Protection and Security against Geo-economic Risks and Crises

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

19 April 2023


Post No. 296



The Week’s Contents


• Coming Next Week’s Thursday 27/04/2023: The 13th Edition of CENFACS Reflection Day with a Focus on Protection and Security for Women and Children against Geo-economic Risks and Crises

• Protection Key Note 3 for Week Beginning 17/04/2023: Income Protection by Way of Employers

• Protection of Endangered Fish in Africa: The Case of Small Pelagic in West Africa 


…And much more!


Key Messages


• Coming Next Week’s Thursday 27/04/2023: The 13th Edition of CENFACS Reflection Day with a Focus on Protection and Security for Women and Children against Geo-economic Risks and Crises


On our Reflection Day, we will reflect on the risks and crises linked to interstate economic confrontations and rivalries in recent years and how they could lead to geo-economic warfare.  These rivalries, if they escalate, can pose concern about protection and security vulnerabilities for many people, especially but not exclusively for women and children living in poverty.

Our Reflection Day will try to look at ways of protecting and securing women and children from increasing geo-economic clashes and the proliferation of instruments of new geo-economic weaponization in the new protection and security contexts.

Additionally, we shall reflect on the effects of the geo-economic conflicts on our network and system of protection in the process of building forward better together greener, cleaner and safer.

More on the Reflection Day (including how to effectively engage with it) has been explained under the Main Development section of this post.



• Protection Key Note 3 for Week Beginning 17/04/2023: Income Protection by Way of Employers


This 3rd key note will be developed around the following items:


∝ What is Income Protection by Employers?

∝ Income Protection by Employers and In-work Poverty

∝ CENFACS’ Financial Guidance on Employee Benefits Provision.


Let us briefly explain these items.


• • What is Income Protection by Employers? 


This is the kind of income protection cover offered by employers looking to protect their employees.  Generally, employers do it via insurance companies which provide employee benefits in the form of health, wellbeing and financial protection for those working for these employers.  To illustrate this, let us take the example of Unum Group (1) which is one of the employee benefits providers.    Unum Group states that

“Income protection can be used by employers as an employee benefit, to provide continued income for sick and incapacitated employees, helping to relieve money worries at a difficult time.  Having this valuable benefit in place can help to attract as well as retain employees”.

Normally, sensible employees and job seekers would want to choose employers who offer an attractive income protection or occupational sick-pay scheme.  Just like anybody else, the in-work poor would want employer’s occupational sick-pay scheme.


• • Income Protection by Employers and In-work Poverty


Income protection is what any worker wants.  Those workers in in-work poverty would want it even more since they cannot afford to build their income protection.  They would attempt to look for employers that offer employee benefits such as income protection.  Indeed, living in in-work poverty is what ‘’ (2) explains in the following terms:

“When a working person’s income, after housing costs, is less than 60% of the national average, they don’t earn enough to meet the cost of living – they are living in poverty”.

Likewise, ’’ (3) states

“In-work poverty occurs when a working household’s total net income is insufficient to meet their needs”.

Obviously, those living in in-work poverty would prefer employers that are willing to protect them from income wise by offering them some sort of insurance if they are stricken by sickness or incapacity.  So, being able to offer to in-work poor income protection could be a good bargaining point in the negotiation relating to job contracts.  Some of those in-work poor can find themselves employers offering the kind of income protection insurance they would like to get.  Others may find it difficult and may need guidance.


• • CENFACS’ Financial Guidance on Employee Benefits Provision


There is a number of ways that CENFACS can work with the members of its community to enhance their income protection by accessing or improving the way they are trying to access income protection sponsored by employers.  Amongst these ways of working with the members of our community to enhance their protection includes financial guidance.

Under this provision of financial guidance, we can support our members in the following ways:


~ Provide them with information about the various options available to them regarding employee benefit provision without specifically recommending them any particular option or employer

~ Signpost them for support to organisations dealing with income protection insurance run by employers

~ Refer them to voluntary organisations dealing with employment and employee income protection matters.


The above are just some of ways CENFACS could support the community regarding income protection benefit run by employers.  These support services or products make up our financial guidance service in income protection by way of employers.

Those who need help and support about financial guidance on income protection and/or for any of the matters listed above falling within our capacity, they can contact CENFACS.



• Protection of Endangered Fish in Africa: The Case of Small Pelagic in West Africa 


On 5 April 2023 when we presented our Plan for the Implementation of Protection for April 2023, we promised that we would consider other areas of protection, in particular the protection of flora and fauna.  As part of dealing with these other areas of protection, we are working on the protection of fish in Africa, particularly the case of small pelagic in West Africa.


• • The Case of Small Pelagic in West Africa


A number of advocacy and campaigning works (4) has been going on with regard to species of fish that are facing extinction in West Africa.   These initiatives are trying to address the problem of overfishing of small pelagic (like mackerel, sardines and mérous) in waters around Senegal, Gambia, Cameroon and Mauritania.

This case of overfishing raises three concerns which include the threats to existence of small pelagic living in these waters, the decrease of fish consumption for the populations of these concerned African countries and the rising price of fish in West Africa.  For example, it is understood that conservationists think that sardines are in danger of being wiped off the planet.

As we are in the month of protection, it is normal that we add our voice so that something can be done to protect small pelagic in this part of waters surrounding Africa.  It is possible to stop the overfishing off the West African coast and effects of intensive industrial fishing in West Africa.  Protecting fish in the waters of this region of Africa will help to preserve food security and sustenance while beating hunger in the region.

CENFACS supports the ongoing work relating to the protection of small Atlantic fish in West African waters conducted by other organisations working on this issue.  CENFACS welcome any efforts done to support small pelagic.

Those members of our community who are interested in advocating with us for the protection of small pelagic, they are welcome to get involved in this advocacy drive.  Those African organisations working on the stated countries and have the same concern like ours, they can share with us their experience and work on this matter of protecting small pelagic.

To share your work about the protection of small pelagic, please contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 9: Reviewing Your Play, Run and Vote Projects

• Triple Value Initiatives (TVIs)/All-year Round Projects (AYRPs) Journaling Activity: Write a Journal of Your TVI/AYRP Cycle

• Basic Financial Advice/Guidance/Information to Finance Your Holiday



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 9: Reviewing Your Play, Run and Vote Projects


You can start reviewing Your Play, Run and Vote Projects, while the monitoring of the same projects is still going on.  But, what are project reviews?


•  •  Basic Understanding of Project Reviews


Project reviews can be explained in many ways depending on any approaches taken.  Referring to the explanation of ‘’ (5),

“A project review is an evaluation of the current progress of a project at a specific point of the project (milestone)… A project review will provide you with a thorough knowledge of the current status of your project and if it is on track to meet your success criteria”.

There can be many or staggered reviews in a project depending on a project size, scope, scale, progress, complexity and resource availability.  These different reviews can include initial review, completion review, special review and follow-up review.  Also, to better review a project it is preferable to design a review process with guidelines, evidence and tools.



• • Example of Reviewing Your All-year Round Projects


Let us consider Voting your 2023 International Development and Poverty Reduction Manager.

In order to review your Vote Project, you will proceed with the following three review tasks:


a) Examine and audit your planned tasks, activities, procedures, events and other work about the project

b) Identify if the amount of work you put in your project responded to your Vote Project requirements

c) Work out additional resources to help you complete the project.


The above is a simple version of project reviews.  For those who would like to dive deeper into Reviewing their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Triple Value Initiatives (TVIs)/All-year Round Projects (AYRPs) Journaling Activity: Write a Journal of Your TVI/AYRP Cycle


You can write and reflect on what you are doing as TVI/AYRP user or beneficiary.  Journaling a TVI/AYRP (that is PlayRun and Vote) can have benefits.  To get those benefits, one needs to have a goal and plan activities/achievements.


• • Benefits of Journaling Your TVI/AYRP


The journal will help you to capture the moments of your TVI/AYRP via expressive writing and story.  It can have other benefits such as setting goals, tracking or measuring your progress on TVI/AYRP, recording and celebrating achievements and gaining both general and specific perspectives of your TVI/AYRP.  You can even show your style and express your feeling or character through your writing.  Another good thing of journaling your TVI/AYRP is that it makes things easy when it comes to report to CENFACS and others before the deadline of 23 December 2023.


• • Journaling Goal of TVI/AYRP


The goal is basically to explore and enrich one’s TVI/AYRP activity through creative writing.  This goal does not stop users of TVI/AYRP to have their own journaling goal.  Besides their journaling goal, they need to add what their journal can help achieve.


• • What One’s TVI/AYRP Journal Can Achieve


It can achieve many things including the following:


∝ Solve problems encountered in the cycle of your TVI/AYRP 

∝ Enhance one’s health and wellness via TVI/AYRP 

∝ Improve TVI/AYRP outcomes.


For those who are undertaking any of the TVIs/AYRPs and would like to write a journal about their activity, they can do it.  There are many online and print resources available on the matter.  Please select resources that are concise and have some links with your TVIs/AYRPs.

For those who would like to approach CENFACS for help and support to write a Journal of TVI/AYRP or to select appropriate resources, they are welcome to do so.



• Basic Financial Advice/Guidance/Information (AGI) to Finance Your Holiday


CENFACS can help and support you with basic financial AGI to finance your holiday.  Our basic financial AGI to finance your holiday includes the following:


√ Building a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound) holiday budget

√ Working with the members of our community to find ways of financing their holiday

√ Guiding them/you to find financial help for holidaying with peace of mind

√ Arranging for them/you to speak to specialists around funding holiday for vulnerable and needy people

√ Signposting them/you to organisations offering holiday funding service to those in need

√ Informing them/you about free activities and free trips during holiday (e.g., Summer holiday)

√ Referring them/you to the local authority if they/you have a need for a holiday arising from disabilities under the provision of holidays

√ Advocating to charities and voluntary organisations that can help around holiday matters such as paying for a holiday via financial support for holidays, finding the right holiday for families with a member with a chronic condition, and finding a break and or respite.



If you need helpful and supportive financial advice, information and guidance to finance your holiday, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


À venir la semaine prochaine jeudi 27/04/2023: La 13ème édition de la Journée de réflexion du CENFACS avec un accent sur la protection et la sécurité des femmes et des enfants contre les risques et les crises géo-économiques

Lors de notre Journée de réflexion, nous réfléchirons aux risques et aux crises liés aux confrontations et rivalités économiques interétatiques de ces dernières années et à la manière dont elles pourraient conduire à une guerre géo-économique.  Ces rivalités, si elles s’intensifient, peuvent susciter des inquiétudes quant aux vulnérabilités en matière de protection et de sécurité pour de nombreuses personnes, en particulier mais pas exclusivement pour les femmes et les enfants vivant dans la pauvreté.

Notre Journée de réflexion tentera d’examiner les moyens de protéger et de sécuriser les femmes et les enfants contre les affrontements géo-économiques croissants et la prolifération des instruments de nouvelle militarisation géo-économique dans les nouveaux contextes de protection et de sécurité.

En outre, nous réfléchirons aux effets des conflits géoéconomiques sur notre réseau et notre système de protection et de sécurité communautaire dans le processus de construction ensemble d’un avenir meilleur, plus vert, plus propre et plus sûr.

Pour soutenir ou participer à la Journée de réflexion sur la protection des femmes et des enfants, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Coming Next Week’s Thursday 27/04/2023: The 13th Edition of CENFACS Reflection Day with a Focus on Protection and Security for Women and Children against Geo-economic Risks and Crises


The following notes give a glimpse of the 13th Edition of CENFACS Reflection Day.  They also help to plan ahead for those who may be interested in the Reflection Day.  The notes are organised around two items:


∝ What is CENFACS’ Reflection Day?

∝  The 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day.


Let us briefly explain each of these items.


• • What is CENFACS’ Reflection Day?


CENFACS’ Reflection Day is a day to acknowledge the conditions of women and children in need, to reflect on attitudes and what can be done to improve the living conditions of women and children in need.

CENFACS’ Reflection Day is also a special eventful day to re-engage our mind set and spirit to deeply think about the fate of poor women and children, and engineer possible new solutions that can lift them out of poverty and hardships they are facing.  At this time of the world in multiple crises and risks, they may be facing poverty induced by these crises and risks.  One of these crises and risks is geo-economic confrontation.


• • The 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day 


The following points will assist in clarifying the 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day:


∝ What is the 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day? 

∝ What Will Happen during the 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day?

∝ How the 13th Edition of Our Reflection Day Will Be Run

∝ What Areas of Thoughts Our Reflection Day Will Touch upon.


The above-mentioned points are explained below.


• • • What is the 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day? 


The 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day is a continuity of the theme about self-protection by women and children and/or protection of women and children by others against future risks or crises or polycrises (like food, fuel and cost crises).  In this case, the risk or crisis is geo-economic confrontation.

The 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day is a day to think of the struggle these women and children have in face of geo-economic risk of confrontation.  Before going any further, let us try to understand geo-economic risk.


• • • • Understanding geo-economic risk


To comprehend geo-economic risk, we are going to recall what the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (6) states in one of its papers, which is

“Geo-economic risk denotes the risks associated with economics being used by states for power political objectives.  This not only affects US and Chinese companies, but reverberates throughout the networked global economy”.

To this basic understanding of geo-economic risk, we can add what Daniela Schwarzer (7) explains about geo-economics which is:

“What is at stake is securing influence outside of one’s own territory by using geo-economic instruments to reinforce one’s own power position.  To this end, governments are attempted to control data streams, financial and energy flows, and trade in industrial goods and other technologies”.

Taking the same line of reasoning, the World Economic Forum (8) recognises that

“Economic warfare is becoming a norm, with increasing clashes between global powers and state intervention in markets over the next two years”. (p. 7)

From the survey conducted by the same World Economic Forum, geo-economic confrontation is ranked third amongst the global risks ranked by severity over the short term; that is over a 2-year period.

Given this understanding of geo-economic risks and what is said about the geo-economic nature of globalisation, there could be a need to protect or think ways of protecting people, especially but not exclusively women and children in need, against any emerging damaging effects (such as risks of distrust and decoupling) from the intensive geo-economic weaponization.  Put it simply, a geo-economic risk or crisis can also affect the security of women and children in need.  One can think of how the interstate conflict or geo-military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine has harmful economic ramifications in the world to even reach and threaten economic security in Africa.  In this respect, our Reflection Day is also a day of economic security.


• • • •  What is economic security?


Economic security here has to be interpreted like what the International Committee of the Red Cross (9) argues about it as

“The ability of individuals, households or communities to cover their essential needs sustainably and with dignity.  This can vary according to an individual’s physical needs, the environment and prevailing cultural standards.  Food, basic shelter, clothing and hygiene qualify as essential need, as does the related expenditure; the essential assets needed to earn a living and the costs associated with health care and education also qualify”.

In our Reflection Day, we shall think of how the intensive use of geo-economic instruments in power competition can affect economic security of those in need, particularly but not exclusively women and children in need.


• • • What Will Happen during the 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day?


During the 13th Edition of CENFACS’ Reflection Day, we will reflect on what can be done to improve the living conditions of women and children in the contexts of increasing clashes between global powers and state intervention in markets over the next two years.

The day is also about finding solutions to economic insecurity through inspirations, new thoughts and ideas to mitigate harmful consequences of geo-economic weaponization.


• • • How the 13th Edition of Our Reflection Day Will Be Run


This year, the 13th Edition of our Reflection Day will be run in hybrid fashion (that; it will be organised  in-person and virtual).

There will be a physical gathering for those who want it.  There will also be a virtual reflection.  In the case of virtual reflection, every participant will be reflecting from the location which is suitable for them (that is, like a virtual reality or remotely).


• • • What Areas of Thoughts Our Reflection Day Will Touch upon


During our reflection, we will try to think of following matters:


√ Effects of defensive economic policies on the welfare and wellbeing of women and children

√ Ways of building and improving self-sufficiency from geo-economic threats

√ Security vulnerabilities posed by economic interdependency to poor women and children 

√ Impacts of inefficient production and rising prices on women and children as a result of geo-economic warfare 

√ Ways of developing defensive geo-economic capabilities for women and children

√ Effects of geo-economic measures (like unilateral enforcement of trade tariff obligations, the stoppage of the dissemination of strategic knowledge, etc.) on educational and training opportunities for women and children of victimised countries

√ Learning lessons and development experiences about multi-domain conflicts and asymmetric economic welfare in terms of their effects on women and children in need



The above is the main menu of our Reflection Day.  Besides this main menu, we shall have a side menu which is Reflection on the Effects of Geo-economic Confrontation on our Network for Protection and Community Security in the process of building forward better together greener, cleaner and safer.

To support or join the Reflection Day on the Protection of Women and Children, please contact CENFACS.

After the References section of this post, we have appended a timeline about CENFACS’ Reflection Day for your information.





(1) (Accessed in April 2023)

(2) (Accessed in April 2023)

(3) (Accessed in April 2023)

(4) (Accessed in April 2023)

(5) (Accessed in April 2023)

(6) (Accessed in April 2023)

(7) (Accessed in April 2023)

(8) (Accessed in April 2023)

(9) (Accessed in April 2023)





• • Reflection Day Timeline


The Reflection Day is a day of thoughts by bringing together the two pillars of our network and protection programme, which are 3W and PPS.  Although they started in 2003, we only introduced a Reflection Day (RD) in them in 2011.

In 2016, we amalgamated 3W and PPS to become Women and Children projects as we noticed in some situations it was difficult to separate women’s and children’s needs.  Where their needs are separable or differentiated one to the other, we run either of the two brands (that is 3W and PPS) individually.  This is why these two brands of our network and protection are still alive despite their amalgamation.

The Reflection Day is a day of introspection to think in depth the ways forward for our systems of support network and protection for poverty relief and sustainable development in face of the current, new and emerging challenges ahead as well as the ever changing development landscape.

Since its inception, the following is the timeline of 3W and PPS

2011: Making Networking and Protection Even Better in 2011

2012: Raising Standards in Poverty Reduction for Improving Lives

2013: Place of Women and Children in the Post-2015 Development World (Part I)

2014: Women and Children in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (Part II) – A Stock Taking Reflection Event

2015: Doing Business to Lift Women and Children out of Poverty

2016: Improving Digital Protection for the Extremely Digitally Poor Women and Children

2017: Reducing Information and Communication Poverty for Multi-dimensionally Poor Women and Children

2018: Making Transitional Economy Work for Poor Families

2019: Protection of Women and Children in War-torn Zones and Natural Disaster-stricken Areas

2020: Protection of Women and Children in Times of Health or Sanitary Crisis like Covid-19

2021: Ring-fencing Protection for Women and Children to Become More Resilient and Vigilant in face of Future Risks and Crises

2022: Protection for Women and Children from Energy Crisis

For your information,

3W & PPS = Support Network and Protection for Poverty Relief and Development

Women and Children projects = amalgamation of 3W and PPS in 2016

3W (What Women Want) = a CENFACS support network scheme to enhance the lives of multi-dimensional deprived women and families

PPS (Peace, Protection & Sustainability) = a CENFACS child and environmental protection programme to support multi-dimensional vulnerable children, young people and families

KNA (Keep the Net Alive) = a motto that helps to keep our networking for protection running.

For more information on 3W and PPS or Women and Children projects, please contact CENFACS.



Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


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Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Finance for Holiday

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

12 April 2023


Post No. 295


The Week’s Contents


• Holiday with Relief – In Focus for Spring 2023 Issue: Finance for Holiday

• Protection Month – In Discussion for Week Beginning Monday 10/04/2023: Income Protection from Statutory Bodies

• Goal of the Month: Reduction of Poverty as a Lack of Income Protection


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Holiday with Relief – In Focus for Spring 2023 Issue: Finance for Holiday


The Spring 2023 Issue our ICDP (individual Capacity Development Programme) Resource entitled as ‘Holiday with Relief’ is out now.  This Issue is an ultimate guide to fund and survive the Holiday Spending Season while contributing to avoiding financial stress during holiday.

This year, ‘Holiday with Relief’ provides wealthy advice, tips and hints linked to finance for holiday.  Within this wealth of information contained in this Issue, there are tips and hints that can be used to deal with holiday poverty.

These tips and hints are meant to support those of our users and non-users who may experience some difficulties in raising the finance they need in order to cover their holiday budget (that is; Easter holiday budget, work or school holiday budget and long Summer holiday budget).

This resource is packed with Spring-relieving ideas about how to reduce holiday poverty.  Although we are already in Easter holiday, the resource is still relevant for the rest of Easter holiday and can be used as a reference for future holidays.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided the content summaries about the key advice, tips and hints provided.  To enquire about the full 2023 Issue of Holiday with Relief, please contact CENFACS.



• Protection Month – In Discussion for Week Beginning Monday 10/04/2023: Income Protection from Statutory Bodies


Normally, statutory bodies like the Government provide protection to their people as part of their regal duty.  This protection is what is stated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (1), which is:

“Protection encompasses all activities aimed at ensuring full respect for the rights of the individual in accordance with human rights law, international humanitarian law (which applies in situations of armed conflict) and refugee law”.

Statutory bodies can also provide income protection to those who are eligible according to the criteria or terms and conditions determined by themselves.  Under the entitlement or means-tested criteria, the UK Government (as well as devolved government and local authorities in the UK) can provide income protection to those who need it.  This income protection benefit can includes statutory sick pay or benefits for people who are sick or disabled.  What kinds of income protection these people can ask for?

We are going to answer this question through the following items:


a) Types of income protection for benefit claimants

b) Practices and experiences of income protection creation ad innovation

c) Working with the community on Income Protection provided by Statutory Bodies.


Let us summarise each of these items.


• • Types of circumstances leading to income protection benefit claims


On the website of ‘’ (2), it states that income protection seekers can claim benefits in the following circumstances:


~ If they have difficulty with everyday tasks or getting around

~ If they can’t work because they’re sick or disabled

~ If they are on a low income or they have no income.


• • Types of income protection benefits to claim


To the above-mentioned types of circumstances are related certain types of benefit.

If you have difficulty with everyday tasks or getting around, you can for example claim Personal Independence Payment if you are 16 or over and haven’t reached State Pension age.

If you can’t work because you are sick or disabled, you can for example apply for Employment and Support Allowance if your Statutory Sick Pay has ended.

If you are on a low income or you have no income, you can for example get Universal Credit.

Those in need of income protection can check the type of benefits relating to their circumstance at  For those who need help to check them, CENFACS can assist them.  Within each of these circumstances, there are types of income protection that people experiencing these circumstances can claim.  They can apply for the benefit related to their circumstance to Government income protection benefit agencies.  Beyond that income protection can be created and innovated.


• • Practices and experiences of income protection creation ad innovation


Like in the UK, there are many parts of the world that try to create and innovate income protection.  For example, in Europe there is a minimum income (3) which is ‘cash payments that help households who need it to bridge the gap to a certain income level to pay the bills and live a life in dignity’.  Likewise, there is what the World Bank (4) called universal basic income which is ‘a transfer that is provided universally, unconditionally, and in cash’.  Additionally, in some countries in Africa there have been direct dividend transfers of part of the money form the sale of oils, gas and minerals to the people, amongst them the poor ones.  Many of these transfers have been facilitated by the introduction of digital technologies to deliver fast and cheap income protection support.

Furthermore, during the coronavirus disaster many governments around the world including the UK Government created and innovated income protection by providing income protection to those who needed to cope with the enormous pressure and life-threatening impact of the disaster.  In Africa, governments put in place social and income protection and tax-benefit measures as well as cushioned against income losses to respond to the crisis.  Currently, the UK Government is subsiding the cost of energy for those households who cannot afford the soaring price of energy, as result of the cost-of-living crisis.

These examples and many more show that income protection can be created and innovated.  However, what is needed is long term solutions to income protection poverty.  Part of these solutions could be to research and innovate in terms of the links between income protection and inflation, between income protection and pensions, between income protection and minimum wage, etc.  In that process of searching for new solutions to income protection poverty, there is a need to work with the income protection poor people.


• • Working with the community on Income Protection Provided by Statutory Bodies


There is a number of ways that CENFACS can work with the members of its community to enhance their protection by accessing or improving the way they are trying to access income protection provided by the Government and or local authorities.  Amongst these ways of working with the members of our community to enhance their protection include the following:


√ Providing basic financial advice about the types of income protection benefit they can apply for and relating to their degree of eligibility 

√ Making income protection benefit enquiries on their behalf

√ Supporting them to make an application and apply online

√ Signposting them to specialists in income protection benefit 

√ Organising a drop-in sessions about income protection benefit

√ Running small and targeted income protection clinics for those in need

√ Helping them fill income protection benefit forms

√ Running a referral service on income protection matters for them

√ Advocating their income protection cases to services and organisations where they could be eligible

√ Keeping them informed, guided and updated about any changes in income protection benefit legislations

√ Translating and interpreting income protection benefit documents or materials

√ Motivating them to become independent from income protection benefit as a long term solution



The above are just some of ways CENFACS could support the community regarding income protection benefit matter.  Part of support services or products is the basic financial advice product/service we can offer in terms of income protection.

Those who need help and support about basic financial advice on income protection and/or for any of the matters listed above falling within our capacity, they can contact CENFACS.  Those who may enquiry for any other income protection issue that is not listed above, they can still check with CENFACS if there could be any help.



• Goal of the Month: Reduction of Poverty as a Lack of Income Protection


Each month, we set up a poverty reduction goal to meet.  For this month, our goal is to reduce poverty as a lack of income protection.


• • Poverty as a Lack of Income Protection


The lack of income protection can be seen as an expression of poverty.  Those who have no income or not enough income to shield themselves from danger or cover against loss of money or keep themselves safe, can be seen as being poor.  They are poor because they cannot organise their own protection, which is a basic life-sustaining goods for any human beings.  So, reducing this type of poverty is not simply an act of filling income gaps.  It is instead a matter of meeting a human fundamental need.  Meeting such need can help tackling inequality and vulnerability that could have been created or exacerbated by the lack of income protection.


• • Reduction of Poverty as a Lack of Income Protection


There are ways of reducing poverty as a lack of income protection.  In practical terms, it means working with income protection poor to access or acquire income protection insurance.  For those income protection poor who are eligible to benefit, help could mean for them accessing and having their benefit claims or applications processed, accepted and income benefits granted to them.   For those income protection poor in employment, support could be about bridging the gap in income protection insurance.  In all, it is about making sure that the income protection poor are fully insured like others.

So, the above is our goal for the month which we hope will be shared by our supporters and audiences.  We therefore expect our supporters and audiences to work on this goal of the month by supporting those who may be suffering from poverty expressed as a lack of income protection.

For further details on the Goal of the Month and its selection procedure including its support, please contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• Help CENFACS Fight Together with You Poverty Induced by the Cost-of-Living Crisis this Spring Season

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 8: Monitoring Your Play, Run and Vote Projects

• Spring Project of Building Forward Better from Reinforcing Shocks in Africa (SPBFBRSA)


• Help CENFACS Fight Together with You Poverty Induced by the Cost-of-Living Crisis this Spring Season


You can donate or pledge or make a gift aid declaration to help CENFACS’ in its Charitable Response to the Cost-of-Living Crisis (CRCLC).

CRCLC is supporters contribution via CENFACS to the current effort to fight the cost-of-living crisis.

Any of the donations, pledges and gifts given will help those adversely impacted by the cost-of-living crisis.

To support, just contact CENFACS by quoting or asking for the Charitable Response to the Cost-of-Living Crisis (CRCLC).

Thank you!



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 8: Monitoring Your Play, Run and Vote Projects


To count what is happening and happened to your Play, Run and Vote Projects, you need to monitor and track them.  Monitors or trackers will help you to do that.


• • What is monitoring your Play, Run and Vote Projects about?


It is the step during which you regularly observe and record the activities of your Play, Run and Vote Projects.  As part of this process, you will routinely and regularly collect information about the outcome of all aspects of your Play, Run and Vote Projects as the theory of monitoring suggests.  The monitoring exercise will help you to check your progress against your project plans.  You can plan specific dates for your project progression monitoring.  If your Play, Run and Vote Projects involve other participants; then you can ask them to tell you what they think about the projects.



• • Example of monitoring your All-year Round Projects


Let say you want to monitor your Run to Reduce Poverty in Africa.  To monitor it, you will need…


~ to cover all the activities making your Run

~ to find out what all the participants think about your project

~ to know who take part in the run, their number and the frequency of their participation

~ to find the met and unmet needs

~ to identify the problems you encounter in the process of running your project

~ to figure out the resources needed for the project and the costs of running it



You need as well to keep all the records about the project and ask for the comments from anyone who gets involved with your Run Project.  You can do it on an outcome-monitoring sheet for effectiveness in the way you are collecting and keeping record.  An outcome-monitoring sheet can include any skills, any improvement in motivation and aspirations, any boost in confidence and self-esteem, etc. that you or your participants have gained or increased as a result of your project.

You need to record changes and effects as they happen.  You can keep notes of any success and failure about your project, the numbers of people involved in it and the numbers of those who benefited.

Please remember to make sure that the records you are keeping and the notes you are taking will help you to decide who is your Runner of Poverty Reduction in Africa 2023.

For those who would like to dive deeper into Monitoring their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Spring Project of Building Forward Better from Reinforcing Shocks in Africa (SPBFBRSA)


SPBFBRSA is a way of working with the victims of a series of severe and mutually reinforcing shocks (like the lingering effects of the coronavirus disaster, the cost-of-living crisis, debt tightening, natural disasters, etc.) in Africa so that they can navigate their way towards the reduction or possibly end of the effects of these shocks on them.  It is also about Saving, Rebuilding and Sustaining Lives of the victims from these shocks, disasters and destructions in Africa.

SPBFBRSA is after all about adding value to other similar works and efforts which have been already undertaken so that the poorest people and victims of these shocks can start or continue the process of building forward and reclaiming their lives while Africa is still embattled against these shocks.

You can find more details about the Spring Project of Building Forward Better from the Reinforcing Shocks in Africa under the page support causes at

To support and get further information about this project, just contact CENFACS.


Message in French (Message en français)


• Plan d’action pour la mise en œuvre de la protection en avril 2023

Pour mettre en œuvre la protection en avril 2023, nous avons sélectionné quatre notes clés, qui sont données dans le tableau ci-dessous.

Ces notes seraient élaborées à compter de tous les lundis d’avril 2023, comme prévu ci-dessus.

Pour plus de détails sur ces notes, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Holiday with Relief –

In Focus for Spring 2023 Issue: Finance for Holiday


Wondering how to finance your holiday and/or have a debt free holiday?  You have come to the right place as the following contents, tips and hints highlight it:


∝ What is Holiday with Relief (HwR)?

∝ What is the Focus for this Year’s HwR?

∝ For Whom this Resource is Designed  

∝ Reduction of Holiday Poverty

∝ Holiday Plan and Budget

∝ Ways of Financing Your Holiday

∝ Needing Help and Support to Finance Your Holiday.


Let us summarise these contents.


• • Content Summaries, Tips and Hints about Spring 2023 Holiday with Relief


• • • What is Holiday with Relief?


Holiday with Relief (HwR) is an awareness, preparedness and solutions focussed Resource to Manage Information over holidays (e.g. Easter and Summer holidays).

As an Information ManagerHwR is a set of life-changing tips and tricks to help and enable vulnerably unaware people to plan and have their holiday or break with confidence in taking into account all aspects of life and by making sure that key areas of those life aspects are not adversely affected.


• • • What is the Focus for this Year’s HwR?


The focus for HwR for this year is on Finance for Holiday.  It is about providing a set of life-enhancing tips and hints to support those who are looking for  simple but practical advice to fund their holiday plan and budget without getting into a holiday debt which they cannot afford.



• • • For Whom this Resource is Designed


This resource is primarily designed for the CENFACS Community members and those related to them.

The resource also caters for the following:


√ Those who are looking for some basic ideas about how to build holiday fund

√ Those who are searching for holiday funding schemes and programmes

√ Those who are willing to create affordable holiday plan and budget

√ Those having a high sensitivity of budget share to their household income

√ Disabled people and their carers

√ Those looking to raise money for their holiday trips

√ Those wanting to fund their respite break as disabled persons and their carers

√ Anyone interested in funding for holiday.



• • • Reduction of Holiday Poverty


This Spring Season, we shall find ways of working with the members of our community who are likely to face holiday poverty because of various circumstances but in particular due to the lack of means to enjoy a decent holiday, whether they stay at home or are away from their home.  We hope that working together with them will help them avoid holiday poverty trap or to exacerbate it.

Through this wealth of information contained in the ‘Holiday with Relief’, we will try together to tackle holiday poverty or poverty linked to the lack of means to enjoy a decent holiday whether at home or away from home.



• • • Holiday Plan and Budget


The starting point to plan your holiday is to have a plan for your holiday and a budget for it.

Regarding your holiday plan, you need to include the following: where to go if not staying at home, when to go, how to go, who to go with, where to stay, what to do, what to eat, when to return, etc.

Concerning your holiday budget, the theory recommends to take inventory or stock of last year’s holiday accounts.  In practice, you will use your last year’s holiday expenses and divide them by 12 to obtain the monthly amount of saving or spending you need to budget for the next holiday.  However, you should bear in mind that there are economic factors (like changes in interest rate, exchange rate, the cost of living, the cost of holidaying, etc. ) you should include when working your numbers.  You budget will be adjusted for these factors.  You could as well use an online holiday budget calculator to do it for you.



• • • Ways of Financing Your Holiday


Financing any holiday for those on low income can be nightmare and sometimes unachievable dream.  However, for those of them who may have the right information and knowledge to finance their holiday according to their means and conditions of life, this dream can come true.  The right information and knowledge can stem from ways of financing holiday.

Here are the ways of financing your holiday:


√ Setting money aside (Putting savings towards your holiday goals)

(It is about knowing how much money you need to put aside to cover your next holiday.  The problem with this option is that poor people and families do not have money to set aside for holiday)

√ Finding extra money in your budget (for instance, by trimming expenses)

√ Employers’ holiday pay schemes

(For example, in the UK employment rules state that when an employee or worker takes holiday, they should get the same pay when they are on holiday as when they are at work – whichever their working pattern)

√ Finding cheapest holiday deals can help you save money

√ Crowdfunding by raising money from friends and family members

√ Applying for free school meals to fund your children food holiday

√ Attending free activities organised by local charities during holiday

√ Free trips for families funded by charities, local groups and churches

√ Free family day trips to a variety of destinations like zoos, farm parks, theme parks, the seaside or the theatre

√ Holiday loans which will not advise especially for income poor people and families as holiday loans may not be positive coping strategies for them to deal with holiday income poverty

√ Funding holiday as identified need by your local authority

√ A need for a holiday arising from disabilities under the provision of holidays

(i.e., local authorities can be under a duty to meet the need of a holiday by funding the cost of the holiday)

√ Holiday funding for disabled adults and their carers

(For example, there are organisations like that offer disability holiday funding support for respite and accessible holidays)


The above-mentioned options to fund your holiday can be used by those who need them.  The best thing to do is to check their eligibility and suitability criteria.  For those members of our community who may experience some difficulties in dealing with these ways of financing their holiday, CENFACS can work with them to identify the option that is suitable for them.  In this identification, we shall make sure that they find positive coping strategies to fund their holiday.



• • • Needing Help and Support to Finance Your Holiday


CENFACS can work with the members of its community to find ways of financing their holiday.  We can guide them/you to find financial help for holidaying.  We can arrange for them/you to speak to specialists around funding holiday for vulnerable people.  We can as well signpost them/you to organisations offering holiday funding service to those in need.

Additionally, there are charities and voluntary organisations that can help around holiday matters such as

paying for a holiday via financial support for holidays

finding the right holiday for families with a member with a chronic condition

finding a break and or respite.

Amongst these organisations are the Family Fund, Turn2Us, Happy Days Children’s Charity, Revitalise, etc.

We hope that the above content summaries will provide a succinct idea about this year’s Issue of Holiday with Relief.  For those users who would like to dive into Finance for Holiday, we can provide them with online and print resources (e.g., a list of organisations providing holidaying support for those in need) relating to Finance for Holiday.

To support Finance for Holiday and get the full Spring 2023 Issue of ICDP Resource (Holiday with Relief), please contact CENFACS.






(1) (Accessed in April 2023)

(2) (Accessed in April 2023)

(3) (Accessed in April 2023)

(4) (Accessed in April 2023)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Protection in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Income

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

05 April 2023


Post No. 294



The Week’s Contents


• Protection in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Income

• Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation (TCPSACI) with Installation Sub-phase (Phase 3.2) and the High Seas Treaty

• Activity/Task 4 of the ‘i‘ Project: Influence Protection


…And much more!



Key Messages


• Protection in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Income


This month, our protection work will focus on ways of finding and or enhancing the means, tools and policies to protect incomes and income poor households.  Many of income poor households have problem to meet their living expenses. They live at or below the extreme poverty line of $2.15 person per day (based on 2017 purchasing power parities) and or do not simply have earned income to be independent.  Adding to their lack of or very limited level of income, there has been a succession of crises (like climate crisis, the coronavirus disaster and the cost-of-living crisis) with cumulative adverse effects.   These crises together with their negative effects have made their income situation even worse in living memory.  It has been catastrophic for those who do have not solvable income to survive or those living at/below the extreme poverty line or those who always have income problem.  The majority of them have their purchasing power falling while the prices and bills for life-sustaining services and goods keep on climbing.

In this painful context of soaring prices and bills, there is a pressing and urgent need to protect falling real household disposable income.  Protecting falling real household disposable income is about taking actions to stop incomes falling.  This could mean either the income poor households do it by themselves (via self-protection) or someone else do it for them or even they partly do it and others partly do it for them.  These are the possible options for them.

The income protection options that we will be working on during this Month of Protection within CENFACS are the most commonly known about income protection for the poor households.  However, we shall not stop at these conventional options.  Throughout the month of April 2023, we are going to try to go beyond these generic or classic recipes of income protection to explore new and innovative ways of approaching income protection for the poor; ways that reflect the kinds of context or circumstances we have today and will be having tomorrow.  Today, we are in the context of skyrocketing prices and bills at a rate and pace that no income poor household can match or follow.  Tomorrow, there could be different types of challenges or crises with damaging effects on poor household income.

Both the generic or classical solutions to falling incomes and new approaches are highlighted in our April 2023 action plan to work with the income poor households to protect their falling purchasing power.  To find more about this action plan and what is likely to be the Month of Protection within CENFACS, please read under the Main Development section of this post.



• Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children at the Implementation (TCPSACI) with Installation Sub-phase (Phase 3.2) and the High Seas Treaty


Last month, we started the planning process of the 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up.  We informed you that the slogan for this 2023 follow-up would be: Dubai Raise Children’s Ambitions and Hopes. 

Consisted of the 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up is our plan to engage with the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1), which will be convened in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from 30 November to 12 December 2023.  This engagement or follow up will contribute to TCPSACI.

We hope that the coming Dubai climate gathering will raise climate ambitions and hopes for children.  Let us also expect that the voices of youth and future generations will resonate during COP28 as they were included in COP27, and youth-led solutions to climate change will find accommodation in COP28.

Besides the planning process of the 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up, we are reflecting on the High Seas Treaty.


• • What is the High Seas Treaty?


Last month, the United Nations (2) reached an historic agreement on protecting marine biodiversity in international waters.  This agreement on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (also known as BBNJ or the High Seas Treaty for others) is about ensuring the protection and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas of beyond national jurisdiction.  It is the ocean-related goals and targets linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  We are working on the contents of this agreement or treaty.


• • TCPSACI and the High Seas Treaty 


We are working on how the stoppage of the destructive trends facing ocean health can enhance climate protection and stake for children and generations to come.  In other words, we are looking at how a healthier, resilient and productive ocean can benefit the current and future generations since the ocean provides water, food, oxygen and climate regulation.

For those who are interested in this piece of work or are doing similar work and would like to talk to us about it, they are welcome to contact CENFACS.

For those who have any queries about the 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up and the Phase 3.2, they are free to get in touch with CENFACS.

To find out more about CENFACS’ Compendia of CENFACS’ Climate Advocacy, please also communicate with CENFACS.




• Activity/Task 4 of the ‘i‘ Project: Influence Protection


This month’s activity or task for the ‘i‘ project is to positively influence protection of the poor, the victims of war and natural disasters as well as the victims of other risks, shocks and crises.


• • What is positively influencing protection about?


It is about maximising the power that persons or factors have to affect target audiences (e.g., those looking for shelter, refuge, cover, safety, care, food, health, etc.) shielding from danger (like homelessness, hunger, insecurity, violence, natural calamity, health disaster, etc.).  This can be in local community matter and/or overseas humanitarian aid situation where the protection of the vulnerable, unprotected and events-stricken people and communities is highly regarded and demanded.


• • What one can do to create and or enhance protection of the poor


To create and or enhance protection of the poor, one needs to understand the contextual situation of those who need protection, identify the problems they are facing, find out who have the power to achieve change and explore the way of achieving change.

In this task, it is better to use evidence-based materials to positively influence those who have the power to protect the poor.  One can also use a simple and persuasive story and engage those who hold the key to the lack of or less protection of the poor, those who are in the position to do something about poverty.   One can use their experience to the real world policy influencing techniques or methods, conduct evidence-informed policy change, and utilise their alliances and networks so that those in need of protection can have it and navigate their way out of poverty linked to the lack of or less protection.

For those members of our community who would like to positively influence protection with us, and who would like to talk to us beforehand; they should not hesitate to contact us.

To contact CENFACS, please use the details provided on the contact-us page of this site.


Extra Messages


• Shop at CENFACS’ Zero Waste e-Store during Easter Giving Season

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 7: Implementing your Play, Run and Vote Projects

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses Protection for Women and Children in Africa



• Shop at CENFACS’ Zero Waste e-Store during Easter Giving Season


CENFACS e-Store is opened for your Easter goods donations and goods purchases.

At this time, many people have been affected by the cost of living crisis mostly driven by the hikes in prices of basic life-sustaining needs (e.g., energy, food, transport, housing, council tax, phone, etc.).

The impacted of the cost of living crisis needs help and support as prices and bills have astronomically gone up while real incomes are less for many of those living in poverty.

Every season or every month is an opportunity to do something against poverty and hardships.  This April too is a good and great month of the year to do it.

You can donate or recycle your unwanted and unneeded goods to CENFACS’ Charity e-Store, the zero waste shop built to help relieve poverty and hardships.

You can as well buy second hand goods and bargain priced new items and much more.

CENFACS’ Charity e-Store needs your support for SHOPPING and GOODS DONATIONS.

You can do something different this Season of Goods Donations by SHOPPING or DONATING GOODS at CENFACS Charity e-Store.

You can DONATE or SHOP or do both:

√ DONATE unwanted Easter GOODS, GIFTS and PRODUCTS to CENFACS Charity e-Store this April and Spring.

√ SHOP at CENFACS Charity e-Store to support good and deserving causes of poverty relief this April and Spring.

Your SHOPPING and or GOODS DONATIONS will help to the Upkeep of the Nature and to reduce poverty and hardships brought by the cost of living crisis.

This is what the Season of Giving is all about.

Please do not hesitate to donate goods or purchase what is available at CENFACS e-Store.

Many lives have been threatened and destroyed by the cost of living crisis. 

We need help to help them come out poverty and hardships caused by the cost of living crisis.

To donate or purchase goods, please go to:



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 7: Implementing your Play, Run and Vote Projects


After making the organisational structure of your chosen Play, Run and Vote Projects, it is now the time to proceed with the Implementation Step.


• • What is an Implementation Step?


There are many definitions within the literature about project implementation.  One of them comes from ‘’ (3) which states that

“Project implementation is a practice of executing or carrying out a project under a certain plan in order to complete this project and produce desired results”.

The above definition indicates that one needs an implementation plan.  As an all-year-round project implementor, you can draw up your implementation plan that shows the way you would like to execute and carry out your project.

Having said that Project Implementation is the step you put your project plan into action.  You want your all-year-round project to fulfil and accomplish the goals and objectives you have set up for it.  It is also the phase during which you can register, review and approve/reject any changes and variations.  As an all-year-round project manager of your project, you need to coordinate all project aspects and resources to meet the objectives of the project plan.  One of the aspects of the project implementation is change control.


• • What is Change Control in a Project implementation Process? 


Drawing from what ‘’ (4) states,

“It is a set of procedures that lets you make changes in an organised way”.

The same ‘’ explains this:

“If you find a problem,… you will need to look at how it affects the triple constraint (time, cost, scope) and how it impacts the project quality… If you evaluate the impact of the change and find it won’t have an impact on the project triple constraint, then you can make the change without going through change control”.



• • An Example of Implementing your All-year Round Projects


Let us take the example of Voting your 2023 International Development and Poverty Reduction Manager.

Your goal is to find a person who will meet the managerial qualities of such a position.  Amongst the objectives are the design of a job description and person specification that match with the profile of your ideal International Development and Poverty Reduction Manager of the Year.

In project implementation jargon, you will put approved plan into practice to proceed with the selection of your International Development and Poverty Reduction Manager of the Year.  He/she must meet your selection criteria.  If you are voting as a group, you could set up a selection panel or recruitment board like you will do it for real job interview.  You can start by shortlisting 12 candidates, cutting down your list to 6, then to 3 until you reach/vote the last one, who has scored the best and most results of your jury questions and responded to most criteria.

For those who would like to dive deeper into Implementing their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses Protection of and for Women and Children in Africa


How to avoid overlapping crises lead to the reversal of the hard-won gains made on protection and development for women and children in Africa


The first debate of the Month of Protection within CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum of Ideas and Actions will be about finding sustainable paths to preserve the hard-won gains on the road of protection of and for women and children in Africa.  Indeed, the overlapping crises (like the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, Russia-Ukraine conflict, the cost-of-living crisis, civil insecurity, etc.) have led to multiple adverse consequences across Africa.

Amongst the ripple effects are declining revenue for many States, rising debts, tightening of fiscal manoeuvre, worsening terms of trade, erosion of decades of development gains, increased poverty and economic hardships, in brief looming economic crisis.  These crises and damaging consequences are threatening, if not destroying, many of established lives and the hard-won achievements made such as poverty reduction, protection of women and children and so on.  They have reverberated in every aspect of life and resulted in increased inequalities and vulnerabilities in Africa.  As we all know quite often women and children are the ones who often bear the brunt of these types of crises and damaging consequences.

There could be ways of stopping or avoiding that crises hamper the hard-won gains made on protection of and for women and children in Africa.  In the first discussion of the CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum of Ideas and Actions, we shall carry out the following:

a) Explore ways of protecting and consolidating the achievements made in terms of protection of and for women and children in Africa

b) Think of ways of keeping protection for African women and children resilient and ring-fencing in face of the threats and risks from congruent effects of overlapping shocks that Africa is going through right now

c) Investigate the best way of growing protection beyond and despite the damaging consequences of these current overlapping and future shocks.

Those who may be interested in this discussion can join in and or contribute by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.

To engage with the CENFACS be.Africa Forum of Ideas and Actions and share what they know and think about protection of and for women and children in Africa in challenging times like now, please contact us by using our usual contact details on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Magasinez à la boutique en ligne Zéro déchet du CENFACS pendant la saison des dons de Pâques

La boutique en ligne du CENFACS est ouverte pour vos dons de produits de Pâques et vos achats de biens.

À l’heure actuelle, de nombreuses personnes ont été touchées par la crise du coût de la vie, principalement en raison de la hausse des prix des produits de première nécessité (énergie, nourriture, transport, logement, taxe d’habitation, téléphone, etc.).

Les impacté(e)s de la crise du coût de la vie ont besoin d’aide et de soutien, car les prix et les factures ont augmenté de façon astronomique alors que les revenus réels sont moindres pour beaucoup de ceux ou celles qui vivent dans la pauvreté.

Chaque saison ou chaque mois est l’occasion de faire quelque chose contre la pauvreté et les difficultés.  Ce mois d’avril aussi est un bon et excellent mois de l’année pour le faire.

Vous pouvez faire don ou recycler vos biens non désirés et inutiles à la boutique en ligne caritative du CENFACS, la boutique zéro déchet conçue pour aider à soulager la pauvreté et les difficultés.

Vous pouvez également acheter des biens d’occasion et des articles neufs à prix avantageux et bien plus encore.

La boutique en ligne caritative du CENFACS a besoin de votre soutien pour les ACHATS et les DONS MARCHANDISES.

Vous pouvez faire quelque chose de différent cette saison des dons de biens en MAGASINANT ou en DONNANT DES BIENS à la boutique en ligne de charité CENFACS.

Vous pouvez FAIRE UN DON ou ACHETER ou faire les deux:

DONNEZ des BIENS, CADEAUX et PRODUITS de Pâques indésirables à la boutique en ligne de la Charité CENFACS en avril et au printemps;

ACHETEZ à la boutique en ligne de charité CENFACS pour soutenir les bonnes et méritantes causes de lutte contre la pauvreté en avril et au printemps.

Vos ACHATS et/ou DONS DE BIENS aideront à l’entretien de la nature et à réduire la pauvreté et les difficultés causées par la crise du coût de la vie.

C’est ce qu’est la saison du don.

N’hésitez pas à faire un don ou à acheter ce qui est disponible sur la boutique en ligne du CENFACS.

De nombreuses vies ont été menacées et détruites par la crise du coût de la vie. 

Nous avons besoin d’aide pour les aider à sortir de la pauvreté et des difficultés causées par la crise du coût de la vie.

Pour faire un don ou acheter des biens, veuillez vous rendre à :



Main Development


Protection in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Income


The following items will help to approach Protection in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Income:


σ Basic Understanding of Real Household Disposable Income

σ Falls in Real Household Disposable Incomes

σ Income Protection

σ Identified Areas of Protection Work and Households to Work with in this April 2023

σ Action Plan for the Implementation of Protection this April 2023

σ Week Beginning Monday 03/04/2023: Income Protection through Savings 

σ Other Areas of Protection: e.g., Protection of Flora and Fauna.


Let us briefly explain each of the above items making Protection in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Income.


• • Basic Understanding of Real Household Disposable Income


Disposable income is defined by Christopher Pass et al. (5) as

“The amount of income which a person has available after paying INCOME TAX, NATIONAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS and PENSION contributions” (p. 181)

However, disposable income needs adjustment for inflation.  After being adjusted for inflation, disposable income becomes real.  The website ‘’ (6) explains that

“Real disposable income is the post tax and benefit income available to households after an adjustment has been made for price changes”.

In other words, changes in prices of goods and services can lead to the increase or fall in real household disposable incomes.  In the context of this post, we are dealing with fall in real household disposable incomes.



• • Falls in real household disposable incomes


In recent years, prices and bills keep on rising while real household disposable incomes have failed to match this rising trend.  That is to say, incomes are not fully index-linked to keep pace with inflation.

To highlight this fall, the website ‘’ (7) has revealed that

“The average British adult has £866 in disposable income a month in 2022, which is a reduction of £23 a month from 2020 (£889).  Total monthly living costs on average have reached £1,125 with the average rent price being £437 and the average essential spending costs at £688 a month”.

Likewise, the Resolution Foundation (8) found that

“2022 was a year of double-digit inflation that drove a 3.3 per cent – or £800 per household – hit to real disposable incomes, the biggest annual fall in Century”.

The same Resolution Foundation forecasted that

“Household income falls in 2023 will be 3.8 per cent or £880 per household as big as those seen in 2022”.

As a result, living standards are unchanged or getting worse.

According to the Office for National Statistics (9),

“Median household disposable income in the UK was £32, 300 in the financial year ending (FYE) 2022, a decrease of 0.6% from FYE 2021, based on estimates from the Office for Natural Statistics Household Finances Survey… Median disposable income for the poorest fifth of the population decreased by 3.8% to £14,500 in FYE 2022; reductions were also observed in main original income and cash benefits”.

Also, the Office for National Statistics (10) argues that

“The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH) rose by 9.2% in the 12 months to February 2023, up from 8.8% in January”.   This CPIH figure was released on 22 March.  The next release will be on 19 April 2023.  Yet, the consumer price inflation in the UK was 6.2% in March 2022.

Similarly, the figure released on 22 March 2023 by the Bank of England (11) for the current bank rate was 4.25%, whereas the bank rate was 0.75% in March 2022.

Moreover, The Food Foundation (12) states that

“The percentage of households with children who are experiencing food insecurity was 25.8% in September 2022”.

This percentage of households with food insecure children could be another way of perceiving the fall in real household disposable income.

In meantime, bills like council tax, rent, telephone, transport, etc. have also risen.  Although the energy price is capped at £2,500 on the average household energy bill, we are still waiting for the next policy announcement by the UK’s independent energy regulator, Ofgem, on 26 May 2023.

So, real disposable incomes for poor households have not risen to match the raising trends from bills and prices.  This is despite income support has been given to those who are eligible.  This mismatch between their real incomes and rising prices and bills can only lead to falling real household disposable incomes.

Falling real household disposable incomes can cause serious harms to households, especially to the poorest.  This is why protection is needed to protect their incomes.


• • Income Protection


The kind of protection we are talking about is of income.  What is income protection?  Income protection can be viewed from many perspectives (economic, climate finance, governmental, insurance, etc.).  Many of the definitions within the literature  have a common ground as they take the insurance view of income protection.  Amongst these definitions is the one provided by ‘’ (13) which states that

“Formerly known as permanent health insurance, income protection is an insurance policy that pays out if you’re unable to work because of injury or illness.  It is there to help you pay your household bills, mortgage payments, credit card and everyday costs that you can no longer cover”.

However, for income protection to be relevant it has to be index-linked.  Index-linked income protection is the one you add an index-link to the income protection.  In other words, income protection rises with a measure of inflation (such as the consumer prices index or the retail prices index), each year.  Adding an inflationary index-link will obviously increase the premium each year.

Yet, the kinds of households we are dealing with may or may not be able to buy income protection insurance since they cannot afford it.  If so, then what is income protection for them? How can we innovate in terms of income protection for the poor households?  Can income protection be conceived outside the framework of insurance policy?  The answers to these three questions will be provided as we move along our protection notes of the month.


• • Identified Areas of Protection Work and People to Work with in this April 2023


Following some basic research relating to income protection for the poor households, we have identified the following areas and households to work with.


• • • Identified areas of protection work


We have identified four areas of work on income protection which are as follows:


a) Income protection from savings made by households

b) Income protection from statutory bodies like the Government

c) Income protection provided by employers or employer-sponsored income protection plan

d) Income protection sold by insurance companies or organisations.

In the plan for the implementation of protection this April 2023, we will consider the above-stated areas of protection.


• • • Households to work with for April 2023 Protection


We will be working with the following households needing support to protect their real disposable income:


√ Households unable to purchase income protection insurance 

√ Those having savings but without income protection policy

√ Those looking for support to improve their  income protection policy

√ Those grappling with a reduced income and struggling with bills and prices

√  Those who need income protection to deal with the cost-of-living crisis

√  The severely impacted by inflation (both imported and domestic inflation)

√  Those with less or low real disposable income

√  Those having less flexibility in their household protection budget

√  The income poor households

√  Those extreme poor households or living at or below the extreme poverty line

√  The food and energy poor households

√  Households incapacitated by multi-crises 

√  The other poor and vulnerable households



Many of these households we have listed could fall under these categories:


~ those looking for a cover on sick pay

~ those searching for savings to protect themselves

~ those surviving on government benefit or support

~ those supported by families or relatives.


To better work with them, an action plan is needed.


• • Action Plan for the Implementation of Protection this April 2023


To implement protection this April 2023, we have selected four key notes, which are given in the table below.



These notes will be developed starting every Mondays of April 2023 as scheduled above.

Also, this plan of protection needs to be combined with the Preview of Projects and Programmes for Spring Relief 2023 (which we released on the 15th of March 2023 in our Post No. 291).

Besides these selected notes and areas of protection, we would like to keep on working on other areas that need particular attention too, like protection of flora and fauna.

Before summarising these other areas of protection, let us look at the first selected key note of our plan, which is Income Protection through Savings.



• • Week Beginning Monday 03/04/2023: Income Protection through Savings 


Households can use their savings (or a portion of their income that is not used for consumption or paying taxes) to protect them from any unexpected expenses, loss of job, sickness, retirement, etc.  In order to do that they need to create a savings plan that can match their protection plan.



• • • Savings plan


The website ‘’ (14) explains that

“A savings plan is useful if you want to establish an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses… It involves putting aside a portion of your income over a fixed period of time in order to reach a specific financial goal”.

To set up savings safety net by building an emergency fund, the theory on the matter states that your emergency fund needs to be equivalent to at least three months’ salary or essential outgoings available in an instant-access savings account.

You can use high-yield-savings account or money market account or savings bond or a certificate of deposit to create your savings.  The practice suggests to save money using easy-access accounts or fixed-term savings account.

However, setting money aside as savings or sinking funds on a regular basis could be harder even impossible for extremely poor households.  In other words, they cannot afford to buy savings plan.  But, having a financial plan or saving can help in the wake of an emergency or unpredictable time.  Likewise, having a protection plan could be life-saving.

Although it could be difficult or impossible for poor households to save money to take out income protection plan, there could be ways of working with them in order to explore ways of supporting them in case of emergency or unpredictability.


• • Ways in which CENFACS Can Work with the Community regarding Savings and Income Protection


There is a number of ways in which CENFACS can work with the community to boost their income protection to deal with the bad times.  These ways of working together include the following ones:


√ Setting up a basic protection plan

√ Building a simple realistic savings plan

√ Getting informed about the current and near-future opportunities to save money

√ Providing them with leads to savings for the poor

√ Advising them on the best possible options to create savings or to move in the direction of savings road

√ Explaining them the savings products and tools offered on the market (like high-yield-savings account, money market account, savings bond or certificate of deposit offered by some financial institutions and banks)

√ Recommending them digital solutions to their savings problems (e.g. online saving plan calculator) 

√ Working with them to restructure their accounts to create financial space for savings 

√ Adding an inflationary index-link to their income protection plan

√ Helping them to read and understand savings and financial information 

√ Advising them on how to react and prepare from financial news, warnings, notices and alert messages about savings and income protection 

√ Developing the basic financial skills to interpret the impact of economic indicators (like inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, etc.) on savings

√ Building their financial literacy statistics and numeracy skills to enable them to read financial information pages about savings (e.g. charts, tables, in brief infographics about savings)

√ Organising activities or workshops to help them integrate savings habit in the handling of their household financial affairs and plans

√ Improving their knowledge in terms of the key financial dates to save in the calendar about key policy announcements (for example, the release date of budgets by the Government and how these budgets can impact their savings plans)

√ Motivating them to follow news and information about savings and income protection

√ Asking them to subscribe to free providers of savings and income protection information that touches their life (e.g. free subscription to magazines, papers and websites that provide information about savings and income protection for poor households)



All these ways of working with the community will help to protect them and their income.  This is because the more informed they are, the more they will find the tools, tips and hints they need in order to create savings or to be on the road to create savings.  It is all about working with them to improve the way they can create and manage their income and life in order to overcome future emergencies and unpredictability.


• • Other Areas of Protection


There are many areas that will be highlighted and on which we will be working.  One of them is protection of flora and fauna.


• • • Protection of flora and fauna 


This month, we shall as well revisit progress made so far in protecting animals and plants.  We shall do it by recalling our Build Forward Better Flora and Fauna Projects, which were one of our last XI Starting Campaign and Projects for Autumn.

Indeed, we continue to advocate for the protection of animals (fauna) in Africa and elsewhere in developing world whereby animals get killed, traded and extinct to such extent that some species are at the brink of disappearing.

We are as well extending our advocacy to other species in danger like trees, plans and flowers (flora).  It is about building forward these species that are threatened with extinction.

To advocate and raise your voice to protect and build forward better endangered plant and animal species, contact CENFACS.

For any further details about CENFACS’ Month of Protection, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.






(1) (Accessed in February 2023)

(2) (Accessed in April 2023)

(3) (Accessed in April 2023)

(4) (Accessed in April 2023)

(5) Pass, C., Lowes, B., Pendleton, A. & Chadwick, L. (1991), Collins Dictionary of Business, HarperCollinsPublishers, Glasgow

(6) (Accessed in March 2023)

(7) (Accessed in March 2023

(8) (Accessed in March 2023)

(9) (Accessed in April 2023)

(10) (Accessed in March 2023)

(11) (Accessed in April 2023)

(12) (Accessed in April 2023)

(13) (Accessed in April 2023)

(14) (Accessed in April 2023) 




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

29 March 2023


Post No. 293



The Week’s Contents


• Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023

• Debt Reduction Advocacy

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses Not-for-profit Investing for Impact in Africa


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023


Any action to be successful needs impact monitoring and evaluation to know that it has been executed as planned and the changes that may happen over time as a result of this action.  It requires monitoring to regularly collect and record information.  It demands some measures of change from the services and facilities that have been delivered.  It necessitates a value judgement on the information gathered during the project.  Our Climate Actions 2023 will not escape from these basic principles of project planning cycle.

To monitor our climate actions (Climate Actions 2023), we have been routinely gathering information on all aspects of the climate actions conducted.  We are examining what these actions have achieved or will achieve in relation to the aims and objectives we set up for them, in particular in terms of the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor‘.  This monitoring has enabled us to keep an eye on the progress made so far.  In our approach to monitoring and evaluation for impact, we included four actions into our Climate Actions 2023, which are as follows:

a) Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Poor (Action 1)

b) Influence Voluntary Carbon Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities (Action 2)

c) Induce Carbon Markets to Be Part of Recovery from the Polycrisis (Action 3)

d) Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor (Action 4).

Besides this monitoring activity, we are as well conducting evaluation for learning purpose.  To evaluate the data collected, we are involving participants to our Climate Actions March 2023.  This evaluation will help us to learn something from these actions.  It will also assist to check the actual outcomes against the objectives we set up for climate actions.  When this evaluation for learning is completed, we shall carry out an impact evaluation to find out how working with the community would have some influences in the long term on their climate action.

One of the monitoring and evaluation indicators/tools we are using is to collect the views from those who have been acting with us and/or those who have been following us.  In this respect, we would like to ask them to tell us their feelings about the four climate actions taken.

The findings from the Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023 will not be available this month as we are still working on them.  However, for those who would like to know more about the way in which we are conducting (the process of) the Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023, they can read under the Main Development section of this post.



• Debt Reduction Advocacy


Debt Reduction Advocacy (DRA) is one the CENFACS initiatives planned for the Light Season 2023 which ended last week.  DRA takes stock of our February 2022 work on debt sustainability for the highly indebted poor households, work which includes debt financing, debt relief, debt restructuring and debt distress.  In other words, it includes many aspects of debt sustainability work, particularly the debt relief aspect, we carried out in February 2022.  We have chosen this time to launch it as many types of support people are receiving are nearing their ends.  Yet, prices (especially of food, money and other essentials) and bills (like rent, council tax, transport, etc.) continue to rise.  Rising prices and bills can only mean more pressure of all kinds on debtors and borrowers.  But, what is DRA?


• • Meaning of DRA


DRA is about taking action to create change in the direction of reduction of the money owed by the poor, especially at this time of the business cycle during which the cost-of-living crisis is not showing any sign of calming.  DRA reactivates the debt relief work we did.

Indeed, the cumulative effects of crises (like the coronavirus disaster, the cost-of-living crisis and climate change catastrophe, etc.) have put enormous financial pressure on poor people, families and households.  Those who are already indebted within our community in the UK and the communities making our Africa-based Sister Organisations can only feel the pinch even harder.  Perhaps, the way to understand the debt situation they are in, the following figures can help to elucidate the matter.


• • Debt Statistics


The following debt statistics covered both the UK and Africa.


• • • Debt Statistics for UK


Regarding the debt situation in the UK, when working out household debt as a percentage of disposable income the ‘’ (1) states that

“The debt-to-income ratio rose [again] to 136.3% by mid-2017, in Q3 [third quarter] 2022 it was 133.8%”.

Household debt can be understood in the way the ‘’ (2) defines it as

“All liabilities (including non-profit institutions serving households) that require payments of interest or principal by households to creditors at fixed dates in the future”.

Likewise, according to ‘’ (3),

“Total unsecured debt per UK adult in December 2022 was £3,914…

Average total debt per UK household in November 2022 was £65,914″.

Additionally, the website ‘’ (4) explains that

“In the UK alone, the personal average total debt is [was] £33,410 in March 2022, which is [was] a rise of £1,767 since 2020.  That equates [equated] to around 107% of average earnings per adult”.

The above mentioned figures also relate to the members of our community living in the UK.


• • • Debt Statistics for Africa


Concerning Africa’s debt, the website ‘’ (5) asserts that

“21 countries in Africa are in, or at risk of, debt distress (58% of assessed countries);

African countries owe US$644.9 billion to external creditors as of 2021;

African countries will pay US$68.9 billion in debt service in 2023;

Debt owed by African countries is equivalent to 24.1% of their combined Gross Domestic Product in 2021″.

Additionally, many African countries (like Cameroon, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, etc.) are listed as having debt crises among the top five risks identified by the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Executive Opinion Surrey (6).

Much of Africa’s debt is non-concessional and owned by China and private creditors.  Africa’s total debt translated into debt per head/inhabitant or per African household can tell you the story of poverty and of those people, families and households in need.  It is a challenging story of how our Africa-based Sister Organisations can help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development in the context of highly indebted project beneficiaries.  So, it makes sense to take action to create financial change to recovery from debt should one needs to continue to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development in Africa.


• • Taking action to create debt reduction


To take action to create change about debt, one may need to understand debt reduction.  As ‘’ (7) puts it:

“Debt reduction, also known as debt relief, is the process of coming up with a plan to manage debt that you are no longer able to manage on your own.  The goal of debt reduction is to help you reduce or eliminate your debt in a quicker and more convenient manner”.

The website ‘’ (8) argues that

“Debt relief means the release of the outstanding debt.  [It also] means the reduction of debt for consideration that is less than the face value of the debt”.

There are different types of debt reduction which include debt settlements, debt consolidation, credit counselling, refinancing and bankruptcy.

Knowing what is debt reduction, it is possible to take action to create change on debt.


• • • Actions to create change for the highly indebted poor 


There is an urgent need to take action to create and sustain better change for the highly indebted poor people, families and households (HIPPFH).  What change can be done to support them?

By working together with the community members and Africa-based Sister Organisations, we can together take the following actions:


√ Speak truth to power about debt owed by the HIPPFH

√ Select debt relief services that really help the poor 

√ Outsource debt relief assistance services that are relevant to our members’ needs and priorities

√ Source information and explore a better a way of dealing with debt relief for Africa-based Sister Organisations working on debt reduction issue

√ Find way of lowering their debt to sustainable or life-saving levels 

√ To formulate a strategy to reduce both debts and poverty

√ To incorporate their debt relief plans into Zero Income Deficit policy

√ To advocate the HIPPFH’s cases to be eligible to the forgiveness of a legal obligation, in whole or in part, of debt repayment.


Briefly and finally, our work with HIPPFH would not be about reducing debts, but helping them to help themselves so that debt reduction can lead them towards poverty reduction.  In other words, debt reduction for HIPPFH would not just be a pain killer, but a road/journey to poverty reduction and sustainable development.  Debt reduction for HIPPFH should be about putting first people – the HIPPFH – at the centre of the economics of debt reduction.

For any queries and enquiries about CENFACS‘ Debt Reduction Advocacy, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses Not-for-profit Investing for Impact in Africa


This week, CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum is debating Not-for-profit Investing for Impact in Africa.  This debate or discussion is part of CENFACS’ Guidance Programme for those who would like to not-for-profit invest in Africa for impact.  In other words, the discussion is about how not-for-profit investors can create and sustain an impact through their investments.  To positively contribute to this discussion, one may need to understand what is investing for impact.


• • Impact Investing


There are many definitions within the literature about impact investing.  For the purpose of this debate, we have selected the definition provided by ‘’ (9) which states that

“Investing for impact is an impact strategy followed by investors that adopt the venture philanthropy approach to support social purpose organisations maximising their social impact.  Investors for impact support innovative solutions to pressing societal issues, providing in-depth non-financial support and taking on risks that most of other actors in the market cannot – or are not willing to take”.

Working on a similar line of reasoning, ‘’ (10) provides four defining characteristics of impact investing which are:

a) Intentionality b) Evidence and impact data in investment design c) Manage impact performance and d) contribute to the growth of the industry.


• • Engaging with CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum about Not-for-profit Investing for Impact in Africa


By referring to the above stated definition and characteristics, one can engage with the CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum to share what they know and think about Not-for-profit Investing for Impact in Africa.  Alternatively, one can use their own definition of impact investing to participate to the discussion.

The outcome from this discussion will be included in CENFACS’ Guidance Programme for Not-for-profit Investing for impact in Africa and support prospective not-for-profit investors who are not fully aware about impact not-for-profit investing.  Amongst these not-for-profit investors, are those who would like to not-for-profit invest for impact in some of our Africa-based Sister Organisations.

Those who may be interested in this discussion, they can contact CENFACS to join in and or contribute.

To engage with the CENFACS be.Africa Forum and share what they know and think about Not-for-profit Investing for Impact in Africa, please contact us by using our usual contact details on this website.


Extra Messages


• The Season’s Goal: Reduction of Holiday Poverty or Poverty Linked to the Lack of Means to Enjoy a Decent Holiday Whether at Home or Away from Home.

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 6: Starting the Organisation of your Play, Run and Vote Projects

• Zero Income Deficit Campaign



• The Season’s Goal: Reduction of Holiday Poverty or Poverty Linked to the Lack of Means to Enjoy a Decent Holiday Whether at Home or Away from Home.


This Spring 2023, our poverty reduction goal is to work with holiday poor people to explore ways of reducing and possibly ending poverty and hardships they may experience during any holidays (e.g., Christmas, Easter or Summer holidays). 


• • Working with the Holiday Poor


How many times we hear stories or worries about how for example kids will face hunger during holiday or there is no much to do for them during holiday or they will go into violence because of lack of opportunity during holiday.  Stories, news and worries like these are not the ones we want to hear.  We would like to hear great moving stories about kids and all the people making our community doing great things.  To stop this type of poverty to happen or exacerbate, one needs to act.

This Spring Season, we shall find ways of working with those individuals, families and households in our community who are likely to face holiday poverty because of various circumstances, but in particular because of lack of means to enjoy a decent holiday whether they stay at home or are away from their home.  We hope that working together with them will help them avoid holiday poverty trap or to exacerbate it.

So, the above is our selected goal for this Spring Season.


• • Implications for Selecting Spring Season’s Goal


There are implications once a goal has been identified and selected.  Concerning our selected Spring Season’s Goal, its selection implies to us to make sure that we apply it in our real life.  We also expect our supporters and audiences to work on the same chosen goal by supporting those who may be suffering from the type of poverty linked to the goal for the season – Holiday Poverty.

For further details on the Season’s Goal and its selection procedure including its support, please contact CENFACS.



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 6: Starting the Organisation of your Play, Run and Vote Projects


After negotiating and agreeing the terms of your all-year-round project, you can now start organising it.


• • Organising your All-year Round Projects


This is the step from which you start to put your organisational structure.  In project planning parlance, you will identify the roles and responsibilities of each person to be involved in the project in order to facilitate the coordination and implementation of the project activities.



• • An Example of Organising your All-year Round Projects


Let say you would like to Run for Poverty Reduction and you want to undertake it as a group in your local area.  You decide to set up a running group and to name it as “All-year-round Runners’ Group”.

You can create a basic organisational structure that identifies your project personnel, creates a management and delivery teams, and assigns roles and responsibilities including coordination.  In practical terms, you will have to decide on the following:

Who is (are) going…

to be first at the meeting/gathering point each time the running takes place?

to hold the contact number/details of the group to keep everybody on board?

to keep the attendance register?

to check that everybody is fit and well to run?

to lead or coordinate the run?

to deal with health and safety of the group?

to sort out the equipment if any?

to care for people belongings while they are running?

to make sure that everyone is countable after the Run?

to record your Run event (e.g., filming it, using camera on your phone, a video or voice recorder, etc.)?

to check that everyone leaves the meeting/gathering point safely after the event?


If your Run involves any fundraising activity, you need to decide who will volunteer to undertaking fundraising responsibility (or everybody in the group).  If you would like to report on your Run, you need to appoint someone to produce a report.

Depending on your skills, knowledge, experience and resources; you may add more roles and responsibilities.

Please remember, if your group is going to select the best runner of the year 2023 and give a prize/reward accordingly; then you need to organise yourself to monitor and evaluate the performance of each runner throughout the year and decide by the 23rd of December 2023 who is the group’s best runner of the year 2023.

For those who would like to dive deeper into Start Organising their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




• Zero Income Deficit Campaign: Managing and Closing your Year-end Accounts


In focus at the start of Spring 2023: How to successfully close your year-end personal and family accounts and get prepared for the next financial year with new accounts


The current fiscal year is about to end soon and the new one will start from the 6th of April as usual.  For those members of our community who are struggling to get a grip on their household accounts, there is still time to work with CENFACS to sort out their accounts.  CENFACS can work with them so that they could understand their financial position while keeping financial control on their accounts.

This year-end financial control exercise is still part of CENFACS’ Zero Income Deficit Campaign, which is designed to help our community members to reduce and possibly end intergenerational poverty.

For those who may be interested in this year-end financial control activity, they can contact CENFACS. 

For your information, we do not deal with company accounts.  We only support our community members who are experiencing some difficulties in handling their household financial accounts and statements (i.e. balance sheet, cash flow statement, surplus and loss account, etc.).



Message in French (Message en français)


• La Campagne sur le Déficit de Revenu Zéro: Gestion et clôture de vos comptes de fin d’année financière

Point de mire au début du printemps 2023: Comment clôturer avec succès vos comptes personnels et familiaux de fin d’année et vous préparer pour le prochain exercice financier avec de nouveaux comptes

L’exercice financier en cours est sur le point de se terminer bientôt et le nouveau débutera à partir du 6 avril comme d’habitude.  Pour les membres de notre communauté qui ont du mal à maîtriser les comptes de leur ménage, il est encore temps de travailler avec le CENFACS pour régler leurs comptes.  Le CENFACS peut travailler avec eux afin qu’ils puissent comprendre leur situation financière tout en gardant le contrôle financier de leurs comptes.

Cet exercice de contrôle financier de fin d’année fait toujours partie de la campagne ‘Déficit de Revenu Zéro‘ aussi bien de celle des Contrôles Financiers du CENFACS, qui sont conçues pour aider les membres de notre communauté à réduire et éventuellement à mettre fin à la pauvreté intergénérationnelle.

Ceux ou celles qui pourraient être intéressé(e)s par cette activité de contrôle financier de fin d’année peuvent contacter le CENFACS.

Pour votre information, nous ne traitons pas des comptes d’entreprise.  Nous soutenons uniquement les membres de notre communauté qui éprouvent des difficultés à gérer les comptes et les états financiers de leur ménage (c’est-à-dire le bilan, l’état des flux de trésorerie, le compte d’excédent et de pertes, etc.).



Main Development


Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023


Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Climate Actions 2023 are about tracking the results of Climate Actions March 2023 and their impact.  They will be carried out from 29 to 31 March 2023, as announced at the start of March 2023.  In accordance with our Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget, we have organised this tracking around these points:


∝ The Four Key Climate Actions Taken

∝ Key Takeaways from Climate Actions March 2023

∝ Monitoring Questions

∝ Outcome-focussed Evaluation Questions.


Let us briefly develop each of the above-mentioned points.


• • The Four Key Climate Actions Taken


To deliver the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor‘, we focused on four key climate actions from every Wednesdays of this month as follows:


∝ Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Poor (Climate Action 1, held  from 01 to 07/03/2023)

∝ Influence Voluntary Carbon Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities (Climate Action 2, held from 08 to 14/03/2023)

∝ Induce Carbon Markets to Be Part of Recovery from the Polycrisis (Climate Action 3, held from 15 to 21/03/2023)

∝ Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor (Climate Action 4, 22 to 28/03/2023).


What can we take away from these actions?


• • Key Takeaways from Climate Actions March 2023


The following are the main ideas to remember from Climate Actions March 2023.


1st takeaway

Climate projects like reforestation, forest conservation, carbon-storing agricultural practices, etc. in poor communities or areas can help reach out to the poor crowding in these communities.

2nd takeaway

Putting poverty reduction value on what voluntary carbon credit markets provide is about focussing on the interests of the poor, prioritising concerns of small producers and farmers and evaluating the social impacts of these markets.

3rd takeaway

Making persuasive efforts towards those operating in carbon markets to occupy the places they deserve in the economic recovery from the simultaneous occurrence of severe catastrophic events (like energy, food, housing, health crises, etc.) can have co-benefits for carbon market players and the victims of the polycrisis.

4th takeaway

Investing in carbon markets and credits should not limit itself to financial return only; it has instead to go beyond financial yield by including the needs and priorities of the poor in any investment drive.

These takeaways can help to formulate some monitoring questions.


• • Monitoring Questions


Monitoring questions will help to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.  Our monitoring information or data comes from the audience who participated and/or followed our Climate Actions March 2023.  The collection of this information/data has been carried out on a continuous basis since we started these actions on the first of March 2023.

One of the monitoring indicators/tools we are using is to collect the views from those who have been acting with us and/or those who have been following us.  In this respect, we would like to ask them to tell us their feelings about the four climate actions taken as highlighted in the following simple questions.  They can provide their feelings in the form of a review or feedback or testimonial.  The results of their feelings will help to improve future climate actions.


The survey will fulfil the data collection requirements.  Those participating to this survey can tick one box (ranging from 0 to 10) for each climate action.  Ticking the box will indicate to us how satisfied they are with the delivery experience about each action taken.  All the completed survey forms should be sent to CENFACS by mid-April 2023.  Therefore, it will be good that those who would like to provide their feelings to do them by mid-April 2023.  Their/your responses to this survey will help to measure the change in behaviour that can result from the outputs completed for Climate Actions March 2023.

Those who want to provide feelings and would like to request the details about these actions prior to their response, they are free to make their request to CENFACS.


• • Outcome-focussed Evaluation Questions


Our evaluation audience is the participants or those who followed our Climate Actions March 2023.  In order for us to improve on Climate Actions in the future, we have prepared the evaluation questions which we would like members of our audience and followers to respond.  Amongst the questions are the following ones we would like to mention and we are inviting climate action followers, participants and audiences to respond:


~ To what extent our Climate Actions meet the overall needs of zero-net path and the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor‘?

~ Did the above-mentioned Climate Actions bring any significant change to your own climate action?

~ What did you find worked and did not work?

~ Can we replicate these actions or what would you like to see for future climate actions?

~ To what extent are Climate Actions March 2023 in line with the needs and priorities of our community?

~ To what extent did Climate Actions March 2023 lead to increased community?


Responding to the above evaluation questions will help in assessing the success of Climate Actions March 2023 in meeting their goal and in reflecting on the lessons learned.

You can directly respond to these evaluation questions by sending your answers to CENFACS at our usual contact details which are on this website.

For any queries or enquiries (including outcome, learning, report and what next) about Climate Actions March 2023, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

Thank you for considering our demand of feelings and for your support.





(1) (Accessed in March 2023)

(2) (Accessed in March 2023)

(3) (Accessed in March 2023)

(4) (Accessed in March 2023)

(5)  (Accessed in March 2023)

(6) World Economic Forum (2023), The Global Risks Report 2023, 18th Edition , Insight Report, Geneva at (Accessed in March 2023)

(7) (Accessed in March 2023)

(8) (Accessed in March 2023)

(9) (Accessed in March 2023)

(10) (Accessed in March 2023)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

22 March 2023


Post No. 292



The Week’s Contents


• Climate Action 4: Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor

• Coming this Spring 2023: FACS Issue No. 79 which will be titled as Financial Education, Information and Communications for and with the Poor

• ReLive Issue No. 15: Spring Project of Building Forward Better from Reinforcing Shocks in Africa


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Climate Action 4: Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor


The 4th Climate Action is about putting money, time, effort and energy into markets in which verified reductions in carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide equivalents have been registered and recognised; particularly but not exclusively investments that fasten climate action for the poor.  In other words, not all carbon credit markets put a particular attention to climate actions taken by the poor.  Our focus will be on those markets or credits that consider the poor’s actions on climate change.

Indeed, carbon markets and credits are fundamental to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.  Investing in these markets and credits can help decarbonisation.  However, Climate Action 4 is not only about making money from relatively carbon-asset classes or prioritising returns in these markets.  It is not just about making your holdings environmentally friendly or greener portfolio.  Then, what is it?

It is instead about making sure that the rise of the price of carbon positively impact actions taken by the poor and poverty reduction.  It is about investing in carbon projects or markets that meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2050 while ensuring that climate actions taken by the poor are included.  In other words, Climate Action 4 is about making return-seeking investors to be also poverty-reduction producers or minders or compliant.  This concerns all investors (that is, corporations, institutional and individual investors).  In doing so, this can accelerate climate action taken by the poor.

More on this first key message is explained under the Main Development section of this post.



• Coming this Spring 2023: FACS Issue No. 79 which will be titled as Financial Education, Information and Communications for and with the Poor


Financial education is not a new topic in the field of development or as a way of working with part of the population who is not financially educated.  Although, it has been around quite a while, it does not reach all the poorest sections of the population, particularly but not exclusively in Africa.  Financial information and communications do not reach everybody.

For several reasons or factors, a large proportion of poor people do not receive the amount of financial educational skills, information tools and communication settings they need in order to make jumps or leaps in poverty reduction.  They may not always have access to financial information they need which apparently could be available.

In the 79th Issue of FACS, we shall look at the three areas of poor people’s financial empowerment (that is; financial education, information and communication) in the current setting or landscape of development in Africa.  We will explore ways of making financial information designed with/for the poor reach them.  In other words, we shall look at the handicaps or hurdles that prevent poor people in Africa to get the financial educational skills, information resources and communications tools they need in order to move out of poverty.

The Issue will focus on the basic functional financial educational skills, the financial information market and the travel of this information to the poor in Africa.  In this respect, the means of transportation of financial information  and how it is consumed by the poor will also be studied and revealed.

Furthermore, the Issue will highlight how Africa-based Sister Organisations are working with their local poor to bridge the gaps in financial education, information and communication.  This is without forgetting the problems they are encountering in trying to reduce poverty linked to the lack of financial skills, financial information and financial communications.  Of course, this will be done without ignoring the needs of the financial educationally needy, financial uninformed or under informed and communication poor people.

To read more about this new Issue, please keep checking on CENFACS incoming posts this Spring 2023.  To reserve a paper copy of this 79th Issue of FACS, please contact CENFACS with your mailing details.



• ReLive Issue No. 15: Spring Project of Building Forward Better from Reinforcing Shocks in Africa (SPBFBRSA)


The 15th Issue of ReLive, CENFACS’ Spring campaign for resource development, is a way of working with the victims of a series of severe and mutually reinforcing shocks (like the lingering effects of the coronavirus disaster, the cost-of-living crisis, debt tightening, natural disasters, etc.) so that they can navigate their way towards the reduction or possibly end of the effects of these shocks on them.  It is also about Saving, Rebuilding and Sustaining Lives of the victims from these shocks, disasters and destructions.

SPBFBRSA, which is in fact a fundraising appeal, is about adding value to other similar works and efforts which have been already undertaken so that the poorest people and victims of these shocks can start or continue the process of building forward and reclaiming their lives while Africa is still embattled against these shocks.

In the context of SPBFBRSA, the process of building forward will include the following:


√ Implementing systemic changes

√ Building resilient and sustainable systems of poverty reduction

√ Developing long term capital base in critical assets and resources

√ Shifting away from policy and practice that made and kept these people poor

√ Stopping Africa to be a global leader or champion of poverty

√ Investing in carbon markets to unleash capacities and possibilities to reduce poverty 

√ Unlocking home-grown solutions to poverty.


You can find more details about the Spring Project of Building Forward Better from the Reinforcing Shocks in Africa under the page support causes at

To support and get further information about this project, just contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• ICDP (Individual Capacity Development Programme) Resource, Holiday with Relief – In Focus for Spring 2023 Issue: Finance for Holiday

• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 20/03/2023: A Focus Group on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) – Step/Workshop 5: Negotiating and Agreeing your Play, Run and Vote Projects



• ICDP (Individual Capacity Development Programme) Resource, Holiday with Relief – In Focus for Spring 2023 Issue: Finance for Holiday


How to finance your holiday plan without prejudicing other expenses of your household budget


The next Issue of our ICDP Resource entitled as ‘Holiday with Relief’ will focus on funding or financing your holiday.

To pass holiday (like Summer holiday) whether at home or away from home, one needs to find way of financing their holiday.  This is because holiday generally costs.  Holiday costs can include accommodation, food, travel, insurance, health, etc.

To finance these expenses or costs, it requires to have some savings or take a loan or win a holiday prize if you are lucky or get financial help to cover your holiday costs.  Yet, people on low income bracket or with poor income do not have money to save for holiday only and may not be qualified for holiday loan.  How are these people going to finance their holiday plan or project?

This year’s Holiday with Relief will look at and bring together the options that could be available to help income poor families or households to fund/finance their holiday plan or budget.  In this look, we shall work with these poor families and households by taking a realistic and evidence-based approach to explore ways of funding their holiday without prejudicing other areas of their family/household budget.  This is because during and after holiday, there are other expenses to cater for as well.



This year, ‘Holiday with Relief’ will provide wealthy advice, tips and hints linked to financing your holiday.  Through this wealth of information, we will try to tackle holiday poverty or poverty linked to the lack of means to enjoy a decent holiday whether at home or away from home.

This resource will be packed with Spring-like poverty-relieving ideas about how to reduce both income poverty while being on holiday.  Although the contents of this year’s Holiday with Relief will be for holiday, they can be used at any other time of the year.

To enquire about the 2023 Issue of Holiday with Relief, please contact CENFACS.



• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 20/03/2023: A Focus Group on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources


The current e-discussion or focus group is Activity 5 of our Action Plan  for the First Series of Activities about Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty which we kicked off since the 20th of February 2023.  This last serial activity will centre stage ways of fairly and equitably sharing the monetary and non-monetary benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources with indigenous peoples and local communities.  For an effective participation to the e-discussion or focus group, one needs to understand genetic resources.


• • What is a genetic resource?


The Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation written by Chris Park (1) defines genetic resource as

“Genetic material of plants, animals, or micro-organisms that is of actual or potential value as a resource for humans” (p. 188)

The same dictionary states that

“Genetic is relating to or carried by genes, hereditary or inherited” (p. 187)

Knowing what genetic resource is, it makes easy to participate in the e-discussion or focus group.  To participate one needs to be aware of the problem the group is trying to deal with and the solution he/she can bring to the problem and the group.


• • The problem


The main problem found in many models of access and benefit-sharing about genetic resources is often about who own genetic resources, who can access them and who have the right to benefit from them.


• • The solution


The way to solve this problem is to know who has the authority to give access to genetic resources of the species within a particular area and to fairly and equitably share their benefits.

If you are a user of these genetic resources, how would you fairly and equitably share the monetary and non-monetary benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources with indigenous peoples and local communities?

For example, if you are a research student and have access to a genetic site and would like to carry out your research work, how would you share with local people using the same site? 

You need to provide your own answers to this question as way of contributing to the e-discussion or focus group.  From individual answers given by each participant, the group can formulate the final solution.


• • The next series of nature activities


The above-mentioned e-discussion or focus group concludes our first series of activities featuring the new generation of Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, which we have covered in 5 weeks.  The next series of nature activities will be announced in due course.

For those who would like to engage with Activity 5 about Access and Benefit-sharing of Genetic Resources and/or any of the previous activities (Activity 1 to 4), they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

For those who would like to find out more about Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, they can also contact CENFACS.



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 5: Negotiating and Agreeing your Play, Run and Vote Projects

Step/Workshop 5 contains two tasks: negotiations and agreement.


•  •  What is negotiation?


Negotiation is part of humans’ everyday life.  To explain it, we are going to refer to what ‘’ states about it.  The website ‘’ (2) provides three features about negotiation, which are

“[a] Communication back and forth for the purpose of making a joint decision

[b] A way of finding a mutually acceptable solution to a shared problem

[c] Achieving an ideal outcome: a wise decision, efficiently and amicably agreed upon”.

Negotiation can be hard, soft and principled.  As an all-year-round project user, your negotiation needs to end with negotiated agreement to put your all-year-round project into action, whereby there could be a win-win outcome for you and those engaged with you in the negotiation.  Negotiation can lead to an agreement.


•  •  What is an agreement?


An agreement is simply a joint decision after negotiation or discussion, and can be translated into a contract or promise to carry out what has been negotiated or discussed.  The agreement helps to outline the terms and conditions between all-year-round project user and the other party.


• • Example of Negotiated Agreement: Your Project about Playing the CENFACS’ League of Poverty Reduction


Let say you want to run a tournament over this coming Easter season with friends or relatives in order to find which African country is making commendable progress in terms of poverty reduction.  You need to negotiate with friends and/or relatives the terms and conditions of this tournament.  Your negotiation could revolve around the following:

~ the number of African countries making your Easter tournament

~ the criteria or metrics to rate them in terms of performance relating to poverty reduction

~ the analytical period you would like to consider (e.g., 01/01/2023 to 31/03/2023 or first quarter of 2023)

~ the roles each of the participants to the game would like to play

~ the length of the tournament

~ the time and day of the Easter holiday to play

~ the way of recording and communicating your results


After negotiation, you need to agree on certain terms, conditions and rules to follow during the play.

Depending on your skills, knowledge, experience and resources; you may decide to turn your game into a play station or use a game theory to solve some of the hurdles you may encounter.

For those who would like to dive deeper into the negotiation and agreement relating to their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


Message in French (Message en français)


Projets et Programmes pour le Secours Printanier 2023

Le CENFACS a le plaisir de présenter sa collection de projets et programmes sélectionnés pour la nouvelle saison (printemps) avec un choix de services de secours et intelligents face au climat.

Pour chacun de ces projets et programmes, vous trouverez une ambition de développement résiliente au climat ainsi qu’un soulagement convivial et centré.  Ils sont conçus avec les parfums d’inclusion, de sécurité et de durabilité.

Ce sont les projets et les programmes visant à reconstruire des vies, des infrastructures et des institutions pour que nous avançons mieux ensemble plus verts, plus propres et plus sûrs vers un monde à zéro émission nette.

Ils sont gratuits, mais si quelqu’un(e) décide de faire un don, leur don ne nous dérange pas.  Plus vous donnez, plus nous pouvons aider à réduire la pauvreté.

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous la sélection des projets et programmes pour le Secours Printanier 2023.

Avril : Mois de la protection

Il y aura deux initiatives pour assurer et maintenir la protection en avril 2023 :

a) Protection et sécurité géoéconomiques des femmes et des enfants

b) Protection contre la baisse du revenu disponible réel des ménages.

Mai : Mois du conte d’histoires

Le plan pour mai 2023 comporte deux caractéristiques principales:

a) Projet de narration et de partage d’histoires

b) La poursuite de notre projet/campagne ‘Reconstruire l’Afrique’.

Juin : Mois de la création et de l’innovation

En juin, nous traiterons des initiatives suivantes:

a) Créations et innovations de lutte contre la crise ou celles qui aident à la lutte contre la crise du coût de la vie

b) Créations et innovations de gestion de crise, c’est-à-dire celles qui aident à gérer la période de lutte contre la crise du coût de la vie.

Ce qui précède résume les programmes, projets et activités que nous avons prévu de mettre en œuvre au printemps prochain. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations sur les projets et programmes de Secours Printanier 2023, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.



Main Development


Climate Action 4: Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor


The following notes will help in taking Climate Action 4:


σ What is investing in carbon credit markets?

σ What is accelerating climate action for the poor?

σ Types of carbon investors required

σ Accelerating climate action with and for the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations

σ Carbon-related assets and green funding for climate action.


Let us look at each of these notes.


• • What is investing in carbon credit markets?


It is about putting money, effort, time and energy in a market in which carbon emission allowances are traded.  This market is carbon credit if there is the removal of one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (i.e., tCO2e) from the atmosphere.  In these markets, carbon is an investment asset class.  And investing in carbon markets can help decarbonise.  This is whether it is about first or second market trading in carbon offsets.  Investing in carbon markets should not be only a tool to accelerate low carbon development; it has to fasten climate actions for the poor as well.


• • What is accelerating climate action for the poor?


Climate action is an activity of engaging and putting ideas into practice to deal with any natural or induced change in the long term average weather conditions of a place, especially when this change adversely affects people’s and communities’ lives and livelihoods.   This action can be fastened for the poor.  There are many ways of fastening it.  One way of fastening it is to ensure that investing in carbon markets and credits does not limit itself to financial return only; it should instead go beyond by including the needs of the poor in any investment drive.

For example, investing in the world’s three largest carbon sinks or tropical rainforests (like the Amazonia in Brazil, the Congo basin in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the forests of Indonesia) to preserve their vast forests threatened by exploitation and agriculture can help to accelerate climate action for the poor.

To be more specific, Southeast Asia has 15 per cent of the world’s tropical forests and contain the world’s highest concentration of blue carbon stocks.  They also hold the highest potential for added key biodiversity co-benefits.  Investing in Southeast Asian forests can help decarbonise. 

Equally, investing in the newly set up Africa Climate Risk Facility and African Carbon Markets Initiative (3) can also help fasten climate action for the poor.  For instance, carbon investors can invest in Egypt’s carbon credit market.

The above-mentioned examples are just the few ways of accelerating climate action for the poor.


• • Types of carbon investors required


Carbon market investors can be of variant types or calibre.  They can be corporations, institutional and individual investors.  There are investors (particularly financial ones) who provide valued-added services such as liquidity, helping in price discovery, matching supply and demand, making market to happen, etc.

There are investors who are interested in these markets because of carbon offsets.  There are others who are return seekers and would prioritise returns.  There are other more aiming at the environmental friendliness of their portfolios.

In the context of these notes, the kind of investors we are interested in are those who keep the net-zero objective in their portfolio while helping to accelerate climate action for the poor.  Those who are making their holdings greener or environmentally friendly while contributing to fastening climate action for the poor.


• • Accelerating climate action with the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs)


Accelerating climate action with the community and ASOs is about bridging the gaps between climate actions and ambitions in both cases.


• • • Accelerating climate action with and for the community


Accelerating climate action with and for the community is about staying climate-conscious at all times.  This action includes


√ Raising awareness of the the attractiveness of carbon

√ Helping the community to learn about the prices of carbon-related assets

√ Explaining and re-explaining net-zero policy commitments and the co-benefits attached to them

√ Discussing nature-based offsets  (e.g., those generated from tree-planting schemes)

√ Information about insurance products to protect against carbon offset invalidation

√ Advising about the current market value for key carbon markets and products

√ Finding with and for the community the compensation available from the international community to reduce deforestation



• • • Accelerating climate action with and for Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs)


Accelerating climate action with and for ASOs is about exchanging knowledge, tools and skills about investments in carbon markets.  Areas of exchange could be the following:


√ Supporting ASOs to know and learn more about the types of carbon-related investments like carbon mutual funds, green bonds and organisations, carbon credit futures, etc.

√ Analysing trends about where carbon-related investments are going (for example, investments in funds that are considered to be low-carbon, fossil free funds, etc.)

√ Advising and finding information for them on investments made in carbon-credit-related organisations, organisations with operations at low impact on the environment, organisations making voluntary greenhouse gas emissions reductions or net-zero pledges

√ Finding ways of increase for the value of Africa’s tropical forests to climate and people

√ Working on the development of fossil energies to provide solutions to climate change

√ Analysing the effects of the growth of the carbon credits market on poverty reduction.


For example the website ‘’ (4) states that

“The carbon credit market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period between 2023 and 2029… Carbon credit market size is projected to reach multimillion UD$ by 2029”.

We can analyse or discuss how this rise or size of the carbon credit market is going to impact poverty reduction in Africa in the future.

The above are just the few ways of accelerating or enhancing climate action with and for ASOs.


• • Carbon-related assets and green funding for climate action


Just as investors can use cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens to fund projects, carbon investors can use carbon-related assets or offsets to fund climate action projects.  They can fund CENFACS‘ climate action initiatives or our ASOs.  They can as well finance climate poverty reduction projects.

To round out, climate action is about action, not words only.  We have only written these notes to guide us and galvanise our action.  This is because to take action, one needs a roadmap or simply to say how they are going to conduct this action.

The notes on Climate Action 4 conclude this Week’s Climate Action contents without ending our March 2023 Climate Actions.  There will be impact monitoring and evaluation from 29 to 31/03/2023 to end the Climate Action March 2023.

For ASOs and those members of our community who are interested in the fourth action of our Climate Action Month, action which is Invest in Carbon Credit Markets that Accelerate Climate Action for the Poor; they are welcome to contact CENFACS.

For any other queries and enquiries about CENFACS‘ Climate Action Month, the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor and the fourth action; please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





(1) Park, C. (2011), Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York

(2) (Accessed in March 2023)

(3) (Accessed in February 2023)

(4) (Accessed in March 2023)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year

We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Rebuilding and Renewing Lives, Infrastructures and Institutions…

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

15 March 2023


Post No. 291


The Week’s Contents


• Spring Relief 2023: Rebuilding and Renewing Lives, Infrastructures and Institutions in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes

• Climate Action 3: Induce Carbon Markets to Be Part of Recovery from the Poly-crisis

• Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Phases A and B of the Building Process from the Coronavirus Impacts 


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Spring Relief 2023: Rebuilding and Renewing Lives, Infrastructures and Institutions in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes


The Winter Season of Light, which is ending this coming Tuesday, gives us an opportunity to bring some lights and hopes to those in most need so that they can find the reasons to believe in life again.  The Season of Light tackles poverty as a lack of hope and expectations.  However, our work does not stop there.

Spring is the Season of Rebirth and Rejuvenation.  We call it Spring Relief within CENFACS.  Generally, the key theme for Spring within CENFACS is Rebuilding or Renewing Lives, Infrastructures and Institutions.  In other words, Spring Relief is the season of rebuilding from what has been destroyed by wars, natural disasters, bad economic management, mistakes of the past, other disasters (like the cost-of-living crisis, health crisis of Ebola or COVID-19), etc.

We need to rebuild in order to reduce poverty, stop its re-appearance and avoid the emergence of new types of poverty and new generations of poor people.  We want to move away from the endemic structures and institutions of disadvantage, discrimination and inequality towards the poor.  During this period, we take the challenge of working with those in need to rebuild their lives, infrastructures, buildings, development of relationships, communities, etc. from damages, losses and worse changes experienced or caused.

So, the key words for the Spring Season are rebuilding and renewing.  We shall come back on these words at different occasions as we step into Spring and progress towards its end; especially with our advocacy project of Rebuilding Africa.


• • Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer this Spring Relief 2023 


In order to build forward, it is wise to take into account the context of doing it and how to exactly build forward.


• • • Context of building forward this Spring 2023


Last Spring, our focus was to rebuild and sustain lives, infrastructures and institutions within the contexts of rising prices of energy and food.

This Spring 2023, we are going to help reduce poverty and rebuild lives within the context of Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes.  But, what is real household disposable income.


~ Basic understanding of real household disposable incomes


Disposable income is defined by Christopher Pass et al. (1) as

“The amount of income which a person has available after paying INCOME TAX, NATIONAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS and PENSION contributions” (p. 181)

However, disposable income needs adjustment for inflation.  After being adjusted for inflation, disposable income becomes real.  The website ‘’ (2) explains that

“Real disposable income is the post tax and benefit income available to households after an adjustment has been made for price changes”.

In other words, changes in prices of goods and services can lead to the increase or fall in real household disposable incomes.


~ Falls in real household disposable incomes


In recent years, prices and bills keep on raising while real household disposable incomes have failed to match this raising trend.  That is to say, incomes are not fully index-linked to keep pace with inflation. 

To highlight this fall, the website ‘’ (3) has revealed that

“The average British adult has £866 in disposable income a month in 2022, which is a reduction of £23 a month from 2020 (£889).  Total monthly living costs on average have reached £1,125 with the average rent price being £437 and the average essential spending costs at £688 a month”.

Likewise, the Resolution Foundation (4) found that

“2022 was a year of double-digit inflation that drove a 3.3 per cent – or £800 per household – hit to real disposable incomes, the biggest annual fall in Century”.

The same Resolution Foundation forecasted that

“Household income falls in 2023 will be 3.8 per cent or £880 per household as big as those seen in 2022”.

As a result, living standards are unchanged or getting worse.

According to the Office for National Statistics (5), the figure released on 15 February 2023 for the consumer price inflation in the UK was 10.1%, compared to March 2022 when it was 6.2%.

Similarly, the figure released on 02 February 2023 by the Bank of England (6) for the current bank rate was 4%, whereas the bank rate was 0.75% in March 2022.

In meantime, bills like council tax, rent, telephone, transport, etc. have also risen.  Although the energy price is capped at £2,500 on the average household energy bill, we are still waiting for the next policy announcement by the UK’s independent energy regulator, Ofgem, on 26 May 2023.

Regarding food inflation, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (7) states that

“The FAO Food Price Index averaged 129.8 points in February, a marginal 0.6- percent decrease from January but 18.7 percent down from its peak in March 2022.  The decline in the index, which tracks monthly changes in the international prices of commonly-traded food commodities, reflected drops in quotations for vegetable oils and dairy products that more than offset a steep rise in sugar prices”.

So, real disposable incomes for poor households have not risen to match the raising trends from bills and prices.  This is despite income support given to those who are eligible.  This mismatch between their real incomes and rising prices and bills can only lead to falling real household disposable incomes.

Falling real household disposable incomes can be an impediment in the process of building forward.  Given these context and impediment, how can we build forward?


• • • How to exactly build forward in the current context


Build Forward has here to be perceived from what the United Nations (8) argue about it, which is:

“Build Forward means not only that no one is left behind but that people living in poverty are actually encouraged and supported to be in the front, engaging in informed and meaningful participation in decision-making processes that directly affect their lives”.

We are going to refer to this definition to Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer from the Damaging Impacts of the Cost-of-living Crisis.  We will be doing it with the green, clean, inclusive and safe economies in our mind set.

This 2023 process of Building Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer relates to the cost-of-living crisis.  It has to be differentiated from the building process from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  This is despite there are some similarities between the two processes.

Therefore, the theme for this Spring Relief 2023 is still “Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer”, but within the context of Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes from the Damaging Impacts of the Cost-of-living Crisis.   

The announcement of Spring Relief’s theme comes with that of projects and programmes making it or the notes composing this theme.  We have provided under the Main Development section of this post a selection of projects and programmes which will make this Spring – Spring Relief season.

As we have just announced, it is a selection.  Consequently, one should expect the introduction of new activities and the continuation of on-going initiatives like our All-year Round (or Triple Value) projects.  That is also to say, there will be additional projects and programmes as we progress throughout this coming Spring season.



• Climate Action 3: Induce Carbon Markets to Be Part of Recovery from the Poly-crisis


The 3rd Climate Action is about persuading carbon markets to play an active part in regaining better condition from the simultaneous occurrence of several crises (energy, food, health, housing crisis, etc.).  To conduct this 3rd Climate Action, we have organised the following notes:


σ Basic understanding of key terms for Climate Action 3

σ Being part of recovery from the poly-crisis

σ Carbon market inducements to inducement to lower greenhouse gas emissions and poverty

σ How CENFACS can work with the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) on the inducement of carbon markets.


• • Basic Understanding of Key Terms for Climate Action 3


This action is based on our understanding of these three words: inducement, recovery and poly-crisis.  We have not included carbon markets because they have been explained in Climate Action 1.


a) Market inducement


Chambers Combined Dictionary Thesaurus (9) defines inducement as

“Something which is persuasive or which influences or encourages certain behaviour” (p. 650).

Using this dictionary definition, it is possible to persuade markets in which players (or emitters) are working with allowances of carbon emissions (or credits) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to play an active part in the recovery from the poly-crisis without making untrue statements.

You can induce brand loyalty; just as you can encourage players on the carbon markets to play their fair role in the recovery processes.  This inducement should not be an end of itself.  It should lead to poverty reduction.


b) Net-zero recovery


There are many ways of recovering from any crisis.  The kind of recovery that is treated in Climate Action 3 is a phase in the business cycle following a economic depression; phase characterised by the picking up of demand, fall in stock levels while output and employment increase.   The kind of recovery we are looking for in our Climate Action 3 is a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions one.  This net-zero recovery is obtained by achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere.


c) Poly-crisis


Introduced for the first time by Edgar Morin and Anne Brigitte Kern (10), poly-crisis means for the two co-authors the following:

“Interwoven and overlapping crises, complex inter-solidarity of problems, antagonisms, crises, uncontrollable processes, and the general crisis of the planet”.

After this introduction of poly-crisis in 1999, there have been many definitions relating to it.  One of its definitions comes from the website ‘’ (11) which states that

“Poly-crisis is the simultaneous occurrence of severe catastrophic events.  Building on this most experts agree that it tends to refer specifically, not just to a situation where multiple crises are coinciding, but one where the crises become even more dangerous than each disaster or emergency on their own”.

The coronavirus pandemic has been a catastrophic disaster for the world; just as the cost-of-living crisis is a disaster for those living in poverty.  This is without forgetting climate change events, which have become recurrent in recent years.  These crises appear even more dangerous than each disaster or emergency on their own.

We are going to combine these key definitions or terms to conduct our Climate Action 3.


• •  Being Part of Recovery from the Poly-crisis


To recover from the cost-of-living crisis, the lingering effects of the coronavirus disaster and climate catastrophe; it requires intervention or actions from many players.  In that recovery process, carbon markets can be an effective part or contributor.

However, for these markets to be an effective part, it could demand some persuasive efforts to make towards those operating in these markets to occupy the places they deserve in the recovery from the poly-crisis.  So, inducing these carbon markets to do their bit in the recovery from the poly-crisis can be a climate action to take this Season.  This inducement can be at the levels of sellers, buyers, the product and price offered in these markets.


• •  Carbon Market Inducements to Inducement to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Poverty


It is argued that carbon markets would accelerate actions to combat climate change and deliver much-needed co-benefits for nature and people.  It will be good if the same action can result in poverty reduction.

Inducing carbon markets can help lower greenhouse gas emissions and poverty.  It is possible to encourage markets in which carbon emission allowances are traded to assist in reducing poverty.  It is feasible for companies limiting their emissions of carbon dioxide to also engage in the work of poverty reduction.


• • How CENFACS can Work with the Community and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) on the Inducement of Carbon Markets


Lifting people and ASOs beyond their everyday lives of poverty and helping them take stock of their difficult situation while connecting them to solutions to poverty will always be at the heart of CENFACS.  In this lifting mission, we can work with them on inducing carbon markets to help them reduce poverty and hardships.

For ASOs and those members of our community who are interested in the third action of our Climate Action Month, action which is Induce Carbon Markets Be Part of Recovery from the Poly-crisis; they are welcome to contact CENFACS.

For any other queries and enquiries about CENFACS‘ Climate Action Month, the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor and the third climate action; please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of Phases A and B relating to the Building Process from the Coronavirus Impacts 


In 2021, we set up a Build Forward Better Programme to help us in the process of coming out from the coronavirus pandemic crisis.  Through this programme, beneficiaries would make steady progress in their journey and work of reconstruction from the COVID-19 impacts while preparing to stay resilient to future similar shocks and crises. What is Build-Forward-Better Programme?


Build Forward Better Programme is a set of projects and activities designed with the aim to ensure that the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic sits on sound and sustainable foundations that build back better the poverty reduction gains hard-won so far and help beneficiaries to move forward better and greener.

The programme was scheduled for two years (March 2021 to March 2023) depending on the duration of the coronavirus pandemic, with a possibility of rolling it out.  By the end of this March 2023, the programme will reach its planned end.

To enable us get the full extent of what this programme has enabled us so far to achieve, we are conducting Impact Monitoring and Evaluation of the two phases of this programme (Phases A and B).

For who may interested in this Impact Monitoring and Evaluation activity and would like to enquire about it, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 13/03/2023: Arts and Design Activity about Valuing Nature’s Contributions

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –Step/Workshop 4: Appraising your Play, Run and Vote Projects

• End-of-season Reminder!!!

The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right NOW



• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 13/03/2023: Arts and Design Activity about Valuing Nature’s Contributions


There could be disputes over what is value and what is not value.  Despite these disputes, it is right to argue that nature gives something valuable to humans/people.  That something valuable can be anthropocentric, bio-physical, economic, good quality of life, etc.  This is why one can speak about nature’s contributions to people.  What do we mean by that?


• • Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP)


To understand NCP, let us refer to what the website ‘’ (12) says about it, which is:

“NCPs are all the positive contributions or benefits, and occasionally negative contributions, losses or detriments, that people obtain from nature.  It resonates with the use of the term ecosystem services, and goes further by explicitly embracing concepts associated with other worldviews on human-nature relations and knowledge systems (e.g., nature’s gifts in many indigenous cultures)”.

One can refer to this definition to carry out arts and design activity showing how they value nature’s contributions in their life.


• • Arts and Design Activity about Valuing Nature’s Contributions


You can use your creative skills to create or draw the beauty of nature in giving to humans or yourself.

For example, you can draw and/or design the following:


~ part of your natural local park that help you to have a picnic, sunbathing or just to relax

~ the tomatoes plants or any food you grow in your garden

~ an area of African rainforest and how it is important as carbon sink for the humanity

~ animals’ habitat and how this habit can help in storing carbon and retaining soil

~ medical plants that help cure diseases

~ the river or channels that cross through the area you live or travel



The above are only the few amongst millions of ways of expressing your feelings in arts and design about nature’s contributions to your life.  You can do it on paper or online or any other suitable means or formats.

Your art and design work can be an object or draw/design on paper or online or digital means.  You can share your art and design work with CENFACS and others within the community.



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 4: Appraising your Play, Run and Vote Projects


To carry out this step/workshop 4, we are going to briefly explain what this step/workshop is about and give an example about it.


• • About Appraising your Play, Run and Vote Projects 


It is about assessing the feasibility, viability and potential impact of a proposed project.  It means that an all-year-round project user will proceed with the following:

identify the project, screen it, scope it, analyse its market, technically study it as feasible, assess its financial viability and its economic impact, analyse risks, examine environmental and social impact and report its appraisal.

Because All-year Round Projects are such small and practical initiatives, there is a need to simply the appraisal relating to it.  To simply the matter, we are going to limit to financial appraisal.


• • Example of Financial Appraisal: Your Project about Running for Poverty Reduction 


Let say you want to run 4 km.

You have two options.

~ Option 1

You could simply get out your home start running without thinking of any financial appraisal.

~ Option 2

You can conduct a basic financial appraisal by asking yourself if you need to buy a bottle of water, a pair of trainers, a clock or watch to time yourself, the frequency of your run activity (e.g., once a week or every particular day of the week), decide whether you want run alone or as a group, etc.

You can even work out how much it costs to run in open space like a park compared to a close space such as a gym.

You can as well assess the benefit of running in terms of your health and general wellbeing.

In this second option, you can carry out more appraisal and come out with a sort of financial plan in terms of basic costs and benefits of running.

For those who would like to dive deeper into the appraisal of their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




• End-of-season Reminder!!!

The Polycrisis-impacted Children of East Africa Need Your Influence Right NOW


You can help halve poverty  in East Africa; you can help halve poverty for and with children at risk of loosing their life because of the detrimental effects of the poly-crisis on them.


You can donate your Influence to halve poverty  in East Africa.

To donate, please contact influential persons (or those having the keys) to reduce or solve the detrimental effects from the crises that the East African children are suffering from and make these persons reduce or end these negative effects on them.

You can as well influence the things or factors that determine these crises in order to create lasting favourable conditions towards an end to years-long crises, like the conflicts or economic crises in Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.

Please also let CENFACS know about your influencing work or contribution  you are or will be making and its outcome on behalf of the children or peoples of East Africa.

To let us know, you can contact CENFACS as follows:

*over phone

*via email

*through text

*by filling the contact form on this site. 

On receipt of your message or influencing donation, CENFACS will contact you for record and thank you for any influencing donation made.  However, should you wish your influencing support to remain anonymous; we will respect your wish.

There are only 7 days remaining for this Winter 2023 appeal.

For further details about this appeal/Gift of Light and or to support, go to

Thank you in anticipation for your willingness to give your Positive Influence and help save the lives of the Polycrisis-impacted East African Children, especially but not exclusively those living in the polycrisis-affected areas of Ethiopia, Somalia and South Sudan.


Message in French (Message en français)


• Budget d’action pour le climat pour les ménages / familles

Un ménage ou une famille ordinaire peut déterminer quelle part de ses revenus peut être affectée à des dépenses pour l’action climatique. Le ménage ou la famille donnée peut planifier pendant une certaine période combien dépenser afin de réduire par exemple ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Dans leur budget de dépenses d’action climatique, le ménage ou la famille peut planifier le montant dont il a besoin pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques suivants:

√ Encourager la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l’intérieur

√ Adopter une énergie verte, sûre et propre (pour la cuisson et le chauffage)

√ Utiliser des appareils électriques efficaces

√ Comparer et contraster les combustibles fossiles à l’énergie durable en termes d’économie et de santé


Pour plus d’efficacité, tous ces petits objectifs seront résumés dans un budget d’action pour le climat.

Ainsi, pour enrichir nos Journées d’action pour le climat, nous travaillerons sur les éléments du budget ménage/famille relatifs au climat et où des actions peuvent être prises au niveau du ménage/famille afin de réduire les enjeux climatiques (tels que la pollution de l’air intérieur).

Pour ceux/celles qui voudraient travailler avec le CENFACS sur le budget de leur ménage afin d’agir en faveur de la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, ils/elles sont plus que bienvenus pour contacter le CENFACS.


Main Development


Spring Relief 2023: Rebuilding and Renewing Lives, Infrastructures and Institutions in the Context of Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes


To cover the contents of Spring Relief 2023, we have planned the following two items:


σ What is in focus for Spring Relief 2023?

σ Preview of Projects and Programmes for Spring Relief 2023.


Let us summarise each of these items.


• • What is in focus for Spring Relief 2023?


The focus is on the work to Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer.


• • • Work to Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer


The rolling out of another work to Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer for this Spring 2023 is to deal with the continuing cost-of-living crisis.  The first time we put in place Build Forward Better Together Programme was to work on ways of moving out from the coronavirus pandemic and its legacies.

The current work to Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer has some similarities and differences with the one we applied to the coronavirus pandemic.

In both cases, if we are going to build forward together; we need to build a greener, cleaner and safer world so that future generations will not have the fulfilment of their needs compromises.  In other words, we need to adopt green, clean and safe pathways for poverty reduction and net-zero carbon emissions development.

The difference between the two is that Build Forward Better Together Programme for the coronavirus pandemic focussed on health and economic crises.  Contrariwise, the Work to Build Forward Better Together relating to the cost-of-living crisis will concentrate on prices and incomes crises; that is the cost of living crisis.  The cost of living here has to be understood as defined in Collins Dictionary of Business written by Christopher Pass et al. (op. cit.) in these terms:

“Cost of living is the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy as measured by a representative PRICE-INDEX” (p. 143)

We cannot ignore the contexts in which we need to build forward.  The current context is of the cost-of-living crisis.  It is in this context of the cost-of-living crisis that we will try to build forward during this Spring 2023.

So, during this Spring Relief 2022 CENFACS is going to work with the community in the UK and organisations in Africa to build forward better together from the collateral damages generated by the cost-of-living crisis.    There have been asymmetrical or uneven distributional effects from this crisis.  Those living in poverty are the ones bearing the brunt of this crisis.

This Spring 2023 Building forward better, which is a new roll-out, is about correcting the asymmetrical effects from the cost-of-living crisis since many of our community members have been unevenly hurt during this crisis.

In order to build forward better, one needs a programme or a strategy or a roadmap.  This is why we are rolling out this second type of Build Forward Better Together Work.  To deliver this seasonal work, one needs as well a set of activities during the work’s lifespan.

This work to Build Forward Better Together Work is part of our Campaign to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living.


• • • Campaign to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living


Campaign to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living is one of the legacies of CENFACS Starting IX Projects from Autumn 2022.

The Campaign to End Poverty Linked to Rising Costs of Living is an organised series of actions to gain support for the cost-of-living poor so that something can be done for them.  These actions need to result in change, particularly the reduction and end of poverty led by the cost-of-living crisis.  The latter is now a barrier for many poor.

It takes a long time for a crisis like the current cost-of-living crisis to end.  Because of that, it is better to have short-, medium- and long-term actions; actions that can stemmed from a strategy to end crisis.

During this coming Spring 2023, we shall work to Build Forward Better Together Greener, Cleaner and Safer from the damaging effects of the cost-of-living crisis, while Campaigning to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living.


• • Preview of Projects and Programmes for Spring Relief 2023


CENFACS is pleased to present its New Season’s (Spring) collection of selected projects and programmes with a choice of relief and climate smart services.  For each of these projects and programmes, you will find climate resilient development ambition as well as user-friendly and –centred relief.  They are designed with the scents of inclusivity, safety and sustainability.

These are the projects and programmes to rebuild lives, infrastructures and institutions as we move forward better together greener, cleaner and safer towards a net-zero world.  They are free but we do not mind donationsThe more you donate, the more we can relieve.

Please find below the selection of Spring Relief 2023 Projects and Programmes.


• • • April: Protection Month


There will be two initiatives to deliver and sustain protection in April 2023:

Geo-economic Protection and Security for Women and Children, and Protection against Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes.


a) Women and Children Projects (3W & PPS Reflection Day):


Reflection on Geo-economic Protection and Security for Women and Children (Protection project)

On our Reflection Day, we will reflect on the crisis and risk linked to interstate economic confrontations and rivalries in recent years and how they could lead to geo-economic warfare.  These rivalries, if they escalate, can pose concern about protection and security vulnerabilities for many people, especially but not exclusively for women and children living in poverty.

Our Reflection Day will try to look at ways of protecting and securing women and children from increasing geo-economic clashes and the proliferation of new geo-economic weaponization in the new protection and security contexts.

Additionally, we shall reflect on the effects of the geo-economic conflicts on our network and system of protection in the process of building forward better together greener, cleaner and safer.


b) Protection against Falling Real Household Disposable Incomes  (Protection and Income project)


Prices and bills keep on raising while real household disposable incomes have failed to match this raising trend.  In other words, incomes are not fully index-linked to keep pace with inflation and living standards unchanged. There is a need to protect falling real household disposable incomes.


• • • May: Stories Telling Month


The plan for May 2023 is made two main features:

Stories Telling and Sharing project, and the continuation of our Rebuilding Africa project/campaign.


a) All in Development Stories (Volunteer’s Stories Telling & Sharing project)


Tell your Story of Building Forward Better from the Cost-of-living Crisis – Tell it! 

Entries for Stories on Poverty Relief and Development for May 2023 (May Stories) are now open. To tell and share your story of change for change to CENFACS, please contact CENFACS for story telling terms and conditions.

This year’s All in Development Stories will be about how people and communities are trying or have tried to build forward better from the cost-of-living crisis.

This year’s stories are those of:

∝ reduction of endemic structural disadvantages and inequalities

∝ positively transforming our relationship with nature

∝ dismantling structures of discrimination disadvantaging the poor

∝ building on the moral and legal framework of human rights that places human dignity at the heart of policy and action.

They are the tales of physical, social, environmental and economic building forward better.


b) Rebuilding Africa: Build Forward Better with Communities and Africa-based Organisations (Advocacy programme)


There will two areas in our advocacy to rebuild Africa, which are as follows.


b.1) Building Forward Better Together with Communities and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) will be based on wellbeing economy, inclusiveness and safety to manage the struggle to come out of the cost-of-living crisis.  It is about advocating to manage struggle.


b.2) Building Forward Better Together with Communities and ASOs will be about navigating their ways to improve in those areas where the cost-of-living crisis has brought a new window of opportunities and scope to learn and develop.  It is an advocacy work to go beyond struggle and plan future.


• • • June: Creation & Innovation Month


Creation and innovation are needed to manage the struggle against the cost-of-living since prices of energy and food started to rise from March 2022.  Likewise, to build forward better, creation and innovation should be the response.

This June, we shall deal with creations and innovations that help that struggle as well as those that help manage the period of struggle against the cost-of-living crisis.


a) Creations and Innovations to manage the struggle against the cost-of-living crisis (Creation and Innovation project)


Forming from nothing ideas or introducing changes to manage struggle against the cost-of-living crisis and move forward together will be the main activity during the month of June 2023.  These creative ideas and innovative ways of working will enable to find the means to meet the level of ambition we have for the kind of sustainable development and future we want.

Using our skills, knowledge and talents to find techniques, technologies and new methods to deal with the currently pressing and immediate needs of the cost-of-living crisis period may not be enough unless we create and innovate to prevent or at least to mitigate future crises.  It means there could be another need to bring into existence ideas and introduce changes and new methods to address future crises if they happen when they happen.


b) Creations and Innovations to deal with falling real household disposable incomes (Creation and Innovation project)


The current fall in real household disposable incomes means that one needs to find some creative and innovative ways of dealing with this fall if one wants to avoid the deepening of income poverty.  It also means one may work out to develop an alternative in terms of ideas, skills and new knowledge to meet the income needs of those who are unable to raise or earn incomes beyond the income poverty line.

The above summarises the programmes, projects and activities we have planned to deliver this coming Spring.  To request further information about Spring Relief 2023 Projects and Programmes, please contact CENFACS. 



The above initiatives are only a selection of what we have planned for Spring Relief season 2023.  We may introduce new initiatives and or upgrade the existing ones depending on the circumstances as we have from time to time to respond to emergencies and urgent humanitarian issues like we did with the sanitary crisis, COVID-19, and we may do it with the cost-of-living crisis crisis.  In which case, we shall let you know. 

Also, in every work we do to try to help reduce poverty, there is always a cost to bear.  If you could help alleviate some of our costs, we would more acknowledge your support than just appreciate your gesture. 





(1) Pass, C., Lowes, B., Pendleton, A. & Chadwick, L. (1991), Collins Dictionary of Business, HarperCollinsPublishers, Glasgow

(2) (Accessed in March 2023)

(3) (Accessed in March 2023

(4) (Accessed in March 2023)

(5) (Accessed in March 2023)

(6) (Accessed in March 2023)

(7) (Accessed in March 2023)

(8) (Accessed in March 2023)

(9) Chambers Combined Dictionary Thesaurus, Manser, M. & Thompson, M. (eds.), Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd, 1999

(10) Morin, E. and Kern, A. B. (1999),Homeland Earth: A Manifesto for a New Millennium. Advances in Systems Theory, Complexity, and the Human Sciences. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press

(11) (Accessed in March 2023)

(12) (Accessed in March 2023)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.

Influence Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities 

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

08 March 2023


Post No. 290



The Week’s Contents


• Climate Action 2: Influence Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities 

• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 06/03/2023: Participating to a Survey on Genetic Diversity

• Nature-based Solutions to Poverty and Technology-based Solutions to Poverty


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Climate Action 2: Influence Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities 


Climate Action 2 will be held from 08 to 14/03/2023.  It is about trying to have an effect on  voluntary carbon credit markets so that they can promote means of living that are continued over the long term without adversely effecting poor communities.

Indeed, a voluntary carbon credit market as an exchange mechanism which brings together the sellers and buyers of carbon emission allowances can be influenced.  Influencing this type of market can pose two problems.

Firstly, this market is voluntary, that is sellers and buyers are acting by free choice/will, not by compulsion to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  As specified in the Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (1), countries can voluntarily cooperate with each other to achieve emission reduction targets sets out in their nationally determined contributions.  If this is the case, then why influencing them.

Secondly, influence could mean having a power to have an effect over either sellers or buyers or the product or the result from this exchange mechanism.  This can raise the debate over free market or controlled market despite the fact that any market could be subject to influences anyway.

The kind of influence we are arguing about is different from the general market influences or factors like inflation, economic growth, currency exchange rate, market sentiment, geo-economic conflicts (e.g., Russia-Ukraine conflict), etc.  The kind of influence we are dealing with is more specific such as the pricing of carbon credits, the quality of credit costs of carbon credits, pricing of value delivered, etc.  The kind of influence we are looking for is for these markets to encourage the development of sustainable livelihoods, particularly but not exclusively for the poor communities.

The above is the first key message of this week’s post.  To find out more about this key message, please read under the Main Development section of this post.



• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 06/03/2023: Participating to a Survey on Genetic Diversity


We are conducting a Survey on Genetic Diversity, as part of Nature Projects.  The purpose of this survey on Genetic Diversity is to collect information from a sample of our users  regarding the Maintenance of Genetic Diversity within population of wild and domesticated species.  Participation to this survey is voluntary.

To help participants take part in this survey, let us explain two key concepts of this survey, which are: genetic diversity and genetic resources.  To explain both concepts, we are going to refer to the Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation by Chris Park (2).  In this dictionary, it says that

“Genetic diversity is the number of different types of genes in a species or population, which is a measure of biodiversity” (p. 187)

“Genetic resource is genetic material of plants, animals, or micro-organisms that is of actual or potential value as a resource for humans” (p. 188)

Knowing these two concepts, it is possible to respond to the questionnaire constituent of the survey.  Amongst the survey questions are the following three ones relating to the use of genetic resources, resources sharing and the protection of traditional knowledge:


a) What benefits do you find in using genetic resources?

b) What is your experience or view about fairly and equitably sharing resources with indigenous peoples and local communities?

c) What can be done to protect traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources?


You can answer and directly send your answer to CENFACS. 


• Nature-based Solutions to Poverty and Technology-based Solutions to Poverty


We are continuing to work on nature-based solutions to poverty.  As part of this continuation, we are putting two solutions together to help reduce poverty.  These two solutions are nature- and technology-based.


• • Nature-based Solutions to Poverty


Nature-based Solutions can be understood from the definition of ‘’ (3) as:

“Actions and policies that protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems, while addressing social challenges”.

Because we are arguing about Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, we are going to work with nature to address social challenges (like social poverty) while making sure that both our project beneficiaries and biodiversity benefit.


• • Technology-based Solutions to poverty


Technology-based Solutions are the process of finding answers to problems using scientific knowledge and technical skills.  This process can include the transfer of devices and the transmission of knowledge, know-how, skills, digital services, etc.

Technology-based Solutions to poverty are processes that use technologies to reduce or end poverty.  For example, one can use technologies like mobile phone, computer, laptop, tablet, and other electronics to help reduce technology poverty.  Likewise, one can provide renewable energy generation facilities in poor communities to help these communities benefit from clean energy.


• • Nature- and Technology-based Solutions to Poverty


This week, we are combining the two solutions (technology- and nature-based) in the efforts we are deploying together with the community and our Africa-based Sister Organisations to find solutions to the problems they are facing.  In this quest for two solutions, donating net-zero technologies can help to meet their needs.

For those members of our community and Africa-based Sister Organisations wanting to find out more and or work with us on Nature-based Solutions to Poverty and Technology-based Solutions to poverty, they can contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• Climate-induced Poverty and Poverty Caused by Natural Events in Africa

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –Step/Workshop 3: Conducting a Feasibility Study on your Play, Run and Vote Projects

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses Ways of Broadening Local Contribution to Local Charitable Causes



• Climate-induced Poverty and Poverty Caused by Natural Events in Africa


Climate action is also about taking steps to deal with the consequences of adverse climate change on other people’s lives.  One of these consequences could be the creation or exacerbation of climate poor because of treacherous weather events such as drought, torrential rains, floods, earthquakes, rise in sea levels, etc.  These situations or events can create situational/transitory poverty.

For example, assessing the crop prospects and food situation in the world, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (4) found that

“About 1.4 million people in Burundi were estimated to be facing acute food insecurity (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification 3 [crisis] and above between October and December 2022”. (p. 2)

This acute food insecurity was due to erratic February – May rains in some central and south-eastern areas which affected pulses production.  This is without forgetting the lingering socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and high food price.

Since situational/transitory poverty is one the seven goals of CENFACS’ 2020s Development Agenda and Poverty Reduction Programme (5), we are carrying on the work on this type of poverty.  This time, the focus on situational/transitory poverty will be on the one that is caused by climate change events.  Depending on the intensity and power of these events, they can seriously or less harm people.  These events can also lead to acute human insecurity and eventually push people to poverty line of all kinds (in food, health, education, housing, etc.

So, the need to take action against worsening poverty in Africa is at the same time an action against climate-induced poverty and poverty caused by natural events.  Reducing Climate-induced Poverty and Poverty Caused by Natural Events in Africa can be the goal to pursue this March 2023.

For those who may be interested in this action and would like to work with us to support climate-induced poor, they can contact CENFACS.



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 3: Conducting a Feasibility Study on your Play, Run and Vote Projects


In this 3rd step or workshop, users will learn (for those users who are new to project planning) or revisit (for those who are familiar with project planning) the evaluation of the practicality of their chosen Play or Run or Vote project.  In project planning terms, it means they need to conduct feasibility study.  But, what is feasibility study?


• • Basic understanding of feasibility study


Feasibility study is a ‘go/no-go’ decision time for any project planner.  In other words, it is the time when an All-year-round project user will decide whether or not to continue with their proposed project.

As ‘’ (6) puts it,

“A feasibility study is a comprehensive evaluation of a proposed project that evaluates all factors critical to its success in order to assess its likelihood of success”.

Referring to this definition or any suitable definition, All-year-round project users will look at the practicality of the Play, Run and Vote projects from the perspective of required cost and expected value.


• • Types of feasibility


Feasibility can cover many aspects of the project to be implemented; aspects like technical, economic, financial, operational, legal, etc.  To simplify the matter, we are going to limit in this workshop to the technical and economic aspects of feasibility study; leaving to those who would like to dive deeper into feasibility study to let us know what other aspects of feasibility study they may be interested in.

The technical feasibility of your Play, Run and Vote projects will include the technical resources and capacities to convert your idea of playing, running and voting into a workable or working project.  The economic feasibility will analyse the cost and benefit of the same projects.


• • Example of feasibility study: Your 2023 Vote for African Poverty Reduction and Development Manager


In order to conduct your feasibility study of your vote, you need to carry out the following tasks:


~ Evaluate if your Vote project is technically achievable by determining and steering the technical resources (like time, budget, technical skills, etc.) to be committed to drive you to the process of looking for your Poverty Reduction and Development Manager of the year and of voting him/her

~ Carry out a viability test in terms of the cost associated with your selection process and benefits linked with your Vote project

~ Financially work out the cost and benefit of your Vote project as you will do in the recruitment selection process of any personnel.


Feasibility study can be basic (simple) or complex depending on the type of your Vote project.  In the above example, we have simplified the matter.

For those who would like to dive deeper into feasibility study, including the tools, examples, skills and steps in feasibility study of their Play or Run or Vote project, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses Ways of Broadening Local Contribution to Local Charitable Causes


The first discussion of March 2023 for CENFACSbe.Africa Forum is about Broadening the Contribution of Local Populations to their Charitable Causes without Impacting their Vulnerabilities and the Informal System in which they Live.

It is true that many local people are already contributing to their own local matters including local causes.  However, because of the intensity and continuity of the poly-crisis faced by many locals in Africa, we are discussing ways of increasing and improving local response in terms of their share regarding the contribution they are making towards the reduction or end of poverty in Africa.  We are discussing it while considering two constraints to this contribution, which are:


a) The vulnerability in which they are since we are dealing with people who are in need

b) Many of them live in informal system or economy in order to make ends meet.


Given these two constraints, how possibly can their contribution to their charitable cause be expanded by them without worsening their vulnerability and weakening the life-line informal system on which they depend?

Those who may be interested in this first March 2023 discussion can join in and or contribute by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.

To communicate with CENFACS regarding this discussion, please use our usual contact details on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


Le Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS discute des moyens d’élargir la contribution locale aux causes caritatives locales

La première discussion de mars 2023 pour le Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS vise à élargir la contribution des populations locales à leurs causes caritatives sans affecter leurs vulnérabilités et le système informel dans lequel elles vivent.

Il est vrai que de nombreuses populations locales contribuent déjà à leurs propres affaires locales, y compris les causes locales.  Cependant, en raison de l’intensité et de la continuité de la polycrise à laquelle sont confrontés de nombreux habitants en Afrique, nous discutons des moyens d’accroître la part relative locale concernant la contribution qu’ils apportent à la réduction ou à la fin de la pauvreté en Afrique.

Nous en discutons en considérant deux contraintes à cette contribution qui sont :

a) La vulnérabilité dans laquelle ils se trouvent puisque nous avons affaire à des personnes dans le besoin

b) Beaucoup d’entre eux vivent dans un système ou une économie informels afin de joindre les deux bouts du mois.

Compte tenu de ces deux contraintes, comment peut-on accroître leur contribution à leur cause caritative sans aggraver leur vulnérabilité et affaiblir le système informel vital dont ils dépendent?

Ceux/celles qui pourraient être intéressés par cette première discussion de mars 2023 peuvent rejoindre et / ou contribuer en contactant le Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS, qui est un forum de discussion sur les questions de réduction de la pauvreté et de développement durable en Afrique et qui agit au nom de ses membres en faisant des propositions ou des idées d’actions pour une Afrique meilleure.

Pour communiquer avec le CENFACS au sujet de cette discussion, veuillez utiliser nos coordonnées habituelles sur ce site.




Main Development


Climate Action 2: Influence Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities 


The following notes will help to take Climate Action 2:


σ Key concepts to be used to influence voluntary carbon credit markets

σ What voluntary carbon credit markets (VCCM) provide

σ Putting poverty reduction value on what voluntary carbon credit markets provide

σ How CENFACS can work with the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations on natural climate solutions like VCCM.


Let us look at each of these notes or items.


• • Key concepts to be used to influence voluntary carbon credit markets


To influence voluntary carbon credit markets, one needs to understand the following terms: Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets (VCCM), sustainable livelihoods and market influences.


• • • Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets (VCCM)


Referring to the definitions provided by the glossary of Market Business News (7), it states in this glossary that

“Carbon credit is a financial unit of measurement. It represents the removal of one tCO2e from the atmosphere.  tCO2e stands for tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.”

There are two types of credits in the voluntary market which are:

~ Avoidance credits for external projects that avoid or reduce emissions production (for example, building a wind farm)

~ Removal credits for projects that lower existing emissions.

Removal projects deploy either nature-based solutions such as afforestation or technology-based solutions such as renewable energy generation.

Knowing what is carbon credit, it is possible to define voluntary carbon market.  For instance, the ‘’ (8) explains that

“The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) enables investors, governments, non-governmental organisations and businesses to voluntarily purchase verified emissions reductions in the form of carbon credits.  This is a crucial tool to unlock the full potential of natural climate solutions, which have traditionally been under-funded and under-valued”.

The ‘’ further argues that

“The VCM is by no means the only solution for funding natural climate solutions  – but is a really important and tangible mechanism we can use right now”.

The VCM could also be a viable tool to foster sustainable livelihoods.


• • • Sustainable livelihoods


According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (9),

“A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future, while not undermining natural resource bases… Livelihoods can therefore be affected by external factors which increase their resilience and consequently reduce their vulnerability”.

From this definition of sustainable livelihood, one can argue that fostering sustainable livelihood could be undertaking a variety of initiatives such as developing skills (like income-generating, financial literacy, agriculture-based skills, etc.) to enhance capacities.  It could as well be about women’s development and capacity building initiatives.  Additionally, to create sustainable livelihoods, it requires access to capital (particularly natural capital) and access to markets.


• • • Market influences


Market influences are the broad factors that affect the economy, industries and companies as a whole.  One can do a PESTLE analysis, that is a Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors affecting the economy and industries.  These generic factors could be inflation, economic growth, market sentiment, international crisis like the Russia-Ukraine conflict, etc.

However, in the context of VCCM, we are focussing on specific factors like prices for voluntary carbon markets, the pricing of carbon credits, project cost, pricing of value delivered, quality of credit, costs of carbon credits, etc.  The influence we are looking for is to make these specific factors work for the poor as well.  We are further examining how VCCM can help in dealing with the factors of the PESTLE analysis that are crucial in poverty reduction.


• • What voluntary carbon credit markets provide


Voluntary credit markets allow organisations to offset their unavoidable emissions by purchasing carbon credits from projects targeted at removing or reducing greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.  These markets provide the opportunities listed below:


to store carbon

to filter water

to produce oxygen

to promote biodiversity

to unlock private capital



Because of these opportunities, the VCM is a solution for funding natural climate solutions.  As argued earlier, it will be good to see these opportunities trickle down to the poor.  In other words, poverty reduction value needs to be at the heart of these markets.  These opportunities do not trickle down by themselves unless one takes climate action and action against poverty.


• • Putting poverty reduction value on what voluntary carbon credit markets provide


Voluntary carbon markets tend to compensate for residual emissions.  It is good to have voluntary carbon credit markets that provide opportunities to voluntarily purchase verified emissions reductions in the form of carbon credits.  It will even be better if these markets put poverty reduction value at the centre of their dealings.

As Leo Peskett et al. (10) put it in their Forestry Briefing 11 that Making voluntary carbon markets work better for the poor is about the following:


shifting from prioritising concerns of investors and producers to focussing on wider development interests of the host countries

developing expertise in carbon finance

prioritising concerns of small producers

evaluating social impacts



So, putting poverty reduction value on what voluntary carbon credit markets provide is all about that.


• • How CENFACS can work with the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) on natural climate solutions like VCCM


Lifting people and ASOs beyond their everyday lives of poverty and helping them take stock of their difficult situation while connecting them to solutions to poverty will always be at the heart of CENFACS.  In this lifting mission, we can work with them on natural climate solutions like VCCM to help them reduce poverty and hardships.

Natural Climate Solutions will help to protect, restore and better manage forests, soils and wetlands, while assisting in reducing poverty.

For ASOs and those members of our community who are interested in the second action of our Climate Action Month, action which is Influence Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets Foster Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor Communities ; they are welcome to contact CENFACS.

For any other queries and enquiries about CENFACS‘ Climate Action Month, the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor and the second action; please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





(1) (Accessed in March 2023)

(2) Park, C. (2011), Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York

(3) (Accessed in February 2023)

(4) FAO (2023), Crop Prospects and Food Situation – Quarterly Global Report No. 1, March 2023, Rome ( (Accessed in March 2023)

(5) (Accessed in March 2023)

(6) (Accessed in March 2023)

(7) (Accessed in February 2023)

(8) (Accessed in March 2023)

(9) (Accessed in March 2023)

(10) Peskett, L., Luttrell, C. & Brown, D. (2006), Making voluntary carbon markets work better for the poor: the case of forestry offsets, Forestry Briefing 11, Overseas Development Institute at (Accessed in March 2023)




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Climate Actions March 2023

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

01 March 2023


Post No. 289



The Week’s Contents


• Climate Actions March 2023 with ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor’

• Climate Protection and Stake for African Children (Phase 3.2)

• Activity/Task 3 of the ‘i‘ Project: Positively Influence Climate Actions


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Climate Actions March 2023 with ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor’


This year’s Climate Actions Month within CENFACS will be about acting on carbon markets to reduce or end greenhouse gas emissions while making the same markets work for the poor.

Indeed, emissions trading or markets in which players (or emitters) are working with allowances of carbon emissions (or credits) can provide the possibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.   If they can provide this sort of emissions reduction scope, then they should be encouraged and extended.

It will as well be good if these markets work for the poor.  This is because like anybody else, poor people suffer from the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions which could lead or exacerbate climate poverty.  So, Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor will be the theme for this month of March 2023, Month of Climate Actions.  In other words, the idea to be developed and repeated throughout March 2023 is how poor people can benefit from carbon markets.  To explain that, we are going to develop four key notes for our theme every Wednesday of March 2023 (one note per Wednesday), starting from 1 March 2023.

Additionally, this year’s Month of Climate Actions will look at one of the outcomes from the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1).  This outcome is the creation of ‘loss and damage’ funds to help vulnerable countries cope with the destructive impacts of global warming.  In particular, we shall discuss how these funds will contribute to our climate ask, which is ‘giving poor children a climate stake‘ in rescuing and rebuilding their physical and social infrastructures devastated by extreme weather.

For those who would like to get more informed about this first key message, they can read under the Main Development section of this post.




• Climate Protection and Stake for African Children (Phase 3.2)


CENFACS’ Climate Talks Follow-up Project is still in Phase 3.2, which is of the Implementation Level of Taking Climate Protection and Stake for African Children’.  We are now at the Installation Sub-phase (or Sub-phase 2) of this project.

In this Phase 3.2, we followed the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which was held in Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt) in 2022.  We are continuing to work on the outcomes of the COP27 and on CENFACS’ Compendia of Climate Advocacy.  Our next follow-up will be on the United Nations climate talks 2023.


• • 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up


The United Nations climate talks 2023, which will be held during the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2), will be convened in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from 30 November to 12 December 2023.

This month, we will start the planning process of this follow-up.  The slogan for this 2023 follow-up will be: Dubai Raise Children’s Ambitions and Hopes.  Let us we hope that the coming Dubai climate gathering will raise climate ambitions and hopes for children.  Let us also expect that the voices of youth and future generations will resonate during COP28 as they were included in COP27, and youth-led solutions to climate change will find accommodation in COP28.

More details about this follow-up will be unveiled as we move towards the COP28 starting day.  For those who have any queries about this 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up, they are free to get in touch with CENFACS.

To support and or enquire about CENFACS’ 2023 Climate Talks Follow-up and the Phase 3.2, please contact CENFACS.

To find out more about CENFACS’ Compendia of CENFACS’ Climate Advocacy, please also communicate with CENFACS.



• Activity/Task 2 of the ‘i‘ Project: Positively Influence Climate Actions


This month’s activity or task for the ‘i‘ project is to positively influence climate actions.  We know that climate actions are not new to many people including the members of CENFACS Community.  Many of you are already taking climate actions of all kinds in all walks of life.

However, because we are carrying on this activity or task 2 of the ‘i‘ project, we are asking to those who can to take climate further actions by having indirect effect on people and factors capable of lowering greenhouse gas emissions.  In particular, one can influence people and or factors to

~ Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate disasters

~ Keep raising awareness on climate change impact reduction

~ Continue to integrate climate change measures into your/people’s daily lives.

The above-named actions are part of Goal 13 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (3).

Briefly, you can exercise your power by taking action to combat climate change and its impacts.  If you are already doing it, you can even increase the power of your action.

For those members of our community who would like to positively influence climate actions with us, and who would like to talk to us; they should not hesitate to contact us.

To contact CENFACS, please use the details provided on the contact-us page of this site.



Extra Messages


• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – Activity for Week Beginning 27/02/2023: Campaign/Advocacy to Halt Human-induced Extinction of Threatened Species

• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –Step/Workshop 2: Preparing your Play, Run and Vote Project

• Financial Controls 2023 for Households – In Focus: Financial Rules



• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty –

Activity for Week Beginning 27/02/2023: Campaign/Advocacy to Halt Human-induced Extinction of Threatened Species


The activity on Species Extinction (Activity 2) is about finding life-saving solutions/ways of halting human-induced extinction of known threatened species.  Before explaining this activity, let us clarify the meaning of species extinction and threatened species.


• • Meaning of species extinction and threatened species


To specify species extinction and threatened species, we are going to refer to the Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation written by Chris Park (4).  In this dictionary, it says that

“Extinction is the permanent disappearance of a species throughout its entire range, caused by the failure to reproduce and the death of all remaining members” (p. 164)

In the same dictionary, it states that

“Species is a population of organisms that reproduce with one another but not with other populations” (p. 422)

“Threatened species are a category of species under threat […].  The categories within this group  are extinct, endangered, vulnerable, rare and indeterminate” (p. 450)

Knowing what is species extinction, it is possible to proceed with Activity 2


• • What Activity 2 entails


 Activity 2 will be conducted in the form of campaign or advocacy.  It will be an organised series of actions to build up opposition to species extinction or alternatively an active support of species protection.

Under Activity 2, one can undertake different types actions such as signing a petition against species extinction, joining a local species protection group, adding their voices to mobilisation movements aiming at protecting species, etc.  Alternatively, one can support CENFACS‘ anti species extinction initiatives such the Big Beasts Campaign, Save Fauna and Flora, Safeguard Crop Wild Relatives, etc.

For those who would like to engage with Activity 2, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

For those who would like to find out more about Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, they can also communicate with CENFACS.




• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 2: Preparing your Play, Run and Vote Projects


Once you have identified your idea of your Play, Run and Vote Projects; you can start the preparation step.  What is this preparation about?

Preparing your Play or Run or Vote project is about ensuring that they are feasible and appropriate, and can be successfully implemented.  It is also the step you try to de-risk and conceptualise them.

For example, if you choose to play the CENFACS League for Poverty Reduction, you need to be aware of three basic principles:

a) Your Play project is feasible, appropriate and can be successfully implemented; in other words it is SMART (that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound)

b) You need as well to de-risk your Play project from the risk of not researching enough information or not having enough data about poverty reduction efforts or achievements of the selected African countries in your league model are making

c) You finally have to reduce any information gaps when comparing and contrasting African countries in order to get reliable results in your sample.

For those who are not familiar with project preparation and would like some support, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

They can contact CENFACS by phoning, texting, e-mailing and completing the contact form on this website.  We can together discuss in detail their proposals about either their Run or Play or Vote project.



• Financial Controls 2023 for Households – In Focus: Financial Rules


Any households can set up some financial rules if they want to have their finances under control.  Some of these rules are called rules of thumb.  But what are financial rules for households?


• • Financial rules for households


Financial rules for households are simply agreements on how households would like to look after their money.  These rules can be written or verbal or in any suitable format as long as they know them, understand them and agree to apply them for the best financial wellbeing of households.


• • Contents of financial rules for households 


They can include the following:


σ Plan about household budgets

σ Kinds of financial records to keep or destroy

σ Agreements on bank accounts or ways of keeping money

σ Who can act as households’ treasurer or financial data controller

σ Tasks relating to financial years-end accounts

σ Items to pay by cash or online or credit

σ Times and days to hold financial meetings to discuss money within households



• • Examples of financial rules for households


The following are some illustrations of financial rules for households:


σ Rule relating to budgeting


Households can use the 50/30/20 rule for budgeting.  Under this rule, 50% of their income will be allocated to non-discretionary expenses (such as housing and utility bills), 30% to discretionary expenses (like entertainment) and 20% to financial goals (e.g., saving for emergencies or paying off debts).


σ Rule for saving


They can set up a three to six months emergency fund rule.  As a result of this rule, they need to have three to six months’ worth of savings ready in case of emergency.


σ Rule for running bank accounts


They can decide to have a current account, to open up a joined bank account to pay all your bills; just as they can set up direct debit on their account to pay all their bills (like council tax, utility bills, etc.).


σ Rule for buying goods and services


They may decide filing all payments made and receipts from shopping, checking invoices before making any payments, recording all their insurance cover plans so that they do not miss their renewal dates or deadlines, etc.

The above-mentioned are just the few financial rules that households can set up for their effective running.  These rules are there to support households and help them to develop a hassle-free management of their finances.


• • Working with users on matters relating to financial rules 


We are prepared to work with some of our users who would like to set up and or develop financial rules for themselves or households.  These rules can be set up and developed in any format (e.g., online, paper, verbal, etc.) as long as one understand what they mean by financial rules and willing to apply them.  We can as well share resources and examples of financial rules relating to households with those who may be interested in.

Need support regarding your financial controls and in particular financial rules for your household, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)


Mois de l’action pour le climat avec « Faire en sorte que les marchés du carbone fonctionnent pour les pauvres »

Cette année, le Mois de l’action pour le climat au sein du CENFACS consistera à agir sur les marchés du carbone pour réduire ou mettre fin aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre tout en faisant en sorte que les mêmes marchés fonctionnent pour les pauvres.

En effet, l’échange de droits d’émission ou les marchés sur lesquels les acteurs (ou émetteurs) travaillent avec des quotas d’émission de carbone (ou des crédits) peuvent offrir la possibilité de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.   S’ils peuvent fournir ce type de marge de manœuvre de réduction des émissions, ils devraient être encouragés et étendus.

Ce sera aussi bien si ces marchés fonctionnent pour les pauvres.  En effet, comme tout le monde, les pauvres souffrent des conséquences des émissions de gaz à effet de serre qui pourraient conduire ou exacerber la pauvreté climatique.  Ainsi, faire en sorte que les marchés du carbone fonctionnent pour les pauvres sera le thème de ce mois de mars 2023, mois d’actions climatiques.

En d’autres termes, l’idée à développer et à répéter tout au long du mois de mars 2023 est de savoir comment les pauvres peuvent bénéficier des marchés du carbone.  Pour expliquer cela, nous allons développer quatre notes clés sous forme de lignes d’actions à mener pour notre thème tous les mercredis de mars 2023 (une note par mercredi), à partir du 1er mars 2023; notes qui sont:

a) Faire en sorte que les opportunités d’échange de droits d’émission de carbone atteignent les pauvres (Action 1)

b) Influencer le marché des crédits carbone volontaires qui favorise des moyens de subsistance durables pour les communautés pauvres (Action 2)

c) Inciter le marché du carbone à faire partie de la reprise économique (Action 3)

d) Investir dans le marché du carbone qui accélère l’action climatique pour les pauvres (Action 4).

En outre, le Mois de l’action pour le climat de cette année examinera l’un des résultats de la 27e session de la Conférence des Parties (COP27) à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (op.cit.).  Ce résultat est la création d’un fonds de « pertes et dommages » pour aider les pays vulnérables à faire face aux impacts destructeurs du réchauffement climatique.  En particulier, nous discuterons de la manière dont ces fonds contribueront à notre demande climatique, qui consiste à « donner aux enfants pauvres un intérêt climatique » dans le sauvetage et la reconstruction de leurs infrastructures physiques et sociales dévastées par des conditions météorologiques extrêmes.

Pour ceux ou celles qui voudraient s’informer davantage sur ce premier message de mars 2023, ils/elles peuvent contacter le CENFACS.


Main Development


Climate Actions March 2023

Theme: Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor


The following items are the ones shaping the content of our Climate Action Month and its theme:


a) Meaning of the climate action

b) Direct and indirect climate actions

c) Understanding jargons used in carbon markets

d) The expression ‘working for the poor’

e) Work plan for Climate Action March 2023

f) Action 1: Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Poor.


Let us look at the contents of our Climate Action Month.


• • Contents of 2023 Climate Action Month


Before kicking off our action, let us precise the working definitions to be used for climate action.


• • • Meaning of the climate action


Climate action is an activity of engaging and putting ideas into practice to deal with any natural or induced change in the long term average weather conditions of a place, especially when this change adversely affects people’s and communities’ lives and livelihoods.  In other words, it is any effort to mitigate the adverse effects of this change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions while strengthening capacities and resilience to climate-induced impacts.

Climate action is also the 13th Goal of the United Nations’ (op. cit.) 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda.

In the context of CENFACS’ Climate Action Month for this year, climate action is about acting on carbon markets to reduce or end greenhouse gas emissions while making the same markets work for the poor.

These climate actions or efforts could be direct or indirect.


• • • Direct and Indirect Climate Actions


Direct climate actions can directly lead to outcomes such as reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, poor quality air, pollution, etc.  They could also include the increase in the number of poor people benefiting from carbon markets through projects generating greenhouse gas emissions reductions or removals.

As to indirect climate actions, they can help to keep the advocacy and campaign about measures and activities to be carried out to reduce the adverse impacts of climate change going.  Examples of such indirect climate actions will include the prevention of the next pandemic to happen, a campaign to halt human-induced extinction of known threatened species, etc.

Without breaking climate actions into direct and indirect ones, the coming periods and sub-themes of climate action will guide our readers and audiences about the kind of climate actions CENFACS is conducting this month.  This guidance will help those who may be interested to join in.  But, before that let us try to briefly explain the concept of carbon markets and other concepts linked to it.


• • •  Understanding jargons used in carbon markets


Our Climate Action March 2023 uses three climate jargons which need some clarification.  These concepts are carbon credit, carbon market and carbon offsetting.


a) Carbon market


There are many ways of defining or explaining carbon market.

From the glossary of Market Business News (6),

“The carbon market is a market in which we trade carbon emission allowances. The market aims to encourage companies to limit their emissions of CO2.   It also wants to encourage countries to reduce their emissions”.

According to ‘’ (7),

“Carbon markets are trading platforms which allow individuals, firms and governments to find projects that reduce emissions (instead of reducing their own emissions)”.

Carbon markets can be mandatory or run as voluntary programmes.  Mandatory carbon markets operate as cap- and -trade programmes with rules and requirements (that is, regulated by laws).


b) Carbon credit


The glossary (op. cit.) states that carbon credit is

“A financial unit of measurement. It represents the removal of one tCO2e from the atmosphere.  tCO2e stands for tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent.”


c) Carbon offsets


According to ‘’ (8),

“Carbon offsets are credits provided to a project or entity for their removal or reduction of emissions”.

The glossary (op. cit.) states that

“Carbon offsetting is the process by which companies and households can compensate for the release of greenhouse gas emissions”.

These jargons will enable to understand and carry out the current climate actions.


• • • The expression ‘working for the poor


Although there are agreements and disagreements regarding the benefits resulting from carbon markets, it is possible to focus on the probable positive effects of these markets.  Among the benefits stemming from carbon markets, it is argued that carbon markets would accelerate actions to combat climate change and deliver much-needed co-benefits for nature and people.

If this is the case, it is possible to think that these co-benefits will reach the poor.  For these benefits reach them, actions need to be taken.  In other words, to make carbon markets work for the poor, one needs to plan and take action for this to happen; otherwise these benefits will not trickle down by themselves.


• • • Work Plan for Climate Action March 2023


From every Wednesday of this month, the following Climate Actions have been planned:


 Action 1: Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Poor (01 to 07/03/2023)

Action 2: Influence Voluntary Carbon Credit Markets foster sustainable livelihoods for poor communities (08 to 14/03/2023)

Action 3: Induce Carbon Markets be part of Recovery from the poly-crisis (15 to 21/03/2023)

Action 4: Invest in Carbon Markets or Credits that accelerate climate action for the poor (22 to 28/03/2023).


Within the above broad actions, there will be specific actions to be taken.  Finally, there will be impact monitoring and evaluation from 29 to 31/03/2023 to end the Climate Action March 2023.



• • • Action 1: Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Poor


This Action will be held from 01 to 07/03/2023.

To enable to take the first action, we have organised the following notes:


σ Opportunities in carbon trading

σ Reaching the poor through carbon opportunities

σ African Carbon Market Initiatives

σ Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Community and Africa-based Sister Organisations.


• • • • Opportunities in carbon trading


Carbon emissions trading or carbon markets can allow to sell and buy carbon allowances and offsets.  These markets provide opportunities to those engaged in them to meet their objectives and carbon emissions reduction goals.  They give opportunities to incentivize emissions reduction and meet net-zero emissions goals if these markets are well-functioning.


• • • • Reaching the poor through carbon opportunities


Incentivizing emissions reduction and meeting net-zero emissions goals are welcome.  However, they will be even more desirable if these markets reach as well the poor.  The poor are those in many parts of the world, including in Africa, are sometimes bearing the brunt of the greenhouse gas emissions.

For example, climate projects like reforestation, forest conservation, carbon-storing agricultural practices, etc. in poor communities or areas can help to reach out to the poor crowding in these communities.  Taking action by promoting this sort of projects or initiatives can help to reach the poor.


• • • • African Carbon Market Initiatives


There are many types of initiatives in the form of carbon cap- and -trade programmes and voluntary schemes which are now operating with their trumps and limits.  One of the initiatives we would like to mention as part of the Climate Action Month within CENFACS is the African Carbon Markets Initiative (9) which was launched at COP27.

The African Carbon Markets Initiative plans to develop projects such as diesel replacement credits and biodiversity credits as well as country carbon activation plans.  One can hope that this new initiative will be able to decisively act in provide new carbon credits to carbon offset projects as planned.


• • • • Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Community and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs)


Carbon trading or emissions trading or even carbon markets are primarily designed to trade carbon emission allowances or emissions reduction rights among each other.  However, it will be good if the benefits resulting from these these opportunities in carbon trading reach everybody, in particular the poor.

To act so that these opportunities reach our community and ASOs, we have organised ourselves to provide Information and Guidance to those members of our community who would like to find out more about this line of support.  Likewise, those ASOs that would like to work on opportunities relating to carbon trading, they are welcome to contact CENFACS should they have any queries or enquiries they would like to make.


To end the Main Development section of this post, we would like to remind our readers and audiences that climate action is about action, not words only.  We have only written these notes to guide us and galvanise our action.  This is because to take action, one needs a roadmap or simply to say how they are going to conduct this action.

For ASOs and those members of our community who are interested in the first action of our Climate Action Month, action which is Make Opportunities in Carbon Trading Reach the Poor; they are welcome to contact CENFACS.

For any other queries and enquiries about CENFACS‘ Climate Action Month, the theme of ‘Making Carbon Markets Work for the Poor and the first action; please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.






(1) (Accessed in February 2023)

(2) (Accessed in February 2023)

(3) (Accessed in February 2023)

(4) Park, C. (2011), A Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York

(5) (Accessed in February 2023)

(6) (Accessed in February 2023)

(7) (Accessed in February 2023)

(8) (Accessed in February 2023)

(9) (Accessed in February 2023)



Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


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Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Insurance Skills Development Project

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

22 February 2023


Post No. 288


The Week’s Contents


• Insurance Skills Development Project

• Return of Stole Assets to Support Poor Households

• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty: Working Plan for the First Series of Activities


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Insurance Skills Development Project


Our work for promoting insurance amongst the poor carries on as we are unveiling the project proposals for approaching the culture of insurance from the perspective of the insured in terms of the skills they need to learn and develop in order to help them reduce insurance poverty.  This project was highlighted when we published the 78th Issue of FACS, which focussed on ‘The Promotion of Culture of Insurance amongst the Needy to Reduce Poverty in Africa‘.

Indeed, it is possible to apply the perception of culture to insurance applicants on low or modest incomes with low insurance skills and help them to reduce poverty.   It is imaginable to introduce and develop the idea of insurance to become a cultural resource or capital for those in need who may be insurance applicants.  It is even highly probable for these people to learn and develop skills, patterns of behaviour, thought and perception to help themselves by deciding by themselves how much insurance to buy for a well-defined risk.

To help them in their insurance skills development, we are putting these current proposals in the form of project; project which explains how they can achieve their insurance aim and goals via skills development.

To find how this project can help them, please read under the Main Development section of this post.



• Return of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households


Our Month of Sustainable Development keeps on moving with this week’s fourth note which focusses on the Return of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households. 

The 4th note deals with the way in which stolen funds recovered can be managed and disbursed once returned.  One of the propositions regarding the disbursement of returned funds, which is part of our Sustainable Development Month, is to use a portion of returned funds to reduce poverty in country or area where the stolen funds originated.  This proposition stems from the role of asset return in terms of resources it can provide to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  To do that one may be forced to follow some rules or principles governing the returned stolen assets.

There are rules or principles for managing and disposing recovered and returned stolen assets.  For example, the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (1) summarised these principles in one of its meetings which focussed on the management and disposal of stolen assets.  These rules or principles make up or are contained in the instruments or tools to use to deal with asset return.


• • Asset Return Instruments


Asset return instruments depend on which institution or organisation that create them.  For example, if one refers to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, there are two instruments in relation to asset return which need to be considered here.  These instruments are Articles 51 and 57 of Chapter V of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2).

Article 51 gives the General Provision of Chapter V and states that

“The return of assets pursuant to this chapter is a fundamental principle of this convention and States Parties shall afford one another the widest measure of cooperation and assistance in this regard” (p. 42)

Article 57 relates to the Return and Disposal of Assets (p. 47).

In addition, there is the action area 25 of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (3) which encourages the international community to develop good practices on asset return.

The above-mentioned instruments show that there are technicalities of return or repatriation of stolen assets.  There are as well implications.


• • Asset Return Implications


Asset return implies the following:


σ Identification and freezing or seizing of stolen assets

σ Obtaining of confiscation orders

σ Returning the assets to the requesting parties (i.e. State) in accordance with the Convention

σ Involving domestic legislation or international conventions or treaties if there are any problems

σ Dealing with requested jurisdictions

σ Addressing the concern about the management and disposal of returned funds


Bedsides these implications, there are different approaches to disposing recovered and returned stolen assets.


• • Approaches to Asset Return


There are different views or approaches concerning asset return process.  Some of these views have been already highlighted in the above-named instruments.  In the context of this note, we would like to highlight three approaches as follows: lackadaisical, rights-based and CENFACS approaches.

1) A lackadaisical approach to asset return would argue in favour of keeping stolen assets where they are.  Amongst the arguments from this approach is the uncertainty or lack of investment project as to the good use of stolen assets to be returned.

2) A rights-based approach to asset return would instead demand the inclusion of the victims affected by the theft of these assets.  This approach thinks that the return of stolen assets should benefit the public from whom assets were stolen and who may have paid a heavy price such as the lack of investment in health, education, housing, transport, etc. because their country’s/area’s assets were stolen.

3) A CENFACS approach to asset return is to use a portion of returned stolen assets to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  We understand that the return of stolen assets is a complex operation that can involve multiple jurisdictions.  However, once these legal and technical exercises have been completed, it could be good to see that the returned stolen assets to be allocated to projects to reduce poverty, particularly but not exclusively poverty experiencing by low income households.

For example, one way of helping these poor households could be in the form of the distribution of the dividend from these stolen assets through conditional cash transfers like happened in some countries.

Also, one thing is to have an approach, another is to practise it or to work with the community for this approach to materialise.



• • Working with the Community and Africa-based Sister Organisations on Stolen Assets Return


There is a number of ways by which CENFACS can work with the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations on Stolen Assets Return, although CENFACS is not asset recovery and return expert or development practitioner.


• • • Working with the Community on Stolen Assets Return


Together with the community we can impact the Return of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households by these ways:


√ Explaining stolen assets return policies

√ Informing and directing users to services dealing with the return of stolen assets 

√ Helping in data collection regarding stolen assets return

√ Motivating the members of our community to act with integrity, accountability and transparency with regard to public assets

√ Communicating information about stolen assets return

√ Participating in studies (e.g., survey, focus group discussion, etc.) relating to stolen assets return

√ Sharing under the General Data Protection Act non sensitive information about stolen assets return actions and results



• • • Working with ASOs on Stolen Assets Return


CENFACS can as well work with ASOs dealing with Return of Stolen Assets to Support their Poor Households by:


√ Supporting stolen assets return initiatives run by ASOs

√ Engaging with the process of returning stolen assets by sharing online platforms to discuss matters relating to stolen assets return 

√ Help ASOs dealing with stolen assets return to access technical assistance and capacity building on stolen assets return 

√ Providing assistance during the asset repatriation process/phase

√ Sharing stolen assets return instruments to deter, detect, prevent and counter corruption and bribery

√ Supporting responsible return of stolen assets

√ Advocating for a portion of repatriated funds to be allocated to poverty reduction, particularly but not exclusively to poor households



To sum up, the diversion of public funds in the form of illicitly-acquired or  -obtained assets or any other forms can subtract a lump sum of money from where these assets are taken; money that could have been used to reduce or even end poverty.  This diversion can create or exacerbate poverty for those who are poor and amongst them are poor households.  Reclaiming and returning these stolen proceeds to the country from which they were taken is a just and economic cause to pursue if these returned funds can contribute to development efforts, including to poverty reduction.

This conclusion ends our notes regarding the theme of Reduction of Illicit Flows and Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households.  Saying that the conclusion ends our notes does not mean our work on this theme stops here.  Instead, it will continue if one wants to see the end of poverty created or exacerbated by illicit flows and stolen assets.

Furthermore, our work on the Reduction of Illicit Flows and Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households has been conducted with in mind the spirit/respect of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (4), in particular Goal 16 and Target 4 of Goal 16.

For those members of our community who may be interested in matter relating to Return of Stolen Assets to Support their Poor Households, they are free to contact CENFACS

For those Africa-based Sister Organisations that are willing to collaborate with us on the matter, they can let CENFACS know.

For any other queries or enquiries about Sustainable Development Month and the theme of Reduction of Illicit Flows and Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households, please also contact CENFACS.




• Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty: Working Plan for the First Series of Activities


In our post of 8 February 2023, we announced that in the coming weeks and months, we shall have the progressive implementation of the new generation of Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty in the form of planned themed activities, events, workshops, etc.  We also indicated that the themes, days, times and locations (whether online or in-person) of these initiatives will be announced.

This week, we are announcing the first series of activities that will feature the new generation of Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty.  The first series of activities, which will be covered in 5 weeks, include the following:


Activity 1: Food, Consumption and Waste

This activity will consist of two elements which are cutting food waste and reduction of over consumption and waste generation

Activity 2: Species Extinction

This activity will be about finding ways of halting human induced extinction of known threatened species.

Activity 3: Genetic Diversity

This activity will focus on the maintenance of genetic diversity within populations of wild and domesticated species.

Activity 4: Nature Value

This activity will deal with the way to value nature’s contributions to people, to our lives, especially to poverty reduction in terms of nature-based solutions to poverty

Activity 5: Benefits Sharing from Genetic Resources

This activity will centre stage ways of fairly and equitably sharing the monetary and non-monetary benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources with indigenous peoples and local communities.



The contents of above-mentioned five activities stem from nature goals of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (5), which was agreed in December 2022.  The table No. 1 specifies the type of activities each of them is.  The first activity – which is Food, Consumption and Waste – has already kicked off.  Let us further explain Activity 1.



• • Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty – In Discussion for Week Beginning 20/02/2023: Food, Consumption and Waste


Two basic items help to introduce Activity 1, which is about Food, Consumption and Waste.  These items are aim of Activity 1 and what makes it.


a) Aim of Activity 1


Activity 1 aims at supporting those who are struggling to implement policies to cut down food waste and reduce overconsumption and waste generation so that they can gain information and experience from others to make their own choices to implement these cuts.  The activity will help to plan and check their decision making policy on matter of cutting waste.


b) What does Activity 1 Consist of?


Activity 1 is a soft one that consists of sharing experience about measures our project users have taken or are taking in order to cut down food waste and reduce overconsumption and waste generation.

Through the workshop planned for this activity, participants can explain by how much they cut food waste or overconsumption.  For example, they say their cuts are about 10% of their budget in food waste or 20% of the quantity for food overconsumption.  They can as well share their plan to reduce waste generation at home.  Sharing this way can motivate other members of our community who would like to embrace the road of cutting down food waste and reducing overconsumption and waste generation, but they are struggling to do it.

For those who would like to engage with Activity 1 and/or any of the above-mentioned activities, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

For those who would like to find out more about Nature Projects and Nature-based Solutions to Poverty, they can also contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –

Step/Workshop 1: Project Identification

• Making Zero Hunger Africa Campaign with a Focus on Food Security

• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses the New Models of Working Relationships between Insecurity Hotspot Areas of Africa and Humanitarian Mission



• All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) –


Step/Workshop 1: Project Identification


The planning process for Triple Value Initiatives (or All-year Round Projects), which is under way, includes the different steps of project cycle, which are: Identification, preparation, feasibility study, appraisal, negotiations and agreement, start, implementation, monitoring, reviews, termination, evaluation and impact evaluation.

These steps of All-year Round Projects Cycle (Triple Value Initiatives Cycle) will be completed in 12 weeks under a 12-week workshop programme.

This week, we are starting with Project Identification as the first step or workshop for our project cycle.  Let us see what the potential user of All-year Round Projects or Triple Value Initiatives can undertake in this first workshop.


• • Workshop 1: Identifying your Run or Play or Vote Project


In this first step of the cycle, those who would like to undertake a Run or Play or Vote activity need to identify their Run or Play or Vote project.  What do we mean by that?

They need to develop a preliminary proposal for the most appropriate course of actions, within specific time and budget frames, to say how they are going to achieve the goal of Running or Playing or Voting.

For example, let us take Running.  You could say you want to run 4 miles every Friday of the week in the morning in the local park and you plan to spend some few pounds on water bottle to refresh yourself, etc.  You could also specific whether you want to run alone or as a group of people.

This identification will involve the following:


√ Reviewing alternatives approaches or options for addressing any problems with your Running or Playing or Voting activity

√ Defining the objectives of your Run or Play or Vote project/initiative to justify the resources to be committed

√ Identification of any major issues before implementing the Run or Play or Vote project.


The above is a basic starting point for project identification.  For those who are not familiar with project identification and would like some support, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.

They can contact CENFACS by phoning, texting, e-mailing and completing the contact form on this website.  We can together discuss in detail your/their proposals about either your/their Run or Play or Vote projects.



• Making Zero Hunger Africa Campaign with a Focus on Food Security


Last year, the focus of Making Zero Hunger Africa Campaign (MZHAC) was on events or key drivers that could lead to acute food insecurity in Africa, especially in the so-called Africa’s hunger hotspots.  This year, our focus is on Food Security since Africa is looking for a sustainable recovery from multiple crises (e.g., the coronavirus pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis, climate change and armed conflicts in some parts of Africa).  Before looking at this year’s focus, let us remind our readers the aim of Making Zero Hunger Africa Campaign.


• • Aim of Making Zero Hunger Africa Campaign


The aim of MZHAC is to raise awareness on sustainable food consumption and production in order to end hunger and malnutrition amongst those who are food deprived, particularly in Africa where the number of hungry people and families is still on the rise.  It is as well a campaigning response to the challenge of rise in hunger that Africa will face in the foreseeable future.  In this respect, the cost-of-living crisis has only made the matter worse as it has put a heavy toll on the consumption poor.

The contents of MZHAC are: End Hunger and Malnutrition Goal, Support Small-Scale Food Producers in Africa, Actions to Support the Food Industry in Africa, Meeting Vulnerable People’s Nutritional Needs, Actions for Sustainable Food Production Systems, etc.


This year, we are focussing on Food Security in the context of Sustainable Recovery.


• • Food Security for a Sustainable Recovery in Africa


To understand food security in the context of sustainable recovery in Africa, one may need to first know what food security means.


• • • Food Security 


The explanation of food security comes from the glossary of Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations et al (6) which argue that

“Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that
meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Based on this definition, four food security dimensions can be identified: food availability, economic and physical access to food, food utilization and
stability over time. The concept of food security is evolving to recognize the centrality of agency and sustainability” (p.202)


• • • Food Security for a Sustainable Recovery in Africa


To sustainably recover in Africa, there is a need to explore ways of reducing or ending a high prevalence of food insecurity.  In practical terms, it is about bringing down the huge number of food insecure people, especially in countries with hardest hit by the unprecedented food and nutrition crisis such as Burkina Faso, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Niger, etc.

According to the World Food Programme and Food and Agriculture Organisations of the United Nations (7), the number of people in acute food insecurity in 2022 (most recent projections) in millions would be in the hotspot countries below as follows:

3.5 in Burkina Faso, 2.2 in Central African Republic, 2.1 in Chad, 25.9 in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2.1 in Madagascar, 1.8 in Mali, and 4.4 in Niger (p. 8).

To achieve food security and make zero hunger Africa, it requires a lot of initiatives.  Amongst these initiatives are the reduction of high food prices and the development of fair distribution of food, especially in areas that are difficult to access because of lack of transport facilities and of security.  It also demands to value home-grown solutions to provide affordable and easily accessible food products to food insecure.

Make Zero Hunger Africa could further be undertaken by investing in projects that prevent, detect and treat acute child malnutrition while facilitating access to food and making food available, affordable and accessible for the food insecure as well as helping to reduce food poverty.



• CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum Discusses the New Models of Working Relationships between Insecurity Hotspot Areas of Africa and Humanitarian Mission


Following the protests against some of the humanitarian peace keeping missions (like in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, etc.), some human rights experts and analysts are talking about reviewing working practices in these areas of humanitarian need.  For example, Pierre Micheletti (8) is calling for reforming the funding for humanitarian aid.

CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum of Ideas and Actions is questioning whether it is simply the funding relating to humanitarian aid which is the problem or the entire model of working relationships between African countries in humanitarian need and those who come to help these countries.

As part of a series of planned discussions within CENFACS’ be.Africa Forum of Ideas and Actions, we are talking about the possibility of new models of working relationships between hotspot crisis African countries and the humanitarian mission.  We are asking and trying to answer the following question:

Can the two sides of the disagreement find a model of working relationships that could meet their respective needs, be adapted to the current global reality of the world and be sustainable for both?

Those who may be interested in this question/discussion can join and or contribute by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.

To communicate with CENFACS regarding this question/discussion, please use our usual contact details on this website.



Message in French (Message en français)


Le Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS discute des nouveaux modèles de relations de travail entre les zones d’insécurité en Afrique et la mission humanitaire.

Suite aux manifestations contre certaines missions humanitaires de maintien de la paix (comme dans l’est de la République Démocratique du Congo, au Mali, etc.), certains experts et analystes des droits de l’homme parlent de revoir les pratiques de travail dans ces zones de besoins humanitaires.  Par exemple, Pierre Micheletti (8) appelle à réformer le financement de l’aide humanitaire.

Le Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS se demande si c’est simplement le financement de l’aide humanitaire qui pose problème ou l’ensemble du modèle de relations de travail entre les pays africains dans le besoin et ceux qui viennent aider ces pays.

Dans le cadre d’une série de discussions prévues au sein du Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS , nous parlons de la possibilité de nouveaux modèles de relations de travail entre les pays africains en crise et la mission humanitaire.  Nous posons la question suivante et nous essayons d’y répondre :

Les deux parties au désaccord peuvent-elles trouver un modèle de relations de travail qui pourrait répondre à leurs besoins respectifs, être adapté à la réalité mondiale actuelle du monde et être durable pour les deux?

Ceux/celles qui pourraient être intéressé(e)s par cette question/discussion, ils/elles peuvent joindre et/ou contribuer en contactant Le Forum d’idées et d’actions pour une meilleure Afrique du CENFACS, qui est un forum de discussion sur les questions de réduction de la pauvreté et de développement durable en Afrique et qui agit au nom de ses membres en faisant des propositions ou des idées d’actions pour une Afrique meilleure.

Pour communiquer avec le CENFACS au sujet de cette discussion, veuillez utiliser nos coordonnées habituelles sur ce site.


Main Development


Insurance Skills Development Project


The following items provide the key information about Insurance Skills Development Project (ISDP):


σ Definition of ISDP

σ The Aim of ISDP

σ ISDP Beneficiaries

σ Types of Insurance Skills to be Developed

σ Outcomes

σ ISDP Indicators

σ Project Funding Status

σ Impact Monitoring and Evaluation.


Let us summarise each of these items.


• • Definition of ISDP


ISDP is a basic literacy and numeracy proposal to build and develop skills and capacities in the form of training and education relating to the culture of insurance for the inadequately insured and uninsured poor people and communities in Africa.


• • The Aim of ISDP


This insurance project aims at reducing insurance poverty and hardships due to the lack or inadequacy of insurance policy cover or to the lack of understanding of insurance services and products offered to poor people and communities in Africa.  This reduction of insurance poverty will be done through training and education of inadequately insured and or uninsured poor people.


• • ISDP Beneficiaries


They are potential retail insurance consumers who are lacking insurance necessities such as an insurance policy cover, money to buy insurance policy, money to change insurance provider or service, the power to claim their insurance rights, etc.

They are the under insured or uninsured segments of societies in Africa.

They are as well those who are vulnerable to insurance services and products and are looking forward to sustainable solutions to their insurance problems.


• • Types of Insurance Skills to be Developed


Training and education in the field of insurance can enhance beneficiaries’ interpersonal skills.  Both training and education can help improve the following:


√ Communication and negotiation skills

√ Problems solving and analytical abilities

√ Relationship skills with insurance services providers

√ Statistical literacy ability to understand basic insurance maths and jargon


Training and education can enable to know if insurance is available, accessible and affordable for the insurance poor.

Other basic insurance skills the project will offer include:


√ Literacy and numeracy insurance skills

√ Contract reading, interpreting and understanding skills

√ Ability to handle basic insurance metrics

√ Skills to summarise in concise and simple format complex contents of insurance cover plan

√ Abilities to buy insurance services or products

√ Communication skills to make enquiries, queries, complaints, etc.

√ Language translation skills to translate insurance products/services into your own local language

√ Price comparison skills to compare prices between insurance service providers

√ Skills to know protection against financial losses

√ Briefly, skills to understand insurance cover against financial risks.


Through the delivery of the above-mentioned skills, we hope to identify changes that users will go through.


• • Outcomes


• • • Outcomes in users


By using ISDP, users will


√ Become insurance literate and numerate

√ Integrate insurance as part of their daily life rather than an accident of life

√ Elevate people’s insurance cover against contingencies (such as fire, theft, flooding or any other natural disasters, etc.)

√ Improve their aspiration and motivation to get insurance

√ Ameliorate their confidence, trust and self-esteem regarding insurance products offered to them

√ Increase their insurance communications and insurance capacity skills to understand changes affecting their insurance policy/contract

√ Enhance their insurance skills and knowledge of insurance services

√ Reform relationships between insured and insurance industry

√ Boost people’s perception, competence and capability about insurance

√ Provide financial independence and choice to them instead of solely relying on their families, communities and next of kin for their insurance matter


Briefly, users will have a better opportunity to run their insurance and protection matters.


• • • Outcomes in Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs)


Work undertaken by ASOs to help reduce insurance poverty should lead to:


√ Adaptation of local needs and the needs of beneficiaries in their insurance development agenda

√ Better local insights and capacities to create insurance solutions for the needy

√ Improvement in the risk management insight for the locals and local needs

√ Assisting in the innovation of insurance solutions for the needy

√ Knowledge of risk transfer mechanisms

√ Closing of insurance or protection gaps between the needy and the wealthy

√ Capturing metrics relating to insurance consumed

√ Increase insurance development within beneficiaries’ community

√ Contribution in the agenda to protect the needy from natural events like flooding, torrential rain, drought, etc.


• • ISDP Indicators


The measures below will help find out whether or not the project will reach its desired objectives and progress towards meeting its defined aims:


√ Number of poor people who embrace the culture of insurance

√ Number of poor people who would like to maintain the newly acquired culture of insurance

√ The percentage of new insured (because of ISDP) in comparison to the total of insured poor people before the implementation of ISDP

√ The rate of penetration of insurance contracts in the poor community and households

√ The number of people who become less vulnerable to poverty as a result of the insurance cover they bought

√ The performance of the confidence index of insurance (which is a barometer or gauge that provides people’s perceptions and expectations of the insurance services, products and industry) within poor communities

√ The number of surveyed poor people who are happy (optimistic) or unhappy (pessimistic) to buy insurance services provided or offered to them



To conclude, ISDP is a pioneering initiative that will enable connection of the poor uninsured with insurance.  ISDP will help make a real difference to poor people lives and help shape their future in insurance matter.

The skills, knowledge and capacities to be acquired will help the uninsured or inadequately insured to understand insurance services and products offered to them, make informed choices regarding their own insurance coverage and improve risk management insights for themselves.


• • Project Funding Status


So far, this project is unfunded.  This means we are open to any credible funding proposals or proposition from potential funders or donors.  It is known that the lingering impacts of the coronavirus pandemic have put a toll on everybody.  Likewise, the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which has partly led to the current cost-of-living crisis, does not make easy for support to other genuine deserving causes.  However, those who would like to support this project will be more than welcome.

To fully or partly fund this project, please contact CENFACS.


• • Impact Monitoring and Evaluation


As part of impact monitoring, there will be routine and systematic gathering of information on all aspects of the project.  In other words, we will systematically collect and analyse information to keep regular checks and balances on the project.

Likewise, we shall assess what the project will achieve in relation to the overall objectives it was set up.  This is to say that evaluation will be conducted regarding the efforts spent on this project to find out whether or not these efforts are value for relief as far as insurance poverty reduction is concerned.

In proceeding in this manner, we will be able to measure the impact or at least the outcomes from this project.

The full project proposals including budget are available on request.

To support or contribute to this project, please contact CENFACS.

For further details including full project proposals and budget about the Insurance Skills Development Project, please contact CENFACS.





(1) (Accessed in February 2023)

(2) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2004), United Nations Convention Against Corruption, Vienna, Austria at (Accessed in February 2023)

(3) United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2015), Financing for Development Office, Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at (Accessed in February 2023)

(4) (Accessed in February 2023)

(5) (Accessed in February 2023)

(6) FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2022), The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022: Repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable, Rome, FAO ( (Accessed in August 2022)

(7) WFP and FAO, (2022), Hunger Hotspots, FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity, October 2022 to January 2023 Outlook, Rome (Accessed in February 2023)

(8) (Consulté en février 2023)



 Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support in 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.


Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

15 February 2023


Post No. 287



The Week’s Contents


• Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households

• The People of Central African Republic Need your Influence to Stop the Worsening Humanitarian Crisis they are Experiencing

• Financial Controls 2023 for Households – In Focus: Financial Policies and Procedures


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households


Our Month of Sustainable Development continues with the Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households. 

Assets, whether public or private, can be taken away from where or those they belong to without permission or legal right.  This can happen in many circumstances of life and times of history at different levels (such as personal, community, local and country/national levels).

For example, during the 2011 London riots, assets were stolen from their owners or taken away from where they belong to without permission or legal right.  Assets could also be stolen during a particular historical process like colonial expeditions.  Likewise, during armed conflicts or insecurity assets can as well be stolen (like in many parts of Africa where there have been conflicts).

Life events can sometimes lead to the recovery of stolen assets.  However, the recovery of the proceeds and instrumentalities of crime relating to stolen assets can be a complex process as it requires legal route and proceedings as well as other elements (like international cooperation).

In this recovery process, what we are focussing on is not the legal side of stolen assets.  We are instead looking at the poverty-reduction aspect that the recovery of stolen assets can bring to those in need, particularly but not exclusively poor households.  We are as well putting emphasis on the diversion of public funds or assets to the pockets of private individuals or private bank accounts, and how this diversion can deny to the poor the possibility to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  In this respect, we are not dealing with other types of stolen funds or their recovery.

So, our Month of Sustainable Development is focussing this week on how illicitly-acquired or -obtained assets that have been recovered can be part of the resources needed to reduce poverty. This focus is carried out with in mind the spirit of Goal 16 and Target 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

More on this week’s focus can be found under the Main Development section of this post.



• The People of Central African Republic Need your Influence to Stop the Worsening Humanitarian Crisis they are Experiencing


The humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR) continues to deteriorate, according to the humanitarian community.  Because of this deterioration, the Central Africans (or the People of Central African Republic) who are bearing the brunt of this crisis need your Positive Influence to end their suffering.  The following summarises their appeal for Positive Influence.


• • Why they Need your Positive Influence


Data from many development agencies and the evidence on the grounds from local sources suggest that the intensity and urgency of humanitarian needs required to be relied soon than later in CAR.

For example, the World Bank (1) in its Food Security Update argues that

“CAR is amongst the countries with the greatest prevalence of insufficient food consumption in order of severity of 1.7 million people of the total affected population” (p. 14)

According to to the ‘’ (2),

“One in five (1/5) Central Africans move in and out their country because of the insecurity;

3.4 million people (i.e. 56 per cent of the population) need humanitarian assistance and protection”.

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (3) states that

“The number of people in Integrated Food Security Phase 3 (crisis) and above is estimated at 2.7 million between September 2022 and March 2023.  This is mainly due to the impact civil insecurity and high food prices, as well as floods that caused people displacements, damaged standing crops and prevented access to fields” (p. 2)

The World health statistics 2022 published by World Health Organisation (4) reveals that

“Prevalence of stunting in children under 5 in comparable estimates in 2020 was 40.1%, while prevalence of wasting in children under in primary data was 53% between 2012 and 2020” (p. 114)

The above data reveals the scale of humanitarian crisis that the Central Africans are facing.  Although the figures provided by the World Health Organisation are between 2012 and 2020, they nevertheless provide some indication about the state of children in CAR which experienced many years of insecurity and civil violence.  This why the Central Africans need your Positive Influence.


• • What your Positive Influence can Achieve for them


Your Positive Influence can help


√ To support the country’s 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan which has been recently launched

√ To stop violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law

√ To encourage the return of displaced persons

√ To end gender-based violence (e.g. violence against young girls)

√ To enhance the implementation of life-saving responses

√ Briefly, to alleviate the suffering of the vulnerable and humanitarian crisis-impacted Central Africans.


• • Who your Positive Influence will Benefit


The beneficiaries of your Positive Influence or Influencing Donation will be


√ Those who bearing the brunt of this continuing humanitarian crisis

√ Those experiencing the life-threatening effects of violence and insecurity

√ Those without or with limited access to basic services such as water, sanitation and hygiene

√ Those who are victims of gender-violence such as young girls

√ Those suffering from increased vulnerability and eroded livelihoods

√ The displaced Central Africans because of insecurity and threats to their lives



You can donate your Positive Influence to reduce poverty in CAR.

To donate, please contact influential persons (or those having the keys) to reduce or solve the life-threatening effects from the continuing humanitarian crisis that the Central Africans are suffering from and make these influential persons reduce or end these damaging effects on them.

You can as well influence the things or factors that play in the continuity of this humanitarian crisis in order to create lasting favourable conditions for a return to life normality.

Please also let CENFACS know about your influencing work or contribution  you are or will be making and its outcomes on behalf of the people of Central African Republic.

To let us know, you can contact CENFACS as follows:

*over phone

*via email

*through text

*by filling the contact form on this site. 

On receipt of the outcome of your influencing donation, CENFACS will contact you for record and thank you for any influencing donation made.  However, should you wish your influencing support to remain anonymous; we will respect your wish.

Thank you in anticipation for your willingness to give your Positive Influence to alleviate the suffering that the Central Africans are facing from the worsening humanitarian crisis.



• Financial Controls 2023 for Households – In Focus: Financial Policies and Procedures


As explained in our previous posts, Financial Controls are conducted with Financial Stability Campaign.  During our previous work on Financial Controls with households, we focussed on Year-in-review Accounts as they are part of Financial Controls project or exercise, which also includes income boost and other financial tools making our Campaign to reduce and end poverty, particularly income poverty.

To continue Financial Controls, we are working on Financial Policies and Procedures that any households making the CENFACS Community could consider.  What are financial policies and procedures for households and what they do them?


• • Financial policies and procedures and their use for households


Financial policies are a set of principles on which households can base their financial decisions.  For example, they can have a financial policy or principle regarding a birthday or clothing budget.

Financial procedures are method and order they would like to follow to apply these policies.  For example, they can decide to wait until the sale start to buy some items (like clothing) or buy them whenever they need them within their budget constraint.

Financial policies and procedures can help households to achieve their financial wellbeing and goals by:


σ Ensuring that resources are well used and accounted for

σ Explaining expenses in terms of allowability, allocability, reasonableness and benefit to the members of household

σ Defining how to perform financial control procedures (e.g. by household financial controller or use the automated process for household financial system, etc.)

σ Determining financial control responsibilities and capacities in the financial process

σ Deciding authority within households to perform a financial process control procedure



In brief, policies and procedures are there for households to prevent financial and human errors, jus as to avoid non-compliance in a financial process.  However, financial control should not become coercive control through policies and procedures set up.  This is because within households, there are also social and family relations (especially for those households with children) not only financial transactions.  One may need to be careful in the way they approach their financial policies and procedures to achieve their household general wellbeing which also includes financial health.

Additionally, it is not enough to have financial policies and procedures that nobody follows or looks at.  It is better to apply them if one wants to keep their finances under control, especially during this challenging time of the cost-of-living crisis.


• • Working with users on matters relating to financial policies and procedures


We are prepared to work with some of our users who would like to set up and or develop financial policies and procedures for themselves or households.  These policies and procedures could be set up and developed in any format (e.g., online, paper, verbal, etc.) as long as one understand what they mean by financial policies and procedures and willing to apply them.  We shall as well share resources and examples of financial policies and procedures relating to households with those who may be interested in.

Need support regarding your financial controls and in particular financial policies and procedures for your household, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


Extra Messages


• Project Planning Service for the Users of Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-round Projects)

• Digital and Social Media Campaign – Level 6

• Engaging Donor Developers and Stewards of Poverty Reduction




• Project Planning Service for the Users of Triple Value Initiatives (or All Year-round Projects)


Following last week’s announcement regarding the start-up of Triple Value Initiatives (made of RunPlay and Vote projects), our project planning service is now available for those who would like to engage with either of these projects.

Project planning will include the different steps of project cycle (as show in the All-year Round Projects Cycle below), which are: Identification, preparation, feasibility study, appraisal, negotiations and agreement, start, implementation, monitoring, reviews, termination, evaluation and impact evaluation.



These steps will be approached in a simple and practical way to make everybody (especially those members of our community who are not familiar with them) to understand what they mean and how to use them in the context of Triple Value Initiatives.

For those who are interested in this service, they can contact CENFACS by phoning, texting, e-mailing and completing the contact form on this website.  We can together discuss in detail your/their proposals about either your/their Run or Play or Vote projects.




• Digital and Social Media Campaign – Level 6


This level is made of two sub-levels as follows.


Level 6.1: Data Insights


We are still at the level 6 of our Digital and Social Media Campaign.  At the beginning of January 2023, we highlighted level 6.1 of our campaign which is Data Insights.  However, insights are not only about data.  They can also be about content which can include data.


Level 6.2: Content Insights


We are dealing with content life cycle so that the beneficiaries of this campaign properly understand this cycle and put it in the context of their life or household.  This may require to know content ideation, development and distribution as well as the way it is marketed to them.

After analysing the content to get the insight of it, beneficiaries can take action regarding their life.  To do that, they may need to possess some skills like analytical and numerical skills, content analysis techniques, literacy skills, reporting skills, the skills to guess what the content is telling them, etc.   However, to conduct content analysis, some data and digital skills are needed as well.

Briefly, knowing to deal with contents can provide opportunity to better understand household life and to address problems encountered.  It also helps to have a pro-active approach and take actionable drive in their decision making process.  This is whether it is about scripted or unscripted content, structured or unstructured one.

For those members of our community who would like to enquire or work with us through Content Insights, they are welcome to contact CENFACS.



• Engaging Donor Developers and Stewards of Poverty Reduction


As part of our Donor Development and Stewardship Programme, we are going to communicate with potential donor developers and stewards of poverty reduction in the last two days of this month of February 2023 (27 & 28 February 2023).

Our communication will be to re-explain what we do and answer questions they may raise.   The occasion will also be to explore the profile of donor developers and stewards of poverty reduction, the reasons that motivate them to take donor development and stewardship drive as well as  their general attitude towards what donor developers and stewards of poverty reduction do as work.

For those who may be interested in this communication, they can contact us on these days.




Message in French (Message en français)


• Service de planification de projet pour les utilisateurs d’initiatives à triple valeur (ou Projets tout au long de l’année)

Suite à l’annonce de la semaine dernière concernant le démarrage d’initiatives à triple valeur (composées de projets Courir, jouer et voter), notre service de planification de projet est maintenant disponible pour ceux/celles qui souhaitent s’engager dans l’un ou l’autre de ces projets.

La planification du projet comprendra les différentes étapes du cycle du projet, à savoir: identification, préparation, étude de faisabilité, évaluation, négociation et accord, démarrage, mise en œuvre, suivi, examens, clôture, évaluation et évaluation d’impact.

Ces étapes seront abordées de manière simple et pratique pour que tout le monde (en particulier les membres de notre communauté qui ne les connaissent pas) comprenne ce qu’elles signifient et comment les utiliser dans le contexte des initiatives à triple valeur.

Pour ceux/celles qui sont intéressé(e)s par ce service, ils/elles peuvent contacter le CENFACS en téléphonant, en envoyant des SMS, des e-mails et en remplissant le formulaire de contact sur ce site.  Nous pouvons discuter ensemble en détail de vos/leurs propositions concernant vos/leurs projets Courir, jouer et voter.



Main Development


Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households


The following items make the Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support Poor Households, which is the third note of our Sustainable Development Month:


σ Key Concepts of the Note 3

σ The Recovery Process of Stolen Assets

σ How the Recovery of Stolen Assets can Support Poor Households

σ Intergenerational Transfer of Stolen Assets and Intergenerational Poverty

σ Ways of Working with the Community and Africa-based Sister Organisations on Asset Recovery.


Let us briefly explain each of these items indicating the pitch of the Note 3.


• • Key Concepts of the Note 3


There are three concepts that shape Note 3, which are: stolen assets, proceeds of crime and asset recovery.


a) Stolen Assets


To understand stolen assets, it is better to first clarify the meaning of assets.  Our working definition of assets comes from Jean-Pierre Brun et al. (5) who explain them as

“Assets of every kind, whether corporeal or incorporeal, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible and legal documents or instruments evidencing title to or interest in such assets.  The term is used interchangeably with property” (p. 325)

Assets, whether public or private, can be taken away from where or those they belong to without permission or legal right.  When they are taken away in this way, they become stolen assets.


b) Proceeds of Crime


Jean-Pierre Brun et al. (op. cit.) also define the proceeds of crime as

“Any asset derived from or obtained, directly or indirectly, through the commission of an offense” (p. 328)

This definition will help to understand some of the hurdles in asset recovery.


c) Asset Recovery


The meaning of asset recovery used in the Note 3 stems from what ‘’ (6) states on its website, which is

“Asset recovery is the process of reclaiming and returning these stolen proceeds to the country from which they were taken.  The process includes tracing, freezing, confiscating and repatriating the stolen assets and is usually complex and lengthy, involving multiple jurisdictions”.

The above key concepts will contribute to the understanding of the recovery process of stolen assets.


• • The Recovery Process of Stolen Assets


The process of recovering stolen assets includes collecting intelligence and evidence and tracing assets, securing the assets, court process, enforcing orders and return of assets.  In this process, one needs to differentiate whether or not legal actions initiated by foreign jurisdictions will be involved.

This process can be long or short, complex or simple depending on the cases.  Because of that, the link between asset recovery and the possibility of supporting those in need through repatriated funds could be uncertain or random, especially when those needs are urgent and pressing.  However, one can still have hope this link may happen.


• • How the Recovery of Stolen Assets can Support Poor Households


It is possible to use recovered stolen assets to support those living in poverty, and amongst them are poor households despite the uncertainty described above.  However, there could be a challenge to do it.  For example, Gomes Pereira et al. (7) in their research paper on ‘The role of donors in the recovery of stolen assets’ argue that

“Asset recovery is [also] an essential development challenge, as it usually involves repatriating funds back to a developing country where they were stolen, and where they could be used to support development projects”.

Challenge does not mean that asset recovery cannot be done.  It can be and if it succeeds, the recuperated and repatriated funds can be used for development purposes including supporting poor households.

Likewise, writing on the use of recovered assets on poverty, ‘’ (8) argues that

“Little information can be found on systematic efforts to collect data and measure the effectiveness of repatriate funds in reducing poverty in the countries of origin” (p. 3)

The same ‘’ concludes that

“Effective monitoring mechanisms are needed at all levels – from disbursement of resources to implementation – of development projects” (p. 5)

From what ‘’ argues about, it is mundane to say there are cases that succeeded; just as there will be cases that may succeed.


• • Intergenerational Transfer of Stolen Assets and Intergenerational Poverty


Stolen assets can be passed to other generations without sometimes these generations knowing they are inheriting stolen assets.  This transfer can make the reduction of poverty harder if these assets could have been part of poverty reduction process.  The transfer can as well create or exacerbate intergenerational poverty for others.  In other words, one could argue that those who are poor from where assets were stolen may not be poor if these assets were not stolen.

So, reducing and recovering stolen assets can help decrease the intergenerational transfer of stolen assets as well as the transfer of poverty to other generations in the opposite direction.  To make this reduction and recovery to happen, it may require working together between where stolen assets come from and where they have been sent to.



• • Ways of Working with the Community and Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) on Asset Recovery


There is a number of ways by which CENFACS can work with the community and Africa-based Sister Organisations on Asset Recovery.


• • • Working with the Community on Asset Recovery


Together with the community we can impact the Recovery of Stolen Assets can Support Poor Households by these ways:


√ Explaining asset recovery policy

√ Informing and directing users to services dealing with stolen assets recovery

√ Helping in data collection regarding stolen asset recovery

√ Communicating information about stolen asset recovery

√ Participating in studies (e.g., survey, focus group discussion, etc.) relating to stolen assets recovery

√ Sharing under the General Data Protection Act non sensitive information about stolen asset recovery actions and results



• • • Working with ASOs on Asset Recovery


CENFACS can as well work with ASOs dealing with Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support their Poor Households by:


√ Supporting asset recovery initiatives run by ASOs

√ Sharing online platforms to discuss matters relating to stolen assets recovery

√ Help ASOs dealing with stolen assets recovery to access technical assistance and capacity building on stolen assets recovery

√ Providing assistance during the asset repatriation process/phase

√ Advocating for a portion of repatriated funds to be allocated to poverty reduction, particularly but not exclusively to poor households



To sum up, the diversion of public funds in the form of illicitly-acquired or  -obtained assets can subtract a lump sum of money from where they are taken; money that could have been used to reduce or even end poverty.  This diversion can create or exacerbate poverty for those who are poor and amongst them are poor households.  Reclaiming and returning these stolen proceeds to the country from which they were taken is a just cause to pursue if these returned funds can contribute to development efforts, including to poverty reduction.

For those members of our community who may be interested in matter relating to Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support their Poor Households, they are free to contact CENFACS.  For those Africa-based Sister Organisations that are willing to collaborate with us on the matter, they can let CENFACS know.

For any other queries or enquiries about Sustainable Development Month and the Recovery of Stolen Assets to Support their Poor Households, please also contact CENFACS.






(1) World Bank (2023), Food Security Update, World Bank Publications, Washington (

(2) (Accessed in February 2023)

(3) FAO (2022), Crop Prospects and Food Situation – Quarterly Global Report No. 4, Dec. 2022, Rome ( (Accessed in February 2023)

(4) World Health Statistics (2022): Monitoring health for the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva, World Health Organisation; 2022, Licence: CCBY-NC-SA3.OIGO

(5) Brun, J. P., Sotiropoulou, A., Gray, L., Scott, C. & Stephenson, K. M. (2021), Asset Recovery Handbook: A Guide for Practitioners, Second Edition, Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, World Bank, UNODC

(6) (Accessed in February 2023)

(7)  (Accessed in February 2023)

(8) (Accessed in February 2023)




 Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support in 2023 and beyond.

With many thanks.