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Season’s Reliefs

Welcome to CENFACS’ online diary!

06 December 2017


Before talking about WHAT IS ON (SEASON’S RELIEFS) during this month of December inside CENFACS, we would like to start this week’s post with A la Une (Autumn Leaves of Action to Upkeep Nature in Existence) which finished last week, and with Climate Protection and State for African ChildrenPhase 2 which we recently ran under the banner of What Bonn Say.  

This year’s A la Une has been different compared to last year’s one as the advocacy sub-themes were extended and varied. We hope you found it interesting, engaging and practical in putting into action our Autumn environmental agenda.  We would like to thank all those who supported the campaign.

As What Bonn Say was not enough to meet our demand of Climate Protection and Stake for African Children, we are taking our advocacy awareness and action to the Paris Summit on Climate Mobilisation scheduled for this December 2017. 

If you have any comments or reviews to make about A la Une and What Bonn Say, please do not hesitate to do it.


December is the Income Generation month of CENFACS‘ monthly development calendar and planner.  It is the month during which we advocate and provide tips, hints and other types of advisory support on how to generate additional income to cover shortage in regular income, by using other avenues within the boundaries of the law in order to enable multi-dimensional income poor children, young people and families (C, YP & Fs) to exercise their basic human right to celebrate the end of the year in their own way.  

Indeed, income poverty is one of the dominant features that characterize and number some of the world’s C, YP and Fs as poor or not.  One can imagine what life looks like when you are below the poverty line (that is an income below a minimal standard).  It is even a painful and unbelievable situation that at the time of Festive Celebrations to mark the end of the year, tons of food and kiloliters of drink will be wasted and ended in bins in some of the most affluent places and households of the world while millions of C, YP & Fs in some of the deprived parts of the world will go hungry to bed in Festive nights, let alone without any celebrations once in a year life time. 

So, supporting multi-dimensional poor C, YP & Fs to explore ways of generating, building and boosting their incomes to exercise their human right to a decent end-of-year celebration is not only a one-off or seasonal business to make ends meet; but can also become an additional way of building and developing income capacity to reduce and end income poverty.  They are poor not only because of lack of income but also due to their failing capacities to generate enough income to cover their needs.  

As part of festive support, our Edition 2017 Festive Extra Income Builder, Booster and Calculator is available for those who need it.  This year, this resource focuses on Online Income Generation as other vehicle to raise some basic income for those who managed to overcome digital poverty.

December is also the time of record tracking on our all year round projects, particularly

  • Run to Reduce Poverty in Africa in 2017
  • Vote your African Poverty Relief Manager of the Year 2017

We expect those who took part and or organised activities on our behalf about these projects to come forward, report and share with us their actions, results and experiences. 

December is finally the month we start CENFACS Winter Lights Season, the first season of our development seasonal calendar.  The Season of Light, which kicks off around Mid-December, includes the Gifts of Peace.  Peace is the festive note we choose at CENFACS to spread the joy of Season’s Reliefs to those in need.  We try to help their wishes of relief become true with the Gifts of Peace, by putting a smile on their face with reliefs notes. 

To support the Edition 2017/2018 of Gifts of Peace, please go the page Support Us of this website at www.cenfacs.org.uk/support-us/.  

Details of projects and programmes making the first part of this first season have been announced below.  Some of them intertwine between our monthly and seasonal development calendars.  All will depend whether one is reading our development calendar on a monthly or seasonal basis.

The CENFACS Community Value Chains, which generally concludes our yearly development calendar and planner, marks the end of civil year at CENFACS.  This is an end-of-year eventful project enabling us to look upon us again as a community of shared vision, values and beliefs which connect us as human chains with a purpose of reducing and ending poverty amongst us.  This year we shall focus on ourselves as a Talented Community.

To carry the CENFACS Community into the New Year, our discussion on Sustainable Volunteering is scheduled to take place from 05 December 2017 to 05 January 2018.  The discussion theme for this year is Volunteering in the Post-Regional Economic Integration Era

To get details about WHAT’S ON IN DECEMBER 2017, contact CENFACS 


The above initiatives including those listed below make December 2017  SEASON’S RELIEFS at CENFACS.  These are seasonally blended projects and programmes aiming at providing helpful and smart reliefs during the Festive time.   A stunning selection of poverty-relieving projects and contents to help not only reduce poverty but to help create new life in the new year.

A list of selected December 2017 initiatives – SEASON’S RELIEFS – is given below. 

  • Festive Income Builder, Booster & Calculator: Online Income Generation
  • Community Value Chains: Celebrating Hidden Talents of My Community
  • Volunteering in the Post-Regional Economic Integration Era
  • Thanking 2017 Year Makers & Enablers
  • Climate Protection and Stake for African Children – Phase 2: Paris Summit on Climate Mobilisation
  • Gifts of Peace (Edition 2017/2018)
  • Run, Vote & Play for Poverty Relief and Development (Action-Results 2017)

To support and or enquiry about Season’s Reliefs, please contact CENFACS.

Thank you for supporting us and reading this post.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits to CENFACS website and continuing support.

With many thanks!


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