Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!
07 June 2023
Post No. 303
The Week’s Contents
• Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives) Project 2023
• Activity/Task 6 of the Influence (i) Year/Project: Boost and Nurture the Creative and Innovative Skills of Those in Need
• Goal of the Month: Make the Relationship between Creativity, Innovation and Poverty Reduction Work
… And much more!
Key Messages
• Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives) Project 2023
Theme: Create and Innovate to Win the Battle against Crises
In every crisis, those who have been affected by the crisis try to do something about it. This happened with the coronavirus disaster and other previous crises in the history. This is also occurring with the cost-of-living crisis as everybody is trying to battle against it. In this battle, some people may succeed while others may not. Other more may be between success and failure. However, most sensible people would like to win the battle against crises (whether it is about the coronavirus disaster or the cost-of-living crisis or income crisis characterized by falling real household disposable income or any other crisis).
To win against any crises, it depends on whether one is battling within themselves (that is, against internal obstacles) or against external obstacles (that is, fighting something in their environment that is causing them suffering) or both. In all these cases, to win the battle it requires not only routine fight against them; but to bring in creations and innovations.
In the context of the Creative Economic Development Month (CEDM), the battle we would like to win here is mostly against external factors or obstacles like the cost-of-living crisis and falling real household disposable income. To win this battle, we need to create and innovate. So, creating and innovating to win the battle against the cost-of-living crisis and falling real household disposable income is our theme for 2023 CEDM.
During this Month of Creative Economic Development, we are forming responses from nothing and bringing them into existence to deal with the above mentioned crises. Equally, we are going to introduce new ideas or methods as well as make changes to what has been tried and tested to respond to these crises to help us lead to solutions.
In this process of forming proposals and introducing new methods, we are going to work with the community – via the project Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives project) featuring this month – to try to create and innovate so that we are all able to better meet the challenges and cross the hurdles brought by crises (such as the cost-of-living crisis and falling real household disposable income, natural disaster, humanitarian catastrophe, etc.). It is a feature-rich month during which we shall streamline users’ content creation and innovation processes.
In this process of creating and innovating, we shall consider some of the creative and innovative ideas, proposals, experiences and tools that have been so far put forward to help poor people reduce poverty and hardships, or at least to manage the cost-of-living crisis and falling real household disposable income.
Our work will revolve around the kinds of creation and innovation the CENFACS Community (and alike our Africa-based Sister Organisations) needs in order to find ways of winning over these crises and building forward better together greener, cleaner and safer.
Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided further information about this first key message.
• Activity/Task 6 of the Influence (i) Year/Project: Boost and Nurture the Creative and Innovative Skills of Those in Need
Everybody has a variety of skills. People in need have skills that can be improved or applied to a particular context and help them navigate their way out of poverty and hardships.
As an influencer of poverty reduction and sustainable development, you can help boost and nurture the creative and innovative skills of those in need. But, what are creative and innovative skills of those in need that you may need to work with them and boost and nurture their skills?
• • Creative and Innovative Skills of Those in Need
• • • Creative Skills of Those in Need
To understand creative skills, one may need to know creativity. Creativity can be explained in many ways. The website ‘creativelive.com’ (1) provides their notion in the following terms:
“Creativity involves transforming your ideas, imagination, and dreams into reality. Creative ability depends on creative thinking which is part hard work but largely creative problem-solving”.
From this perspective, creative skills are the ability to form from nothing, to bring things into existence, etc. Creative skills include artistic, inventive, original, imaginative, visionary, etc. skills.
• • • Innovative Skills of Those in Need
To explain innovative skills of those in need, let us refer to the argument of Zoe Kaplan (2) on this matter. She defines innovation as
“The ability to come up with something new; however, you don’t need to develop the first flying car to be an innovative thinker”.
For her, innovative skills include risk-taking, brainstorming, imagining, critical thinking, ambition and resilience.
An influencer of poverty reduction can help boost and or nurture these skills in the people in need.
• • Examples of Way of Boost and Nurturing Creative and Innovative Skills
An influencer of poverty reduction can encourage people in need by
√ helping them to see hidden patterns of poverty
√ making connections with solutions to poverty
√ imagining circular and nature-based solutions to poverty
√ coming up with new ideas to explore and navigate their way out of poverty
The above is our Activity/Task 6 of the Influence (i) Year/Project. This task can be undertaken by those members of our community who are interested in it.
To work with us via this Activity/Task 6, please contact CENFACS.
• Goal of the Month: Make the Relationship between Creativity, Innovation and Poverty Reduction Work
Not all creations and innovations can help tackle poverty or enhance sustainable development. People and communities can create and innovate without necessarily having those creations and innovations positively impacting poverty reduction. Likewise, there are creations and innovations that have not been primarily designed for poverty reduction but end up by reducing poverty. For example, the Internet is one of them.
Where there are relationships between creations, innovations and poverty reduction; it would be worthwhile to encourage these types of links. For example, the ‘borgenproject.org’ (3) mentions these relationships in those terms:
“The creativity that comes from the people who live in extreme poverty has the potential to instate meaningful and large-scale change that can improve the lives of millions, and not just those in the middle and upper middle class seen in developed countries. The link between creativity, innovation and poverty is being acted upon within the minds of severe talented individuals living in emerging countries”.
The ‘borgenproject.org’ gives many examples of the relationship between creativity, innovation and poverty. These examples show how creativity and innovation can help to reduce poverty.
As part of the poverty reduction goal for June 2023, our supporters and audiences can help Make the Relationship between Creativity, Innovation and Poverty Reduction Work for those who are in need. We expect them to support this goal.
For any queries and/or enquiries regarding this goal including its support, please contact CENFACS.
Extra Messages
• Beginning-of-June Reminder: Spring Project of Building Forward Better from Reinforcing Shocks in Africa (SPBFBRSA)
• Triple Value Initiatives (TVIs)/All Year-round Projects (AYRPs) Helping Beat Plastic Pollution
• Be.Africa e-Discusses Ways of Creating and Innovating More Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Children in Africa to Withstand Future Climate and Economic Impacts
• Beginning-of-June Reminder: Spring Project of Building Forward Better from Reinforcing Shocks in Africa (SPBFBRSA)
SPBFBRSA is a progressive way of working with the victims of a series of severe and mutually reinforcing shocks (like the lingering effects of the coronavirus disaster, the cost-of-living crisis, debt tightening, natural disasters, etc.) in Africa so that they can navigate their way towards the reduction or possibly end of the effects of these shocks on them. It is also about Saving, Rebuilding and Sustaining Lives of the victims from these shocks, disasters and destructions in Africa.
SPBFBRSA is after all about adding value to other similar works and efforts which have been already undertaken so that the poorest people and victims of these overlapping shocks can start or continue the process of building forward and reclaiming their lives while Africa is still embattled against these shocks.
You can find more details about the Spring Project of Building Forward Better from the Reinforcing Shocks in Africa under the page support causes at http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/
To support and get further information about this project, please contact CENFACS.
• Triple Value Initiatives (TVIs)/All Year-round Projects (AYRPs) Helping Beat Plastic Pollution
On 05 June 2023, World Environment Day 2023, which was hosted by Côte d’Ivoire and supported by the Netherlands, was celebrated with a focus on solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #Beat Plastic Pollution (4). Although its celebration was two days ago, the campaign #Beat Plastic Pollution has not stopped.
Those of who are using Triple Value Initiatives (TVIs)/All Year-round Projects (AYRPs) can integrate the protection of the environment into them. In particular, they can try to include the campaign #Beat Plastic Pollution in the use of these projects.
Those who have included or will include the features of this campaign in the TVIs/AYRPs can let us know their experience of this inclusion.
Telling and sharing your TVI/AYRP story of the inclusion experience will help
√ beat plastic pollution
√ improve the environmental aspect within TVI/AYRP
√ know what has worked and not worked so far before TVI’s/AYRP’s deadline of 23/12/2023.
To tell and share your TVI/AYRP story of environmental inclusion and particularly of beating plastic pollution, please contact CENFACS.
• Be.Africa e-Discusses Ways of Creating and Innovating More Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Children in Africa to Withstand Future Climate and Economic Impacts
Future climate and economic crises (like natural disasters, extreme weather, debt crisis, prolonged economic downturn, dry conditions, failure to climate-change adaption, etc.) will have impact on children in Africa. One can notice the current impact of drought in the Horn of Africa on children.
In face of these threats and impacts, there is a need to create and innovate systems that are more resilient and sustainable than the ones Africa has today. But, what do we mean by resilient and sustainable systems?
According to ‘insights.sei.cmu.edu’ (5),
“A system is resilient if it continues to carry out its mission in the face of adversity (i.e., if it provides required capabilities despite excessive stresses that can cause disruptions). Being resilient is important because no matter how well a system is engineered, reality will sooner or later conspire to disrupt the system”.
As to sustainable system, the website ‘aber.ac.uk’ (6) describes it as
“One of whose attributes stay within an acceptable range of states. These attributes vary with time and the patterns of variability within a system change in scale and complexity”. (p. 48)
At the be.Africa Forum, we are going to use these definitions and other ones to e-discuss Ways of Creating and Innovating More Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Children in Africa to Withstand Future Climate and Economic Impacts.
This discussion is part of Building Forward Better Together with Communities and Africa-based Sister Organisations. Those who may be interested in this first discussion of June 2023 can join in and or contribute by contacting CENFACS’ be.Africa, which is a forum for discussion on matters of poverty reduction and sustainable development in Africa and which acts on behalf of its members in making proposals or ideas for actions for a better Africa.
To communicate with CENFACS regarding this discussion, please use our usual contact details on this website.
Message in French (Message en français)
Rappel du début de juin 2023 au sujet du projet de ce printemps qui s’intitule ‘Mieux construire à partir des chocs qui se renforcent en Afrique’ (PPMCCRA)
PPMCCRA est une façon de travailler avec les victimes d’une série de chocs graves et qui se renforcent mutuellement (comme les effets persistants de la catastrophe du coronavirus, la crise du coût de la vie, le resserrement de la dette, les catastrophes naturelles, etc.) en Afrique afin qu’elles puissent se frayer un chemin vers la réduction ou éventuellement la fin des effets de ces chocs sur elles. Il s’agit également de sauver, reconstruire et pérenniser la vie des victimes de ces chocs, catastrophes et destructions en Afrique.
PPMCCRA consiste après tout à ajouter de la valeur à d’autres travaux et efforts similaires qui ont déjà été entrepris afin que les personnes les plus pauvres et les victimes de ces chocs qui se chevauchent puissent commencer ou poursuivre le processus de construction et de récupération de leur vie pendant que l’Afrique est encore aux prises avec ces chocs.
Vous trouverez plus de détails sur Projet de printemps de Mieux construire à partir des chocs qui se renforcent en Afrique sous la page soutenir les causes à http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/
Pour soutenir et obtenir de plus amples informations sur ce projet, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.
Main Development
• Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives) Project 2023
The following points make up the Main Development section of this post:
∝ Basic understanding of the creative economic development
∝ What 2023 June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Creative Initiatives (Jmesci) project will be about
∝ Theme of Creative Economic Development Month 2023: Creations and Innovations to Win the Battle against Crises
∝ The kinds of creative economic development projects we will be dealing with
∝ The method of delivering the Creative Economic Development Month
∝ The calendar and contents of the Creative Economic Development Month
∝ Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis (From Week Beginning Monday 05/06/2023)
∝ The featuring of other environmental activities or events outside but closer to CENFACS’ work.
Let us look at these points one by one.
• • Basic Understanding of the Creative Economic Development (CEDM)
To grasp the creative economic development is better to start with the understanding of the creative economy.
• • • Basic understanding of the creative economy
There are many definitions of creative economy. In this communication, we have selected two of them.
The first definition comes from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). UNCTAD (7) argues that a creative economy
“Essentially… is the knowledge-based economic activities upon which the ‘creative industries’ are based”.
The UNCTAD goes on by claiming that
“The creative industries – which include advertising, architecture, arts and crafts, design, fashion, film, video, photography, music, performing arts, publishing, research and development, software, computer games, electronic publishing, and TV/radio – are the lifeblood of the creative economy”.
The second definition, which is from ‘rasmussen.edu’ (8), is
“The creative economy is the income-earning potential of creative activities and ideas”.
Clearly, this second definition focusses on the income generation aspect of creative industries and activities.
However, CENFACS looks at the creative economy from the perspective of development or sustainable development.
• • • Creative economy from the perspective of sustainable development
From this perspective, one needs to include the definition of sustainable development as given by World Commission on Environment and Development (9), definition which is:
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
So, the knowledge-based economic activities – upon which the creative industries are supported – need to be sustainable; that is capable of being continued over the long term without adverse effects. Since, we are pursuing CENFACS’ Programme of ‘Build Forward Better Together Cleaner, Greener and Safer’; these activities need to be inclusive, clean, green (or net zero) and safe.
• • What June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives 2023 is about
Individual and collective creations in the ways of improving lives through the conception of fresh ideas and the implementation of practical ideas to escape from poverty and hardships as well as foster a better environment and sustainability, are CENFACS’ area of interest. We create all over the year and life; however June is the month for us to remember and acknowledge our environmental and sustainable makings.
June is the month of Creative Economic Development at CENFACS with creation and innovation on the main menu: creation for researching and developing fresh ideas to reduce poverty, particularly extreme poverty; innovation for making these ideas or dreams come true, transformable into practical environmental and sustainable initiatives and actions.
Put it simply, Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Creative Initiatives) is just about finding out ways of engineering creations relating to the environment and sustainability in order to further reduce poverty and improve the quality of life. In practical terms, it is the project that features or carries the Creative Economic Development Month (CEDM).
This year’s Jmesci will be about creations and innovations that help win over crises (e.g., the cost-of-living crisis, falling real household disposable income, etc.) as well as those that help prevent future crises, shocks and disasters to be harmful or destructive on people and communities we serve. Creations and Innovations to Win the Battle against Crises is also this year’s theme for Creative Economic Development Month.
• • Theme of CEDM 2023: Creations and Innovations to Win the Battle against Crises
We said in the first key message that most sensible people would like to win the battle against crises (whether it is about the coronavirus disaster or the cost-of-living crisis or income crisis characterized by falling real household disposable income or any other crisis). Winning this battle is a desirable aim in the battlefield of poverty reduction. As Joanne Reed (10) argues that
“Life is a battlefield. Nothing is easy, we have to fight our way through everything, and with this in mind, it would be a good idea for us to familiarise ourselves with combat strategy and learn the best tricks in the book from trained warriors”.
Learning the best tricks in creations and innovations can help us to win the war on crises, on poverty. We have already started these creation and innovation processes since we kicked off the processes to dealing with the cost-of-living crisis and falling real household disposable income. As this month is about creation and innovation, we are going to continue and deepen these processes by trying to overcome four battles or crises: cost-of-living crisis, real income fall (characterised by falling real household disposable income), natural disaster and humanitarian catastrophe. Those crises affect our communities in the UK and in Africa. To know how we are going to win, please continue to read the next communications in the following weeks starting from this Main Development section of this post.
• • Kinds of Creative Economic Development Projects Dealt with
The types of creative economic development projects that will be considered will be those helping people in need to reduce or end poverty while enhancing sustainable development. In other words, for any creations and innovations to meet the objectives of the creation and innovation month, they need to address poverty while contributing to the principles of sustainable development; that is development that is inclusive, clean, green (or net zero) and safe.
From the idea or conception to the implementation of these projects, their contents need to have the values of poverty reduction and sustainability (particularly the inclusive, clean, green or net zero and safe aspects of sustainability). As we continue to unveil these projects throughout this month, these values will become clear, apparent and self-explanatory. This will as well determine the manner in which the Creative Economic Development Month will be approached and delivered throughout the month.
• • The Method of Delivering the Creative Economic Development Month
The Creative Economic Development Month will be delivered through the composition of notes and a number of activities (such as workshop, focus group or discussion, advocacy or campaign and appeal).
• • The Calendar and Contents of the Creative Economic Development Month
To deliver on what we have argued so far we have organised the Creative Economic Development Month (CEDM) as indicated in the figure below.
♦ From Week Beginning Monday 05/06/2023: Creations and Innovations to succeed in the struggle against the cost-of-living crisis
These creative ideas and innovative ways of working will enable to find the means to meet the level of ambition we have for the kind of poverty reduction and sustainable development and future we want.
Using our skills, knowledge and talents to find techniques, technologies and new methods to deal with the currently pressing and immediate needs of the cost-of-living crisis period may not be enough unless we create and innovate to prevent or at least to mitigate future crises linked to essential living costs.
♦ From Week Beginning Monday 12/06/2023: Creations and Innovations to win the battle over falling real household disposable incomes
The continuous fall in real household disposable incomes means that one needs to find some creative and innovative ways of dealing with this fall if one wants to avoid the deepening of income poverty. It also signifies that one may work out to develop an alternative in terms of ideas, skills and new knowledge to meet the income needs of those who are unable to raise or earn incomes beyond the income poverty line.
♦ From Week Beginning Monday 19/06/2023: Creations and Innovations to overcome the battle against natural crisis
Wherever our areas of operation are subject to crises directly resulting from natural events (such as volcano, earthquake, torrential rains, cyclones, etc.), we need to find ways of creating and innovating to find solutions to the impacts of these crises on the people and communities we serve. If those creations and innovations could overcome these natural crises, it will be even better than without them.
These creations and innovations could be part of the rebuilding projects or processes in the context of Rebuilding Africa programme by CENFACS. They could be a response to win the battle against the impacts of short-term environmental strikes, disasters linked to climate change cycles, and long-term environmental storms and catastrophes.
♦ From Week Beginning Monday 26/06/2023: Creations and Innovations to triumph the battle against humanitarian crisis
Where there is an event or series of events that can pose a critical threat or destruction of lives and livelihoods of the people and communities we deal with, creations and innovations to win the battle against those life-threatening and destroying events are the key answer. Life-saving creations and innovations can prevent terrible conditions such as famine, mortality, malnutrition, the spread of diseases, epidemics, human displacement, food insecurity, etc.
These creations and innovations could be human/our response to win the battle against the catastrophic impacts of the following situations or events: natural disasters and extreme weather events leading to conflicts, infectious diseases, natural resource crisis, geo-economic confrontation or interstate economic relations fracture, failure to mitigate climate change, failure to climate-change adaptation, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, economic and financial crises, etc.
The above is our organisation to deliver CEDM. For any queries or enquiries about the above organisation, please contact CENFACS.
• • Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis (From Week Beginning Monday 05/06/2023)
To tackle these creations and innovations, we are going to highlight the following items:
∝ what these creations and innovations are about
∝ their usefulness,
∝ the workshop about them
∝ our work with the community about them.
• • • About Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis
When one talks about creations and innovations to manage rising prices of energy, food, money, accommodation and any other essential living items; it all comes down to meeting basic living costs. When these costs become so high to the extent that they turn into a crisis like it is now with the cost of living crisis; then creations and innovations could be the answer. What are Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis?
Creations to Succeed the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis are the makings, inventions and productions during and after the cost-of-living crisis; creations that help to do well in the struggle against the negative impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.
Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis are the changes, alterations and reforms introduced during and after the cost-of-living crisis; innovations that assist in winning the struggle against the negative impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.
Briefly, Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis are makings and changes to overcome the negative impacts of fall in real incomes caused by high inflation and tax increases outstripping wage increases.
In 2022, we dealt with these creations and innovations. The focus then was to respond to the cost-of-living crisis. This year, it is not only about responding. It is instead about being a bit ambitious by winning against the negative impacts of the cost-of-living crisis.
• • • The Usefulness of Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis
Creations and innovations will assist to avoid that the cost of living crisis trends from being a cyclical to structural issue within the members of our community. In other words, creations and innovations will help avoid that poverty that could be transitory because of rising prices of goods and services to become permanent or intergenerational or simply stay in the long term.
• • • Method of Approaching these Creations and Innovations
These creations and innovations will be dealt with via a workshop which will be about to find creations and innovations that will be good to win the fight against the cost-of-living crisis. The workshop will as well provide an opportunity to share real-life stories, experiences and projects of creation and innovation that could contribute in the triumph over the war against the cost-of-living crisis.
• • • Working with the Community on Creations and Innovations to Succeed in the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis
Working with the community on the matter of these creations and innovations will be done as follows.
Concerning our work with the community on creations, we can together create
√ by translating their needs into project proposals in order apply for financial support to finance these needs
√ to adapt and adjust behaviour and lifestyle within the community so that the members making our community can live within their means and budgets
√ to find new services and products to meet the needs relating to the cost-of-living crisis
√ to spend money differently to meet the cost-of-living crisis
√ to save and audit their accounts to avoid negative balances
√ to reduce debt and renegotiate it under the terms that match the circumstances of the cost-of-living crisis
Concerning our work with the community on innovations, we can together innovate
√ to factor higher prices in any household budget planning and monitoring
√ ways of better budgeting resources and expenses
√ to reduce digital exclusion that can exacerbate the distributional impacts of the cost-of-living crisis
√ to reduce the adverse impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on CENFACS beneficiaries
√ to empower digitally vulnerable users and develop their online skills (e.g. soft skills to deal with cash less or digitally enabled payment methods) that can enhance their chance to raise income
√ to guide CENFACS Community in order to stop fraudsters and scammers to target vulnerable members of this community
√ to cut back on non-essential spending
Our work with them will be on both creations and innovations inclusively, not separately even though they have been separately presented. We must emphasise that our work with them this time is not only about responding to a crisis, but it is about winning the battle against a crisis – the cost-of-living crisis.
Working with the community can be done in many ways including via a workshop. Those of our members who would like to take part in the workshop, they can let CENFACS know. Those who would like to share their experiences or lessons about the way they managed to fight and win against the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis, they can use this opportunity of the CEDM to share.
For any queries and or enquiries about the workshop on Creations and Innovations to Succeed the Struggle against the Cost-of-living Crisis, please contact CENFACS.
• • Creative Economic Development Projects
There are areas of creative economic industries upon which we (together with those in need) draw inspiration to develop projects to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development. These areas include: advertising, arts and crafts, design, video, research and development.
To be more specific, let us look at one example, one activity and one competition relating to creative economic development projects.
• • • Example of Creative Economic Development Project: Art and Design for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development
CENFACS’ creative economic development projects (like Art and Design for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development) can help users to manage the cost-of-living crisis.
For example, we normally run Art and Design for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development as a creative economic development or creative economy project. Through this project, participants can unlock their creative aspirations to build and develop poverty reduction content-creating objects or materials. This exercise will provide them with poverty reduction building experiences via objects/materials.
• • • Creative Economic Development Activity of the Month: Construct and Post e-cards or e-objects
One of the activities related to this project for this year will be to construct and post e-cards or e-objects expressing the theme of “Solutions to plastic pollution”. The construction will echo the World Environmental Day’s (op. cit.) celebratory theme of last 05/06/2023.
One can as well construct and post the similar cards as expressions or ways of dealing with drought to resonate the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (11) on 17/06/2023. The theme of 2023 Desertification and Drought Day is “Women’s land rights”.
So, those who wish and want can design and post an e-card or e-object to feature the theme of “Solutions to plastic pollution” relating to World Environment Day, and/or the theme of “Women’s land rights” linked to the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.
To support and or enquire about Art and Design for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development, please contact CENFACS.
• • • Creative Economic Development Competition of the Month: The Creative Mind of Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development
The Creative Mind of Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development is a one-month’s project of challenge created and run by CENFACS that will enable creators and innovators of the month to showcase their creations and innovations in and for the community; creations and innovations relating to poverty reduction and sustainable development.
As a creator or innovator of poverty reduction and/or sustainable development you can tell and/or share with CENFACS your creation and/or innovation project or experience of creative and/or innovative poverty reduction and/or sustainable development. Your creation and/or innovation project or experience will be part of this month’s challenge to find the Creative Mind of Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development.
To tell and/or share your creation and/or innovation project or experience, please contact CENFACS this month.
• • Inclusion of other Environmental Activities into Jmesci 2023
Our month of creation (of thinking up new things) and innovation (of converting our thoughts into tangible outcomes) revolves around global, national, and local environmental and sustainable issues and events of the month as well.
Examples of June world environmental events and days of the month include the following events which we have already mentioned:
∝ Croydon Climate Action (12) with the Great Big Green Week to be held between 10 and 18 June 2023
∝ The United Nations World Environment Day held on 05/06/2023 under the theme of “Solutions to plastic pollution“
∝ The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2023 to be held on 17/06/2023 under the theme of “Women’s land rights“.
The above notes are for CENFACS’ Creative Economic Development Month.
To support and or engage with CENFACS’ Creative Economic Development Month and or the project Jmesci, please contact CENFACS.
• References
(1) https://www.creativelive.com/blog/what-is-creativity/ (accessed in June 2023)
(2) https://www.theforage.com/blog/skills/creative-thinking (accessed in June 2023)
(3) https://borgenproject.org/creativity-innovation-and-poverty/ (accessed in June 2023)
(4) https://www.unep.org/events/un-day/world-environment-day-2023 (accessed in June 2023)
(5) https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/blog/system-resilience-what-exactly-is-it/ (accessed in June 2023)
(6) https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/media/departmental/ibers/pdf/innovations/00/00ch6.pdf (accessed in June 2023)
(7) https://unctad.org/en/Pages/DITC/CreativeEconomy/Creative-Economy-Programme.aspx (accessed in May 2023)
(8) https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/design/blog/what-is-the-creative-economy/ (accessed in June 2023)
(9) Brundtland et al. (1987), Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and Development (The Brundtland Report), Oxford University Press, London
(10) https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/how-to-win-everyday-battles-08553edb539f (accessed in June 2023)
(11) https://www.unccd.int/news-story/notifications/desertification-and-drought-day-17-june-2023 (accessed in June 2023)
(12) https://greatbiggreenweek.com (accessed in June 2023)
• Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year
We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis. Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.
One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.
Additionally, we would like to inform you that planned gifting is always an option for giving at CENFACS. Likewise, CENFACS accepts matching gifts from companies running a gift-matching programme.
Donate to support CENFACS!
JUST GO TO: Support Causes – (cenfacs.org.uk)
Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.
Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.
We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2023 and beyond.
With many thanks.