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FACS, Issue No. 64: Inequalities of Poverty Reduction

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

14 August 2019

Post No. 104





The Week’s Contents


• FACS, Issue No. 64: Inequalities of Poverty Reduction in Africa – Make them disappear

• Trending in Poverty Reduction in a Changing Climate, In Focus from 12/08/2019: Contribution of Clothes and Clothing Industry to Poverty Reduction

• Quadranscentennial Year and Project – In Focus on 19/08/2019: CENFACS as a Model of Working, Building and Sustaining Together


… and much more!



Key Messages


The top content of this week’s post is Inequalities of Poverty Reduction in Africa. This top content makes the 64th Issue of FACS, CENFACS’ bilingual newsletter.


~ FACS, Issue No. 64: Inequalities of Poverty Reduction in Africa – Make them disappear


The 64th Issue is organised in two parts.  The first part treats Inequalities of Poverty Reduction (IPR) related to each type of poverty; poverty defined in a generic term.  These types of poverty relate to income, consumption, work, health, energy, shelter, education, freedom etc.  These are the kinds of poverty that can be measured with metrics (such as international income poverty line).

The second part looks at IPR faced by poor or groups of people or communities such as children, women, ethnic minority groups, the elderly and disable people.   These groups are amongst the most vulnerable in many societies including of Africa.

As usual, we have our two pages (5 & 6) in French.  Page 5 gives a kind of digest of the 64th Issue in French as it condenses what is said in English by retelling it in French in a few words.  Page 6 speaks about the challenge that democratic transitions in Africa have in overcoming IPR.

Our coverage of the 64th Issue also includes the discussions and planning of the 2020s Programme and ends with a sustainable initiative to help address IPR.   

Besides these introductory notes to the Issue, key summaries of the pages making the 64th  Issue of FACS, which can be found under the Main Developments section of this post, shade more lights about this lead content.


~ Trending in Poverty Reduction in a Changing Climate


In Focus from 12/08/2019: Contribution of Clothes and Clothing Industry to Poverty Reduction

Our serial trend in poverty reduction in a changing climate is now in its second week.  We are looking at the contribution of clothes, textile and clothing industries to poverty reduction.

Garment or textile and their industries contribute to the alleviation of poverty.  Clothes and their industries can provide the following benefits related to poverty reduction:

√ Raise incomes for those working in the clothing industry

√ Create job opportunities for poor people

√ Increase consumer demand for goods and services produced by the textile industry

√ Reduce the price of clothes

√ Increase clothes supply

√ Support child education



The above benefits are happening.  However, we found in this trending there are stories of some clothes producers or makers who did or exploit cheap labour including child labour and trafficking.  These practices do not have their place in this world as clothes makers and producers should respect workers’ human rights.

As the world is experiencing a changing climate with sometimes huge variations and records in temperatures in some places, we are as well following the direction of clothing industry in making clothes to help people adapt and mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change.   

So, we are continuing in following the direction of clothes is developing or changing the reduction of poverty in a changing climate. 

To follow this trend with CENFACS or to discuss it, please contact CENFACS.



~ “Quadranscentennial” Year and Project – In Focus on 19/08/2019: CENFACS as a Model of Working, Building and Sustaining Together


Our presentation of the Acts making the “Quadranscentennial” (Q) Year and Project continues this month after reviewing the preceding Acts (Acts 1, 2, 3 and 4). 

The final Act of this Q Project and Year is CENFACS as a Model of Working, Building and Sustaining Together with Local People.  It is the Togetherness Act (Act No. 5)

Under the Main Developments section of this post, we have presented the 5th Act of the Q Year and Project.





Extra Messages


~ Online TRACK to CENFACS e-charity Summer Shop Summer goods donations and buys


Every season is an opportunity to do something about the environment and poverty.  You can recycle or donate your unwanted or unused goods and presents to do something about the environment and or poverty.  You can also buy goods to meet the same ends.

This Summer you can online track CENFACS e-charity shop to help the environment and poverty relief.  If you are a fun of online tracking and shopping, you can take an online course of action or online path or even course of travel to save the environment and reduce poverty with CENFACS.

Instead of you physically going to physically shop or donate your goods, you can from the comfort of your home buy or donate goods to CENFACS e-charity shop to help the deserving cause of poverty relief and sustainable development.

To support us either by shopping or supplying us with products or goods you no longer want or use so that we can sell and raise the money for the good cause of poverty relief, please go http://cenfacs.org.uk/shop/


~ Trips for field research


Trips to the local need this week include as well those travels made or to be made to conduct fieldwork research in Africa and anywhere else in the context of poverty relief and sustainable development projects. 

These fieldwork researches or practical experiences to gain knowledge and skills could be of varying forms such as observation and collection of raw data, interviews, group discussions, practical activities to support overseas development projects etc. 

If you are a researcher and did or are doing some fieldwork research on sustainable development and poverty reduction, and think that your work can enhance CENFACS’ work, you could share with us your experience, research findings or outcomes.

To share the experiences and results of your fieldwork research, just contact CENFACS and CENFACS will get back to you.





~ Q Challenge with Virtual 4 km Run to Reduce Poverty


As part of CENFACS’ Q Challenge, you can virtually run or walk from any location you choose.  You can run, jog, or walk on the road, on the trail, on the treadmill, at the gym or on the track (or even at another race).  You can run your own race, at your own pace, and time it yourself.

All we are asking in this Q Challenge is to complete 4 Km Run wherever you want to do them.  Before doing it, please let CENFACS knows.





Main Developments


FACS, Issue No. 64: Inequalities of Poverty Reduction in Africa – Make them disappear  >  Key Summaries


• • General summary


What the 64th Issue of FACS is about (page 2)


It is about dealing with inequalities of poverty reduction.  To understand what is at stake in this Issue, it is better to explain the concepts we are using although one may have their own understanding of them.

We are using the definition of economic inequality as given by the Equality Trust (1) on their website on How is Economic Inequality defined?

They make the difference between poverty and inequality.  They argue that poverty is both absolute and relative term while inequality is always a relative term.

The Trust defines inequality as

 “the difference between levels of living standards, income etc, across the whole economic distribution”.

As to poverty reduction, from the literature review we had we can argue that it is a set of measures having the objectives of tackling current and future poverty, of lifting as many poor people as possible out of poverty including those in chronic poverty, and of tackling the causes of poverty and their symptoms.

The Issue deals with the difference levels of reducing the lack of means of surviving and the lack of physical means of living and improving one’s life.

The 64th Issue deals with poverty as lack of choice or capability as defined by Amartya Sen (2).  From the perspective of this Issue, poverty also includes deprivation in health, education, nutrition, security, empowerment, dignity and vulnerability.

The Issue does not deal with voluntary poverty for those who make the vow of poverty.   

By arguing about the Inequalities of poverty reduction, our approach is to distance ourselves from approaches that use the theme of inequality in order to justify the status quo to protect their privilege, social status and rent seeking behaviour. 

It is about approaching inequality against what Stiglitz (3) argues in the preface of his book entitled “the Price of Inequality” when discussing inequality in the USA.  He talks about “the flawed economic theories and ideology that manage to exacerbate inequality” (p. xxvii).

Our approach is finally echoing what Wilkinson and Pickett (4) think when they argue that

“In [poor countries] a more equal distribution of resources will mean fewer people will be living in shanty towns, with dirty water and food insecurity, or trying to scrape a living from inadequate land-holdings” (p.30)  

As our Issue is about Africa, we can add that inequalities of poverty reduction are expressed by qualitative and quantitative data.  The Brookings (5) website gives the following data as it argues that

“Today, four countries already have poverty rates of below 3 percent: Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Mauritius and Seychelles….While the absolute numbers of poor will increase by some 20 million in Nigeria and by almost 2 million in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)”.

Although the first four countries are small ones compared to the other two ones (Nigeria and DRC), it is right to argue that there is inequality of poverty reduction between the two sets of countries.

So, the above is the conceptual framework that underpins the contents of this Issue.  The summaries of the other pages making it are given below.


• • Other page summaries


Inequality of Poverty Reduction (IPR) in income (Page 3)

It is known that there is income inequality between people, families, communities and nations.  What this Issue is trying to address is not the difference in income between let say 10% and 90% of the population in any country or region of Africa.

According to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (6), Africa has the second highest income inequality in the world, after Latin America (p. 156) 

The Issue is trying to discuss the IPR and advocate tackling income disparities.  For example, why there is IPR between some rural and urban areas in Africa.  Difference in levels of poverty reduction income can exacerbate inequalities themselves.

Projects such as income generation activities by Africa-based organisations in Africa (ASOs) can help reduce the IPR.


Inequality of Poverty Reduction in Consumption (Page 3)


Again, it is known that every night many people, let alone children, go to bed without a meal.  They cannot afford to consume what is required for a daily diet to be healthy.

While we support any measure that tackles consumption of food poverty, we equally advocate for the reduction of the IPR in consumption.

There are some pockets of Africa that have their food poverty reduced quickly and faster than others.  Many communities in Africa are struggling to overcome hunger, malnutrition and undernourishment.  This difference in the levels of PR should be tackled.

Food sustenance projects run by some of our ASOs are the kinds of initiatives that move into the direction of eradicating this type of poverty reduction in food and consumption.


Inequality of Reduction of in-Working Poverty (Page 4)


There is a lot of talks about employment inequality whereby some get a good job and a good pay while others do not have a job or get paid peanuts.  There are even places in Africa where people work and wait for months and months to get their pay if they are lucky.

While a fair economic system and society should always provide a fair occupational retribution for every human (woman and man), it is also right to recognize that many people work for jobs which do not pay for their costs of living; jobs that keep them poorer and poorer.  This is to such an extent there could be a gender or ethnic gap pay.  Yet, they have (and we all have) to work with the hope of changing lives and keeping the economic system running.

There are places in Africa that have managed to reduce this in-working poverty while others have not done so.  The 64th Issue deals with these disparities between places (and organisations) in reducing in-working poverty and finding way forward to close the inequality gaps.   

Training and skills development projects run by our local organisations in Africa can help to alleviate some of these issues.


Inequality in the reduction of the lack of sustainable energy (Page 4)


Energy poverty or precariousness is now becoming common in many poor families’ household budgets where the energy costs (like water, electricity, gas, charcoal, woods etc.) take a large part in those budgets.  This is to the extent that many of these poor families have nothing left to live in a given month.

It is even difficult now as many families have been told to use or consume sustainable energy to reduce deforestation and adverse climate change.  Yet, many of them cannot afford the price of getting sustainable energy.

However, our discussion is not about that.  Our work in this 64th Issue is about the efforts that some places and organisations have made and succeeded in reducing energy poverty while others have not done so.

So, there is a disparity in the reduction of the lack of sustainable energy; disparity that needs to be resolved.

Afforestation projects to replant the forest and trees as well as projects to reduction the cutting down trees and burning of forest by local organisations can provide alternative means for sustainable energy.    


Réduire la réduction inégale de la pauvreté en Afrique (Page 5)


La réduction de la pauvreté ne se fait pas au même rythme, ni à la même ampleur et selon le même contenu ou la même vitesse.  Il y a des pays et régions d’Afrique qui ont fait plus de pas dans la direction de réduction de la pauvreté.  Il y a en d’autres qui ont d’énormes problèmes pour réduire la pauvreté.  Entre les zones qui ont réalisé des progrès en matière de réduction de la pauvreté et celles qui éprouvent des difficultés  en la même matière, se créent des écarts.  Ces écarts ne sont pas seulement ceux de niveau et contenu de pauvreté, mais aussi ceux du développement inégal.  

Il est vrai que chaque partie d’Afrique a son histoire, son Etat et son mode de fonctionnement.   Néanmoins, il y a lieu de faire des efforts pour équilibrer ou rééquilibrer les efforts entrepris en la matière.  Le nivèlement ou la réduction des inégalités grandissantes de réduction de la pauvreté a des avantages qui peuvent être les suivants:

√ La réduction des flux migratoires des personnes pauvres à la cherche des opportunités économiques

√ L’évitement des effets de contagion de pauvreté

√ La neutralisation de l’insécurité qui peut pousser les démunis de zones de précarité ou pénurie à la recherche des moyens de survie vers des zones affluentes

√ L’effacement de violation des droits humains (la pauvreté étant en elle un manque de droits de se nourrir, se vêtir, se soigner, s’éduquer, ainsi de suite)

√ L’épargne de création ou d’aggravation de situations de pôles de croissance d’une part et de périphéries de pauvreté de l’autre part

√ La possibilité de développer des projets communs de réduction de la pauvreté

√ La chance de prévenir de conflits potentiels et des guerres civiles ou interethniques

√ L’éventualité de combattre ensemble les effets néfastes résultant des changements et réchauffement climatiques

√ La probabilité d’établir des réseaux d’informations sur la pauvreté et d’échange des moyens pour réduire cette pauvreté 


Ce qui précède ne doit pas être seulement conçu au niveau national.  Ces phénomènes de manque de réduction des disparités en matière de réduction de la pauvreté doivent être surtout appréhendés au sein des ensembles locaux.  Ce sont des phénomènes que des organisations avec lesquelles le CENFACS travaille avec vivent quotidiennement et essaient de résoudre à travers de projets de réduction de la pauvreté.

Le 64e numéro de FACS est donc un plaidoyer pour un rééquilibrage de la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique.

Pour une lecture substantivée de ce qu’on a brièvement décrit ci-haut, s’il vous plaît contactez le CENFACS.


Des transitions démocratiques en Afrique face à des inégalités de réduction de la pauvreté : Peuvent-elles tirer leur épingle du jeu? (Page 6)


Par inégalités de réduction de la pauvreté, nous entendons le défaut d’uniformité en quantité et qualité en matière de diminution et même de la disparition d’états des personnes qui manquent aussi bien de ressources monétaires et financières que matérielles, ou simplement qui ont des moyens de vivre insuffisants. 

S’il y a un défaut d’uniformité de réduction de la pauvreté, cela demande que les transitions démocratiques ou pouvoirs montants s’attaquent à cela.  Que ça soit dans des pays qui ont connu leurs premières élections politiques cette année dans ce siècle (comme la République Démocratique du Congo et la Tunisie) ou des pays qui tentent d’améliorer leurs systèmes électoraux (tel que l’Afrique du Sud), il y a ce besoin de rééquilibrer les réductions de pauvreté.  Autrement dit, des pays qui ont réussi à réduire la pauvreté de façon substantielle et continuelle peuvent servir de modèle d’exemples pour les autres.

Ce rééquilibrage bénéficiera à tous y compris des organisations sœurs en Afrique de CENFACS; organisations travaillant avec des populations locales et pauvres.  C’est en relevant ce défi de la différence sur le niveau et la manière dont la pauvreté est réduite que les nouvelles transitions démocratiques feront elles mêmes une différence positive contre la passé ou encore tireront leur épingle du jeu de réduction de la pauvreté. 


Inequality of Poverty Reduction for Women and Girls living in Poverty (Page 7)


We are aware that there is inequality between men and women at many levels, which the world is trying to address.  However, what the 64th Issue of FACS is dealing with is the level of IPR.   In other words, one can ask themselves this: why some places in Africa have managed to lift more women and girls out of poverty while other ones are still struggling or not interested in doing so?

According to the United Nations Development Programme (7), the Gender Development index in Burundi has a value of 1.002 in 2017 while Central African Republic has 0.780 for the same.

There is inequality of poverty reduction in this respect.  More and better efforts need to be deployed to bridge the inequality gaps of poverty reduction between places.  This is despite the fact that each place has its own history, colonial legacies, culture, ethnicity and system of governance in terms of treatment of women and girls. 

Digital literacy projects and project to provide a means of communication (like a mobile phone) for women run by our Africa-based Sister Organisations are just one of the few examples to address uneven reduction of poverty between women from different places.


Inequalities in the reduction of child poverty (Page 7)


These inequalities exist in many parts of Africa.  Some areas in some countries have successfully reduced child poverty if one looks at metrics such child literacy rate, safety drinking water for children, tropical diseases affecting children, sanitation facilities at school, etc.  Other areas are still underperforming when it comes to child poverty.

Levelling or simply reducing them in to the level of those areas which are performing better than others is good for the well-being and welfare of African children.  This could be as well a major step in meeting the sustainable development goals and targets for children by the 2030.


Inequalities of the reduction of poverty experienced by ethnic minorities (Page 7)


Our theory or model of uneven poverty reduction can apply to ethnic poverty as well. 

Some places in Africa have done well in reducing poverty amongst their ethnic minority groups or between different ethnic groups making their area.  On the contrary, others are still struggling to eradicate ethnic poverty.

Spending on social and social protection reduce inequalities and the underlying causes of social tensions and violent conflicts between communities like the one we saw in countries such as the Central African Republic in recent years.

African organisations working with marginalised groups or excluded communities in various forms are trying to respond to this kind of challenge in dealing with poverty they face.    


Inequalities of poverty reduction for disabled people (Page 8)


It is undisputable that many places in Africa face serious challenge in meeting their needs of their disabled people.  While there are many types of support for able bodies, there is nevertheless less or no support for disabled people in some places.

There are those parts of Africa that have managed to reduce poverty amongst the disable population.  Some of them had to rely on the family networks and foreign philanthropic organisations to survive and live.

On the contrary, there are other places where the disabled people are abandoned or simply rejected by the society and have to beg on the streets to make ends meet.  In these places, the rate of reducing poverty among disable people is lower compared to others. 

Despite the difficulty of meeting the needs of disabled people, there are Africa-based organisations that are trying to alleviate poverty amongst the disabled community.


Inequalities of poverty reduction amongst elderly people (Page 8)


The average life expectancy in Africa is low compared to the developed nations.  According to the United Nations Population Fund (8), life expectancy at birth is 64 years in East and Southern Africa and 58 years in West and Central Africa.

Those people who manage to make it above the average life expectancy in Africa struggle to get the support they need.  They often have to rely on their children and extended family to survive. 

In many of these places without support for their elderly people, the pension system is broken or do not exit.  If they exist they do not pay for the retirees.    Despite this general gloomy picture, some places manage to reduce poverty amongst their elderly while many others are still lagging behind.

Projects run by Africa-based organisations can help make a world of difference for poor elderly by reducing poverty amongst them in a place without a genuine insurance policy or a credible pension scheme.  


Regional Value Chains in Africa and Reduction of Inequalities of Poverty Reduction (Page 9)


There are many definitions of value chains.  In this article, we have chosen to use the business dictionary.  From the online dictionary definition (9) we have selected, value chain is

“inter linked value-adding activities that convert inputs into outputs which, in turn, add to the bottom line and help create competitive advantage.  A value chain typically consists of [1] inbound distribution or logistics, [2] manufacturing operations, [3] outbound distribution or logistics, [4] marketing and selling, and [5] after-sales service.  These activities are supported by [6] purchasing or procurement, [7] research and development, [8] human resource development, [9] and corporate infrastructure”.

Africa-based organisations participating in the same regional value chains can use the value chains theory and elements to help reduce the inequalities of poverty reduction.  They can use these components to add value to the poverty-reducing activities and projects undertaken. 

They can even preserve and create competitive advantages in the field of poverty reduction and sustainable development.  They can learn from regional economic integration community they belong to and seize the window of the opportunity they have through value chains to rip off the benefits of reducing uneven poverty reduction.


Africa-based Organisations and Inequalities of Poverty Reduction (Page 9)


There are many examples of ASOs trying to tackle inequalities of poverty reduction.  These include helping local poor people to access health facilities and drugs to deal with malaria, and other tropical diseases.   There are cases of local poor people to access sustainable energy.  The same examples can be found in the areas of housing, education, sanitation, etc.

These examples should not be only what everyone is doing to reduce poverty.  They should go and/or are going beyond that to reduce inequalities of poverty reduction between different places.  This is despite each place has its own history, way of tackling poverty and hardships.


The 2020s Conversations (Page 10)


The discussions and planning about the 2020s Programme are still running.  As part of these conversations, we have included ways of tackling inequalities in quantity and quality of poverty reduction.  We are as well running a small survey on the types of projects and activities reflecting on the needs of the community that one would like to see us run in the 2020s.

To converse or engage with the planning process about the 2020s programme, please contact CENFACS.


Inequalities Reducer as a Project (Page 10)


This is a sustainable development initiative aiming at reducing the difference in levels of poverty reduction by working with local poor people in parts of Africa where there is uneven poverty reduction in order to establish equal right and address the roots and causes of this type of inequality in a sustainable way.

Although, the project includes various aspects or definitions of poverty, the lack of economic means to survive and live or simply to meet basic life-sustaining needs (such as education, health, food, shelter, environment etc.) as humans is central to the project.

The project will be run by local organisations in Africa in alliance with CENFACS.

To support and or for full project proposals, please contact CENFACS.

For a paper copy and or enquiry about this Issue, contact CENFACS.

(1) https://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/how-economic-inequality-defined (accessed on 31/07/2019)

(2) Sen, A. (1983): Poor, relatively speaking, Oxford Economic Papers 35 , reprinted in Sen, A. (1984) Resources, Values and Development, Blackwell, Oxford

(2) Sen, A. (1985): Commodities and Capabilities, North Holland, Amsterdam

(3) Stiglitz, J. A.  (2013): The Price of Inequality, Penguin Books, London & New York

(4) Wilkinson, R. & Pickett, K. (2010): Why equality is better for everyone, Penguin Books, London & New York

(5) https://www.brookings.edu/blog/future-development/2019/03/28/poverty-in-africa-is-now-falling-but-not-fast-enough (accessed on 31/07/2019)

(6) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (2019): Economic Report on Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

(7) United Nations Development Programme (2018): Human Development Indices and Indicators 2018 Statistical Update

(8) United Nations Population Fund (2019): State of World Population 2019, Unfinished Business – the pursuit of rights and choices FOR ALL

(9) www.businessdictionary.com/definition/value-chain.html (accessed on 31/07/2019)




CENFACS as a Model of Working, Building and Sustaining Together (Togetherness Act)


We started alone in 1994, but as we progressed in our work we broke our loneliness to work with others both within and outside CENFACS.  These others were the people sharing our vision, aims and objectives; as well as organisations having similar values and working on similar matters like ours.  Since then, our work on poverty relief has been a collective endeavour, a team working, building and sustaining together.

Working, building and maintaining together have meant a lot for us.  Being a model of working together, CENFACS has been an example to follow in terms of collaborative effort towards common goal. 


~ CENFACS as a model of working together


This implied for us and continues to be the following:


. Achievement of common goal of ending poverty

. Generation of synergy

. Maximisation of our strengths

. Minimisation of our weaknesses

. Speaking together on matter pertaining our common development


~ CENFACS as a model of building together


CENFACS has been not only about working together; it is as well about building together ways forward from poverty and hardships.  This is why we have the programme called “Building Bridges, Building Bonds”. 

Building together also implied and continues to signify the following


. Networking for poverty relief

. Sharing best practices

. Standing up together against poverty and hardships

. Sharing platforms for discussions on matter of mutual interest   


In both situations of CENFACS as a model of working and building together, we worked with a variety of individuals and organisations from all walks of life.  In our poverty relief journey, we met and worked with people from different origins, of all backgrounds, capacities and abilities as well as organisations from variant sizes and specialities. 

In that journey, our approach has been and still is people-centred development.  The feature that commended CENFACS’ model of working and building together is leadership and outside factors or surroundings.

However, the work we did and what we built were not only for short term purpose.  We built to sustain, to help the generations to come.  That is why we speak about the development of sustainable initiatives.  Our model of working and building is a lasting or sustainable one.  It is a model that helps to sustain together.


~ CENFACS as a model of sustaining together


This entailed for us and the generations to come the following


. Look after our togetherness

. Keep our bonds of unity going over the long term while dealing with all sorts of adverse risks and threats to our togetherness

. Support each other

. Renew our resources

. Prolong what we have built together


So, sustaining together made us to become a sustainable community, that is a community that maintains its growth without adverse effects. 

To highlight our month of Track, Trip and Trend in our Q celebration; we would like also to say that the Togetherness Act, which is indeed a Companionship Act, contains the following four pieces: outreach, tracking, trip and trend analysis.

CENFACS as an outreach organisation has been communicating and meeting people from where they are over the last 25 years so that they can access services and or get involved where they are.

An example of this outreach service is when we went in a number of occasions to meet asylum seekers and refugees living in bed and breakfast and hostels to help them access our training and translation services.

CENFACS as a tracking organisation has been creating a number of opportunities for people and organisations to undertake or organise physical activities of running to help reduce poverty.  This was and has been a way of empowering them.

CENFACS as a walker as it has been walking to needs, to the people and community in need of help.  Visiting projects or getting in touch with the needs on the grounds is an exceptional experience of knowing what was and has been happening in the real world of poverty and hardships.

CENFACS as a trend analyst has been collecting data to spot the recurring pattern in terms of poverty reduction.  In doing so, this enabled us to identify new opportunities and ideas for poverty relief products and services.  This was our way of following the direction of poverty reduction in the last 25 years.

The Togetherness Act is further about reducing the poverty of loneliness.  It is the state of being close to those in need.  We accompany them on a poverty relief journey.  That makes it the Companionship Act

So, the Q Project is therefore a celebration of this model of working, building and sustaining together.  We could only do the changes we managed to do in the last 25 years if we did work, build and sustain together.

More on this Act No.5 will be done on the day of remembrance, the 19th of August 2019.


FOR ONLY £1, YOU CAN SUPPORT CENFACS AND CENFACS’ PROJECTS, JUST GO TO http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2019.

With many thanks.


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