Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!
19 October 2022
Post No. 270
The Week’s Contents
• Autumn 2022 Humanitarian Relief Appeal
• “A la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature in Existence) Campaign – In Focus for Week Beginning 17/10/2022: Protection of African Grey Parrots
• Short-term Actions/Service under the Campaign to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living
… And much more!
Key Messages
• Autumn 2022 Humanitarian Relief Appeal
Needy People, Flora, Fauna, Communities and Organisations in Africa are Asking for your Support!
Our humanitarian relief appeal for Autumn 2022 has now been launched as planned. This appeal is about supporting needy people, flora, fauna, communities and organisations in Africa. It includes the following five selected projects:
1) Green Skills for Green Recovery
2) Symmetry Project
3) Gender and Youth in Africa’s Recovery
4) Maintaining School Momentum
5) Save Flora and Fauna Projects.
A brief summary of these projects can be found under the Main Development section of this post. The full project proposals of each project making this appeal is available should any of the potential donor or funder makes a request.
Donors and funders can seize the opportunity provided by these projects and the giving season to directly and respectively donate or fund these projects.
A message about this appeal can also be passed on to a person who is in a position and willing to support. Many thanks to those who will be passing this message!
We understand that the world is still struggling with many crises (food, energy, climate change crises, etc.). This struggle affects the ability of people to support good and deserving causes.
However, the effects of these crises are even stronger in place where there is a high level of poverty like in Africa. This is why we have launched this seasonal appeal to help not only to reduce poverty but also to save lives from these crises.
Therefore, we are inviting those who can, to donate £2 to create 3 benefits (1 benefit for humans, 1 benefit for other natural livings and 1 shared benefit between humans and nature) or any amount starting from £2 or more as you wish or can.
You can gift aid your donation as well as support these projects in a way that is the most suitable and related to your situation, circumstance, budget, capacity and willingness.
To donate, gift aid and support otherwise; please contact CENFACS.
• “A la une” (Autumn Leaves of Action for the Upkeep of the Nature in Existence) Campaign – In Focus for Week Beginning 17/10/2022: Protection of African Grey Parrots
African Grey Parrots (also known as psittacus erithacus) are listed on ‘earthsendangered.com’ (1). Like many species, they are threatened due to hunting and habitat destruction. They are trapped, smuggled and illicitly traded. They also suffer from pollution like humans. They need protection. What do we mean by protection?
• • Protection of African Grey Parrots
It is about defence of African Grey Parrots against harm and danger. Protection here has to be perceived from the perspective of environment and conservation like Chris Park (2) defines it as
“Any activity that reduces losses or risks, tends to maintain basic conditions and values, and reduces damage and injury to people and property” (p. 360)
Many African countries (such as Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, etc.) have in place protection measures to enforce and suspend illegal and illicit trade of African Grey Parrots. Despite that there are still cases of smuggled or illicitly traded African Grey Parrots. There is a need to protect and conserve African Grey Parrots.
Because of that, actions need to be taken to deal with the situation. As “A la une“ Campaign is about actions not words, we are going to take actions with the community and the rest of the community.
• • Actions to protect African Grey Parrots
Actions to be taken with the community and the rest of the community can include the following ones:
✔ Working with law enforcement agencies dealing with endangered bird species
✔ Working together with African organisations specialised in rescued birds like Limbe Wildlife Centre (3) and other organisations working on the matter
✔ Continuing to raise awareness about endangered African Grey Parrots
✔ Supporting the rehabilitation and return of Parrots to the wild environment
✔ Promoting the restoration of dwindling wild population of parrots
✔ Undertaking fundraising and education to defend them
In brief, these actions will be to help in keeping away from harm and danger, the rescue, rehabilitation and survivorship of African Grey Parrots.
The above actions will indeed assist in protecting and conserving African Grey Parrots, which are endangered bird species in Africa.
To take actions and/or find out more about this second composed note and/or the entire “A la une” Campaign, please contact CENFACS.
• Short-term Actions/Service under the Campaign to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living
These are critical actions or activities to be undertaken from now and within six months period to work with those who are poor because of high costs of living to make ends meet. They are short-term protective support to be implemented before any humanitarian needs emerge or materialise within the community. These actions are part of the service we are providing to support the community.
So, under the Campaign to End Poverty Induced by Rising Costs of Living, short-term actions or service include:
Assessing with users about how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting them and their needs as a result of crisis effects
Drawing a simple and practical action plan with users to tackle the effects of the cost-of-living crisis
Guidance, Advice and Information on organisations that are offering goods and services that could be accessible and affordable for users
Guidance, Advice, Referrals, Signposting and Information about support and benefits available for distressed households’ accounts and assets
The service is available for those members of our community who need it and who would like to ask for it. To request and/or access the service, please contact CENFACS.
Extra Messages
∝ Online Micro-volunteering Activities with CENFACS
∝ Triple Value Initiatives for Santa: Raising Funds while Playing, Running and Voting for Poverty Reduction over the Long Festive Period
∝ Poverty-reduction History Files
• Online Micro-volunteering Activities with CENFACS
As well as supporting CENFACS and its noble causes with no direct cash donations, people can add up or think of alternative ways of involving with CENFACS. For example, they can micro-volunteer with us either online or offline or both.
To enable our readers and those who may be interested in micro-volunteering with us to understand what we are talking, let us explain the following jargons: micro-volunteering, smart tasks, smart communications tools and smart poverty relief.
• • What is Micro-volunteering with CENFACS?
It is about undertaking or completing small tasks, that can be online or offline or both, to make up one of our main projects. While we recognise the importance of both online and offline tasks in our volunteering scheme (All in Development Volunteers), our focus on micro-volunteering in the context of this post will be on the online part of it.
• • Online micro-volunteering doing small smart tasks
Small tasks are micro-actions. From what Anna Patton said (4), these tasks need to be easy, no-commitment, cost-free, to take less than 30 minutes to complete, little or no formal agreement needed before a volunteer can get started, and no expectation that the volunteer will return, no long-term commitment for the volunteer.
These tasks could be smart, that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely; as well as capable of generating and increasing support towards CENFACS’ good and deserving causes, especially at the time of the cost-of-living crisis. These tasks can contribute to smart poverty relief.
The above table (table no.1) briefly provides a summary of these tasks. For those who would like to dive into online micro-volunteering small smart tasks, they can contact CENFACS’ All in Development Volunteers Scheme.
• • Online micro-volunteering done via smart communication tools
It is the use of internet connected devices or tools (such as smart phones, tablets, video calling devices, notebooks, laptops, cameras, drones, etc.) to re-engage with CENFACS audience and supporters as well as to recruit new supporters.
Smart communication tools include as well other devices designed to run or complete actions carried out by smart phones, tablets, notebooks, etc. These extra tools could be wireless printers, broad bands, messenger apps and so on.
Additionally, online micro-volunteering by using distance working and online technologies in our campaigns can help us to reach out to our supporters and Africa-based Organisations.
We understand that not every volunteer can afford to have them. This is why we often ask support with smart communication tools so that our volunteers (All in Development Volunteers) could be able to micro-volunteer smarter and deliver smart poverty relief.
• • Online micro-volunteering to achieve smart poverty relief
This additional way of working and engaging with our audience and supporters via online micro-volunteering has brought some opportunities and benefits. Amongst these opportunities or openings is that of creating smart relief, of reducing poverty symptoms for temporary relief which could lead to permanent relief.
In this respect, smart poverty relief is about prioritising resources and making sure that CENFACS’ poverty reduction system is helping to meet the needs of those in need as we undertake online micro-volunteering activities.
In other words, when volunteers carry out micro-actions, they are not doing them for the sake of entertaining themselves or just passing their time with and for CENFACS.
Through their small online tasks, they are bringing their contribution, however little it can be, to the larger project or programme or picture of CENFACS. By adding up their small pieces of work/relief, one can get the sum of poverty relief, a big poverty relief. Online micro-volunteering could be smart when it contributes to the big picture of poverty reduction.
To enable us to continue our voluntary work, we are asking to those who can, both individuals and organisations, to support us with smart communication tools to enhance our online micro-volunteering action.
To support CENFACS with Smart Communication Tools to micro-volunteer doing Smart Tasks to deliver Smart Poverty Relief, please contact CENFACS.
• Triple Value Initiatives for Santa: Raising Funds while Playing, Running and Voting for Poverty Reduction over the Long Festive Period
You can help CENFACS raise life-saving funds it needs for its good causes by making participants or interested parties to Triple Value Initiatives (or All-year Round Projects) to dress like Santa.
Participants and vested parties can then donate or sponsor your Triple Value Initiatives of Playing, Running and Voting for poverty reduction.
The income to be raised on these occasions can be donated to CENFACS. It will help to support those in most need so that they can navigate their way out of poverty and hardships.
However, to raise funds via Triple Value Initiatives for Santa, one needs to first discuss the matter, their plan/idea with CENFACS. Together with them, we can better plan their/our fundraising drive and help deliver it in a smooth and hassle-free way while following the rules of the game.
To raise funds for Triple Value Initiatives for Santa to help CENFACS and its noble causes, please contact CENFACS.
Just remember, do not forget to record and report your scores, results and fixtures about your Triple Value Initiatives (or All year-round Projects). At the end of the process of All year-round Projects and by the end of the year, one should be ready to announce the 2022 Action-Results for either of the project: Run or Play or Vote.
The final Action-Results will consist of finding out and revealing the following for this year:
✔ The Best African Countries of 2022 which best reduced poverty
✔ The Best African Global Games Runners of 2022
✔ The Best African Development and Poverty Relief Managers of 2022.
If you have not yet thought about this finding or revelation, please start thinking right now and have your say about it by the 23rd of December 2022!
• Poverty-reduction History Files
Poverty-reduction History Files (PRHFs) are part of CENFACS‘ repository of knowledge and experience relating to the history of CENFACS in the month of history. Through this part of repository, users and other stakeholders who are interested in the history of CENFACS can ask for a particular piece or file of CENFACS‘ history under defined conditions and terms.
The file or piece of information can help them to know and learn things such as how CENFACS addressed poverty issues in a particular context and time. The file can as well enable them to conduct a comparative analysis in terms of poverty reduction while prospecting for the future of poverty reduction.
Those of our users who would like to grab this opportunity of the history month and who are interested in a particular piece of history about CENFACS, they can address their enquiry to CENFACS.
Message in French (Message en français)
• Activités de micro-volontariat en ligne avec le CENFACS
En plus de soutenir le CENFACS et ses nobles causes sans dons directs en espèces, les gens peuvent additionner ou penser à d’autres moyens de s’impliquer avec le CENFACS. Par exemple, ils peuvent faire du micro-bénévolat avec nous en ligne ou hors ligne ou les deux.
• • Qu’est-ce que le micro-volontariat avec le CENFACS?
Il s’agit d’entreprendre ou d’accomplir de petites tâches, qui peuvent être en ligne ou hors ligne ou les deux, pour constituer l’un de nos principaux projets. Bien que nous reconnaissions l’importance des tâches en ligne et hors ligne dans notre programme de volontariat (Tous dans le développement), nous nous concentrons sur le micro-volontariat dans le contexte de cet article sur la partie en ligne de celui-ci.
• • Micro-volontariat en ligne en effectuant de petites tâches intelligentes
Les petites tâches sont des micro-actions. D’après ce qu’Anna Patton a dit (4), ces tâches doivent être faciles, sans engagement, gratuites, prendre moins de 30 minutes à compléter, peu ou pas d’accord formel nécessaire avant qu’un bénévole puisse commencer, et aucune attente que le bénévole revienne, aucun engagement à long terme pour le bénévole.
Ces tâches pourraient être intelligentes, c’est-à-dire spécifiques, mesurables, réalisables, réalistes et limitées dans le temps; ainsi que capable de générer et d’accroître le soutien aux bonnes et méritantes causes du CENFACS, en particulier au moment de la crise du coût de la vie.
Ces tâches peuvent inclure brièvement l’un des éléments suivants :
✔ Prospection de soutiens potentiels
✔ Exécution de questionnaires
✔ Recrutement de nouveaux soutiens
✔ Dialogue avec les sympathisants
✔ Envoi et réception de messages de la part du soutien
✔ Suivre les pistes
✔ Configuration d’un événement en ligne
✔ Parrainage en ligne
✔ Financement participatif en ligne
✔ Rédaction d’un article de blog
✔ Re-tweeter un message
Ces tâches peuvent contribuer à ce que nous appelons une lutte intelligente contre la pauvreté.
• • Micro-volontariat en ligne pour parvenir à une lutte intelligente contre la pauvreté
Cette façon supplémentaire de travailler et de s’engager avec notre public et nos sympathisants via le micro-bénévolat en ligne a apporté quelques opportunités. Parmi ces opportunités ou ouvertures, il y a celle de créer un soulagement intelligent, de réduire les symptômes de la pauvreté pour un soulagement temporaire qui pourrait conduire à un soulagement permanent.
À cet égard, la lutte intelligente contre la pauvreté consiste à hiérarchiser les ressources et à s’assurer que le système de réduction de la pauvreté du CENFACS contribue à répondre aux besoins et attentes de ceux ou celles qui en ont besoin alors que nous entreprenons des activités de micro-volontariat en ligne.
Ce qui précède résume le micro-volontariat en ligne avec le CENFACS. Pour soutenir le CENFACS avec des outils de communication intelligents pour micro-faire des tâches intelligentes pour fournir un soulagement intelligent de la pauvreté, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.
Main Development
• Autumn 2022 Humanitarian Relief Appeal
Needy People, Flora, Fauna, Communities and Organisations in Africa are Asking for your Support!
The following items summarise their appeal:
∝ The data that justify the need to help
∝ The projects
∝ The request
∝ The beneficiaries
∝ The asks
∝ What your donation can achieve
∝ How to send your support.
Let us unpack each of these items.
• • The data that justify the need to help
The data (or information in words and numbers) that tell us there is a humanitarian need to support are given in the following examples and data from multilateral agencies working on poverty matter.
For example, looking at food security and nutrition in the world, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations et al. argue (5) that
“The number of severely food insecure people in Africa between 2019 and 2021 was 295.5 million“.
Writing on inequality, the United Nations Development Programme (6) in its latest report found that
“Inequality in income was 27.1% and inequality in education was 34.3% in 2021 in Sub-Saharan Africa” (p. 284)
The same United Nations Development Programme (op. cit.) stated that
“Mean years of schooling were 5.1 for female and 6.9 for male in 2021 in Sub-Saharan Africa” (p. 289)
“Labour force participation rate for female was 62.1% and 72.3% for male for ages 15 and older” (p.294)
Reporting on issues facing cities around the world, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (7) state that
“Only 54 per cent of the urban population in Africa have access to safely managed water and only 23 per cent have access to sanitation” (p. 15)
“About 84.3 per cent of the multidimensionally poor live in Sub-Saharan Africa” (p. 78)
Covering news on endangered species, the website ‘phys.com’ (8) reported in August 2022 that
“Over 150 endangered vultures were poisoned to death in Southern Africa”.
Likewise, it was published in the ‘lemomde.fr’ (9) that
“Last September, there was kidnapping or removal of chimpanzees (three primate babies) from their sanctuary in Lubumbashi (Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo)”.
What the above-mentioned pieces of information and facts tell us. They indicate the following.
Whether it is about food insecurity or inequality reduction or inequality between the two sexes or issues facing the world’s cities, the above data just highlight the underlying problem of poverty and extreme poverty in Africa. One part of the above-mentioned figures also indicates the continuing threats to wildlife and the lack of skills in some situations to navigate out of poverty and hardships.
Furthermore, as the global cost-of-living crisis continues the figures about poverty and threats to the wildlife could be different; meaning that poor people, children, women, flora and fauna could be in a worse scenario case or situation in which humanitarian relief could be part of the response. Data-based solutions to poverty induced by the cost-of-living crisis can only help this situation, especially in the long term.
These above data from multilateral agencies finally highlight CENFACS‘ findings and the reality on the ground in Africa in the area of operation of CENFACS. There is need out there that deservingly requires support that the locals are requesting to address existing humanitarian needs, especially at this time of the difficult global economic situation exacerbated by energy and food crises.
• • The projects
Five projects to help reduce poverty and meet the needs of the local people, animals, plants and organisations this Autumn and beyond
1) Green Skills for Gren Recovery (Learning and Skills Development Project)
This is a project that helps to reduce poverty linked to poor or incomplete skills, knowledge, information and capacities amongst African organisations and those who are running these organisations living in deprived areas and anxious improve their green skills in order to rehabilitate, recover, reconstruct and move forward clean, green and safely from the synergic effects of the coronavirus, the cost-of-living crisis and climate change.
Green skills are understood here from the perspective of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (10) as
“The knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society”.
2) Save Flora and Fauna projects (Environmental projects)
These are wildlife preservation, conservation and protection initiatives which help to advance justice and equity for flora and fauna, and which include two areas of action:
a) Life-saving actions against new forms of exploitation and trafficking of animal and plant species
b) Life-saving action against the cost-of-living crisis on flora and fauna.
The first action is an action to protect animal species in Africa from new forms of wildlife exploitation and trafficking, including kidnapping of animals from their natural sanctuary.
For example, in North-Kivu (the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Cong0), there are armed groups that set up their bases in the vicinity of parks like the park Virunga, which is sanctuary of very rare mountain gorillas. These groups threatened protected ecosystems by exploiting natural resources (such as woods and animals) via poaching, illegal fishing, smuggling, kidnappings of animals, etc. Specimen and trophies from elephant ivory, charcoal and illicit fishing are traded by these groups to finance their supply of arms and to engage in armed conflicts.
The second action is about making sure that, plant and animal species regain, restore, rebuild and thrive their lives while humans are trying to deal with the cost-of-living crisis. In other words, the action is about to ensure that the cost-of-living crisis does not lead to flora and fauna crises since we depend on them in order to come out of the cost-of-living crisis.
There are many natural species that we would like to save, but it will take time to do it. To name the few, we can list the following:
∝ animal species like elephants, gorillas, rhinoceros, etc.
∝ birds such as the Congo bay owl, African Grey Parrots, Congo Peafowl, Dwarf Honeyguide, African Green Broadbill, Crossley’s Ground-thrush
∝ fish like cae cobarbus geertsi
∝ plants like afzelia pachyloba
∝ threes, water and forests.
They can be saved from danger of exploitation and killings while aiming at reducing poverty in Africa.
3) Symmetry Project (Equality Project)
A sustainable development initiative aiming at reducing the difference in the distributional effects of rising costs of living that have been asymmetrical or uneven. It is a project of working with local poor people in parts of Africa where there is uneven impact of the cost-of-living crisis and poverty reduction in order to establish equal right and address the roots and causes of this type of asymmetry or inequality in a sustainable way.
4) Gender and Youths in Africa’s Recovery (Young Girls’ Education and Health)
It is a CENFACS drive to help better integrate young people and girls as well as to have a gender dimension in the process of green, economic and social recovery in Africa. It is proven that where young people are included, there is a better chance of making sensible decisions and choices for the future.
Through this project, Africa’s youths, particularly girls, will be supported to play an active role in Africa’s resilient recovery. The project will try to reduce gender poverty and discrimination towards the contribution that young people, particularly young girls, are making or can make in the recovery process in Africa.
5) Maintaining School Momentum (Educational hardship project)
One thing is for a child to go back to school; another thing is for the same child to stay in the school/educational system. Maintaining School Momentum Project is an educational support to poor children facing poverty barriers to go back to schools, to stay in the school system and cope with the pressure of the educational requirements.
The project will help these children to keep school engagement process, to meet their educational goal setting, to be motivated toward learning, to improve their schooling habits, to get organisational tools they need for their schooling and maintain excitement during the school year.
In total, 5 projects to donate £2 for 3 benefits as you wish per project
Note: Further details about the above projects are available on request from CENFACS.
• • The request
The beneficiaries of the above projects are local poor people, flora and fauna under threat as well as Africa-based Organisations that CENFACS works with to help reduce the following types of poverty and hardships:
• Poor or lack of basic infrastructures (such as safe drinking water collection points, medical and health centres, toilets and washing essentials, places to get training and basic education, online necessary equipment, lack of personal protective equipment to stop the spread of diseases, etc.) to secure safe drinking water, to educate children, to sanitise health and access primary health care, etc.
• Lack of animal protection and care, threats to extinction or killings, trafficking and poaching of endangered animals (such as the elephants, gorillas, rhinoceros, etc.) and plant species (such as maize, potato, bean, squash, chilli pepper, vanilla, avocado, husk tomato and cotton crops).
• Wildlife crime through illegal harvest of and trade in wildlife and forest products as well as derived products
• Income poverty and dehumanising treatment afflicted to poor particularly women, young girls and children
• Asymmetrical economic effects of the cost-of-living crisis whereby those who are poor do not have the same sort of support than others to cope with the mounting or crippling effects of the cost-of-living crisis as well as they cannot move out of the vicious circle of deprivations
• Little involvement of the youth, particularly young girls, in the building process toward green, economic and social recovery from the cost-of-living crisis; yet young girls (youths) can play an active role in Africa’s resilient recovery efforts.
• Lack of income and or enough earnings by poor families to send their children back to school and/or for these children to keep school momentum.
• • The beneficiaries
This Autumn 2022 humanitarian relief appeal will help…
✔ The real and direct beneficiaries and end users who are poor people (amongst them the youth, young girls and children)
✔ The endangered wildlife and plant species
✔ The indirect beneficiaries made of African organisations based in Africa and working on the issues/causes of these poor people and species.
• • The asks
The above needy people, flora, fauna, communities and organisations need your support.
CENFACS is appealing to you to donate £2 to create 3 benefits (1 benefit for humans, 1 benefit for animals and plants, and 1 benefit for both humans and nature) as you wish to achieve penultimate relief.
• • What your donation can achieve
If you donate £2 for 3 benefits, we can anticipate the following use and relief impacts that these amounts can help
⇒ To implement Green Skills for Green Recovery by…
✔ buying computer and distance learning equipment for training and development
✔ building workshop halls and or hiring spaces for digital and IT training in a secure environment.
For example, £2 can help provide a tablet to a community and use this tablet to disseminate knowledge and information about local green economy practice at household level.
⇒ To deliver Save Flora and Fauna projects by…
✔ running wildlife protection awareness campaign to address illicit trafficking in wildlife and to keep advocacy on wild animals’ and plants’ rights and welfare
✔ buying or developing software or apps on protection and care of wildlife species in Africa.
For example, £2 can help rescue animals from their kidnappers and rehabilitate rescued animals (e.g., African Grey Parrots) at a rescued animal rehabilitation centre.
⇒ To execute Symmetry project by…
✔ running online and virtual equality workshops on the reduction of asymmetrical adverse effects of the cost-of-living crisis between people and groups
✔ training people to tackle inequalities of poverty reduction or treatment induced by the cost-of-living crisis within their communities.
For example, £2 can help a poor family to access clean energy to prepare a meal while reducing the uneven distributional consequences of the cost-of-living crisis.
⇒ To improve the participation of the youth, particularly young girls in the green, economic and social recovery in Africa by…
✔ helping to increase girls’ and youths’ representation and participation in the recovery process in Africa
✔ supporting African voluntary organisations to advocate for girls and youths to have a democratic say in the decision-making and delivering processes of Africa’s resilient green recovery.
For example, £2 can help pay for childcare and other care services so that young girls can study and engage in the recovery process in Africa in a gender-aware and inclusive way.
⇒ To make back-to-school support and maintenance of school momentum realise needy children’s dreams by…
✔ setting up income-generating activities with poor families to meet the cost of sending back to and keeping their children at schools
✔ purchasing school e-books and e-materials through African voluntary organisations to help educationally needy children to add distance learning opportunities to their education in order to mitigate the adverse effects of the cost-of-living crisis on children’s learning and abilities.
For example, £2 can enable poor families to buy organisational tools and to access motivational programmes for children to stay engaged with the schooling process and educational system.
To realise a total of 5 lasting benefits, it may require a donation of £10 to £20 or even more.
To smooth the process of supporting the above-mentioned beneficiaries, CENFACS is ready to post to you and or to any other potential supporters the project proposals or an information pack about them for consideration to support. Likewise, CENFACS is ready to talk to you or to potential funders about them if they want us to do so.
To donate, gift aid and or support differently, please contact CENFACS.
• • How to send you support
You can donate
* over phone
* via email
* through text
* by filling the contact form on this website.
On receipt of your intent to donate or donation, CENFACS will contact you. However, should you wish your support to remain anonymous; we will respect your wish.
We look forward to your support with helpful difference for the Poor People, Organisations and Wildlife Species in Africa.
Thank you in anticipation for your willingness to give and help change the lives of these poor people, organisations and wild species.
• References
(1) www.earthsendangered.com/(Accessed in October 2022)
(2) Park, C., 2011, Oxford Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York
(3) https://limbewildlife.org (Accessed in October 2022)
4) Patton, A., 2021, Micro-volunteering, Making a Difference in Minutes, (Originally published Dec. 2017) at https://www.missionbox.com/article/183/micro-volunteering-making-a-difference-in-minutes (Accessed October 2021)
(5) FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO, 2022, Repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable, Rome, FAO, https://doi.org/10.4060/cc0639en (Accessed in October 2022)
(6) United Nations Development Programme, 2022, Development Report 2021/2022 Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World, New York, USA
(7) United Nations Human Settlements Programme, World Cities Report 2022: Emerging the Future of Cities at www.unhabitat.org (Accessed in October 2022)
(8) https://phys.org/news/2022-08-endangered-vultures-poisoned-death-southern.html (Accessed in October 2022)
(9) https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2022/09/26/en-rdc-c-est-la-premiere-fois-qu-on-enleve-des-chimpanzes-contre-ranson_6143288_3212.html (Accessed in September 2022)
(10) European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training at https://www.ippr.org/files/2021-02/skills-for-a-green-recovery-feb2021.pdf (Accessed in October 2022)
• Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year
We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis. Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.
One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.
Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS.
Donate to support CENFACS!
JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)
Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.
Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.
We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2022 and beyond.
With many thanks.