Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci Project 2022

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

01 June 2022


Post No. 250



The Week’s Contents


• Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives) Project 2022

• The Children of Chad Need your Support at the Moment

• Activity/Task 6 of the Knowledge (K) Year/Project: Understanding the Creative Skills of Those in Need


… And much more!




Key Messages


• Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives) Project 2022


Rising prices of energy, food, fuel and other essential and life-sustaining goods and services have put further pressure on those already living in poverty and experiencing  economic vulnerabilities.  Likewise, the cost of living crisis, which has followed the lingering effects of the coronavirus and the geo-economic rivalries around the Ukraine invasion by Russia, can only make life worse, if not impossible, for the poor.

There are ways of responding to this pressure.  Amongst ways of responding are creations and innovations.  Indeed, whether it is about the natural resources (like oil, gas, sunflower oil, wheat, etc.) crisis or cost of living crisis or any other geo-economic crisis, the way of responding to these crises could be through creations and innovations.

Forming responses from nothing just as bringing responses into existence could be a way to deal with the above mentioned crises.  Equally, introducing new ideas or methods as well as making changes to what has been tried and tested to respond to these crises may altogether lead to solutions.

During this Month of Creative Economic Development, we are going to work with the community – via the project Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives project) featuring this month – to try to create and innovate so that we are all able to better meet the challenges and cross the hurdles brought the current crises (i.e. cost of living crisis, the Russia-Ukraine crisis, natural resources crisis, etc.).  It is a feature-rich month during which we shall streamline users’ content creation and innovation processes.

In this process of creating and innovating, we shall consider some of the creative and innovative ideas, proposals, experiences and tools that have been so far put forward to help poor people reduce poverty and hardships, or at least to manage the cost of living crisis.

Our work will revolve around the kinds of creation and innovation the CENFACS Community needs in order to continue to address the legacies of COVID-19 (e.g. COVID-19-induced poverty), to carry on together with users and supporters the work of building forward better together greener, cleaner and safer from the coronavirus; while tackling the current cost of living crisis.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided further information about this first key message.



• The Children of Chad Need your Support at the Moment


The under 5 years old children of Chad are in a situation of severe acute malnutrition as a result of food crisis in Chad.  These children need your life-saving help to meet their life-surviving need.


Chad is going through one of the food crises within living memory of the decade.


It is known that the lingering effects of COVID-19 and the current cost of living crisis are adversely impacting many people and communities around the world.  But, children who live in a country like Chad, which is the world’s third country from the bottom in terms of human development index, tragically suffer from these effects without getting enough help they need.


The World Food Programme (1) estimates that


2.1 MILLION PEOPLE in Chad will be FOOD INSECURE during the 2022 lean season (from June to August 2022)”, 37.8% of CHILDREN UNDER 5 are STUNTED” there.


Likewise, the following data provided by local sources in Chad tells the story of these children in most need there:



∝ 343 087 of them DESPERATELY NEED HELP


They are in LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS due to protein deficiency, known as kwashiorkor



In N’Djamena alone, the PREVALENCE OF MALNUTRITION is 10.3%



The following numbers about food prices further explain how it is difficult for poor children to access food in Chad:


∝ The bag of three kilos of maize has increased from 500 CFA francs in 2021 to 800 CFA francs today

∝ The price of cooking oil has increased by 65%

∝ The price of fish has double.


The need for emergency support is even greater than ever before for the children of Chad.


For £9.5, you can provide an emergency and life-saving support to food insecure and malnourished child in Chad, particularly in N’Djamena.

Your gift of £9.5 today will contribute toward the price of an hospital bed (£672 on average) or to provide food to enhance the life of a child in need.

Your £9.5 will go to the cost of 1 hospital bed for a child in need of hospitalisation and/or food to back the treatment they will receive as well as help them self-sustain.


There are organisations that are already on the ground and trying to help as much as they can.  For example, the World Food Programme is trying to help, just as the World Bank (2) provided funding to support 437,000 vulnerable people experiencing severe food and nutritional insecurity located in both urban and rural areas.  However, there is a need to complement these efforts, particularly with a complementary support that is not in the form of financial debt.

The demand for items such as emergency medical products, hospital beds, water purification equipment and food stuffs is 5 times greater than ever.

They need food or income to buy food, life-saving and sustaining services.

You can help the Children in Need of Chad.

Would consider making a gift of £9.5 to help the Children in Need of Chad to navigate their way out of malnutrition?

You can donate, gift aid and or support differently by


phoning, e-mailing, texting CENFACS and filling the contact form on this website.


Please support TODAY so that we can help the Children of Chad who Need your Support at this Moment. 

To discuss and get further details about this appeal, please contact CENFACS at

Thank you for considering delivering on this appeal.




• Activity/Task 6 of the Knowledge (K) Year/Project: Understanding the Creative Skills of Those in Need


Poor people have creative skills like other people.  Because they have creative skills like anybody else, the task here is treble:


1) to learn, understand and identify the kinds of creative skills those in need have

2) to know the creative skill gap in them so that this gap can be filled

3) to explore with them how they can push the boundaries through their creative skills in order to grab opportunities and take part in the knowledge-based economic activities.


By knowing their creative skills, it is possible to work with them to use their creative skills and or develop them so that they can reduce poverty and come out poverty through their creative skills.

So, during this month the 6th Activity/Task of our Knowledge (K) Year/Project will be about understanding the creative skills that those of our community members in need possess, bridge gaps in creative skills and use these skills to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.

To work with us via this Activity/Task 6, please contact CENFACS.




Extra Messages


• Spring Project of Building Forward Better from the Coronavirus (SPBFBC): Only Three Weeks to Go!

You can help…


1) Rebuild resilient critical infrastructures, facilities and livelihoods required for the functioning of COVID-19 stricken people and communities in Africa

2) Restore basic life-sustaining health, economic and environmental assets, systems and activities of COVID-19 affected people and communities as well as align them to greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals and targets.


You can DONATE, PLEDGE AND MAKE A GIFT AID DECLARATION for any amount as a way of supporting the SPBFBC.

To donategift aid and or support differently, please contact CENFACS.

For further information about project aim, objectives, beneficiaries and outcomes; please go to:




• E-workshop for Voters of International Poverty Reduction and Development Manager (IPRDM): Vote your IPRDM

How to choose your IPRDM


As part of CENFACS’ All Year Round Vote Project (that is, CENFACS International Poverty Reduction and Development Manager Project), we can work together to support you (as a voter) to choose or select the person you think that he/she would best help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development in 2022.

There are reasons why we need to work together in choosing your IPRDM.  The following can explain the need of working together:


σ Many people carry out work in the context and field of poverty reduction without sometimes realising that they are helping others to come out poverty and hardships

σ It could be sometimes difficult to identify, choose and nominate the one who really achieves tangible results in terms of helping others without gaining any personal benefit in exchange

σ It is even challenging to know who stands out the crowd.


Because of these reasons, it make sense to support each other in deciding who should be named as the Best International Poverty Reduction and Development Manager of 2022.  He/she could be a Cost-of-living Crisis Manager or a Disaster Risk Reduction Manager or a Post-disaster Reconstruction Programme Manager or Build Forward Better Manager or anybody else.

To enable Voters of IPRDM to make data-based decision, we have put in place a decision-making process/model of working together to facilitate the selection or choice of Voters’ ideal IPRDM.

After following the e-workshop, one can master the skills that will enable them to find out an ideal International Poverty Reduction and Development Manager who is helping or who helped people and communities to both meet sustainable development goals and reduce poverty the post-pandemic era.


• • How to find out your IPRDM


To research your International Poverty Reduction and Development Manager (IPRDM), you need to take some steps before casting your vote.  They include the following:


Write down your IPRDM job description

Write down your IPRDM person specification

Organise a timescale for each activity and set up a completion date

Watch or observe as many candidates as you can (watch work they are doing)

Do not watch only their actions, but also watch their numbers or statistics

Check their CV, credentials and references

Assess their progress and achievements

Search your ideal three International Poverty Reduction and Development Managers within potential candidates you have been watching and match the best three candidates (after shortlisting) with job description, person specification, and their achievements in terms of poverty reduction and sustainable development goals

Select one amongst the three who comes on top

Vote your IDPRM.


• • Who is your IPRDM? 


He/she is a person who would have met the defined person specification and job description in terms of helping those in most need and most vulnerable to achieve defined areas of sustainable development goals and reduce poverty in the post-pandemic era.

He/she is a person who has been helping those in need to navigate their way out of the cost-of-living crisis.

He/she is a person that can help poor people to meet their utility or welfare under the difficult context and constraint of soaring prices of energy, food, housing, money (interest rates), water, etc.

Please remember, whatever your ideal/virtual Manager is doing or will do, he/she needs to help people meet sustainable development and poverty reduction goals in the post-pandemic era.

Good luck in search of your IPRDM!

For any enquiries or queries about this e-workshop, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.




• Zero Income Deficit Campaign

In focus: Tackling Negative Budgets


As part of CENFACSZero Income Deficit Campaign, we are working with users on negative budgets for households.  We are doing it since many households within our community are struggling to have positive budgets at this time of the cost of living crisis.  But, what is a negative budget?


• • Basic understanding of a negative budget


According to Jasmin Matin and Joe Lane (2), a negative budget appears in household accounts

“When a [Citizens Advice debt] adviser does an SFS [Standard Financial Statement] with someone in debt and they have £0 or less after living costs – but before any debt repayments are considered” (p. 6)

The two authors argue that

“Having a negative budget means people aren’t able to make any debt
repayments. Often it means they will have to go without essentials, for example cutting back on spending on food and utilities, and are far more likely to fall into arrears with essential payments such as rent and council tax” (p. 6).

This notion of negative budget is important at this time of the cost of living crisis as many people, including our users, are struggling with their household budgets.  To be on their side, CENFACS will be working with those who want.


• • Working together with the community on negative budgets


Our work with the community on the negative budget matter will be with those of our members failing to cover basic living costs or those who do not have enough money to meet essential living costs.

Our work with them will cover the following areas:


√ Causes of a negative budget

√ Symptoms of a negative budget

√ Ways of easing the burden of negative budget on households making our community

√ How to make sure that a negative budget does not lead to further poverty or to feeding poverty for households

√ An action plan to tackle a negative budget and poverty linked to the cost-of-living crisis

√ Support and resources available on the market for households in negative budgets



For those members of our community having negative budgets and looking forward to working with us on this needful issue, they are free to contact CENFACS.



Message in French (Message en français)

Le Mois du développement économique créatif a commencé.

Au cours de ce Mois du développement économique créatif, nous allons travailler avec la communauté – à travers le projet Jmesci (qui signifie mois de juin des initiatives environnementales et durables) – pour essayer de créer et d’innover afin que nous soyons tous en mesure de mieux relever les défis et de surmonter les obstacles apportés par les crises actuelles (c’est-à-dire la crise du coût de la vie, la crise russo-ukrainienne, la crise des ressources naturelles, etc.).

Dans ce processus de création et d’innovation, nous examinerons certaines des idées, propositions et outils créatifs et innovants qui ont été proposés jusqu’à présent pour aider les pauvres à réduire la pauvreté et les difficultés, ou du moins à gérer la crise du coût de la vie.

Notre travail portera sur les types de création et d’innovation dont la communauté CENFACS a besoin pour continuer à faire face aux séquelles de la pandémie de COVID-19 (par exemple, la pauvreté induite par le COVID-19), pour poursuivre avec les utilisateurs et les sympathisants le travail visant à faire avancer mieux ensemble plus vert, plus propre et plus sûr après le coronavirus; tout en s’attaquant à la crise actuelle du coût de la vie.

Pour donner suite à ce que nous avons dit, le Mois du développement économique créatif  est organisé comme suit.

A partir du mercredi 01/06/2022 : Créations et innovations post-pandémiques pour poursuivre le processus de construction future

A partir du mercredi 08/06/2022: Créations et innovations post-pandémiques pour faire face à la hausse des prix de l’énergie

A partir du mercredi 15/06/2022 : Créations et innovations post-pandémiques pour faire face à la hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires

A partir du mercredi 22/06/2022 : Créations et innovations post-pandémiques pour répondre à la crise du coût de la vie

Ce qui précède est notre organisation pour réaliser le Mois du développement économique créatif.  Pour toute question ou demande d’information supplémentaire concernant l’organisation ci-dessus, veuillez contacter le CENFACS.





Main Development


Creative Economic Development Month and Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives) Project 2022


To compose the key message of this post, we  have been considered the following points:


Basic understanding of the creative economic development, what 2022 June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Creative Initiatives (Jmesci) project will be about, the kinds of creative economic development projects we will be dealing with, the way in which we are organised to deliver the Creative Economic Development Month and the featuring of other environmental activities or events outside but closer to CENFACS’ work. 

Let us look at these points one by one.


• • Understanding the creative economic development


To grasp the creative economic development is better to start with the understanding of the creative economy.


• • • Basic understanding of the creative economy


There are many definitions of creative economy.  In this communication, we have selected the definition given by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).  UNCTAD (4) argues that a creative economy

“Essentially… is the knowledge-based economic activities upon which the ‘creative industries’ are based”.

The UNCTAD goes on by claiming that

“The creative industries – which include advertising, architecture, arts and crafts, design, fashion, film, video, photography, music, performing arts, publishing, research and development, software, computer games, electronic publishing, and TV/radio – are the lifeblood of the creative economy”.

However, CENFACS looks at the creative economy from the perspective of development or sustainable development.


• • • Creative economy from the perspective of sustainable development


From this perspective, one needs to include the definition of sustainable development as given by World Commission on Environment and Development (5), definition which is:

“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

So, the knowledge-based economic activities – upon which the creative industries are supported – need to be sustainable; that is capable of being continued over the long term without adverse effects.  Since, we are pursuing CENFACS’ Programme of ‘Build Forward Better Together Cleaner, Greener and Safer’; these activities need to be clean, green and safe.


• • What June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Initiatives 2022 is about?


Individual and collective creations in the ways of improving lives through the conception of fresh ideas and the implementation of practical ideas to escape from poverty and hardships as well as foster a better environment and sustainability, are CENFACS’ area of interest.   We create all over the year and life; however June is the month for us to acknowledge our environmental and sustainable makings.

June is the month of Creative Economic Development at CENFACS with creation and innovation on the main menu: creation for researching and developing fresh ideas to reduce poverty, particularly extreme poverty; innovation for making these ideas come true, transformable into practical environmental and sustainable initiatives and actions.

Put it simply, Jmesci (June Month of Environmental and Sustainable Creative Initiatives) is just about finding out ways of engineering creations relating to the environment and sustainability in order to further reduce poverty and improve the quality of life.  It is the project that features or carries the Creative Economic Development Month.

This year’s Jmesci will be about creations and innovations that help cure crises (e.g. the cost of living crisis, natural resource crisis, geo-economic crisis, etc.) as well as those that help prevent future crises, shocks and disasters to be harmful or destructive for people and communities we serve.

We have already started these creation and innovation processes since we kicked off the Covid-19 Campaign in 2019 to deal with the coronavirus crisis.  As this month is about creation and innovation, we are going to continue and deepen these processes.  To know how we are going do it, please continue to read the next communications in the following weeks starting from this Main Development section of this post.


• • Kinds of creative economic development projects dealt with


The types of creative economic development projects that will be considered will be those helping people in need to reduce or end poverty while enhancing sustainable development.  In other words, for any creations and innovations to meet the objectives of the creation and innovation month, they need to address poverty while contributing to the principles of sustainable development; that is development that is clean, green and safe.

From the idea or conception to the implementation of these projects, their contents need to have the values of poverty reduction and sustainability (particularly the clean, green and safe aspects of sustainability).  As we continue to unveil these projects throughout this month, these values will become apparent and self-explanatory.  This will as well determine the manner in which the Creative Economic Development Month will be approached and delivered through the month.


The way in which the Creative Economic Development Month will be delivered


To deliver on what we have argued so far, the Creative Economic Development Month (CEDM) is organised as follows.


From Wednesday 01/06/2022: Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations to Continue the Process of Building Forward Better


The Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations are the general theme that introduces the Creative Economic Development Month.  They are the creations and innovations relating to the current post-pandemic period and are meant to help reduce post-COVID-19-induced poverty and enhance sustainable development.

More on these Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations can be found below.


From Wednesday 08/06/2022: Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations to Deal with Rising Energy Prices


As argued earlier, rising energy prices can only be properly dealt with via creations and innovations.  There are creations and innovations that are undertaken by energy providers and authorities to support energy consumers.

In the context of CEDM, we shall mostly cover initiatives that can be undertaken by CENFACS and the community it represents to deal with rising energy prices.  We shall as well take action about energy poverty.


From Wednesday 15/06/2022: Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations to Tackle Food Price Increases


Our community members may not have control over the way in which food market prices are fixed, but they can work with CENFACS so that together we can create and innovate ways to keep meeting needs and to respond to food price increases.  In our work with them, we shall make sure that food price increases do not lead to a rise in food poor and poverty within our community.


From Wednesday 22/06/2022: Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations to Respond to the Cost of Living Crisis


When one talks about creations and innovations to manage rising prices of energy, food, and any other essential living items; it all comes down to meeting basic living costs.  When these costs become so high to the extent that they turn into a crisis like it is now with the cost of living crisis; then creations and innovations could be the answer.

Creations and innovations will further assist to avoid that the cost of living crisis to trend from cyclical to structural issue within the members of our community.   In other words, creations and innovations will help avoid that poverty that could be transitory because of rising prices of goods and services to become permanent or intergenerational or simply stay in the long term.

The above is our organisation to deliver CEDM.  For any queries or enquiries about the above organisation, please contact CENFACS. 



Post-pandemic Creations and Innovations to Continue the Process of Building Forward Better (From Wednesday 01/06/2022)


These first post-pandemic creations and innovations kick off the Creative Economic Development Month.  Let us try to understand what they mean, what the types of creations and innovations they are, and how CENFACS will be working with the community to create and innovate to continue the process of building forward better.


• • • What are post-pandemic creations and innovations?


Post-pandemic creations are the makings, inventions and productions following the period after the coronavirus period.

Post-pandemic innovations are the changes, alterations and reforms introduced after the coronavirus period of disaster.

In the context of CENFACS’ Creative Economic Development Month, the creations and innovations in which we are interested would be those that help our members to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.


• • • Types of post-pandemic creations and innovations to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development


• • • • Types of post-pandemic creations and innovations to reduce poverty within the community


Without distinguishing creations from innovations, post-pandemic creations and innovations to reduce poverty within our community could include the following:


√ Delivering online services to support people from where they are, like it was during the coronavirus period

√ Adjusting poverty reduction services to the community’s new or emerging challenging post-pandemic needs and behaviour changes during the coronavirus crisis

√ Reducing the asymmetry in the distribution of the post-pandemic effects within the community between different groups (young and adults), between genders, between those who have economic activity and those who do not have.



• • • • Types of post-pandemic creations and innovations to enhance sustainable development within the community


Post-pandemic creations and innovations to enhance sustainable development within our community could include the following:


√ Promoting eco-friendly services

√ Innovating with the community to reduce food waste at this time of the cost of living crisis

√ Researching and identifying alternative sources of energy that are affordable and efficient for the community

√ Increasing acceptance of net zero path by the majority of members of our community



• • • Working with the community to create and innovate to continue the process of building forward better


To create and innovate to build forward better, we require the inputs of everybody making our community and cherishing our noble causes of poverty reduction and sustainable development.  We need everybody because the post-pandemic creations and innovations are not designed by and for CENFACS alone.  They are made by and for the community, our users and Africa-based Sister Organisations.

It is all of us working together so that we can create and innovate to continue the process of building forward better together cleaner, greener and safer.  Together we can have and share building better poverty reduction experiences.  This is why during this month, we shall appeal to poverty-reduction content creators and innovators to come forward and support the Creative Economic Development Month.  We will work with them under specific creative economic development projects, such as projects relating to reducing energy, food and cost-of-living crises.


• • Creative Economic Development Projects


There are areas of creative economic industries upon which we (together with those in need) draw inspiration to develop projects to help reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  These areas include: advertising, arts and crafts, design, video, research and development.

To be more specific, let us look at one example and one activity relating to creative economic development projects.



• • • Example of Creative Economic Development Project: Art and Design for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development


CENFACS’ creative economic development projects (like Art and Design for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development) can help users to manage the cost of living crisis.

For example, we normally run Art and Design for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development as a creative economic development project.   Through this project, participants can unlock their creative aspirations to build and develop poverty reduction content-creating objects or materials.  This exercise will provide them with poverty reduction building experiences via objects/materials.



• • • Creative Economic Development Activity of the Month: Construct and Post e-cards or e-objects


One of the activities related to this project for this year will be to construct and post e-cards or e-objects expressing the theme of “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”.  The construction will echo the World Environmental Day’s celebratory theme on 05/06/2022.

One can as well construct and post the similar cards as expressions or ways of dealing with drought to resonate the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on 17/06/2022.  The theme of 2022 Desertification and Drought Day is “Rising up from drought together”.

So, those who wish and want can design and post an e-card or e-object to feature the theme of “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature” relating to World Environment Day, and/or the theme of “Rising up from drought together” linked to the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

To support and or enquire about Art and Design for Poverty Relief and Sustainable Development, please contact CENFACS.


• • Inclusion of other environmental activities into Jmesci 2022


Our month of creation (of thinking up new things) and innovation (of converting our thoughts into tangible outcomes) revolves around global, national, and local environmental and sustainable issues and events of the month as well.

Examples of June world environmental events and days of the month include the following events which we have already mentioned:


∝ The United Nations World Environment Day to be held on 05/06/2022 under the theme of “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature

∝ The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2022 to be held on 17/06/2022 under the theme of “Rising up from drought together“.


The above notes are for CENFACS’ Creative Economic Development Month.

To support and or engage with CENFACS’ Creative Economic Development Month and or  the project Jmesci, please contact CENFACS.






(1) (accessed in May 2022)

(2) Matin, J. and Lane, J., (2020), Negative Budgets: A New perspective on poverty and household finances at (accessed in May 2022)

(3) (accessed in May 2022)

(4) (accessed in May 2022)

(5) Brundtland et al. (1987), Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and Development (The Brundtland Report), Oxford University Press, London




Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going this year


We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service.

One could also consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Donate to support CENFACS!


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Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2022 and beyond.

With many thanks.