Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!
10 July 2019
Post No. 99
The Week’s Contents
• All-in-one Impact Feedback: Tell It in Your Own Words and Numbers!
• Summer Festival, Seven Days of Development in July Festival: How Democratic Transition Can Transform Poor People’s Lives in Africa
• Analytics Month Continues…
… and much more!
Key Messages
~ All-in-one Impact Feedback: Tell It in Your Own Words and Numbers!
Project Supporters’ and Users’ Experiences
Our Analytics month continues with this week’s Say by Project Supporters and Users telling us the experiences they have had with the programmes and projects we have selected to conduct monitoring, evaluation and review.
We are asking Project Supporters, Users and other stakeholders to provide their views using their own words rather than we asking them to respond to open or close questions.
They can give us a feedback in the form of rating (numbers) and statement (words). This Say is about how they perceived and interacted with the products and services we presented to them over the last 345 days.
This feedback does not include the “Quadranscentennial” Project or Project 25 as this project is being monitored independently. We are separately carrying out the monitoring of the three Acts delivered so far for this project.
The selected programmes and projects for the purpose of monitoring, evaluation and review are listed in the Main Development section of this post.
~ Summer Festival, Seven-Days-of-Development-in-July Festival
This year’s theme is How Democratic Transition Can Transform Poor People’s Lives in Africa
With a number of elections taking place this year in Africa, many development experts and observers are questioning the impacts of these elections (or democratic transitions for some) on Africa’s development.
CENFACS alike is asking the impacts or simply the outputs or outcomes of these elections on the poor people’s lives in Africa. In other words, CENFACS will be thinking on how democratic transition can or cannot transform poor people’s lives in Africa.
As usual, they will be seven themes for thoughts for seven days, one theme per day, starting from the 22nd to the 28th of July 2019.
The seven days of development in July are the days of thoughts and actions against poverty. The seven themes are the entry points in order to stimulate thoughts.
We shall soon publish the daily themes and supporting information regarding this year Summer Festival of Thoughts and Actions.
~ Analytics month continues…
Last week, we said that the name of the July game at CENFACS is Monitoring, Evaluation, Review and Analytics. In other words, July is the month during which we conduct our monitoring, evaluation, review and analytics of the projects and programmes we delivered during almost last 11 months and 2 weeks.
We are still routinely gathering information on all aspects of these programmes and projects related to the above named period. Likewise, we are assessing what these programmes and projects have achieved in relation to overall objectives we set up for them. Also, we are critically examining, reappraising or reconsidering our objectives and policies to achievements, and figuring out whether there is any progress or set back.
Besides the above three activities (monitoring, evaluation and review), we are working to find out, interpret and communicate patterns in data in a meaningful way to the work of CENFACS, as part of the analytics activity.
Once we have completed the July monitoring, evaluation, review and analytics, we shall communicate the findings to our respondents and any vested interested parties.
In meantime, we are inviting supporters and users to engage with us in responding and reacting to our poverty relief work in their own words and numbers. They can rate and or provide a statement about these programmes and projects.
Extra Messages
~ Humanitarian Appeal to Africa in a Changing Climate, and DRC Happiness Appeal
Our Summer Humanitarian Relief Appeal in a Changing Climate together with the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) Appeal are still active in our Summer campaign trail.
Our Appeals to help the Incapacitated Children and the Victims of Ebola virus as well as those at risk of it to live in happiness continue this week. Incapacitated Children are just a sample of those many children who desperately need happiness through any support they can receive this Summer.
Living in happiness for these children (in the DRC for example or somewhere else) could mean many things. However, we can agree that ending Ebola virus in their lives and communities in DRC could be the most wanted and precious relief.
The other things are to be happy in achieving the key variables of happiness which are: income, social support, healthy life, freedoms to make life choices, generosity and their perceptions of corruption.
You can support these Appeals by working together with CENFACS to deliver happiness to the incapacitated children in Africa as well as to the victims and those at risk of the Ebola in DRC.
To support, please contact us at http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/
~ Feedback in a Changing Climate
As you can notice from the above, our Summer theme of happiness in a changing climate is still on course. Our perception of happiness can also be affected by the climate change. So do, the ways we can comment or feedback on programmes and projects that affect us and or others.
In the feedback regarding for example CENFACS programmes and projects, it is possible to say or add what is one’s feeling as well as how these programmes and projects affected one ‘s happiness in a changing climate.
To be more specific, let’s choose CENFACS’ Winter initiative of Consume to Reduce Poverty and Climate Change. Inside this initiative, we speak about responsible consumption. If someone has to report or feedback, their feedback may be impregnated by the way in which the idea of low carbon print has affected what is sustainable or unsustainable consumption. One can report on anti-pollution consumption. So, the changeable climate can affect the way in which we perceive consumption as well as production.
~ CENFACS Analytics Dashboard: Poverty Relief Metrics and Africa-based Organisations
We can use our Poverty Relief Metrics (PRM) to measure the way in which our Africa-based Sister Organisations (ASOs) are trying to reduce poverty and hardships amongst their people.
This measurement can concern any levels of poverty (severe or acute, moderate, etc), any types of poverty (income, consumption, in-working, energy, gender, etc), and any other approaches to poverty (multi-dimensional, generational, human rights based etc.).
If you are an Africa-based Organisation and would like us to analyse your work on poverty relief, we can use our PRM to determine your efforts about poverty reduction. This measurement can help boost your score as poverty-relieving organisation as well as attract more and better support towards your goals, business plan and work.
To request CENFACS’ Poverty Relief Metrics, please contact CENFACS.
Main Development
• All-in-One Impact Feedback: Tell it in your own words and numbers!
This exercise is meant to enable Supporters and Users (you might be one of them) to share with us and others the outcomes and learning experiences resulting from the use/application of the projects we have chosen from our Programmes for feedback purpose.
Please seize this opportunity to provide your own lines of thought for improvement, adjustment and development by sharing with us and others the outcomes and/or experiences resulting from the communications we have had with you and or your use/application or participation/support concerning the programmes and projects below.
We would like to know how effective and efficient did you find in these programmes and projects, and what lessons, experiences did you learn and development for the future of our poverty relief work in coming years.
We would very much appreciate if you could provide us a feedback (via e-mail, text, phone, web comments or reviews etc.) in your own words and numbers regarding the way in which the named programmes and projects below have affected you and/or the people you recommended to use them.
You could to rate (by using numbers or percentages) these programmes and projects or provide a statement (by using words) or even both. This is aptly up to you.
Remember, we can only help reduce poverty and do the changes we all want if you tell us what you think.
Please consider our request for feedback and for your report.
To facilitate the matter, we have grouped projects under the programme they come under, although some of them may intertwine between two or three programmes.
Also, we would like you to know some of the projects selected may have the same title like the year before. However, the focus and contents for this year and each year are completely different.
We have selected the following programmes and projects for feedback, 8 Programmes and 22 projects for your SAY:
1/ Selected projects under African Integrated Sustainable Development programme
Autumn 2018 Appeal to Support Projects for Needy People and Organisations in Africa (1)
Summer 2018 Humanitarian Relief Appeal to Support Needy Children, Young People and Families in Africa (2)
2/ Selected projects under Peace, Protection and Sustainability programme
Climate Protection and Stake for African Children (Phase 2) with Katowice Implements Paris as a working theme (3)
African Children and Sustainable Development Goals, Generation Global Goals (3G) project – In focus for 2019: In Search of New Forms of Data (4)
Protection Month (April) and Weeks centred around the theme of Protection against Floods (5)
3/ Selected projects under African Rebuilding and Sustaining Infrastructures and Lives programme
Light Projects (6) –
Algeria Peace Appeal: Bringing and Lighting a Blaze of Hope for a Peaceful Transition to Political Democratisation Processes in Algeria
Burkina Faso Appeal: Bringing and Lighting a Blaze of Hope for the Victims of Armed Attacks in Burkina Faso and its Neighbourhood
CARRA Appeal: Lighting a Blaze of Hope for the Victims of Conflicts in the African Central Republic and Region
DRC Appeal for Sustainable Peace, Rebuilding Infrastructures and Lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo
End Ebola in DRC: the DRC Health-enhancing Emergency Appeal
Lake Chad Basin Appeal: the lake Chad Basin Appeal for Peace, Food and Water
Rebuilding Africa (7) –
Rebuilding Destroyed Lives for the Victims of Climate and War Events – Rebuilding Appeal for Burundi, Madagascar and Niger
4/ Selected projects under Poverty-Environment programme
Climate Action Month (March 2019), Weeks and Themed Areas (8)
Save Flora and Fauna Projects (9)
“A la Une” (Autumn Leaves of Action to Upkeep the Nature in Existence) Campaign and themed activities (10)
5/ Selected projects under Individual Capacity Building and Development programme
Basic Community Support (Advice-giving Service) with Virtual Open days and Hours (11)
June Month of Environmental Sustainable Creative Initiatives: Create and Innovate in Uncertain Times (12)
All-in-Development Story Telling Series under the theme of Life Renewal (13)
Art and Design for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development (14)
6/ Selected projects under the Twenty-tens Poverty Reduction Programme – Revised Version (2017 – 2019)
World Anti-poverty System (e-mobilisation call and days for the two mantras run) (15)
All-year-round projects (Play, Run and Vote) (16)
Track, Trip and Trending Initiatives (17)
7/ Selected projects under the New Media and Digital programmes
FIDILI Skills Development Project – Integrating Financial literacy and Digital Literacy Skills to Help People Help themselves (18)
CENFACS’ Online Store (19)
8/ Selected projects under Transitional Capacity Building and Development Programme: Support Infrastructures, Develop Capacities and Create Impacts
Adaptation for Building Capacity and Development (ABCD) project (the project has four components: adaptation to the new economic change, building of human capacity in a new economy in order to develop in a better and sustainable way) (20)
Project MISATU (Project M): Making Impactful Support to Africa Together with Users (21)
TRIANCONTADI Project (or Project 32 or The Simple Road to a Post-Regional Economic Integration Thriving Development World project): Together for Renewal of Infrastructures in Africa to Create Opportunities and Needed Transformations for Alternative Development Intergenerational (22)
The above programmes and projects may seem a lot for a feedback purpose. However, what we have done is to give to people the opportunity to choose or pick the one (s) they know or associate with to feedback.
Thank you for considering our request of feedback and for your support.
Details and summaries of the above selected programmes and projects are available from CENFACS for request.
This feedback is due by the end of July 2019.
FOR ONLY £1, YOU CAN SUPPORT CENFACS AND CENFACS’ PROJECTS, JUST GO TO http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/
Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.
Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.
We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2019.
With many thanks