspects of culture that act below conscious levels; and patterns of thought and perception” (p. 153)

These learned patterns can be applied in the area of insurance.

The culture of insurance does not stay the same.  It can change from traditional to modern depending on the state of development of societies.  Since we are in the digital age, the culture of insurance has shifted from non digital to digital one, from people using papers to mobile phones to deal with their insurance policy and payment problems.


• • • • The needy


They are potential retail insurance consumers who are lacking insurance necessities such as an insurance policy cover, money to buy insurance policy, money to change insurance provider or service, the power to claim their insurance rights, etc.

They are the under insured or uninsured segments of societies in Africa.

They are as well those who are vulnerable to insurance services and products and are looking forward to sustainable solutions to their insurance problems.


• • • • Insurance poverty


In order to understand insurance poverty one may need to know both insurance and poverty.  According to John Scott and Gordon Marshall (op. cit.),

“Poverty is a state in which resources, usual material but sometimes cultural, are lacking” (p.588)

As to insurance, we can refer to what Christopher Pass and others (3) state in their Collins Dictionary of Economics, which is

“Insurance is a method of protecting a person or business against the financial consequences of loss of, and damage to, ASSETS through fire, theft, etc. (general insurance), and loss of life and limb (life and accident insurance)” (p. 254)

The two definitions can be put together to understand insurance poverty as the lack of resources to protect yourself against financial consequences of losses and damages.  Insurance poverty is also the inability to pay a basic insurance policy to cover yourself and or your belongings or injuries to other people or properties to reduce financial loss or hardship.


• • • Key Theory Used in the 78th Issue of FACS: Theory of Insurance Demand (Page 2)


To highlight this theory, let us briefly look at what Ulrich Schmidt thinks about it.  Ulrich Schmidt argues that

“The standard theory of decision making under risk, expected utility (EU) theory, is a subject will buy full insurance if and only if premiums are fair, i.e. equal expected losses”.

Ulrich Schmidt distinguishes EU theory from prospect theory.

Like in any theorisation process, there are those who agree with this theory, just as there are others who disagree.

For example, John A. Nyman (5) disagrees by saying that

“Expected utility theory holds that the demand for insurance is a demand for certainty, because under the conventional specification of the theory, it appears as if buyers of insurance prefer certain losses to actuarially equivalent uncertain ones.  Empirical studies, however, show that individuals actually prefer uncertain losses to actuarially equivalent certain ones”.

In one of its papers, John A. Nyman tries to reconcile expected utility theory with this empirical evidence by suggesting that insurance is demanded to obtain an income payoff in the ‘bad’ state.  As an example, he gives the theory of consumer demand for health insurance.

Despite some disagreements around the Expected Utility Theory, this theory stands up in many circumstances of life.  We are going to use it in the 78th Issue of FACS as it is a normative theory of decision making under risk management.


• • • Insurance as Poverty Reducer or Alleviator (Page 3)


Evidence across the world suggests that insurance can contribute to poverty reduction or alleviation.  In developing countries of Africa, medical and agricultural insurance programmes can help people avoid the risk of falling into poverty.  Insurance can protect farmers and other poor people from poor health and natural events such floods, torrential rain, drought, etc.

There could be correlation between insurance cover and poverty reduction.  However, the causality and redirection of this relationship can only be proofed using data in a particular context and time period.

Briefly speaking, with insurance cover there is a high probability that there would be less sufferings from financial loss due to life events.




• • • Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) and their Advocacy for Affordable Insurance (Page 3)


It may not feasible for ASOs to determine how much insurance those in need, who are their beneficiaries, can pay.  This will be the job or task of insurance brokers or professionals.  What is possible is that ASOs can advocate so that insurance contribution of their needy to be affordable.

Such advocacy will require working together with those who need affordable insurance to put their cases to insurance services providers and other players.  By advocating in this way, there could be a possibility for those who are excluded from the insurance world because of the lack of financial resources to be included in the insurance process in the future.


• • • Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) and their Anti-insurance Poverty Work in Africa (Page 4)


Besides advocating for affordable insurance for their beneficiaries, there are other areas of work that ASOs can undertake in order to reduce insurance poverty in Africa.  These other areas of work include the following:

√ Working with local insurers to adapt local needs and the needs of their beneficiaries in their insurance development agenda

√ Provide local insights and capacities to create insurance solutions for the needy

√ Help improve the risk management insight for the locals and local needs

√ Assist in the innovation of insurance solutions for the needy

√ Study the risk transfer mechanisms of their beneficiaries’ households

√ Support the closing of insurance or protection gap between the needy and the wealthy

√ Help in capturing metrics relating to insurance consumed by their beneficiaries

√ Search for potential insurance development within beneficiaries’ community

√ Contribute in the agenda to protect the needy from natural events like flooding, torrential rain, drought, etc.

The above mentioned ways of supporting will help to shake the boundaries of insurance poverty to make it come down.


• • • Africa-based Sister Organisations and their Beneficiaries’ Perception of Insurance (Page 4)


Insurance services are fundamental to people’s existence, whether these people are poor or rich.  Because of this fundamental feature of insurance, ASOs can work with their beneficiaries in a number of initiatives or activities to improve their perception of insurance services within their living area.

For instance, they can investigate the level of insurance-awareness within the community they serve.  In doing so, this could help bring or develop the culture of insurance to them.  What are other these initiatives they can undertake?


• • • • Initiatives or activities to improving insurance perception within the locals


They include the following:

√ Speaking and reporting about good practice of the use of insurance within their community

√ Developing insurance events to steer the culture of insurance within their community and to popularise insurance subjects

√ Training and educating volunteers in insurance education who could become ‘community insurance messengers

√ Developing practical activities to change the bad image and perception of insurance, if any, amongst their beneficiaries

√ Building the insurance capacity of those making their community to understand insurance services and products

√ Creating small activities or programmes for developing insurance investment skills

√ Running events to improve trust and confidence in insurance

√ Translating and interpreting insurance products (including insurance literacy and terminology) in local languages

√ Looking at the viability of insurance products and solutions for those in need

√ Setting up a strategic plan to improve the insurance perception within their community


By working together with their beneficiaries in this way or other one, they can help to make progress regarding their beneficiaries’ image and perception of insurance.


• • • Les catastrophes naturelles et la culture assurantielle des nécessiteux locaux in Africa (Page 5)


Les catastrophes naturelles (telles que les pluies torrentielles et diluviennes avec inondations et dégâts matériels) se produiront toujours en Afrique dans des régions avec un climat propice aux phénomènes climatiques aléatoires.   Le problème épineux est celui de pallier aux conséquences parfois tragiques de ces événements désastreux, alors qu’on sait que les pays africains ont des ressources très limitées en la matière.

La vraie réponse à ce genre d’événements est d’améliorer les prévisions climatiques et climatologiques, sans oublier de réduire l’intensité des dommages qu’ils peuvent causer s’ils ne peuvent pas être évités ou prévus.

L’un des moyens d’y arriver est de développer des polices d’assurance disponibles, accessibles et abordables pour les sinistrés potentiels de ces événements.

Par exemple, à la mi-décembre 2022, Kinshasa (en République démocratique du Congo) a connu des pluies torrentielles avec une énorme inondation qui a fait environ 170 morts, selon les sources locales congolaises.  Bien que l’on puisse souligner le manque de politique et de pratique d’urbanisation pour faire face à ce type de catastrophe naturelle dans l’une des mégapoles africaines; il n’en reste pas moins que de nombreuses victimes ou victimes de cette catastrophe environnementale n’ont pas de couverture d’assurance pour faire face à ces dommages naturels.  Et pourtant, les gens peuvent souscrire une assurance contre les catastrophes ou les inondations.

À cet égard, travailler avec des personnes vulnérables aux catastrophes pour développer leur culture de l’assurance peut leur permettre à l’avenir de s’engager avec des produits et des instruments d’assurance pour répondre à leurs besoins en fonction de leurs moyens dans le temps.



• • • Téléphones portables, assurance et réduction de la pauvreté en matière d’assurance (Page 5)


Les téléphones mobiles peuvent aider à résoudre le problème de la communication dans le processus de réduction de la pauvreté en matière d’assurance afin d’atteindre les personnes difficiles à atteindre là où elles sont localisées.

Les téléphones mobiles peuvent aider les personnes pauvres qui en détiennent ou qui en ont à gérer le risque de tomber dans la pauvreté en raison du manque d’accès aux services et produits d’assurance.

À cet égard, un téléphone portable est un outil de gestion des risques et un réducteur de pauvreté d’assurance.  L’assurance, qui est un outil de transfert ou de répartition des risques naturels et financiers pour réduire les pertes ou les difficultés financières, peut avoir besoin d’un autre outil comme un téléphone mobile.


• • • La corrélation entre le taux de pénétration de l’assurance pour les nécessiteux et le taux de réduction de la pauvreté parmi ces mêmes nécessiteux (Page 6)


Il est possible de mesurer les progrès de la pénétration de l’assurance dans les régions modestes et pauvres d’Afrique par rapport aux efforts visant à réduire la pauvreté dans ces contextes.  Cette mesure peut être traduite en une corrélation entre le taux de croissance ou de pénétration de l’assurance dans ces contextes et le taux de réduction de la pauvreté.

Une telle mesure permettra de déterminer l’efficacité ou l’inefficacité d’une politique visant à promouvoir l’assurance auprès des personnes dans le besoin.  Cependant, pour y parvenir, cela nécessitera la collecte et le traitement de données numériques pour une population et une région données faisant l’objet d’une telle étude.


• • • La promotion de la culture de l’assurance des nécessiteux comme effet démultiplicateur des inégalités liées au manque d’accès à l’assurance (Page 6)


La promotion de la culture d’assurance des nécessiteux(ses) peut avoir des effets bénéfiques dans le processus de réduction des inégalités; les inégalités liées à l’accès, à la disponibilité et à l’abordabilité de l’assurance.

Cependant, pour que ce type de prestations soit réalisé, cela dépendra de nombreux éléments tels que le degré de couverture d’assurance et le type d’assurance.  L’activité de promotion peut également encourager l’allocation de ressources aux mêmes conditions nécessaires à son succès.   Car, pour éliminer une forme d’inégalités , cela peut demander une approche holistique prenant en compte d’autres facteurs déterminants.

Au fond, si l’on reste dans le domaine de l’assurance, il faut dire qu’encourager l’engagement des nécessiteux/ses pour se couvrir contre les accidents, les risques et les événements de la vie peut leur permettre de combler progressivement le vide en termes d’égalité.


• • •  Survey, Testing Hypotheses, E-questionnaire and E-discussion on the Culture of Insurance (Page 7)


• • • • Survey on the impact of insurance on households’ vulnerability to poverty


The purpose of this survey is to collect information from a sample of our user households regarding the impact of insurance on their vulnerability to poverty.  Participation to this survey is voluntary.

As part of the survey, we are running a questionnaire which contains some questions.  Two of these questions are:

√ How vulnerable are you to poverty as a result of the insurance cover you bought?

√ How vulnerable are you to poverty as a result of not having  insurance cover?

You can respond and directly send your answer to CENFACS.  For instance, you could say you are not vulnerable or averagely vulnerable or highly vulnerable to any of the above two questions.

To help people respond, they can think of any household items they recently or long ago bought  (like TV, washing machine, mobile phone, etc.) which led them to buy an insurance policy.


• • • • Testing Hypotheses about the impact of insurance on poverty reduction


For those of our members who are studied insurance or working on it and who would like to dive deep into the impact of insurance on poverty reduction, we have some insurance educational activities for them.  They can test the following assumptions:

a) Null hypothesis (Ho): Insurance does reduce vulnerability to poverty

b) Alternative hypothesis (H1): Insurance does not reduce vulnerability to poverty.

In order to conduct these tests, one needs data on the degrees of coverage and forms of insurance products of any particular population or community.


• • • • E-questionnaire on Actionable Information about the Culture of Insurance


Do you have enough information on the culture of insurance?  Please tick () as appropriate.

YES  [   ]

NO   [   ]

If your answer is NOCENFACS can work with you via its Advice-giving Service (service which we offer to the community for free) to help you find the information you need on the culture of insurance.


• • • • E-discussion on the Effects of Insurance on Household Assets


Many households or families have to buy insurance policies to cover their assets or belongings.  These policies can affect these household assets

For those who may have any views or thoughts or even experience to share with regard this matter, they can join our e-discussion to exchange their views or thoughts or experience with others.

To e-discuss with us and others, please contact CENFACS.


• • • Support, Top Tool, Information and Guidance on the Culture of Insurance (Page 8)


• • • • Ask CENFACS for Support regarding the Culture of Insurance


We do not run insurance services.  However, to support some members of our community who are experiencing some difficulties in dealing or choosing their insurance policies, we can work with them to direct them to support services available on the market that can respond to their insurance needs or just assist them.

We are/will doing it since we are in CENFACS‘ month of Responsible or Sustainable Consumption.  Also, we are currently dealing with insurance as a new topic of the first Issue of FACS in this New Year.

We try to seize every opportunity or moment of life to help reduce poverty.  In this particular context of the 78th Issue of FACS, we are exploring ways of helping our members to reduce risk or insurance poverty.  In doing so, we hope to increase and improve insurance-linked poverty reduction outcomes for our members.

If you are a member of our community and/or a retail insurance consumer, you can ask us for basic support regarding your insurance consumption problems.

Under CENFACS’ Advice-giving  Service, you can ask for basic support to deal with the struggle you are having to meet your insurance consumption matters.


• • • • Top Tool of the 78th Issue of FACS: Confidence Index of Insurance 


One of the tools we find that could be useful for our Africa-based Sister Organisations working with their beneficiaries in trying to find out how confidence they are in their journey to developing a culture of insurance in their life is Confidence Index of Insurance.  What is it?

A Confidence Index of Insurance is a barometer or gauge that provides people’s perceptions and expectations of the insurance services, products and industry.  It is based on people’s confidence survey made of a responding sample of a sizeable amount of questionnaires.  The index can help determine if the surveyed people are happy (optimistic) or unhappy (pessimistic) to buy insurance services provided or offered to them.

For example, this tool can help find the experiences of surveyed people regarding insurance matters such as raising queries, complaints and dispute resolutions when dealing with a particular insurance services provider or product.

Those of ASOs that would like to dive into this index, they can go ahead.  Those who would like to discuss the relevancy of this tool and its application, they can feel free to contact CENFACS.



• • • • Information and Guidance on Culture of Insurance and Insurance for the Poor


Information and Guidance include two types areas of support via CENFACS, which are:

a) Information and Guidance on insurance training and education

b) Tips and hints to improve users’ insurance experience.


• • • • • Information and Guidance on ways of improving and developing via training and education of the ideals and practice of using insurance services and products


Training and education in the field of insurance can enhance beneficiaries’ interpersonal skills.  Both training and education can help improve the following:

√ Communication and negotiation skills

√ Problems solving and analytical abilities

√ Relationship skills with insurance services providers

√ Statistical literacy ability to understand basic insurance maths and jargon


Training and education can enable to know if insurance is available, accessible and affordable for the insurance poor.


• • • • • Tips and hints to improve users’ experience with insurance services providers


How to be satisfied with insurance services providers


There are ways that any of the members of our community can use to improve their experience when dealing with insurance services.  They include the following:

√ Avoid difficult claims processing insurance services

√ Check for free support since you are looking for affordable service

√ Search for insurance provider with a good conversational reputation

√ Find insurance services provider who deals with people with similar problems like yours

√ Look for service providers who have a policy renewal that is friendly to the people in need


More tips and hints relating to the matter can be obtained from CENFACSAdvice-giving Service.

Additionally, you can request from CENFACS a list of organisations and services providing help and support in the area of insurance for the poor, although the Issue does not list organisations and institutions that provide insurance cover.  Before making any request, one needs to specify the kind of organisations they are looking for.

To make your request, just contact CENFACS with your name and contact details.


• • • Workshop, Focus Group and Enhancement Activity about Culture of Insurance (Page 9)



• • • • Mini Themed Workshop


Boost your knowledge and skills about culture of insurance via CENFACS.   The workshop aims at supporting uninsured or inadequately insured to gain the skills to make their own choices between affordable insurance services and high out-of-pocket cost ones.  It will help to plan and check their insurance decision making policy.

To enquire about the boost, please contact CENFACS.



• • • • Focus Group on the Promotion of Insurance Culture


You can take part in our focus group on whether or not enough has been done to encourage needy people to learn and know about insurance products available for them and adopt them as their way of living as they would do with their banking customs.

To take part in the focus group, please contact CENFACS.


• • • • Winter Insurance Confidence Activity

How confident are you in making your coverage choices to buy insurance products to cover any aspects of your life?


You can use the Confidence Index of Insurance to help you find out your risk-aversion and vulnerability to insurance products and services offered to you.

To take part in this activity, please contact CENFACS.


• • • Giving and Project (Page 10)


• • • • Readers’ Giving


You can support FACSCENFACS bilingual newsletter, which explains what is happening within and around CENFACS.

FACS also provides a wealth of information, tips, tricks and hacks on how to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

You can help to continue its publication and to reward efforts made in producing it.

To support, just contact CENFACS on this site.


• • • • Insurance Skills Development Project (ISDP)


ISDP is a basic literacy and numeracy project to build and develop skills and capacities in the form of training and education relating to the culture of insurance for the uninsured poor people and communities in Africa.

This insurance project aims at reducing insurance poverty and hardships due to the lack or inadequacy of insurance policy cover or to the lack of understanding of insurance services and products offered to them..

The skills, knowledge and capacities to be acquired will help the uninsured or inadequately insured to understand insurance services and products offered to them, make informed choices regarding their own insurance coverage and improve risk management insights for themselves.

To support or contribute to ISDP , please contact CENFACS.

For further details including the implementation plan of the ISDP, please contact CENFACS.

The full copy of the 78th Issue of FACS is available on request.  For any queries and comments about this Issue, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




Reference for readers of FACS Bilingual Newsletter

Issue Title: Promoting the Culture of Insurance amongst the Needy to Reduce Poverty in Africa in 2023/ Issue No.: 78 / Month & Year of Publication: January 2023 / Publisher: CENFACS.




References for the post No. 283


(1) Scott, J. & Marshall, G. (2009), Oxford Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York

(2) (Accessed in January 2023)

(3) Pass, C., Lowes, B. & Davies, L. (1988), Dictionary of Economics, HarperCollins Publishers, Collins London & Glasgow

(4) Schmidt, U. (2012), Insurance Demand under Prospect Theory: A Graphical Analysis, in Kiel Working Papers, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Hindenburgufer 66, 24105 Kiel, Germany (

(5) Nyman, J. A. (2001), The Demand for Insurance: Expected Utility Theory from a Gain Perspective, Discussion Paper No. 313, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN55455




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support in 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

11 January 2023


Post No. 282



The Week’s Contents


• Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes

• Financial Stability Campaign 2023, In Focus: Finding Extra Income to Cover Basic Expenses

• Giving Hope to the Children in Need in the Eastern Part of the Democratic Republic of Congo


… And much more!



30 and 31 January 2023 are two days of opportunity for donors/funders who would like to give to conclude the festive giving periods at CENFACS.  These are the days of uplifting, joy and happiness or simply feeling better for donors and funders who would like to invest in deserving causes like CENFACS’ noble ones of poverty reduction.  

To donate or fund on 30 and 31 January 2023 as well as to share the Joy of Giving, please contact CENFACS on these days.


Key Messages


• Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes


Last week, we listed projects and programmes to be carried out in January 2023.   This week, we are unveiling more projects and programmes including resources.  The last week’s listed projects and the ones to be unveiled below will all make our Light Season 2023.

In both last week’s and this week’s listings, there are two types of projects and programmes, which are:

a) Specifically designed projects and programmes (such as humanitarian appeals) to feature CENFACS’ Light Campaign/Advocacy,  to bring and carry the message of hope through a Blaze of Hope 

b) Seasonal projects and programmes that just fall within the Season of Light, which is from 21 December in the preceding year (e.g., 2022) to 21 March in the following year (e.g., 2023).

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided further details about the Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes.



• Financial Stability Campaign 2023, In Focus: Finding Extra Income to Cover Basic Expenses


Our Financial Stability Campaign 2023 has three areas of focus, which are: a) finding extra income to cover basic expenses b) paying off debts c) saving for emergencies.  This week, we are dealing with the first area of focus of our Financial Stability Campaign 2023.


• • Finding Extra Income to Cover Basic Expenses


Our first area of focus is on Finding Extra Income to Cover Basic Expenses for those who do not have enough income.

Indeed, many poor people, households and families do not have enough income to cover basic expenses.  Basic expenses are a sum of money spent or to be spent on basic life-sustaining needs such as food, energy, accommodation, health, drink, transport, clothing, education, etc.

If their income is not enough, then these poor people, households and families are bound to find money somewhere else in order to cover the expenses for their basic life-sustaining needs.  To find income, one may try to understand the meaning of income.



• • • What is an income?


In the context of our Financial Stability Campaign 2023, income can be understood in the way Christopher Pass et al (1) define it as

“Money received by individuals, firms and other organisations in the form of wages, salaries, rent, interest, commissions, fees and profit, together with grants, unemployment benefit, old age pensions, etc.” (pp. 276-277)

The same Christopher Pass et al explain that disposable income is

“The amount of income which a person has available after paying income tax, national insurance contributions and pension contributions.  The amount of a person’s disposable income has an important effect on the ability to buy products” (p. 181).

We are going to use the two definitions during our campaign and when working with the community on financial stability matter.



• • • Where to find income


Income can come from various sources as its definition tells us.  However, one of the problems that income poor households face is that their sources of income is not enough sufficient or diversified to enable them to cover their basic expenses.  They do not have enough sources of income or enough income to meet their living expenses.

To enable them to increase and improve their sources of income or simply their income, we will be working with them on individual basis and on case-by-case about the ways of finding enough or extra income to meet the expenses of their basic life-sustaining needs.  This is the first area of focus of our  Financial Stability Campaign 2023.

To support this campaign, please contact CENFACS.

To ask for help or enquire about the first area of our focus, please do not hesitate to communicate with CENFACS as well.



• Giving Hope to the Children in Need in the Eastern Part of the Democratic Republic of Congo


Our Season of Giving and Sustaining Hope for a better future continues as we advocate for the reaching out to the children in need in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As we explained in the last week’s post, our areas of work or need in 2023 include the Eastern side of the Democratic Republic of Congo.  In this part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, almost 15.4 million children are in need, according the United Nations Children’s Fund (2).  They are in need because of protracted crises and are bearing the brunt of an escalation in armed conflicts and recurrent disease outbreaks, from the point of view of the same United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

It makes sense to respond to UNICEF’s call and whoever appeals to help these children.  2023 could be different for these children if one steps up and responds to their genuine acute needs and to appeals made with and on their behalf by individuals and /or organisations, like UNICEF is doing.

We would like to ask assistance for those who are helping these children to finish the work they have already started.

In these toughest times, your support can contribute to break the cycle of humanitarian crises  they are experiencing.

May we request to help us too help these crisis-impacted children living in crisis settings.

Please lend us your hand to reach them out via your giving.

Let us give hope to these poor children who badly need aid.

To support and or enquire about this appeal, please contact CENFACS.



Extra Messages


• Digital and Social Media Campaign (Level 6)

• Poverty Reduction Show in 2023

• Goal for the New Year and January Month



• Digital and Social Media Campaign

Level 6: Digital and Social Media Insights


The next level of our Digital and Social Media Campaign is about Insights.

Whenever we deal with the digital world and social media platforms, they provide some information, messages and data to understand, analyse, evaluate and report for our own needs.  There are insights that one may need to understand.  But, what is insight?


• • Defining insight


Our definition of insight comes from Chambers Combined Dictionary Thesaurus (3) which states that

“Insight is the ability to gain a relatively rapid, clear, and deep understanding of the real, often hidden , and usually complex nature of a situation, problem, etc.” (p. 663)

As Carolyn Sansom (4)  puts it:

“Insight is analysed information”.

It is also what ‘’ (5) argues about, which is

“Insights are the output”.

This set of definitions will be used to deal with digital and social media insights, particularly in generating actionable insights.  In other words, we are going to work with the members of  our community so that they can better understand the real nature of data during their journey throughout the digital world and social media platforms.  It will also be about the power that data is having on them.

Many households do this sort of exercises in trying to understand their lives without sometimes knowing they are carrying out data insights.  To better undertake insights, it may require some skills.


• • Insight skills to reduce poverty


This level of working will be about using some skills to simplify complex data and information so that users can easily understand them and help them in the process of reducing poverty linked to the lack of understanding of what the digital and social media worlds are telling them as messages.

To enquire and or to support the level 6 of our Digital and Social Media Campaign, please contact CENFACS.




• Poverty Reduction Show in 2023


Showing that poverty reduction is happening despite the events like the cost-of-living is an extra message we would like to share with our users, Africa-based Sister Organisations and other stakeholders.

This 2023, we would like our local people and Africa-based Sister Organisations to show or showcase via a variety of evidences, testimonies, cases, films, videos, news and examples of poverty reduction that poverty reduction has happened and continues to happen despite the lingering effects of the coronavirus and the cost-of-living crisis. 

Poverty reduction show can add value to stories of poverty reduction we normally run.

Through this showing exercise, we hope to build a better picture of these poverty reduction cases with features, similarities, differences, patterns and trends for learning and development experience about our system of poverty reduction.  It is about proofing and acknowledging that poverty reduction does happen in real life.

To show or share your experience on how poverty reduction has happened to you or those you know despite the lingering effects of the coronavirus and the cost-of-living crisis, please contact and share it with CENFACS.




• Goal for the New Year and January Month


Our Goal for the New Year and January Month is to reduce poverty linked to food waste and over consumption.

Indeed, reducing food waste and loss can contribute to the reduction of poverty.  Food wasted can be donated to help meet food demand and nutritional needs of the income-poor and food poor people.  Likewise, cutting the excess use of renewable resources can assist in reducing poverty.

The above is our poverty reduction goal for the New Year and for January 2023, which we are asking to our audiences and supporters to help or promote.  It is also a life or impact goal to navigate our way out of food crisis and climate crisis.

For those of our audiences and supporters who are very ambitious, they can even take this goal as their resolution for 2023.




Message in French (Message en français)


À paraître cet hiver

Le prochain numéro (le 78ème numéro) de FACS  pour ce Nouvel An s’intitulera comme suit:

Promouvoir la culture assurantielle parmi les nécessiteux(ses) pour réduire la pauvreté en Afrique.

Résumé de ce prochain numéro de FACS –

D’une manière générale, dans les pays africains en développement, les parents et les personnes pauvres comptent sur leurs enfants et les membres de leur famille élargie ou communauté pour se protéger contre les dommages ou le vol de biens personnels, ainsi que contre la mort, la vie et les blessures accidentelles.  Ce problème de dépendance à l’égard des enfants et de la communauté se retrouve également parmi les membres de la diaspora africaine.

Il y a des raisons qui poussent beaucoup de ces pauvres parents et personnes à agir de cette façon.  Sans entrer dans ces raisons qui pourraient être légitimes pour certains d’entre eux, le numéro 78 de FACS portera sur les façons de travailler avec ces familles et personnes pauvres afin qu’elles puissent adopter la culture ou la voie de l’assurance, que cette assurance provienne d’une compagnie d’assurance ou d’un courtier / agent d’assurance ou de leur gouvernement aussi longtemps que la police d’assurance leur est disponible, accessible et abordable.

Travailler avec ces pauvres de cette manière peut améliorer leur façon dont ils perçoivent de nombreux sujets entourant l’assurance comme le revenu, le logement, l’emploi, la maladie, etc. contre les dommages et les risques.  Notre travail avec eux portera sur la façon dont ils peuvent être actifs dans le traitement de toute couverture d’assurance censée les couvrir ainsi que pour réduire la pauvreté et les difficultés liées à l’absence de toute couverture d’assurance contre les dommages et les risques à rencontrer.

Frais d’assurance; ce n’est pas bon marché.  Cependant, sans assurance, la vie pourrait être à haut risque.  Même lorsque les gens sont pauvres, ils ont toujours besoin d’une assurance pour couvrir ce qu’ils font en tant qu’activités, eux-mêmes et quiconque ou ce qui est lié à eux.  Il n’est pas surprenant que la Banque mondiale (6) affirme que

« L’assurance atténue les effets économiques d’événements tels que la maladie, le décès, l’invalidité, l’incendie, le vol et les catastrophes naturelles sur les individus, les ménages ou les entreprises.  Ce faisant, l’assurance aide les gens à éviter la misère, à lisser leur consommation, à protéger leurs actifs et à poursuivre des activités économiques et des investissements à haut rendement ».

Le numéro 78 de FACS se basera sur la collaboration avec les personnes non assurées pour faire de l’utilisation des services d’assurance qui leur sont fournis devient une coutume ou un art de vivre.  En d’autres termes, il est possible d’améliorer et de développer par la formation et l’éducation les idées et les pratiques de l’utilisation des services d’assurance dans le cadre de la vie quotidienne.

Le numéro 78 de FACS examinera les théories de l’assurance et la façon dont elles s’appliquent aux pauvres, en particulier ceux qui travaillent avec nous et nos organisations sœurs basées en Afrique.  À cet égard, la culture de l’assurance parmi ceux qui en ont besoin sera abordée du point de vue de la micro-assurance, c’est-à-dire l’utilisation des services d’assurance par ceux qui en ont besoin ou les pauvres.  Elle sera traitée du point de vue de l’utilisateur des services d’assurance plutôt que du point de vue du prestataire de services d’assurance.  La question de la contribution abordable des assurés pauvres sera également soulevée.

Comme nous sommes maintenant en 2023, une culture assurantielle peut être l’une des résolutions que l’on pourrait prendre non seulement pour mieux démarrer et vivre en 2023, mais aussi pour réduire la pauvreté liée à l’absence de couverture des polices d’assurance.  Ainsi, la protection des personnes dans le besoin contre les pertes financières résultant de dommages ou de vols de biens personnels, de décès et de blessures peut être incluse dans le processus de réduction de la pauvreté et de renforcement du développement durable.

Dans la pratique, on peut penser à tout dommage causé par des intempéries à la vie ou aux biens des pauvres.  Sans aucune couverture d’assurance pour ce type d’événement de changement climatique, cela ne peut qu’exacerber la pauvreté si les victimes de ce temps mouvementé sont les pauvres.  Cet événement pourrait même être très dommageable si les victimes perdaient leurs biens et qu’il y avait des tragédies.

Par exemple, à la mi-décembre 2022, Kinshasa (en République démocratique du Congo) a connu des pluies torrentielles avec une énorme inondation qui a fait environ 170 morts, selon les sources locales congolaises.  Bien que l’on puisse souligner le manque de politique et de pratique d’urbanisation pour faire face à ce type de catastrophe naturelle dans l’une des mégapoles africaines; il n’en reste pas moins que de nombreuses victimes ou victimes de cette catastrophe environnementale n’ont pas de couverture d’assurance pour faire face à ces dommages naturels.

Plus de détails sur le 78e numéro de FACS seront donnés cet hiver. Cependant, pour ceux ou celles qui voudraient se renseigner à ce sujet avant qu’il n’apparaisse, n’hésitez pas à contacter le CENFACS.





Main Development


• Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes


The following highlights the Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes:


∝ What are Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes?

∝ Types of Light Season’s Initiatives

∝ Basic Implementation Plan for the Light Season’s Initiatives.


We can now consider each of the three items.


• • What are Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes?


They are a stock of assets (resources) together with a set of interdependent tasks (projects) and related activities (programme) designed to help meet the aim of poverty reduction either within the Lights Season and/or beyond it depending on the types of a given resource, project and programme.  In other words, whether it is about resources or projects or even programmes, the unified aim is to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.


• • Types of Light Season’s Initiatives


There are two types, which are:


(a) Specifically designed initiatives to bring message of hope or a Blaze of Hope

(b) Seasonal initiatives falling within the Season of Light.


• • • Specifically designed initiatives to bring message of hope or a Blaze of Hope


They include two waves of intervention or Blazes of Hope, which are:

(a) Appeals to deal with the unfinished business of previous destruction and disruption brought by the coronavirus, wars, natural disasters and recently the cost-of-living crisis

(b) Appeals linked to seasonally erupted events or effects from health disasters (like the coronavirus), armed conflicts, economic crises, climate change and natural disasters

For example, the Appeal to Give Hope to the Children in Need in the Eastern Part of the Democratic Republic of Congo is at the same time for unfinished business of humanitarian work and any potential eruption of insecurity crisis in the New Year.  As the International Rescue Committee (7) puts it:

“Major disease outbreaks [in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo] – including measles, malaria and Ebola – continue to threaten an already weak health care system, putting many lives at risk”.


• • • Initiatives falling within the Season of Light


They consist of the following:


√ Consume to Reduce Poverty (Issue No. 11) with a Focus on the Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption

√ 2022 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction

√ Financial Stability Campaign 2023

√ The Not-for-profit Investment Outlook of Africa in 2023

√ Nature Projects (New)

√ Nature-based Solutions to Poverty

√ Debt reduction advocacy

√ 3 Tiers or Levels of security

√ Climate actions.


The above initiatives are not the only ones for the Season of Light.  During the season, we may cancel or reduce the scope of some initiatives if we realise that the problem they were supposed to resolve are no longer there.  Likewise, we may add new or recurring initiatives depending on the events within the community we serve.  The worksheet below provides some indication in terms of initiatives implementation plan.


• • Basic Implementation Plan for the Light Season’s Initiatives


As we go along the Light Season, the following implementation plan consisting of eleven initiatives will be effective.

11 initiatives to implement the Light Season 2023 

There are three observations to make from the above implementation plan, which are:

a) Since new nature goals were agreed at the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (8), our Generation Global Goals Project (that is, African Children, Climate and Sustainable Development Goals) now includes the nature element in it

b) Nature Projects are our new initiative not only to feature the Season of Light, but also to volunteer for a sustainable use of natural resources while trying to reduce poverty

c) The next level of our Digital and Social Media Campaign (Level 6) is on Data Insights.


This initial implementation plan for the Light Season’s initiatives can change depending on the circumstances, events and conditions.  If one notices that some of the initiatives inserted in the plan/worksheet are not listed under Types of Light Season’s Initiatives, this is not a big issue.  What is important is the deliverables of those scheduled within the plan.

For those who would like to discuss any of these planned initiatives or any aspects of the plan; they can contact CENFACS.

To support and or enquire the Light Season’s Resources, Projects and Programmes for 2023, please contact CENFACS.





(1) Pass, C., Lowes, B., Pendleton, A. & Chadwick, L. (1991), Collins Dictionary of Business, HarperCollinsPublishers, Glasgow 

(2) (Accessed in January 2023)

(3) Chambers Combined Dictionary Thesaurus (1997), Manser, M. & Thomson, M. (Editors), Chambers Harrap Publishers

(4) Carolyn Sansom at (accessed in November 2022)

(5) (accessed in November 2022)

(6) (Accessed in January 2023)

(7) (Accessed in January 2023) 

(8) (Accessed in January 2023).



Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support in 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption

Happy New Year and Welcome Back to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

04 January 2023


Post No. 281



The New Year’s Contents


• What is New at the Start of the New Year and What is on this January 2023?

• The 11th Issue of Consume to Reduce Poverty, in Focus: Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption

• Coming up this Winter: The New Year’s and Next Issue of FACS (The 78th Issue) to be entitled as Promoting Insurance Culture amongst Those in Need to Reduce Poverty in Africa


 … And much more!



The New Year’s Key Messages


• What is New at the Start of the New Year and What is on this January 2023?


~ New Tool, New Relief and New Hope


We have got the following initiatives to look forward to this January 2023 at CENFACS:

√ Consume to Reduce Poverty (Issue No. 11) with a Focus on the Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption

√ 2022 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction

√ Financial Stability Campaign 2023

√ The Not-for-profit Investment Outlook of Africa in 2023

√ Nature Projects (New)

√ Nature-based Solutions to Poverty.

The above mentioned initiatives are amongst the ones we have selected to kick-start 2023.  Apart from them, we shall take actions to reflect the poverty reduction landscape of 2023.  In particular, we will be working together with beneficiaries on the following:

√ Debt reduction advocacy since debt repayment will be problematic for many of our users as many of them will face the economic reality of 2023, especially when the energy payment support will end

√ 3 Tiers or Levels of security as there is a high probability that the lingering threats of insecurity relating to energy, food and finances will continue in 2023

√ Humanitarian relief appeals to help address unfinished businesses or potential crises or tension hotspot places like in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, etc.

√ Climate actions to keep pace with net zero path and poverty reduction.

To complete the picture about our plan of work for the first quarter of 2023, we shall soon unveil the remaining selected initiatives making the Season of Light at CENFACS.




• The 11th Issue of CRP (Consume to Reduce Poverty), in focus: Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption


January is the month of Responsible Consumption for CENFACS.   The initiative featuring this month is our resource entitled as Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change.  The 11th Issue of this resource will be on ‘Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption’.  However, before giving the message about the 11th Issue of CRP, let us briefly re-explain what normally happen in January.


• • January as a Month of Responsible Consumption within CENFACS


Some of you are aware that January is our month of Responsible Consumption following CENFACS development calendar.  It means that the theme for January is Responsible or Sustainable Consumption and the monthly project carrying this theme is Consume to Reduce Poverty.

It is the month we act against poverty due to the lack of consumption and we deal with measures of poverty reduction through consumption.  It is also an opportunity to act to preserve a good relationship between the way in which we consume products on the one hand and the reduction of climate change on the other.  In particular, January is a climate reminder month as it is the month during which we raise awareness of the relationships between humans and the nature through sustainable consumption; that is consumption that does not destroy the nature.

This January we will take an extra step by exploring the relationship between humans and food waste, between humans and over consumption.

Consume to Reduce Poverty (CRP) is our users’ New Year supporting information and accompanying booster that focuses on Buying and Consumption elements conducive to the reduction of poverty and hardships.  It is indeed a complimentary support to our Autumn Festive Income Boost (FIB) resource.

The FIB is an income-generating resource while CRP brings in a consumption-led look in our fight against poverty.  The current Issue (Issue no. 11) of CRP deals with ‘Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption’ as mentioned above.

For further details about CRP project, go to




• • The 11th Issue of CRP (Consume to Reduce Poverty), in Focus: Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption


Food discarded from kitchens as well as the use of renewable resources faster than natural processes can replace them are two of the problems when dealing with responsible or sustainable consumption.

They are problems since food discarded from kitchens at home, in restaurants and grocery chains could have been recycled or donated to others to help reduce food poverty and hardships.  Likewise, the use of renewables faster than natural processes can replace them can jeopardize any efforts of reducing poverty that rely on responsible or sustainable consumption of renewable resources.

The 11th Issue of CRP not only deals with the Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption by setting up zero food waste goals and providing toolkits for reducing food waste, but also explores ways of reducing poverty and hardships linked to food waste and over consumption.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have further explained the ‘Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption’, and how they can contribute to the reduction of both food and consumption poverty.



• Coming up this Winter: The New Year’s and Next Issue of FACS (The 78th Issue) to be entitled as Promoting Insurance Culture amongst Those in Need to Reduce Poverty in Africa


Generally speaking, in developing African countries, poor parents and people rely on their children and extended family members in terms of protecting from damage or theft of personal assets, and death and life and accidental injury.  This problem of reliance on children and the community is also found amongst the African Diaspora people.

There are reasons that push many of these poor parents and persons to act in this way.  Without entering these reasons which could be legitimate for some of them, the 78th Issue of FACS will be about ways of working with these poor families and persons so that they can embrace the insurance culture or path whether this insurance comes from an insurance company or insurance broker/agent or their government for as long as the insurance policy is affordable to them.

Working with them in this way can improve they way in which they perceive many subjects surrounding insurance like income, housing, employment, etc. against damages and risks.  Our work with them will be about how they can be active in dealing with any insurance policy cover that is supposed to cover them as well as to reduce poverty and hardships linked to the lack of any policy cover against damages and risks to be encountered.

Insurance costs; it is not cheap.  However, without insurance life could be at high risk.  Even when people are poor, they still need insurance to cover what they are doing as activities, themselves and whoever or what is linked to them.   It is not a surprise if the World Bank (1) argues that

“Insurance mitigates the economic effects of events like illness, death, disability, fire, theft, and natural disaster on individuals, households, or enterprises.  In doing so, insurance helps people to avoid destitution, smooth their consumption, protect their assets, and pursue high-return economic activities and investments”.

The 78th Issue of FACS is about working with the uninsured to make the use of insurance services provided to them as the customs or art of living.  In other words, it is possible to improve and develop through training and education the ideas and practice of using insurance services as part of one’s daily life.

The 78th Issue of FACS will look at theories of insurance and how they apply to the poor, particularly those working with us and our Africa-based Sister organisations in Africa.  In this respect, insurance culture amongst the those in need will be approached from the perspective of micro-insurance, that is the use of insurance services by those in need or the poor.  It will be treated from the point of view of the insurance services user rather than from that of the insurance services provider.  The issue of affordable contribution by the poor insured will be raised as well.

As we are now in 2023, a culture of insurance can be one of the resolutions one could make not only to better start and live in 2023, but also to reduce poverty linked to the lack of insurance policy cover.  So, protecting those in need against financial loss resulting from damage or theft of personal assets, death and injury can be included in the process of reducing poverty and enhancing sustainable development.

In practice, one can think of any damage caused by treacherous weather to poor people’s life or property.  Without any insurance cover to this type of climate change event, this can only exacerbate poverty if the victims of this eventful weather are the poor ones.  This event could be even highly damaging if the victims lost their belongings and there are tragedies.

For example, in mid-December 2022 Kinshasa (in the Democratic Republic of Congo) experienced torrential rain with a huge flooding that caused around 170 fatalities, according to the Congolese local sources.  Although one could point out the lack of urbanisation policy and practice to deal with this sort of natural disaster in one of Africa’s mega-cities; it remains that many of the victims or casualties from this environmental disaster do not have any insurance policy cover to deal with this natural damage.

More details about the 78th Issue of FACS will be given this Winter.  However, for those who would like to enquire about it before it appears, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


The New Year’s Extra Messages


• Gifts of Peace, Edition 2022-2023

• 2022 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction

• Resuming Season’s Structured Activities this January 2023


• Gifts of Peace, Edition 2022-2023


Gifts of Peace for Edition 2022-2023 will end on 31 January 2023.  If you have not yet supported, you can still do something for poverty relief and for healing the lingering economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the scars of the cost-of-living crisis.

Although the deadline for the Season of Donation for these gifts is 31 January 2023, we will still accept any donations made after this deadline as there are always pressing and urgent needs that desperately request support.

Please do not wait for the expiration of the deadline as the needs are pressing and urgent.

We know that many supporters of good causes have been affected by the cost-of-living crisis.  However, for those who can please do not hesitate to support these noble causes of peace since the potential beneficiaries of them are trebly impacted by:

a) The lingering of the economic effects of the coronavirus

b) The already extremely poor conditions in which they are living

c) The scars of the cost-of-living crisis.

Every support counts to help reduce and end extreme poverty.

Please keep the Gifts of Peace in your mind as the giving season continues.

For further details about these Gifts of Peace and or to support, go to

We look forward to your support.  Thank you!



• 2022 Year-end Financial Controls as Tools for Poverty Reduction


Year-in-review accounts are one of the financial tools we would like to work and share with our users as we explained in our last post of 2022.  They are part of year-end financial control project or exercise which includes income boost and other financial tools making our campaign to reduce and end poverty, particularly income poverty.

To understand year-end financial controls, it is better to know what financial controls are about.  According to ‘’ (2),

“Financial controls are policies and guidelines that an organisation sets to manage its financial resources and operate efficiently.  It also includes a set of rules for documenting, analysing and reporting transaction.  It enables a company to decide the direction, allocation, and use of financial resources and ensure effective financial management, production efficiency, and profitability.  Budgeting, operations, and performance can all suffer as a result of its absence”.

This definition of financial controls can be applied to households.  Like any organisation, households need to have and implement financial controls framework to manage, document, analyse, and report household transactions.  These financial controls can be directional or selective or on particular household financial statements like balance sheet, cash flows, income statement, etc.

For those (individuals, families or households) who need help to manage or close their 2022 year-in-review accounts, they can contact CENFACS prior to the end of 2022-2023 tax year or by the 5th of April 2023.



• Resuming Season’s Structured Activities this January 2023 


From the 5th of January 2023, we will be resuming our two types of Season’s structured activities, which are:

∝) Structured Festive Activities or Micro-projects under Financial Stability Programme and Scheme for households

∝) Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa.

Let us briefly re-explain what these activities are about.


a) Structured Festive Activities or Micro-projects under Financial Stability Programme and Scheme for households


The Financial Stability Campaign for Households is about working with poor households to help them find enough income to cover basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies.

For those households who need support regarding their financial stability or planning problems, they can contact CENFACS with their queries or enquiries to book an appointment for support.


b) Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa.


The Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa covers the following four topics:

b.1) Not-for-profit investment market analysis

b.2) Not-for-profit investment choices

b.3) Risks and opportunities attached to not-for-profit organisations in Africa

b.4) Rate of return about poverty reduction.

Through our Guidance Programme, we can advise on top organisations to not-for-profit invest in 2023, not-for-profit investment deals in 2023, investment-enhancing poverty reduction, etc.

For those potential not-for-profit investors who need some guidance to invest in Africa, they can contact CENFACS to book an appointment for guidance.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Dons de paix, édition 2022-2023 : Prend fin le 31 janvier 2023

Dons de paix pour l’édition 2022-2023 se terminera le 31 janvier 2023.  Si vous n’avez pas encore soutenu, vous pouvez encore faire quelque chose pour réduire la pauvreté et guérir les effets économiques persistants de la pandémie de coronavirus et les cicatrices de la crise du coût de la vie.

Bien que la date limite pour la saison des dons pour ces dons soit le 31 janvier 2023, nous accepterons tous les dons effectués après cette date limite car il y a toujours des besoins pressants et urgents qui demandent désespérément du soutien.

Veuillez ne pas attendre l’expiration du délai car les besoins sont pressants et urgents.

Nous savons que de nombreux (ses) partisan(e)s de bonnes causes ont été touché(e)s par la crise du coût de la vie.  Cependant, pour ceux/celles qui le peuvent, n’hésitez pas à soutenir ces nobles causes de paix puisque les bénéficiaires potentiels d’entre elles sont triplement impactés par :

a) La persistance des effets économiques du coronavirus

b) Les conditions déjà extrêmement mauvaises dans lesquelles ils vivent

c) Les cicatrices de la crise du coût de la vie.

Chaque soutien compte pour aider à réduire et à mettre fin à l’extrême pauvreté.

Veuillez garder les Dons de paix à l’esprit pendant que la saison des dons se poursuit.

Pour plus de détails sur ces Dons de Paix et/ou pour soutenir, rendez-vous sur

Nous comptons sur votre soutien.  Merci!





The New Year’s Main Development


The 11th Issue of Consume to Reduce Poverty (CRP)

 In Focus: Reduction of Food Waste and Over Consumption 


Halving food waste, significantly reduce over consumption and substantially reduce waste generation are part of the global target 16 of Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework set up at 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (3).  They are also part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 and Target 3 (4) which are:

“By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses”.

The focus of the 11th Issue of Consume to Reduce Poverty (CRP) is in line with target 16 of Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 and Target 3.  However, the reduction of food waste and over consumption will be treated here in relation to our users or beneficiaries rather than from the perspective of food producers or chains.

Let us see the key highlights making this 11th Issue.


• • Key highlights, Tips and Hints about the 11th Issue of CRP


The key highlights, Tips and Hints include the following:


∝ Key Concepts

∝ Kitchen Food Waste Composting and Poverty Reduction

∝ Reducing Food Waste through your Zero Waste Journey

∝ Over Consumption and the Climate Economy

∝ Food Waste and Climate Change

∝ Poor Consumers and their Affordability of Food Waste

∝ Good Practices within the Community to Reduce Food Waste

∝ Demonstrative Projects of Food Waste Reduction

∝ Accounting for Food Waste

∝ Indication on Food Products for Verification, Identity and Authenticity to Avoid Waste

∝ Food Security and Guarantee 

∝ Looking for Help and Support.


Let us consider these key highlights, tips and hints.


• • • Key Concepts


We have the following two key concepts we would like to highlight: Food Waste and Over consumption.


• • • • Understanding Food Waste


Our definition of food waste comes from ‘’  (5) which states that

“Food waste is food that is intended for human consumption that is wasted and lost, and refers not only to food that consumers don’t finish at restaurants and are thrown out at home, but also raw materials and produce that are lost in the farming stage, harvesting processes, during transportation and storage.  Food waste can occur anywhere throughout the entire supply chain”.

Food Waste can be measured by using a Food Waste Index.  According to the United Nations Environment Programme (6),

“Food waste index measures food waste at retail and consumer level (household and food service).  It measures total food waste rather than loss or waste associated with specific commodities)” (p. 9)

To exemplify food waste, the online website ‘’ (7) states that

“The UK throws away 9.52 million tonnes of food per year”.

In the context of CRP, our focus will be on food thrown out at home by people or households.  This is because we are dealing with household users not companies.


• • • • What is over consumption?


The environment and conservation dictionary definition written by Chris Park (8) states that

“Over consumption is the use of renewable resources faster than natural processes can replace them, which is not sustainable” (p. 322)

Again, this notion of over consumption will be used when dealing with consumption made by the members of our community in what they consume as renewables.


• • • Kitchen Food Waste Composting and Poverty Reduction


Food waste from your kitchen can be composted to create alternative uses such as a product  to help improve soils to produce food to help reduce poverty.  This can as well assist in cutting the impact of waste food on the environment.  In this respect, the reduction of food waste and over consumption can contribute to the reduction of food poverty and hardships.

The 11th Issue of CRP  encourages users to make use of kitchen food waste compost bin and help in the process of recycling food waste for other alternative good uses for human needs.  A compost bin/container can help to place food waste inside to turn into compost in the process of decomposition.


• • • Reducing Food Waste through your Zero Waste Journey


Individuals and family strategies to reduce food waste will always be welcome.  They are even encouraging for not to  add extra emissions of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere as they take a zero food waste journey.


• • • Over Consumption and the Climate Economy


An organised system for the production, distribution and use of goods and services that takes into account the changing weather conditions can contribute to make sure that renewable resources are not over used or over exploited.  Where there is over use or exploitation of renewable resources, it is better to address the issue brought by over consumers.


• • • Food Waste and Climate Change


The website ‘borgenproject .org’ (9) states that

“Reducing food waste could potentially prevent climate change and help end global poverty… The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) calculated that the world’s population wastes 1.3 billion tons of food per year.  That food waste also results in 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere”.

Maybe enough has been said about the impacts of changing climate.  If not, then one area of work could be for humans to rethink about how the reduction of food waste can help.  Their food waste reduction can help to adapt and mitigate the negative effects of climate change.  The reduction of food waste would help the health and wealth of the environment and the nature on which we all depend.


• • • Poor Consumers and their Affordability of Food Waste


Can poor consumers afford food waste and over consumption?

Poor consumers and food poor cannot afford to waste food or to over consume.  They need food like everybody else.  If there is food waste, it is better to work with them to find out the types of food waste they can generate and how to support them to avoid food waste. 

Likewise, they are required to use renewable resources sustainably like every body.  If they are excessively using renewable resources more than they need, then work can be done to reduce this over consumption.


• • • Good Practices within the Community to Reduce Food Waste


There are good practices within our community about ways of reducing food waste and over consumption.  To back up these practices, the 11th Issue of CRP is packed with some cases of good initiatives undertaken by the CENFACS Community that underpins the reduction of food waste and over consumption as part of every day’s human life.

Those who would like to know more about these cases, they can contact CENFACS.

Those who have cases of food waste reduction practices and who may find them worthwhile to share and be added to this issue of CRP, they can let CENFACS know.


• • • Demonstrative Projects of Food Waste Reduction


Every food consumer can demonstrate the ability to follow the rules of reducing food waste and over consumption.  In those circumstances, there could be those food consumers who do more by taking a proactive action to sustainably consume.

Likewise, there could be local projects (for example, local food recycling initiatives, food banks, food waste collection services, etc.) that could display demonstrative talents and skills in promoting the reduction of food waste and over consumption.

For those members of our community who have developed this kind of demonstrative projects of food waste reduction, it could be a good idea to let us know so that we can add them to this CRP resource.


• • • Accounting for Food Waste


In order to better reduce food waste, it requires undertaking the accounting of food waste both in quantity and monetary values.  Food waste accounting can use metrics like average food waste per household per day, consumable food wasted, foods that contribute to food waste (e.g., potatoes, fresh vegetables, salads, etc.).  Such an accounting will help to raise the bell if there is any food waste and work the opportunity cost in terms of poverty reduction.

The tip and hint here are to check if food waste is a financial waste or not.


• • • Indication on Food Products for Verification, Identity and Authenticity to Avoid Waste


It is informative to read other people’s testimonies, reviews or comments about any food to be purchased and consumed.  This could help to avoid or reduce food waste and over consumption before buying foodstuffs.



• • • Food Security and Guarantee 


When buying food consumer products and services (whether using online or a physical store), one needs to check, compare and contrast products, terms and conditions of business, buying terms, prices, etc.  There is a need to check as well guarantees and safety policies.

The tip and hint will be to check the “Sell by” or “Use Before” dates to avoid waste.

If you are buying online, before you sign up, add to your food consumer shopping basket and purchase an item; you need to read, discuss and check what you are agreeing on.  You may even take extra precautions when selecting items, filling up buying forms to enter your personal, financial information and sensitive details.  Make sure that your online shopping does not limit itself to tick or cross out boxes only.

You should also be aware of scams, spams as well as illegal and malicious practices.  For own online security, use the e-safety tools and advice.



• • • Looking for Help and Support


For those users who would like to dive into the reduction of food waste and over consumption, we can provide them with online and print resources relating to the matters.  These resources can highlight the following points: food donation, compost, eating smart, plan before buying food, food waste tracker, etc.

There is a lot of online resources and websites they can sign up and receive advice on the following matters:  reduction of food waste at home, how to avoid over consumption, how to consume sustainably and sensibly, food waste accounting, etc.

The above are the key highlights, tips and hints about the 11th Issue of CRP we wanted to share with you.  To get the full contents of the 2023 Issue of Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change, please contact CENFACS.

To support our month of Sustainable and Responsible Consumption, please also contact CENFACS.





(1) (Accessed in January 2023)

(2) (Accessed in January 2023)

(3) (Accessed in January 2023) 

(4) (Accessed in January 2023)

(5) (Accessed in January 2023)

(6) United Nations Environment Programme (2021), Food Waste Index Report 2021, Nairobi

(7) (Accessed in January 2023)

(8) Park, C. (2011), A Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press Inc., Oxford & New York

(9) https://borgenproject .org/reducing-food-waste-and-poverty/# (Accessed in January 2023)



Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support in 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


2022 Year-in-review Report

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

28 December 2022


Post No. 280



The Week’s Contents of the Last Post of 2022


• 2022 Year-in-review Report

• Year-end Triple Action Giving: Peace, Hope and Difference

• Year-end Advice-giving Service


… And much more!



Festive Season’s Key Messages


• 2022 Year-in-review Report


The above mentioned report is an evaluation of what happened in this ending year (2022).  It is not an annual report or an annual return.  The report, which is a brief summary of 2022, will help to learn what went well and what did not go well within and around CENFACS, as well as how we can engage our charitable objects in 2023 and beyond.

This year-end post, which is the 52nd one, is therefore about covering the events of the year 2022 from the perspective of recapping the year for CENFACS’ audiences, followers and supporters, as well as from the point of view of CENFACS’ contribution to poverty reduction and sustainable development.

Under the Main Development section of this post you will find key highlights of CENFACS’ 2022 Year-in-review Report.




• Year-end Triple Action Giving: Peace, Hope and Difference


• • What is the Season’s Relief Triple Action Giving?


It is about fighting poverty and hardships in a number of fronts over the Festive Season, particularly by helping…

(a) to bring peace,

(b) to create hope

(c) and to make a difference.


Let us briefly explain each of the three givings (that is, peacehope and difference). 


• • • Peace via the Gifts of Peace


Our celebratory theme for the Season’s Reliefs is Peace and continues to be alive to the end of this season.  The Gifts of Peace, which are one of CENFACS‘ festive favourites, are the set piece of the Season’s Reliefs that provides the absence of conflicts within ourselves as well as between us and others.

In terms of projects and programmes in Africa, the Gifts of Peace try to support poor people and communities so that they can navigate their ways towards freedoms from wars, armed conflicts, coronavirus disturbance and disorder from natural events.

For those who are looking for fundraising appeals or projects to fund as festive gifts over this festive time, Gifts of Peace as an appeal is a valuable proposal they could consider.

To enquire about and or fund the Gifts of Peace, please contact CENFACS.


• • • Hope through the Gift of Light


Our theme for the Season of Light is Hope and is still featuring what we have planned to achieve over this season.   The Gift of Light helps to bring hope to those who are in the darkness and need some lights to see life through other ways.

Regarding the projects and programmes in our sphere of operation in Africa, through the Gift of Light we try to work with hopeless, desperate and destitute people and communities so that they can rebuild confidence and faith in themselves and continue to believe that they can find light and move away from darkness in the future.


• • • Difference by means of Charity e-Store


Shopping and donating goods at our Charity e-Store is the third giving.

We are asking goods donors and buyers to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS SEASON by undertaking these following options:

∝ Safe collection of goods for recycling: We can arrange for goods to be safely collected at an agreed location, day and time under our Recycle and Give policy

 Goods buyers can Click and Collect.

Every time you shop at CENFACS’ Charity e-Store, you make a helpful difference to people in need over this festive time.  Amongst these people are those who are trying to fight poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis.

The above are the Season’s Relief Triple Action Giving.  Each of these action givings will help to reduce poverty over the festive period and beyond.

We can only help reduce and possibly end multi-dimensional poverty as well as poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis if you help us to do so.   And this time of the year is a unique opportunity for you once a year to change lives through your invaluable action giving, however small it may be.

Please, don’t miss this marvellous opportunity of the year and the end of the year.  There is a high demand for poverty reduction.

To donate goods and/or shop, please go to:

The above-mentioned Year-end Triple Action Giving or End of Year Fundraising Campaign continues until the last day, hour, minute and second of 2022.

For those who would like to donate to our End-of-year Asks and any other festive projects or campaigns or even causes before 2022 ends, please do not hesitate to donate.   You can still make a helpful difference before 31/12/2022.

To donate, just contact CENFACS with your donation by any of these means of communications: text, phone, e-mail and contact form on this website.



• Year-end Advice-giving Service


The Festive Season’s Arrangements below explain that we are in holiday break until the 5th of January 2023.   However, some of our projects and campaigns are either self-running or designed to run throughout the holiday season like the festive holiday.  One of these holiday projects is the Advice-giving one.

Indeed, during the festive period not everybody or member of our community can afford to celebrate on the New Year’s Eve.  There are people who still need accommodation, food, income, guidance, support, help against loneliness, etc.  They may also need life-saving support of various kinds to cope and survive while other people, the lucky ones, are busy preparing themselves for the New Year’s Eve festivities.

Because of this on-going need and demand within the community, we have maintained a minimum level of advice-giving service to e-work with those who desperately need advice to reduce poverty or any type of hardships they are facing and do not have anywhere else to ask for help and advice, especially at this time of the cost-of-living crisis.

If you are one of our members and facing serious hardship during the festive period, you can e-contact CENFACS for advice, guidance and support. 

If you are not one of our members and would like to discuss this year-in-review project, please still e-contact CENFACS.


Festive Season’s Extra Messages


• Festive Season’s Arrangements: from 23 December 2022 to 5 January 2023

• Help for your Year-in-review Accounts

• E-discussing Volunteering for Nature and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme 


The above figure or table shows what is on between 23/12/2022 and 05/01/2023.  For those who want to get a further picture about what will be happening within CENFACS during the remaining days of December 2022, we recommend them to read our three last posts on the Blog page of this site.


• Festive Season’s Arrangements: from 23 December 2022 to 5 January 2023


The following are the arrangements we have made for the above stated period.


• • Queries and enquiries


During the festive holidays, we will only handle online queries and enquiries until the 5th of January 2023.  However, our All-in-Development Winter e-discussion on Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty is still on until the 5th of January 2023 as planned.


• • Opening hours and days: 24/7


We are open online 24 hours and 7 days of week.


• • Visits


You can only visit us online.


• • Festive donations


Our festive campaigns highlight not only the projects and activities that are related to CENFACS’ demand, but also and mostly to the needs and asks of those living in poverty around this time of the year and of the continuing disruption of the cost-of-living crisis.

Those who want to donate to our fundraising campaigns and projects (such as Gifts of Peace and Knowledge Gift); they are welcome to do so.

Their festive support or donations will help bring a Blaze of Hope and Peace to those in need, particularly at this challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis.

As well as donating, there are other ways one can support.  These other ways range from spreading the message about CENFACS’ work and campaigns to visiting our online store for shopping.

All the above initiatives can create magical reliefs during this Festive Season and disturbing moment of the cost-of-living crisis.


• • Season of Light


Although our Season of Light has just kicked off, some of our services and activities (such as advocacy, in-person fundraising events, etc.) as well as development campaigns are scaled down until the 5th of January 2023.


• • What’s on from 23 December 2022 to 5 January 2023!


Since 23 December 2022 we have broke for the festive holidays.  However, there are projects that are essential including in festive times.  One of them is advice-giving one, which will still be run online.

This is because evidence shows that in any difficult moments of human history or crisis, the poorest always suffer.  They do not have festive celebration as such, just as they could be the ones bearing the brunt of the most negative socio-economic effects of the cost-of-living crisis.  Many of them need support which includes advice at any time.


• • Delays regarding call and e-mail responses


People should expect delay from us in responding to their calls and e-mails.  We heavily rely on volunteers for most of our services, who are sharing the Winter e-discussion with us during this Festive Time.  Some of them are already on holiday.


• • Emergency and exceptions


In case of emergency or exceptional circumstances, please do not hesitate to textphonee-mail and complete the contact form on CENFACS’ website.  We will respond to your message as soon as we can.

We apologize for any inconvenience or upset this may cause.

We thank you all for your invaluable and sustained support during 2022 and look forward to your continued and further support in the New Year.

We wish you a Very Healthy, Safe and Peaceful Festive Season!



• Help for your Year-in-review Accounts

How to successfully close your end-of-year personal or family accounts and get prepared for the New Year accounts before the end of financial year


We do not only carry out our own accounts review.  We also work with users to review their accounts at the end of each year.

It is theoretically known that the financial year closes in April and the State budget starts in April of each year.   For example, the current tax year ends on 5 April 2023 in the UK.

It is a good practice to use the opportunity of the end of the civil year to start to work out the balances of one’s personal or family accounts.

To help those who are struggling to close their year-end accounts of 2022, we will be looking at, from the start of January 2023 when we return, how to successfully close your personal or family financial accounts and prepare your new accounts in the New Year.

It is always a good practice to start early before the deadlines of the financial year!

It is wise to work out your year-end accounts early so that you could enter the New Year with a good understanding of your financial position while keeping financial control on accounts.  In doing so, one can know areas of financial improvement to sort out their financial situation in the New Year.

This year-end financial control project or exercise includes income boost and other elements making our campaign to reduce and end income poverty.  This is without forgetting the elements of Financial Stability Programme/Scheme and Zero Income Deficit Campaign we conducted.

For those who may be interested in this year-end financial control project, they can contact CENFACS in the New Year.



• E-discussing Volunteering for Nature and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme 


Our Winter e-discussion about Volunteering for Nature and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty continues as scheduled until the 5th of January 2023.

Since the global pact to protect nature was agreed on 19 December 2022 at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference or COP (Conference Of the Parties) 15 Summit in Montreal (1), our e-discussion, which is in progress, includes the goals agreed in this historic biodiversity agreement and how All-in-Development Volunteers can help CENFACS translate these goals in its activities, projects and programmes.

To e-discuss Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, please contact CENFACS.

To support CENFACS translate the newly agreed nature goals into voluntary action, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Rapport rétrospectif de l’année 2022

Le rapport rétrospectif de l’année 2022 est une évaluation de ce qui s’est passé au cours de cette année qui se termine (2022).  Il ne s’agit pas d’un rapport annuel ou d’un bilan social.

Le rapport, qui est un bref résumé de 2022, aidera à apprendre ce qui s’est bien passé et ce qui n’a pas bien fonctionné au sein et autour du CENFACS, ainsi que la façon dont nous pouvons engager nos objectifs caritatifs en 2023 et au-delà.

La rétrospective vise donc à couvrir les événements de l’année 2022 dans la perspective de récapituler l’année pour les publics, les adeptes et les sympathisants du CENFACS, ainsi que du point de vue de la contribution du CENFACS à la réduction de la pauvreté et au développement durable.

Pour plus de détails sur le rapport rétrospectif  de l’année 2022 du CENFACS, veuillez contacter CENFACS.





Festive Season’s Main Development


2022 Year-in-review Report


How the year 2022 has gone within and around CENFACS


The following contents make this report:


a) A brief Summary of the Year

b) The Theme of 2022 Year-in-review Campaign

c) How did the Year 2022 Go through from within and around CENFACS?

d) 2022 Key Produce or Achievements

e) Looking Forward to 2023 (or Commitments for the year 2023)

f) 2022 Gratitude.


Let’s look at each of these contents.


• • The Year’s Brief Summary


We started 2022 with two areas of work and interest: a dilemma and a tool.

The dilemma was the one faced by Africa-based Sister Organisations in helping to reduce urban poverty in the context of rising population in Africa.  To work with these organisations, we set up a urban poverty reduction project.  The project aimed at reducing the economic and social difficulties or hardships experienced by urban poor (who could be city-dwellers and small scale urban farmers) living in Africa’s cities so that they could improve the quality of their living conditions.

As to tool, it was about the necessary financial control tools that our individual and household users need in order to reduce poverty.  Amongst these tools were year-end financial accounts and Zero Income Deficit Campaign.  In this respect, sustaining debt becomes paramount in the process of building financial control, especially for the highly indebted poor.  It was equally important to smooth the way to energy transition via climate actions.  One of the actions we took with users was to work together on energy transition support services.

As the cost of living dramatically rose because of a combination of factors (such as the lingering effects of the coronavirus, the Russia-Ukraine war leading to the increase in the prices of energy and food), working with users to erect the fences of protection was another area of work and concern in 2022.  In this respect, creations and innovations were the answer to deal these rising costs of living.

Rising costs of living meant for us working with the community to develop three tiers or layers of security (i.e., energy, food and financial security) in order to help fight this confluence of crises and costs.  To progress on this road, security and vulnerability analyses of the household accounts making our community became part of the answer in what we were trying to achieve together with our members in terms of poverty reduction and sustainable development throughout 2022.

In that help to fight these crises and rising costs, deploying efforts with our supporters to make sure that our members had enough information and data to reduce any form of poverty induced by these crises was instrumental in pursuing our policy and commitment with them.  Equally, having crisis response skills to deal with any crisis could not be neglected.  This is why our Development Day focused on these crisis response skills.

To reduce any types of poverty and hardships, it requires infrastructures.  So, building infrastructures to reduce poverty was included in our efforts to support the community and in any agenda to drive change.

We hope that the long-, medium- and short-term services to reduce or end poverty linked to the costs of living we put in place will help our members navigate their way out of the cost-of-living crisis.

We can expect as well that the urban poverty reduction project and the different financial control tools or metrics we shared with users during this ending year will start to bear their fruits or outcomes in the New Year.


• • Theme of CENFACS’ 2022 Year-in-Review Campaign


The theme for this review is building forward better together in the context of rising prices.


• • How did the Year 2022 Go through from within and around CENFACS?


To underline the way in which the year 2022 went from within and around CENFACS, we are going to highlight the key takeaways of 2022 and the contributions we made.



• • • Key takeaways of the year


The points or facts to remember about 2022 from within and around CENFACS are as follows.


∝) 2022 as a Knowledge Year


During 2022, we tried to learn and know as much as we could the needs of those asking and looking for help, among them were the members of the CENFACS Community.  These learning and knowledge activities contributed in matching the types of expectations and responses they were hoping to deal with their needs.

As a consequence of the dedication of 2022 as a Year of Knowledge, participants were able to conduct 12 key knowledge activities or tasks with those in need.


∝) 2022 as a year of tackling urban poverty in Africa


Besides humanitarian issues caused by events such as civil insecurity, armed conflicts, natural disaster, health crisis, etc.; there were economic difficulties experienced by urban poor due to rising urban population in Africa.  Many of our Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) working in urban areas of Africa tried to address urban poverty.

As a result of their work together with our support, ASOs explained poor city-residents how the distribution of city-wide services work, provided them with digital support where these services could only be accessible digitally, informed them about their rights and obligations as city-residents in terms of these services, etc.


∝) 2022 as a year of debt sustainability for highly indebted poor households


To build forward better together greener, cleaner and safer from the lingering effects of the coronavirus meant dealing with the legacies of the coronavirus crisis.  One of these legacies was many ordinary families, including our users, became poorer and serious financial/income deficit.

So, how to reduce or cancel financial debts and deficits for the poor (e.g. COVID-19-indebted and income deficit families from our community) to make ends meet, clearly became a preoccupation to avoid intergenerational poverty among our users.  Many of them were not aware of the importance of keeping records of debt payments.

Thanks to the work we did together via worksheet we provided for debtor’s payment records keeping, they were able to restore track on their debt payments.


∝) 2022 as a year of net zero consumption


Building forward from the coronavirus is as well about making sure that our trajectory in the process of building forward is net zero consumption; that is consumption that does not add extra greenhouse gas emissions to the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

One of the ways to go net zero we thought was to smooth the way to energy transition and to work with users via Climate Neutral Projects, which were/are greenhouse gas emission reduction or removal initiatives and activities.

As part of net zero consumption campaign, some of our beneficiaries used the example of CENFACS’ net zero consumption shopping bad as an idea for them to budget for net zero consumer goods and services in the context of the overall household budget.


∝) 2022 as a year of generational impact analysis of the coronavirus on children


In the process of building forward, we further considered the fact that COVID-19 put or held back a generation of children for what they supposed to do.  We worked and analysed with users the generational impact of the coronavirus on children.  This work or analysis included, but was not limited to, their children and African children.


∝) 2022 as a year of data skills to run your households


Thanks to the work carried out with users, we were able to share and enhance the storage, security, process, insight and analytics skills of some of the households making our community.


∝) 2022 as a year of mobilising for birds’ useful life for us


Through the ‘Mbulu‘ project and ‘A la une‘ (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature) campaign, we tirelessly worked with the community and others outside our community to raise awareness of the upkeep of endangered bird species like Africa Grey Parrots, Congo Peafowl, Dwarf Honeyguide, African Green Broadbill and Grossley’s Ground Thrush.

There are many good and positive results to take away from 2022, although we limit ourselves to the above key takeaways mentioned.



• • 2022 Key Produce or Achievements


2022 has also been a deserving year of poverty reduction produce or accomplishments.  After doing a round-up of all efforts we made to support the causes of those in need and work with them, we could name the following contributions.


) A humanitarian relief appeal to help the cyclone-stricken people of Madagascar


As natural events did not exempt the peoples of Madagascar, we conducted together with our followers and supporters a humanitarian relief appeal to help the cyclone-stricken people of Madagascar to recover from the legacies of Cyclone Batsirai.


) Support of the people of Lake Chad basin


Since the dry conditions of Lake Chad Basin were far from over, together with supporters we timely appealed for the support of the people of this basin to get the relief they were deserving and looking for.


) An appeal to help the desperate coronavirus-affected children of Sub-Saharan Africa


When we learnt that the coronavirus was still claiming its victims amongst children in Africa, we worked with our Africa-based Sister Organisations to launch an appeal to help the desperate coronavirus-affected children of Sub-Saharan Africa.  We did the same with the Acute Food Insecure People in Hotspot African Countries.


∝) Ituri Peace Appeal and Re-appeal


As we could not stay silent about human insecurity and displacement in the Ituri Region of the North-eastern in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we launched Ituri Peace Appeal and Re-appeal for the region, particularly but not exclusively for the internally displaced people of Rutshuru.


The above are just the few selected accomplishments or produce we wanted to share with audiences and supporters in this year-in-review campaign.  However, for those who would like get more insights into them and other achievements of the year 2022, they can still let us know.


• • Looking Forward to 2023 (or Commitments for the year 2023)


We shall undertake more sustainable initiatives about nature and nature-based solutions to poverty since there has been a new global pact to protect nature or biodiversity agreement at Montreal COP15 (op. cit.).


• • 2022 Gratitude


To end this year-in-review report, we would like to continue to thank our poverty reduction producers and enablers as we did in last week’s post (2).

2022 was a memorable year for CENFACS for those who inspired us in responding to local and African needs at the challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis.  We could not do it without their support.

We thank them for making possible 2022 as another rewarding year of poverty reduction and of sustainable development as well as for what we accomplished together.  We hope to achieve more in 2023 and beyond.

For further information or a full story of 2022 and to discuss any issues regarding this 2022 Year-in-Review Report, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.









(1) (Accessed in December 2022)

(2), 2022 (Accessed in December 2022)



Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2022 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Season of Light 2022-2023

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

21 December 2022


Post No. 279



The Week’s Contents


• Season of Light Starts on 21 December 2022

• Festive Giving and Gifting

• Community Value Chains, the CENFACS Community


… And much more!


• Year-end 2022 Thanks

We would like to thank all those who produced poverty reduction with us and those who made poverty reduction possible for those in need and for us in 2022. 



Key Messages


• Season of Light Starts on 21 December 2022


Today, we are passing from Autumn Fresh Start to the Season of LightAutumn Fresh Start projects and programmes as well as campaign end today as the Season of Light starts within CENFACS. 


• • End of the Autumn Fresh Start Season and Campaign


The Autumn Season has officially ended today.  The momentum we have built from the beginning and throughout Autumn Fresh Start Season continues to galvanise our poverty relief action and is taking our relief journey into the Season of Light, which starts today the 21st of December 2022.


• • Start of the Season of Light within CENFACS


The Season of Light, which usually starts the 21st of December of each year and ends around 21 March in the New Year, runs through the Festive Season, which is between 01 December of the ending year (here 2022) and 31 January in the New Year (2023).  The Gifts of Peace, which keep on giving, normally feature the Festive Season.

During the Season of Light, we light up a Blaze of Hope for people and communities suffering from the effects and impacts of destructive wars and natural disasters in Africa.

In the coming weeks and months of the Season of Light, our Blaze of Hope will be extended to those who are continuing to suffer from the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, particularly those trapped by the growing hunger crisis in Africa.

The Season of Light will come with the Lights Appeal or Campaign, which is a set of projects that features the Season of Light.  


• • Two Themes, Two Seasons and Two Gifts


The theme for the Season of Light is Hope which we try to bring through a Blaze, while the theme for the Festive Season’s Reliefs is Peace.  During the Festive Season, we try to reduce poverty as a lack of peace via the Gifts of Peace; whereas in the context of the Season of Light we work through Lights Appeals/Gifts to relieve poverty as a lack of hope.  Those who feel themselves hopeless need some hope.

Under the Main Development section of this post, there is more information about the Season of Light 2022/2023.




• Festive Giving and Gifting


As part of the season of giving and gifts as well as of the response to the continuing impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable and poor people, we are asking supporters to go extra miles in replying to these two fundraising appeals which are: Festive Gift Set and End-of-year Support.





• • Festive Gift Set


The remaining ten days of this year starting from today are those of the last legacy of the Year 2022 as a ‘Knowledge’ Year at CENFACS.

To mark the end of and the Closing Act of our ‘Knowledge’ Year and Campaign, we are appealing to you to support CENFACS’ year 2022 through a ‘Knowledge’ (‘K’) Gift.

Such a gift will assist in many ways including the following:

√ Dealing with what we now know as pressing and urgent needs within the community (that is; a gift to deal with the community needs)

√ Contributing in the cover of the cost of efforts deployed in the process of helping to reduce poverty (that is; a cost cover gift)

√ Acknowledging CENFACS’ work (that is;  an acknowledgement gift)

√ And keeping its momentum over the festive period while carrying us in the New Year and future (that is; a driver and carrier gift).



With the ‘Knowledge’ Gift plus the Gift of Light plus the Gift of Peace; the three of them give you a Gift Set of £5 or more.  What do these gifts express?



• • • Expressions from the three gifts (of Knowledge, Light and Peace)


• • • • The Knowledge Gift represents the 12 Knowledge Project Episodes of the needs of and bond with poor people as well as harmony with nature, especially during this challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis.


• • • • The Gift of Light symbolises hope for the victims of the cost-of-living crisis, wars and natural disasters.


• • • • The Gifts of Peace create long lasting relationships in a world without conflicts between humans as well as between humans and the nature (other living beings and things).  At this time of the lingering effects of coronavirus pandemic and of the cost-of-living crisis, the Gifts of Peace will enable to re-conquer the lost peace and get new form of peace from poverty induced by these effects.  This is without forgetting the lack of peace brought by climate change events.

All these initiatives represent some great ways of helping to reduce poverty at this special time of the year.  They give indeed more opportunities to supporters to do something different for those in need.

By donating £5 or more for this Gift Set, you will help people in need to leave poverty and hardships behind them and may be for ever.

To donate and or enquire about this Gift Set, just contact CENFACS with or without your donation.




• • End-of-year Support and Appeal


As 2022 is coming to an end, we would like to ask you to donate as a legacy towards CENFACS’ efforts to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

You can donate to support CENFACS’ anti-poverty campaign and to help reduce poverty and hardships this festive season and in the New Year.

Your support can make helpful differences to CENFACS and to those in need, the people and communities that CENFACS serves.


• • • Two ways of responding to this appeal


1) Make a One-off Festive Donation of £5 or more this festive time…


as a way of helping poor people via CENFACS and / or support CENFACS’ work on poverty relief and sustainable development.

You can also support one of the CENFACS projects and programmes if you wish.


2) Make a Monthly Donation of £5 or £10 or £15 or more per month…


as a legacy for CENFACS’ work.


Please make an end-of-year contribution today to help us continue to deliver the work of CENFACS in 2022 and beyond.

This End-of-year Support is an inclusive relief sending a never-ending message from the giver that they are part of what we have achieved in 2022 and will do in the coming years.

To make a donation and or enquire about this End-of-year Ask or Support, just contact CENFACS with or without your donation.




• Community Value Chains, the CENFACS Community


CENFACS as a Community with knowledge about the needs of its members, which is the Closing Act of the 2022 Year, is being prepared and trended.


• • What is CENFACS’ Community Value Chains (CVC)?


1) It is a community value control, inspirational and motivational project of end-of-year celebration introduced by CENFACS in 2009.  The project is based on a basic idea of development which is as follows:

“What a member of our community best does which well works for them can have an underlying good value.  If there is a good value, it is desirable to share such value so that other members of our community could be aware of it and build a sort of chains of beliefs and community spirit/principles within our support network”.

2) It is all about improving lives and outcomes of community members as well as enlivening capacities by sharing good practices, values and achievements; while learning from past mistakes.

In doing so, we can pull together as one community, strengthen our links and bonds, learn our differences and harness transformative changes we all want amongst us and beyond our self-interests.

3) It is finally about sharing and celebrating our impact as a community.

To sum up, CENFACS CVC or the CENFACS Community is our voluntary local and non-profit making arm inside which all our projects and activities carried out in the UK are grouped and delivered; the other two domains being CENFACS International and CENFACS Fund for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development.


• • What are those Shared Values?


Good practices and good values do not need to be big or exceptional or even spectacular.  They are the simple good little things we do every day, which may have worked for us and could work for others as well.  These good little things could have a bigger impact on us as a community.

They could be life and work learning experiences, lifestyles, helpful differences, social responsibilities and principles that underpin them.  At this time of the cost-of-living crisis, they could be all the little initiatives one has taken to care each other in order to have access to economic means of copying and survival.


• • Sharing and celebrating impact via CVC 2022


CENFACS as a Community with knowledge about the needs of its members (or the Closing Act of the Knowledge Year) will feature our year-end campaign.

This celebratory theme for CVC’s 13th Celebration of CENFACS as a Community is and will be the Closing Act of the Knowledge Year and Project.  However, this celebration will be a low key one since many of supporters and users have been affected by the cost-of-living crisis.  Instead, we shall call it end-of-year sharing.


• • The 13th Celebration of CENFACS Community as way of looking both back and forward


Looking back at 2022 will be about CENFACS as a community that helped its members to be open about their problems and needs as well as about the kinds of responses they were expecting to tackle their needs.

Looking forward 2023 will be a sharing of the knowledge and information we now know about our community members.  It is also about thinking of the direction and shape that the evolution of the community needs may take in 2023 and how we can effectively and efficiently work with our members in 2023 in terms of improved course of action in the New Year.

Briefly, it will be a hybrid sharing of our knowledge on how the 2022 went on in everybody’s life in terms of the positive takeaways from it in order to build forward in 2023.  In this hybrid sharing, the positive experience from the cost-of-living crisis will be welcome.

We want our community ends 2022 on a positive note or sharing despite the ups and downs of this year, especially with the disturbance that the soaring cost of living has caused and is continuing to cause on many of us.  We would like as well our community to start 2023 with hope and belief.


• • Share, Spread & Tweet the message


To enable us to build chains with you and others and to keep our support network alive and networked CENFACS, please spread the message to/pass it on around you.

If you feel that you need first to talk to us before responding to this invitation of end-of-year celebration/sharing, please let us know.

If you prefer to respond via e-mail, you are free to do so at

Whichever way or means you choose to enter this year-end sharing project, please reply by the 23rd of December 2022 so as to ease the end-of-year 2022 celebration/sharing and the start-of-year 2023 preparatory activities, projects and programmes.

For further details about this Closing Act of the Knowledge Year and Project as a ‘K’ Year, please contact CENFACS.

For the timeline of the themes that made the Community Value Chains so far, please also contact CENFACS. 

As part of the closure of 2022 and preparation for 2023, we are as well doing an inventory of skills and are registering the talents and skills of the CENFACS Community.

If you have not yet registered your skills to CENFACS’ Skills Data Bank, this is the opportunity to do it over this festive period.

To register or add your skills to the CENFACS Community’s Skills Register or Database, just contact CENFACS.




Extra Messages


• Income Generation Leads/Advice: Income Generators, Creators and Curators of the Month

• All year round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives): 2022 Verdict

• Festive Structured Activities are now closed!




• Income Generation Leads/Advice: Income Generators, Creators and Curators of the Month


Our advisory service on leads to income generation is still on.  Through this festive advice service, we are trying to explore the different leads or avenues that those in need can use, depending on their personal circumstances; to find the appropriate means to generate little extra income.

In this income generation to reduce poverty, we are as well trying to enlist those who could be named as Income Generation Models or Income Generators, Creators  and Curators of the Season.  We are looking at their models or ways of generating little extra income.  We are assessing whether or not their models of generating income are generalizable or duplicatable or just are exceptions to the general rule and to the CENFACS Community.

If anyone has managed to generate little extra income and finds that their way of doing it has an underlying good value that can be shared with the CENFACS CVC members, please do not hesitate to talk to CENFACS.



• All year round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives): 2022 Verdict


The week is finally an occasion to remind the need to report on All-year Round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives) which are:  Play, Run and Vote projects for poverty relief and sustainable development.

As we are reaching the end of year 2022, it is now the time to report on our three All-year Round Projects – which are PlayRun and Vote.

We know that this year has been economically challenging for some of you to run some types of activities.  However, for those who have managed to undertake and complete the above named projects, we would like them to share with us and others their experiences, stories and reports regarding these projects.


• • The Action-Results of 2022: Tell it!


You can feedback the outcomes or Action-Results of your…

… Run if you ran for poverty relief over the year 2022 (or organised a Run activity)

… Play if you played the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief

… Vote if you have already voted your 2022 African Poverty Relief and Development Manager.


We would be more than happier to hear your Action and Results to feature and conclude CENFACS 2022 Year as Year of Knowledge.  Tell it!


• • What or who we want to hear


We would like to hear from you about the Winner of CENFACS Virtual Trophy of the Year, that is one of the following Three Stars or Bests of the Year:

√ The Best African Country of 2022 which best reduced poverty

√ The Best African Global Games Runner of 2022

√ The Best African Poverty Relief and International Development Manager of 2022.

If you have not yet told us, have your say by 23 December 2022!  The Verdict is yours!



• Festive Structured Activities are now closed!


During this month, we have conducted two types of festive structured activities, which are:

a) Structured Festive Activities or Micro-projects under Financial Stability Programme and Scheme for households

b) Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa.

These two types of activities are now closed.  They will be repeated in the New Year.

For those households who still need support regarding their financial stability or planning problems, they can contact CENFACS with their queries or enquiries to book an appointment in the New Year.

Likewise, for those potential not-for-profit investors who still need some guidance to invest in Africa, they can contact CENFACS to book an appointment in the New Year.


Message in French (Message en français)


• Remerciements et Voeux Festifs 2022

A tous ceux et toutes celles qui ont permis au CENFACS de réaliser le travail de  réduction de la pauvreté et du développement durable au cours de l’année 2022, le CENFACS vous dit un grand…


Le CENFACS vous souhaite une saison des fêtes saine, sécuritaire et paisible.




Main Development


Season of Light Starts on 21 December 2022


The Lights Season at CENFACS kicks off with the theme of Hope as said above.  We are going to deliver this Hope with projects and programmes adapted to the context of cost-of-living crisis.  Many observers and planners believe that this context will last until the end of the first quarter of 2023.   Hope will also be provided by other initiatives with Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty


The following items make the contents of our Season of Light 2022-2023:


∝ What will shape the Season of Light?

∝ Two themes to bear in mind this Festive and Lights Time: Peace and Hope

∝ The Gift of Light that Keeps on Giving this Winter


Let us look at these contents.


• • What will shape the Season of Light?


As we presented in our post 278 of 14 December 2022, the 2022-2023 Season of Light will be about working on issues revolving around light (or energy) and poverty reduction since the global climate community has committed itself to phase down coal as source of energy whereas many energy poor people in Africa are coal-dependant.

The 2022-2023 Season of Light will also be about how to harness transformational and structural changes in the context of increasing uncertainty and climate change so that those who are living in poverty can find the means and spaces they need to navigate out of it.

The 2022-2023 Season of Light is as well about our preparedness when energy support towards energy payments will end after the first quarter of 2023.  When this statutory cost of living support towards the energy bill payments ends, what will happen?   For example, when the UK government’s energy price guarantee will end in April 2023.

The 2022-2023 Season of Light is finally an energy transitional period to work with those living in poverty so that they transition from polluting to clean and green energy and technology.  We started this process few years ago.  To achieve or continue this energy transition to carbon net zero, it requires Hope and support.

There are two developments (that is.; the cost-of-living crisis and new nature goals) that will shape our 2022-2023 Season of Light.  In the light of these developments, CENFACS will approach 2022 with a set of new nature projects.  Details of these projects will be unveiled in the New Year.

So, we will be developing  projects and programmes with nature goals and nature-based solutions to poverty; that is nature-based projects to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.   Besides that, we shall continue to respond to the cost-of-living crisis with some of the initiatives (e.g., Financial Stability Campaign) we have already put in place.





• • Two themes to bear in mind this Festive and Lights Time: Peace and Hope


While the theme of Peace will be dominant over the festive celebrations period, the theme of Hope is the overall theme of the Season of Lights.


• • • The theme of Hope


The theme of Hope is made of notes or pieces of nature goals and energy transition.   In this sense that we shall bring a glimmer of hope through nature goals and energy transition under control by the poor over this Wintry season.


• • • The theme of Peace


The Gifts of Peace are included in the Season of Light.  Peace is the festive theme we choose to spread the joy of Season’s Reliefs to those in need.   We try to help their wishes of poverty relief become true through the Gits of Peace that put a smile on their faces and lips with relief notes while hoping they will rediscover freedom from disturbance and disorder caused by crises and other events of 2022 like the cost-of-living crisis.



• • The Gift of Light that Keeps on Giving this Winter


• • • A gift of light for every person in need everywhere!


The Lights Season is the season during which we try to bring light or shine light to impoverished lives in the darkness.  We try to bring clarity, brightness to people who need to see clearly and accurately about their life.  It is about helping them see the light of relief so that they can see the world in a new relieved light or version.


• • • A gift of light that ignites and sparks the life of those in need!


This is why we have the Lights project at CENFACS; projects which enable us to bring lights to those in need.  Like the last Winter, this Winter 2022-2023, our Lights projects will focus on two parts or two waves of action:


1) post-coronavirus, post-war and post-natural disaster developments

2) current and emerging armed conflicts and environmental catastrophes as well as new waves of threats.


However, in these developments and waves, we shall take into account the changing contexts in Africa where there could be scaling down or changing types of crises (for example, the policy of silencing the guns in Africa has changed the types of conflicts).  At the moment, there is a growing hunger crisis due to the drastic impacts of the coronavirus, economic slowdown and climate change.


• • • A gift of light that helps people to navigate their own way out poverty with pride!


The Gift of Light is about helping people to help themselves.  By using the light, they can find their own way out poverty and hardships, out of darkness instead of CENFACS telling them what do.  They can act with self-esteem and self-respect.  In this respect, the Gift of Light is a blessing of empowerment.


• • • A Blaze of Hope for post-life following crises (e.g., the cost-of-living crisis), armed conflicts and natural disasters


When there are environmental disasters and armed conflicts, there are pledges and commitments to end the effects of wars and disasters.  For various reasons, some of these pledges do not always materialise.  The post-war and post-disaster developments are sometimes left without support even until the conflicts and disasters return and or strike again.

The same situation can happen with the cost-of-living crisis if pledges made are not carried out by those who made them while letting the return of the cost-of-living poverty to happen.  It can as well happen if the pledges – made at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), which took place in Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt) from Monday 07 November to Sunday 20 November 2022 (1), to help poor nations to transition towards net zero CO2 emissions world – are not followed by concrete actions.

As we cannot wait the return or repeat of the same coronavirus, wars and disasters; our first Blaze of Hope will go this Winter to the unfinished business of previous destructions and disruptions brought by crises (e.g., the coronavirus and the cost-of-living crisis), wars and natural disasters.


• • • A Blaze of Hope for the eruption of any crises, armed conflicts and natural disasters


We always advocate for preventive development and we do not seek for destructive events to happen.  However, our preparedness and readiness should make us to assemble as quickly as possible advocacy tools should any effects and impacts erupt from new waves of crisis, wars and natural disasters in Africa.

So, our second wave of intervention or Blaze of Hope will go this Wintry season to erupted effects of unexpected crises, armed conflicts and natural disasters in the areas of our interest in Africa.

With these two waves of action over this Wintry Season, we hope to enlighten the lives of those in pressing and emergent need.


• • • Examples of areas where a Blaze of Hope may be needed


For this December 2022, we have initially selected five areas that may need lighting a Blaze of Hope, which are as follows:

a) Areas of countries severely affected by the socio-economic impacts of high food prices like in Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal

b) Areas of vulnerable countries affected by or prone to torrential rains and cyclones that could cause enormous food insecurity such as in Chad, Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo

c) Areas of countries devastated by weather extremes like Burundi and Djibouti

d) Areas of countries that are the victims of a high level of persisting civil insecurity such as in in Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Mali

e) Areas of countries where innocent people are the victims of new forms of insecurity (e.g. interpersonal violence and gang violence) and forced displacement like in Mali and Burkina Faso.

The above selection is an initial one, which may change depending how and where humanitarian events will unfold in Africa.  The selection will help to start our Light advocacy and campaign. 

The countries listed in this selection are also mentioned in the Crop Prospects and Food Situation of the Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations (2).

For those who can support Light project, we can count on them to move forward this advocacy or campaign.  And we would like to thank them in advance.

For any queries or enquiries regarding the Season of Light, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


• Season’s Greetings







(1) (Accessed in December 2022)

(2) FAO. 2022.  Crop Prospects and Food Situation – Quarterly Global Report  No. 4, December 2022. Rome (




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2022 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Knowledge Year and Project: Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

14 December 2022


Post No. 278



The Week’s Contents


• Knowledge Year and Project: Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

• Supporting All-in-Development Winter e-Discussion 2022/2023: Volunteering for Nature and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty

• ONLY ONE WEEK TO GO for Autumn 2022 Humanitarian Relief Appeal


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Knowledge Year and Project: Impact Monitoring and Evaluation


At the start of 2022, we dedicated 2022 as a year of knowledge (1) of poor people’s needs and demands; knowledge which would better help work with them so that they can navigate their way to poverty reduction.  To deliver this dedication, we set up a Knowledge Project to accompany them in their journey to the reduction of poverty and hardships.

As part of the Knowledge Project, a number of activities and processes have been conducted each month to enable smooth implementation of the project.  Now we have reached the last activity or episode of the Knowledge Project, it is logical and normal to continue the process of looking back what happened in the last 11 months until now.  This is our impact monitoring task.  Equally, it is worth to start the task of evaluating the Knowledge Year and Project.  We may not finish this evaluation by the end 2022, but it is better to start now and continue it in January 2023 if we do not finish.

The two exercises or tasks (i.e., monitoring and evaluation) will enable to inform any interested parties (e.g., project beneficiaries, supporters, our  audiences, etc.) the findings about what we did not know and we now know about the needs and aspirations of the people in need making our community.  These monitoring and evaluative exercises would also lay ground to seize the early impacts or outputs from the delivery of the Knowledge Year/Project.

From these monitoring and evaluative information and knowledge as well as other discoveries within the project, we can plan the kinds of appropriate responses we may develop or ways of working together with them in 2023 to meet those unmet needs and demands.

There are more details about the Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of the Knowledge Year and Project that can be found under the Main Development section of this post.




• E-discussing Volunteering for Nature and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty and Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS) 


Our Winter e-discussion about Volunteering for Nature and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty continues as scheduled and as the United Nations Biodiversity Conference under COP15 (2) is in progress.

While our Winter e-discussion is going on, we would like to ask to our audiences the need to support CENFACSAll in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS).


• • Supporting All in Development Volunteer Scheme (AiDVS)


It is possible to support CENFACS and its AiDVS from wherever you are (at home, work, away, online, abroad, on the go and move, etc.).

It is true that many people are still suffering from the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.  These effects have also affected the cost of giving to charities or the way in which they support good causes.

However, supporting us does not need to be magical and majestic.  One can still support deserving causes like CENFACS while trying to recover from the effects of the above-named crises.

Also, your support will help us to support others who have been affected by the same crises and effects.

One can still enjoy a great festive season while supporting us. 

There are many simple helpful and useful ways of adding great value to our voluntary work.

Here are some suggestions on ways of supporting with wintry and festive news, information and products:

√ Gift ideas for the best ways of monitoring, evaluating and reviewing projects and programmes in the New Year

√ Savings and scrimping for AiDVs

√ Festive deals, packages, coupons and vouchers for AiDVs

√ Distance working technologies for volunteering to make the world a better place for a low-carbon, COVID-19 free and sustainable future we all want

√ Net-zero or low carbon economic products to protect the environment and nature

√ Digital and media support to better volunteer for a climate neutral and sustainable world

√ Health and safety (e.g., COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment) gifts for healthy and safe volunteering in the New Year

√ Wintry and festive giveaways for volunteering for a net zero greenhouse gas emissions world


To e-discuss Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, please contact CENFACS.

To support AiDVS with your wintry gift, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




• ONLY ONE WEEK TO GO for Autumn 2022 Humanitarian Relief Appeal


We have only one week remaining for our humanitarian appeal for Autumn 2022.  This appeal is about supporting Needy People, Flora, Fauna, Communities and Organisations in Africa.  What are the projects making this appeal?


• • Projects making this appeal


The appeal includes the following five selected projects:

√ Green Skills for Green Recovery

√ Save Flora and Fauna  

√  Symmetry 

√ Gender and Youths in Africa’s Recovery

√ Maintaining School Momentum

A brief summary of these projects can be found on the ‘Support Causes’ page at  Support Causes – ( of this website.

The full proposals for each project forming this appeal is available should any of the potential donor or funder makes a request.


• • Supporting the Autumn 2022 Campaign


Donors and funders can directly and respectively donate or fund these projects.

A message about this appeal can also be passed on to a person who is in a position and willing to support.  Many thanks to those who will be passing this message!

We understand that the world is still experiencing an extremely difficult time with the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.  These effects impact the cost of giving or the ability of people to support good and deserving causes.

These lingering effects  are even stronger in place where there is a high level of poverty like in Africa.  This is why this seasonal appeal was launched to help not only to reduce poverty but also to save lives from these effects.


• • Where donors’ and funders’ money will go


We are inviting those who can to donate £2 to create 3 benefits (1 benefit for humans, 1 benefit for fauna and flora and 1 shared benefit between humans and nature) or any amount starting from £2 or more as they wish or can.  In other words, for every £2 raised, £1 will go to humans, £1 to fauna and flora and £1 to shared benefit for humans and nature).


• • Gift-Aiding your donation


You can declare your charitable donation made as eligible for Gift Aid.  You can as well support these projects in a way that is the most suitable and related to your situation, budget, capacity and willingness.

To donategift-aid and support otherwise; please contact CENFACS or go to our ‘support causes’ page at Support Causes – (

Extra Messages


• Goal and Target for the Festive Month: Reduction of Income Poverty for the Income Poor

• Structured Festive Activities or Micro-projects under Financial Stability Programme and Scheme

• Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa; In Focus from Week Beginning 12/12/2022: Rate of Return on Investment as a Rate of Poverty Reduction




• Goal and Target for the Festive Month: Reduction of Income Poverty for the Income Poor


Our goal for the festive month is about reducing income poverty since we are in Income Generation Month within CENFACS.   This goal has a target or a result aimed at achieving.

For instance, our goal for the income generation month could be to make sure that the members of our community have enough income to cover their basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies.  The target could be how many of them can realistically achieve this goal.  The target could be as well the level or seize (e.g., being at or above the international poverty line) they need to realise this month.

The above is our poverty reduction goal and target for this month, which we are asking to our audiences and supporters to help or promote.




• Structured Festive Activities or Micro-projects under Financial Stability Programme/Scheme


As part of Financial Stability Programme and Scheme Periods (01 to 07/12/2022 and 08 to 14/12/2022), we are available to work in hybrid way with users via a Financial Stability Programme (FSP) or Scheme (FSS) so that they can start stronger in the New Year.  Both FSP and FSS will help beneficiaries to reduce risks linked to financial instability and improve their intergenerational income and transfers.

These are exclusive activities to maximise programme and scheme beneficiaries’ financial knowledge and skills for a successful year-end.  To practise FSP and FSS , we are carrying out structured festive activities for the two periods as indicated below.


• • • Structured Festive Activities under Financial Stability Programme (01 to 07/12/2022)


Under the FSP, we are currently running the following structured activities.


Activity 1: How to avoid festive impulse buying


Through this activity, we can work together with the community so that users with impulse buying problems can set up their spending threshold on their planned budget and do not spend the money they do not have.


Activity 2: Debt-to-income analysis for your household financial stability


Through this second activity, we can work with users with financial stability problems to help them stay within manageable debts in comparison to their earnings or income.


Activity 3:  Savings for future emergencies


Through this third activity, we can work with income poor users to explore any affordable means for them to save for the future and reduce poverty linked to the inability to save.

Briefly, via these activities we will help them to carry out the following:

√ Eliminate toxic assets

√ Find sources of funding

√ Absorb the effects of the cost-of-living crisis and other potential financial crises

√ Prevent events like the cost-of-living crisis from disrupting household financial health and wellbeing


Need festive advice or support regarding your financial stability problems, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

If you have financial stability problems and missed any of the activities of the FSP, you can still contact CENFACS so that we can work together on your financial stability needs and support you to start the New Year stronger and confident.


• • • Structured Festive Activities under Spending Limit Scheme (08 to 14/12/2022)


We can work together with you and help you elaborate an action plan about your financial stability for a given period (e.g. a week or a month or a six months or a year).  Under this scheme, we can organise together the following activities.


Activity 1: Elaboration of an action plan for financial stability


Through this activity, we shall work with users with financial stability planning issues to produce an action plan or budget for financial stability that matches their financial circumstances and conditions of life.


Activity 2: Building and understanding cash flow statements or projections


Through this activity, we shall work with users with financial planning issues to write down their cash inflows and outflows as well as opening and closing balances so that they can start the New Year with confidence as far as their financial health and wellbeing are concerned.

Need festive advice or support regarding your financial stability planning problems, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

If you have financial planning problems, you can contact CENFACS so that we can work together on your financial planning needs and help you to start the New Year stronger and confident with a plan.




• Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa; In Focus from Week Beginning 12/12/2022: Rate of Return on Investment as a Rate of Poverty Reduction


The general principle or theory here is that those who would like to invest in the not-for-profit sector and in poverty in Africa, they should not expect to gain any profit as a return.  They will be investing areas where per capita income lags behind the rest of the world.

Instead, they should expect more and better results or outcomes in terms of poverty reduction, if possible the end of poverty for the end-users or beneficiaries.  Their return on investment will be the rate of poverty reduction to be achieved.  The higher this rate will be, the higher the number of people will be lifted out of poverty.

We can suggest most popular places and organisations in Africa that can provide high rates of return in terms of poverty reduction.  Likewise, we can advise potential investors against organisations and places with greater degree of risk in terms of their investment.

For those potential not-for-profit investors who would like to invest, we can work with them to systematically analyse the degree of risk attached to their investments.  In other words, we can give evidence-based advice on the correlation between risk and potential return in terms of poverty reduction.

For example, how much risk can a not-for-profit investor accept in return for a certain level of poverty reduction for a particular project or for a given organisation?

For those who would like to invest in the not-for-profit organisations in Africa and need some guidance, CENFACS can work with them so that they can have better knowledge or measure about the rate of poverty reduction.

Interested in Knowing the Rate of Poverty Reduction that can stem from your Investment in Not-for-profit Organisations in Africa as well as in our Guidance Programme, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


SEULEMENT UNE SEMAINE pour l’appel de secours humanitaire de l’automne 2022

Il ne nous reste qu’une semaine pour notre appel humanitaire pour l’automne 2022.  Cet appel vise à soutenir les personnes nécessiteuses, la flore, la faune, les communautés et les organisations en Afrique.

• Projets faisant l’objet d’appel

L’appel comprend les cinq projets sélectionnés suivants :

√ Compétences vertes pour une relance verte

√ Sauvons la flore et la faune

√ Symétrie

√ Genre et jeunes dans le redressement de l’Afrique

√ Maintenir l’élan scolaire pour les élèves.

Les propositions complètes pour chaque projet faisant l’objet de cet appel sont disponibles si l’un des donateurs ou bailleurs de fonds potentiels en fait la demande.

• Soutenir la campagne de l’automne 2022

Les donateurs et les bailleurs de fonds peuvent directement et respectivement donner ou financer ces projets.

Un message au sujet de cet appel peut également être transmis à une personne qui est en mesure et disposée à le soutenir.  Un grand merci à ceux/celles qui transmettront ce message!

Nous comprenons que le monde traverse toujours une période extrêmement difficile avec les effets persistants de la pandémie de coronavirus et de la crise du coût de la vie.  Ces effets ont une incidence sur le coût du don ou sur la capacité des gens à soutenir des causes bonnes et méritantes.

Ces effets persistants sont encore plus forts là où il y a un niveau élevé de pauvreté comme en Afrique.  C’est pourquoi, cet appel saisonnier a été lancé pour aider non seulement à réduire la pauvreté, mais aussi à sauver des vies de ces effets.

• Où ira l’argent des donateurs et des bailleurs de fonds

Nous invitons ceux/celles qui le peuvent à faire un don de 2 livres sterling pour créer 3 biens (1 bien pour les humains, 1 bien pour la faune et la flore et 1 bien partagé entre les humains et la nature) ou tout montant à partir de 2 livres sterling ou plus comme ils/elles le souhaitent.

Pour chaque 2 livres collectées, 1 livre ira aux humains, 1 livre à la faune et à la flore et 1 livre au bien partagé pour les humains et la nature).

• Faire un cadeau

Vous pouvez déclarer que votre don de bienfaisance soit admissible ou déclarable à “Gift Aid“.

Vous pouvez aussi faire un chèque-cadeau ou un bon-cadeau.

Vous pouvez également soutenir ces projets de la manière la plus appropriée et liée à votre situation, votre budget, votre capacité et votre volonté.

Pour faire un don, offrir de l’aide-cadeau et soutenir autrement; veuillez contacter le CENFACS.





Main Development


Knowledge Year and Project: Impact Monitoring and Evaluation


The following items highlight the impact monitoring and evaluation of the Knowledge Year and Project:


∝ What is the Knowledge Project?

∝ What is monitoring and evaluation of the Knowledge Project?

∝ What are the 12 Knowledge Project episodes to monitor and evaluate?

∝ How can you help or get involved in the monitoring and evaluation processes of the Knowledge Project?

∝ Supporting the findings of the Knowledge Project


Let us highlight each of these items.


• • What is the Knowledge Project?


From what we argued early in this post, one should have an idea about Knowledge Project.  If you do not have, please be informed that the Knowledge Project is an initiative set up by CENFACS to enable us to formalise and implement this Knowledge Year which is a dedication of 2022 as the year of knowledge.

The Knowledge Project is a knowledge-based poverty reduction made of a wealth of information and knowledge topics about the people in need.  The project is essentially comprised of 12 knowledge project episodes whereby each episode draws on a particular area of knowledge and information about the people in need.  The project uses data collection and analytics tools.

In this respect, the project is a collection of knowledgeable activities carried out with those people so that the better their needs become well known, the better they can drive support towards themselves.

At the end of this project, it is possible to produce the state of knowledge on poor people’s needs.  Before that, it is useful to conduct impact monitoring and evaluation of this project.


• • What is monitoring and evaluation of the Knowledge Project?


To conduct impact monitoring and evaluation for any project, one may need to understand these words: ‘monitoring’ and ‘evaluation’.

To understand these words, we are going to refer to what ‘’ (3) argues about them.  ‘’ explains that

“Monitoring refers to a routine process, that examines the activities and progress of the project and identifies bottlenecks during the process… It is the systematic process of observing and recording on a regular basis, the activities carried out in a project, to ensure that the activities are in line with the objectives of the enterprise”.

The same ‘’ defines evaluation as

“An objective and rigorous analysis of a continuing or completed project, to determine its significance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability by comparing the result with the set of standards.  It is the process of passing value judgement concerning the performance level or attainment of defined objectives”.

So, we are going to refer to these two definitions in order to conduct impact monitoring and evaluation of the Knowledge Project.  To monitor and evaluate the Knowledge Project, we need to recall the 12 knowledge activities we carried out.


• • What are the 12 Knowledge (‘K’) Project episodes to monitor and evaluate?


Since we started the delivery of CENFACS Knowledge Year as a Project, the twelve activities (or 12 knowledge project episodes) mentioned below have been conducted so far.


Activity/Task 1 of the Knowledge Project: Knowledge about the Consumption Needs of Those in Need


This knowledge on them and consumption needs will help needs-based solutions so that they can improve their circumstances and consume what it takes to reduce poverty and hardships.


Activity/Task 2 of the Knowledge Project: Knowledge about How Those in Need are Meeting Sustainable Development Goals


Knowing whether or not poor people are meeting needs and moving towards the realisation of sustainable development goals is an interesting issue.  In this respect, the task was about working to know if our members are meeting or failing to meet sustainable development goals.


Activity/Task 3 of the Knowledge Project:  Knowing Climate Actions that Mitigate both Adverse Impacts of Climate Change and Poverty


It was about learning and working on projects that simultaneously reduce the adverse impacts of climate change and help poor people to navigate their way out of poverty.


Activity/Task 4 of the Knowledge Project: Knowing the Kind of Protection that the Impacted of the Rising Cost of Living Need


To undertake Activity/Task 4 of the ‘K’ Project, we tried to have some understanding and information about the types of protection that those who have been impacted by the rising cost of living may need.


Activity/Task 5 of the Knowledge Year/Project: Knowing the Real Stories of People in Need


This activity or task included listening to those in need tell and share their own stories, with their own words and numbers.


Activity/Task 6 of the Knowledge Year/Project: Understanding the Creative Skills of Those in Need


It was about knowing the creative skills of those need.  Through that knowledge, it has been possible to work with them to use their creative skills and or develop them so that they could reduce poverty and come out poverty through their creative skills.


Activity/Task 7 of the Knowledge Year/Project: Discover and Communicate Any Meaningful Patterns from Data about Those in Need


This activity or task covered analysing data from those in need by using mathematics, statistics and computer software.  The outcome from this analysis has been to discover and communicate meaningful patterns from their data.


Activity/Task 8 of the Knowledge Year and Project: Run/Walk with or Visit the People in Need to Discover their Problems


The activity or task carried out was to undertake the physical activity of running or walking with the people in need.  It was also about in-person visiting the people in need and trying to find out through the visit the kind of problems they have been experiencing and discuss with them the types of solutions they would like to see.


Activity/Task 9 of the Knowledge Year and Project: Give Opinions, Not Advice


It was about giving your opinions or saying what you know about the issue those in need are experiencing or would like to hear other people’s views.  It was about giving your opinions without advising them what they could do to resolve the problems.


Activity/Task 10 of the Knowledge Year and Project: Know the History of People in Need


This activity or task was about Knowing the History of People in Need and building the knowledge of their history.  The more one could get the historical details from those in need, the better position in which they could be in order to help them.


Activity/Task 11 of the Knowledge Year and Project: Identify the Skills of Those in Need


It was about recognising or establishing the identity of the skills and capabilities they possessed.  Depending on the skills they possessed and or could acquire, it was possible to think of what opportunity could meet their skills.


Activity/Task No. 12 of the Knowledge Year and Project: Know the Income-generating Activities of the Income Poor 


This activity/task is being carried out during this month of December 2022.  It is about Knowing the Income-generating Activities that Income Poor People Can Undertake to Move out of Poverty. 


From what is known about their income-generating activities, it is possible to work with them so that improvement can be made to their activities.

The above-mentioned activities or tasks are the ones we are monitoring and evaluating.  We are now carrying on with the systematic process of observation, recording, collection and analysis of information regarding 12 knowledge project episodes in order to get their impact or at least its output.  We are as well undertaking the sporadic activity to draw conclusion regarding the relevance and effectiveness of the 12 knowledge project episodes presented.

To conduct such monitoring and evaluation, it requires the contribution of every body who took part or came across these activities.


• • How can you help or get involved in the monitoring and evaluation processes of the Knowledge Project?


As part of this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation exercise, we would like to ask to those who have been working with us throughout the last 11 months and two weeks to share with us their feelings and thoughts about these two areas:

(a) The overall “Knowledge Year/Project”

(b) Any of the activities/tasks they have been interested in or used to know the needs of those people living in poverty.

You can share your feelings and thoughts with us by:

∝ Phoning

∝ Texting

∝ E-mailing

∝ Completing the contact form with your feelings and thoughts.


• • Supporting the findings of the Knowledge Project


Monitoring and evaluation are not an end for themselves.  After concluding them, there will be some findings in terms of knowledge of poor people’s needs.   There will be some suggestions or proposals in terms of project planning and development.  In other words, these findings could mean that we may have to take some steps forward in terms project planning and development in the New Year. 

If there are new projects to meet those unmet needs within the community, how can one support those findings or emerging new project proposals?

For those who are willing to support those findings and projects stemming from those findings, we are willing to share the findings with them.

To request the findings from the 12 knowledge project episodes, please contact CENFACS.

To support projects that may result from these findings, please let CENFACS knows.






(1) in December 2022)

(2) (Accessed in December 2022)

(3) https.// (Accessed in December 2022)



Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2022 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Festive Guide and Income Generation

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

07 December 2022


Post No. 277



The Week’s Contents


• Festive Guide and Income Generation 

• Festive No-direct Cash Giving without Shopping

• Activity/Task No. 12 of the Knowledge (“K”) Year and Project: Know the Income-generating Activities of the Income Poor


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Festive Guide and Income Generation 


We have exciting and engaging initiatives forming our Festive Guide and December 2022.

Our Festive Guide contains three items, which are:


a) The Season’s Relief 

b) Festive Services

c) Gifts of Peace.


As to the Month of December 2022 itself, December is Income Generation Month according to CENFACS development calendar/planner.  It is an Income Generation Month not only for most charities, but also for CENFACS users.  During this month, we would be working with income poor to find way of generating some income to meet additional costs brought to their life by the cost-of-living crisis and spending pressure from festive demand.

This is why published our Festive Income Boost on 09 November 2022 so that this festive income resource could be used as early as possible.  This way we can work together so as to make the Season’s celebration come on its own to them and be affordable for all of them.

Under the Main Development section of this post, you will find more information about both the Festive Guide and our programme of work for the Income Generation Month.



• Festive No-direct Cash Giving without Shopping


Last week, we provided a number of no-direct cash donations that those who would like to support CENFACS through their festive shopping can provide.  This week, we are expanding on no-direct donations by focussing on those without shopping.  In other words, we are highlighting other ways of backing CENFACS without directly giving cash and without shopping at CENFACS e-shop and other stores or shops.   What are those ways that one can think of or come across with to support CENFACS without having to directly give cash and without doing any shoppings at CENFACS e-shop and other stores or shops.


• • Festive No-direct Cash Donations without Shopping


They include:


* Signing up for a Gift Aid Declaration from which CENFACS can earn an extra 25p for every £1 you give

* Nomination of CENFACS for a donation at festive charity fundraising and donation events

* Selection of CENFACS as your preferred charity for donation from advertising revenue

* Planned gifting or legacy giving if you decide to contribute a major gift to CENFACS beyond your lifetime

* Gaming assets when you as a gaming fundraiser take the initiative to raise money for CENFACS via video games or livestreamed video game events whereby viewers can tune into

* Streaming activities when you run livestream fundraising campaign for CENFACS

* Digital tickets can assist CENFACS if you can sell tickets on social media platforms via an event site to help CENFACS raise funds; particularly if anyone attending your event can support in raising funds through their purchase of a fundraising ticket

* Digital collectibles can be a means of supporting CENFACS for those who have them in their wallet as they can be bought, swapped and sold in a peer-to-peer marketplace; just as they can be used to fund needy organisations

* Crypto assets can contribute to CENFACS‘ mission if you are a crypto-minded supporter or enthusiast or donor and can aid CENFACS raise money for its noble causes as well as develop a crypto philanthropy programme

* Non-fungible tokens, which can be accepted as donations, are unique and non-interchangeable tokens compared to crypto assets and a medium by which you can use to boost funds for CENFACS



There could be more since resource giving to charitable causes is a fast-growing industry.  If you know any more of them, please use them to help CENFACS access funds for its noble causes.

So, those who could not give no-direct cash donations through their shopping, they can still donate via the above-named no-direct cash donations without shopping.

By asking for no-direct cash donations with and without shopping, we do not mean that one cannot donate cash.  They can and if they choose to directly donate cash, CENFACS will happily accept their direct cash donations.

To support CENFACS without directly giving cash (with or without shopping) and or by directly donating cash, please contact CENFACS.



• Activity/Task No. 12 of the Knowledge (“K”) Year and Project: Know the Income-generating Activities of the Income Poor 


People living in poverty may try all sorts of activities in order to create or make income so that they can change their situation.  Amongst these activities, we can include income-generating activities.  However, to know the income-generating activities undertaken by the income poor, one needs to understand these three concepts: income, income-generating activities and income poverty.

Let us briefly explained each of them.


• • What is an income?


To understand income, we have selected the operational definition of income given in the Canberra Group Handbook (1), which is:

” Household income consists of all receipts whether monetary or in-kind (goods and services) that are received by the household or by individual members of the household at annual or more frequent intervals, but excludes windfall gains and other such irregular and typically one-time receipts”.

This operational definition of income can be used to learn and know the income-generating activities of the income poor.  But, what do we mean by income-generating activities?


• • Understanding income-generating activities


Income-generating activities can be viewed from various perspectives or approaches.  According to ‘’ (2), an income-generating activity is

“An activity carried out in order to generate revenues used to ensure the financial sustainability of the organisation”.

This definition can apply to households when members of any household is trying to generate or earn income to ensure the financial sustainability of the household.  It can as well be used for people living in poverty who are trying to generate income using a variety of means at their disposal.

For example, in the run up to the end of the year’s celebrations, it is possible to see all sorts of coping and surviving activities or strategies (including street begging) that poor people are using to generate some income to make ends meet.

However, is there any level of income from which one can argue about income poverty?


• • Defining income poverty


To relatively and absolutely define income poverty, we are going to refer to the metrics used by the World Bank which is the international poverty line.  According to the World Bank (3),

“Since 30 November 2022, the international poverty line was set at $2.15 per person per day using 2017 prices.  This means that anyone living on less than $2.15 a day is in extreme poverty”.

This metrics can contribute to the knowledge formation of income-generating activities of the income poor or those living below the threshold of $2.15 a day.

To sum up, the 12th Activity or Task of the ‘K’ Year/Project is about Knowing the Income-generating Activities that Income Poor People Can Undertake to Move out of Poverty. 

From what is known about their income-generating activities, it is possible to work with them so that improvement can be made to their activities.  One can hope that any improvement made can lead to more and better income for them so that they can navigate their way out of poverty.

The knowledge of their income-generating activities can also be an opportunity to suggest alternative or better way of generating income that can drive them out of the root causes of poverty.

The above is the Activity or Task no. 12 for the ‘K’ Year/Project for those who are interested in carrying it out.

For those who want any clarification of any aspects of this activity or task, they can contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty (05/12/2022 to 05/01/2023)

• Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa; In Focus for Week Beginning 05/12/2022: Risks and Opportunities Linked to Not-for-profit Organisations in Africa 

• Financial Stability Campaign for Households



• Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty (05/12/2022 to 05/01/2023)


Our E-discussion on Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty has started.  This e-discussion is part of the Biodiversity Conference (4).

Indeed, between 7 and 19 December 2022 in Montreal (Canada), countries will work to agree on a new set of goals to guide global action through 2030 to halt and reverse nature loss.

In line with the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) and with CENFACSA la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature) Campaign, we are e-discussing ways of volunteering in 2023 to help CENFACS and its Africa-based Sister Organisations contribute to the new nature goals and nature-based solutions to poverty.

The e-discussion is about the following:


√ Thinking the best way of volunteering to help in stopping or reducing nature loss

√ Addressing overexploitation, pollution, fragmentation and unsustainable agricultural practices

√ Safeguarding the rights of indigenous people

√ Recognizing these people’s rights as stewards of nature

√ Finance for biodiversity and nature



As we are nearing 2023, volunteering for nature goals and nature-based solutions to poverty will not only help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the climate goal; but it will also contribute to reduce poverty induced by the mistreatment of nature.

To e-discuss about Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to poverty, please contact CENFACS.



• Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa; In Focus for Week Beginning 05/12/2022: Risks and Opportunities Linked to Not-for-profit Organisations in Africa 


This is a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis in terms of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats before investing in Not-for-profit Organisations in Africa. 

It is well known that any investment is at the same time a risk and an opportunity.  The risks linked to investment in Africa include: the possibility of civil wars and conflicts, lack of adequate infrastructures, corruption, political change, etc.  Beside these risks, there are opportunities such as untapped resources, young and growing population, etc.

Through SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors) analyses, we can work together with prospective investors to minimise investment risks while maximising opportunities or benefits for their investment to succeed.

It is also worth noting that prospective investors need to be aware that the more they want to invest, the greater could be this risk.  However, where there are large economies of scale, this risk can be spread over.

Through CENFACSGuidance and Advice on Investing in Africa, we can help potential investors to maximise risk-adjusted returns for a given level or rate of poverty reduction.

For those who would like to invest in the not-for-profit organisations in Africa and need some guidance, CENFACS can work with them so that they can have better knowledge or measure about risks and opportunities to invest in them.

Interested in Knowing Risks and Opportunities to Invest in Not-for-profit Organisations in Africa as well as in Guidance Programme, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Financial Stability Campaign for Households


This campaign is about working with poor households to help them find enough income to cover basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies.

Indeed, it is a campaign about the following:


To work with households to generate enough income to cover basic festive expenses while cutting unneeded expenses to cover basic festive costs (e.g., by avoiding impulse festive buying)

To enable these households to find ways of paying debts over the festive period (e.g., by carrying out a debt-to-income analysis)

To build savings for emergencies or emergency funds to cover unexpected festive costs (e.g., by working out the saving rate as total income less total expenses divided by total income)

To invest in the short- and long-term financial stability goals.

To participate and or support this campaign, please contact CENFACS.




Message in French (Message en français)


Guide Festif et Génération de Revenus 

Nous avons des initiatives passionnantes et engageantes formant notre Guide Festif et le Mois de Décembre 2022.

Notre Guide Festif contient trois éléments, qui sont:

a) Le soulagement de la saison

b) Services festifs

c) Dons de paix.

En ce qui concerne le mois de décembre 2022 lui-même, décembre est le mois de la génération de revenus selon le calendrier de développement du CENFACS.  C’est un mois générateur de revenus non seulement pour les organismes de bienfaisance, mais aussi pour les bénéficiaires du CENFACS.

Au cours de ce mois, nous travaillerions avec des personnes à faible revenu pour trouver un moyen de générer des revenus pour faire face aux coûts supplémentaires causés à leur vie par la crise du coût de la vie et la pression des dépenses due à la demande festive.

C’est pourquoi nous avons publié le 09 novembre dernier l’édition 2022 de l’Augmentation Festive des Revenus avec comme point de mire la Stabilité financière.  Nous l’avons publiée d’avance afin que cette ressource de revenus festifs puisse être utilisée le plus tôt possible.  De cette façon, nous pouvons travailler ensemble afin que la célébration de la saison puisse venir d’elle-même vers nos bénéficiaires et être abordable pour tous et toutes.

Ceux ou celles qui sont intéressés par le Guide des Fêtes et notre programme de travail pour le Mois de la Génération de Revenus peuvent nous le faire savoir.



Main Development


Festive Guide and Income Generation 


We have two major items making the Festive Guide and Income Generation Month, which are:


∝ Festive Guide

∝ December as an Income Generation Month.


Let us briefly explain each of them.


• • Festive Guide


Inside this guide, there are three main listings: Season’s Relief, Festive Services and Gifts of Peace.


• • • Season’s Relief 


At CENFACS, the Season’s Relief comes with a theme and bundle of initiatives.


• • • • Season’s Relief Theme


The theme for Season’s Relief which would carry us throughout the entire festive period is Economic Peace.  The Festive Season, which is part of the worldwide celebration, kicks off in December for CENFACS and ends by the 31st of January in the New Year.

During the Festive Season, we normally start the Season of Light.  The Season of Light is one of the four seasons of CENFACS Development Calendar.  It is the Winter season which goes on until March and is featured by Winter Lights and Light Projects or Light Appeals. 

During this Season of Light, we shall carry out work about light (or energy) and poverty reduction since the global climate community has committed itself to phase down coal as source of energy whereas many energy poor people in Africa are coal-dependant.



• • • • Season’s Relief Initiatives


The following are the selected December 2022 initiatives or Season’s Initiatives for Relief:


Festive Income Builder, Booster & Calculator, In Focus for 2022: Financial Stability

❇ Community Value Chains: The CENFACS Community and Knowledge of Poverty Reduction

❇ Volunteering in 2023: Volunteering for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty

❇ Thanking 2022 Year Makers & Enablers

❇ Gifts of Peace (Edition 2022/2023)

❇ Run, Vote & Play for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development (Action-Results 2022).


The above-mentioned projects would make the first part of Season’s Relief as being announced above.  Some of them intertwine between our monthly and seasonal development calendars.  All will depend whether one is reading our development calendar on a monthly or seasonal basis.

To support and or enquire about the Season’s Relief, please contact CENFACS.


• • • Festive Services


These services are made of two types of projects: regular and festive projects.

(a) Regular or on-going projects are continuous including during the festive period.  The project known as All-year Round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives) is one of them.

(b) Projects for the festive occasion only; projects which are specially designed for that occasion.   The project Community Value Chains is one of them.

Both types of projects are included in our December 2022 programme and planned to be delivered during the month of December 2022.


• • • Gifts of Peace


These are CENFACS Wintry Gift Appeal initiative to support people living in poverty in Africa.

CENFACS’ Winter Gift of Peace to Africa is indeed …

√ A festive life-sustaining support that helps to reduce poverty and bring sustainable peace  

√ A festive giving to acknowledge and do something about poverty over the festive period, which is also an occasion to trans-give and think of those who are not as fortunate as others

√ A festive means to support those who don’t have peace because of poverty, particularly in the developing regions of the world like Africa.

Since Africa is still struggling with the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis, there are many of these people, who are recipient of projects and programmes run by our Africa-based Sister Organisations, who desperately need support.

However, we must acknowledge that this is a challenging time for both those who support and those who receive that support.  To respond to the demand of help from those who receive support, we will be launching CENFACS’ Winter Gift of Peace to Africa, a Winter Appeal, by the end of Autumn 2022.

In meantime, those who would like to have for more information about this Wintry appeal, they need to contact CENFACS.


• • December as an Income Generation Month for CENFACS


December is a month of Income GenerationRecord Tracking and Winter Lights at CENFACS.


• • • December as Income Generation Month


December is the Income Generation month according to CENFACS monthly development calendar and planner.  It is the month during which we advocate and provide tips, hints and other types of advisory support on how to generate additional income to cover shortage in regular income, by using other avenues within the boundaries of the law and order.

This additional income can enable multi-dimensional income poor children, young people and families (C, YP & Fs) to exercise their basic human right to celebrate the end of the year in their own way.

However, this December 2022 will be mostly about Financial Stability as we highlighted in this year Edition of Festive Income Boost, rather than Income Generation.  This is to help C, YP & Fs to find enough income to cover basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies.  We will be working with them during the festive season to find ways of building and developing the financial stability.

So, supporting multi-dimensional poor C, YP & Fs to explore ways of covering basic expenses, paying off debts and saving for emergencies is the right cause to undertake. 

Equally, where possible generating, building and boosting their incomes to exercise their human right to a decent end-of-year celebration is not only a one-off or seasonal business to make ends meet; but can also become an additional way of building and developing the capacity to reduce and end income poverty.  

They are poor not only because of lack of income but also due to their failing capacities to maintain financial stability as well as generate enough income to cover their needs and nurture this stability.

As part of festive support, our Edition 2022 Festive Extra Income Builder, Booster and Calculator would be available for those who need it.  We launched this resource earlier in Autumn in order to enable those in need of the resource to get the tips and hints they need to early start exploring ways of stabilising their finances while finding ways of boosting their income and generational economy.

Besides this resource, we planned two periods of work on financial stability programmes and schemes starting from the first of this month as follows.


• • • 01 to 07/12/2022: Financial Stability Programmes (FSP) 


FSP is a set of structured activities designed to help users cover basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies.

As a result, we will be working on how people and families can set up and or be involved a series of structured activities or small projects to cover basic expenses, pay off debts and save for emergencies and where possible to generate little extra income in order to reduce poverty.  Through these activities, we will help them through the following:


√ Eliminate toxic assets

√ Find sources of funding

√ Absorb the effects of the cost-of-living crisis and other potential financial crises

√ Prevent events like the cost-of-living crisis from disrupting household financial health and wellbeing



• • • 08 to 14/12/2022: Financial Stability Schemes (FSS) 


FSS helps to work with users so that they can elaborate a systematic plan of future action about their financial stability for a week or month or year (2023).  Through this exercise, we shall use some financial stability tools to work with users (e.g., Debt to income ratio formula).

Briefly, we will be working on how financially instable people and families can find available systematic plans for future action to improve their financial stability, and where possible generate income in order to reduce continuing poverty and hardships.  In particular, we will make sure about what scheme is workable or unworkable for them.

In the end, we hope that financially instable people and families can develop their own individual working FSP and FSS plans or policies to establish financial stability and generate little extra incomes not only for the festive period, but also beyond the festive time. In doing so, they can improve their intergenerational economy and transfer accounts.



• • • December as Record Tracking Month


December is also the time of record tracking on our All-year Round Projects (or Triple Value Initiatives), particularly

√ CENFACS Poverty Relief League (The African Nations Poverty Relief League)

√ Run to Reduce Poverty in Africa in 2022

√ Vote your African Poverty Relief and Development Manager of the Year 2022


We expect those who took part and or organised activities on our behalf about these projects to come forward, report and share with us their actions, results and experiences about the three stars or bests of 2022 (Best Country, Best Runner and Best Manager).  We can count on them to tell us their Winner of CENFACS Trophy of the Year.



• • • December as the start of Winter Lights Season


As said above in our Festive Guide, December is finally the month we start CENFACS Winter Lights Season, the first season of our development seasonal calendar.  The Season of Light, which kicks off around Mid-December, includes the Gifts of Peace.

Each year, we produce an edition of the Gifts of Peace that makes up our final fundraising campaign and last humanitarian appeal of the year.  This year, we are doing the same for our last humanitarian appeal or fundraising campaign of 2022.

Peace is the festive theme we choose at CENFACS to spread the joy of Season’s Relief to those in need, especially at this time of the cost-of-living crisis.  We try to help their wishes of relief become true with the Gifts of Peace, by putting a smile on their face with relief notes.

With the soaring costs of living, many of them cannot find the smiles they need for relief.  One can hope that the Gifts of Peace will bring back the lost smiles.

To support the Edition 2022/2023 of Gifts of Peace, please contact CENFACS.


• • • CENFACS Community Value Chains Celebration


As part of the Season of Light is the CENFACS Community Value Chains celebration.  This celebration generally closes our seasons at the end of the year and concludes our yearly development calendar and planner, while marking the end of civil year at CENFACS.

It is an end-of-year eventful project enabling us to look upon us again as a community of shared vision, values and beliefs which connect us as human chains with a purpose of reducing and ending poverty amongst us, and of enhancing sustainable development as well.

This year we shall again focus on ourselves as a Community of Knowledgeable People.  It will be about the knowledge we have about poverty reduction as well as about the needs of those are looking for help that make us a knowledgeable community that helps match responses to those needs.


• • • Sustainable Volunteering: 05/12/2022 to 05/01/2023


To carry the CENFACS Community into the New Year, our discussion on Sustainable Volunteering, which has already started, is scheduled to take place from 05 December 2022 to 05 January 2023.  The discussion theme for this year is on Volunteering in 2023 for Nature Goals and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty.


• • • CENFACS into 2023


To take the other two domains (International and Fund) of CENFACS into 2023 and engage with stakeholders, we shall develop nature projects and programmes as well as those with nature-based solutions to poverty.

For any enquiries or to support CENFACS in the month of December 2022 and in the New Year, please contact CENFACS.


Before closing this week’s post, we would like to inform all our audiences and stakeholders that the above planned programmes, projects and activities can be reviewed.  If there are any significant changes in terms of the eruption of a major event or crisis or shock like it happened with the coronavirus pandemic, we shall revise our initial festive plan and activate our contingency plan.






(1) (Accessed in December 2022)

(2) (Accessed in December 2022)

(3) (Accessed in December 2022)

(4) (Accessed in December 2022)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2022 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

30 November 2022


Post No. 276



The Week’s Contents


• Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!

• Impact Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Development and Action Plan from the Month of Economics of Education and Skill Formation (Skills Development Month)

• Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa; In Focus for Week Beginning 28/11/2022: Not-for-profit Investment Choices in Africa 


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!


As we enter the festive month of December, anyone can help raise funds for CENFACS through their shopping without giving any penny.  It does not cost them any money to give to charities like CENFACS while shopping, whether online or in-person, and being asked either to tick a box or to name or choose a charity to benefit from their festive shopping activities.

By ticking a box to donate to charity or naming or choosing CENFACS, they can enable CENFACS to receive a no-direct cash donations from their shopping; donations which we need to help those suffering from poverty and the cost-of-living crisis.

Please remember that around the festive period millions of shoppers do not claim their points, discounts and rewards.  These points, prizes and rewards could have gone to good causes like CENFACS‘ noble ones.

So, it does not cost you as a shopper anything if you tick a box or name or choose CENFACS as your favourite charity to receive your points, prizes and rewards which could otherwise become unclaimed, unused and wasted.

Please this festive season, do not let these free offers resulting from your shopping to go unclaimed or wasted.  CENFACS wants them.  CENFACS needs your loyalty shopping points, discounts, vouchers, prizes and rewards that you do not want or need.

We need them to help people living in poverty and hardships.  These people require them.  We are demanding your no-direct cash gift and support through your festive shopping to help them

Please tick a box or name or choose CENFACS to benefit from your festive shopping activities.

More on ways of supporting CENFACS’ beneficiaries through your festive shopping is given under the Main Development section of this post.



• Impact Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Development and Action Plan from the Month of Economics of Education and Skill Formation (Skills Development Month)


Through this ending November month of Skills Development, we have focused on Data Skills to Run your Household, in particular data storage, process, security, insight and analytics skills.  In order to know the progress and achievements made as well as the to examine our performance against objectives, we are carrying out two exercises:


a) Impact Monitoring and Evaluation

b) Learning development and Action Plan.


Let us explain what these two exercises are about.


• • Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Data Skills to Run your Household


We are now carrying on with the systematic process of observation, recording, collection and analysis of information regarding our 4-week work on Data Skills to Run your Household in order to get its impact or at least its output.  This routing process will help to examine the activities of the data skills developed and identify bottlenecks during the process to see if they are in line with objectives we defined.

Also, we are undertaking the sporadic activity to draw conclusion regarding the relevance and effectiveness of the data skills presented.  This activity will contribute to the determination of the value judgement regarding the performance level and attainment of defined objectives for Data Skills to Run your Household.

The findings from this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation will help to figure out what has been achieved through this work and give us some flavour about the future direction of Skills Development month.

As part of this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation exercise, we would like to ask to those who have been working with us throughout the last four weeks to share with us their feelings and thoughts about these two areas:


(a) The overall “Data Skills to Run your Household”

(b) Any of the data skills they have been interested in or used in the context of running their household.


You can share your feelings and thoughts with us by:


∝ Phoning

∝ Texting

∝ E-mailing

∝ Completing the contact form with your feelings and thoughts.


• • Learning Development and Action Plan for Data Skills to Run your Household


As part of keeping the culture of continuous learning and professional development within CENFACS, we are examining what the running of Skills Development and Skills Focus have brought and indicated to us.  We are particularly looking at the learning and development priorities and initiatives.  In this exercise, we are considering the action points and plan we may need to make in order to improve or better change the way in which we deliver our services and work with users.

For those who have been following the running of the Skills Development Month with us, this is the time or opportunity they can add their inputs to our learning and development experience so that we can know the skills gap that need to be filled up in 2023 and beyond.  They can as well have their own action plans on how they would like to take forward the contents of Skills Development month.  And if they have a plan and want us to look at it, we are willing to do so.

The plan could be on the following data skills presented throughout this month: data storage, process, security, insight and analytics skills.  In particular, we can look at how any household making our community wants to make a plan for them or would like CENFACS to work with them on their chosen area of data skills.

Have an action plan for your skills development and want CENFACS to look at it, please do not hesitate to contact us.  To add your input to our exercise on learning, development and action plan; just contact CENFACS.



• Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa (1); In Focus for Week Beginning 28/11/2022: Not-for-profit Investment Choices in Africa 


Through our guidance programme, we can work with potential not-for-profit investors and help them to choose the types of investment they want.  In particular, they can choose from the following: asset classes, organisation to become part of governing body and market segment.


• • Types of investment to consider


There are two types of investment that not-for-profit investors can choose in order to engage in, which are: physical or real investment and financial investment.

In the context of the not-for-profit development, we shall work with not-for-profit investors to choose investments that bring high return of poverty reduction for project and programme beneficiaries in Africa.


• • Choice of asset classes


We can work with the prospective not-for-profit investors to help them identify and choose the asset classes (e.g., cash, shares, bonds, equities/stocks, real estate, exchanged-traded funds and mutual bonds, etc.) they need in order to penetrate the organisations they would prefer to invest in.


• • Choice of governing body or board of directors


We can as well work with prospective not-for-profit investors to help them choose the governing body or board of directors that suits them or matches with or best represents their need and interest to invest.  The bodies or boards that we are talking about are those of not-for-profit organisations (whose activities are not for the financial benefit of individuals or board of directors) registered as charity or non-registered as charity.

Organisations that are registered as charities could be charitable incorporated organisations or charitable companies limited by guarantee, unincorporated associations or charitable trusts like in the UK.

Besides that, we shall use the classification and terminology of the given African organisation within their country as well as their business structure to find out whether or not they can be classified as not-for-profit.  And if they are because of their status of not-for-profit, we shall search on implications in terms of foreign direct investment in those organisations.


• • Choice of market segment


The African not-for-profit development and poverty reduction Africa are a huge market for poverty reduction goods and services.  We can help select or pitch which segment of the market investors want.

For example, a potential not-for-profit investor can make a decision to pitch the market segment of children’s needs, or water projects, women’s needs, energy projects, projects targeting COVID-19 induced hardships, etc.

For those who would like to invest in the not-for-profit organisations in Africa and need some guidance, CENFACS can work with them so that they can make informed choice on the types of investment, asset class, governing body and market segment they may consider.

Interested in Not-for-profit Investment Choices in Africa and in Guidance Programme, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• Financial Security Analysis Project (FSAP)

• Activity of the Festive Season: How to Make your Triple-Value-Initiative Activity Raise Money for Good Causes

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Debates Forest Cartelization



• Financial Security Analysis Project (FSAP)


FSAP is part of the Three Tiers of Security Against Poverty.  The two other levels of security being Energy Security Project and Food Security Project, as we explained last week.

This week, we are providing more information about FSAP and what we can do together with those members of our community who need support to analyse their financial security.  Particularly, as we are entering the festive month of December many people are forced to spend to stay in the mood of the festive period even if they do not money or enough money to spend.  In this respect, financial security analysis is important to raise awareness on how to stay financially secure.


• • What is FSAP?


FSAP is a poverty reduction initiative that helps to analyse if households making our community have enough income to cover all their expenses and save for their future.

FSAP, which may not be a financial support in terms of cash or assets convertible into cash, can help to work with financial insecure people so that they can progressively navigate their way towards financial security.

For example, through this project we can carry out an express analysis of the financial security of our household users from their data.  The analysis will help to determine the financial position of a given household user of our project.  The analysis can provide some valuable information to potentially avoid financial poverty.  In this respect, FSAP will help to level up those who are looking for sustainable solutions to financial crisis they are facing.

There are different types of analysis we can conduct.


• • Types of financial analysis we can conduct for beneficiaries


We can work with them to analyse or assess the total value of their household.  In this respect, we can conduct with them the following three types of analysis:


a) Fundamental financial analysis to calculate the intrinsic value of their household by studying the fundamental factors that affect them

b) Technical financial analysis by using forecasting techniques to predict the household’s future performance

c) Quantitative financial analysis by referring to basic financial measures or ratios to work out households’ financial health and wellbeing.


Through these three analyses, we can work out the following:


√ Current living expense of FSAP beneficiaries

√ Saving plan or safety net to protect from unexpected things

√ Financial plan to live below their means

√ Built-in funds to cover the unexpected

√ Plan to pay off debts for those indebted beneficiaries

√ Financial plan that includes festive expenses and income

√ Investment plan for those who are capable of investing



These analyses will help financial insecure people to progressively navigate towards financial security and support those who are looking for sustainable solutions to financial crisis they are facing to level up.

For those who need financial security analysis over this festive period, they can contact CENFACS.  Working with them on financial security analysis will strengthen them and put them in a better position to end 2022 and start 2023.

For those who want more support on financial issues, we would like to inform them that from next week, we will be running a Financial Stability Campaign which they can join.



• Activity of the Festive Season: How to Make your Triple-Value-Initiative Activity Raise Money for Good Causes


You can help CENFACS raise funds it needs for its noble causes while you are undertaking your Triple Value Activity or All Year-Round Project.  How can you do it?


If you are Running or Organising a Run Activity to Reduce Poverty in 2022, you can dress like a Santa and raise money depending on the challenge (e.g., running laps or distances) and ask people around you to donate accordingly.  You can organise a virtual or in-person run.


If you are Playing the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief, you can organise a festive tournament and ask participants and your audiences to the tournament to donate.  


If you are Voting your 2022 African Poverty Relief Manager, you can set up a knowledge challenge in the form of Questions-Answers to find out your 2022 African Poverty Relief and Development ManagerYou can ask people who would like to attend or participate or watch the challenge to donate.


With some inspiration, the above shows that it is possible to raise funds for CENFACS’ noble causes while applying any of the three Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-Round Projects).

However, before embarking on raising funds via Triple Value Initiatives, you need to discuss the matter with CENFACS so that together with you we can plan How to Make your Triple-Value-Initiative Activity Raise Money for Good Causes.

To discuss the possibility of raising funds for good causes via Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-Round Projects), please contact CENFACS.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Debates Forest Cartelization


Can South-South Rainforest Trilateral Alliance (between Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia) or the New Forest Cartel become true leaders of climate action and security?

In search for climate solutions, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia launched on 14 November 2022 a working partnership (2) to preserve their vast forests threatened by exploitation and agriculture.  They are asking for the following:

∝ Compensation from the international community to reduce deforestation

∝ Climate finance

∝ Carbon pricing of a tonne of carbon credit market

∝ Increase for the value of tropical forests to climate and people

∝ Development of fossil energies to provide solutions to climate change


Further to this new forest group’s demand, CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum is asking the following sub-questions deriving from the above-mentioned main question:

What is the weight of the tropical forest economy in the global economy given these three biggest rainforest nations hold 52% of the world’s tropical forests?

Is the triple alliance between the world’s three biggest forest countries with vast forests a genuine leadership/partnership or a protest drive?

To what extent can this newly formed group be a true leader that can shape the climate action and security?

Can this forest cartel fix or influence the price of forest global products like other cartels (like the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) do?

How can the trilateral alliance use its forest comparative advantage to improve its competitive advantage to provide poverty reduction and a genuine climate security that the world needs?

The above is the last debate of 2022 for CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum.  You can enter this debate on forest cartelisation by contacting CENFACS on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


Soutenir les nobles causes de CENFACS via vos achats festifs

Les fêtes de fin d’année sont l’occasion de faire quelque chose contre la pauvreté.

Chaque occasion ou chaque saison est une opportunité de faire quelque chose contre la pauvreté et les difficultés.  Les fêtes de fin d’année, qui sont un temps idéal pour partager des moments précieux avec vos proches, est aussi une période pour répandre un peu plus de ce bonheur à ceux /celles qui n’en ont pas.

Nous comprenons que de nombreuses personnes, y compris nos sympathisant(e)s, continuent de souffrir sérieusement de la crise du coût de la vie.  Cependant, pour les personnes qui vivent déjà dans la pauvreté, ces effets sont même intolérables et insupportables pour elles.  Il y a une raison de les soutenir pendant cette période des fêtes.

Pour les soutenir, il existe plusieurs types de dons en espèces sans contrepartie directe lors de vos achats que vous pouvez utiliser.  Dans le cadre de notre demande de soutenir les nobles causes de CENFACS via vos achats festifs, on peut envisager les deux types suivants:

a) Dons qui ne sont pas une transmission directe en espèces  lors de votre visite à la boutique en ligne de la charité CENFACS

b) Dons qui ne sont pas une transmission directe en espèces  via des achats dans d’autres magasins / boutiques.

En gros, vous pouvez faire un don indirectement lorsque vous magasinez sur la boutique en ligne du CENFACS et dans d’autres magasins.

Pour faire un don indirect au CENFACS via la boutique en ligne du CENFACS, rendez-vous sur:

Pour faire un don indirect au CENFACS via votre activité d’achat à d’autres magasins / boutiques, veuillez vérifier ou leur demander s’ils ont un programme qui soutient les organisations caritatives.  Parfois, ils peuvent vous le proposer eux-mêmes.

Merci d’avance d’envisager de soutenir les nobles causes de CENFACS pendant la période des fêtes de fin d’année.



Main Development


Festive Shopping and Donations Needed!


Two items cover the contents of this Main Development, items which are:


∝ Festive season as an opportunity to do something against poverty

∝ No-direct cash donations as a result of your shopping.


Let us summarily look at them.


• • Festive season as an opportunity to do something against poverty


Every occasion or every season is an opportunity to do something against poverty and hardships.  The festive season, which is a great time to share precious moments with your loved ones, is also a period to spread a little extra of that happiness to those who do not have.

We understand that many people including our supporters continue to seriously suffer from the cost-of-living crisis.  However, for people who are already living in poverty, these effects are even intolerable and unbearable for them.  There is a reason to support them during this festive season.  One of the many ways of supporting them could be no-direct cash donations through your festive shopping. 


• • No-direct cash donations as a result of your shopping


CENFACS needs donations from your festive shopping, in particular we need no-direct cash donations, to support those in need.  Some shoppers who could donate no-direct cash may not understand what it means.  This is why it is better we explain the following:


∝ What do we mean by no-direct cash donations?

∝ Types of no-direct cash donations we are talking about and asking for.


• • • Brief explanation of no-direct cash donations


A no-direct cash donation is an amount given as a gift and which is not a direct transfer of cash, cheque, or a debit or credit card.  No-direct cash donations should not be confused with in-kind donations.  In the context of Festive Shopping, the donor gives money indirectly through their shopping activities.  If there is no shopping, there is no-direct cash donation linked to the shopping.

What are those types of donations that are the result of one’s shopping drive?


• • • Types of no-direct cash donations


There are two types of no-direct cash donations when shopping, which are:


a) No-direct cash donations when shopping at CENFACS Charity e-shop

b) No-direct cash donations via shopping at other shops/stores.


Let us look at each of them.


• • • • Indirectly donate when you shop at CENFACS e-shop at


• • • • • SHOPPING or DONATING GOODS at CENFACS Charity e-Store


You can give your unwanted and unneeded goods or pre-loved items to CENFACS’ Charity e-Store, the shop built to help relieve poverty, including poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis.  You can buy second hand goods and bargain priced new items and much more.

You can do something different this Festive Season by SHOPPING or DONATING GOODS at CENFACS Charity e-Store.  You can even make this e-store better.

You can DONATE or SHOP or do both:

√ DONATE unwanted pre-loved GOODS and PRODUCTS to CENFACS Charity e-Store during the festive period and beyond

√ SHOP at CENFACS Charity e-Store to support good and deserving causes of poverty relief during the festive period and beyond.

Your SHOPPING action and or GOODS DONATIONS will help to the Upkeep of the Nature and to reduce poverty, particularly poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis.

CENFACS Charity e-Shop is open for both online festive purchase and goods donations.

Please do not hesitate to donate goods or purchase what is available at CENFACS Charity e-Store.

Many ordinary people and families are struggling to make ends meet at this challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis.  Many of them do not know how they are going to make ends meet of the month; let alone how they will meet their festive expenses as prices and bills continue to rise.  They need help.  We need support as well to help them come out poverty and hardships caused by the lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.

Amongst the goods to donate, we are asking net-zero goods as well.


• • • • • Donation of NET-ZERO GOODS this Festive Season


You can donate carbon neutral or net zero greenhouse gas emissions goods to help reduce the adverse impacts of climate change and poverty, while creating an opportunity to save non-renewable natural resources.  This type of donation can boost the circular economy and improve the upkeep of the nature.

CENFACS’ Charity e-Store needs your support for Festive SHOPPING and DONATIONS.

To donate or purchase goods, please go to:


• • • • Indirectly donate when you shop with other stores/shops


You can help CENFACS raise funds through your festive shopping to other shops and stores, whether online or in-person.  You can do it via the following avenues:

Raise free funds for CENFACS with your online shopping

Choose CENFACS as a donation recipient of some of the profits raised from online shopping

Donate your unwanted and unused points and cashback to CENFACS as your chosen charity from your loyalty shopping rewards or good causes’ gift cards

∝ Pass to CENFACS no-direct cash won from shopping surveys; cash you do not require or want

Give away to CENFACS any vouchers received or earned from your shopping; vouchers you do not need or want

Hand out to CENFACS any proceeds from unwanted or unneeded prize draw or award from your shopping

Donate any unwanted excess points of your loyalty card from online shopping apps that may support good causes


You can use and or get informed about a variety of ways that many stores and shops offer to support charities through customers’ shopping, particularly during the festive period.  You can use them to support CENFACS‘ noble cause of poverty reduction via your shopping action without directly giving money.  CENFACS will acknowledge and thank you for your no-direct cash contributions to its mission and causes.

To sum up, you can both indirectly donate when you shop at CENFACS e-shop and with other stores/shops.

To indirectly donate to CENFACS through CENFACS’ e-shop, please go to:

To indirectly donate to CENFACS via your shopping activity to other shops and stores, please check or ask them if they have any scheme that support charities.  Sometimes, they may propose you it themselves at their counters.

Thank you for considering our ask for no-direct cash donations via your festive shopping activities.





(1) (accessed in November 2022)

(2) (accessed in November 2022)



• Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support until the end of 2022 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Data Insight and Analytics Skills

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

23 November 2022


Post No. 275




The Week’s Contents


• Data Skills to Run your Household; In Focus from Wednesday 23/11/2022: Data Insight and Analytics Skills

• 3-tier Security Support: The Three Tiers of Security Against Poverty

• 4-week Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investment in Africa


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Data Skills to Run your Household; In Focus from Wednesday 23/11/2022: Data Insight and Analytics Skills


Data Insight and Analytics Skills are the 3rd level of our presentation of skills to support households making our community to run their lives.  It is the level at which we try to analyse data or information to tell us what they mean for us and our households.

It is at this level that one can look into the amount of data generated via their everyday activity of meeting basic life sustaining needs of food, drink, shelter, heath, education, information, transport, etc.  Using their analytical knowledge and skills, they can identify any meaningful information and study the patterns and trends about this information.

To navigate these analytical skills, we have provided a basic understanding of them under the Main Development section of this post.



• 3-tier Security Support: The Three Tiers of Security Against Poverty


The Three Tiers of Security Against Poverty are one of CENFACS’ Starting XI Projects for this Autumn 2022.  Before informing you how CENFACS is going to work with community through this project, let us briefly explain it.


• • What is 3-tier Security Support?


This year, we have many crises.  Amongst these crises, we can single out three of them which could be the major ones for ordinary people and families, and which are: food, energy and financial crises.  These crises have knock-on effects on other areas of their lives as well as of the economy.

To reflect the impacts of these three crises on the security system of the community, we can argue about three levels or tiers of security which have been affected or jeopardised.  In other words, the CENFACS Community needs to get the three levels of security (that is, food, energy and finances) in order and under control if this community wants to continue to help reduce poverty and hardships within its members and sister communities.

In this respect, 3-tier Security (i.e., Food, Energy and Financial Security) or The Three Tiers of Security against Poverty are designed to provide users with freedom from the possibility of future energy, food and financial worries and stresses.  

3-tier Security is at the same time a support and resource that helps provide freedom from vulnerability and exposure to energy, food and financial poverty.  The initiative takes stock of the work we have done so far with users on energy, food and financial security.

It is about having in the same envelope the three security projects which are: Energy Security Project, Food Security Project and Financial Security Analysis Project.  In doing so, this amalgamation of the three projects will help to better work with the community to fight the current and future crises.



• • Working with the community through 3-tier Security Support and Resource


Having the three levels and projects of security under one roof, it makes easier to work with the community as the following explanations about what we can achieve together through these projects shows.


a) Energy Security Project


With the Energy Security Project under the same roof with the two other security projects, we can work with the community by…


√ Helping to assess the energy security needs of energy insecure and poor

√ Exploring and identifying energy security options available for them

√ Developing energy safety net and protection they need against energy precariousness



b) Food Security Project


With the Food Security Project under the same roof with the two other security projects, we can work with the community by…


√ Addressing the level of insecurity and threat posed by food insecurity

√ Supporting food insecure people so that they can progressively navigate their way towards food availability, access, utilisation and stability

√ Helping to level up those who are looking for sustainable solutions to food crisis

√ Assisting them to avoid food poverty



c) Financial Security Analysis Project


With the Financial Security Analysis Project under the same roof with the two other security projects, we can work with the community by…


√ Helping financial insecure people to progressively navigate towards financial security

√ Conducting an express analysis of the financial security of their households from their data

√ Supporting those who are looking for sustainable solutions to financial crisis they are facing to level up




d) Relationships between food, energy and financial security


As one can notice these three levels of security are linked.   

For example, having financial security can guarantee access to food and energy security.  Enjoying food security could lead to financial and energy security.  Securing energy can provide the power to build financial and food security.

So, working with the community through 3-tier Security Support and Resource means two things as shown below.

d.1) 3-tier Security as Support is about establishing these links between the three levels of security for a particular household making our community.  However, establishing these links is not a goal as such.  The goal here is to simultaneously reduce or end food, energy and financial insecurity.

d.2) 3-tier Security as Resource, it means finding the necessary resources and tools in terms of information, documentation or materials, guidance and leads to share with these households and enable them to resolve the issues of food, energy and financial insecurity they are experiencing.

For those members of our community who would like to work with us on these three levels or projects of security, they can contact CENFACS with their security needs. 

For those who would like to enquire about the 3-tier Security Support and Resource, they are free to enquire to CENFACS.



• 4-week Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investment in Africa


As part of CENFACSGuidance for Investing in African Not-for-profit Organisations and Causes in Africa, we are running a programme to support not-for-profit investors in Africa.

If you want advice, help and support for investing in not-for-profit organisations and causes in Africa; CENFACS can work with you under its 4-week Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investors in Africa, starting from 21 November 2022.

The programme is designed to work with those who would like to invest in the not-for-profit organisations and causes in 2023.  The following is our plan of action/work for the programme.


The guidance is FREE.  However, CENFACS does not mind a voluntary donation from programme users.

The guidance is a great way to realise your dream or ambition as a not-for-profit investor in Africa, to enter and start 2023.

Need to apply for the programme, please contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


∝ Appeal to End Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts in Africa

∝ 2022 All Year-round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives): Play, Run and Vote for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development

∝ Climate Talks Follow-up project: What can we take away from COP27?



• Appeal to End Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts in Africa


Our Appeal to End Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts in Africa has entered the last phase of its campaign before the Global Giving Tuesday on 29 November 2022. 

CENFACS would like to inform those who are not aware about some of the key figures and facts relating to sexual violence in armed conflicts in Africa and appeal to them to ACT NOW

For those who know them, we would like to appeal to them to ACT as well.

What is known about sexual violence in armed conflicts in Africa?

The Amnesty International Limited (1) quotes the United Nations by arguing the following:

“Between January and September [2022], at least 1,100 women were raped in North Kivu and Ituri [Democratic Republic of Congo] as a result of conflict-related sexual violence (p. 146)

In Central African Republic, 6 girls aged between 14 and 16 were drugged and raped daily by members of the rebel group Return, Reclamation and Rehabilitation at a base in the Nana Mambere area in January [2022] … According to MINUSCA, between January and June [2022], 131 Cases of conflict-related sexual violence, including 115 rapes, 12 attempted rapes, 1 case of sexual slavery and 3 forced marriages, were documented (p. 119)

In Tigray, sexual and gender-based violence by troops fighting included gang rape used against women and girls as a weapon of war in the conflict (p. 164)

In South Sudan, state security forces and non-state armed actors committed at least 63 incidents of sexual violence in conflict, affecting 89 women, girls and men, aged between two and 50, including rape, gang rape and forced nudity (p. 339)”.

By looking at the above-mentioned figures and facts, there is a need for support to the victims-survivors of these atrocities.

You can help end the weaponization of sexual violence as a tactic of war in Africa.

You can assist in STOPPING SEXUAL VIOLENCE TO WOMEN, GIRLS AND MEN in armed conflicts in Africa.

Please donate £10 to restore and save broken lives as a result of armed conflicts in Africa.

Please don’t wait until the 29th of November 2022 to donate.  CENFACS‘ door is already open for donations.  You can donate NOW!

To discuss or enquire about this appeal, please contact CENFACS.

Thank you!



• 2022 All Year-round Projects (Triple Value Initiatives): Play, Run and Vote for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development


CENFACS’ Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-round Projects) have only one month to go.

The 2022 Edition of All Year-round Projects will be closed on 23 December 2022.  You can still playrun and vote to reduce poverty before this verdict day.

CENFACS hopes that those who have been using these projects have managed to carry out any of these three activities:

a) Run or Organise a Run Activity to Reduce Poverty in 2022 

b) Play the CENFACS League for Poverty Relief

c) Vote their 2022 African Poverty Relief Manager.

If they have, we would like to hear from them the following three bests or stars of the year 2022:

√ The Best African Countries of 2022 which would have best reduced poverty

√ The Best African Global Games Runners of 2022

√ The Best African Development Managers of 2022.

The deadline to tell us your bests or stars is 23 December 2022.

Please remember, don’t miss this verdict day or closing date.

To tell us your results or to enquire about these projects, please contact CENFACS.




• Climate Talks Follow-up project: What can we take away from COP27?


After following COP27, let us consider what was agreed, how it affects our key demand of protection and stake for children, and what will be the next step for Climate Talks Follow-up project.


• • What was agreed at COP27 that may affect CENFACS’ work and users?


It is encouraging to learn that the following outcomes were achieved:

Agreement to provide “loss and damage” funding to climate-vulnerable developing countries hit hard by climate disasters

Promotion of renewables and “low-emission” energy

Setting up of a work programme to urgently scale up mitigation ambition and implementation

Agreement on just and equitable transition based on national development priorities and inclusion of social protection and solidarity measures

Scaling up of the provision of climate finance to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate

Setting up a new collective climate finance goal for 2025 that will take into account the needs and priorities of developing countries

Taking a renewed global action on nature, although threats to the nature will be debated at COP15, the United Nations Biodiversity Summit in December 2022.

The above outcomes or initiatives will affect people with whom we work as well as our work on poverty reduction and sustainable development.  However, are these outcomes and other ones deriving from COP27 enough to meet our demand for the climate stake and protection for children and generations to come?  We are not sure.

The good news is that UNICEF (2) has created ‘a new climate financing initiative to enhance countries’ climate resilience and disaster preparedness for children and youth as well as bolster protection for children from the impacts of future climate-related disasters’.


• • Have COP27 results met our key demand of protection and stake for children?


Despite what was agreed at COP27, it is worth noting the following:

There is still less money to pay for new technology and infrastructure which children, especially those from poor nations, could benefit

There is little or less money in the forms of grants, loans and private investments to support efforts to adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects.  One can hope the above-mentioned new financial initiatives will help in these efforts

The failure to expand the ‘phase down’ text of unabated coal to include oil and gas could mean unchanged threats to children health, especially respiratory diseases

There is less support to switch to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower for children and future generations (for example, how do you expect coal-dependent energy poor families to switch to clean source of energy if they do not have the means to do it for themselves and their children?).

One can hope that when the United Nations will meet for COP28 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) in 2023, there will be another opportunity to raise ambitions, to look into those gaps and to provide ways forward.  In doing so, this will provide us a basis for clarity about climate protection and stake for children and generations to come.


• • What is the next step for our Climate Talks Follow-up project?


We are still at the implementation phase, which is Phase 3 of our Climate Talks Follow-up project.    The sub-phases or segments of the implementation phase for this project are exploration, installation, initial implementation, full implementation and expansion. 

At the moment, we have been dealing with the installation sub-phase (Phase 3.2).   As project planning is a backward and forward process, we shall deal with this phase and the previous one.

For any further details and to support 2022 Climate Talks Follow-up project, please contact CENFACS.




Message in French (Message en français)


L’édition 2022 de Projets ‘tout au long de l’année’ (ou Initiatives à triple valeur): Jouer, courir et voter pour la lutte contre la pauvreté et le développement durable

Les Initiatives à triple valeur (ou projets ‘tout au long de l’année’) n’ont plus qu’un mois à venir.

Bien que cette édition 2022 d’Initiatives à triple valeur sera fermée le 23 décembre 2022, vous pouvez toujours jouer, courir et voter pour réduire la pauvreté avant le jour du verdict ou date de clôture.

Le CENFACS peut espérer que ceux/celles qui ont utilisé ces projets ont réussi à mener à bien l’une de ces trois activités :

a) Courir ou organiser une activité de course pour réduire la pauvreté en 2022

b) Jouer à la Ligue CENFACS pour la lutte contre la pauvreté

c) Voter pour leur responsable de la lutte contre la pauvreté en Afrique 2022.

S’ils/elles l’ont fait, nous aimerions entendre d’eux/elles les trois meilleures ou stars suivantes de l’année 2022:

Les meilleurs pays africains de 2022 qui auraient le mieux réduit la pauvreté

Les meilleurs coureurs/ses africain(e)s des Jeux Coureurs de 2022

Les meilleurs gestionnaires du développement africain de 2022.

La date limite pour nous dire vos meilleurs ou étoiles est le 23 décembre 2022.

S’il vous plaît rappelez-vous, ne manquez pas ce jour de verdict.

Pour nous faire part de vos résultats ou pour vous renseigner sur ces projets, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Data Skills to Run your Household; In Focus from Wednesday 23/11/2022: Data Insight and Analytics Skills


The following contents will help to understand the kinds of data insight and analytics skills that a household may need:


∝ Key Concepts

∝ Data Insight Skills

∝ Data Analytics Skills

∝ How CENFACS Can Work with the Community Members on Data Insight and Analytics Skills to Run their Households.


Let us briefly explained each of these contents.


• • Key Concepts


There are four concepts that underpin the Data Insight and Analytics Skills to Run your Household: data, information, insight and analytics.


• • • Data, information and insight


Explanations about these three concepts cut across each other within the data literature.  Amongst these explanations is what Carolyn Sansom (3) argues about them, which is

“Data, which can be quantitative and qualitative, is raw, unorganised and unprocessed facts… Information – which can be in the form of graphs, reports and visualisations – is processed and organised data… Insight is analysed information”.

Like businesses, households use data, information and insight to run their lives.  Households making the CENFACS Community do the same.


• • • Analytics


There are many approaches to analytics.  In the context of these notes, we have selected an explanation from ‘’ (4) which is as follows:

“Analytics is the process of discovering, interpreting, and communicating significant patterns in data.  Quite simply, analytics helps us see insights and meaningful data that we might not otherwise detect”.

This kind of analytics will help household to better deliver a data user experience for their own wellbeing and wellness.  In this respect, each household can agree its own data analytical process.


• • Data Insight Skills


Before identifying the skills involved data insights, one may need to understand data insights.  Data insights refer to the deep understanding an individual or organisation gains from analysing information on a particular issue.  To add value on what we are saying, the website ‘’ (5) argues that

“Data insights are the knowledge gained through analysing data, generating conclusions from data that can benefit your business.  Data are the input.  Insights are the output”.

Many households do this sort of exercises to understand their lives without sometimes knowing they are carrying out data insights.  To better undertake data insights, it may require some skills.


• • • Skills to generate data insight


There are many data insight skills that a typical household running its life can consider, which are:

√ Digital skills

√ Comprehension skills on how the household operates

√ Collaborative skills

√ Skills to understand household ethics and value

√ Creative skills

√ Skills to interpret data

√ Home economics skills


The households making CENFACS Community would need some of these skills in order to successfully run their data insights.


• • Data Analytics Skills


To know the skills and capacities that can be used to conduct data analytics, one may need to understand data analytics.

The definition used in these notes about data analytics comes from ‘’ (6) which states that

“Data analytics converts raw data into actionable insights.  It includes a range of tools, techniques, and processes used to find trends and solve problems by using data”.

Although ‘’ (op. cit.) speaks about business processes, this definition can apply to households to a certain degree.  What data analytics does for businesses can do it for households as well.  Indeed, data analytics can shape household processes, improve decision-making within a household and foster household health and wellness.

Like most resources on the data analytics matter, ‘’ (op. cit.) distinguishes four types of data analysis, which are: descriptive analytics, diagnostics analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics.  From these types of data analytics, one can associated skills to them.


• • • Skills to conduct data analytics


We can relate skills to the above-mentioned four types of data analytics.  Members of any household making our community needs skills to conduct data analytics.  They need descriptive, diagnostics, predictive and prescriptive analytics skills.  What can they do with these skills?

Let us see what they can do with each of these skills.


a) Descriptive analytics skills


A household with descriptive analytics skills can say what their data look like by visualising them (their data) using for example pie charts, bar chart, line graphs, tables or generated narratives.


b) Diagnostics analytics skills


A household possessing diagnostics analytics skills can conduct a detailed data analytics process to identify problems and understand why something happened.  For example, over holidays (like Christmas) household members can deep-dive into their data to understand what is telling them in terms of the cost-of-living crisis.


c) Predictive analytics skills


A household having predictive analytics skills can use the history of their data to foretell, foresee, forecast and predict what could happen to its members.   For example, they can refer to the history of their income and expenses data in the last 12 months to forecast and predict what will be happen (or future trends) if they do not take the required step in order to deal with the cost-of-living crisis.


d) Prescriptive analytics skills


A household owning prescriptive analytics skills can advise its as a remedy by both predicting what is likely to happen and proposing an average response to counteract.  For example, if a household is predicting that economic recession will be unavoidable, it can plan a matching response or remedial action to protect itself from the coming economic recession.

So, by using the patterns and other meaningful information gathered from the analysis of data, households can describe, diagnose, predict and prescribe what could happen to them if they do not take serious and meaningful steps to resolve the issues they are facing or may face.

However, not all households making our community have the required skills and competences to carry out this sort of data analytics exercise or activity.  For those lacking skills or capacities or simply struggling to conduct this type of analysis or analytics, they should not feel abandoned.  CENFACS can work with them on this matter.


• • How CENFACS Can Work with the Community Members on Data Insight and Analytics Skills to Run their Households


CENFACS can work with those who need help and support regarding their data so that they can effectively and efficiently run their households.  We can work with them on data insight and analytics matters so that they can be in a position to better understand data that run their lives.  We can conduct with them basic data insights and analytics using the tools of poverty reduction we have in our box.

Where our capacity is limited in comparison to their demand or specific needs, we can signpost or refer them to relevant data insight and analytics services or organisations that are available on the market and can be accessible to them.

For those members of our community who will be interested in Data Insight and Analytics Skills to Run their Household, they can contact CENFACS.  CENFACS can work with them to enhance their Data Insight and Analytics Skills to Run their Household.

So, Data Insight and Analytics Skills are the last episode of our 4-week series of presentation of Data Skills to Run your Household.  To conclude our serial presentation, we are going to conduct Monitoring and Evaluation of Data Skills to Run your Household next week.

To get further insight into Skills Development Month, please contact CENFACS.  

If one is particularly interested in a particular skill or has something to share about the skills we developed during our serial presentation, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





(1) Amnesty International Limited (2022), Amnesty International Report 2021/22: The State of the World’s Human Rights, London, UK (

(2) (accessed in November 2022)

(3) Carolyn Sansom at (accessed in November 2022)

(4) (accessed in November 2022)

(5) (accessed in November 2022)

(6) (accessed in November 2022)



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One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

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