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Essential Highlights of Healthiness Projects

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

29 July 2020


Post No. 154



The Week’s Contents


• Essential Highlights of Healthiness Projects in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance

• Happiness and Healthiness Budgets 2020 – Holiday Budget Deficit: How to Sustainably Manage Budget Deficit in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance

• The African Sahel Humanitarian Corridors Appeal Continues…



… and much more!




Key Messages


• Essential Highlights of Healthiness Projects in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance


Last week, we introduced the theme making the second part of our Summer 2020 Programme, part which consists of Healthiness Projects.  This theme is Healthiness in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance.

This week, we are giving essential highlights of the Healthiness Projects.  These highlights can be found under the Main Development section of this post.  The full details of these projects are also available on request from CENFACS, including ways of accessing and using them. 

To access and or support them, just contact CENFACS.




• Happiness and Healthiness Budgets 2020 – Holiday Budget Deficit:

How to Sustainably Manage Budget Deficit in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance


We are continuing our tips and hints on Happiness Budget by looking at holiday budget deficit.

A deficit is generally defined as the amount by which expenditure is greater than real income.  In terms of holiday budget deficit, it simply means that one’s holiday expenditure is more than holiday income.  It is a negative balance which could suggest that there could be a need to finance it (here holiday budget deficit). 

Yet, speaking about holiday budget deficit could seem bizarre since we are talking about poor people or those in need.  These are the people who often struggle to make ends meet.  They are the ones who often are short of money to tie the knots of the two ends of the month.  Despite that any sensible humans should do some budgeting, here holiday budgeting. 

Budgeting is forward thinking process that can help to coordinate the different areas of household life while defining responsibility and delegating powers within the same household.  It is indeed an instrument for household control as well as a basis for decision making process and changing plans where there is a need to do so.

We will be working on the budgeting process on the budgeting process with those who are struggling to make ends meet.  We will be working on how to avoid and sustainably manage holiday budget in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance. 

For those who are familiar with online tools, they can find countless examples of family/household budgets sometimes in the form of Microsoft Application Spread sheets.  For those who are not familiar with these free available online resources, they can use CENFACS’ line of financial advisory support.

With the particularity of this Summer during which the Coronavirus is still threatening lives, there is a need to take into account the Covid-19 in dealing with budget deficit.  So, we will be checking with them on which part of this deficit is attributable or not attributable to Covid-19.  This exercise enables to take into consideration the way in which Covid-19 is affecting their holiday budget in what they eat, drink, cover or uncover their body, entertain, shelter, etc.

To learn or seek support on how to avoid and sustainably manage holiday budget deficit or negative budget balance in Summer of Covid-19 dominance, please contact CENFACS.




• The African Sahel Humanitarian Corridors Appeal (The African Sahel Summer 2020 Humanitarian Relief Appeal by CENFACS)


Our Appeal for Humanitarian Corridors for the Peoples of African Sahel continues this week.  The Appeal is about asking to establish channels of communication and transportation for dispatching relief goods and services to the peoples of the African Sahel who are suffering from the lockdown effects.  It is about reducing the trade threatening and destroying effects resulted from the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. 

We understand that tough measures have to be taken to control the life-threatening and destroying impacts of Covid-19.  However, precaution has to be taken to avoid the situation in which one virus (here Covid-19) is being fought while the method used to fight it creates another virus which is even more deadly or claims more fatalities than the first one. 

As many humanitarian organisations on the grounds are pointing out, the African Sahel is moving from the coronavirus to the hunger virus.  Therefore, creating and sustaining humanitarian corridors to insure the supply of foods, drinks, medicine and other essential items in the African Sahel is life-saving act.

There is a possibility to help for this to happen.  There are ways of helping this to be achieved.  How?

One way of doing it is through the online and virtual technological means.  Indeed, when one speaks humanitarian people always think it is about asking money.  In this case, CENFACS is not asking you to donate money.  CENFACS is simply asking to use the same technology that helps many to e-work, to e-educate, to join a video conference meeting, etc. in order to challenge the adverse impacts of Covid-19, to create humanitarian corridors in the African Sahel. 

CENFACS is asking to those who can to use the same technology to reach those who have the key to the situation on the grounds so that humanitarian corridors can be open to safe lives in the African Sahel.

It is possible to use online and digital technologies to effectively communicate like many have brilliantly shown it during the lockdowns to distance work and stay connected to bring down the barriers of misery for the peoples of the African Sahel.    

Additionally, we always argue that to save lives one does not need to do grandiose things.  They can just do little things that create BIG IMPACTS.  Reaching out to those who have the keys to the situation on the grounds can be done via a mobile phone, video conference meeting, email, text messages, etc.  Seriously speaking, these are not a big deal; but they can have a BIG IMPACT such as saving lives from hunger and tragedy.

To support this Appeal or mobilise online resources to help, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.





Extra Messages 


• Feedback on Virtual Summer Festival 2020 (the Seven Days of Development in July 2020 Festival): Health Economics – How to make health economics work for the poor and neediest


Our Summer 2020 Festival of Thoughts and Actions is now closed. 

We would like to thank all those who made contributions.  Seven days were many days to think but if we want to do something about sanitation poverty and transform lives into healthy ones, we need more times and days to work.

We would like as well to apologise to those who wanted to attend or join our virtual sessions, but were denied the opportunity to interact with us through video conference meeting.  We hope that in the future, the technology will be on all sides to allow us to implement our virtual sessions as scheduled.  We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. 

Although the Festival is closed, we would like to ask you again to provide a feedback about the experience you have had with it.  You could also say if you can, something about the previous Festivals so that we can improve the ways these days of thoughts and actions on poverty relief and sustainable development are prepared and run. 

As part of this improvement, this year we have tried to run virtual sessions, but we were unlucky that our plan did not go as thought.  Despite this setback, we managed to achieve our event aim and goals while re-communicating our anti-poverty message as usual.

We will continue to work with you to make our Summer Festival and future events of this kind as an opportunity for better change, for adding our thoughts and voices for the building of the world as a better place for everybody, especially for those in most need. 

Our feedback formula remains the same as for the Analytics month.  It consists of you using your own words and numbers to tell and share what you think of the Festivals.  We would like you to keep your freedom to tell us what you think. 

You can feedback via email at facs@cenfacs.org.uk and or by completing the comment form on our website. 




• All-in-one Impact Feedback: Only Two Days to Go!

Supporters’ and Users’ Experiences, and Africa-based Sister Organisations’ Voices


Our Analytics month of bringing light to what worked, what did not work and of measuring what we achieved in our last financial year is coming to an end in two days.  We are for the fourth time appealing to you to tell us in your own words and numbers your perceptions, feelings and experiences about the programmes and projects we ran in the last 345 days preceding the beginning of July 2020.

Although we have selected 12 initiatives for Impact Feedback One and 9 ones for Impact Feedback Two for monitoring and evaluation purposes, we are not expecting people to provide feedback on all of them.  People can only feedback on the project(s) and programme(s) they benefited from, supported, recommended users to us or interacted within.  We again suggest picking up ONLY 1 or 2 initiatives for feedback.

Please feel free to say what you experienced.  

Again, thank you for your experiential support!




• Summer 2020 Humanitarian Relief Appeal Projects


Our Summer 2020 Humanitarian Relief Appeal campaign is made of five projects, which are:

(1) Distress-free Life from Coronavirus in Africa

(2) All Gifts for All Coronavirus-affected Poor

(3) Iconic Young Carer for a Coronavirus-free Environment

(4) International Networking and Protection against Covid-19

(5) ‘Covid-19 Secure’ ELCLASSICO International      


We have already launched one of these Humanitarian Appeal Projects to support poor children, young people and families over this Summer of Covid-19 Compliance.  The launched project is the Distress-free Life from Coronavirus in Africa.

As a humanitarian reliever, Distress-free Life Coronavirus in Africa brings hopes and dreams to multi-dimensionally distressed children, young people and families in dire need of help in Africa by enabling them to move out poverty in the summertime and beyond.

You can donate any amount that you can afford to help relieve the continuing pressing needs in Africa at this time of Covid-19 Compliance.

To donate, just contact CENFACS at http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/


As far as the other four remaining Summer 2020 Humanitarian Relief Appeal Projects are concerned, we are conducting a project planning review for them.  This review is meant to integrate the coronavirus factor into them so that they can be Covid-19 proof.  Once this review is completed, they will be actively added to our Summer Humanitarian Relief Appeal campaign.

For enquiries about this review, please contact CENFACS.



Main Development


Essential Highlights of Healthiness Projects in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance


CENFACS Healthiness Projects include:  1) Healthy Summer Break 2) Holiday without Coronavirus 3) Summer Harmony with Nature 4) Hot Barriers against Covid-19 5) Networking for Protection and Safeguarding against Covid-19 6) Community Care and Health Responsibility for Covid-19 Control.

As argued last week, there is a link or relation between the six projects.  We can briefly present them one by one as follows.


1) Healthy Summer Break (Family Healthiness Mini-Guide)


Being healthy means running a healthful lifestyle to reduce the possibility or risk of getting disease.  Having a good rest over Summer can help achieve that. 

Healthy Summer Break (HSB), which is CENFACS’ Family Healthiness Mini-Guide, is designed to this disease-free healthful lifestyle to happen.  HSB is an effort to keep our diet, lifestyle, and ways of consuming goods and using services healthy.  It means healthy life in foods, drinks, hobbies, entertainment, etc.

To find out more and or get this Family Healthiness Mini-Guide, please contact CENFACS.


2) Holiday without Coronavirus (Holiday & Covid-19 Information Manager)


One of the concerns for many people and families is how to pass this Summer without getting infected by Covid-19; Covid-19 as a life-threatening disease and economic threat.

Holiday without Coronavirus or Covid-19 Information Manager is CENFACS’ resource that adds value to the health and hygienic support to the already known World Health Organisation guidelines, the UK Government’s rules and the NHS guidance on the protection against the coronavirus pandemic. 

This Covid-19 Information Manager helps to practise, comply and reinforce the exiting anti-coronavirus restrictions and measures in a user-friendly manner.  It is a Covid-19 compliant support in a user-friendly way.

For further details about this Covid-19 Information Manager, please contact CENFACS.


3) Summer Harmony with Nature (Summer Campaign over Nature)


Summer of Healthiness is also of accord with nature with its creatures.  Keeping a harmonious relationship with plants, animals, landscapes and surrounding natural species (like trees, plants, waters, parks, etc.) and resources adds a great value to our healthiness. In other words, it is about equating our needs of healthiness to those of the nature.

Living in harmony with nature means that we do not need another spike of Covid-19 outbreak or a lockdown to happen in order to be silent by the nature.  Humans can pre-emptively take the lead by keeping their relationships as harmonious as possible for future virus or lockdown not to happen.

 Need to keep harmony with nature, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS.


4) Hot Barriers against Covid-19 (“Barrier-gesture” Project)


Since there is no vaccine or specific medicine against Covid-19, it is important to keep tight control of fences or barriers to stop or prevent the circulation of Covid-19.  Removing our elevated barriers against Covid-19 can open up the possibility of Covid-19 spikes within any community.

Hot Barriers against Covid-19 or “Barrier-gesture” Project is a life-saving and sustaining gesture for our own and public interest and goods.  Barrier-gestures (like physical and social distancing) must be kept elevated during this Summer as the Covid-19 threat is still around.

To find out further about this Healthiness Project, please contact CENFACS.


5) Networking for Protection and Safeguarding against Covid-19 (Covid-19 Social Media Platform)


It is not enough to carry out our individual actions against Covid-19 unless we sum up them by coming together in the form of social connections as human chains.  Such connections or network will help to exchange information and data for the mutual interest.

Networking for Protection and Safeguarding against Covid-19 or Covid-19 Social Media Platform is a means to access and facilitate the flows of information about the protection and safeguarding against Covid-19.  Through this means, one can receive and pass on protective and safeguarding information about Covid-19 within a networked community.

To network for protection and safeguarding against Covid-19, please let CENFACS know.


6) Community Care and Health Responsibility to Control the Virus (Personal/Family Healthcare Plan)  


Community Care and Health Responsibility to Control the Virus (CCHRCV) is a combination of the support to people to live with care and dignity in our community on the one hand, and our shared responsibility for the public health on the other.

Through CCHRCV, we will try to reduce lifestyle-induced diseases for ourselves and others while promoting our own health without adversely impacting the health of others and future generations.  Health care and responsibility imply as well whatever we do we must comply with Covid-19 restrictions.  For example, when we do physical exercising we must maintain Covid-19 restrictions.

We can use this Healthiness initiative to create a Covid-19 Proof Wellness or Healthcare Plan.  Such a plan will include the following: health vision and goals, lifestyles habits, follow-up tips and checks.

For further details about the CCHRCV, please contact CENFACS.

The above six interlinked ways/projects of creating and sustaining Healthiness in a Summer of Covid-19 Compliance are not an end for themselves.  They do not replace any good advice and practice (like the ones produced by statutory health organisations on Covid-19 matters).  They just add value to what it is already in place.  They are to be used in conjunction with the existing health and safety measures.

For further details about any of them, please do not hesitate to contact CENFACS


Help CENFACS keep the Poverty Relief work going in 2020.

We do our work on a very small budget and on a voluntary basis.  Making a donation will show us you value our work and support CENFACS’ work, which is currently offered as a free service. 

One could consider a recurring donation to CENFACS in the future.

Donate to support CENFACS!


FOR ONLY £1, YOU CAN SUPPORT CENFACS AND CENFACS’ PROJECTS, JUST GO TO http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2020 and beyond.

With many thanks.


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