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Development Day

Welcome to CENFACS’ online diary!

16 November 2017


The lead content of the week is the continuation of our follow up of the Climate Change Conference in Bonn.

This week we are spurring our interest on the 8th Development Day for Women and Children.

Our arsenal this week is directed towards Saving Rainforests.


A la Une (Autumn Leaves of Action to Upkeep the Nature in Existence) campaign with SAVE RAINFORESTS as the current sharing contents of this campaign continues in its second week. 

It has been encouraging from the comments we have received so far about it.  Thank you to all our readers for their supportive comments.

• Following the Climate Change Conference continues …

Our branded climate protection advocacy as Climate Protection and Stake for African Children (CPSAC)Phase 2 is still on track with the theme of “What Bonn Say”.   “What Bonn Say” means that we are following the Climate Change talks which are in progress in Bonn (Germany). 

We hope that the participants to the Climate Change Conference will go beyond the BIG picture to include the protection of children in their talks. 

We wish that the outcomes of these talks to be a successful boost for the protection of children against the adverse impacts of climate change. 

• General Follow-up Programme (FXX 236.3)

CPSAC – P.2 is a specific follow-up and part of our general programme of follow-up previously known as 2020-2030 Follow-up Programme or (XX23FP).  As said at the start of “What Bonn Say”, this November is also about XX23FP or even better the extended version of our follow-up programme which is XX236.3FP.  

XX236.3FP is made of four follow-ups for monitoring and evaluation of the following: the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the Istanbul Declaration to halve poverty by 2020, the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals, and Africa’s Agenda 2063.   So, the Follow-up programme includes the four of them.  

The coming CENFACS’ Development Day is the verification of the implementation of the four agendas against poverty for Women and Children.

To enquiry about and or support XX236.3 Follow-up Programme, contact CENFACS.

• Coming Soon: Women and Children FIRST Development Day (WCFDD)

This week will end with our Development Day whose the year’s theme is on ENDING POVERTY IN ALL ITS FORMS EVERYWHERE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 

At the start of the year 2017, we thought that child and women protections were one of the seven key areas to watch for poverty relief and development in 2017 and beyond. 

We said that strengthening the fences of protection for children and women against both global and national/local threats and risks would not only help reduce poverty, but would also open up a world of tremendous possibilities for them and future generations in Africa.  This will further impact on the society as a whole. 

Equally, building resilience to vulnerabilities and improving policy frameworks for women and children are paramount in order to relinquish them from the burdens of poverty and underdevelopment.

Having said that our Development Day (DD) will focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 1 and targets 5 and 7 of this goal  (G1: T5;7).  In short, Global Goal 1 is NO POVERTY; Target 5 is Building Resilience while Target 7 is Policy Frameworks. 

The DD on G1: T5;7, which is going to look at progress made so far and areas that need development,  is the day of searching and thinking of the means to reduce and possible to end poverty for women and children.  The day is therefore organised in two parts as follows.

Part 1: Building Resilience

Building resilience to vulnerabilities is the DD’s focus on progress made to reduce various forms of vulnerabilities and exposures to various conditions of life of women and children.  As our day is about development, we shall explore ways of improving and developing a better resilience system against future vulnerabilities and exposures.

Part 2: Policy Frameworks  

Searching on policy frameworks that seek to protect women and children is the second activity of WCFDD.  Again as our day is about development, the second part will examine the frames of existing policies if they are strong enough not only to protect women and children, but also to provide scopes for their development in a sustainable way. 

Building resilience and developing policy frameworks to end multi-dimensional poverty for women and children concern all the areas of life where women and children appear to be: at home, at work, in the local community and in everyday’s life.

As we are in the Year of Communications, this DD will help to enhance CENFACS’ anti-poverty messages.

This DD will be conducted under CENFACS’ Women and Children Sustainable Development projects.

To support the DD and CENFACS, contact CENFACS.

WCFDD Timeline : 2010 to 2016 

Since its inception in 2010, the WCFDD provides an opportunity and scope to communicate CENFACS’ anti-poverty work/message and the need to develop new ideas and proposals, and improve practices to enable us to enhance the quality of life of multi-dimensionally-deprived women and children. 

  • In 2011, CENFACS’ WCFDD tackled the challenging issue of BARRIERS TO POVERTY REDUCTION, with a special emphasis on one particular way of overcoming them, which is participation.  Women & Children’s Participation was looked at within the context of Race in the Road to Poverty Reduction.
  • In 2012, our Development Day in Putting Women and Children FIRST went further with the sub-theme of participation as it was organised around the theme of IMPROVING WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S PARTICIPATION IN THE RACE TO REDUCE POVERTY. 
  • In 2013, WCFDD at CENFACS extended and deepened the idea of more and better participation by focussing on Infrastructures for Women’s and Children’s contribution to poverty relief.  The theme for 2013 was “INFRASTRUCTURES FOR A POSITIVE ECONOMY TO REDUCE POVERTY”. 
  • In 2014, we guesstimated and compared the cost for acting to the cost for inaction to reduce poverty.  The theme of COSTING DOING NOTHING FOR POVERTY RELIEF improves our understanding on an early prevention that helps reduce costs and avoid escalating or detrimental effects for poor Women and Children.
  • In 2015, WCFDD was dedicated to MAKING THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WORK FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN (W&C).  This was the local community response from the W&C of CENFACS to the 2030 Global Agenda and Goals for Sustainable Development.
  • In 2016, The theme for our Development Day was ENSURING HEALTHY LIVES AND PROMOTING WELL-BEING FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN.  This was the continuation of 2015 development day.  Ensure-Healthy-Lives-and-Promote-Well-being is itself Goal no.3 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  One day of development thoughts does not make the 2030 Agenda works as we need more times and days. But it helped to look at Goal 3 (G3) as both global and local concept, G3 as a practical response and G3 as Protection for W&C in the CENFACS’ Year of Protections

Note: For your information,

3W (What Women Want) is a CENFACS support network scheme to enhance the lives of multi-dimensionally deprived women and families.

PPS (Peace, Protection & Sustainability) is a CENFACS child and environmental protection programme to support multi-dimensionally vulnerable children, young people and families

W&CSDP (Women & Children Sustainable Development projects) – a CENFACS amalgamation of 3W and PPS projects

Copyright © CENFACS, 2010 to 2017


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With many thanks!



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