Season of Happiness 2024

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

26 June  2024


Post No. 358



The Week’s Contents


• Season of Happiness 2024

• Project 30 – Act 3: Enhancement of the Quality of Life (24 to 30/06/2024)

• Execution of CEDM (Creative Economic Development Month) 2024 Sub-themes: Fourth Codes (from Week Beginning Monday 24/06/2024)


… And much more!



Key Messages


• Season of Happiness 2024


The Season of Happiness within CENFACS starts with Summer Season.  During the Season of Happiness 2024, we shall work with users to help them find out what can satisfy their lives during this Summer.  Our work with them will be about implementing existing initiatives while developing new ones that can make them feel happy or satisfy their lives.

So, our Season of Happiness or Summer of Happiness will be about the following three items/values:


1) How the CENFACS Community can spread happiness between its members to narrow the gap in happiness inequalities (value of spreading happiness)

2) How best to help those most in need within the CENFACS Community to feel happy, to achieve successful outcomes this Summer (value of sharing happiness)

3) How to create and innovate happiness-enhancing activities and projects to reduce poverty linked to the lack of happiness (creative and innovative value of happiness).


Additionally, we shall work with Africa-based Sister Organisations on ways of reducing inequality in happiness in the communities they serve.  Indeed, according to Helliwell et al. (1),

“Happiness inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa has increased by more than 50% for all age groups, and only slightly less so for those of middle age than for the old and the young.  For those under 30, inequality of happiness is by far the greatest in Sub-Saharan Africa”.

Although happiness is about the interplay between gene and environment, it is possible to work with the members of CENFACS Community to find happiness cure, become happy and feel well.  It is possible to help them overcome inequalities in happiness and achieve well-being.

To do that, we are going to consider what the science of happiness tells us.  We shall as well approach happiness as both an independent and interdependent concept.  In other words, happiness could be a personal or subjective experience for any member of our community.  Happiness can also be a collective participation for any of these members as belonging to a community, the CENFACS Community.  It is in this interaction between happiness as individual practice and happiness as collective experience that they can find their true balance or harmony or even resilience.

To sum up, during this 2024 Season of Happiness we are going to work with our users so that they can have aspects of their life in balance and feel at peace with their life despite the feeble economic revival.  The above is the way in which we would like to approach our 2024 Season of Happiness or Summer of Happiness.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided further details including the projects and programmes making the 2024 Season of Happiness.



• Project 30 – Act 3: Enhancement of the Quality of Life (24 to 30/06/2024)


Working with local people and developing sustainable initiatives can only be meaningful if we had a vision or foresight.  Our ability to perceive what was/is likely to happen and systematically plan for it was/is the enhancement of the quality of life with and for those in need.

In this Act 3 of CENFACS‘ creation, we are recalling what we did together with the people in need or local people and Africa-based Sister Organisations to improve the quality of lives (that is, of people’s life and other living beings’ life).  This recall starts with what we mean by improving or enhancing the quality of life.


• • What Does Mean to Enhance the Quality of Life?


To understand what it means, one needs to first know the quality of life.  There are different definitions of the quality of life which tend to convey the same message.  One of these views comes from the World Health Organisation (2) which explains that

“The quality of life is an individual’s perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns”.

From the World Health Organisation’s perspective, the quality of life refers to a subjective evaluation which is embedded in a cultural, social and environmental context.

Another view on the quality of life stems from Teoli and Bharawaj (3) who explain that

“The quality of life is a concept which aims to capture the well-being, whether of a population or individual, regarding both positive and negative elements within the entirety of their existence at a specific point in time”.

Teoli and Bharawaj also refer to the World Health Organisation’s argument on the quality of life as a subjective evaluation of one’s perception of their reality relative to their goals as observed through the lens of their culture and value system.

Knowing what the quality of life is, it is possible to explain the expression ‘improving the quality of life’.

The explanation we have retained here for improving the quality of life comes from psychologists.  According to ‘’ (4), psychologists define improving the quality of life as

“The achievement of satisfaction across several aspects including emotional and psychological well-being, social relationships and engagement with others, personal and professional development including learning new skills, determining and living by our own lifestyle choices and values, participating in and contributing to society in meaningful ways”.

Many elements of this definition on ‘improving the quality of life’ are part of CENFACS‘ vision.  But, having a vision is one think, implementing it is another thing.


• • Recalling the History of the Enhancement of the Quality of Life


Thanks to the support of our stakeholders (i.e., donors/funders, volunteers, members, Africa-based Sister Organisations, project and programme users, etc.), we were able to implement the contents of our vision.  We used the standard indicators of the quality of life like wealth, employment, the environment, nature, health, education, housing, urbanisation, recreation and leisure, security, freedom, capability, safety, social belonging, income, etc.  In particular, we utilised the five core dimensions of the quality of life provided by Doris Fuchs et al. (5), which are political conditions, social conditions, economic conditions, environmental quality, and intra- and intergenerational equity/planetary boundaries.  These measures to capture the quality of life relate to well-being and sustainable development.

We assessed them by looking at how the people in need were doing in terms of these indicators or dimensions of the quality of life.   Where we noticed that poor people were failing to meet the average levels expected from these indicators, we took actions in the forms of humanitarian appeals, project planning and delivery, advocacy, campaign, advice, guidance, networking, outreach, referral, general support and signposting services to help them meet these indicators.

As part of this Act 3, we would like those who helped in improving lives with us to talk about topics relating to the following questions:


∝ What aspects of life did we help improve from what services did we provide?

∝ Whose lives did we assist together to improve and who did benefit?

∝ How many lives did we serve or improve and in what parts of Africa (e.g., country, region, locality, etc.)?

∝ How and what can we do to even help improve more lives in the future?

∝ What can we do to adapt or develop our mission and vision in today’s world and the coming years?

∝ How can we innovate to stay on course from the many challenges and threats ahead?


To talk with us , they can use the different ways of contacting us on this website.  For example, they can discuss with us via Twitter to voice their feelings or views about the above-mentioned topics or questions.

Briefly speaking, Act 3 is about all the changes and effects that happened as result of the work we did together with project and programme beneficiaries.  Since we are talking about a period of 30 years, it is also about seizing the broader, long-term changes in the lifetime of programmes we put in place together to work for the relief of poverty and hardship amongst the local people.  In terms of evaluation and monitoring of the project of Creation of CENFACS, we are looking at the tricennial outcomes and impact that the Creation of CENFACS has brought.

As explained above, Project 30 is about learning from this past and spot the future trends for poverty relief in an ever changing development landscape.  From the experience we had together with the locals and Africa-based Sister Organisations, we can together spot ways of improving the mission and vision of enhancing the quality of lives here in the UK and in Africa.

The above is the third and last Act of the Tricennium.  For those who would like to support this Act and/or Project 30, they should not hesitate to contact CENFACS.



• Execution of CEDM (Creative Economic Development Month) 2024 Sub-themes: Fourth Codes (from Week Beginning Monday 24/06/2024)


The last decoding activity for our CEDM Working Weeks and Plan is on the following codes for each sub-theme:


√ CENFACS as a Creation for Hope and Future

√ Creations and innovations that are related to people’s/households’ transition model

√ Creations and innovations to change our poverty reduction system

√ Creations and innovations linked to household consumer protection.


Those who would like to engage with the CEDM 2024 can choose amongst the above-mentioned codes and contact CENFACS for decoding them.


• • Ways of Engaging with CEDM 2024


If one wants to know more about CENFACS as a Creation for Hope and Future, they can contact.  CENFACS will explain them and provide evidence why it is a good force for hope and future.  They can also take the opportunity of the Tricennium to participate or support any events linked to CENFACS as a Creation for Hope and Future.

Likewise, to transition to a climate-resilient future, it requires creations and innovations to find a good transition model.  There are many transition models.  One may needs to choose the appropriate model of transition that is suitable to them.  Those who would like to work with CENFACS on their transition model, they can contact CENFACS.

Equally, to change our system for poverty reduction, it demands creations and innovations.  Those who will be interested in working with us to change our/their system for poverty reduction through creations and innovations, they should not hesitate to communicate with CENFACS.

Finally, consumer protection can always to be improved in the light of the experience consumers (like household making the CENFACS Community) have with their daily consumption and shopping habits.   They can help make changes to this protection by feeding us and those who the responsibility to changes consumer laws with their queries or information or even complaints.  Those households that would like to work with us on creations and innovations to improve consumer protection, they can as well contact us/CENFACS.

The above is the fourth execution of our CEDM 2024 Working Weeks and Plan.

For those who may be interested in any of the fourth codes of each sub-theme of this plan, they can contact CENFACS for decoding them.

For those who would like to learn more about CEDM 2024, they can also communicate with CENFACS.


• • Concluding Remarks about 2024 CEDM


During this month, we have been working to form responses from nothing and bring them into existence to deal with the 2024 CEDM sub-themes.  Equally, we have been trying to introduce new ideas or methods as well as make changes to what has been tried and tested to deliver these kinds of sub-themes.

We have explored the kinds of creation and innovation the CENFACS Community (and alike our Africa-based Sister Organisations) need in order to find ways of  Building Forward Better Together to a Greener, Cleaner, Safer, Inclusive and Climate-Resilient Future.

We hope that those who have engaged with us throughout this process would have found from some of the creations and innovations or simply ideas we put together forward so far how useful they could be.  Those who have their creations and innovations on this matter and would like to share them with us and the community, they should not hesitate to contact us and the community on this matter.




Extra Messages


• Creative Arts, Crafts and Design-based Development Project – In Focus: Unknown, Unreported and Unnamed Artists, Craft Persons and Designers of Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development with the Example of Young Creators and Innovators

• Coming This Summer 2024:  Financial Choices Made by the Poor 

• Other Areas of 2024 CEDM: Research and Development, Advertising and Social Media


• Creative Arts, Crafts and Design-based Development Project –

In Focus: Unknown, Unreported and Unnamed Artists, Craft Persons and Designers of Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development with the Example of Young Creators and Innovators


Artists and designers play an active role in helping to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  So, this week we are working on some of the works carried out by artists and designers especially those from small scale and charitable backgrounds, the local arts and design products and services undertaken by local people and communities sometimes to make ends meet.

These kinds of work can include the following:


√ Those carried out by poor families, children, young people and those who are left out of the economic growth or upturn

√ There are works undertaken by unknown, unreported and unnamed artists, craft persons and designers who may be amateurs or not professionals or not just celebrities.


Every year, we try to find out unknown, unreported and unnamed artists and designers, as part of Creative Arts, Crafts and Design-based Development Project.  This finding exercise helps to know and name them as well as advertise their works.  We can advertise their work as advertising is an area of creative industries making CENFACS’ 2024 CEDM.

All these small pieces of art, craft and design works can help relieve poverty and enhance the process of sustainable development.  They can help to win the battle against crises such as the cost-of-living crisis or any other crisis.


•  •  Example of Unknown, Unreported and Unnamed Artists, Craft Persons and Designers: Young Creators and Innovators


Some Young Creators and Innovators can be classified as unknown, unreported and unnamed artists and designers.  Who are they?

They are of all sorts of talents and abilities who can create and innovate to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  They can as well help to build forward better together cleaner, greener and safer.  Their works can help reduce poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis while keeping the progress of the realisation of sustainable development goals.  They could be the finders of the today’s solutions for tomorrow’s problems.

So, this week we are continuing our Creative Arts, Crafts and Design-based Development project by looking at the contribution that unknown, unreported and unnamed artists, craft persons and designers, and amongst them are Young Creators and Innovators, who are helping in reducing poverty and hardships as well as in enhancing sustainable development.

If you are a young creator and/or innovator and has some feeling that you would probably fall under the category of unknown, unreported and unnamed artists and designers; CENFACS would like to hear from you as well as your creative or innovative work.  You could be the Creative Mind of Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development of June 2024; the Mind we are looking for.



• Other Areas of 2024 CEDM: Research and Development, Advertising and Social Media


This week, we are as well dealing with the other areas of the creative industries.  In particular, we are looking at the work in research and development, advertising and social media for reducing poverty.


• • Research and Development for CEDM 2024


It is about creating and innovating solutions in the following matters: to deal with transitions (e.g., energy transition), to reset and change systems (e.g., poverty reduction system), and to deal with squeezed basic life-sustaining spending.  To manage transitions of any kind, to reset or change systems, and to improve spending for those in need; they all require creations and innovations.  These creations and innovations could come from researching and developing ideas.

So, this month is also of inventing or creating new products and services while developing or improving existing ones to make helpful difference to our users and fill gaps in the poverty reduction market.

By putting it in the words of Christopher Pass at al. (6), it is the month of discovery of new techniques and products and their commercial application, together with the refinement and improvement of existing technologies and products.

However, this Research and Development activity must be novel, creative, uncertain, systematic and transferable and/or reproducible; according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation (7).


• • Advertising and Poverty Reduction


Another interesting area of the creative industries we are looking at is advertising.  Advertising is, according to ‘’ (8),

“The process of making a product and service known to an audience.  It involves the development of messages that present products, services, ideas, and brands to the world.  These processes generally entail advertising campaigns in the media”.

Advertising can and does contribute to the reduction of poverty.  This week, we are studying how the development of advertised messages take into account the needs and demands of the poor.  In particular, we are focussing on advertising campaigns, their offers, positioning and catch-phrases to ensure that their messages and advertised products are aligned with poor consumers’ needs.  We are as well reviewing  CENFACS‘ adverts regarding some of the humanitarian relief campaigns we conducted and how we can (re)create and re(innovate) our advertising campaigns to bring more support for those in need.


• • Social Media to Reduce Poverty


As a media awards winner, CENFACS is always interested in media.  This week, our interest is on social media, particularly in its capacity to reduce poverty and hardship.  In this respect, we are investigating the link between social media and poverty reduction.

There are many studies that found that there are relationships between social media and poverty reduction.  For example, ‘’ (9) argues that

“Social media and poverty reduction can be connected by harnessing the power of information to foster development in a technologically advancing world”.

The same ‘’ explains that social media provides an inclusive platform and an open form to share the views and concerns of people living in vulnerable situations.

For example, a video can help to disseminate information about poverty reduction.  Sharing video images of poverty can lead to actions.

As part of this week work on CEDM 2024, we are looking at how images sharing on poverty reduction via social media (e.g., sharing poverty-relieving images via Twitter) can help us to create and innovate solutions to poverty as well as improve outcomes for those living in poverty.  It is about recognising, valuing and supporting the contribution of the social media in reducing poverty.

Those who may be interested in these Other Areas of 2024 CEDM (i.e., Research and Development, Advertising and Social Media), they can contact CENFACS.  Those who have any queries about these other areas of 2024 CEDM, they can as well communicate with CENFACS.



• Coming This Summer 2024:  Financial Choices Made by the Poor


Choice is the act of choosing between two or more possibilities.  To have financial choices, it means having financial knowledge and decision-making skills to decide on your financial matters, according to ‘’ (10).  Do poor people have financial choices or not? If they have them, how big are they?

The 2024 Edition of Summer Financial Updates (SFU) will focus on the role of choice that can play in financial matter for those who have little or no choice to make because of poverty they experience.


• • What This Edition Wil Be about


The 2024 Edition of SFU will be about the following:


∝ understanding the process inherent in financial decision-making for them

∝ working with those who have little or no choice to make when it comes to financial matter

∝ helping them to make good financial choices or decisions about their finances, however little they may be

∝ supporting them in the process of making financial decisions by evaluating different options while selecting the best one based on their financial conditions and circumstances.


For those members of our community who may interested in the 2024 Edition of SFU, they are welcome to enquire to CENFACS  about it.



Message in French (Message en français)


• Projet de développement basé sur les arts créatifs, l’artisanat et le dessin –

Pleins feux sur: Des artistes, des artisans et des dessinateurs (trices) inconnus, non déclarés, pas reportés et anonymes de la lutte contre la pauvreté et du développement durable avec l’exemple de jeunes créateurs et innovateurs

Les artistes, artisan(e)s et les dessinateurs (trices) jouent un rôle actif dans la réduction de la pauvreté et le développement durable.  Ainsi, cette semaine, nous travaillons sur certaines des œuvres réalisées par des artistes, des artisan(e)s et des dessinateurs (trices), en particulier ceux ou celles issu(e)s de milieux caritatifs et à petite échelle, les produits et services locaux d’art, d’artisanat et de dessin entrepris par les personnes et les communautés locales parfois pour joindre les deux bouts du mois.

Ces types de travail peuvent inclure les éléments suivants:

√ Chefs-d’oeuvre réalisés par les familles pauvres, les enfants, les jeunes et ceux/celles qui sont exclus de la croissance ou de la reprise économique

√ Il y a des œuvres entreprises par des artistes, des artisan(e)s et des dessinateurs (trices) inconnu(e)s, pas reporté(e)s et anonymes qui peuvent être des amateurs (trices) ou des non professionnel(le)s ou pas seulement des célébrités.

Chaque année, nous essayons de découvrir des artistes, des artisan(e)s et des dessinateurs (trices) inconnu(e)s, pas reporté(e)s et anonymes, dans le cadre d’un projet de développement basé sur les arts créatifs, le métier artisanal et le dessin.  Cet exercice de recherche permet de les connaître et de les nommer ainsi que de faire connaître leurs œuvres.  Nous pouvons faire de la publicité pour leur travail car la publicité est un domaine des industries créatives qui fait partie du Mois du Développement Économique Créatif (MDEC) 2024 du CENFACS.

Toutes ces petites œuvres d’art, d’artisanat et de dessin peuvent contribuer à réduire la pauvreté et à améliorer le processus de développement durable.  Elles peuvent aider à gagner la bataille contre des crises telles que la crise du coût de la vie.

• • Exemple d’artistes, d’artisan(e)s et de dessinateurs (trices) inconnus, non déclarés et anonymes: jeunes créateurs et innovateurs

Certains jeunes créateurs et innovateurs peuvent être classés comme des artistes, des artisans et des dessinateurs (trices) inconnus, pas reporté(e)s et anonymes.  Qui sont-ils ou qui sont-elles?

Ils/elles sont toutes sortes de talents et de capacités qui peuvent créer et innover pour réduire la pauvreté et renforcer le développement durable.  Ils/elles peuvent également contribuer à construire ensemble un avenir plus propre, plus écologique et plus sûr.  Leurs travaux peuvent contribuer à réduire la pauvreté induite par la crise du coût de la vie tout en maintenant les progrès de la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable.  Ils/elles pourraient être les découvreurs (ses) des solutions d’aujourd’hui aux problèmes de demain.

Ainsi, cette semaine, nous poursuivons notre projet de développement basé sur les arts créatifs, l’artisanat et le dessin en examinant la contribution d’artistes, d’artisans et de dessinateurs (trices) inconnus, pas reporté(e)s et anonymes, parmi lesquels de jeunes créateurs et innovateurs, qui contribuent à réduire la pauvreté et les difficultés ainsi qu’à renforcer le développement durable.

Si vous êtes un jeune créateur et/ou innovateur et que vous avez le sentiment que vous appartiendriez probablement à la catégorie des artistes, des artisan(e)s et dessinateurs (trices) inconnus, pas reoprté(e)s et anonymes, le CENFACS aimerait avoir de vos nouvelles ainsi que de votre travail créatif ou innovant.  Vous pourriez être l’esprit créatif de la réduction de la pauvreté et du développement durable de juin 2024; l’esprit que nous recherchons.

Finalement, l’occasion faisant le larron, nous aimerions profiter de  l’occasion des journées de grâce de CENFACS (du 24 au 30 juin 2024) pour réitérer nos pensées, nos expressions et nos sentiments de profonde gratitude à tous nos suporters et soutiens.



Main Development


Season of Happiness 2024


The following items will help to understand the way in which, together with our users and beneficiaries, we would like to wish the 2024 Season of Happiness to happen:


∝ Rebuilding Season to Happiness Season

∝ What Is Summer for CENFACS’ Users and Beneficiaries?

∝ 3 Properties of 2024 Happiness

 Preview of 2024 Summer of Happiness and Well-being Programmes.


Let us briefly explained these items.


• • Rebuilding Season to Happiness Season


Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Creative Initiatives) and Creative Arts, Crafts and Design-based Development Project are the projects that have made the last part of Spring 2024 programme.  Both projects make our Creative Economic Development Month.

In practice, Jmesci is the project that is ending our Rebuilding or Life Renewal Season to start Happiness Season or Summer of Happiness.  After creating and innovating to build forward better together cleaner, greener, inclusively and safer as well as to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development; we are now looking forward to enjoy the sunshine of Summer with Happiness.   We look forward to Summer holiday, although the warm weather has already started.


• • What Is Summer for CENFACS Users and Beneficiaries?


Summer is a period of the warm sunny weather that we would like to associate with it at CENFACS.  It is the time of happiness that we all expect, after a long period of full time work and education.  We look forward to a break after such a long time of routine working life, especially as most of CENFACS’ projects and programmes are framed around the school timetable to suit and reflect the needs and living patterns of our users and beneficiaries.  This is despite the fact that during Summer holiday people are still working to keep their households and the economy running.


• • 3 Properties of 2024 Happiness 


As highlighted in the key messages, our Season of Happiness or Summer of Happiness will be about the following three elements/values:


1) Our capacity to spread happiness between the members of CENFACS Community to narrow the gap in happiness inequalities (value of spreading happiness)

2) The help we can provide to those who are in most need within the CENFACS Community to find happiness cure and feel happy, to achieve successful outcomes in the current economic context (value of sharing happiness)

3) Our ability to create and innovate happiness-enhancing activities and projects to reduce poverty linked to the lack of happiness (creative and innovative value of happiness).


It is possible to help CENFACS’ users and beneficiaries overcome inequalities in happiness and achieve well-being.

Therefore, the key note of our theme for Summer of Happiness will be: How to Create, Enjoy and Sustain Happiness in the Current Economic Context.

To support those struggling with economic pressures over Summer 2024, we shall work with them so that they can navigate their way to resilience, happiness and well-being.  In practical terms, it means that we shall provide Happiness Tips and Hints relating to the current economic context.  We will provide them through the following Summer initiatives.



• • Preview of 2024 Summer-of-Happiness and Well-being Programmes


Summer Programme at CENFACS is mainly made of two sets or broad areas of projects for and with Multi-dimensionally Poor Children, Young People and Families; which consists of:


(a) Happiness Projects (Part 1) and

(b) Appeal Projects or Humanitarian Relief to Africa (Part 2).



Besides this main Summer seasonal regular feature, we have also planned other initiatives as side menus.  We shall gradually release the contents of these Summer projects as we progress towards Summer Holiday 2024.

Our development calendar/planner already indicates what is planned for July and August 2024.  However, should anybody want to find out more, they are welcome to contact CENFACS.


• • • Summer 2024 Programmes, Projects and Activities (Summer calendar/planner)


How to Make This Summer 2024 as of a True Happiness 


July 2024


∞ Financial Updates: Financial Choices Made by the Poor People


The 2024 Edition of Financial Updates (a CENFACS’ Individual Capacity Building and Development resource for Summer) will provide advice, tips and hints about Financial Choices Made by the Poor People

The 2024 Edition of Summer Financial Updates (SFU) will focus on the role of choice that can play in financial matter for those who have little or no choice to make because of poverty they experience.

The 2024 Edition of SFU will be about


~ understanding the process inherent in financial decision-making for them

~ working with those who have little or no choice to make when it comes to financial matter

~ helping them to make good financial choices or decisions about their finances, however little they may be

~ supporting them in the process of making financial decisions and evaluating options while selecting the best one based on their financial conditions and circumstances.


∞ All-in-one Impact Assessment


July, which is the Analytics month within CENFACS, is the month to be at CENFACS for those who are working on project and programme impacts.

We will be doing two levels of impact assessment as follows:


1) Our usual July Impact Monitoring, Evaluation, Review and Analytics for projects and programmes that we run in the preceding financial year

2) Impact assessment of the different activities linked to the polycrises (e.g. activities to tackle rising prices of food, energy, geo-economic crisis, conflicts, etc.).


∞ Virtual Summer Festival with Seven Days of Development in July


The focus for our Summer 2024 Festival will be on Lack of Economic Opportunity.

Poor people have less opportunities than others to achieve various outcomes in their life.  CENFACS’ Summer 2024 Festival will concentrate on how to expand economic opportunities and possibilities with and for them.

CENFACS’ Summer 2024 Festival will deal with the following problems that the people in need face:


~ persistent barriers to the realisation of economic potential and security for those in need

~ a number of issues linked the lack of economic opportunity for them

~ how pressing economic and societal risks are contributing to the lack of opportunity for those in need.


CENFACS’ Summer 2024 Festival will as well try to explore solutions to the lack of opportunity, in particular it will


~ prospect ways of turning this lack to the creation of economic opportunity for the poor

~ investigate situations that make things possible to achieve desired or planned outcomes for and by those in need

~ look at together whether or not poor people’s goals and needs are aligned with economic achievements of the time.


Briefly speaking, our Summer 2024 Festival will focus on problems and solutions surrounding the lack of opportunity by exploring ways of reducing poverty and enhancing sustainable development by reducing poverty due to the lack of opportunity.  Therefore, this festival will also be of equality of economic opportunities.


July – August 2024


∞ Children, Young People and Families (CYPFs) Summer Programme (Part I): Appeal Projects


Summer Humanitarian Appeal projects are a set of projects to help alleviate multi-dimensional poverty experienced by CYPFs during the Summertime.  We normally launch one umbrella appeal that brings under one roof these projects.  This year,  we are going to launch selected appeals for most of them with special emphasis on the impacts of the polycrises on CYPFs.

One of the selected appeals will be about helping CYPFs to be free from distress caused by the polarising conflicts in Africa.  The appeal – Cover Basic Spending for the Distressed in Africa – is about helping poor CYPFs to mitigate the negative affects of polarising conflicts in Africa.

Another appeal project that will have a particular attention and that is needed during this period of the polycrises is the Iconic Young Carer Project (iYCP)


∞ Children, Young People and Families (CYPFs) Summer Programme (Part II): Happiness Projects


Happiness projects are another set of Summer projects making the second part of our Summer Programme.  We shall release more details about Happiness projects in due course.


∞ Summer 2024 Run, Play and Vote to Reduce Poverty


Our Triple Value Initiatives (Run, Play and Vote) for this year have already kicked off.  Through e-workshops, we have provided some guidance and help about them.  And we are still available to talk to those who need some help.  Those who started them should be half-way through with them.

These activities can be run in hybrid manner; that is in-person or virtual depending on the circumstances of participants.

Since we are already in the middle of the year, half-year actions and results about these activities will be sought from those who are practising them.

We shall ask those who undertook exercises relating Triple Value Initiatives such as e-workshops and recreational activities to report on their actions and results as well.


∞ Integration of Le Dernier Carré into Build Forward Better Programme


Our four step model of poverty relief (that is the Last Square of Poverty Relief or Le Dernier Carré) will be included in some of the elements of the Summer-of-Happiness Programme.


∞ Summer Track, Trip and Trending


Track and Trip activities will be run as normal.

Regarding Trending activity, we are going to follow the direction of poverty reduction via aquatic foods.  In other words, we are going to find out how aquatic food systems and sector are helping in lifting people out of poverty.

The above is just an indicative plan of work for our Summer of Happiness.  This Summer work plan will be reviewed depending on the circumstances and events that may occur as we move throughout the summertime.

We hope you find a happyhelpful and hopeful relief from the above programmes and projects on offer at CENFACS over this Summer!

For details or clarification about the above programmes and projects, including ways of accessing them, please contact CENFACS.


Note: Although the above is scheduled for Summer 2024, we may slightly alter our initial plan and or introduce occasional initiatives to cope with the reality of the unpredictability and complexity of development situations (e.g. humanitarian and emergency situations), in which case we shall let you know as early as we can.





(1) Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., Sachs, J. D., De Neve, J.-E., Aknin, L. B., & Wang, S. (Eds.). (2024). World Happiness Report 2024. University of Oxford: Wellbeing Research Centre.

(2) (accessed in June 2024)

(3) Teoli D., Bharawaj A., Quality of Life. [Updated 2023 Mar 27] In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan. Available from: in June 2024)

(4) (accessed in June 2024)

(5) Fuchs, D., Schlipphak, B., Treib, O., Nguyen Long, L. A., Lederer, M.; Which Way Forward in Measuring the Quality of Life? A Critical Analysis of Sustainability and Well-Being Indicator Sets. Global Environmental Politics 2020; 20(2):12-36.doi: (accessed in June 2024)

(6) Pass, C., Lowes, B. & Davies, L., (1988), Collins Dictionary of Economics, HarperCollins Publishers, London Glasgow

(7) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Frascati Manual 7.0, Chapter 2, The full Frascati Manual and current and upcoming online at http://oecd/frascati (accessed in June 2023)

(8) (accessed in June 2024)

(9) (accessed in June 2024)

(10) (accessed in June 2024)



 Help CENFACS Keep the Poverty Relief Work Going This Year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.  Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.

Donate to support CENFACS!


JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2024 and beyond.

With many thanks.