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ReLive, Issue No. 11

Welcome to CENFACS’ Online Diary!

03 April 2019

Post No. 85




The Week’s Contents


• April Month of Protection: Flood Protection

• ReLive Issue No. 11: 14 Gifts in 20 Reliefs

• Climate Protection and Stake for African Children – Phase 3


… and much more!


Key Messages


~ April Month of Protection: Flood Protection

Our April month of Protection will focus on Flood Protection for this year.  This topic is chosen in the light of the flood disaster, which has happened in Southern Africa.  It is also chosen to highlight the theme of our Spring campaign, which is centred this year on Rebuilding and Renewing Lives in flood-affected African countries.

We have selected four key notes to compose this Spring theme, which will last four weeks with one note every week, starting from the 1st of April 2019.  These key notes are as follows:


⇒ Protection of flood-affected areas (week beginning 01/04/2019)

⇒ Protection of people affected by floods (week beginning 08/04/2019)

⇒ Protection of infrastructures, homes and buildings (week beginning 15/04/2019)

⇒ Protection of livelihoods and local lives (week beginning 22/04/2019)


In brief, these key notes about protection will deal with four elements: Areas, People, Infrastructures and Lives.

~~ Week beginning 01/04/2019: Protection of flood-affected areas 

Within this key note, we would deal with the following


√ Flood safety tips

√ Flood warning system

√ Action plan against flood

√ Flood evacuation

√ Health

√ Electricals

√ Insurance etc

For details about Protection Month and Flood Protection, contact CENFACS.

~ ReLive Issue No. 11: 14 Gifts in 20 Reliefs

The 11th Issue of ReLive, of Rebuilding and Renewing Lives will focus on African countries affected by floods, particularly but not exclusively on the three African countries which are Burundi, Madagascar and Niger.

In the last week’s post, we said that we would continue to sympathise and support the flooding cause in Southern Africa (in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi).  However, the magnitude, scale and effects of their flood disaster are beyond our scope and capacity.  They are already prominent charitable, non-governmental as well as multilateral organisations which have been already and heavily involved in this flood disaster.

Under the Main Development section of this post, we have provided more information about ReLive and some highlights about the Issue no. 11 of this campaign.

To support and or enquire about ReLive Issue No. 11, please contact CENFACS.     

~ Climate Protection and Stake for African children (CPSAC) – Phase 3


~~ Santiago Makes It Work

Our climate advocacy work about CPSAC – P.3 with Santiago Makes It Work, continues this week as well.  This week, we are working in the preparation of our next Climate Talks Follow-up.  We will be following the Santiago Climate Conference, which will feature the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP25) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to the UNFCCC and meetings of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies; conference expected to take place from 2 to 13 December 2019.  The pre-COP will be on from 26 November to 1 December 2019. 

While our preparation is in progress, we are as well working on the lessons that can be drawn from what happened in Southern Africa with the flood disaster there.


~~ Lessons and experiences from the flood disaster in Southern Africa

We are working on the lessons that can be learnt from the recent flood disaster in Southern African Countries (namely Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe) in terms of protecting African children from the effects and impacts of climate change, here flood disaster.  In particular, what can be done to ensure that African children are protected and are eligible to emergency payments?  How the climate insurance world can provide a cover to those who cannot afford to pay for it, but they need it as humans, as flood disaster victims?  These are the kinds of questions we are trying to ask ourselves and trying to respond as well; although it may be too earlier to do so.

To support CENFACS’ Climate Talks Follow-up project and to bring your input to the protection case of children in Southern Africa, contact CENFACS.




Extra Messages


~ Last Month’s Climate Action: Thanks!

We would like to thank all those who supported our Climate Action Month.  We hope they will continue to support it in the future.  Many thanks!

~ Quadranscentennial (Q) Year (2019) and Protection Month (April)

We are in CENFACS’ Quadranscentennial (Q) Year (2019) in a Month (April) of Protection. 

To highlight the Q Year in the month of Protection, we are working on lasting or sustainable protection.  As such, we are going to “quadranscentennialise” protection by making it sustainable and lasting for a period of 25 years at least.  This is our way of linking “quadranscentenniality” and protection. 

The verb “quadranscentennialise” and the word “quadranscentenniality” do not exist in English dictionary.  So, we would like to ask to our readers not to waste their time searching them in the paper or online dictionary.   This is why we put them in double inverted commas. 

“Quadranscentennialisation” of protection is a process of making protection to sustain or last 25 years or more for the future generations.  Protection looked at in this way is all encompassing concept of defense against harm, loss and damage.  Here these harm, loss and damage are caused by floods.

To support the process of making protection last to a trend of 25 years or more, contact CENFACS.




Main Development


ReLive Issue No. 11: 14 Gifts in 20 Reliefs

What is ReLive?

ReLive is one of CENFACS’ Spring campaigns and a bridge between CENFACS’ Winter Lights and Spring Relief seasons. 

As ReLive advocacy is designed to advocate help the peoples and communities whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed to rebuild themselves, our appeal will try to achieve this for the above selected African countries in this Spring 2019. 

Although this appeal is a seasonal appeal related to Spring, it is also a consolidated one following our Winter Light appeals on countries such as Central African Republic, and a joint one as we have added three African countries (notably Burundi, Madagascar and Niger).

What is the focus for ReLive in 2019?

The 11th issue of CENFACS’ Annual Spring Appeal for Renewing Lives (ReLive) will focus on advocating for the support of the flood victims in Africa.   For the purpose of this year’s Spring Renewing Life Appeal, we are going to limit to the above stated three countries:  Burundi, Madagascar and Niger. 

Because of the similarities of flood events and humanitarian issues in these countries, we are launching a unified appeal to cater for the three countries.  We are doing it through what we call Gifts of Renewing Lives or Life-Renewing Projects.

There are other countries in Africa which have been affected by major flood disasters.  These countries are Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Malawi.  As already said, we would like as well to show our sympathy and support.  However, their cases, which are beyond our scope and scale, have been dealt by other major humanitarian relief organisations.  Also, the underlying principle of ReLive campaign is to help rebuild or renew lives rather than to respond to emergency and contingency needs.  Therefore, this appeal does not apply to them.

What are Gifts of Renewing Lives or Life-renewing Projects (LRPS)?

Life-renewing projects (LRPs) are poverty relief and Spring like gifts designed to materialise ReLive advocacy by helping people to set free from multi-dimensional deprivations and hardships so that they can start up again, renew and rebuild their lives with hope.

LRPs are part of CENFACS’ African Rebuilding and Sustaining Infrastructures and Lives Programme. Spring Gifts of Renewing Lives are about bringing renewal, joy and hope to needy people.  These Spring 2019 Gifts will be about bringing the same benefits to the peoples of these three African countries.


What are these ways or gifts of renewing lives?

This Spring, we are running 14 Gifts in a world of 20 Reliefs or Helpful Differences.  What this means.

It means donors or funders have 14 Gifts of Renewing Lives to choose from and 20 Reliefs to select from to make helpful differences to the flood victims.

In total, our Spring Relief campaign is providing to potential supporters 14 GIFTS of rebuilding lives in the three African Countries in 20 RELIEFS to make this happen.


For this renewal to happen, support is needed towards LRPs.

To support, go to http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/


FOR ONLY £1, YOU CAN SUPPORT CENFACS AND CENFACS’ PROJECTS, JUST GO TO http://cenfacs.org.uk/supporting-us/

Thank you for visiting CENFACS website and reading this post.

Thank you as well to those who made or make comments about our weekly posts.

We look forward to receiving your regular visits and continuing support throughout 2019.

With many thanks






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